AColDSS: Robust Unsupervised Automatic Color
Segmentation System for Noisy Heterogeneous Document
Louisa Kessi
, Frank Lebourgeois
and Christophe Garcia
Université de Lyon, CNRS, France
INSA-Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69621, France
{louisa.kessi, franck.lebourgeois, christophe.garcia}
Abstract. We present the first fully automatic color analysis system suited for
noisy heterogeneous documents. We developed a robust color segmentation
system adapted for business documents and old handwritten document with
significant color complexity and dithered background. We have developed the
first fully data-driven pixel-based approach that does not need a priori infor-
mation, training or manual assistance. The system achieves several operations
to segment automatically color images, separate text from noise and graphics
and provides color information about text color. The contribution of our work
is four-fold: Firstly, it does not require any connected component analysis and
simplifies the extraction of the layout and the recognition step undertaken by
the OCR. Secondly, it is the usage of color morphology to simultaneously seg-
ment both text and inverted text using conditional color dilation and erosion
even in cases where there are overlaps between the two. Thirdly, our system
removes efficiently noise and speckles from dithered background and automati-
cally suppresses graphical elements using geodesic measurements. Fourthly, we
develop a method to splits overlapped characters and separates characters from
graphics if they have different colors. The proposed Automatic Color Docu-
ment Processing System has archived 99 % of correctly segmented document
and has the potential to be adapted into different document images. The system
outperformed the classical approach that uses binarization of the grayscale image.
1 Introduction
Color document processing is an active research area with significant applications. In
recent years, there has been an increasing need for systems which are able to convert
pre-printed color documents into digital format automatically. Most of the time, the
color image is converted into a grayscale image. However, the performance decreases
when the segmentation fails. Nowadays, digitization systems can have to cope with
dithering documents, complex color background and linear color variations, which
amounts to not knowing if text is darker or lighter compared to the background, high-
lighting regions, corrective red overload on black text and not uniform color
text/graphics overlapping. Indeed, some dithered documents may not lead to a correct
automatic analysis. Smoothing most often permits to reduce dithering significantly
but can also seriously damage the text. Therefore, the color information is significant.
Then, a color-based segmentation could improve the process.
Lebourgeois F., Garcia C. and Kessi L.
AColDSS: Robust Unsupervised Automatic Color Segmentation System for Noisy Heterogeneous Document Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0006164200500063
In European Project Space on Computer Vision, Graphics, Optics and Photonics (EPS Berlin 2015), pages 50-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-156-4
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Text touching graphics
With complex background and color progressive change
Text and inverted text are commonly used
AColDSS: Robust Unsupervised Automatic Color Segmentation System for Noisy Heterogeneous Document Images
Clean to noisy image color image
As far as the authors know, there are only few works about the use of the color for
document analysis. The only referenced work for color documents come from [1] for
the DjVu compression. Most of the research on color documents focuses mostly on-
pixel classification approaches to reduce the number of colors found. The work of [2]
introduces a new pseudo-saturation measure to separate color layers and monochrome
layer. However, this global analysis of the image cannot make the difference be-
tween text colors and background color and works only for cleaned images. The au-
thors propose in [3] a hierarchical clustering based approach to extract dominant
color masks of administrative documents. Moreover, this approach requires user
interaction for setting threshold parameters order to decide what a dominant color is
or not. Our previous work [4] described the first robust Unsupervised Automatic
Color Document Processing pixel-based system suited for business documents. This
system achieved 99.25 % of correctly segmented document and is entirely based on
the morphology framework. We present the first fully unsupervised color segmenta-
tion system adapted for business documents and old handwritten document with sig-
nificant color complexity and dithered background. Our objective is achieved if all
color characters are correctly segmented from the background, using an automatic
procedure without any information provided by the user.
2 Our Proposition
Figure 1 illustrates the main steps of the proposed system. Each step will be detailed
in the next sections following the organization of the paper.
Fig. 1. Illustrates the overall scheme of the proposed.
