Microservices: A Systematic Mapping Study
Claus Pahl
and Pooyan Jamshidi
Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London, U.K.
Mircoservices, Container, Cloud, Systematic Literature Review, Systematic Mapping Study.
Microservices have recently emerged as an architectural style, addressing how to build, manage, and evolve
architectures out of small, self-contained units. Particularly in the cloud, the microservices architecture ap-
proach seems to be an ideal complementation of container technology at the PaaS level However, there is
currently no secondary study to consolidate this research. We aim here to identify, taxonomically classify and
systematically compare the existing research body on microservices and their application in the cloud. We
have conducted a systematic mapping study of 21 selected studies, published over the last two years until end
of 2015 since the emergence of the microservices pattern. We classified and compared the selected studies
based on a characterization framework. This results in a discussion of the agreed and emerging concerns
within the microservices architectural style, positioning it within a continuous development context, but also
moving it closer to cloud and container technology.
Recently, microservice architectures have been pro-
posed to break up application architectures into in-
dependently deployable services that can be rapidly
deployed to any infrastructure resource as required
(Newman, 2015; Lewis and Fowler, 2014). Mi-
croservices are independently deployable, usually
supported by a deployment and orchestration frame-
work, e.g., in the cloud, enabling them to deploy of-
ten and independently at arbitrary schedules. Mi-
croservice deployment and orchestration across the
distributed and stacked nature of the cloud are cen-
tral architecture concerns. Clouds provide a manage-
ment tool for their flexible deployment schedules and
provisioning orchestration needs, particularly, if these
are to be PaaS-provisioned.
Research on microservices has addressed both the
architectural principles and support as well as the
application of the architectural pattern in the cloud.
In the cloud, microservices are linked to contain-
ers, which are a lightweight virtualisation mechanism
used for application packaging, distribution and or-
chestration at the PaaS layer (Pahl, 2015), even to-
wards edge clouds with smaller resource environ-
ments (Pahl and Lee, 2015).
There has not been a systematic literature review
(SLR) or mapping study (SMS) of research on mi-
croservices that would allow to assess the maturity in
general and identifying trends, research gaps and fu-
ture directions. Given the growing interest in con-
tainers and microservices in cloud, there is a need
to explore a research agenda. SLRs and SMS iden-
tify, classify and synthesize a comparative overview
of state-of-the-research and enable (Petersen et al.,
2008; Kitchenham et al., 2009). We opt for a system-
atic mapping study as it is more suitable in mapping
out and structuring new areas of investigation.
We aim here to identify, taxonomically clas-
sify and systematically compare the existing research
body on microservices and their application in the
cloud. We have conducted a systematic mapping
study of 21 selected studies, published over the last
two years since the emergence of the microservices
pattern. We classified and compared the selected stud-
ies based on a characterization framework.
The research mapping study resulted in a knowl-
edge base of current research approaches, methods,
techniques, best practices and experiences used in mi-
croservices architecture, with a particular attention to
cloud application. This review reveals that microser-
vices research is still in a formative stage. More ex-
perimental and empirical evaluation of the benefits is
needed. This study also showed a lack of tool support
to automate and facilitate cloud microservice.
The results of this study aim to benefit, firstly,
researchers in software engineering and cloud com-
puting, who need an identification of relevant stud-
ies. Secondly, practitioners interested in understand-
ing the available methods and techniques with tool
Pahl, C. and Jamshidi, P.
Microservices: A Systematic Mapping Study.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2016) - Volume 1, pages 137-146
ISBN: 978-989-758-182-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
support as well as their constraints and maturity level
in supporting microservice architectures.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes background and related re-
search to position contributions of this work. Sec-
tion 3 explains our research methodology, research
questions and scope. Section 4 provides a reference
model for state-of-the-research and a characterization
scheme. Section 5 presents the results of the mapping
study. Section 6 discusses the findings, implications
and trends followed by an analysis of its limitations.
Based on (Newman, 2015; Lewis and Fowler, 2014),
microservices are about functional decomposition of-
ten in a domain-driven design context. They are char-
acterised by well-defined and explicitly published in-
terfaces. Each service is fully autonomous and full-
stack. Consequently, changing a service implementa-
tion has no impact to other services as communication
takes place using interfaces only. Functional decom-
position of an application and the team is the key to
building a successful microservices architecture. This
achieves loose coupling (REST interfaces) and high
cohesion (multiple services can compose with each
other to define higher level services or application).
