Reminiscence of People with Dementia Mediated by a Tangible
Multimedia Book
Alina Huldtgren
, Fabian Mertl
, Anja Vormann
and Christian Geiger
Department of Media, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, Josef-Gockeln-Str. 9, Düsseldorf, Germany
Department of Design, University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, Josef-Gockeln-Str. 9, Düsseldorf, Germany
School of Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Keywords: Reminiscence Therapy, Dementia, Tangible User Interfaces.
Abstract: With the growing senior population the number of people with dementia is rising rapidly. Besides –
currently limited– pharmaceutical treatments, psychosocial interventions play a major role in ensuring the
life quality for people with dementia. Among these is reminiscence therapy, which helps people to
remember episodes of their past life and maintain their identity, while the disease progresses. The research
presented in this paper explores the role of a tangible multimedia artifact to support reminiscence sessions.
We describe the development of an interactive book that was tested in a care home with people with
dementia and caregivers. We present findings on the interaction with the book, its potential to mediate
reminiscence and communication, and on the perspective of caregivers using the book in the sessions.
Due to the demographic changes and associated
population aging, the number of people suffering
from dementia is rapidly increasing
(Alzheimers.Net). Dementia is a condition commonly
associated with memory decline, however, the disease
also impacts other cognitive functions such as speech,
decision making, reasoning, or learning, thereby
making it more and more difficult for people with
dementia to engage in meaningful and social
activities. This in turn impacts their self-confidence
and quality of life (Wood et al., 2009).
Caregivers, on the other hand, often suffer from
stress and frustration, when caring for people with
dementia. Especially in more advanced stages of the
disease challenging behaviors such as apathy or
aggression impact the social interaction (Van der
Linde et al., 2012) and stimulating a conversation can
be very difficult. Until now pharmaceutical
interventions are rather limited. “Currently, five drugs
have been approved by the FDA for use in AD […].
These five drugs are supportive or palliative rather
than curative or disease-modifying therapies, and
they do not appear to alter the final outcome of the
disease.”(Casey et al., 2010) Therefore, psychosocial
interventions have gained in importance over the last
years. These include, e.g., memory training, reality
orientation and reminiscence therapy. Especially the
latter is considered a promising intervention for
people with dementia to improve mood, cognition,
and behavior (Woods et al., 1992). Furthermore,
reminiscence can increase interpersonal
communication (Kasl-Godley et al., 2000).
In our work we were interested in which way
advanced user interfaces and media technologies
could play a supporting role. We hypothesized that
the new opportunities that come with embedding
sensors and microcontrollers into everyday artifacts,
allow for the design of tangible interfaces in
combination with multimedia to be used by people
with dementia with little technological skills and
caregivers to stimulate reminiscence and
communication. In particular, haptics, images, audio,
and possibly other modalities like smell seem to offer
ways to stimulate affective memories.
In our research program, researchers and
designers from four disciplines (Media Technologies,
Design, Electrical Engineering and Social Sciences)
collaborate on socio-technical solutions for people
with dementia. Our research aims at empowering
people with dementia, on the one hand, through
active integration in the design processes of new care
technologies, and, on the other, by designing
solutions adapted to their needs and abilities. In the
following, we describe our work following a
research-through-design approach. In particular, we
Huldtgren, A., Mertl, F., Vormann, A. and Geiger, C.
Reminiscence of People with Dementia Mediated by a Tangible Multimedia Book.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2016), pages 191-201
ISBN: 978-989-758-180-9
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
describe the design of an interactive book that was
used in several field studies with people with
dementia of different degrees and their caregivers.
We provide insights derived from a field study into
how tangible user interfaces can support reminiscence
and communication between a caregiver and a person
with dementia and considerations to be taken into
2.1 Reminscence Therapy
Researchers investigating dementia, especially those
following a person-centered perspective (Kitwood &
Bredin, 1992), believe that “the symptoms [e.g.
depression and fears] and behaviours [e.g. unrest,
aggression, wandering] of demented individuals are
not solely a manifestation of the underlying disease
process, but also reflect the social and environmental
context, as well as the demented individual’s
perceptions and reactions. Psychosocial interventions
can address these factors.” (Kasl-Godley et al., 2000).
Psychosocial interventions are even more important
in light of the limited success of pharmaceutical
interventions for dementia. Kasl-Godley and Gatz
reviewed the six main psychosocial interventions for
people with dementia: psychodynamic approaches,
reminiscence and life review therapy, support groups,
reality orientation, memory training and
cognitive/behavioral approaches. Each intervention
targets particular factors and addresses different
goals. For instance, while psychodynamic approaches
are helpful for gaining insight in the intra-psychic
experiences of the individual, reminiscence and life
review help with creating interpersonal connections.
Behavioral approaches as well as memory training,
on the other hand, are less concerned with the
subjective experiences, but target specific cognitive
deficits. Generally, it is recommended to involve
others in these interventions in order to “increase
social contact, interpersonal communication and
psychological health” (Kasl-Godley et al., 2000).
As dementia progresses individuals experience
memory loss, disorientation and in later stages a loss
of their sense of self. As such, it becomes
increasingly difficult for them to engage in
meaningful activities, although this is of high
importance for their quality of life (Wood et al.,
2009). „It is argued that reminiscence may be
particularly important for demented individuals’
psychological health given that the progressive
deteriorating nature of the disease erodes the ability
to achieve present successes and makes individuals
increasingly dependent on past accomplishments for a
sense of competency“ (Kasl-Godley et al., 2000).
Since remote memory is usually spared for large parts
of the dementia process, people are often able to
recall events from the past. Furthermore, abilities like
sensory awareness (response to stimuli like visual,
audio and tactile), musical responsiveness and
emotional memory (ability to experience rich
emotions) are thought to persist in dementia (Lawton
et al., 2000), making reminiscence through audio-
visual and tactile media possible. Even while
processing memories may be compromised due to the
brain damage, reminiscence can still provide structure
in developing relationships or engaging with others
(Woods et al., 1992).
2.2 Technologies in Reminiscence
A recent literature review (Lazar et al., 2014) on
technologies used in reminiscence therapy points to
many research projects in which ICT was used, e.g. in
the form of displaying media on touch screens or
projections. The purposes of using technology in
reminiscence, as analyzed by Lazar et al. are two-
fold: either to account for deficits such as motoric
problems or memory loss or to harness strengths,
such as emotional memory.
One big project in the area is the the CIRCA
project (Gowans et al., 2004), in which researchers
created a multimedia application using video, photo
and music to support one-to-one reminiscence
sessions. The interface was meant to be used by
caregivers initiating conversations with people with
dementia. The authors reported positive results from
user testing. More recent work of the same research
team (Alm et al., 2009) focused on multimedia for
leisure. For instance, computer-generated 3D
environments provided means for people with
dementia to enjoy environments they once liked, but
cannot visit anymore, e.g. a garden or a pub.
Similarly, (Siriaraya et al., 2014) utilized immersive
3D technology, in particular Unity3D and the Kinect,
to create environments for reminiscence and
meaningful activities (like gardening). However,
people with progressed dementia had problems with
the interaction. Lazar and colleagues (2014) found
that “[c]hallenges include that many of the systems
described in the study require technical expertise for
setup or operation and may not be ready for
independent use.” We would like to address this
specifically in our project by designing tangible
everyday objects that hide the technology in a way
ICT4AWE 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
that users do not need any technical expertise and
people with dementia can interact with them without
2.3 Tangible Computing for Seniors’
Although it has already been recognized (Waller et
al., 2008) that tangible computing is a way to
approach a person-centered model for designing
technology for seniors, the exploration of tangible
computing within the area of reminiscence is so far
limited to a handful of examples that we briefly
One of the early works on using tangible
interfaces designed specifically for older adults to
trigger reminiscence was Nostalgia (Nilsson et al.,
2003), which consisted of an old radio and an
interactive textile runner with a diamond pattern. The
runner was augmented with hidden switches that
could be pressed to select music and news from
different timespans ranging from 1930 to 1980. A
preliminary evaluation showed that people at the care
home were able to interact with the device and that it
triggered discussions about the old news and singing
along with the music. The television was another
familiar medium, which was deemed suitable for
broadcasting information for reminiscence to people
in a care home. For instance, Waller and colleagues
(Waller et al., 2008) designed a television that
extended the regular TV program with specific care
home internal and personal programs. The TVs were
installed in the rooms of the residents as well as the
communal rooms to allow for private reflection as
well as communication between residents about the
programs, which showed among others, old TV
series, pictures from the care home and events, and
personal photographs. In the unstructured
evaluations, the authors found some proof that people
used the TVs and also discussed the contents.
However, especially people with dementia had
problems using the standard remote controls. For one
such person a tangible remote in form of a photo
frame was built. This could be used by the person, but
was rarely approached by her without a caregiver.
More recent work targeted specifically to people
with dementia was done by Wallace and colleagues
(Wallace et al., 2012) (Wallace et al., 2013). In the
"Tales of I" project (Wallace et al., 2012) they
designed a system comprised of a wall cabinet
holding several snow globes that encased objects
relating to topics like soccer, holidays or local and a
television cabinet with a mold to hold a globe.
Through RFID tags in the globe the TV could read
the correct topic and start the corresponding film.
Films were created from footage ranging back to the
1930s. In addition, personal content for each client
could be played via a USB stick. In this project
authors found that in the hospital setting, where the
system was installed in a common living room, it
provided a sense of home for clients and visiting
relatives, which was often lacking in the sterile
rooms. Through a sense of home and familiarity
anxiety and challenging behaviors could be reduced.
In addition, staff members were able to see a client
more as full person, when that person reconnected to
a sense of self through the films.
In the "Personhood" project (Wallace et al., 2013),
in-depth research into the lived experiences of people
with dementia was done through designing probes
with and for a couple, in which the wife suffered
from dementia. Based on this research interactive
jewelry was designed for reminiscence and providing
a sense of self, through old media (like personal
photographs in a locket) and personalized tangible
artifacts (like a brooch made of old dresses).
These projects were exploratory inquiries into
how tangible computing can be used to trigger
reminiscence, and through that support a sense of self
for people with dementia. Inspired by these works our
work focuses more strongly on developing a medium
that can be used equally by caregivers and people
with dementia in reminiscence sessions, and can be
personalized to care home residents.
2.4 Augmented Books
Within HCI the idea of augmenting books with sound
or video is not new. For instance, “Books with
Voices” (Klemmer et al., 2003) links video
recordings to transcripts of oral histories. This book,
however, needed an additional device to display the
videos. This was also the case with the MagicBook
(Billinghurst et al., 2001), which came with a
handheld AR device to watch additional 3D content
emerging from the pages of the book.
Although studies of the above artifacts show that
the combination of a physical book for easy access
and browsing and the possibilities of additional
multimedia or 3D are beneficial, until now
augmented books have not been used in reminiscence
work for people with dementia.
Our work, however, differs from the above as we
intended to focus the interaction only on the book
itself, and avoid additional technology for accessing
the additional content, as this may be to difficult for
people with dementia.
Reminiscence of People with Dementia Mediated by a Tangible Multimedia Book
3.1 Design Concept
During initial design explorations the project team
engaged in a collection of artifacts that trigger
memories, and field research in dementia care centers
to understand what artifacts were used by caregivers
to stimulate memories in people with dementia. Photo
books, or postcards, were one type of artifacts that
often serve as reminiscence triggers. Images alone,
however, require people to perceive the content
through one sense only, i.e. vision, which can lead to
frustrating situations if the person does not recognize
the content. Music and sound on the other hand, has a
stronger impact on people’s memories, as it connects
to affect. Therefore, we chose for a combination of
images and sound, implemented in an interactive
book (Fig. 1), whereas the sound can be triggered by
the user through simple touch gestures on three parts
of the pages.
Reminiscence content can be very personal;
something that triggers memories in one person does
not necessarily do so in another. Therefore, we
decided to develop the book in such a way that the
contents and the theme of the book can be changed
easily. While the technology is installed permanently
inside the book, the image content is a printed inlay
(Fig. 1 bottom) that can be changed and the matching
sound files per page are stored on a removable SD
card. The book can recognize different inlays through
RFID. Besides the possibility of creating very
personal content, there are themes that refer to a
collective memory of a generation. For the prototype
we chose ‘traveling to Italy’ to exemplify one such
theme. The book consists of five double pages, each
dedicated to another aspect of Italy trips in the
50s/60s. The first double page sets the scene by
showing a map of Italy and playing sounds like
typical Italian music, and street sounds. The second
double page was devoted to the transportation means
showing cars and mobile homes of the time.
Accompanying sounds were the engine roar or car
commercials. The third double page showed a beach
scene with people dressed in 50s beachwear and it
played, e.g., ocean sounds. The fourth page was
devoted to Italian foods like pasta and sounds from
Italian commercials and a song about wine from the
that time. The last double page shows album covers
of typical music of the 50s/60s, which could be
played by pressing on the covers. One famous song’s
lyrics are also printed on that page.
Figure 1: Top: Closed Book, Bottom: Exchangeable inlay.
Figure 2: Hidden Technology. Left: Buttons for audio
output embedded underneath the pages of the book and
magnetic sensors to recognize the opened page. Right:
Arduino and audio board for processing in- and outputs.
3.2 Implementation
The goal was to embed the technology in such a way
that the look and feel of the artifact is so close to a
real book that it would be perceived by people with
dementia as such, and thereby reduce possible
barriers to use. A real book was used with the pages
glued together and small cavities cut out to fit the
technology (Fig 2, right). The book contains an
Arduino Nano V3, which recognizes magnets
embedded each double page through linear Hall
ICT4AWE 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
sensors and is thereby able to identify the opened
page. Furthermore, an RFID reader is built into the
back of the book, which reads the RFID tag of each
designed inlay and thereby enables the exchange of
the book’s contents. Three push buttons are
positioned in the back of the book (Fig. 2, left). On
pressing one of these through the pages of the book
(positions were indicated by green points) a message
containing the selected audio file is sent to an MP3-
player module, which reads the file from an SD card
and outputs it. The book is powered via a mini-USB
port and has a headphone jack to attach external
speakers, as the quality was insufficient with
embedded speakers
4.1 Setting
Dementia care takes place in diverse settings, such as
home care, institutional care and daycare/dementia
support groups. The focus in this paper lies on the
institutional setting, where a majority of people with
dementia resides and caregivers are confronted with
the daily task of engaging with residents in activities.
First, we got in touch with a local welfare
organization. After discussing the project with the
lead social worker in one of their care homes we were
invited to an introductory session involving her and
five caregivers in the care home, who are responsible
for the social care (as opposed to physical care) of the
residents and engage in activities with them, among
these reminiscence sessions, on a regular basis. The
artifact was introduced in this meeting to get
caregivers acquainted with it, discuss an appropriate
set-up and recruit suitable participants. Instead of
defining all study parameters beforehand, we allowed
the caregivers to bring in their own ideas of how to fit
the book into their practice to also derive their own
insights from the user tests. The final set-up was
agreed upon together. For instance, while we initially
intended to have test participants suffering all from
the same level of dementia (i.e., first stage), the
caregivers saw more value in trying the book with a
range of people with different degrees of dementia. In
fact, they were very curious if it worked with people
with advanced dementia. We did not see this as a
problem in the study, since we chose for a qualitative
methodology and did not expect to be able to
generalize the findings over the whole population of
people with dementia. Another discussion point was
the setting in which the book was presented. We
agreed on using different communal rooms in the care
home depending on where each resident would be
most comfortable. However, caregivers commonly
use additional decorations in the room to induce a
certain atmosphere linked to the conversation theme.
We agreed not to do this, since we did not want the
effect of the book diffused by other props.
4.2 Participants
In total, eight people with dementia (1 male, 7
female, aged 80+) and four caregivers took part in the
study. The lead social worker attended all sessions
and took notes for her keeping. Participants suffered
from different levels of Alzheimer’s. Additional,
handicaps such as mobility problems, hearing
problems, speech impairments (related to strokes) and
tremors also occurred (see table 1).
Figure 3: Participants interacting with the book.
Table 1: Participants Details.
# Gender Characteristics
1 female wheelchair, no glasses,
slightly impaired hearing and
vocal articulation
2 female wheelchair, slight vision
3 female wheelchair, shaky hands
and torso, motoric problems
4 female wheelchair, apathetic
5 female wheelchair, impaired
hearing, shaky hands
6 female wheelchair, one arm is
paralyzed, speech impairment
7 female wheelchair
8 male wheelchair
4.3 Materials and Data Collection
We used the interactive book with an external battery
pack and miniature speaker. We were not allowed to
do video recordings, as this was seen problematic
Reminiscence of People with Dementia Mediated by a Tangible Multimedia Book
with people with dementia, especially in the first
stages, as they can be very suspicious of camera
equipment. Therefore, sound recording was done
through a smartphone and additional information was
collected in observations using an observation
scheme to guide the observations according to
interactions with the book, interactions between
people, and physical reactions of participants.
4.4 Procedure
We first briefed the caregivers in how the book works
and informed participants of the study conditions.
Informed consent was provided by care workers, also
on behalf of the people with dementia.
4.4.1 Reminiscence Sessions
In each session, one caregiver engaged a resident and
they looked at the book together, while two
researchers took observational notes sitting at a
separate table in the room. Caregivers were instructed
to engage with the participant as usual and use the
book as they would use other materials in
reminiscence sessions. Sessions lasted between 15
min and 30 min depending on when the person with
dementia wanted to stop. After each session we asked
the person with dementia for some spontaneous
4.4.2 Focus Group with Caregivers
After the sessions we were curious about the
caregivers’ feedback. For this purpose we ran a 70-
min focus group with all four caregivers and the lead
social worker. Questions were prepared relating to
spontaneous feedback from the sessions,
communication normally and compared to using the
book, media normally used in reminiscence, other
topics for the book, interaction with the book, and
improvements. However, the set of questions served
us only as a guide, and was not strictly followed.
4.5 Data Analysis
The collected data was analyzed using a qualitative
content analysis (Schreier, 2012). All audio-
recordings of the sessions were transcribed verbatim
in the first step. The transcripts were then
complemented with field notes from the observation
about people’s interactions with each other and with
the book, as well as emotional expressions, gestures
and posture. A coding frame was developed in a two-
step procedure, (1) the higher level codes were
concept-driven based on the focus of our observation
of the sessions (Reaction of PWD (person with
dementia), Reaction of Caregiver, Interaction of
PWD with book, Interaction of Caregiver with Book
and Communication between both), and (2) sub-
codes were based on reading the transcripts.
The data of the focus group with the caregivers
was coded directly in a data-driven way, as the
themes/questions used in the focus group were not
followed strictly. After an initial coding of the
complete transcript, codes were categorized in the
tree structure shown in Fig. 4. After coding all data
two researchers discussed and derived higher-level
themes from the coding combining results from the
single sessions and the focus group. Next, we provide
our findings by elaborating on the themes
exemplified through quotes (translated from
Figure 4: Data-driven Coding Frame for Focus Group.
5.1 The Book as an Interaction Device
The book afforded several actions including touching,
turning pages, pressing on pages (to trigger sound),
viewing pages, reading text on pages. We observed
that most of the time the caregiver turned the pages.
However, some interesting exceptions occurred, e.g.
when P3 did not want to listen to the sounds anymore
and went to the next page by herself to make the music
stop. This example shows that the book empowers
ICT4AWE 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
people with dementia to take initiative in steering the
output of the book and thereby the conversation.
With regard to pressing the buttons to play back
sounds, we observed a diversity of reactions of the
residents. Some were curious and pressed the buttons
themselves without an invitation by the caregivers. The
majority, however, waited until the caregiver asked
them to push another button. None of them seemed to
be afraid of the technology or refused it completely.
P3, however, stated clearly that she did not want to
push anymore, which may be related to the problems it
had caused her to hit the buttons correctly. P5, the only
man, pressed the buttons mainly himself and figured
out without explanation that he could stop the music by
pressing a button a second time.
5.1.1 Usability Problems
During the sessions several usability problems were
observed. Many participants were sitting in
wheelchairs, which made it difficult to get close to
the table and the book lying on the table. Since the
book was rather heavy, people could not easily put it
in their lap or lift it. Some were leaning forward to be
able to read better. In several cases, caregivers lifted
the book up a little by putting other books underneath
the backside. In two occasions people had trouble
hitting the buttons, P3 due to a tremor and P8 due to
perception problems (she sometimes mistook other
circles on the pages for a button). When the sound
was too quiet some participants pressed the button
again, which, however, stopped the music altogether
causing confusion.
In some cases pages stuck together. Generally, it
was advised to have thicker or laminated paper,
which would also be more hygienic in the care
setting. When participants reached the last page of the
inlay they tended to try to turn the page, as the book
gives the impression that there are more pages.