Color clustering
Color Morphology
Text graphic and noise separation
Separate text touching graphics
Colored texts segmentation
Several images containing
only characters having the
same color without noise and
overlapped graphics to send
to the OCR
EPS Berlin 2015 2015 - European Project Space on Computer Vision, Graphics, Optics and Photonics
3 Segmentation of thin Colored Objects by using Color Morphology
Our system is based on the use the color morphology which outperforms the classical
grayscale morphology because characters with different colors may have the same
luminance and cannot be separated in grayscale. We have decided to take benefit of
the scalar color morphology with interleaved bits order proposed by Chanussot in [7]
because it performs better than the color morphology using RGB vectors. He shows
that it removes false and aberrant colors in complex cases. Therefore, we reduce the
dissymmetry between color components by rotating the sequence of RGB (figure 2).
Fig. 2. Color coding in scalar by using interleaved bit and rotation of the sequence of RGB.
3.1 Thin Objects Segmentation
This step consists to generate a binary image of thin colored objects. We use the
mathematical morphology because it can extract objects according to geometrical
measures. In the great majority of documents, characters are darker than the back-
ground. A Black-Top-Hat (2) is efficient to extract all thin colored objects from any
colored background which are darker than the background in luminance.
Closing(I) = Erode
(I)) (1)
Black-Top-Hat(I) = Closing(I)-I (2)
3.2 Extract All Colored Characters
To extract all colored characters even with fading ink, we apply Sauvola thresholding
with variable adaptive windows which compute the best window size of the Sauvola
thresholding for each pixel by using integral images [6]. This is significant in our case
since we handle with dithered business documents or old deteriorated manuscripts.
3.3 Extract and Segment both Inverted and Non-Inverted Text
Unlike old manuscripts, business documents and forms show inverted printed text
having text colors brighter than the background. The inverted text is important for the
logical structure recognition, because it generally represents the labeling of a column
AColDSS: Robust Unsupervised Automatic Color Segmentation System for Noisy Heterogeneous Document Images
or a row in a table. To extract inverted text, we must apply a White-Top-Hat (4)
which is the dual operation of the Black-Top-Hat transform.
Opening(I) = Dilate
White-Top-Hat(I) = I-Opening (I) (4)
However, we cannot combine the Black-Top-Hat and the White-Top-Hat results at
pixel-level. The local dominant colors bring a solution to segment simultaneously
inverted and non-inverted text by morphology. This operation allows to measure the
color of the background whether the text is inverted or not. To compute the dominant
color, we have chosen the median filtering (5) with a large radius since its complexity
has been seriously reduced and can be calculated in constant time [9] whatever the
size of the window. The window size of the median must be greater than the height of
the larger text. We fix a widow size of 30 to be sure to detect correctly the color
background. After that, we detect and segment separately both inverted and non-
inverted text by applying the conditional dilation CD
(Median(I)) (6) which is the
minimum of the dilation of the median image and the original image I and the condi-
tional erosion CE
(median(I)) (7) which is the maximum between the original image
I and the erosion of the median image. B is the structural elements which have a size
of the median filter.
(Median(I))=min(Dilate(Median(I)) , I)
(Median(I))=max(Erode(Median(I)) , I)
(Median(I)) erases all not inverted texts which are darker in luminance
than the background (Figure 3c). Accordingly, CD
(Median (I)) deletes all
inverted texts which are brighter than the background (figure 3d). To extract
the non- inverted text, we define Positive (I) by taking the difference between
(Median(I)) and the original image I (8). Accordingly, to segment invert-
ed texts, we define Negative (I) by taking the difference between the original
image I and CD
(Median (I)) (9).