Functional decomposition enables for instance agility,
flexibility, scalability.
2.1 Lightweight Architectures, Services,
Containers and Microservices
Microservices are an architectural pattern emerging
out of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), empha-
sising self-management and lightweightness. While
this is an architectural principle, container technol-
ogy has emerged in parallel in cloud computing to
provide a lightweight virtualisation mechanism that
can serve as an application packaging mechanism for
PaaS clouds. Microservice can ideally be packaged,
provisioned and orchestrated through cloud.
The cloud can be seen as a distributed and tiered
architecture, see Figure 1. The core infrastruc-
ture, platform and software application tiers can dis-
tributed across multi-cloud environments based on
container-based microservices.
2.2 Need for a Secondary Study
The need for a SLR or SMS entails to identify,
classify and compare existing evidence on the use
of microservices specifically in cloud environments
Figure 1: Cloud Reference Architecture Model.
through a characterization framework. Some technol-
ogy reviews exist (and also classified as such later),
but these concentrated on technology and do not cap-
ture research efforts and directions systematically.
SMSs reduce bias through rigorous sequence of
methodological steps to research literature. They rely
on well-defined and evaluated review protocols to ex-
tract, analyze and document results. We follow the
process presented in (Petersen et al., 2008) with a
three-step review that includes planning, conducting
and documenting. The review is complemented by an
evaluation of each step’s outcome. Furthermore, we
provide an additional characterization framework for
the study context.
Table 1: Research Process.
Step Activity
plan identify need, specify RQs, define protocol
conduct select primary studies, extract/synthesize data
document document observations, analyze threats, report
Now the individual steps will be outlined. Based
on the objectives, we specify the research questions
and the review scope in order to formulate search
strings for literature extraction.
3.1 Planning the Review
Step 1 Identify the Need for SLR. We have already
discussed the need for a SMS in the previous section.
We can also make explicit the general goal and scope
of the study using the PICO (Population, Intervention,
Comparison, Outcome) criteria, see Table 2.
Step 2 Specifying the Research Questions. As
the next activity, we define the research questions to
help shaping the review protocol, see Table 3.
Step 3 – Define and Evaluate Review Protocol. We
developed a protocol for a mapping study based on
(Petersen et al., 2008) and our experience with SLRs
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 2: PICO criteria.
Concern Explanation
Population RQ1: Practical motivation, RQ2: Ar-
chitecture tasks, RQ3: Methods and
techniques, RQ4: Research challenges
and future dimensions [all detailed be-
Intervention Characterization, Internal/external vali-
dation; Extracting data and Synthesis
Comparison A comparison by mapping the primary
studies to a characterization framework
Outcome A characterization framework
Table 3: Research Questions.
Research Question Motivation
RQ1 What are the main
practical motivations be-
hind using microservices?
The aim is to get insight
in what are the main rea-
sons for organizations to
architect in a microser-
vices style.
RQ2 What are the differ-
ent types of microservice
architectures involved?
The aim is to investigate
what are the possibilities
for architecting in a mi-
croservice style.
RQ3 What are the existing
methods, techniques and
tool support to enable mi-
croservice architecture de-
velopment and operation?
The aim is to identify and
compare existing methods
and techniques that sup-
port microservice architec-
RQ4 What are the ex-
isting research issues and
what should be the future
research agenda?
The aim is to understand
and reveal the research
gaps and identify future di-
(Jamshidi et al., 2013a; Jamshidi et al., 2013b) that is
outlined in this section.
3.2 Conducting the Review
Conducting starts with study selection and resulting
in extracted data and synthesized information.
Step 1 Select Primary Studies (Study Selection
and Qualitative Assessment). The search terms
used were developed using (Petersen et al., 2008)
and guided by research questions. While we ini-
tially considered to include terms like ’architecture’
or ’lightweight’, however, ultimately we only used the
term ’microservice’ (and variations such as ’micro-
service’ as search terms, cf. 4, to avoid excluding any
studies in this emerging context. We extracted ini-
tially 243 studies from years 2014 to 2015 (incl.) – as
of 3 Nov. 2015. The year 2014 was chosen as the term
microservice as an architectural pattern is only consis-
tently used since then. Earlier occurrences referred to
microservices as somehow small in scale, but without
a clear reference to an architectural style or pattern,
and were thus excluded.
Since we used our primary search criteria on title
and abstract, this resulted in a high number of irrele-
Table 4: Selection Terms.
microservice micro-service
vant studies, which were further refined with a sec-
ondary search focusing on title occurrences only
and resulting then in 21 studies.
Step 1a – Initial Selection. This step includes screen-
ing of titles and abstracts of potential primary studies
– performed against inclusion/exclusion criteria
Table 5: Inclusion/exclusion criteria.
In/Excl Criteria
Abstract/keywords include key terms
From the abstract it is clear that a con-
tribution towards microservices and their
management is made
Type: literature only in the form of ab-
stract, blog, presentation are excluded
Papers with microservices terms only in
abstract or with different meaning
Step 1b Final Selection. This is based on a val-
idation scan of the studies, methods for microser-
vices and tool support and details of the evaluation
approach. At the end, 21 studies were selected.
Step 1c – Qualitative Assessment of Included Studies.
For the 27 included studies, we primarily focused on
the technical rigor of content presented. We based
our qualitative assessment on factors like General As-
sessment (G) and Specific Assessment (S). Quality
scores provided us with a numerical quantification to
rank the selected studies, but given the recency of
the development, we also included books and the-
ses/dissertations as long as there is evidence of a re-
view being carried out.
Steps 2 and 3 Data Extraction and Synthesis. In
order to record extracted data from the selected stud-
ies, we follow (Petersen et al., 2008) using a struc-
tured format based on characterization dimensions.
We first introduce a reference model for an
architecture-centric classification of microservices
that helps to demonstrate current research at a concep-
tual level and identify trends and research directions.
We follow (Zimmermann, 2009) in his definition of
an architectural style and present the microservices
style as a collection of principles and patterns. We
then present a framework to characterize individual
Microservices: A Systematic Mapping Study
Table 6: Publications selected.
1 Rodrguez Molina, J. (2015). Distribution of microservices for hardware interoperability in the Smart Grid (Disser-
tation, ETSIS Telecomunicacion).
2 Scholz, N. J. (2015). Evaluation of Microservices as Extension of Established Component Technologies. (Diss
RWTH Aachen).
3 Bak, P., Melamed, R., Moshkovich, D., Nardi, Y., Ship, H., and Yaeli, A. (2015). Location and Context-Based
Microservices for Mobile and Internet of Things Workloads. IEEE Intl Conf on Mobile Services (MS), pp. 1-8.
4 Nycander, P. (2015). Learning-Based Testing of Microservices: An Exploratory Case Study Using
LBTest.(Dissertation KTH Stockholm)
5 Stubbs, J., Moreira, W., and Dooley, R. (2015). Distributed Systems of Microservices Using Docker and Serfnode.
In International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG), 2015.
6 Levcovitz, A., Terra, R., and Valente, M. T. (2015). Towards a Technique for Extracting Microservices from Mono-
lithic Enterprise Systems. Brazilian Workshop on Software Visualization, Evolution and Maintenance (VEM).
7 Balalaie, A., Heydarnoori, A., and Jamshidi, P. (2015). Migrating to Cloud-Native Architectures Using Microser-
vices: An Experience Report. CloudWays Workshop.
8 Ouertani, S. (2015). From Microservices to SOA. Service Technology Magazine.
9 Rahman, M., and Gao, J. (2015). A Reusable Automated Acceptance Testing Architecture for Microservices in
Behavior-Driven Development. IEEE Symp on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), pp. 321-325.
10 Nycander, P. (2015). Learning-Based Testing of Microservices. Workshop on Automating Test case design, Selec-
tion and Evaluation.
11 Namiot, D., Sneps-Sneppe, M. (2015) On Micro-Services Architecture. Intl Jrnl of Open Information Technologies
12 Microservice-based Architecture for the NRDC. International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2015
13 Savchenko, D. I., Radchenko, G. I., and Taipale, O. (2015). Microservices validation: Mjolnirr platform case study.
Intl Conf on Cloud Computing and Services Science.
14 Versteden, A., Pauwels, E., and Papantoniou, A. (2015). An Ecosystem of User-facing Microservices supported by
Semantic Models. 5th International USEWOD Workshop: Using the Web in the Age of Data.
15 Toffetti, G., Brunner, S., Blchlinger, M., Dudouet, F., and Edmonds, A. (2015). An architecture for self-managing
microservices. Proceedings 1st Intl Workshop on Automated Incident Management in Cloud (pp. 19-24). ACM.
16 Krause, L. (2014). Microservices: Patterns and Applications.
17 Kukade, P. P., and Kale, G. (2015). Auto-Scaling of Micro-Services Using Containerization. International Journal
of Science and Research.
18 Viennot, N., Lcuyer, M., Bell, J., Geambasu, R., and Nieh, J. (2015). Synapse: a microservices architecture for
heterogeneous-database web applications. Proceedings 10th European Conference on Computer Systems.
19 Kratzke, N. (2015). About Microservices, Containers and their Underestimated Impact on Network Performance.
Cloud Computing Conf. 2015.
20 Thones, J. (2015). Microservices. IEEE Software, 32(1).
21 Newman, S. (2015). Building Microservices. O’Reilly Media, Inc.
microservices approaches that helps us to taxonomi-
cally classify and compare the primary studies.
4.1 Microservice Reference Model
While we do not include blogs in the study as there
is no formal, independent quality control in place, we
use this section to extract an industry perspective on
microservices from these.
Principles. A Microservice Architecture is a way
of architecting software applications as independently
deployable services. Based on (Lewis and Fowler,
2014), microservices can be characterise through a
number of principles:
organization around business capability.
evolutionary design.
deployment / infrastructure automation.
intelligence in the endpoints.
heterogeneity and decentralized control
decentralized control of data.
design for failure.
Except the first two items, the other point directly re-
late to the platform on which the architecture is de-
ployed on – the cloud in our context.
Patterns. Based on these principles, patterns emerge
to compose microservices. Arun Gupta proposes a
number of patterns in his blogs
. Recommended pat-
terns on how to compose microservices together
Aggregator Microservice Design Pattern e.g., a
service invoking others to retrieve / process data.
Proxy Microservice Design Pattern a variation
of the Aggregator with no aggregation.
Chained Microservice Design Pattern produces
a single consolidated response to a request.
Branch Microservice Design Pattern extends
the Aggregator and allows simultaneous re-
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
sponse processing from possibly mutually exclu-
sive chains of microservices.
Shared Data Microservice Design Pattern to-
wards autonomy through full-stack services with
control of all components.
Asynchronous Messaging Microservice Design
Pattern – use message queues instead of REST re-
quest/response pattern.
Looking at blogs
shows that coupling vs. autonomy
in microservices is an open question on what messag-
ing patterns to choose for microservices. Interaction
pattern, e.g., Request-Reply vs. Publish-Subscribe are
also discussed, as are event vs. command/query-based
information exchange. Putting these latter two dimen-
sions in a matrix would result in four options to realise
couplings between microservices. Microservices are
important for clouds and software architecture for the
cloud as the cloud can ideally support microservices
through services at different layers in different for-
mats and the cloud can provide mechanisms to deal
with the inherent challenges (uncertainty caused by
heterogeneity, multi-tenancy etc).
4.2 A Characterisation Framework
We propose a classification framework that we will
use to categorise the primary studies. This frame-
works uses common terms from software engineering
methods with methodological support, architecture,
tool support and applications. The subheadings were
identified after a first-round scans of selected studies
in order to ensure the validity of the framework.
Methodological support
Design – architecture-level software design
Testing – quality assurance / test methods
Configuration and management deployment
and quality related (e.g. scalability)
Migration refactor/re-engineer legacy into
Microservice identification identify microser-
vices in existing solutions
Architectural support – software architecture
reference architectures
architectural modelling and specification
Platform/tool support
Testing – and test beds and other tool support
Deployment/Provisioning platform container
repositories and engines
Such as the blog https://www.voxxed.com/blog/2015/
04/ coupling- versus-autonomy-in-microservices/
Microservice identification – tool support
Applications – application domains/sectors
Types: e.g., Web apps, (smart) grids
Domains: e.g., financial services, transport
We categorise of the results in terms of concerns such
as publication format, forum and technical contribu-
tion. We also present the key terms extracted from the
studies. The results are discussed and the validity of
the results and their discussion is addressed.
5.1 Overview of the Primary Studies
In order to examine the state of research on microser-
vices, the following questions are considered:
When did research on microservices become ac-
tive in computing community?
What are the fora in which work on microservices
has been published? On which communities does
the focus lie?
How is microservices research reported and what
is the maturity level of the research in this field?
1) Temporal overview of studies. With only a few
studies in 2014, there has been a dramatic increase
in 2015, signaling a significant concern (Fig. 2). No
relevant publications were found prior to 2014, as the
terms has not been used as understood today.
2) Publication fora and formats. We have categorised
the publication fora into the computing fields as fol-
lows (Figure 3):
software engineering
service engineering
cloud computing
networks, telecomms and distributed systems
wider computing/IT/science context
Figure 2: Trend Graph for Microservices.
Microservices: A Systematic Mapping Study
Regarding the sources, we recognise and distin-
guish the following publication formats: journal
[11,22], magazines [8,20], conferences and work-
shops [3,4,5,6,7,10,12,13,14,15,17,18,19] and theses
[1,2,4] and books [16,21].
Figure 3: Study Distribution by Field.
3) Research methods for microservices. Typically, the
contribution type (Solution Proposal, Evaluation Re-
search, Validation Research, Experience Report, Re-
view) and the evaluation method (Case Study, Mathe-
matical Proof, Experience Report, Example Applica-
tion, Controlled Experiment) are distinguished.
In Figure 4, the primary studies are organised ac-
cording to their contribution type. Given the relative
immaturity of the domain, the evaluations lack de-
tailed experience reports and proofs, while equally
controlled experiments, sample implementation as
experience reports and some controlled experiments
have been reported. Figure 5 complements this by
looking more specifically at the technical contribution
(categorising non-solution studies such as experience
reports, evaluations and reviews as ’other’). More in-
teresting here is the 3:2 split between an architecture
perspective and a method perspective.
Figure 4: Study Distribution by Contribution Type.
Table 7 lists extracted keywords by frequency and
Table 8 compares studies based on the core categories.
5.2 Discussion
The key terms extracted from all selected studies help
to categorise them in terms of individual focus and
Figure 5: Study Distribution by Technical Contribution.
contribution (Figures 3 to 5) and to obtain an under-
standing of key research concerns. In order to address
the latter concern, Table 7 shows the terms extracted:
these have been categorised by following a com-
mon upper ontology (Pease et al., 2002) with
3 central concepts object (computational entity,
activity (purpose) and property (quality), which
has been supplemented by additional dimensions
technology, research approach, application con-
text and application.
for each term, we recorded the number of occur-
rences – higher numbers of occurrences indicate a
stronger research concern and/or stronger consen-
sus on the importance of the aspect.
Some observations can be deduced from the key
terms distribution and frequency. In terms of key ben-
efits that characterise microservices, we can observe:
Architecture: Microservice architectures are dis-
tributed. Microservices are component/service
style entities, specifically characterised by be-
ing independently deployable and scalable in dis-
tributed architectures as primary concerns.
Method/Process: Furthermore, maintainability
and evolvability are further characteristics. Mi-
croservices need to be seen in a wider continuous
development context (e.g., DevOps).
Deployment/Operation: a third import concern
emerges that refers to the deployment of microser-
vices. While we limited the study selection to
those clearly focusing on microservices (by se-
lecting those with ’microservice’ in the title),
nonetheless, the key term prove the importance of
the cloud and containers as independent deploy-
ment, autoscaling, Docker, container are very fre-
quently mentioned.
There is agreement that this is a new architectural
style. Microservices have been emerging out of ser-
vices, but the link to containers is obvious. While at
the deployment level, there is a clear focus on cloud,
and container technologies in particular, the current
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 7: Key terms extracted after two rounds of extraction and keyword frequency.
Q Quality # E Entity # P Activity # T
# C Context # R Research
# A
scalability 6 architectural
5 testing 6 Docker 3 Monolithic
Enterpr Syst
4 Experiment 2 Financial
6 pattern 3 self-
5 SerfNode 1 IoT 1 Case Study 2 Transport 1
maintainable 3 Container 3 distribution 4 Spring 1 SOA 1 Analysis/
1 Learning
interoperable 2 smart grid 2 componentise 3 Libraries 1
reusable 2 Web app 2 semantic
3 Middleware 1
user-facing 2 architecture 2 migration 3 Data Centre 1
performance 2 network 1 auto-scale 2
context-based 1 arch pattern 1 development 1
heterogeneous 1 architecture
1 validation 1
mobile 1 adoption 1
reliable 1 packaging 1
smart 1 replication 1
flexibility 1 security 1
monitoring 1
application domains are more traditional. Here, fi-
nancial services (in a hybrid on-premise/private cloud
scenario) and transport (more an edge cloud scenarios
with the need to support lightweight virtualisation on
smaller devices/sensors) have been investigated.
Another important perspective is the application
of microservices in a long-term software evolution
and modernisation context: (i) Microservices are of-
ten discussed in software and IT systems migration.
(ii) Their SOA inheritance emphasises their suitabil-
ity for modernising monolithic legacy systems.
The forums in which microservices are discussed
are in this order the following: software engi-
neering, service engineering, cloud computing, fol-
lowed by others such as networks, operating systems
and distributed systems. This demonstrates the na-
ture of microservices as a service-oriented architec-
tural style. Most of these include some reference to
cloud computing, even if not published in this forum.
5.3 Classification of Microservice
Methods and Techniques
In Table 8, we compared the studies based on the
core classification categories. As already stated, mi-
croservices are considered as an architectural style, in
which we can distinguish two technical perspectives
(see column ’Technical Contribution, which refines
the ’Contribution Type’):
Architecture: architecture implementation and
validation, but also architecture design methods.
Methods: a more process-centric view with
method definitions and validations.
Figure 6, where we mapped the generic contribution
types (Solution, Evaluation, Experience Report, Re-
view) to more specific technical contributions rele-
vant in the microservices context (Architecture and
Method), makes the distribution of technical contribu-
tions more clear. The bubble size indicates the num-
ber of studies of that type.
Solutions and their experimental validation dom-
inate (the 2 left-most columns Sol and Val). We can
also see that Architecture is more prevalent (the lower
3 rows AI, AM, AV) than the process-centric Method
perspective (the 2 rows MD and MV above) see
Figure caption for acronym definition. In the upper
right corner, non-solution/validation studies are sum-
marised. Here systematic evaluations and experience
reports on the one hand (Eval, Exp) and technology
reviews (Rev) are equally frequent.
5.4 Threats to Validity
We discuss threats to the validity of this work in the
different mapping study steps.
Threats to the Identification of Primary Stud-
ies. A challenge was to determine the scope of our
study, since microservices relate to different comput-
ing and IT communities including software engineer-
ing, information systems and cloud. These communi-
ties use different terminologies for the same concepts.
To cover all and avoid bias, we searched for the mi-
croservice term in different contexts. While this ap-
proach decreases bias, it significantly increases search
effort. To identify relevant studies and ensure an un-
biased selection, a review protocol was developed.
Microservices: A Systematic Mapping Study
Figure 6: Study Distribution by Technical Contribution over Contribution Type (bubble plot).
[Sol:Solution, Val:Validation, Eval:Evaluation, Exp: Experience Report, Rev: Review; AI:Architecture Implementation,
AM:Architecture Method, AV:Architecture Validation, MD:Method Definition, MV:Method Validation, Oth:Others] .
Threats to Selection and Data Extraction Con-
sistency. The formulation of the research questions
has helped in selecting studies of relevance, as did the
Reference Model and Characterisation Framework in
Section 3. However, we did include magazine con-
tributions and thesis here (as along as a review took
place) to include all trends and activities.
Threats to Data Synthesis and Results. This re-
liability threat is mitigated as far as possible by hav-
ing a unified characterization scheme and following
a standard protocol where several steps were piloted
and externally evaluated.
While the maturity is low, valuable insights into
trends can be identified that are of benefit to re-
searchers and practitioners alike.
6.1 Maturity
The actual scientific contributions are a mix of tech-
nology reviews, test environments and use case archi-
tectures (conceptual and implemented). As a good
part of this is still conceptual, it can be seen as a sign
of immaturity. This interpretation is strengthened by
the fact that some use case validations and no larger-
scale empirical evaluations exist.
Regarding the contribution formats, there is also a
notice imbalance compared to more mature domains:
Larger number of thesis (BSc/MSc level) and
magazine article pointing at an emerging topic
through initial experimental and explorative work
particularly at Bachelor or Master level, and also
in magazines providing early technology reviews.
The number of journal publications is low (with
short communications published only).
Higher number of use cases in comparison with
technology solutions again pointing at an
emerging topic by aiming to formatively validate
the technology through use cases, rather than a
more systematic summative evaluation.
We can note specifically a lack of proven tech-
nologies to realize a microservices architecture, un-
derstanding to differentiate SOA from microservices,
monitoring tools for microservices, architectural pat-
tern for microservices, experimental approaches to
empirically compare microservices with other styles
(for example using architecture evaluation mathods
like ATAM), tools to enable performance-driven De-
vOps for microservice architecture development, soft-
ware enigneering methods (methodologies, design
patterns, best practices, quality assurance, system ver-
sioning, change management) for microservice archi-
tecture development, and successful/unsuccessful ex-
amples of microservices development (only a few ex-
ist, c.f. Netflix).
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 8: Study comparison in terms of characterisation framework (focussing on architecture and method support – column
Technical Contribution).
ID Title Format Field Contrib
Contribution Details
1 Distribution of microservices for hardware in-
teroperability in the Smart Grid
Thesis Telecoms Sol Architecture
microservice-based smart grid impl
2 Evaluation of Microservices as an Extension of
Component Technologies (in German)
Thesis Soft Eng Eval Concept
conceptual evaluation
3 Location and Context-Based Microservices for
Mobile and Internet of Things Workloads
Eval Concept
3 sample use cases (microserv)
4 Learning-Based Testing of Microservices: An
Exploratory Case Study Using LBTest
Thesis Soft Eng Val Architecture
microservice test bed
5 Distributed Systems of Microservices Using
Docker and Serfnode
Conf/WorkshopScience Rev Review review of container tech
6 Towards a Technique for Extracting Microser-
vices from Monolithic Enterprise Systems
Conf/WorkshopSoft Eng Sol Service technique for ms identification in en-
terprise arch
7 Migrating to Cloud-Native Architectures Us-
ing Microservices: An Experience Report
Conf/WorkshopCloud Exp Experience
migration experience report
8 From Microservices to SOA Magazine Services Rev Review technology review
9 A Reusable Automated Acceptance Testing
Architecture for Microservices in Behavior-
Conf/WorkshopServices Val Architecture
testing architecture for ms
10 Learning-Based Testing of Microservices Conf/WorkshopSoft Eng Val Architect
microservice test bed
11 On Micro-Services Architecture Journal Science/
Rev Review technology review
12 Microservice-based Architecture for the
Conf/WorkshopSystems Exp Experience
data centre architecture using mi-
13 Microservices validation: Mjolnirr platform
case study
Conf/WorkshopCloud Val Method Vali-
testing for ms review + validation
method for ms
14 An Ecosystem of User-facing Microservices
supported by Semantic Models
Conf/WorkshopWeb/ Se-
Sol Architecture
abstract architecture for ms for Web
15 An architecture for self-managing microser-
Conf/WorkshopCloud Sol Architect
(concept) architecture for self-
management of microservices
16 Microservices: Patterns and Applications Book Soft Eng Sol Method Def-
design methods and patterns
17 Microservice-based Architecture for the
Conf/WorkshopSystems Exp Experience
data centre architecture using mi-
18 Synapse: a microservices architecture for
heterogeneous-database web applications
Conf/WorkshopSystems Sol Architecture
(implement) architecture for mi-
croservices for web DB apps
19 About Microservices, Containers and their Un-
derestimated Impact on Network Performance
Conf/WorkshopCloud Sol Method Def-
analysis and design recommenda-
20 Microservices Magazine Soft Eng Rev Review technology review
21 Building Microservices Book Soft Eng Sol Method Def-
full lifecycle methodology (design,
testing, impl/devops)
21 Auto-Scaling of Micro-Services Using Con-
Journal Science/
Val Architecture
conceptual architecture and scaling
23 A Microservice Approach for Near Real-Time
Collaborative 3D Objects Annotation
Conf/WorkshopWeb/ Se-
Val Architecture
microservices use case in learning
6.2 Research Trends
In terms of a perceived need for research, the follow-
ing aspects are important regarding methodological
and tool support:
Testing is of particular importance (microservices
as design artefact towards satisfying an integra-
tion need)
Intelligent semantic technologies for their man-
agement for instance for discovery in repositories.
Resulting from independence, self-manageability
enabled by the deployment platform.
Further trends can be added: microservices migration,
autonomous healing, runtime architecture change, ar-
chitectural patterns, DevOps and microservices, mi-
croservice monitoring, auto-scaling in the context
of microservices, configuration optimization for mi-
croservices, and architectural refactoring.
Microservices: A Systematic Mapping Study
6.3 Benefits for Researchers and
The characterization framework provides a holistic
view of different microservices concerns to be con-
sidered. The classification and comparison of stud-
ies, which contains overall 6 comparison attributes
presented across the figures and tables, provides use-
ful information. For the 21 papers and 6 compari-
son attributes, it creates a collection with 21*6 = 126
data points. This is beneficial for researchers who
require a quick identification of relevant studies and
detailed insight into state-of-the-art that supports mi-
croservices, but also for practitioners interested in un-
derstanding existing methods, architectures and tools
for microservice development and deployment.
Microservices have only received attention very re-
cently (Lewis and Fowler, 2014; Newman, 2015),
driven by two factors. Firstly, they address limitations
of the SOA style (Erl, 2005), specifically linking it to
independent deployability and lightweightness. Com-
panies such as Netflix and Thoughworks have been at
the forefront of this.
This brings this discussion also into the context of
continuous development approaches (Fitzgerald and
Stol, 2014) such as DevOps (Brunnert et al., 2015).
Furthermore, cloud technology (Mell and Grance,
2011; Antonopoulos and Gillam, 2010) and container
technology in this context in particular (Pahl and Lee,
2015; Pahl, 2015) provide a mechanism to deploy mi-
croservices consistent with the style principles. Mi-
croservice patterns need to be mapped onto cloud pat-
terns (Pahl and Jamshidi, 2015; Fehling et al., 2014).
While the maturity of the research work is quite
low, given the recent emergence of the topic, a con-
clusive summative analysis is not possible, but good
pointers towards research gaps and directions can be
derived that can be seen as a contribution of a more
formative investigation of the domain.
In conclusion, from our mapping study, microser-
vices emerge as an architectural style, but one that
extends from the design-stage architecture’ into de-
ployment and operations as a continuous development
style the ’method’ dimension. It also seem from a
significant part of the studies reviewed to be intrin-
sicly linked to cloud-based containers for deployment
and dynamic management - the dynamic architec-
ture’ dimension.
Antonopoulos, N. and Gillam, L. (2010). Cloud computing:
Principles, systems and applications. Springer.
Brunnert et al., A. (2015). Performance-oriented devops: A
research agenda. Technical Report: SPEC-RG-2015-
01, SPEC RG DevOps Performance Working Group.
Erl, T. (2005). Service-oriented architecture: concepts,
technology, and design. Pearson Education.
Fehling, C., Leymann, F., Retter, R., Schupeck, W., and
Arbitter, P. (2014). Cloud computing patterns.
Fitzgerald, B. and Stol, K.-J. (2014). Continuous software
engineering and beyond: Trends and challenges. In
1st Intl Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software En-
gineering, RCoSE 2014, pages 1–9.
Jamshidi, P., Ahmad, A., and Pahl, C. (2013a). Cloud mi-
gration research: a systematic review. Cloud Comput-
ing, IEEE Transactions on, 1(2):142–157.
Jamshidi, P., Ghafari, M., Ahmad, A., and Pahl, C.
(2013b). A framework for classifying and compar-
ing architecture-centric software evolution research.
In 7th European Conference on Software Maintenance
and Reengineering (CSMR), 2013, pages 305–314.
Kitchenham, B., Brereton, O. P., Budgen, D., Turner, M.,
Bailey, J., and Linkman, S. (2009). Systematic litera-
ture reviews in software engineering–a systematic lit-
erature review. Information and software technology,
Lewis, J. and Fowler, M. (2014). Microservices.
Mell, P. and Grance, T. (2011). The NIST definition of
cloud computing.
Newman, S. (2015). Building Microservices. O’Reilly.
Pahl, C. (2015). Containerization and the paas cloud. IEEE
Cloud Computing, 2(3):24–31.
Pahl, C. and Jamshidi, P. (2015). Software architecture
for the cloud - a roadmap towards control-theoretic,
model-based cloud architecture. In Europ Conference
on Software Architecture ECSA’15.
Pahl, C. and Lee, B. (2015). Containers and clusters for
edge cloud architectures - a technology review. In 3rd
International Conference on Future Internet of Things
and Cloud (FiCloud-2015). IEEE.
Pease, A., Niles, I., and Li, J. (2002). The suggested upper
merged ontology: A large ontology for the semantic
web and its applications. In AAAI-2002 workshop on
ontologies and the semantic web.
Petersen, K., Feldt, R., Mujtaba, S., and Mattsson, M.
(2008). Systematic mapping studies in software en-
gineering. In 12th Intl Conference on Evaluation and
Assessment in Software Engineering, volume 17.
Zimmermann, O. (2009). An architectural decision mod-
eling framework for service oriented architecture de-
sign. PhD thesis, Universit
at Stuttgart.
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science