Diversified Development of Vocal Music Teaching
Lu Hui
Cai Jikun Music School, Minjiang University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350001, China
Keywords: Vocal Music Teaching, Diversification, Connotation.
Abstract: In the process of global integration, China has been gradually integrated into the international environment.
All the industries in China have entered international development, among which vocal music teaching is
showing a trend of diversified development. Researches on the development of vocal music teaching should
be strengthened because it is not only a problem with theoretical significance, but also one that should be
solved in teaching practice. This work focuses on causes and characteristics of the diversified trend in vocal
music teaching to analyze main connotation of the trend. It is hoped that a theoretical reference is provided
for promoting the development of vocal music teaching.
After China joined the WTO, international music
exchange is increasingly frequent. Traditional
methods of vocal music teaching have been
gradually changed, showing a trend of mutual
integration between traditional teaching and
international teaching. The formation factors of
current diversified trend are analyzed to better
promote vocal music teaching in China. Meanwhile,
characteristics of the diversified trend are explained
in detail, thus summarizing the connotation of
diversified development in vocal music teaching.
The theoretical content obtained through concrete
teaching practice has a positive importance in
enhancing the overall level of vocal music teaching
in China.
Exploring the underlying causes of diversified vocal
music teaching should be like doctors’ diagnosis.
They obtain accurate etiology through looking,
listening, questioning and feeling the pulse, and then
adequately prescribe to enhance the effect of
treatment. Therefore, the main factors for the
diversified development trend of vocal music
teaching should be found out to help enhance the
effect of vocal music teaching. According to
teaching practice, the current development trend of
vocal music teaching is mainly reflected in the
following aspects.
2.1 Inevitable Demand of the times
with the Development of Arts
Different times have different artistic aspirations
which become the inevitable demands of the times
in the developing process of arts. Especially in this
century, diversification has been shown in many
aspects of the society and our life, such as the
diversified politics, trade and art. In the
diversification of art, there are integration between
vocal and instrumental music, music and dance, fine
arts and modern computer graphics, as well as
acrobatics, dance and music, and also the integration
of magic, comedy, music and art. For example,
Magic Fairy Tales, a magic drama, integrates magic,
music, dance, acrobatics and fine arts together,
bringing artistic enjoyment to the audiences. Mutual
integration and diversification of different arts can
sufficiently manifest the diversified trend, and also
show art’s strong development momentum and
infinite charm.
2.2 Inevitable Demand of Quality
With the deepening of education reform, Chinese
education has gradually converted from traditional
exam-oriented education to quality education. The
core element of quality education is to train
Hui L.
Diversified Development of Vocal Music Teaching.
DOI: 10.5220/0006024202790282
In Proceedings of the Information Science and Management Engineering III (ISME 2015), pages 279-282
ISBN: 978-989-758-163-2
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
integrated talents meeting the needs of the times.
Namely, the education should have obvious
timeliness, so students can have practical ability to
handle their job well after graduation. Involved with
many aspects, timeliness needs the improvement in
the overall quality of students. From this angle,
quality education is to gradually transform a wide
range of knowledge into practical ability, which is
currently an important direction of quality education
in colleges and universities. Only thus can students
be able to better meet the needs of the new era after
2.3 Inevitable Result from the
Development of Vocal Education
The diverse needs of the times and quality education
determine the diversification of vocal music
teaching. As the proverb says each time has its
heroes. The development needs of the times and the
timeliness of quality education put more attention on
cultivation of students’ overall quality. And in this
background, vocal music teaching, an important way
of training students’ overall qualities, inevitably
shows diversified trend of development. Therefore,
vocal music teaching should emphasize the
cultivation of compound music talents, which will
undoubtedly lead to the diversified development of
vocal education.