Positive(I)= CE
(Median(I)) – I
Negative(I)=I - CD
(Median(I)) (9)
The final segmentation of both normal and inverted texts and graphics is ob-
tained by taking the maximum of the positive and negative image. Figure 3e)
and 3f) show the positive and negative images represented in inverted lumi-
ance for a better appearance. The binary image is obtained by applying an
adaptative thresholding with variable window size describe in [6]. The extra
time of computation to process correctly the inverted texts for business docu-
ments can be avoided in the options when we process only ancient manu-
EPS Berlin 2015 2015 - European Project Space on Computer Vision, Graphics, Optics and Photonics
a) Original image I
b) Median(I) filtering in constant time [9]
c) CE
(Median(I))= max(Erode(Median(I)), I)
d) CE
(Median(I))=max(Erode(Median(I)), I)
e) Positive(I)= CE
(Median(I))-I shows
not inverted texts
f) Negative(I)= I - CD
shows inverted texts
g) Max(Positive(I),Negative (I))
h) Final result after despeckle
Fig. 3. The succession of operations to binarize color images containing inverted and not in-
verted texts. e)..g) have been inverted.
4 Separation of Text from Graphics and Noise Removal
4.1 Despeckle
We apply a despeckle to quickly remove noise and dithered background. We apply a
two pass distance transform in the 8-connectivity neighborhood of the binary image
[10]. To propagate the maximal thickness value inside each object, we repeat until the
morphological convolution of dilation with a null mask. The despeckle consists of
erasing all objects having a maximal thickness of ThicknessMin threshold in one pass.
Figure 3h and figure 4d shows the despeckle effects with ThicknessMin=2.
4.2 Separation between Graphics/Text/Dithered Parts
The extraction of several hundreds of thousands of connected components from K
color images for each text and graphic color including large dithering zones is com-
putationally too extensive. We propose a straightforward process without heuristics to
remove both large graphic objects and noise without connected components extrac-
AColDSS: Robust Unsupervised Automatic Color Segmentation System for Noisy Heterogeneous Document Images
tion by using morphological geodesic operations. Our separation is based on the geo-
desic width and height of binary objects calculated by morphological convolution [8].
We repeat until there is no change, the morphological convolution of dilation with the
Feret mask FERET90 and FERET0 for 90° and 0° direction on the binary image,
respectively. All objects from the binary image having a geodesic height and width
which lie in the intervals [HeightMin, HeightMax] and [WidthMin, WidthMax] re-
spectively are shifted in the image TextsImage because they have the size to be poten-
tial characters. All the other objects are classified into the image GraphicsImage if the
geodesic width or height exceeds WidthMax or HeightMax, respectively. They repre-
sent large objects that we consider as graphics (Algorithm 1). We design the system
to be sure that all the characters are correctly classified into the image TextsImage.
For that, we choose to set HeightMin and WidthMin to the value 3 in order to keep
and thin characters like 'I' or '1'.For printing documents, we set WidthMax and
HeightMax to value 64 for 300dpi images, because characters cannot exceed this size.
For ligatured manuscripts we set WidthMax and HeightMax to value 512 and 128
respectively, to shift correctly handwritten words in the image TextsImage. Charac-
ters connected to the graphical elements are shifted in the GraphicsImage. The next
step aims to separate characters connected to graphics.
a) Original Image b) SpecklesImage c) GraphicsImage d) TextsImage
Fig. 4. Separation between noise/graphics/text, b) shows the large amount of speckles (noise
and dots from dithered areas) deleted from the binary image, c) displays the graphics elements
and large objects, d) provides the final binary image containing potentially all characters.
Algorithm 1. Separation between graphics/text/dithering.
if ((GeodesicHeight(x, y)>0) &&
if ((GeodesicHeight(x, y)<HeightMin)&&
(GeodesicWidth(x, y) <WidthMin))
Shift pixel(x, y) in SpecklesImage
if ((GeodesicHeight(x, y)<=HeightMax)&&
(GeodesicWidth(x, y) <=WidthMax))
Shift pixel(x, y) in TextsImage
Shift pixel(x,y) in GraphicsImage
EPS Berlin 2015 2015 - European Project Space on Computer Vision, Graphics, Optics and Photonics
5 Separation of Characters Connected to Graphics
When colors cannot separate characters and graphics, the image GraphicsImage con-
tains textual element which touch graphics (Figure 5b). To exceed this, we achieve a
coarse separation between characters and graphics by using elementary morphologi-
cal operation with the existing information provided by the system. The binary mor-
phological closing of GraphicsImage, with an horizontal/vertical element Bh /Bv
respectively, removes all characters that touch graphics both vertically / horizontally
(figure 6c, 6d). We determine H_Text (10) and V_Text (11) by the difference be-
tween the horizontal/vertical closing of GraphicsImage with the image Graphic-
sImage itself, respectively.
