VESPa: A Pattern-based Visual Query Language for Event Sequences
Florian Haag, Robert Kr
uger and Thomas Ertl
Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems, University of Stuttgart, Universit
atsstraße 38, 70569, Stuttgart, Germany
Visual Query Language, Semantic Movement Analysis, Temporal Filtering, Timeline Queries.
Movement data can often be enriched with additional information that enables analysts to ask new questions,
for instance about POIs visited and meetings that imply interactions between persons. Information on spatio-
temporal events such as visits or meetings can be especially valuable for digital forensics, marketing analysis,
and urban planning. Most existing query languages for movement data, however, do not take that additional
information into account. We address this gap by proposing VESPa, a pattern-based graphical query language
to express, check, and refine hypotheses about spatio-temporal event sequences. Using VESPa, the analyst
can sketch abstract assumptions and use the pattern to query the data for matches. The applicability of our
approach is demonstrated in two case studies with different datasets. We also report on a small user study in
which several construction and comprehension tasks were successfully solved in an interactive implementation
of the concept.
Increasing amounts of movement data are collected,
and recording precision is constantly rising. Analyses
of that data can reveal important insights, for exam-
ple, to improve urban planning, transport efficiency,
and digital forensics. While data exploration is an
important task to reveal the unknown, analysts often
have specific questions about the data. Regarding ur-
ban planning tasks, an analyst may be interested in
checking whether a certain suburb is well connected
to the inner city area, or more precisely, if there are
any times of the day when roads are congested and
the daily commute takes particularly long. To improve
sales and quality of service, it is of interest to under-
stand indoor behavior patterns such as the flow of cus-
tomers during their stay in a mall, or visitors explor-
ing different exhibits in a museum. Also, concerning
surveillance tasks, spatio-temporal happenings need
to be verified. Here, especially gatherings are of in-
terest, that is, when several persons meet at a spe-
cific time at a specific place. More abstractly, each
of these examples revolves around a sequence of con-
secutive spatio-temporal events that involve a single
or multiple persons. Figure 1 exemplarily illustrates
data of three persons’ movement paths and the event
sequences therein.
Detecting such situations can be complex, as
multiple conditions like varying timespans, different
places, persons, and orderings of events need to be
Figure 1: A sketch of a movement dataset that stores the
consecutive stays and meetings of various people at specific
locations and time as sequences of events. For instance, the
person in the middle has the event sequence e
and meets the person on top in e
and e
expressed. This is especially true for domain experts
in the aforementioned domains who have no program-
ming or database experience. Visual query notations
can help to hide this complexity under an easier to un-
derstand set of visual items. To the best of our knowl-
edge, none of the existing graphical query notations
for event data (e.g. by Wongsuphasawat et al. (2012)
or Zgraggen et al. (2015)) visualize meetings of mul-
tiple persons at certain points of interest.
To address this gap, we propose a new notation
to visually express such spatio-temporal event se-
quences of one or more persons. Once defined, the
visual event sequence can be used as a graphical
representation of a hypothesized sequence of events.
Likewise, it can be used as a pattern to filter the
data and find any instances of the presumed event
Haag, F., Krüger, R. and Ertl, T.
VESPa: A Pattern-based Visual Query Language for Event Sequences.
DOI: 10.5220/0005716900480059
In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 2: IVAPP, pages 50-61
ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sequence, thereby confirming the hypothesis. Based
on the results, the event sequence pattern can also
be iteratively refined in a verification loop, based on
the sensemaking process by Pirolli and Card (2005).
Our approach is especially helpful for domain ex-
perts of an application field (e.g. urban planning, dig-
ital forensics) who are not familiar with formal text-
based query languages such as SQL. Furthermore,
users who could express their queries in SQL might
still benefit from a visual representation to facilitate
error checking and communication.
After discussing related work in the fields of event
data models, event visualization, and event filtering
in Section 2, we present VESPa, our V
isual Event
Sequence Pattern notation, in Section 3 and justify
our design choices. We demonstrate the usefulness of
VESPA with several pattern examples, two case stud-
ies (Section 5), and a small user study (Section 6),
both using a prototypical implementation (Section 4).
We have looked at various options to represent con-
crete event sequences and to visualize the events
found therein, as well as related spatio-temporal data.
The findings from that literature survey provide a ba-
sis to discuss possible query visualizations for such
event sequences.
2.1 Modeling of Event Data
There are several variations of modeling event-based
data. In basic event logs, events are usually associated
with a timestamp and carry some structured informa-
tion on the event (Makanju et al., 2011; Gaaloul et al.,
2004). In the case of multiple logging sources, that in-
formation can also include a hint about the origin of
the event message (Abela et al., 1999).
For the purpose of representing action sequences
described in texts, a timeline of events can be de-
fined as a series of intervals that are defined by
an action and related resources (Do et al., 2012).
