The Current Situation and Future Trends of Marketplaces for Mobility
Services: Findings From Qualitative Expert Interviews
Michael Strasser
and Sahin Albayrak
Bosch Software Innovations GmbH, Sch¨oneberger Ufer 89, 10785 Berlin, Germany
DAI Laboratory, Technical University of Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin, Germany
Qualitative Interviews, Service Marketplaces, Morphological Analysis, Marketplace Evaluation, Software as
a Service, Empiric Studies.
The number of marketplaces for services in the mobility domain is growing which makes it difficult to assess
these systems according their capabilities, designs and operational approaches. Research has shown that the
current state of the art for the mobility service marketplace domain lacks information about current capabil-
ities as well as future trends. Therefore, qualitative interviews with various experts from the field have been
conducted to obtain up-to date and relevant information about the currently ongoing efforts and achievements
of marketplaces for mobility services. The interviews covered topics like marketplace architecture, functional
capabilities, business relationships, communication and data exchange as well as protocol standardization and
future trends. The paper presents the obtained information, contributes to the current state of the art as well
as illustrates future trends and requirements of service marketplaces. Based upon the obtained information, a
comprehensive Morphological Box has been developed which serves as a design framework and facilitates the
development of future service marketplaces.
Service marketplacesare the trading environmentsfor
all kind of services which provide advantages for cit-
izens, commuters or the city itself. A service mar-
ketplace is the environment which offers capabilities
to register participants, enable them to create service
quotations, to contract and consume services as well
as to do the payment for the B2B service consump-
tion. Services published within a marketplace can
provide access to informationor data refinementfunc-
tionalities. A service marketplace is therefore a piv-
otal point for participants to conduct business and
to exchange all kind of information or functionality
and ushers the interoperability among the participants
(Guo and An, 2014). A disadvantage of today’s ser-
vice marketplaces is that they have a strict domain fo-
cus, like parking
, sharing
or charging
. Even worse,
service marketplaces with the same domain focus ap-
For example: Parkopedia:;
For example: Car2Go:; Multicity: https://; DriveNow: https://de.
For example: Green eMotion: http://www.greenemotion-; CROME:;
ply proprietary protocols (see Section 3.3.1). The dif-
ferences between the available solutions are not all
publicly available. This is just one of the reasons why
the comparison of service marketplace and therefore
the identification of the current state of the art is a
cumbersome task. Problematic is also that multiple
visions but no elaborated big picture for the final im-
plementation of the current domain exists. Lessons
learned are rarely exchanged and incorporated into
just launching projects. The current state of the art
has to be known to proceed with the requirement en-
gineering process for the later service marketplace re-
alizations (Nuseibeh and Easterbrook, 2000).
The paper proceeds as following. Section 2 briefly
introduces the current state of the art. Section 3
presents the conducted qualitative interviews as well
as the derived current state of the art for mobility ser-
vice marketplaces. The section furthermore discusses
the future trends and requirements which have been
particularized by the experts. In Section 4 the elabo-
rated morphological box is presented and discussed.
It serves as a design framework which demonstrates
e-clearing. net:;
Strasser, M. and Albayrak, S.
The Current Situation and Future Trends of Marketplaces for Mobility Services: Findings From Qualitative Expert Interviews.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2016), pages 21-31
ISBN: 978-989-758-184-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
possible solutions and outlines relationshipsas well as
potential contradictions among service marketplaces’
characteristics and properties. The paper ends with a
summary in Section 5 and an outlook on future work
in Section 6.