( X )
( X )
Fig. 5. Separation of characters connected to graphics.
The reconstruction of characters after text/graphic separation is detailed in an addi-
tional submitted paper. Our proposed morphological operation works perfectly well
for text touching straight lines only, rounded shapes remains unchanged (figure 5h).
The geodesic measurement is tolerant to image skew.
6 Text Color Selection
This step consists to select automatically the right class of texts colors. We want all
AColDSS: Robust Unsupervised Automatic Color Segmentation System for Noisy Heterogeneous Document Images
characters having the same colors are segmented in the same layer. We combine the
color information from the MeanShift clustering and the color segmentation by mor-
phology to merge outlier color classes to the main color classes. We use the Fast
Integral MeanShift [5] that reduces the complexity of the original MeanShift from
O(N²) to O(N). We have developed a straightforward and robust merging and selec-
tion process which takes into account the spatial co-occurrence of colors classes in
the segmented image using the MeanShift. We use TextsImage In order to compute
statistics about the connectivity of colors classes found by the MeanShift. We only
focus on text color because the color of the background is useless for our application.
In the image TextsImage, we compute the 2D spatial co-occurrence H2D (i,j) equal to
the number of class color i connected spatially to class color j in all the inside charac-
ters of the image TextsImage. We use a 8-connectivity to count correctly in one pass
H2D(i,j). We compute H1D (i) the number of occurrence of the class color from
H2D(i,j). C(i,j)=H2D(i,j)/H1D(j) measures the degree of connectivity between the
class color i with the class color j. Color outliers share a high connectivity with the
main colors of characters (Algorithm 2).
It is important to mention that in order to keep the color coherency we merge small
classes to large classes but not the opposite. Algorithm 2 is repeated until there are no
more merging operation. This is necessary to merge successively layers of colors
around character contours. To select the right number of different text color, we set
the number of text colors in the middle of the larger gap between successive color
classes to limit the gap between two consecutive ranked color classes.
The time of the processing for a 300 dpi image 1640 x 2332 takes less than 3 sec.
for color clustering, 6 sec. for color image segmentation by morphology and colors
fusion and selection on one core without parallelization. The separation of text from
graphics, image noise and dithered background can take less than a second for simple
and clean image to several seconds for complex images with dithered background.
All the algorithms are sequential and can be easily parallelized.
Algorithm 2. Color Fusion.
for all pixel (x,y)
if (TextsImage(x,y)==0) // if character
i=ColorClass(x,y) // from MeanShift
if (TextsImage(x-1,y)==0) { j=ColorClass(x-1,y) H2D(i,j)++ }
if (TextsImage(x,y-1)==0) { j=ColorClass(x,y-1) H2D(i,j)++ }
if (TextsImage(x-1,y-1)==0) {j=ColorClass(x-1,y-1)H2D(i,j)++}
for color class i
for color class j > i
if C(i,j)>cmin
merge i to j if
* H1D(i)<H1D(j)
* C(i,j) is maximal
* H1D(j) is maximal
* ColorDistance(i,j) minimal
EPS Berlin 2015 2015 - European Project Space on Computer Vision, Graphics, Optics and Photonics
7 Results
7.1 Global Performances
As far as our knowledge, we do not find any previous research work in unsupervised
document color segmentation (and not binarization) to compare with. We demon-
strate the performances of our color automatic segmentation on a test image provided
by the private company Janich&Klass Computertechnik GmbH
which has developed
the software DpuScan, which is well-known to be the best tool to separate text colors
in business documents. But it is achieved manually by selecting each color back-
ground and text color. Figure 6 illustrates that our system finds text color automatical-
ly and achieve a good segmentation of this image. The thresholding of the luminance
image (figure 7b) make difficult the separation between handwritten text and the pre-
printed forms. After a color analysis, the added handwritten text can be easily seg-
Fig. 6. Result of our system on DPUscan test image.
