A Low-cost Approach for Detecting Activities of Daily Living using
Audio Information: A Use Case on Bathroom Activity Monitoring
Georgios Siantikos, Theodoros Giannakopoulos and Stasinos Konstantopoulos
Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, NCSR Demokritos, Aghia Paraskevi, Athens, Greece
Audio Analysis, Activities of Daily Living, Health Monitoring, Remote Monitoring, Audio Sensors, Raspber-
ryPI, Audio Event Recognition.
In this paper, we present an architecture for recognizing events related to activities of daily living in the context
of a health monitoring environment. The proposed approach explores the integration of a Raspberry PI single-
board PC both as an audio acquisition and analysis unit. A set of real-time feature extraction and classification
procedures has been implemented and integrated on the Raspberry PI device, in order to provide continuous
and online audio event recognition. In addition, a tuning and calibration workflow is presented, according to
which the technicians installing the device in a fast ans user-friendly manner, without any requirements for
machine learning expertise. The proposed approach has been evaluated against a particular scenario that is
rather important in the context of any healthcare monitoring system for the elder, namely the ”bathroom sce-
nario” according to which a single microphone installed on a Raspberry PI device is used to monitor bathroom
activity in a 24/7 basis. Experimental results indicate a satisfactory performance rate on the classification pro-
cess (around 70% for five bathroom-related audio classes) even when less than two minutes of annotated data
are used for training in the installation procedure. This makes the whole procedure non demanding in terms
of time and effort needed to be calibrated by the technician.
Although fully autonomous artificial intelligence is
actively researched and advanced, the current state
of the art (and at the level of maturity required for
commodity electronics) has machine learning meth-
ods rely on delicate training and configuration ses-
sions in order to adapt to different environments.
When embedding machine learning methods in com-
modity electronics this is typically worked around by
uploading the signal and receiving analysis results
from remote centralized services. Recent examples
include voice-operated personal assistant applications
and companion, toy, and ‘pet’ applications.
This model, however, suffers from its obvious pri-
vacy implications. These implications are further ex-
acerbated in the telemedicine domain for two reasons:
the data collected by the remote service is not only
more sensitive, but the users might also not be able to
make informed decisions or might not be offered rea-
sonable alternatives. Home monitoring for the elderly
is a prime example: the increase in life expectancy
and in the need for long-term care creates a pressure
to seek alternatives to institutional healthcare for the
aged population. Advancements in robotics and au-
tomation and in artificial intelligence and intelligent
monitoring are explored as a way to prolong inde-
pendent living at home while providing guarantees
of safety and adequate medical monitoring ((Barger
et al., 2005), (Hagler et al., 2010), (MOTS et al.,
2002)). The users of such solutions, however, might
be suffering from mild cognitive impairment or be un-
able to afford conventional monitoring, which makes
ethically questionable any consent they provide to up-
load and analyse raw content of their activities of
daily living (ADL) in order to extract medical mon-
itoring information. Several methods have been used
to detect activities of daily living in real home en-
vironments, focusing on elderly population ((Vacher
et al., 2013), (Vacher et al., 2010), (Costa et al., 2009),
(Botia et al., 2012)) and a wide range of modalities.
In this paper, we present an audio analysis system
(Section 2) that explores the integration of the audio
sensor and the processing unit as Raspberry PI
vice. Such a unit is able to execute signal processing
and machine learning algorithms in order to eliminate
Please cf. https://www.raspberrypi.org
Siantikos, G., Giannakopoulos, T. and Konstantopoulos, S.
A Low-cost Approach for Detecting Activities of Daily Living using Audio Information: A Use Case on Bathroom Activity Monitoring.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2016), pages 26-32
ISBN: 978-989-758-180-9
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the need to provide raw content: the only informa-
tion that leaves the confines of the integrated unit is
an abstract ADL log. Although such information still
needs to be managed in full accordance to guidelines
pertaining private data, the level of obtrusiveness is
greatly reduced by the assurance that no unwarranted
analysis or recording can conceivably be done.
Our system is designed to satisfy two key require-
ments: that the analysis algorithms are computation-
ally efficient so that they can be implemented for
the Raspberry PI device; and that they can be tuned
and configured for different acoustic environments by
technicians without machine learning expertise. In
order to evaluate the proposed approach on these re-
quirements, we motivate and present a use case based
on bathroom usage (Section 3) and draw conclusions
(Section 3).
2.1 Overall Architecture
The main part of the whole system is a microphone-
equipped Raspberry PI single-board PC that is used
for all data acquisition and processing. Its small-form
factor, low energy consumption and low overall cost
make it ideal for installing it in any room/area we
want to monitor and its processing power is enough
for running our algorithms in real time. In our ex-
periments we used a Raspberry PI model B with a
Wolfson audio card.
Communication to/from the PC is made using
the MQTT machine-to-machine communication pro-
tocol. MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol
that implements the brokered publish/subscribe pat-
tern, created widely used in IoT applications. With-
out going into technical details, the main idea is that
when connected to a specified MQTT ‘broker’, vari-
ous machines/applications can send messages under a
certain topic and others can listen to these when ”sub-
scribed” to these topics. In our use case, it is used
both for sending commands to the Raspberry PI (for
example to start/stop recording) and for remotely re-
ceiving the processing results.
For this purpose, two MQTT clients were imple-
mented: The first is installed in the Raspberry PI and
is subscribed to a ”command” topic in order to receive
requests for collecting training data, building audio
classes models and finally use them for real-time clas-
sification. The second one is bundled in an Android
application and is used for sending remotely the cor-
responding commands and listening to the classifica-
tion results. The system is designed with ease of use
in mind and the only set-up needed is connecting the
two clients to the same broker. By having a dedicated
broker this step can be performed automatically, mak-
ing the whole system ‘plug-and-play’.
2.2 System Calibration
Once setup, the system has to go through a training
phase in order to be used for real-life scenarios. This
includes recording, feature extraction, manual anno-
tation of the recorded events and classifier tuning /
training. Figure 1 shows the proposed calibration
procedure. During this phase, the various events are
recorded using the Android application as a remote
controller of the Raspberry PI device that makes the
actual recording and further processing. An audio file
is created on user’s demand and the user/technician
is informed about the categories and durations of al-
ready recorded data. He then provides the current
recording’s label (e.g. ”door bell”). When a reason-
ably large amount of data is gathered (typically about
1-2 minutes of recordings for each category), the tech-
nician uses the mobile application to trigger the train-
ing process (that is also executed on the Raspberry PI
device). After this process, the Raspberry PI is ready
to monitor and recognize sound in the ”learned” envi-
2.3 Audio Event Recognition
2.3.1 Audio Features
In total, 34 audio features are extracted on a short-
term basis. This process results in a sequence of
34-dimensional short-term feature vectors. In addi-
tion, the processing of the feature sequence on a mid-
term basis is adopted. According to that the audio
signal is first divided into mid-term windows (seg-
ments). For each segment, the short-term process-
ing stage is carried out and the feature sequence from
each mid-term segment, is used for computing feature
statistics (e.g. the average value of the ZCR). There-
fore, each mid-term segment is represented by a set of
statistics. In this Section we provide a brief descrip-
tion of the adopted audio features. For detailed de-
scription the reader can refer to the related bibliogra-
phy (Giannakopoulos and Pikrakis, 2014) (Theodor-
idis and Koutroumbas, 2008), (Hyoung-Gook et al.,
2005). The time-domain features (features 1 - 3) are
directly extracted from the raw signal samples, while
the frequency-domain features (features 4-34, apart
from the MFCCs) are based on the magnitude of the
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The cepstral do-
main (e.g. used by the MFCCs) results after applying
A Low-cost Approach for Detecting Activities of Daily Living using Audio Information: A Use Case on Bathroom Activity Monitoring
{event: 'shower'}
Android application
Raspberry Pi
{events: [
{ name: 'shower',
time: '30s'},
{ name: 'activity',
time: '90s'},
{ name: 'flush',
time: '20s'}, ...
{ events: [
'tap' ],
name: 'test_02'
SVM classifier
[ { name: 'test_01',
events: ['shower',
'activity'] },
{ name: 'test_02',
events: ['shower', 'tap',
'flush'] } ]
Figure 1: From left to right: User initiates an event recording and the corresponding file is created. When user stops, a
response is returned with information about the events recorded so far. When a reasonable amount of data is gathered, an
SVM classifier for the desired events can be created using the pyAudioAnalysis library. In this case, the response contains
information about the classifiers available for future use.
the Inverse DFT on the logarithmic spectrum. The
complete list of features is presented in Table 1.
2.3.2 Classification
As described in Section 2.3.1, the feature extraction
process leads to a 68-dimensional feature vector for
each 1-second audio segment, i.e. 2 statistics x 34
short-term features. Each unknown audio segment of
fixed size (1 second in our case) is therefore repre-
sented by a 68-D feature vector. Each of these sam-
ples is classified using a Support Vector Machine with
probabilistic output. We have selected to use proba-
bilistic SVMs (Platt, 1999) due to their ability to gen-
eralize well especially in high dimensional classifi-
cation problems (Chapelle et al., 1999). The model
is trained using a cross-validation procedure to select
the optimal SVM parameter, namely the soft margin
parameter C.
2.3.3 Audio Analysis Implementation
Audio feature extraction and classification has been
implemented using the pyAudioAnalysis library (Gi-
annakopoulos, 15 ). This is an open-source Python li-
brary that implements a wide range of audio analysis
functionalities and can be used in several applications.
Using pyAudioAnalysis one can classify an unknown
audio segment to a set of predefined classes, segment
an audio recording and classify homogeneous seg-
ments, remove silence areas from a speech record-
ing, estimate the emotion of a speech segment, ex-
tract audio thumbnails from a music track, etc. In this
work, pyAudioAnalysis has been used to extract au-
dio features, to train the classification models and to
perform cross validation experimentation in order to
extract the respective performance measures. pyAu-
dioAnalysis achieves 2× realtime performance on the
Raspberry devices, which validates its usage in the
context of the particular setup.
3.1 Use Case and Motivation
As discussed in the introduction, the motivating use
case for our approach is medical monitoring. Specif-
ically, we base our evaluation setup on allowing el-
derly people with mild cognitive impairment to main-
tain an independent life, at their own home, for longer
than what is safely possible today.
In order to have a guideline about what informa-
tion is used by medical doctors to assess such con-
ditions, we use the interRAI Long-Term Care Facil-
ities Assessment System (interRAI LTCF). interRAI
LTCF enables comprehensive, standardized evalua-
tion of the needs, strengths, and preferences of per-
sons receiving care. interRAI has been analysed pre-
viously in order to identify assessment items, such as
mood and ADL logs, that can be automatically rec-
ICT4AWE 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 1: Adopted short-term audio features.
Index Name Description
1 Zero Crossing Rate Rate of sign-changes of the frame
2 Energy Sum of squares of the signal values,
normalized by frame length
3 Entropy of Energy Entropy of sub-frames’ normalized en-
ergies. A measure of abrupt changes
4 Spectral Centroid Spectrum’s center of gravity
5 Spectral Spread Spectrum’s second central moment of
the spectrum
6 Spectral Entropy Entropy of the normalized spectral en-
ergies for a set of sub-frames
7 Spectral Flux Squared difference between the nor-
malized magnitudes of the spectra of
the two successive frames
8 Spectral Rolloff The frequency below which 90% of the
magnitude distribution of the spectrum
is concentrated.
9-21 MFCCs Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients: a
cepstral representation with mel-scaled
frequency bands
22-33 Chroma Vector A 12-element representation of the
spectral energy in 12 equal-tempered
pitch classes of western-type music
34 Chroma Deviation Standard deviation of the 12 chroma co-
ognized and are useful to medical personnel (RADIO
Project, 2015). Among the assessment items listed,
we identified those regarding bathroom use as being
closest to our concept: these items can be extracted
by processing very sensitive content, and being able
to provide guarantees about the management and pro-
cessing of this content would have significant impact
on the acceptance of any relevant solution by users.
In this context, we have recorded and manually
annotated sounds from bathroom usage. In particular,
the following audio classes are trained and evaluated
by the proposed methodology:
Silence - no sound
Flushing water
Tap water
Other activities
Note that the selected audio events are location-
specific and therefore the adopted calibration work-
flow can be used in order during the installation phase,
as described in Section 2.2.
3.2 Dataset
In order to train and evaluate the proposed event
recognition methodology, we have recorded and
manually annotated (using the mobile app de-
scribed earlier in the paper) 4 recordings. The
total duration of the dataset is 7 minutes. The
extracted feature vector sequences and the respective
ground truth of each recording is openly available at
https://iit.demokritos.gr/ tyianak/bathroomScenario
3.3 Experimental Evaluation
3.3.1 Performance Measures
Let CM be the confusion matrix, i.e. a N
is the total number of audio classes), whose rows
and columns refer to the true (ground truth) and pre-
dicted class labels of the dataset, respectively. In other
words, each element, CM(i, j), stands for the number
of samples of class i that were assigned to class j by
the adopted classification method. The diagonal of
the confusion matrix captures the correct classifica-
tion decisions (i = j). CM is normalized row-wise, in
order to discard the information that is related to the
A Low-cost Approach for Detecting Activities of Daily Living using Audio Information: A Use Case on Bathroom Activity Monitoring
size of each class:
(i, j) =
CM(i, j)
CM(i, n)
Obviously, after the normalization process, the el-
ements of each row sum to unity.
Three useful performance measures are then ex-
tracted from the confusion matrix. The first is the
overall accuracy, Acc, of the classifier, which is de-
fined as the fraction of samples of the dataset that have
been correctly classified:
Acc =
CM(m, m)
CM(m, n)
Apart from the overall accuracy, we have adopted
two class-specific measures that describe how well
the classification algorithm performs on each class.
The first of these measures is the class recall, Re(i),
which is defined as the proportion of data with true
class label i that were correctly assigned to class i:
Re(i) =
CM(i, i)
CM(i, m)
CM(i, m) is the total number of sam-
ples that are known to belong to class i. In addition,
we use the class precision (Pr(i)), i.e. the fraction
of samples that were correctly classified to class i if
we take into account the total number of samples that
were classified to that class:
Pr(i) =
CM(i, i)
CM(m, i)
Finally, the F
-measure is also computed, which is
the harmonic mean of the precision and recall values:
(i) =
Pr(i) + Re(i)
3.3.2 Results
Table 2 shows the (row-wise normalized) confusion
matrix and the respective precision, recall and F1
measures for each audio class. This is the result of the
evaluation process when only one recording is used
during the training phase.
These results correspond to the most realistic and
less demanding (in terms of calibration-training time).
In addition, Table 3 demonstrates the ability of the
classifiers to adopt to more data, if they can be avail-
able. In particular, 3 shows the same performance
measures if a ”leave one out” process is used in the
evaluation process, using the described dataset. That
is, if three whole recordings are used for each training
phase. Results indicate an almost 5% performance
boosting. However, using three recordings instead of
one means a 300% increase in the calibration time to
be carried out by the technicians.
We have presented an architectural scheme that em-
ploys a Raspberry PI device both as an audio acquisi-
tion and analysis unit, in the cotnext of a health mon-
itoring system that detects ADLs in the living envi-
ronments of elderly people. Real-time audio feature
extraction and classification methods have been im-
plemented and integrated on the device. Also, we pro-
pose a procedure for a fast and easy-to-use calibration
procedure that actually trains the implemented classi-
fiers in the particular home’s sound conditions. Ex-
perimental evaluation has demonstrated a 70% classi-
fication performance even if a single recording (1 to
1.5 minute long) is used in the training process. The
complete software that was used for the experiments
can be found in the project’s Git repository
under an
open-source license.
The proposed system architecture satisfies three
vital requirements.
First the implemented algorithms are computa-
tionally efficient so that they can be implemented
for the Raspberry PI device, as they demonstrate
a 2× realtime performance on the Raspberry de-
vices. This validates the system’s usage in the
context of a low-cost health monitoring setup as it
does not require a workstation or a PC (e.g. (Chen
et al., 2005)), but a single Raspberry PI that serves
both as an acquisition and an analysis module. In
particular, the total cost of both the acquisition
and analysis modules is less than 100$.
In addition, despite the low-cost characteristics
of the proposed approach, the system achieves a
satisfactory classification performance, given (a)
the low cost and (b) the lack of demand for big
training data. Compared to other similar meth-
ods for ADL recognition in the context of a smart
home environment, our method does not outper-
form (in terms of overall classification accuracy),
however, given the significant differences in terms
of overall cost, the proposed approach is prefer-
able for real house applications. For instance, the
approach in (Vuegen et al., 2013) achieves a 85%
classification accuracy in a ADL recognition task,
however the acquisition scenario requires multiple
microphone sensors and therefore much higher
ICT4AWE 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 2: Single-recording training: Row-wise normalized confusion matrix, recall precision and F1 measures. Overall F1
measure: 68.1%.
Confusion Matrix (%)
True Shower Flush Tap Silence Activity
Shower 89.4 1.8 3.0 0.1 5.8
Flush 7.2 70.7 0.4 2.1 19.6
Tap 5.7 4.0 85.8 0.8 3.6
Silence 1.4 4.0 0.0 58.0 36.5
Activity 13.0 11.6 2.6 31.2 41.6
Performance Measurements (%, per class)
Recall: 89.4 70.7 85.8 58.0 41.6
Precision: 76.6 76.8 93.5 62.9 38.8
F1: 82.5 73.6 89.5 60.3 40.2
Table 3: Three-recording training: Row-wise normalized confusion matrix, recall precision and F1 measures. Overall F1
measure: 73.8%.
Confusion Matrix (%)
True Shower Flush Tap Silence Activity
Shower 85.6 1.6 2.6 0.2 10.0
Flush 5.7 86.5 0.0 1.5 6.3
Tap 5.2 3.7 85.5 0.7 4.9
Silence 0.1 3.4 0.0 72.5 24.0
Activity 5.8 9.7 1.5 29.0 53.9
Performance Measurements (%, per class)
Recall 85.6 86.5 85.5 72.5 53.9
Precision 83.6 82.5 95.4 69.8 54.4
F1: 84.6 84.5 90.2 71.1 54.2
Finally, the whole system can be configured and
calibrated for different acoustic environments by
technicians without machine learning expertise.
Our ongoing and future research work focuses on
the following directions:
Extend the calibration procedure so that it also
takes into account a ”base dataset”, i.e. an initial
classification scheme that is tuned in the context
of the annotation process and not re-trained from
Use long-term temporal knowledge to smooth the
results of the classifier, based on prior knowledge
regarding the events.
The most important ongoing research direction
focuses on adopting more robust audio classifi-
cation approaches. We are currently working to-
wards implementing deep learning methods for
audio event recognition, which have been proved
to achieve a significant performance boosting
(more than 10%) (Lane et al., 2015), (Wang et al.,
This project has received funding from the European
Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under grant agreement No 643892. Please
see http://www.radio-project.eu for more details.
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ICT4AWE 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health