Service marketplaces are environments where ser-
vice operators (for example infrastructure operators
for charging, parking or sharing capabilities) and re-
spective service consumers can conduct business to
business (B2B) service trades (Grieger, 2003; Al-
brecht et al., 2005; Renna, 2010). At the present
date, various mobility service marketplaces are avail-
able but detailed information about their design, ca-
pabilities and implementation are rare and not easy
to obtain. Due to competition aspects, commercial
solutions do not provide detailed insights into their
operation and design at all. Research projects on the
other hand provide a lot of information but it is dif-
ficult to differentiate between i) what they intend to
achieve, ii) what they tried to achieve and iii) what
they really have achieved and how. Research solu-
tions like CROME (CROME, 2011) and Green eMo-
tion (Green-eMotion, 2011) disappear soon after the
project comes to an end, thus they are unlikely to
attract the attention of business participants. Get-
ting detailed information about the solutions with-
out personal contact is nearly impossible. No mat-
ter what business orientation a marketplace follows,
the lack of information makes their comparison a
difficult and time consuming task. However, infor-
mation is needed by participants to decide whether
a service marketplace satisfies their requirements or
not. Thus prospective participants have to conduct
substantial research to get an overview of available
service marketplaces and their capabilities. Miss-
ing standardization in the connected mobility domain
(Rossbach et al., 2013) regarding protocol and service
description as well as inconsistent wording and types
(Martens et al., 2011) makes the assessment and com-
parison process a complicated task.
3.1 Outline
The work rests upon an empiric research as well as
systemic literature review. The expert interview as
accepted research method is conducted and the qual-
itative approach chosen over the quantitative. This
is because the field of interest is infant and still
a niche, thus acknowledged statistics, numbers and
other quantitative information are limited. The goals
of the interviews were i) to obtain detailed and con-
temporary information, ii) to elaborate a comprehen-
sive knowledge base, iii) to analyze the differences
and similarities of the marketplaces in respect to the
design, capabilities, approaches and implementations,
iv)to deduceadvantages and disadvantagesofthe cur-
rent solutionsas well as v) to elaborate an overviewof
requirementsand potential solution approaches which
actively facilitates marketplace realizations in the fu-
The interviews have been undertaken during July
and August 2015. The interviewed experts who vol-
unteered to participate in the interview are shown in
Table 1. The interviewees have been chosen based on
their experience. They have gained deep knowledge
due to their contribution in various national and inter-
national service provisioning projects. These projects
are all tightly related to service marketplaces, mobil-
ity services, service provisioning and fragmented ser-
vice systems. The set of interviewees is international
and their projects’ are either commercial, research or
a mix of both. This diversityensures a broadoverview
of efforts, achievements and ongoing work which is
put into service marketplaces for mobility services.
3.2 Proceeding and Approach
The questions which were asked have been sent to
the interviewees in advance for preparation issues.
The questions were used as a guideline throughout
the open discussion and were asked when they fit-
ted or when the discussion came to a stop. In addi-
tion, further supporting questions were asked when
applicable. The open discussion allowed to gain a
deep insight into the experts experience. It is believed
that this approach is more efficient and obtain more
and detailed information compared to a pure answer-
response approach. The experts shared information
about their achievements and visions as well as obsta-
cles and problems they have experienced in the rele-
vant projects. The list below briefly summarizes the
major topics which have been discussed with the in-
terviewees to obtain a comprehensive and, even more
important, an up-to-date insight into currently ongo-
ing research and commercial projects. The order of
the listed topics does not reflect the topics priority or
Architecture for interconnectivity
Protocol and template standardization
Contracting approaches
Service and domain diversity
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Table 1: Experts who participated in the qualitative interview.
Sector Sector Roles Actors Interviewees
Economy e-Mobility Startup Gireve Rives, Jean-Marc
Smartlab Hinrichs, Hauke
Schilling, Simon
Conglomerate Siemens AG Dr. Koberg, Hendrik
Consulting Bridging-IT Schuhmann, Detlef
MRK Consulting Keltsch, Thomas
Energy Supplier EnBW Karakoc, Ertan
IT Company Bosch SI Chen, Nigel
H¨orseljau, Till
Weber, Kai
Weiner, Nico
T-Systems Christ, Peter
IBM R&D Fricke, Volker
Politics State Level Departmentof Traffic and Infrastructure(BW) Erdmenger, Christoph
Science R&D University of Applied Science, Ludwigshafen Prof. Dr. Bongard,Stefan
Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) Dr. Rittershaus, Lutz
Flemish Institute for Technological Research
Mol, Carlo
Society R&D eMO (Berlin Agency for Electric Mobility) Eisele, Johannes
Data security and privacy
Legal regulations
The interview was conducted as follows:
It started that the experts introduced themselves and
then moved on with their vision about future mobility
and connected mobility. The open discussion moved
towards the issue of interconnectivitybetween service
marketplaces and what architecture might be feasible
for achieving that goal. Network architectures, e.g.