Fig. 7. Color segmentation outperforms the adaptative tresholding (Sauvola) of the lumiance
for character segmentation.
AColDSS: Robust Unsupervised Automatic Color Segmentation System for Noisy Heterogeneous Document Images
Fig. 8. Correct color separation with overlapped inverted and not inverted texts.
Figure 8 illustrates the color separation between overlapped texts in the worst case
when inverted text crosses non inverted text. Our system separates correctly color
handwritten text and the background even with highlighting regions (figure 9).
Fig. 9. Our system separate correctly color handwritten text and the background even with
highlighting regions.
7.2 Evaluation on the Database
Evaluation on Business Document Database
We have tested the proposed system on 929 color images of various invoices and
form in real situation. We achieve a qualitative evaluation, among 929 images we
found 5 images that present a change of text color, detected by the system, because of
the ink bleed trough of the color background to the characters of the foreground (Fig-
ure10). Most of errors can be explained by the quality of the document itself. We
have achieved 99.46 % of correctly segmented document.
Evaluation on Ancient Manuscripts Database
We have tested our system without the option of the inverted text detection on 250
color images of manuscripts from various digitization projects. The database contains
42 Latin manuscripts from projects with the IRHT, 20 Chinese manuscripts from
Guwenshibie ANR project, 208 Arabic ancient manuscripts from Timbuktu with the
digitization project Vecmas. Our system fails on 17 severely degraded manuscripts by
the ink bleed-through and 8 manuscripts showing problem of ink fading. The system
segment correctly 90% of the ancient manuscripts even degraded by stains in the
worst cases (figure 10).
EPS Berlin 2015 2015 - European Project Space on Computer Vision, Graphics, Optics and Photonics
AColDSS: Robust Unsupervised Automatic Color Segmentation System for Noisy Heterogeneous Document Images
Fig. 10. Successes of our system on business and manuscripts. We display all color layers of
text in the same image with an artificial white background to save place.
8 Conclusion
In this paper we have presented the first unsupervised fully automatic system adapted
for color business document segmentation and old handwritten document with signif-
icant color complexity and dithered background. We have developed the first fully
data-driven pixel-based approach that does not need a priori information, training or
manual assistance. We have proved that color analysis outperforms binarization in the
case of color document images. This is due to the fact that color analysis process
provides K binary images, one for each color layer but binarization process provides
a single image. Color information is lost to achieve separation between overlapped
objects from different colors. Our developed system does not require heuristics and
has only a very reduced number of parameters which are easy to tune by default val-
ues (average size of characters, size of windows for color median, despeckle steps).
Each step of the system is independent from previous steps as the parameters are
optimal for a very large range of documents. The proposed method has the following
advantages: 1) It does not require any connected component analysis and simplifies
the extraction of the layout and the recognition step undertaken by the OCR; 2) it
processes inverted and non-inverted text automatically, using color morphology, even
in cases where there are overlaps between the two.; 3) Our system removes efficiently
noise and speckles from dithered background and automatically suppresses graphical
elements using geodesic measurements; 4) it splits overlapped characters and sepa-
rates characters from graphics if they have different colors. The proposed Automatic
Color Document Processing System outperformed the classical approach that uses
binarization of the grayscale image and has the potential to be adapted to various
document images.
EPS Berlin 2015 2015 - European Project Space on Computer Vision, Graphics, Optics and Photonics
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AColDSS: Robust Unsupervised Automatic Color Segmentation System for Noisy Heterogeneous Document Images