Similarly, events are defined with respect to sensor
data (Atrey et al., 2006; Heydekorn et al., 2011; Kim
and Giunchiglia, 2012), where a timespan can be sup-
plied as an additional attribute (Atrey et al., 2005).
Entries in spatio-temporal event logs can be as-
sociated with timespans and locations (Peuquet and
Duan, 1995). Such entries may include data that im-
plicitly or explicitly points out a connection between
related events (Huang et al., 2008; Jiang et al., 2011).
All of these works do not involve any visualiza-
tion or querying of events, and therefore are not com-
parable to our work. However, we will base our own
model of event data on these works.
2.2 Visualization of Event Data
Temporal event data are frequently visualized in a
timeline, such as by lines expressing states (Plaisant
et al., 1996). These data are commonly split up to
distinguish different persons (Kumar et al., 1998) or
event types (Tao et al., 2012; Heydekorn et al., 2011).
Additional information on single events or on sets
of events can be encoded into the timeline (Krstaji
et al., 2011; Fischer et al., 2012). In some cases, the
lines still conform to a time axis, but are reshaped to
express some information themselves (Havre et al.,
2000; Guo et al., 2014).
When looking at the visualization of spatio-
temporal events in particular, it becomes apparent
that the spatial and the temporal dimensions are of-
ten expressed in separate, but linked views (Fischer
et al., 2012; Marcus et al., 2011). Alternative ap-
proaches use a space-time-cube (Kapler and Wright,
2005; Tominski et al., 2012), or they integrate aggre-
gated spatial data into the temporal visualization (Guo
et al., 2011). Moreover, additional visual elements can
indicate the temporal properties of data shown in a
spatial view (Sun et al., 2014).
Rather than the exact geographical reality, a se-
mantic view on locations (e.g. location names or cat-
egories rather than coordinates) can be extracted from
geographic databases or generated from social net-
works (Parent et al., 2013; Kr
uger et al., 2014). The
link between the geographical locations and the logi-
cal locations can be displayed (Zhu et al., 2013), but
in some cases, the primary interest lies in the seman-
tic locations (Nguyen et al., 2007; Westermann and
Jain, 2007), or they are even the only data available or
cleared for use (Andrienko et al., 2013).
While all of the approaches mentioned above
show event sequences, they do not help to express and
visualize queries on them.
2.3 Filtering of Event Data
A variety of approaches for visually expressing
generic filter queries have been proposed in the
past (Shneiderman, 1994; Seifert, 2011; Soylu et al.,
2013; Russell et al., 2008). There are specialized
query visualizations for spatial data, some using
symbolic representations of geographical relation-
ships (Morris et al., 2004; Wu et al., 2013) and oth-
ers working directly on concrete maps (Kumar et al.,
2013). The symbolic representations lend themselves
to use cases that work with logical locations.
VESPa: A Pattern-based Visual Query Language for Event Sequences
For selectively finding particular pieces of in-
formation in spatio-temporal data, the spatial and
the temporal dimensions are split up in some con-
cepts (Boyandin et al., 2011; Certo et al., 2013;
uger et al., 2013). Also, a graphical notation that
expresses exact relative relationships between loca-
tions or areas and timespans has been proposed (Bon-
homme et al., 1999). The only other visual approach
that we are aware of displays the query restrictions
in a space-time-cube (D’Ulizia et al., 2012). Some
of these concepts can be further abstracted to replace
the geographical association with restrictions based
on logical locations (Certo et al., 2013), and time-
related works provide some further ideas on how to
visually represent certain features required for tem-
poral queries (Monroe et al., 2013).
So far, only few approaches specifically deal with
the visual specification of queries for event sequences,
which could be used for finding particular event
patterns and validating hypotheses about event se-
quences. Those that do only visualize the event se-
quence, but they do not emphasize the query structure
and its restrictions in a visual way other than aligning
sequential states horizontally or vertically (Plaisant
et al., 1996; Gotz and Stavropoulos, 2014; Wong-
suphasawat et al., 2012). Only few concepts repre-
sent series of events to find on a timeline (Fails et al.,
2006), or as nodes with temporal constraints (Dion-
isio and C
ardenas, 1996), rather than just displaying
results in a visual way (Plaisant et al., 1996). Still,
relations between distinct objects are usually not sup-
ported (Zgraggen et al., 2015). When they are, these
are expressed by matching colors in otherwise visu-
ally disjoint elements (Jin and Szekely, 2009).
As opposed to the aforementioned work, we fo-
cused on the graphical representation of event se-
quence patterns of multiple persons. Rather than just
recognizing similar sequences (Plaisant et al., 1996),
we are looking for actual overlaps that allow for an
interaction of persons. Moreover, we want to visually
express the overlaps of event sequences by actual con-
nections rather than just by matching properties such
as node colors (Jin and Szekely, 2009) to make the
connection explicit.
We contribute a new visual notation to represent pat-
terns of event sequences. The notation can be used to
express hypotheses and it can be executed as a data
query, for example, to answer which kinds of loca-
tions people meet at before going to a restaurant to-
gether when evaluating the layout of a shopping mall.
While this sequence of events can still be described
relatively easily, queries can often become more com-
plex: “Find all pairs of persons who travel together
from one place to another place, where they arrive af-
ter 3 PM, after one of them has first visited an arbi-
trary location and then an ice cream parlor, while the
other one has arrived from another location, where he
or she has not met the first person. still describes a
relatively simple sequence of events, yet the text is al-
ready quite long and possibly confusing. Queries of
the same or a higher complexity can also be required,
for instance, in digital forensics, when investigators
try to find out whether people meet after having vis-
ited certain locations that are connected to a crime.
In the above example and the aforementioned lit-
erature (Makanju et al., 2011; Gaaloul et al., 2004),
certain basic components of the query become ap-
parent: There are several distinct persons. These per-
sons stay at different locations, and the time at which
they stayed there is relevant to determine whether the
persons might possibly have met. Therefore, such a
stay can be called an event. Furthermore, the move-
ments of each person between the respective locations
are considered, connecting events to event sequences.
Finally, restrictions can be imposed on the elements
mentioned so far, such as the type of a location, or an
arrival time.
Based upon these components, we have defined a
minimal set of visual elements. These elements can
be connected in a node-link diagram, which we call
Visual Event Sequence Pattern (VESPa). This visual-
ization has two purposes:
1. It can be used to express a hypothesis about the
event sequences of one or more known or un-
known persons.
2. It can be executed as a database query, where
each element from the event sequence pattern is
mapped to a database item.
3.1 Query Elements
With the aforementioned goals and requirements,
VESPa consists of the following elements:
Person Node: A person node as depicted in Fig-
ure 2(a) is a placeholder for a movable subject,
such as a person.
Event Node: An event node, shown in Figure 2(b),
is a single node in an event sequence pattern, like
events found in related work (Fails et al., 2006;
Plaisant et al., 1996; Dionisio and C
1996). In spatio-temporal contexts, it denotes a
stay of one or more persons at a particular loca-
tion and timespan.
IVAPP 2016 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
(a) Two persons, one of
them has some restric-
(b) Two event nodes,
one of them has a re-
(c) A transition. The
central dot provides ac-
cess to a settings UI.
(d) A comparison edge,
configured to require
equal names and differ-
ent dates of arrival.
Figure 2: The basic visual elements used in VESPa.
Transition: A transition unidirectionally connects
two event nodes (Figure 2(c)), comparable to the
TimeSpan bars from PatternFinder (Fails et al.,
2006). It represents how persons move on from
one event node to another.
Restriction Tag: A restriction tag expresses an ab-
solute condition that can be imposed on a person
node or on an event node. Examples are depicted
in Figures 2(a) and 2(b).
Comparison Edge: A comparison edge connects
two person nodes, two event nodes (as shown in
Figure 2(d)), or a person node and an event node,
to enforce a relationship between any of their at-
tributes. For instance, attribute values of two such
nodes can be required to be equal or different. We
have chosen to add this additional representation
of restrictions, as conditions fulfilled with respect
to another node have been considered in related
concepts (Fegeras, 1999; Russell et al., 2008).
Based upon the aforementioned visual query ele-
ments, various compositions are possible. In the fol-
lowing, we will present some advanced compositions
and restrictions by example.
Person nodes are always indicated next to the first
event node in the sequence of the respective person
and connected to it with a thick, semi-transparent line
for clarification. There is only one person node for
each person in the dataset. We chose this design, as
restrictions on persons are globally valid throughout
the whole event sequence. A simple example of a
VESPa query with one person is shown in Figure 3(a).
It shows a person who moves from an arbitrary place
to a place categorized as a restaurant.
Transitions are shown as colored lines. The
color(s) of each transition match(es) the color(s)
(a) A single person
travels to a restaurant.
(b) Two persons travel
to a restaurant together.
(c) Two persons meet after individual events.
(d) Three persons visit three places of the same category.
Figure 3: Various exemplary event sequence patterns.
of the involved persons
. For instance, Figure 3(b)
shows how two persons meet at an arbitrary place and
move on together to a restaurant from there—the ex-
ample from the very beginning of this section.
The arrowhead indicates the direction of each
transition. As event nodes represent locations at a spe-
cific time in spatio-temporal contexts, cycles of tran-
sitions and undirected transitions are disallowed. A
transition may include several legs of a journey, as a
specified number of events to skip can be supplied for
each transition in the pattern.
Based upon these definitions, we can also repre-
sent the complicated pattern described textually in the
beginning of this section, as shown in Figure 3(c). As
an example of how comparison edges can be used,
Figure 3(d) shows a query that finds three persons that
subsequently visit three similar (with respect to their
category attribute) places in the same order.
3.2 Interpretation of Event Nodes
As pointed out above, we chose to define an event
node in a query as a place at a particular time. This
allows us to focus on encounters between several per-
sons, which thus need to coincide both in time and
place. Furthermore, we define that no two event nodes
can refer to stays of persons at the same place and at
overlapping timespans.
For this paper, colors were chosen so as to be distin-
guishable both on colored and greyscale printouts. Concep-
tually, alternative color schemes can be chosen that are spe-
cific to user requirements, for instance, color blindness.
VESPa: A Pattern-based Visual Query Language for Event Sequences
(a) Event sequences of two persons who do not meet each
(b) Two persons meet each other in a restaurant.
(c) Two persons visit the same restaurant, but at different
times (and hence do not meet).
Figure 4: Contrast between persons who visit the same place
at the same time and persons who visit the same place at
different times.
Accordingly, Figure 4(a) shows an event sequence
pattern that represents independent event sequences
of two persons who do not meet. Expressed as shown
in Figure 4(b), the persons meet at a restaurant (the
central node marked with a fork-and-knife-symbol).
In Figure 4(c), both persons visit a particular restau-
rant (in a dataset where each restaurant has a unique
name), but they do not meet. As both depicted restau-
rant event nodes refer to the same restaurant, and no
two event nodes can be mapped to the same location
at the same time, it is implied that the two persons
stayed there at different times.
3.3 Query Semantics
In the following, we define the exact semantics of
VESPa queries. First, we describe the structure of the
queried data, followed by a description of how VESPa
query elements are mapped to result elements.
We assume the small database schema depicted
in Figure 5, essentially a set of persons, each of
which can have linear sequences of events. We have
chosen this schema as its simple structure illustrates
that VESPa does not require a specifically optimized
dataset. Also, we expect the conversion of data from
other schemas to ours to be sufficiently easy.
Formally, a dataset matching the schema from
Figure 5 can be seen as a tuple d Persons
× Events
of three disjoint sets. We are
interested in meetings between persons, but in the
above schema, each event belongs to exactly one per-
Person Sequence
+indexInSequence: int
+start: DateTime
+end: DateTime
+location: String
Figure 5: UML diagram of the database schema assumed for
the data that can be filtered with VESPa. Persons and events
may have additional columns for domain-specific attributes
that can be used in restrictions.
son. Therefore, a pre-processing step is necessary to
replace Events
with Events
—a set of events linked
to one or more persons and part of one or more event
sequences. Each element e
contains a set
.persons Persons
of participants of the event.
contains copies of all events from
, as well as any events describing possible
meetings. Formally, any element of Events
is based
upon a set
of events from the original
dataset. Then,
must satisfy the condition
, ˜e
, ˜e
6= ˜e
( ˜e
.location = ˜e
( ˜e
.start < ˜e
( ˜e
.start < ˜e
A VESPa query q Persons
× Events
can then
be used to filter the dataset d. For each result of the
query, the function
valueOf : Persons
maps abstract person nodes and event nodes from the
query to concrete persons and events from the dataset,
respectively, and no two nodes from the query can be
mapped to the same person or event from the dataset.
Furthermore, the conditions imposed by restrictions
and comparison edges are adhered to.
The mapping of event nodes from Events
to el-
ements of Events
is then defined as follows: Let
be a set of persons from the query that
is bijectively mapped to the elements of a set
. Let e
, e
be two events from
the query that are connected by a transition t
to e
, where t
applies to the elements of
. The
mapping can then determine valueOf(e
) = e
) = e
such that:
and e
equal the first and last, respectively,
in a sequence of events ˙e
, . . . , ˙e
d, ˙n
connected by transitions.
˙n 2 equals the number of intermediate events
that may be skipped by t
IVAPP 2016 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
We have implemented VESPa in a system based on
the Java Swing toolkit. It supports all of the features
described in Section 3, except for comparison edges
between a person and an event node. Also, there is a
hard-coded limitation to six persons.
All VESPa queries depicted in this work are based
on screenshots of the prototype. Therefore, circular
user interface elements for accessing configuration
pop-ups are visible in the center of edges.
In the prototype, we use SQLite for executing the
queries, though other SQL databases could also be
used. For that reason, each event sequence pattern
is translated by the prototype to an equivalent SQL
query. We use the aforementioned schema depicted in
Figure 5, with an additional Person column to directly
retrieve an event owner. The extraction of Events
from Events
as described in Section 3.3 happens on
the fly while executing the query, as precomputing all
mutual events would multiply the data volume. As we
rely on the event index in a sequence, our implemen-
tation cannot recognize consecutive meetings of over-
lapping sets of persons at the same location.
Based on the schema, Listing 1 shows SQL code
equivalent to the small event sequence from Fig-
ure 3(b). Even with such a simple schema, the SQL
statement is inconveniently long and not directly com-
prehensible. The SQL statement might be slightly
shortened by avoiding composite keys in the schema,
but the basic complexity of matching events to find
possible meetings between persons would remain. We
consider this a sign that our visual event sequence pat-
tern constitutes a simplification over the textual spec-
ification of the same query with a formal language.
In the following sections, we describe two scenarios
of application for VESPa using two different datasets.
Based on these, we want to show how the query no-
tation can be applied to actual datasets to find par-
ticular event patterns and retrieve specific informa-
tion. The case studies do not just present hypotheti-
cal possibilities—the described filter operations have
actually been executed in the prototype described in
Section 4, which then also retrieved and displayed
query results mentioned in the case studies.
5.1 Social Event Detection
The first dataset was released as part of the VAST
Challenge 2014 (Visual Analytics Community, 2014).
Listing 1: SQL statement equivalent to the event sequence
pattern from Figure 3(b), based on the schema from Fig-
ure 5: The graphical representation in Figure 3(b) is more
SELECT P1 . id , Ea 1 . s eq u e n c e AS Se q u e nc e1 ,
Ea 1 . i n d ex In S e q ue n c e , Eb 1 . i n d e x I nS e q u e n ce ,
P2 . i d , E a 2 . s e q ue nc e AS S e q u en ce 2 ” ,
Ea 2 . i n d ex In S e q ue n c e , Eb 2 . i n d e x I nS e q u e n c e
FROM P e r s on P1 , P e r s o n P2 ,
Ev e n t Ea 1 , E ven t Ea 2 , E ven t Eb 1 , E v en t Eb 2
WHERE ( P1 . i d <> P2 . i d )
AND ( Ea 1 . s e q u e n c e = Eb 1 . s e q u e nc e )
AND ( Ea 1 . i n d e x I n S e qu e n c e + 1
= Eb 1 . i n d e x I n S e q u e n c e )
AND ( Ea 2 . s e q u e n c e = Eb 2 . s e q u e nc e )
AND ( Ea 2 . i n d e x I n S e qu e n c e + 1
= Eb 2 . i n d e x I n S e q u e n c e )
AND ( Ea 1 . P e r s o n = P1 . i d )
AND ( Ea 2 . P e r s o n = P2 . i d )
AND ( Ea 1 . l o c a t i o n = Ea 2 . l o c a t i o n )
AND ( Ea 1 . s t a r t < Ea 2 . en d
AND E a 2 . s t a r t < Ea 1 . en d )
AND (NOT ( ( E a 1 . l o c a t i o n = Eb 1 . l o c a t i o n )
AND ( Ea 1 . s t a r t < Eb 1 . end )
AND ( Eb 1 . s t a r t < Ea 1 . e nd ) ) )
AND ( Eb 1 . P er s o n = P1 . i d )
AND ( Eb 2 . P er s o n = P2 . i d )
AND ( Eb 1 . l o c a t i o n = Eb 2 . l o c a t i o n )
AND ( Eb 1 . s t a r t < Eb 2 . end
AND Eb 2 . s t a r t < Eb 1 . e nd )
AND ( Eb 1 . ATTR STATE CATEGORY = ” R e s t a u r a n t ” )
Every year, a synthetic dataset is created that covers
various patterns that have to be found using Visual
Analytics approaches. The 2014 challenge concerns
surveillance tasks. In Mini-Challenge 2, the task was
to detect frequent, but also suspicious behaviors of
people in the two weeks leading up to a kidnapping. In
a fictitious city, people work at the company GAStech
and rent cars that get tracked with GPS devices. With
some additional data provided, such as credit card
transactions and points of interest (POIs), we extract
event sequences from the movement between logical
locations as described in Figure 1.
These sequences serve as input data for VESPa,
which we embedded in an analysis system with mul-
tiple linked views (see Figure 7). By means our filter
approach, we are able to formulate and prove various
hypotheses, including meetings of suspicious people,
working patterns outside of business hours, or abnor-
mal sequences of movement destinations.
We have adjusted the set of restrictions and at-
tributes supported by the filter prototype to the data
available in the datasets used. In this case, the avail-
able filters included name, category, employment title
and type, time and date of arrival and departure at
an event node, and the amount of payments, if any.
By exploring the data, we detect fuzzy repetitive rou-
VESPa: A Pattern-based Visual Query Language for Event Sequences
Figure 6: The event sequence pattern finds behavior sequences that fit the expected daily working routine. Most GAStech
employees start their day with a coffee, work at GAStech, have a normal lunch break before working again, and leave no later
than 6:30 PM to go home.
Figure 7: VESPa À is embedded in an interactive visual
analysis system (Kr
uger et al., 2015) that further consists of
a map Á and a temporal sequence view  that shows the se-
quences of all persons (rows) along a horizontal time axis.
The coloring of events is based on the annotated map re-
gions. Here, the analyst filtered for a daily working routine
similar to Figure 6. The temporal view shows the result set.
tines using multiple spatial and temporal views. Obvi-
ously, these are daily working patterns that are mostly
similar, except for some minor temporal differences
and some other outliers (see Figure 8(a)). To create a
hypothesis based on our suspicion, we express these
routines with our filter notation. This visual query is
then executed, which means that SQL query code is
automatically generated from the filter pattern. It is
sent to the database, whereupon any matching event
sequences are retrieved. Step by step, we can refine
our hypothesis by adding various restrictions. For ex-
ample, we define the working day to start at 7 AM at
the earliest and to end no later than 6:30 PM with a
lunch break in between, according to the usual busi-
ness habits of GAStech. Lastly, after an iterative re-
finement, our pattern shows that employees start their
day with a coffee at one out of various restaurants be-
fore they go to work till noon. For lunch, they also
mostly go out, and then work till the early evening.
Then, some of them go home directly, while others
first meet at various bars. The final pattern is depicted
in Figure 6. From this query, we get all daily routines
that exactly fit this pattern (see Figure 8(b)). Accord-
ingly, when we invert the results, we get all sequences
that do not match the pattern (see Figure 8(c)). These
sequences might be interesting to look into. For ex-
ample, there are some people who work outside the
usual working hours, who do not take a lunch break,
or who do not appear at work, but go shopping.
(a) A snippet of unfiltered movement behavior sequences
over three days.
(b) A snippet of filtered sequences
over two days. Here, the pattern
shown in Figure 6 is applied.
(c) Inversion of
results reveals
some anomalies.
Figure 8: A sequence view shows event sequences over
time. The events are colored according to their category:
home in blue, restaurant and caf
es in cyan, business places
in red, and other store types in orange and pink.
In our further analysis, we want to investigate the
behavior of one of these persons in depth. He is a
GAStech CEO (chief executive officer) who arrives
late during the week. Thus, his behavior significantly
differs from that of other employees. After we have
explored the data with various visual tools, we won-
der whether the CEO might be involved in any kinds
of suspicious activities outside of work. We therefore
construct a filter pattern to verify the hypothesis as
follows: First, we create an event node, that we set not
to match the GAStech company building. We then set
the person for this event to be the CEO. Lastly, we add
another person node that is not restricted any further,
either. By doing so, we formulate a query that finds
events during which the executive meets any other
person outside of GAStech (see Figure 9).
As a result we get three main events. Besides
official meetings at the company GAstech on Fri-
day, the CEO also meets three other executives at
the golf course. Furthermore, he meets other employ-
ees for lunch on Saturday and for dinner on Sunday.
While this result does not fully confirm our hypoth-
esis, knowledge about the meetings outside of work
proved helpful for a complete overview of the events
IVAPP 2016 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Figure 9: The event sequence pattern (top) finds events
where the GAStech CEO named Sanjorge meets somebody
else outside the company building of GAStech. The se-
quence view (bottom) visualizes the results, revealing that
the CEO meets people at restaurants (cyan) and at the golf
course (green). The person node representing the CEO has
been configured to use a custom icon to emphasize the re-
striction to one particular person.
leading up to the kidnapping. Our findings match the
official solution of the challenge.
5.2 Transportation Analysis
The second use case is based on a large real-world
dataset (Bracciale et al., 2014) that is retrieved from
CRAWDAD, an online platform for open source data.
Movements of 320 taxis in Rome were recorded in
the course of 30 days at a high resolution. Overall,
the data consists of more than 12,000 trips. Again,
we mapped trip origins and destinations to areas of
interest, such as business-related and historic city
districts. As the dataset is very large, we applied a
semi-automated enrichment approach (Kr
uger et al.,
2014) that extracts POIs (points of interest) from
Foursquare, a social media service. We then manually
reviewed and refined the results. Lastly, we enriched
the trips of the taxis with this information, which re-
sulted in a temporal sequence of POI visits for each
taxi (event sequence) as described in Figure 1. This
data serves as input data for our filter approach.
Exemplarily, we showcase a query to find move-
ments starting at the airport, which is far out of town.
We suspect that taxis are often used to get to the re-
quested destination. The result of this query reveals
that taxis frequently travel to several hotels, located
in the city and the upper north of Rome. We then re-
fine our filter query for sequences from an airport to
hotels only (see Figure 10).
For this scenario, we use an interactive geographic
map that shows the location of the events and the cor-
responding transitions (routes), as can be seen in Fig-
Figure 10: The filter pattern finds sequences starting at any
airport and finishing at any hotel.
ure 11. This reveals that there are various taxi trips to
pick up hotel guests at the International Airport out-
side of the city to drive them to their hotels (see Fig-
ure 11, bottom). Continuing our analysis, we query
the dataset for any tourist activities starting from these
hotels. As suspected, taxis are used to visit common
sights, such as Vatican City and the Colosseum. Fur-
ther queries could investigate taxi usage with respect
to temporal patterns. For example, one might expect
more trips to historic places during weekends.
Figure 11: In an interactive geographic map, the filter results
can be investigated. Here, icons visualize location types.
Movements between locations are drawn in red. The upper
image shows the departure of taxis at the airport. The im-
ages on the bottom show arrivals of taxis at various hotels.
To evaluate comprehension and composition under-
standability of VESPa, we have conducted a small
experiment with five users. Our goal was to find
out whether users can, after a short introduction, ex-
press event sequences with our notation, and whether
they are able to recognize what event sequence pat-
terns assembled by someone else mean. Moreover, we
wanted to gain some insight on possible issues and
improvements for our visual notation, based on user
knowledge about visualization and impressions from
reading and creating event sequence patterns based on
our concept. For that purpose, we prepared six com-
prehension tasks and six composition tasks that make
use of all visual elements.
VESPa: A Pattern-based Visual Query Language for Event Sequences
6.1 Comprehension Tasks
In the six comprehension tasks, participants were pro-
vided with completed event sequence patterns. The
task was to describe in detail what event sequence
patterns are depicted, and what restrictions and other
conditions were expressed. Moreover, participants
were asked to briefly speculate on the nature of the
events that might match each of the event sequence
patterns. Task complexity ranged from very simple
graphs (like the one depicted in Figure 3(a)) to more
complex ones, such as the one shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12: One of the most complex comprehension tasks
from the user study: This event sequence pattern matches
two individuals convening in a park, possibly at night, while
a third person arrives from a police station. One of the two
initial persons joins the third individual to return to the po-
lice station, while the remaining person heads for a trans-
portation place (for instance, a train station or an airport).
6.2 Composition Tasks
For the composition tasks, textual descriptions of six
queries for event sequences were prepared. Partici-
pants were asked to use the interactive prototype to
assemble an appropriate event sequence patterns that
would help to solve each of the textual queries. Again,
the first few queries were quite basic (e.g. “Find all
users who started at a restaurant, traveled to a factory,
and traveled to another restaurant from there.”), while
the last ones were more complex (“Are there any users
that, after starting at different locations, meet at one
location, travel to another location together, and move
on to different places?”).
6.3 Materials and Equipment
All materials for the user study were prepared in Ger-
man, the native language of the participants. We pre-
pared a brief printed description of the general idea
and the graphical elements found in the concept, sim-
ilar to Section 3 in this work. The twelve tasks were
printed on paper, as well. As we wanted to emphasize
and evaluate the intuitive mental transition between
the real-world environment and our event sequence
patterns, we used layman’s terms in the descriptions
and tasks rather than the scientific terminology found
in this paper—for instance, a spatio-temporal event
node became an event at a particular time and place,
and a comparison edge became a comparison line.
The implemented prototype was displayed on a
19” monitor. While there was no written documen-
tation for the user interface, participants had an op-
portunity to get used to the interaction specifics of the
implementation before starting to work on the tasks.
In addition, they were allowed to ask questions con-
cerning the interaction throughout the user study, as
the evaluation focused on the visual notation, not the
context menus or settings dialog boxes of the editor.
6.4 Participants and Procedure
We recruited five participants (four males, one fe-
male), all of whom are researchers from the field of
visualization. Each participant conducted the study
separately, while two of the authors were present to
give directions and note down any responses.
After reading the description of the concept and
familiarizing themselves with the prototype, partici-
pants were first given the sheets with the comprehen-
sion tasks and solved them. Subsequently, the sheet
with the composition tasks was handed out to the par-
ticipants, and they used the implemented prototype to
create solutions. Eventually, participants were asked
for general thoughts and suggestions concerning the
visual concept, as well as for ideas of additional use
cases for VESPa. During this concluding interview,
expected solutions of the completed trials were grad-
ually revealed to the participants, to give them an op-
portunity to reflect on the discrepancies.
6.5 Results
Overall, the performance of the study participants was
very promising—each of them could find a solution
for each question, and all answers were at least par-
tially correct. Out of the total of 60 trials, 42 were
answered correctly—23 comprehension trials and 19
composition tasks—while answers for the others usu-
ally contained only a single mistake related to the
interpretation or the identity of event nodes. For the
additional question about the possible nature of the
events described by the event sequence patterns, the
participants’ understanding matched the core of our
back-story. They merely interpreted minor parts dif-
ferently, e.g., the movement of the third person to the
police station in Figure 12.
Comments were mostly positive; several of the
participants noted that the notation was entirely clear
IVAPP 2016 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
to them once difficulties had been discussed after
completing the trials. Two participants found the visu-
alization “intuitive” and easy to learn. Another partic-
ipant pointed out that achieving an overview with our
event sequence pattern notation was inherently easier
than with any text-based language.
While we had told participants to interpret event
nodes with the same name as referring to the same
location, several of the participants struggled slightly
with this definition, and one explicitly wished for
an identical place connector between event nodes.