Caregivers also criticized the clutter of the graphics
on some pages, which confuses people with
dementia, and suggested to use fewer images per
page and add additional textual information instead.
Text should generally not be used as a graphical
element (e.g. some background texts in Italian),
because people tend to read them and get frustrated if
they cannot understand them.
5.2 The Book as a Medium to Support
5.2.1 Types of Memories and Triggers
Several types of memories could be observed. Some
were of factual nature in response to something in the
book, either triggered by an image (“Yes, that is like
a camper, they had those trailers and they slept in
them, when they drove to Italy.”), a sound (“Do you
know what you can do in San Remo? Go to the
casino!”) or a question of the caregiver (“Did you use
that [Fondor]”–“My parents, yes”).
Others were more personal narratives triggered
by an image or sound. “Right, these are tomatoes.
Also typically Italian, right?” (CG4) … “They also
grow in Turkey” (P8). “Yes”(CG4) “They were
hanging on the trees, I saw it. We were even allowed
to pick them and eat them. They allowed it. On the
street there were also small peaches or something that
we were also allowed to pick.” (P8)
In two cases memory chains were triggered by the
book’s content that led to memories or complete
narratives that were unrelated to Italy. In the case of
P2 a sound that was interpreted by her as zither music
made her think of a country (Austria). She could
unfortunately not remember the country’s name, and
started talking about Peter Alexander (a famous
musician from Austria). Once the caregiver dropped
the name Austria, the person continued talking about
her ski vacations there. Similarly, P8 started telling
stories about her trips to Norway even after the
session with the book ended. According to the social
worker the book still achieved its purpose to trigger
memories in these cases.
5.2.2 Searching for Help
We observed that in some cases people looked at the
texts to remember something, e.g. in case of the Isetta
car (logo in the book) or when a song was playing
that had the lyrics printed in the book. P2 also pressed
a button for supportive sounds when the caregiver
asked a question: [P2 reads] “A trip across the Alps.
Messerschmidt. That reminds me of something”
“Yeah? Of what” (CG2) [P2 ignores the question and
presses another button on the page.]
5.2.3 Emotional Reactions
Especially the music acted as a trigger to affective
memories. One of the last songs was outstanding, as
every participant knew it and even people with
speech problems sang along. P5 even started crying
during this song, which was interpreted by the
caregiver as a sentimental, but still positive
reminiscence. Other reactions to the book were
laughing together. P2 made many jokes and was
generally very talkative, but also others, who were
more reserved, like P5 or P6, joked at some points in
reaction to the images. It was also common for people
Reminiscence of People with Dementia Mediated by a Tangible Multimedia Book
to sigh in what could be interpreted as a sentimental
way, especially after enjoying the music, which may
have brought up memories.
5.3 The Book as a Medium to Support
As we did not set up the study to compare
reminiscence sessions with and without the book in a
within-subject set up, we rely on the accounts of
caregivers about the mediating power of the book in
the communication. Especially the focus group
revealed the difficulties of engaging people with
dementia in activities. “And Mrs S. is also difficult. It
is hard to connect to her, she is very introverted and
impulsive.”(CG2) “Normally, she does not go to any
activities. She mostly stays in her room with her
roommate and is very hard to get out.”(CG3) Several
caregivers reported that they were very surprised that
the residents were willing to come along and even
seemed to be engaged and enjoy looking at the book
One caregiver told us that the book acts as a
medium to learn something about the other person
and their time. „And you learn something about the
people, depending on what they react to, then you
know their preferences. In that sense it was exciting,
how the people would react. Just asking someone you
don’t find out very much. But with such a medium, I
wished to just see their reactions.“ (CG2)
5.3.1 Styles of Leading the Communication
with the Book
We observed two apparent styles of using the book in
a conversation. Some caregivers directed the
conversation strongly through asking questions
closely related to the content (e.g. What is this sound?
Which image do you like?), while others left it open
to participants to react and engaged in a more natural
conversation. We noticed that in the first cases,
conversations quickly led to a question-answer turn
taking, in which people with dementia seemed less
engaged, but rather briefly answered the posed
questions, while less questions led to more engaged
conversation, as the following excerpts exemplify:
[Fondor Commercial plays] “As in the old
days”(P1) “As in the old days?”(CG1) “Yes, Fondor”
(P1) “Did you use that?” (CG1) “My parents, yes”
(P1) “To spice up food? What kind of food?” (CG1)
“Everything.” (P1) “Pasta?”(CG1) “Yes, yes, pasta,
too, of course.” (P1)
[Fondor Commercial plays] “Enjoy your meal!
Do you know Barilla?” (CG3) “Mmhh, pasta.”(P5)
“Pasta! I know you like Spaghetti.” (CG3) “No, not
Spaghetti. I don’t always have scissors on me!” (P5)
“What? But with lots of tomato sauce.” (CG3) “Yes,
with sauce. Yes, mmh, tomato sauce.” (P5) “Yes, that
is something simple you can make quickly. And then
a glass of red wine with it.” (CG3)
In the case of P2 we also observed a playful back
and forth between her and the caregiver ordering each
other to press a button, then guess what the sound is.
In this case the book clearly facilitated an equal turn
taking in the conversation and a playful engagement
between the two.
The lead social worker added in the focus group
that she could imagine more storytelling from the side
of the caregiver in response to the book, which could
in turn animate the person with dementia to tell
stories, too. This style was, however, not observed in
the sessions, which was due to the fact that caregivers
felt that they should not intervene too much in this
way. CG3 insisted that it would be helpful to have
more time and background information about the
different aspects of the book (like the sounds or
details about the cars) before using it in a session, and
that telling own stories would become easier with
more preparation, too.
5.4 Composition & Atmosphere
An important theme that came from the focus group
was the composition of the book’s content in order to
create a certain atmosphere. Caregivers told us that
this is very important for people with dementia in
order to reminisce. Therefore, they often use extra
decoration as well as food or smells for people to
experience in such sessions. In this case one could
think of red wine and pasta to taste, lemons to feel
and smell, etc. Caregivers evaluated the last page of
the book (Fig. 3) with the music, and fitting graphics
that infer an atmosphere very positively. They
suggested that this or a similar page should be placed
at the beginning of the book to set the scene and get
people in the right mood.
Furthermore, it was discussed to include music on
each page, to guide the person through the book while
maintaining the feeling. Further ideas were scented
papers or papers with textures to give haptic
5.5 Accounting for the Individuality of
the Resident
During the sessions we could observe that the
caregivers were very sensitive to the reactions of the
ICT4AWE 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
participants, even if the cues were very subtle. In one
case, for instance, we thought P8 seemed very
disengaged while a song played, but in the focus
group the caregiver (CG4) reported that the woman
was still tapping her finger a little bit to the music and
therefore left it playing. In another case, a participant
started crying while the music played. In the focus
group CG3 reported the following: “I thought should
I stop it, but that was a nice memory, sentimental, but
nice, and then I thought, I would let her enjoy it,
although it is sad to reminisce.” Being sensitive to the
person is often only possible if one knows the
person’s background well enough. “Mrs S. trembles a
bit and she is incredibly embarrassed about it,
because she is very proud. That is why I asked
‘should I do it?’ just to relieve her. Not to do it for
her, but because I know she would be embarrassed, if
she was trembling and it did not work.” (CG2)
Knowing the person’s background is also crucial
to interpret their reactions. In several occasions we
thought participants were disinterested, negative or
even aggressive, but in most cases the participants
said in the end that they liked the book and the
caregivers reported that certain reactions are normal
for the participants. “Well for being her, she actually
concentrated long on this. She is rather sour and
rejects a lot.” (CG4) “That is her way. In the same
way she can tell you trembling and screaming ‘Yes,
of course, I would like to go outside!’” (CG2)
The sessions also showed that even though the
theme was about Italy, the variety of the content
(cars, food, etc.) allowed people to talk about their
own memories, even if they had not visited Italy, as
e.g. in the case mentioned earlier where P8 talked
about Norway instead. In addition, the
implementation of the book also allows for
completely personalized content, as the inlay can be
6.1 Tangibles for People with Dementia
In the previous section we described many detailed
findings on how people interacted with the book.
From these we would like to highlight three aspects
that proof, in our view, the suitability of tangible
computing for this target group. First of all,
familiarity with the artifact enabled participants to
approach the book without fear and the level of
technical skills did not matter at all. After short
explanations all participants understood the concept
of pressing on the pages to trigger sounds. This was
also not considered strange. Two people with
dementia referred to the book as an audio book or a
talking book. A second aspect we could observe in
the sessions was that the book enabled self-direction
for people with dementia. As described, people used
the functionality of lifting a page or pressing a button
twice to stop the sounds they did not like to listen to
anymore, thereby steering the conversation
themselves. Last, an interesting observation was
made by one caregiver in the focus group regarding
the agency of people with dementia using the book by
themselves to turn on music, as opposed to the
caregiver playing music from a CD player. “But also
[her] surprise, when she pressed for the first time.
This surprise was of course very extraordinary. You
cannot achieve this when you start [playing]
something [music at a CD player] elsewhere. That is
something that only happens when they press
themselves.” (CG3) This integration of input and
output spaces, inherent in tangible computing,
seemed to trigger emotional reactions in the
participants that traditional technology is not able to
6.2 Design Recommendations
From the findings of the study we recommend the
following design considerations for interactive
reminiscence books:
Make the book more manageable by reducing
original (unused) pages and weight.
Use few and distinct images on the pages to avoid
Provide buttons with different texture than the rest
of the page and bigger surfaces.
Start with a page that creates an atmosphere to set
the scene by using music and possibly other sensual
output like scents.
Add information to the visual content (mostly for
caregiver as background information).
Increase reminiscence potential through emotional
content like music or poems.
Provide contents people with dementia can easily
relate to, e.g. local things or content linking to
collective memories of the generation (e.g. TV
6.3 Limitations
Drawing generalizable conclusions from the sessions
on how a medium like the book works for people
with dementia is hard due to the inherent diversity of
Reminiscence of People with Dementia Mediated by a Tangible Multimedia Book
symptoms, personalities, and capabilities of the target
group. This, however, is not specific to this study, but
rather a general concern in doing qualitative field
research with people with dementia, since the disease
develops differently in people depending on which
brain areas are affected. Although we did ask people
with dementia to give us direct feedback on their
experience, some were too tired or had forgotten parts
of the content already. In these cases we have to rely
on our observations and caregivers’ accounts on how
to interpret the reactions. Another limiting factor in
this respect is the lack of video recordings, which
would have allowed us to look back at certain
reactions with the caregivers.
Overall, the observations need to be interpreted in
the context of interaction styles of caregivers and
backgrounds of residents (see Findings). Yet, we
believe that the rich accounts of the qualitative data
give many insights into the role of tangible
multimedia in this setting.
6.4 Future Work
In accordance with the findings on the usability of the
book, we intent to implement the recommendations
described above including making it less heavy,
increasing the button size and changing their texture,
using scented paper for additional sensual output, as
well as improving the graphics and general
composition of the content. In addition, the book was
created in a way to allow for easy switch of content.
Together with the caregivers we explored which
content would work best for reminiscence sessions
and we identified, besides others, two themes for new
content: local content about our city (including, e.g.,
traditional events) and a TV theme including TV
moderators/actors, shows etc.
We investigated the use of tangible multimedia in
reminiscence with people with dementia. In
particular, we presented a design case, i.e. an
interactive book that can be operated by people with
dementia and their caregivers created with the goal to
support memories from the past through images and
associated sounds. In the field study we found that the
book had potential to act as a medium for
reminiscence and communication between a caregiver
and resident. Some usability problems were found
and design recommendations provided to mitigate
those. Overall, we observed that people had no
hesitation to approach the device and people with
dementia were empowered to steer the conversation
pointing to a great potential for tangible interfaces in
this domain. Especially, given the importance of
psychosocial interventions for people with dementia,
their lack of technical knowledge and the new
possibilities tangible UIs offer, we should consider
the combination of digital multimedia content and
familiar physical objects as an effective way to
improve therapy with people with dementia.
This research is funded by the local government of
North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany and was executed
as part of the “NutzerWelten (UserWorlds) – User-
Centred Design of social technical environments for
people with dementia” research program at the
University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf. We thank
the developers of the book Amelie Ritter and Jörn
Hornig and the employees and residents of the
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Reminiscence of People with Dementia Mediated by a Tangible Multimedia Book