Study of Improved BP Algorithm based on Gradient Descent and
Numerical Optimization
Qiuhong Sun
1, 2
, Weihong Bi
and Xinhang Xu
YanShan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang 050000, China
State Grid Hebei Electric Power Research Institute, Shijiazhuang 050000, China
Keywords: Gradient Descent, Numerical Optimization, Improved BP Algorithm.
Abstract: Studied limitations exist in BP model, and discussed the proposed improved algorithm based on BP neural
network. Respectively, from the third of the aspects discussed based on improved gradient descent
algorithm and improved algorithm based on numerical optimization. Research results showed that the
comprehensive method is better than the standard BP algorithm in terms of the number of iterations, the
training time and the mean square error and the like, of additional momentum and adaptive outstanding
performance parameter method. Researches showed that the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm neural
network convergence fastest training times at least.
Along with the application of information
management system indifferent fields, the data are
continuously stored in the database. Among them,
people expect to find out potential knowledge that
will help them make decisions. The emergence and
development of data mining are just based on this
expectation. As a midpoint of different subject
studies, data mining involves a great deal of subjects
such as database, statistic, machine learning,
artificial intelligence, high performance computing,
pattern recognition and data visualization etc.
Among them, artificial neural network is widely
used due to its ability of inherent non-linear
processing, adaptive learning and high fault-
BP neural network is a feedforward network, the
most representative type of network. This class is a
multilayer neural network model that map neural
network, using a minimum variance of learning, is
one of the most widely used neural network model.
Multilayer Perceptron network is a kind of three or
more sectors of neural networks. A typical
multilayer perceptron network is three, feedforward
class network, namely: input layer, hidden layer
(also called intermediate layer), the output layer.
Each neuron between adjacent layers achieves full
connection, that is, each neuron and the next layer
on layer of each neuron to achieve full connection,
and each connection between neurons is not. In
practical applications, BP network can be used for
classification, regression and time series forecasting
and other data mining applications, and pattern
recognition problem research, nonlinear mapping
problem, such as handwriting recognition, image
processing, predictive control, function
approximation, data compression and so on.
In data mining field, although BP network model is
currently the most widely used network model, gets
good benefits in practical application, and is
maturing in theory, but it also has its own limitations
and shortcomings, its uncertainty performance in the
training process. These limitations are mainly
concentrated in three areas: slow convergence and
easy to fall into local minima and completely unable
to train a network phenomenon.
In recent years, many researchers made many
useful improvements on BP network, put forward a
number of algorithms to improve the program, such
as rapid BP propagation algorithm, the extended
Kalman filter algorithm, the second-order
Xu X., Bi W. and Sun Q.
Study of Improved BP Algorithm based on Gradient Descent and Numerical Optimization.
DOI: 10.5220/0006028404520456
In Proceedings of the Information Science and Management Engineering III (ISME 2015), pages 452-456
ISBN: 978-989-758-163-2
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
optimization algorithm, the optimal filtering method,
and so on. Its main purpose is to avoid falling into
local minima and improve the convergence rate.
Improve people based on the standard BP algorithm
performed faster convergence than the standard
gradient method of dozens or even hundreds of
times. But they still are not universally applicable,
both have their own advantages or defects.
Because a good prospect of artificial neural
networks in data mining, and success stories in the
practical application, at home and abroad have
carried out the neural network data mining for
theoretical research. In artificial neural networks,
back-propagation algorithm based on BP neural
network has occupied a very important position, so
the last decade, many researchers have done a
thorough study and proposed many improved
algorithm and architecture optimization strategy.
Which means learning algorithms based on neural
network model, to find a neural network connection
weights adjustment algorithm, and meet the
requirements of the study sample, but also has a
faster learning speed. The main goal of improved
algorithm is how to reduce the limitations of BP
network, speed up training networks in the actual
application of data mining process, to avoid falling
into local minima, while enhancing the ability of
other important network. The structure optimization
strategy refers to specific application problems to
find an optimal network structure, mainly on how to
determine the number of hidden layers and the
number of hidden nodes of each hidden layer, and
enhance the generalization capability of the network.
In the field of data mining, although BP network
model has been currently the most widely used
network model, made in the practical application of
the good benefits, but in theory are maturing, but it
also has its own limitations and shortcomings, its
uncertainty performance in the training process.
These limitations are mainly concentrated in the
following three aspects:
(1) slow convergence
(2) easy to fall into local minimum point
(3) there is a phenomenon that the network is
completely unable training
In recent years, many researchers BP network made
many useful improvements, put forward a number of
algorithms to improve the program, such as rapid BP
propagation algorithm, the extended Kalman filter
algorithm, the second-order optimization algorithm,
the optimal filtering method, and so on. Its main
purpose is to avoid falling into local minima and
improve the convergence rate. Improve people based
on the standard BP algorithm performed faster
convergence than the standard gradient method of
dozens or even hundreds of times. But they still are
not universally applicable, both have their own
advantages or defects.
Improved algorithm based on gradient descent.
Gradient descent method is standard on the basis of
the objective function by calculating the gradient
network weights and closing values corrected,
generally used only third-order gradient information
on weights and thresholds of the objective function.
Weights standard gradient descent values and
thresholds amended iterative process can be
expressed as:
Among them,
by the value of the ownership of
the network consisting of a vector and threshold, α is
the learning rate,
as the objective function
(instead of using the objective function using the
error function performance because sometimes
contains error than other items),
the gradient of the objective function. Although the
standard BP algorithm to train the network provides
a simple and effective method, but because of the
training process as a smaller permanent α constant,
and thus slow convergence and local minimum
problems. To solve these problems, people made a
lot of improvements in the study algorithm BP
learning algorithm on the basis of its application.
More representative are the following:
(1) Additional Momentum Method.
when updating their weight and closing value ,
additional momentum, not only to consider the
role of error in the gradient, but also consider the
impact of trends in the error surface. It allows to
ignore small changes in properties on the
network. In the absence of additional momentum
effect, the network may be caught in shallow
local minima, with additional momentum effect
is likely to slip these minima.
This method is on the basis of the standard BP
algorithm, in every weight and the closing value plus
a proportional change in weight and the note of the
previous amount of change in value, and the reverse
propagation method to generate a new right value
change. Weights and closing iterative process value
Study of Improved BP Algorithm based on Gradient Descent and Numerical Optimization
Study of Improved BP Algorithm based on Gradient Descent and Numerical Optimization
correction can be expressed as:
Where k is the number of training, mc is the
momentum factor, and generally is about 0.95.
Substantive additional momentum law will affect
a recent change in weight, to pass through a
momentum factor. When the momentum factor
value is zero, change the weight is only produced
according to the gradient descent method; when the
momentum factor value is 1, the new weight change
is the last weight change, and produced according to
the gradient method changing portions were ignored.
To do this adjustment when the change will increase
the weight of the bottom surface toward the mean
direction error after momentum. When the network
weights into the flat area at the bottom of the error
surface, δ
will become very small, so,
, thereby preventing
01 kW
situation appears this will help the
network to jump out of local minima in the error
According to the design principles of additional
momentum, the weight correction cause too much
growth results in an error when the new weights was
canceled without being adopted, and stopped the
momentum effect, so the network does not enter the
larger error surface; when the new error rate of
change of its old value exceeds the maximum error
rate of change of a pre-set time, we have the right to
cancel the calculated value change. The maximum
error rate of change is generally get the value of
1.04, thus making additional momentum method of
training program design, you must add a condition to
determine the proper use of weights correction
formula. General training program for using the
momentum method to determine the conditions as
mc 1,95.0
Wherein, SSE (k) represents the output error of the
network timing k.
Additional momentum method can solve some
extent local minimum, appropriate to speed up the
convergence, but if improper initial iteration
direction, the train will be easy access to the
platform area, in the calculation process, also
because of some wrong adjustments while adding
momentum to adjust the rear misleading; the size of
the momentum factor which should be selected as
the training problem complexity increases and
decreases training otherwise prone to oscillation and
divergence, for practical applications, we should
take a smaller momentum factor.
(2) Adaptive Learning Rate Method.
The basic idea of this approach is the learning
rate η error changes should be based on
adaptively adjusted to make the connection
weights to adjust to changes in the direction of
error is reduced. Adaptive learning rate
adjustment criteria are: correction value check
weights really reduce the error function, if it fell,
then the selected learning rate value is small, you
can increase it by an amount; if not reducing
network error, then produced an overshoot, so
accordingly you should reduce the value of
learning rate. Specific adaptive learning rate
adjustment formula is as follows:
 
Wherein, SSE (k) represents the output error of the
network timing k.
In the standard BP algorithm, the learning rate α
in the training process remains constant. The basic
idea of adaptive learning rate law: maintaining the
stability of the training, so that each correction
weights for iterative steps as large as possible. The
process can be expressed as
Adaptive learning rate is conducive to shorten the
learning time. One of the important reasons for the
slow convergence standard BP algorithm is the
learning coefficient poor choice. The learning rate is
selected too small, too slow convergence; learning
rate is chosen too large, it is possible to amend
overdone, leading to network flapping diverge. The
research shows that, in a certain range to increase
the learning coefficient, can greatly speed up the
efficiency of learning, get more than the standard BP
algorithm converges faster. However, if
small, there are still a small amount of correction
weight problems, resulting in low learning rate.