client-server or peer-to-peer based approaches have
been considered and their advantages and disadvan-
tages discussed. The Good e-Roaming Practice guide
(Christ et al., 2015) was used as a foundation for the
discussion. The interview lead over to service con-
tracting approachesto establish relationships between
two participants but also between different market-
places in an ad-hoc fashion via automated contract-
ing. Furthermore, topics like service descriptions,
condition negotiation and payment have been well re-
viewed and possible legal regulations discussed. An
importantpart of the interview was the question of do-
main specific protocols, protocol standardization and
protocol adaptation. Another point of interest was the
involvedroles and their relationshipsand responsibili-
ties in the service marketplace scenario. An additional
discussed topic was what kind of services should be
offered via a service marketplace and which should be
offered by the participants and which by the market-
place itself. The interview concluded with the ques-
tions about what are the reasons for the little achieve-
ments and why do organization and companies hesi-
tate to invest.
The gained information is unique and beyond
comparison because it is unbiased and unadorned.
The qualitative interview approach in combination
with the guaranteed anonymity created a trustee en-
vironment. The interviewees were encouraged to talk
about their personal experience, opinions and visions
of mobility services and service marketplaces rather
than reflecting project disseminations.
3.3 Observation and Findings
The results presented in this section have beenderived
from the qualitative expert interviews but have been
summarized appropriately. If appropriate, the results
are enriched with existing literature.
3.3.1 Current Marketplace Situation
The experts observe that the number of service
marketplaces for mobility services increases con-
tentiously. A marketplace is recognized as the central
service provisioning entity to trade services among
providers and consumers. However, the experts point
out that current solutions operate in isolation even
though there is a general agreement that interconnec-
tivity between the marketplaces is a key requirement.
The interviews also showed that almost all currently
The Current Situation and Future Trends of Marketplaces for Mobility Services: Findings From Qualitative Expert Interviews
available marketplace solutions focus on one particu-
lar service domain only. This implies that the market-
places are closed systems and prevent prospective par-
ticipants to register in case they do not suit the mar-
ketplaces’ target domain. This limits the possibilities
for new business models which may influence partici-
pants in their decisions whether to join a marketplace
or not. However, the number of providers which offer
the same services is not limited. Another point which
concernsthe experts is that present solutions use most
of the time proprietary protocols
. Due to these pro-
prietary protocols, even the marketplaces which focus
on the same mobility domain
differ in their wording,
functionality and scope. The difference in the pro-
tocols is just one of the experts’ emphasized obstacle
which prospectiveparticipantscomeacross duringthe
connection process.
One expert refers that there is slight movement
towards a standard in the charging domain but it is
still a long way to go. This is kind of contradict-
ing with Grathwohl (Grathwohl, 2015) who has al-
ready referred to a charging standard promoted by
Hubject and A controversial opinion
among the experts exists whether a trend for a stan-
dardized protocol in the parking and sharing domain
exists or not. The experts have a coherent opinion
about standards in mobility domain when they agree
that there will be a standard for each mobility domain
alike the mobile phone, credit card or ticketing stan-
dard. The ultimate but open question is, according to
the experts, whether the standard will be defined due
to general acceptance or due to legal regulations.
The interviews have shown that no common con-
cept exist which manages how the participants es-
tablish business relationships among each other. A
business relationship is required to represent the par-
ticipant’s agreement to conduct business with each
other. The relationship establishment should follow
the paradigm and actions known from other B2B
. According to the experts, currently
two closing approaches for service marketplaces ex-
ist. The first approach requires that each participant,
without exception, has to establish a business relation-
ship with all other participants. This approach is sim-
ilar to a fully-meshed network and requires a lot of
effort from the participants. This enforcement and the
For example: Hubject: Open InterCharge Protocol
(OICP), Open Clearing House Proto-
col (OCHP), Bosch: Open Mobility Neutral Interface
(OMNI), Gireve: Electric Mobility Interface Protocol
For example: Charging, Parking or Sharing
Relationship establishment is discussed by (Goldkuhl,
1998; Strasser, 2015).
required effort might chase away (prospective) par-
ticipants. The second approach applies an individ-
ually relationship establishment where participants
close contracts in respect to suitable service quota-
tions. Both approaches rely upon a pre-negotiated
paper contract which specifies the terms and condi-
tions of the service usage and the business relation-
ship. Two experts emphasize that the paper contract
is, in theory, not longer needed and a digital represen-
tation could replace it. One expert points out that a
digital contract would have a legal binding and thus
would represent an approved business relationship.
According to the interviewees, every business re-
lationship is established either due to a suitable ser-
vice offer or service search quotation. An offer quo-
tation describes the functionality (effect) of the pro-
vided services along with its price, availability and
other supportive information. A search quotation de-
scribes what functionalities are requested and to what
condition it should be offered to become accepted.
The experts recognize the need for a standardized ser-
vice quotation structure and wording. The obstacle of
ambiguous service descriptions is also recognized in
the literature (Martens et al., 2011). Without a stan-
dard, the comparison and interpretation of quotations
is difficult for human and even more for machines. It
is emphasized that certain marketplaces allow to cre-
ate different service offer quotations for the same ser-
The experts point out that Service Level Agree-
ments (SLAs), if they exist at all, experience little no-
tice in research projects. There is uncertainty about
which SLAs should be specified by the marketplace
and which by the participants. Even though SLAs
are important, one interviewee argues that SLAs for
marketplaces are considered far too important. He
particularly emphasizes that the unpleasant factor ac-
cording to availability is the underlying mobility in-
frastructure rather than the service marketplace. For
commercial service marketplaces sophisticated SLAs
have to be in place.
Another uncertainty exists about how to handle
terms and conditions and how to realize clearing
(billing) between business partners and across mar-
ketplace boundaries. These issues become even more
complicated when service requests are roamed be-
tween marketplaces which have a different domain
orientation. Gagnol et al. (Gagnol et al., 2013) say
that a payment functionality has been implemented in
the CROME project
. However, CROME realized the
business to customer (B2C) clearing rather than the
B2B. The latter is deemedto be morecomplicated and
is not yet implemented at all. The interviews showed
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
that concepts about i) how to use foreign services, ii)
how to establish a business relationship between un-
known business parties in respect to contracts and ser-
vice delivery, iii) how to do clearing across market-
places and iv) how to establish a connection to other
marketplaces are not yet elaborated in detail and thus
have not been implemented.
Research has proven that achievements for mobil-
ity service marketplaces are low compared to other
sectors like banking, telecommunication or ship-
ping. These sectors combine services from different
providers which is exactly what connected mobility
also requires. Nearly all experts argue that this situ-
ation is due to the missing mass market for mobility
services. They claim that the young market requires
time to develop properly. The currentsituation is sim-
ilar to a death spiral: Without a mass market the re-
quirements are uncertain and uncertainty leads to low
investments. This reduces the effort put into the de-
velopment of new functionalities and services. This
chases away potentialend-customerswhich abates the
market’s growth straight from the very beginning.
Nevertheless, the experts forecast a change in peo-
ple’s individual mobility. The transportation mean
will not be of importance anymore. The importance
in future for individual mobility is i) how to get to
the destination (using different transportation types),
ii) be there on time, iii) having as little trouble as
possible and iv) with acceptable costs. Using differ-
ent means of transportation to complete a journey is
called intermodality. Nobis (Nobis, 2014) considers
intermodality as a potential trend towards sustainable
individual transportation. Intermodality can only be
achieved once the different mobility services are con-
nected with each other and service marketplaces are
predestined to establish this connectivity.
3.3.2 Future Trends and Requirements
The interviewed experts did not only discuss the cur-
rent state of the art of service marketplaces in the mo-
bility domain but also went into detail regarding fu-
ture service marketplace realizations. Insights into
ongoing efforts have been presented as well as their
personal opinions about future capabilities and re-
quirements discussed. The qualitative answers have
been gathered, compared, if applicable merged and
then transformed into a quantitative representation.
The quantitative results are presented in Figure 1.
The legend on top of Figure 1 shows the num-
ber of experts who have actually discussed a partic-
ular topic. The topics are presented on the left and
groupedinto fourcategories, namelyStandardization,
Centralization, Capabilities and Miscellaneous. The
categories arrangementserves only a good illustration
rather than any particular prioritization. The experts
did either agree or disagree upon a discussed topic.
If they did not completely agree or disagree their an-
swers have been ranked as conditional. Table 2 pro-
vides a brief summary of the numbers presented in
Figure 1. Only those topics are presented which have
been discussed by at least three experts to ensure the
incorporation of all three agreement level.
These interviewees who responded to intercon-
nectivity between service marketplaces agree uncon-
ditionally that it is necessary to connect service mar-
ketplaces. They furthermore agreethat the connection
should rely on a standardized protocol as well as the
elaboration of such a protocol is possible. Regarding
the marketplaces’ interconnectivity, only two-third of
the experts believe that it will be achieved by applying
a central architecture approach where every market-
place has only one single connection to a central man-
agement entity. This architecture is similar to the star-
topology in networks. The remaining third of the ex-
perts suppose that the marketplaces are either directly
connected to each other alike a full-mesh-topology or
that a mix of both approaches prevails. This state-
ment is contradicting because these experts have al-
ready agreed that a central marketplaceis necessary to
avoid multiple connections between service providers
and consumers. But for the higher level (marketplace
interconnectivity) they think that the fully connected
approach is more feasible or that it should be realized
first and then modified towards the central approach.
The minority of experts is convinced that the Eu-
ropean Union or any government will soon pass a
bill to regulate the marketplaces’ development. Only
two experts believe that the costs for transactions or
roaming, the protocol to be used and the connecting
to the marketplace itself should be regulated some-
how. Three experts claim that no regulations should
act upon the young domain. Three other respondents
point out that regulations will take place if i) the over-
all progress of the mobility domain is too slow, ii) the
competition among the marketplace operators is on
the end-customers’ expense or iii) the end-customers
face too many difficulties while using connected mo-
bility services.
Unlike the full approval for the standardized mar-
ketplace to marketplace protocol, only 93% of the re-
spondents think that a standardized protocol for each
service domain is possible. A majority of 84% of
the experts argue that a semantic approach for ser-
vice descriptions is too complicated to realize. It
would require to much effort - either from the par-
ticipants or the marketplaces. One interviewee em-
phasizes that semantic requires, for being even able
to develop a common domain language model, a lot
The Current Situation and Future Trends of Marketplaces for Mobility Services: Findings From Qualitative Expert Interviews
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Agree Disagree Conditional
Standardized MP protocol
Templates provisioning
Domain standards
Semantic to costly
MP interoperability
Central oriented architecture
MP operates over regional
Cost regulations
Automated contracting
Connection regulation
MP service diversity
Attractive participation advantages
MP domain diversity
MP interface diversity
Security approaches
Marketplace SLAs
Little MP connection obstacles
MP supports horizontal services
Intelligent data exchange
Different contract approach
MP requires attractive functions
MP provides own services
MP defines service SLAs
MP hosts services
Participant validations
Service clearing
MP provides protocol adaption
MP stores end
customer data
Not a mass market
No end
customer interference
Neutral MP operator
Number responding experts:
Figure 1: Future Trends and Requirements of Service Marketplaces (MP).
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Table 2: Interview Results in Numbers.
Category Topic proportion Avg. number of experts
responding per Topic
Agree-Disagree-Conditional ratio
Standardization 12.5 % 15.25 57 \1 \2
Centralization 21.87 % 10.00 55 \4 \11
Capabilities 56.25 % 10.61 171 \8 \8
Miscellaneous 9.37 % 5.67 16 \0 \1
of knowledge about the existing objects and charac-
teristics. He emphasizes that this knowledge is still
missing. Semantic would probably lead to a situa-
tion where service descriptions are rather different to
each other than similar. Overall, semantic is generally
deemed as a obstacle for the success of service mar-
ketplaces, even in the mid-term future. The remaining
16% of the experts share these concerns but empha-
size that in the future, once semantic moves from the
academic to the commercial usage, semantic service
descriptions enable software agents to discover, to ag-
gregate and to invoke services automatically. And
all this without further human interactions. Alterna-
tively, service templates for service descriptions gain
full encouragement. The marketplace should define
the structure and the wording to ensure overallquality.
Templates simplify and accelerate the service quota-
tion creation as well as the service quotation eval-
uation process, for human and machines. The dis-
cussed topics in the capabilities section experience
most of the time a general agreement. The experts’
majority point out that the marketplace itself should
have sophisticated SLAs. However, the definition of
the SLAs for the published services is a controver-
sial topic. Only 61% of the experts support the idea
that a marketplace should define the minimum SLAs
to which the participants’ services have to comply to.
The remaining 39% believe that the service providers
should define the SLAs for their services. The reason
for this clash is that the given minimum SLAs would
prevent the offering of expensive services with high
SLAs and cheap services with low SLAs. The pro-
ponents of cheap and expensive services argue that
the SLAs are exposed in the service quotation where
the service is described in detail. This would imply
that the SLAs have to be mandatory in the descrip-
tion which in turn favors the approach of applying
precisely defined templates. The opponents, however,
point out that low quality services have a negative im-
pact on the marketplace’s reputation. A bad reputa-
tion might influence the decision of prospective par-
ticipants whether to join a marketplace or not. An-
other issue which the experts minority deliberate is
that the marketplace itself should adjust its SLAs ac-
cording to the service with the highest defined SLAs.
This means that the marketplaces’ SLAs have to be at
least as high as the highest service SLA.
The experts agree that a service marketplace
should be able to handle different services from dif-
ferent mobility or mobility related domains. They
also support horizontal services like clearing service
(considered necessary by 100% of the respondents),
service refinement or protocol adaptation (full agree-
ment). Furthermore do the respondents agree that
the registration has to have a certain validation. 90%
of the experts who answered think that the market-
place itself should provide supporting services too
(e.g. B2B clearing, monitoring or service hosting).
In contrast, 10% of the respondents are convinced
that service offerings by the marketplace might inter-
fere with the participants’ business and thus should
be avoided. Service hosting is a capability which six
out of elf experts consider as a supportive capability.
Two other experts suggest that service marketplaces
should not host services as it increases their complex-
ity. The two leftover experts point out that it might be
a benefit for small service providers but not an option
for bigger service providers.
The respondents agree that service diversity, stan-
dardized protocols, access to many potential busi-
ness partners, a sophisticated security concept, vari-
ous supportive capabilities as well as a simple, fast
and effortless connection process increases the mar-
ketplace’s attractiveness and competitive opportuni-
ties. Even though all experts agree that data secu-
rity and end-customer privacyis importantfor all kind
of service marketplaces, only 72% have specific sug-
gestions about how the marketplaces should handle
it. Some interviewees claim that security starts with
the transportation layer, thus the communication has
to be encrypted. Other experts recommend that the
transmitted content needs to be encrypted too. To en-
sure confidentiality, it is proposedto maintain a Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI). The certificates can support
the differentiation of public and private (user-driven)
data access via various interfaces. Common fears in
respect to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, power in-
terruption and storage failureare mentioned alike data
confidentiality, integrity and confidentially.
Regarding privacy, the experts emphasize that the
The Current Situation and Future Trends of Marketplaces for Mobility Services: Findings From Qualitative Expert Interviews
service marketplace should not store end-customer
data nor maintain an active relationship with end-
customers. The latter statement harmonizes with
Pfeiffer andBach (Pfeiffer and Bach, 2014)who point
out that the end-customer remains with the service
consumer. This implies that the marketplace pro-
cesses end-customer requests only via anonymous
identifiers. Two experts point out that if it is necessary
to process personaldata the principleof data economy
has to be applied. Adapting the security level in accor-
dance to the specific data is recommended by two in-
terview partners which they assume a better approach
than applying the highest security level at any time.
The latter might turn away prospective or already reg-
istered participants. The former decreases the effort,
the investments as well as the obstacles and possible
inconvenienceswhich come with security and privacy
Only 50% of all interviewed experts share their
personal opinionabout the possible reasons for the sill
low achievements in connected mobility services and
mobility service marketplaces. However, those who
respond identify without exception the missing mass
market as the major constraint. The missing mass
market, as a logical consequent, has an impact on fur-
ther investments. One expert additionally identifies
the missing collaboration among the marketplace op-
erators as another obstacle for further achievements.
Due to the market situation and the uncertainty about
how the market will develop, it is feasible to as-
sume that marketplace operators try to establish them-
selves on the market first before they start to collab-
orate. Another respondent disagrees and points out
that competitive operators are already in contact with
each other. What kind of data and how much data is
shared is not said. Whatever statement is true, it is
general assumed that as soon as the demand for mo-
bility services increases, the investments will increase
too. And then there will be a tangible progress.
A remaining topic is who operates a service mar-
ketplace or the interconnected marketplace ecosys-
tem. Only four experts, which corresponds to a rate
of 22%, had an answer to this topic. Three of them
suggest that a neutral operator like a city, a company,
an organization or a consortium should run it. They
point out that a marketplace should be free of discrim-
ination and therefore the operator should not provide
services that are in conflict with those of the partic-
ipants. The remaining expert thinks that the biggest
participant should be in charge for the operation. The
disadvantage of this is that it empowers this particular
participant to enforce its own interests on the expense
of the other participants. Therefore the marketplace is
no longer free of discrimination and conflicts of inter-
est may occur. Based on the number of responses in
addition with the controversial suggestions, one can
conclude that the marketplace operation is a difficult
topic which needs a closer consideration.
To analyze the complex field of service market-
places with all its interrelated characteristics and po-
tential contradictions, a morphological analysis has
been conducted which follows Zwicky’s morpholog-
ical analysis
. The morphology of service market-
places is derived from the data deduced from the in-
terviews. It illustrates major characteristics of service
marketplaces which have to be considered while de-
signing new service marketplaces, not only for mo-
bility services. These characteristics, along with pos-
sible properties, have a significant influence on the
marketplace’s final implementation. The chosen im-
plementation approach affects the practicability of a
service marketplace and thus its acceptance. The lat-
ter consequently has an impact on its success on the
Based on the applied morphological analysis a
morphological box is developed. Morphological
boxes help to generate new ideas (Aurich et al., 2010)
because they facilitate the identification process of
possible relationships between the characteristics and
properties of the considered problem domain. It fur-
thermore supports the detection of potential contra-
dictions among them. The morphological box en-
ables to set the dimensionsagainst eachother to create
unique states of the system. Each of these possible
states can be a representation of a new marketplace
solution. The finally elaborated morphological box is
a two dimensional matrix and is shown in Figure 2.
The left outer side presents the leading characteristics
of a marketplace while the corresponding properties
are organized in the dimension on the right side. To
mark out a particular state, only one propertyper char-
acteristic can be selected.
The presented characteristics and properties are in
alignment with the topics presented in Figure 1. Some
topics have been consolidated and are represented in
the cells by a single entry. The following description
explains exemplary how the Morphological Box has
to be read and understood. The chosen properties in
the description represent the experts’ expectations on
future marketplace solutions.
Further information provided by (Ritchey, 1998).
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Ownership Public Private Consortium Community
Type of business
charging sharing parking miscellaneous
Service categories horizontal vertical miscellaneous
Domain focus specialized diverse diverse but with focus
client - server miscellaneous
closed half-open open open-managed
s none 1 to 1 1 to many many to many
Participants service provider service consumer
service aggregator
Number of participants one more than one
not applicable online online with basic
offline offline with extensive
Internal connectivity not applicable pair-wired broker system on-demand
Communication protocol proprietary own default de-facto standard standard harmonized
Domain protocol not available adaptation own default de-facto standard standard harmonized
Service Level Agreements
not available participant driven own level is minimum
for all participant services
is own minimum
Contracting not available short term long term one-time usage
Service condition type not available partner specific
Service descriptions free text keywords template for parameters and
Interfaces categories public private role dependent miscellaneous
Interface type maschine human miscellaneous
Interfaces puropse informative particular miscellaneous
not available participant driven own driven miscellaneous
Service hosting not available internally hosted externally hosted miscellaneous
Data configuration not available basic participant data service quotations complete
not available pair-wired central managed decentral managed on-demand
own default adaptation de-factor standard standard harmonized
Support not available technical business different support levels
Security not available encrypted
encrypted communication
and content
and roles
security depends on
not applicable data set stored
not applicable sometimes exchanged frequently exchanged
Data accuracy not applicable lists sometimes
lists frequently exchanged
real time
Figure 2: Morphological box: characteristics of service marketplaces.
The first characteristic in the box is about the
marketplace’s Ownership, thus asks who operates the
marketplace. Possible values (properties) are that it is
operated by, for example, a city (public), the biggest
participant or a company (private), that it is a mix of
the former two (consortium) or by a group of indi-
viduals with the same interests who volunteer to con-
tribute (community). This question is not yet solved
properly. On the other side, the discussion about the
marketplace’s business orientation (Type of business)
concluded that the marketplace should not be in con-
tact with end-customers. Thus the selected property
for the business type is B2B. As the experts empha-
sized, marketplaces should not focus on particular ser-
vices and therefore the property for the Business fo-
cus is miscellaneous. Service diversity is considered
as necessary and thus miscellaneous is selected for
the Service categories. On the other side, diversity
should not lead to uncontrolled service publishing.
Thus the Domain focus is diverse but with focus. This
means that the services have to have a focus on mo-
bility or represent a benefit for the entire marketplace.
The marketplaces should be open systems and there-
fore should not discriminate prospective participants.
However, the interviewees pointed out that some kind
of validation has to be in place to identify a prospec-
tive participant’s seriousness and willingness to con-
duct business. Thus the open-managed property is in
favor for the Openness characteristic. Even though
most marketplaces use a proprietary protocol, the ex-
perts forecast that a standard protocol is always the
first choice. This property is thus selected for the in-
ternal Domain protocol but also for the External pro-
tocol. The latter is the protocolfor the communication
between service marketplaces.
The MorphologicalBox is elaboratedbased on the
interviews’ output. Even though the interviews yield
upon service marketplaces for the mobility service
domain, the characteristics and properties presented
in Figure 2 are of such generic nature that they are
applicable, to certain extend, for all kind of service
marketplaces. According to Stryja et al. (Stryja et al.,
2015), a Morphological Box facilitates the identifi-
cation of possible contradictions in the values of the
property dimension. Once the characteristics and the
correspondingpropertiesare known thecomplexity of
The Current Situation and Future Trends of Marketplaces for Mobility Services: Findings From Qualitative Expert Interviews
the marketplace’s design is reduced. The Morpholog-
ical Box does not claim to be complete, but serves as a
design framework for service marketplaces which can
be developed further in respect to the characteristics
and properties.
The authors identified the lack of information about
the currently ongoing efforts and achievements for
service marketplaces in the mobility domain. There-
fore, comprehensive interviews with experts from the
particular field have been undertaken. The experts’
opinions have been gathered which enabled the au-
thors to propound the current state of the art for ser-
vice marketplaces in the mobility domain. The in-
terviews have unambiguously shown that current ser-
vice marketplaces suffer various gaps and limitations
regarding their implementation and functional capa-
bilities. Due to the comprehensive interviews, the au-
thors also presented the identified future trends and
requirements for service marketplaces. The experts
believe that these factors have to be incorporated into
future realizations. Additionally, these factors have
been transferred into a qualitative overview which
simplifies the evaluation process. Based on the result-
ing overview it can be concluded that certain topics
experience high attention while others are not really
on the experts’ agenda. Therefore, this overview re-
flects the current situation for mobility service mar-
ketplaces solutions - they are complex and differ in
their design, approach, implementation, orientation
and scope. Based onthe findings a morphologicalbox
has been elaborated which presents the characteristics
and properties of service marketplaces. This box is
the first which depicts the complexity of the partially
contradicting objects that constitute a service market-
place. The box incorporates the findings from the
interviews and provides a design framework which
facilitates the development of future service market-
Even if the design of future marketplaces has consid-
ered the elaborated Morphological Box, its final im-
plementations can still differ. The differences in the
solutions provide difficulties when assessing a mar-
ketplace’s maturity. It is even more difficult to as-
sess and evaluate the marketplaces against each other.
Therefore, the next research step will be the defini-
tion of an ideal service marketplace based upon the
experts’ requirements and suggested solutions. This
ideal marketplace will be used as a reference system
on which a maturity model will be developed. This
model will facilitate the assessment of the maturity
level of service marketplaces.
This work has been conducted within a project (sup-
port code 16SBB007C) funded by the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Economics and Technology.
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The Current Situation and Future Trends of Marketplaces for Mobility Services: Findings From Qualitative Expert Interviews