In general, participants were quick to identify each
event node with one location, and thus none of
the participants correctly recognized that in one
of the comprehension tasks, two event nodes actu-
ally represented the same location at different (non-
overlapping) times. One participant pointed out that
the category icons displayed in some event nodes to
express categories such as Home or Factory visually
conveyed to her that each event node was equiva-
lent to a place. In turn, some of the participants ne-
glected the necessity to enforce that two event nodes
be mapped to two different locations, when the loca-
tions were explicitly required to be different.
Minor remarks about the graphical representation,
which were partially related to our particular imple-
mentation rather than the concept in general, asked for
an increased thickness of transitions especially when
several persons were involved and a smart position-
ing of restriction boxes. Moreover, a clearer distinc-
tion between transitions and the (equally colored, but
thicker and partially transparent) connector lines be-
tween person nodes and event nodes (cf. for example
Figure 12) was suggested.
6.6 Discussion of Results
The most frequent issue encountered by participants
was the interpretation of an event node as a place at a
specific time. None of them had a definitive idea how
to improve the notation, however, and all agreed that
the definition was logical, just not intuitive at first.
A possible way to mitigate this difficulty is a time-
related symbol on an event node, such as a little clock,
as a visual clue that the event node also has a tempo-
ral aspect. That clock symbol might even be modified
in a domain-specific way to emphasize temporal re-
strictions, if any, such as an absolute start or end time
or a minimum or maximum duration. Another sug-
gestion was related to placing event nodes on some
kind of a timeline, which may work well when the
temporal relationship between two event nodes (be-
fore, after, same time) is known. On the other hand,
this can create additional problems for event nodes
whose relative temporal relationship is unknown (or
irrelevant), or between event nodes with absolute and
relative temporal restrictions.
Two participants were unsure about the notion of
persons meeting one another at the beginning of an
event sequence. They ended up adding one additional
“entry event node” for each person, rather than start-
ing with a mutual event node (cf. Figure 3(b)) right
away. Based on the discussion with the respective
participants, it seems likely that a stronger connec-
tion of person nodes with the event nodes, rather than
just with connected transitions like in our prototype,
might emphasize the idea that the persons “meet”
when they start out at an initial mutual event node.
The answers of one participant in the user study
also revealed the importance of a careful selection of
category names and icons. That particular user gener-
ally interpreted event nodes restricted to locations of
the category Transport as the process of transporta-
tion itself, rather than a location related to transporta-
tion (a train station, an airport, etc.), as the icon in
question showed the vehicles rather than the building.
We have presented VESPa, a visual notation for spec-
ifying patterns of event sequences. With this notation,
ideas about possible event sequences can be visual-
ized in an abstract and concise way. The visualization
can then be used to filter databases of actual event
sequences, to check hypotheses about the events in
such a database, and also to express common patterns
found therein. As opposed to existing approaches,
overlapping event sequences of several persons can
be explicitly expressed in VESPa. Rather than keep-
ing space and time separate like related work, VESPa
uses spatio-temporal event nodes that make queries
for meetings of persons very straightforward.
While our event sequence pattern visualization
seems adequate for expressing certain complex pat-
terns, and was accordingly positively commented on
by participants of our qualitative study. The experi-
ment also revealed some issues that need to be ad-
dressed. The temporal aspects of event nodes needs
to be clarified; future research might also lead to
domain-specific solutions. Possible extensions to the
visual notation include directedness of comparison
edges to support asymmetric relationships between
event nodes or person nodes, and restrictions on tran-
sitions. More importantly, concepts that are currently
not supported, such as repeated or alternative subse-
quences of events, need to be considered.
VESPa: A Pattern-based Visual Query Language for Event Sequences
We have shown the applicability of the concept to
certain spatio-temporal movement information in our
case studies, but we see the potential to use the event
sequence pattern notation in more generic contexts,
some of which were suggested by study participants.
Beside the use case of surveillance and digital foren-
sics, event sequence patterns might also help recog-
nize movement patterns for other purposes such as
marketing analysis, website visitor navigation (where
event nodes could map to single pages), wild ani-
mals in their habitat, or of fictional characters to de-
scribe or find specific scenes in novels or movies. Fur-
thermore, the event sequence patterns might be use-
ful for different kinds of analysis tasks, for instance
gaze patterns found in eye-tracking data, data pack-
ets in network traffic, or cross-thread resource ac-
cess. Lastly, our visual event sequence pattern nota-
tion can be used in a prescriptive way to specify ab-
stract itineraries for time management assistance sys-
tems, which could then be automatically completed
to a concrete itinerary based on transportation sched-
ules, business location information, and calendars of
co-workers or friends.
This work was supported by the graduate program
Digital Media of the University of Stuttgart and the
Stuttgart Media University (HdM) as well as the Hori-
zon 2020 project CIMPLEX, grant no. 641191.
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VESPa: A Pattern-based Visual Query Language for Event Sequences