Imitating Gender as a Measure for Artificial Intelligence:
Is It Necessary?
Huma Shah
and Kevin Warwick
School of Computing, Electronics and Maths, Coventry University, 3 Gulson Road, CV1 2JH, U.K.
Deputy Vice Chancellor-Research, Alan Berry Building, Priory Street, Coventry University, CV1 5FB, U.K.
Keywords: Cisgender, Gender, Gender-blur, Gender-in-AI, Imitation Game, Machine Intelligence, Sex,
Simultaneous-comparison, Transgender, Turing Test.
Abstract: Should intelligent agents and robots possess gender? If so, which gender and why? The authors explore one
root of the gender-in-AI question from Turing’s introductory male-female imitation game, which matured to
his famous Turing test examining machine thinking and measuring its intelligence against humans. What we
find is gender is not clear cut and is a social construct. Nonetheless there are useful applications for gender-
cued intelligent agents, for example robots caring for elderly patients in their own home.
Ex Machina (Universal, 2014) features a cinematic
full robot Turing test (Harnad and Scherzer, 2008).
This is conducted between a male human and an
artificial intelligence “housed in a beautiful female
robot” not born of god or woman (Henry, 2014). The
question posed in the film is not what the human feels
about the AI, the question is how the female robot
feels about the male human (Figure 1). We ask, are
there instances when gender-in-AI could be
appropriate? The heart of this enquiry is founded in
Alan Turing’s man-woman imitation game, which
gave rise to his famous Turing test (Turing, 1950).
Figure 1: Ex Machina: Female AI and male human Turing
Test Judge (Universal Pictures).
The authors posit that there are gendered
applications for AI, for example in healthcare where
‘gender attributed AI’ could be appropriate for robo-
carers (CompanionAble, 2012), or in virtual
assistants (Artificial Solutions, 2015). We begin by
reviewing the attitudes, opinions and assessments of
the gender game.
Performance in chess was Turing’s initial comparison
measure for a machine player against a human player
(Shah, 2010). In proposing his question-answer test
Turing (1950) introduced the idea through a gender
game (see Figure 2). In this game a human
interrogator of either sex simultaneously questions
two hidden interlocutors: one man and one woman.
The purpose of the man is to pretend to be a woman;
the woman’s task is to tell the truth. The interrogator
must determine the actual woman. Replacing one of
the hidden interlocutors with a machine Turing (1950:
p. 435) asked:
“May not machines carry out something
which ought to be described as thinking
but which is very different from what a
man does?”
Turing quite rightly raised that question realising
after WWII that man does not think like every other
Shah, H. and Warwick, K.
Imitating Gender as a Measure for Artificial Intelligence: - Is It Necessary?.
DOI: 10.5220/0005673901260131
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016) - Volume 1, pages 126-131
ISBN: 978-989-758-172-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
man; man does think like woman; an Occidental
woman may not think like a woman from the Orient.
Figure 2: Gender Imitation Game.
Gender is regarded as an important feature in
Turing’s game by some (Copeland & Proudfoot 2008;
Sterrett, 2000; Lassègue, 1996; Hayes & Ford, 1995;
Genova, 1994). The contention is that both man and
machine impersonating a woman provides a stronger
test for intelligence. However, neither of these
researchers have explained what they mean by gender
nor have they provided empirical evidence to
substantiate their claim.
2.1 Gender Vs. Sex
Turing did not term his man-woman imitation game a
gender one, or his man-machine an artificial test
When considering gender and whether it is relevant
to agents’ development we face a number of salient
questions. If we are developing intelligent agents to
interact with, and support, humans ought we not to
Whether sex and gender are the same thing?
Regardless of your ‘self and socially
established’ gender do you remain the same sex
you were born?
How many genders are there?
Can a human be one gender physically and
another psychologically?
Should an AI have a sex: be given male or
female genitals?
Do we build agents and robots genderless?
Do we innovate for human sensibilities?
Do we make assumptions about the gender of
agent and robot developers?
The gender spectrum (2015) includes:
1. Cisgender: born as man or woman and identify
as same in life,
2. Inter: such as Hermaphrodite, could be due to
presence of both male and female reproductive
organs at birth,
3. Transgender: crossed over after birth – for
example, former American male Olympic
athlete Bruce Jenner sex-changed to Caitlyn
Jenner (IBT, 2015).
For an understanding of gender in different
cultures - Hijras in the Indian sub-continent identified
as feminised males, see Newman (2002), or identity-
based determination of gender - when a person’s
gender is authenticated by other people, see
Westbrook (2013). Newman details Western
interpretations of sex and gender: the former is the
“biological status of a person as either male or female
based on anatomical characteristics”, with the latter
“used to refer to socially constructed roles and
cultural representations” (2002, p. 353). Real life
cases show the ambiguity and messiness in clearly
defining sex or gender. The case of female South
African runner Caster Semenya is one. Semenya was
made to undergo gender tests to prove she was female
following accusations of being male, “because she
had elevated testosterone levels” (Telegraph, 2015).
Was Turing quite naïve then, or perhaps
mischievous? In drawing a distinction between men
and women he attributed imitation game roles,
possibly based on a belief that woman’s capacity is
better for telling the truth and the man’s ability greater
at pretence.
2.2 Sex and Intellectual Capacity
With the complexity involved in defining gender we
turn to the assumptions about gender and intellectual
capacity in the imitation game. According to
Lassègue (1996) Turing’s method of explaining his
simultaneous comparison game is ambiguous leading
to confusion concerning the function of the machine.
Lassègue (1996) interprets the role of the man in the
game as attempting to deceive by imitating “the
woman and the machine the two of them” (p.7). The
confusion extends to an interpretation that the
machine must imitate a man imitating a woman.
Hayes and Ford (1995) see the machine in such a
scenario as a “mechanical transvestite” (p. 973).
Genova accepts “Turing never speaks directly
about gender” (1994: p. 322). Turing’s topic of
consideration was not ‘computing, gender and
intelligence’, it was exploring the intellectual
capacity of a machine (Shah, 2010). Genova believes
Turing created more than just a machine-human
comparison test. She believes Turing questioned the
very nature of thinking and “how it should be
measured” (1994: p. 313). Genova claims “the game
centers on gender questions, not species ones ...
whether it [the machine] can fool player C into
believing it is one kind of human rather than another,
i.e. male not female” (p. 314). However, this is not
Imitating Gender as a Measure for Artificial Intelligence: - Is It Necessary?
borne out by Turing’s sample interrogator-witness
interaction (1950: p.446):
Interrogator: Would you say Mr. Pickwick
reminded you of a Christmas Day?
Witness: In a Way.
As evidence of gender significance, Genova
points to the first instance when a machine becomes
involved in Turing’s imitation game. Genova claims
Turing’s radical idea charged “thinking be measured
by gender miming” (1994: p. 315). Genova points to
the initial participants in the man-woman game and
how they were replaced. Turing evolved the
introductory scenario with three participants - man
(A), woman (B) and interrogator (C) with the
intriguing question (1950:p. 434):
“what will happen when a machine takes
the part of A [man] in this game?
Turing’s usual questions of “chess and logical
games” were replaced with proposals to “measure
thought by the commonplace and presumably ‘easy
activity of being male or female” (Genova, 1994: p.
315). Turing did pose gender questions initially:
“length of hair” (1950: p. 433), but after the digital
computer C was introduced into the game as player A
(played by the man in Turing’s explanatory scenario),
and the man moved to player B (played by the woman
earlier), Turing used “specimen questions”, such as
poetry and arithmetic, and intellectual games: “please
write me a sonnet on the subject of the Forth Bridge”;
“Add 34957 to 70764” and “Do you play chess?”
(1950: p.434).
The succeeding hidden entities, man and machine,
are again interrogated by a human player C who can
be of either sex. Genova asked “why would he
[Turing] be so careful about the gender assignments
in laying out the game, i.e. A is a man, B is a woman?”
(1994: p. 314). Genova overlooks that the man-
woman game was preparatory for the machine-human
test. By the fourth unfolding of the three-participant
imitation game for machine thinking Turing sets out
the new participants as follows:
player A = a digital computer (C);
player B = (hu)man;
player C = human interrogator.
2.2.1 Imitating a Woman
Turing matured the gender discrimination scenario to
an interrogation of a machine that is simultaneously
compared against a human. Turing did not direct that
the part of B, played by a woman in the male-female
scenario, should be played by a man pretending to be
a woman, Hayes and Ford’s interpretation (1995).
Turing had opportunity to be explicit in his work
before his death in 1954 had he intended the machine
and the human both to imitate a woman in the
machine-human comparison. Turing surely did not
shy of scripting on other radical items, such as extra-
sensory perception and telepathy (1950: p. 453).
Genova ignores where, anticipating the objection
of consciousness in the machine (‘Argument 4’ in
section 6: Contrary Views on the Main Question,
1950), Turing referred to a two-participant scenario
dispensing with the hidden male comparator
altogether: “player B omitted” (p. 446) with the
machine undergoing direct questioning by a human
interrogator (Shah, 2013; Shah, 2011). Genova
discounts Turing’s pointer to real-life one-to-one
situations in interviewer/interviewee scenes, “under
the name of viva voce to discover whether someone
really understands something or has learnt it parrot
fashion” (1950: p. 446). Turing’s 1952 BBC radio
discussion shows that he did not exclude women from
acting as the interrogator of the machine ‘witness’ in
his one-to-one test (Shah, 2013).
2.3 Turing & Gender
Genova (1994) states “computing accomplishes the
miracle of creation” (p. 320), viewing the computer
“as the ultimate kind of dynamic technology” (p.
322). Turing’s personal life made it abhorrent for him
to intimately participate in creating another intelligent
being (Shah, 2014; Hodges, 1992), what Genova
refers to as Turing’s “sexual dilemma” (1994: p. 317),
so he conceived an alternative process bringing a
thinking entity into the world, as opposed to the
‘natural one’ (Henry, 2014). Genova concludes “in
Turing’s brave new world, female machines are
absent ... inability to keep his personal life out of his
scientific one” (p. 324). Genova’s desire for female
machines is pertinent, especially in the development
of gendered robots having persuasive power in
human-robot interaction (Siegel, Breazeal & Norton,
2009) and the human disposition to assign a robot as
a ‘he’, for example, in the case of NASA’s robot
astronaut Robonaut (Dattaro, 2015)
Genova’s question of why the female should tell
the truth in the introductory man-woman imitation
game marking “her as an inferior thinker” (1994: p.
319), echoes Lassègue (1996) who sees it as an
absence of strategy, the “odds are weighed too
heavily against the woman” (p. 6). That the man’s
task is to deceive exposes a view that deception
requires being clever in a way that a woman may not
be, or, as Lassègue (1996) put it, to Turing there was
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
a “secret connection between gender and
intelligence” (p. 8).
2.3.1 Female Impersonation
Sterrett (2000) puts forward a test for machine
intelligence that is more American-centric than
anthropocentric. Her illustration involves knowledge
of baseball, an American sport: “Three strikes and
you’re out” (p.85). Sterrett interprets two distinct
formulations in Turing’s imitation game, both focus
on the three-participant test:
i) An ‘original game’ featuring a computer
or a man imitating a woman compared
against a woman, and
ii) The ‘standard test’ involving the
determination of which is a machine and
which is human.
Sterrett does not provide empirical evidence for
the supposition that her two tests yield different
results after examining different competencies: “one
employs a better characterization of intelligence” (p.
79). Sterrett’s coalescence with the “revisionist line
(Piccinini, 2000: p. 112), provides no confirmation
that both man and machine impersonating the fairer
sex while the interrogator questions to find the real
woman, is a better test for intelligence. Dennett
(2004) does not see Turing committing himself to
such a view, that for a machine to think it has to think
“just like a human being – any more than he was
committing himself to the view that for a man to
think, he must think exactly like a woman” (p.270).
Sterrett (2000) advocates female impersonation
asserting that the original imitation game is the
stronger test for machine intelligence. Unlike
Turing’s intention, in Sterrett’s test the man’s
performance is central to the imitation game. Sterrett
justifies her view from an early Turing statement
(1950: p.434):
“what will happen when a machine takes
the part of A [the man] in this game? Will
the interrogator decide wrongly as often
when the game is played like this as he
does when the game is played between a
man and a woman”?
Sterrett suggests the machine’s intelligence can be
measured “by comparing the frequency with which it
succeeds in causing the interrogator to make the
wrong identification [that it is a woman] with the
frequency with which a man does so” (2000: p.83).
Sterrett’s test would have the interrogator kept in the
dark about the real point of the game, i.e., to find the
machine, instead be tasked to uncover the real
woman. However it might occur to a participant,
convened for an experiment involving interrogation,
that a machine might be present in one of the pairs.
Piccinini (2000) points out, “if Turing meant the
interrogator to ignore the real purpose of the game
why didn’t he say so?” (p.113).
Sterrett contrasts the double human-pair original
game with what she refers to as the standard Turing
test - another term for Genova’s species test: pitting a
machine against a hidden human with the interrogator
questioning both to discern the natural from the
artificial. Sterrett compares the interrogator
attempting to distinguish between a man and a
woman, when faced with two pairs of hidden entities
- man-woman / machine-woman with the machine-
human scenario, writing that “one need only pause to
consider the quantitative results each [original game
and standard test] can yield” (2000: p. 83). However
in actual results realised from practical Turing test
experiments, without imitating a woman machines
have been misclassified as human (Shah & Warwick,
forthcoming; Warwick & Shah, 2015; Warwick &
Shah, 2014abc; Shah & Warwick, 2010).
Sterrett asserts the man pretending to be a woman
would have to “critically edit” because he cannot
change his gender enforcing “self-conscious
critiques” of his natural “trained responses”. To
Sterrett, the man’s performance would provide a
human benchmark for the machine that furnishes
“value as a test for intelligence” (2000: p. 90). But
what of individuals like Caitlyn Jenner, once Bruce
Jenner the male athlete who won gold in the 1976
Summer Olympics and now a female modelling for
Vanity Fair’s front cover (2015)? What are natural
trained responses for transgenders?
2.3.2 Self-identity & Stereotypes
Sterrett concedes she is feeding into stereotypes. She
does not clarify how or why impersonating a woman
is a better test for intelligence than responding
satisfactorily to any questions. Sterrett’s test for the
‘best female impersonator’ between a mechanical
transvestite (Hayes & Ford, 1995), and the man
impersonating a woman, could be easier for married
men, Indian Hijras and transgenders. Sterrett
simplifies and reduces gender to the binary and the
confines the interrogation to ‘topics of interest to
women’. This restricts machine development to
systems that simulate a man impersonating a woman.
Gender is more complex than division into socially
acceptable norms of ‘male’ and ‘female’. As Clarey
(2009) points out “humans like categories neat, but
nature is a slob”. Dreger (2010) shows that there
Imitating Gender as a Measure for Artificial Intelligence: - Is It Necessary?
needs to be clarification of the distinction between sex
and gender. Sex is a “conglomeration of anatomical
and physiological features that differ between typical
females and males ... what your body is about”
whereas gender is “who you are ... self identity”. To
Dreger, “gender role refers to your social identity” (p.
22). Hence when something as complex as gender is
so muddled and not clear-cut, Sterrett’s statement
“setting the task of cross gendering one’s responses is
a stroke of genius” (2000: p. 91) is too simple.
Stereotypical views are held by some
interrogators in practical Turing tests: a female
cybernetics undergraduate participating as a human
foil for a machine was misclassified as a male, an
instance of gender blur (see Shah and Warwick,
forthcoming). The assumption is clear: males are
more likely to study certain subjects at university than
females. However, in that same experiment, a human
control duo test embedded among machine-human
pairs, the interrogator wrongly classified the male
human as a female. In other practical Turing tests
Eugene Goostman machine, developed to imitate a
male child, was classified as a human female (Shah
and Warwick, forthcoming), while Elbot virtual robot
bereft of human characteristics was classified as a
male professor (Shah and Warwick, forthcoming;
Shah and Warwick, 2010).
Purtill (1971) felt it might be fun to “program the
[imitation] game and try it on a group of students” (p.
291). The authors have conducted 5-min duration
public Turing test experiments involving male and
female students and non-students, experts and non-
experts (Warwick and Shah, 2015; Warwick and
Shah, 2014abc; Shah et al., 2012; Shah and Warwick,
2010). Interrogators were asked to identify hidden
interlocutors as:
Machine, human or unsure?
If human:
o Male or female?
o Age range: child, teen, adult?
o Native or non-native English
One focus of ongoing analysis, from over 400
practical Turing tests involving more than 80
interrogators and 6 machines, is how often
interrogators assigned hidden interlocutors, human
and machine, as male or female.
Gender no longer plays a central part in Turing’s
test once the digital machine is introduced (1950: p.
446). To strengthen the test, the authors suggest
removing the ‘unsure’ option used in previous
experiments (Warwick and Shah, 2014c) and direct
the tests with the following adapted conditions:
Increasing interrogation period every few
Ask interrogators to classify hidden
interlocutors as either machine, human
male, or human female.
In this way machine progress can be regularly
evaluated advancing artificial conversational
The crux of Turing’s game is the machine’s
intellectual capacity to respond satisfactorily to
unrestricted questions put by male or female
interrogators. The authors oppose the idea that the
machine in a Turing test should imitate a man
pretending to be a woman, because it restricts the
machine-human comparison test to a dependency on
stereotypical female-male views on societal roles.
Nonetheless gender concerns should be incorporated
in the development of AI. More research is needed to
find if embodied carers and companions or virtual
assistants are accepted more as genderless, or with
female or male, including as part of future healthcare.
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