3.1 Directionality of Art Development
Diversification is the inevitable direction of Chinese
art due to reasons such as the inevitability of
diversified arts in China and timeliness of quality
education. Mutual integration, penetration and
influence between various arts have become a trend,
so the collision of a variety of musical elements is
inevitable. For example, the effective integration of
European and American jazz and Chinese folk
music, as well as the fusion between bel canto, folk
singing and popular singing make vocal music more
colorful. Besides, frontier or interdisciplinary artistic
subjects have gradually appeared on the stage of
history and become a trend. This feature of vocal
music development has been recognized by the
majority of music experts.
3.2 Expansibility of Vocal Arts
After several years of development, vocal art has
greatly expanded its scope of teaching from
traditional single teaching mode. Vocal music has
been integrated with a variety of art forms such as
instrumental music and even some non-artistic
forms, which makes vocal music teaching more
colorful. Guo Rong, for example, mixed electric
violin with popular singing during the performance
of Flying Red Flag, making this song very modern,
popular and compatible with the aesthetic taste of
the times. In 2014, Little Apple, a very popular song
by Chopsticks Brothers, achieved good effects by
mixing electronic dance music and western pop
singing. In terms of vocal expansion, Feng
Xiaoquan’s works are undoubtedly typical
examples. Feng is one of the famous contemporary
suona performers and also one of the wordauthors of
Chinese folk. As a composer, he has created a large
number of classic works such as Sugar-coated Haws
and Farewell to My Concubine. Folk instruments
and modern pop singing are innovatively integrated
in these works. Especially in Farewell to My
Concubine, the integration of Beijing Opera and the
brilliant performance of Tu Honggang make this
work well known in China. The success of this work
is very obviously based on the expansibility of vocal
3.3 Urgency of Vocal Music Teaching
The directionality of art’s development and
expansibility of vocal art determine the urgency of
diversified vocal teaching. Traditional vocal music
teaching is simplex and conservative, so full-range,
systematic and in-depth reform should be conducted
as soon as possible. Only by creating new content of
vocal music teaching, can we adapt to the diversified
development of vocal music teaching. From this
point of view, the reform of vocal music teaching is
relatively urgent in China. If we cannot meet the
diverse requirements from the development of vocal
music teaching as soon as possible, it is difficult to
cultivate music generalist with high overall qualities.
The elements and main features of diversified vocal
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
music teaching have been determined, and the core
purpose is to achieve the purpose of teaching
through specific teaching methods. Thus, we need to
analyze from the connotation of diversified
development in vocal music teaching, thereby
promoting the level of vocal music teaching.
4.1 Analysis on the Diversified
Connotation of Vocal Art
Vocal music teaching should follow the trend of
diversification in teaching process, and focus on the
basic content of vocal music including phonation,
breathing, vocal resonance, style show, ear training,
sight-singing and recognition of music score.
Besides, comprehensive teaching should be
conducted from aspects of performance, writing
lyric, music and command arts, so that vocal music
teaching can develop into a whole new system. Then
the content of vocal music teaching will be greatly
enriched to manifest the diversified connotation of
vocal art.
4.2 Analysis on the Diversified
Connotation in the Field of Music
Vocal music, an important part of music art, can be
divided into male voice and female voice in terms of
gender; from the tone point of view, it can also be
divided into treble and midrange and bass, and
another distinction is adult voice and childish voice;
according to the number of singers, there are solo,
ensemble singing, chorus and vocal accompaniment;
different singing methods include bel canto, popular
and folk music; for the forms of music, there are art
song and vocal divertimento, oratorio, opera and
musical, as well as rock, jazz, folk and country
blues; instrumental music includes strings, pipe
music, percussion, plucked string music, western
music, folk music and electronic music and network
music. Performing forms of instrumental music
include solo, unison, accompaniment and ensemble,
and instrumental melodies can be divided into suite,
nocturne, concerto, symphonic poem, ballade and
rhapsody. Various components of music are
mutually integrated and also closely integrated with
the specific means of expression such as melody,
rhythm, polyphony, musical form and tonality.
Vocal and instrumental music are constantly
integrated and intercrossed, so in singing or
performance, they can be combined into a whole to
make the performance better. And this effect
requires the integration of different forms of music
art, which reflects the diversified connotation of
music. Therefore, constant innovation and
integration is needed in teaching practice to
effectively enhance students' learning level of vocal
4.3 Diversified Connotation of
Integration between Vocal Music
and a Variety of Arts
This connotation is mainly reflected in the diverse
integration and intercross between vocal music and
other art forms, such as the integration between
vocal music and fine arts, dance, drama and film.
Many singers combine vocal music with fine art. Jay
Chou's Blue-white Porcelain, for example, has fully
demonstrated the integration of traditional blue-
white art and vocal music. Besides, a mutually
reinforcing relationship gradually forms between
vocal music and opera, and there is also an effective
integration between vocal music, film and television,
such as the theme song, ending song and episode in
a movie. Various arias and harmonies in the movie
soundtrack can effectively integrate the vocal music
with video pictures, bringing the audience a
wonderful visual feast.
4.4 Diversified Connotation of
Integration between Vocal Music
and Non-art Forms
The integration between vocal music and other non-
art forms includes a diverse intercross between vocal
music and pedagogy, psychology, ethics, aesthetics,
economy and science. For example, the integration
between vocal and education forms the vocal
pedagogy, and the intercross of vocal and
psychology leads to vocal psychology. Vocal culture
is the most important in the integration of vocal
music and other non-artistic disciplines, because it is
the in-depth refining of spiritual culture and cultural
ideas, and includes cultural essence and soul of
vocal music. In 1871, Taylor, a famous
anthropologist, mentioned in Primitive Culture that
culture and civilization is a complex integration of
many elements including knowledge, belief, art and
morality. In essence, the competition of art is the
competition of culture. Therefore, the essence of
vocal is cultural connotation. Also with the
development of science and technology, the
integration of modern high-tech and vocal music
became increasingly popular and important.
Electronic music and electronic music devices such
as microphone, amplifier and computer synthesized
sound and laser are perfectly integrated with vocal
Diversified Development of Vocal Music Teaching
Diversified Development of Vocal Music Teaching
music to create a beautiful visual feast. Then vocal
music will have the typical characteristic of the
times with the wings of science and technology.
Therefore, the connotation of diversified trend in
vocal music teaching is undoubtedly all-inclusive,
covering a variety of art-related and non-art content.
In this context, teachers and students should change
the traditional teaching and learning concepts, get
rid of traditional single education and receive
diverse education. Then comprehensive education
can be formed to cultivate professional students with
high overall quality. As the saying goes, familiar
with three hundred Tang poems, you are able to
chant some poems even though you cannot write
them. So the professionalism of vocal music should
be reflected in teaching to achieve the
transformation from “professional” to “versatile” on
this basis. “Professional” and “versatile” are
complementary with each other: without
comprehensive knowledge, one cannot innovate on
his expertise; without profound professional
knowledge, one cannot integrate them with other
Vocal music teacher should receive education
first. Traditional concepts and methods of vocal
music teaching should be changed to cultivate
diverse students with overall qualities, so teachers
should have a wide range of qualities. Although
strict teacher may cultivate a good student, modern
education concept requires comprehensive qualities
from teachers to cultivate versatile students. Vocal
teachers should have open awareness and extensive
knowledge structure, and get rid of specific forms of
art and rigid concepts through close connection with
social life, thus setting a good example for students.
In vocal music teaching, open teaching methods,
specific practice, teachers’ guidance are needed to
let students break away from the traditional teaching
modes in the learning process. Thus, students will
have more outstanding innovation thinking and
higher overall quality.
In short, diversified development trend of vocal
music teaching the times has become the inevitable
demand of artistic development and the times. This
trend is also determined by the diversified aesthetic
taste and enhanced aesthetic level of people.
Therefore, modern vocal music teaching should
follow this international trend to effectively enhance
the level of vocal music teaching, and train good
students with overall qualities for the society.
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ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering