Formation and Governance of Well Dashen-1 Landslide in Northwest Sichuan
Gas Field
Liu Fuzhen and Liang Faqi
Southwest Petroleum University, Xindu, Sichuan, 610500, China
Keywords: Stability, Landslide, Numerical Fitting, Governance Program.
Abstract: The formation mechanism of Well Dashen-1 landslide in Northwest Sichuan Gas Field was analyzed in the
work, combined with numerical fitting and stability calculation of changes in slope terrain. Thus, the
landslide was determined as an old landslide. Recently, new signs of instability had emerged due to “April
Lushan Earthquake. Based on actual situation of the slope, reasonable and effective measures of
reinforcement were proposed with landslide characteristics, thus providing references for awareness and
analysis of hazard similar to landslide.
Well Dashen-1, built in 1998, is a major natural gas
well with annual output of more than 130,000 cubic
meters of natural gas. It is located in Group 4,
Xingfu Village, Shunlong, Danleng at Northwest
Sichuan. The landslide is an old soil landslide
located in a slope of southeast side of Shunlong.
There are multiple stairs on slope body, with 140 of
slope gradient. Deformations have existed in the
well site of Well Dashen-1 since its establishment.
Especially after “April 20
Lushan Earthquake, the
landslide presented new evidence of deformation.
According to the survey on Well Dashen-1 landslide
in Northwest Sichuan Gas Field, longitudinal length
of landslide was 240m, lateral width 100m, area 2.40
× 104m
, average thickness 7m, volume 16.8 ×
, landslide sliding direction about 179°, and
slope about 13°. Landslide was chair-like shape,
with gullies on both sides; the gullies intersected
after landslide margin, forming “Two Ditches from
One Source” landscape. Characteristics of Well
Dashen-1 landslide deformation were mainly
reflected on the following aspects: drooping trailing
edge, raised stone retaining wall in central wellsite
of the landslide, forming scarps, snipping highway
in front-central landslide, and slump in notches. New
deformations appeared after "April 20th"
Earthquake, including transverse cracks in wellsite,
settling ground, echelon-type cracks on housing
ground at the right side of wellsite, new drum
deformation in leading edge of stone retaining wall,
and deformed highway at the front of landslide.
Another characteristic of Well Dashen-1 landslide
was that intense deformation existed at the back of
landslide margin near well site, with relatively
weaker deformation at the front and central edge.
2.1 Numerical Fitting Analysis on
Slope Terrain Changes
Profiles were extracted along the slope. Spatial
changes of slope terrain were analyzed through
numerical fitting on elevation h and x-coordinate of
each profile with MATLAB. Based on numerical
fitting relationship between elevation and
coordinates of four profiles along the slope, it could
be seen that there was a linear relationship between
elevation and x coordinate, with about 133° of slope.
The upper part and lower part were both stable
according to the numerical fitting. Through landslide
site as well as fitting relationship analysis, the slope
before and after well site appeared slides, resulting
in mutation of ground elevation. It indicated that
there was slope sliding or human intervention in
wellsite construction, leading to accumulation of
local soil. Thus, the elevation of back wellsite was as
lower as the well site. The elevation of lower-part
wellsite was significantly lower than that of theory
elevation. Further down along the slope, the ground
Faqi L. and Fuzhen L.
Formation and Governance of Well Dashen-1 Landslide in Northwest Sichuan Gas Field.
DOI: 10.5220/0006026403660369
In Proceedings of the Information Science and Management Engineering III (ISME 2015), pages 366-369
ISBN: 978-989-758-163-2
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
elevation exceeded over theory value. However, this
part of slope was in a strong deformation area,
consistent with the site investigation and visiting
situation. Therefore, the slope near well site was
determined as an old landslide.
2.2 Affecting Factors of Slope
The underground water level of landslide was
relatively shallow. Drains were all near the well site,
without any drainage facilities outside. Therefore,
water from drains and rear catchment of wellsite
directly flew into the lower part of landslide. Due to
open mountain terrain of trailing edge and steep
gradient, it was conducive to collection of surface
water. The poor drainage of slope surface resulted in
seeper of localized low-lying areas. Then, the weight
of landslide was increased with decline of soil shear
strength of slide surface. Meanwhile, the leading
edge of landslide was exposed to air; the slope was
consistent with occurrence of bedrock, thus
providing topography and geological conditions for
slide of landslide.
Special geological structure of wellsite landslide
was another main factor causing instability of
landslides. The first layer of stratum was Quaternary
Holocene artificial filling soil (Q4ml), mainly
composed of gravel, breccia and powder clay, with
sepia color. Dimension stone was mainly composed
of mudstone, siltstone and shale red quartz
sandstone. Dimension stone occupied about 60
percent, with angular shape and poor roundness;
silty clay had high saturated water ratio, occupying
about 40% content. The second layer was landslide
accumulation body (Q4del), mainly composed of
silty clay clip gravel. The content of clay was about
45% with saturated water and hard plastic. The third
layer was mudstone and argillaceous siltstone (K2g).
Mudstone was brown and weathered; argillaceous
siltstone was from gray to brown, weathered.
In addition, influenced by the shake and loading
of "April 20th" Lushan Earthquake, the soil of
landslide began loosening—another factor for
resurrection of landslide.
In conclusion, special geological structure and
impact of earthquake were main factors causing
instability of landslides.
The premise of reasonable landslide control was to
correctly determine the stability of landslide and its
development trend. For physical and mechanical
properties of ground in Well Dashen-1 landslide in
Northwest Sichuan Gas Field, calculation
parameters were determined combined with the
inverse analysis of typical section. It was based on
references of related parameters and value of
experience data in other survey reports of Danleng.
according to the results of geological mapping and
drilling profiles, characteristics of Well Dashen-1
landslide deformation were mainly reflected on:
drooping trailing edge, raised stone retaining wall in
central wellsite of the landslide, forming scarps,
snipping highway in front-central landslide, and
slump in notches. New deformations appeared after
"April 20th" Earthquake, including transverse cracks
in wellsite, settling ground, echelon-type cracks on
housing ground at the right side of wellsite, new
drum deformation in leading edge of stone retaining
wall, and deformed highway at the front of
landslide. Intense deformation existed at the back of
landslide margin near well site, with relatively
weaker deformation at the front and central edge.
The most unfavorable slip surface should be broken
line along the base. Calculation of stability was
analyzed mainly according to site geological
Factors of rainfall and earthquakes were
considered in the calculation, according to the
features, various possible load cases and their
combinations of disasters. The following three
conditions were selected for calculation of disaster
stability and surplus sliding force:
Condition 1: Natural conditions (weight +
Condition 2: Storm conditions (weight + ground
+ storm)
Condition 3: Earthquake conditions (weight +
ground + earthquake)
The checking computations of landslide stability
was performed based on 50 years, adjusting basic
seismic intensity as degree, peak ground motion
as 0.15g, response spectra characteristic period of
ground motion as 0.30s. Line Search Method of
Lizheng software was used for calculation of
stability factor and surplus sliding force for the three
conditions. According to results of qualitative
analysis and quantitative calculation, Well Dashen-1
landslide in Northwest Sichuan Gas Field was stable
in natural conditions; the typical profile of whole
landslide was unstable in earthquake conditions,
while the local part was in less stable state; the local
profile was unstable in storm conditions. Evaluation
results were consistent with deformation
characteristics of landslide status quo. On the whole,
Formation and Governance of Well Dashen-1 Landslide in Northwest Sichuan Gas Field
Formation and Governance of Well Dashen-1 Landslide in Northwest Sichuan Gas Field
the landslide stability was poor in storm conditions,
thus measures should be made for prevention and
governance of the landslide. In addition, local
landslide was in basically-stable to less-stable state
in storm conditions, possibly generating new slip
The calculation results of surplus sliding force
showed that, in Condition 2, the deformation area
had possibility of localized and wide range of sliding
along the interior soft surface of inside soil. Stability
of deformable bodies should be improved to achieve
safety fortification levels of slope, preventing
destruction of secondary slip deformation, ensuring
safety of people and buildings on the landslide.
Appropriate preventive measures should be taken to
deal with this issue.
Based on qualitative analysis of stability and causes
of the landslide, heavy rainfall was the main factor
inducing landslide deformation. Well Dashen-1
landslide had a whole slide 30 years ago, since when
the landslide had been in a steady state. However,
new deformation emerged in the landslide after
“April 20th” Lushan Earthquake, with resurrection
of old landslide, road deformation of front landslide,
settlement of well site field, as well as formation of
multiple fractures. These were signs that the
landslide had revived in the earthquake—it would
slide under rainfall. Especially at the well site, the
landslide was prone to generating secondary
landslide due to higher artificial filling soil with an
air face. The slide area was about 6000m2, average
moving thickness about 6m, and earthwork of about
3.6 × 104m3.
In accordance with characteristics and dangers of
geological disasters, harm degree of booster stations
was second level, and the complexity of geological
conditions in work area was simple type. Therefore,
the level of disaster prevention project was
comprehensively determined as Level II.
The seismic intensity within region was Degree
VII, and ground acceleration of design peak was
0.15g, according to "China Seismic Zonation Map"
(China Earthquake Administration, 1990) and
"Seismic Design of Buildings" (GB50011-2001).
Loads and combination design should be
considered in the control project. For loads in the
design, the dead weight of landslide under natural
state was taken into account; surface construction
load was calculated with 15KN / m2 * building
floors* building density; road vehicle load was
computed by 20KN/m uniform load. Under storm
conditions, saturated shear strength, 1/2 soil height
and 1/3 soil height above stable water level were
used to calculate permeability of landslide and
deformation, and impact degree of storm on rise of
stable groundwater levels, respectively.
The work analyzed landslide mechanism and
stability calculation, describing the development
trend of structure, terrain and topography of Well
Dashen-1 landslide. Therefore, reinforcement
measure of “anti-slide pile + cut-off drains” was
proposed to control Well Dashen-1 landslide, with
consideration of technical soundness, safety,
reliability, feasibility and economy. A row of 18
anti-slide piles were built in the walled side of Well
Dashen-1 based on stability and landslide thrust.
They were distributed into A-type pile, B-type pile
and C-type pile according to depth of sliding
surface. A-type pile: length 12.0m, pile center
distance 5.0m, pile-section 1 × 1.5m. Four A-type
piles were arranged in right-most landslide while
three in left-most landslide. The section buried into
bedrock should not be less than 5.0 m. B-type pile:
length 16.0m, pile center distance 5.0m, pile-section
1 × 1.5m. There were 4 B-type piles, 2 piles were
arranged in left and right position, respectively. The
anti-slide pile embedded in bedrock should not be
less than 6.0m. C-type pile: length 18.0m, pile center
distance 5.0m, pile-section 1 × 1.5m. Seven piles
were set in central slope, and anti-slide pile
embedded in bedrock was not less than 6.0m. C-type
piles in wellsite and seven arranged anti-slide piles
were combined into double rows of plum-shaped
anti-slide piles for retaining the landslide. Anti-slide
piles were arranged in stone retaining wall of well
site. In case of pipeline in excavation, the position of
anti-slide piles could be adjusted. Retaining plates
should be set among the piles, with thickness of
0.3m, height 2.0m, and total length of 82m.
Measures for interception of water should be
adopted for further improvement of landslide
stability factor, building anti-slide piles to increase
stabilizing force
Landslide disaster is an important issue of mountain
area construction. Landslide in mining areas can
cause heavy losses including destroying mine
facilities with staff casualties, destruction of plants,
and downtime of mine production. Only with full
understanding and analysis of formation mechanism
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
and predisposing factors of landslides could they
obtain better governance. The work
comprehensively analyzed the special structure,
formation mechanism and predisposing factors as
well as deformation of Well Dashen-1 landslide in
Northwest Sichuan Gas Field. Simulation of its
stability was conducted, proposing targeted
measures of landslide, thus providing references for
the same type of landslide analysis.
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Formation and Governance of Well Dashen-1 Landslide in Northwest Sichuan Gas Field
Formation and Governance of Well Dashen-1 Landslide in Northwest Sichuan Gas Field