(3) Additional Momentum and Adaptive Learning
Rate Binding Method.
Because of the additional momentum method can
alleviate network into local minima situation,
and adaptive learning rate method and can speed
up the convergence of the network, so some
ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
scholars both together to form a new algorithm
that additional momentum and adaptive learning
rate binding assay. Experimental results show
that the comprehensive method than the standard
BP algorithm in terms of the number of
iterations, the training time and the mean square
error and the like, of additional momentum and
adaptive outstanding performance parameter
method. This paper mainly uses this algorithm
can improve the performance of the neural
network can learn, and confirm the validity of
the algorithm in practical application.
BP network training is essentially a nonlinear
objective function optimization problem. People
study of nonlinear optimization problem for several
hundred years ,and many traditional numerical
optimization method is also faster convergence, and
therefore it is natural to think of numerical
optimization algorithms based on BP network right
on the plant for training. Gradient descent method is
different, based on numerical optimization
algorithms using not only the first-order derivative
information of the objective function, and often use
the second derivative information of the objective
function. Such algorithms include quasi-Newton
method, Levenberg-Marquardt method and the
conjugate gradient method, which can be described
as unified
Among them, the ownership and the threshold
values of the network composed of vector
, the
search direction
by the composition of each
component W vector space,
is in
so that
in the direction to achieve a very small
step. Thus, network optimization method weights
can be divided into the following two steps: a) First,
determine the current iteration of the best search
direction; b) finding the optimal iterative step in this
direction. Three methods discussed below, the
difference is different from the direction in the
search for the best choice.
(1) Quasi-Newton Method.
Quasi-Newton method is a common method for
fast optimization, convergence is faster than a
ladder degrees. Quasi-Newton method in the
search direction improvement over gradient
method, it is not only the use of the criterion
function gradient point in the search, but also
takes advantage of its second derivative matrix,
resulting in increased computational complexity.
There are typical BFGS algorithm and step
tangent algorithm (One step secant, OSS).
BFGS algorithms usually require very little
number of iterations will be able to converge, but
it each iteration of the computation and memory
requirements greater than the conjugate gradient
method. Wherein the BFGS algorithm in training
small network better, step algorithm is tangent
compromise conjugate gradient method and
quasi-Newton method, each step required
memory and computation are less than BFGS
(2) Conjugate Gradient Method.
When using the conjugate gradient vector to
determine the conjugate direction, said this
algorithm co reels gradient method. 1990 J.
Leonard and MA Kramer conjugate gradient
method and line search strategies together. In the
conjugate gradient method, conjugate direction
along the line search, convergence rate than the
general gradient descent method is much faster.
In a typical training algorithm is the use of
learning rate determines the weight and step off
the updated values, and in most conjugate
gradient algorithm weights each step repeatedly
adjust, along with conjugate gradient line search
to determine the weights step. Conjugate
gradient method may be necessary to calculate or
store information on the second derivative has a
function of second-order method, compared with
the quasi-Newton method, its computational cost
is very low, and therefore very useful for large-
scale problems.
(3) Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm.
Marquardt-Levenberg optimization algorithm
can be seen as a kind of quasi-Newton
approximation method. Conventional BP
algorithm correction weight values only when
the gradient of the error function of the weights,
ie the first derivative information. By the second
derivative of the error function were corrected
weights, can greatly accelerate the convergence
speed of BP network. This is the basic starting
point Quasi - Newton Method.
The objective function is assumed to be a network
error, so that by adjusting the minimum. By quasi-
Newton method, can be expressed as: where is the
Study of Improved BP Algorithm based on Gradient Descent and Numerical Optimization
Study of Improved BP Algorithm based on Gradient Descent and Numerical Optimization
Hessian matrix for the gradient, if it is assumed as a
function of the square and that there are
On the Gauss-Newton method,
approximately zero, while Marquardt-Levenberg
optimization algorithm further modified Gauss-
Newton method,
, where μ
is a scalar. It depends on μ, between the gradient
descent algorithm ( μ ) and quasi-Newton
method (μ 0) in two extreme cases change the
Research results show that the comprehensive
method than the standard BP algorithm in terms of
the number of iterations, the training time and the
mean square error and the like, of additional
momentum and adaptive outstanding performance
parameter method.
As seen above, Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm
is dynamically adjusting the damping factor, is
changed according to the results of the iteration
convergence direction, so as to achieve the purpose
of decreasing the error. The key step of the
algorithm is to calculate the Jacobian matrix. Its
advantage is that when there are fewer number of
network weights converge very quickly, you can
make a shorter study time in practical applications.
Research show that the Marquardt-Levenberg
algorithm neural network convergence fastest
training times at least.
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ISME 2015 - Information Science and Management Engineering III
ISME 2015 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering