A Framework for Enriching Job Vacancies and Job Descriptions
Through Bidirectional Matching
Sisay Adugna Chala, Fazel Ansari and Madjid Fathi
Institute of Knowledge Based System and Knowledge Management,
University of Siegen, Holderlinstr. 3, Siegen, Germany
Bidirectional Matching, Job Vacancy, Job Description, Text Mining, LSA, Latent Semantic Analysis.
There is a huge online data about job descriptions which has been entered by job seekers and job holders that
can be utilized to give insight into the current state of jobs. Employers also produce large volume of vacancy
data online which can be exploited to portray the current demand of the job market. When preparing job
vacancies, taking into account the information contained in job descriptions, and vice versa, the likelihood of
getting the bidirectional match of a job description and a vacancy will be improved. To improve the quality
of job descriptions and job vacancies, a mediating system is required that connects and supports job designers
and employers, respectively. In this paper, we propose a framework of an automatic bidirectional matching
system that measures the degree of semantic similarity of job descriptions provided by job-seeker, job-holder
or job-designer against the vacancy provided by employer or job-agent. The system provides suggestions to
improve both job descriptions and vacancies using a combination of text mining methods.
So far, job seekers look for job vacancy advertise-
ments and study the details of job requirements to
decide whether it is suitable for their level of ex-
pertise which they have stipulated on their resume.
Though vacancies are publicly available, due to over-
whelming volume of data, job seekers are not able to
easily find relevant vacancy for their skill or are un-
able to analyze the requirements to estimate its rel-
evance. On the other hand, vacancies are not often
prepared with desired skill sets required by employ-
ers (i.e., job provider). Rather, it is becoming custom-
ary that recruiters look for online profiles of potential
employees from professional networking sites (e.g.,
) and/or via recommendations from net-
works such as partners and alliances (Sacchetti, 2013;
Rafi and Shaikh, 2013; Hernandez, 2015; Godliman,
Besides, employees’ job descriptions are prepared
independently of job vacancy requirements and stored
in professional networking sites or collected by job
designers/analyzers who do job analysis research like
WageIndicator(WageIndicator, 2015). However, re-
s of job seekers fail short of portraying the infor-
mation available on those sites to cover all required
skill sets in accordance with the job descriptions.
The measurement errors associated with the way
people provide their job descriptions in relation to its
effect on occupational coding are discussed by (Bel-
loni et al., 2014). They emphasized on the need to
improve the quality of job descriptions.
If there is a way that job vacancies are prepared
by getting heuristic information from analysis of job
descriptions (developed by job designers), taking into
account the heuristic information from job vacancies
(like what job seekers do), the likelihood of getting
the best match of job description for a vacancy will
be improved.
In this study, we propose the conception and real-
ization of an automatic bidirectional matching system
(Kucherov et al., 2014; Muderedzwa and Nyakwende,
2010) that measures the degree of semantic similarity
of job descriptions provided by job-seeker, job-holder
or job-designer against the vacancy provided by em-
ployer or job-agent. This similarity can then provide
a feedback to improve job descriptions based on the
requirements of vacancies. It also does feed-forward
suggestions for the improvement to the preparation of
accurate vacancies based on up-to-date job descrip-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
in Section 2, we discuss the state of the practice in
text analysis techniques for the bidirectional match-
Chala, S., Ansari, F. and Fathi, M.
A Framework for Enriching Job Vacancies and Job Descriptions Through Bidirectional Matching.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 2, pages 219-226
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing system. In Section 3, we discuss the methodol-
ogy which is dedicated to describing the data and the
system setup where we discuss the source and type
of data, data pre-processing, conceptual setup of the
system and related algorithms. In Section 4, we de-
scribe the employed evaluation techniques. Finally
we summarize the results and outline the future re-
search works of the study.
Taking into account the challenge of matching, a com-
bination of algorithms need to be employed for clus-
tering of the textual data, measuring the similarity,
matching and searching. Clustering refers to set of
methods and algorithms for analysis of objects (e.g.
graph, data, document, text or term) to identify related
items, and organizing them into groups whose mem-
bers are similar (Fortunato, 2010; Schaeffer, 2007;
Biemann, 2012; Fasulo, 1999).
Proper selection of a clustering method (or algo-
rithm) is highly related to the application context i.e.
clustering of graphs, data, document, text or term. In
data clustering - (Gan et al., 2007) - communities are
set of points which are close to each other, with re-
spect to a measure of distance or similarity (Fortu-
nato, 2010). The latter is potentially adaptable to our
approach (Charu and Zhai, 2012).
In the concept of text (or document and term) clus-
tering there are approaches using hierarchical cluster-
ing or text mining methods (Charu and Zhai, 2012).
The methods are focused on organizing text data
based on similarity or association measure. The ap-
proaches are applied in a similar way for document-,
text- and term- clustering (Klahold et al., 2014). So
we used the term (word) clustering to refer to such
methods. In this context, hierarchical term clustering
algorithms (techniques) are detected such as single-
link, complete-link, average-link, cliques, and stars
(Li, 1990; Rajasekaran, 2005).
The single-link or single-linkage clustering
method detects and merges unlinked pair of points
in two clusters with the largest similarity (Manning
et al., 2008), while complete-link clustering or
complete-linkage clustering determines the similarity
of the most dissimilar members of the clusters (Man-
ning et al., 2008). In average-link or average-linkage,
the average value of all the pairwise links between
points (for which each is in one of the two clusters) is
a measure for computing the similarity (William and
Baeza-Yates, 1992).The clique clustering groups the
data into cliques i.e. identifying subspaces of a high
dimensional data space that allow better clustering
than original space (Kochenberger et al., 2005;
Gijswijt et al., 2007).
The main star algorithms are the Scatter-Gather -
(Cutting et al., 1993) - and (Charikar et al., 1997). The
star algorithms do not impose a fixed number of clus-
ters as a constraint on the solution (Gil-Garc
ıa et al.,
2003; Aslam et al., 2004). The algorithms detect the
highest degree unmarked node and mark it as a star
center, and construct a cluster from the star center and
its associated satellite nodes (Gil-Garc
ıa et al., 2003;
Aslam et al., 2004). Finally each node in the newly
constructed cluster is marked (Gil-Garc
ıa et al., 2003;
Aslam et al., 2004).
In addition to the clustering methods which are
discussed earlier, there are a number of related works
using ontology-based framework for text clustering
(Hotho and Staab, 2002; Yang et al., 2008; Tar and
S., 2011; Ma et al., 2012).
Furthermore, a number of studies have been con-
ducted in the area of both fuzzy and exact matching of
patterns (Hussain et al., 2013) in which they applied
exact matching algorithm using two pointers (simul-
taneously) based on window sliding method where
they tried to compare bidirectional algorithm’s re-
sults with Quick Search, BM Horspool, Boyer-Moore
and Turbo BM algorithms that are deemed to be effi-
cient for character comparisons and attempts to com-
plete processing of selected text. They used bidirec-
tional matching algorithm that compares a given pat-
tern from both sides, starting from right then from
left, one character at a time within the text window
and produced an algorithm that scans text string from
both sides simultaneously against the given pattern.
Its analysis shows that it takes O(mn/2) time where
m is the length of the given pattern and n is the length
of the target text.
Another study by (TextKernel, 2015) uses the re-
e text of the candidate’s profile and automatically
creates a search which is performed on multiple and
multi-lingual sources of jobs. The search system col-
lects and structures online jobs, can match them to a
profile and helps quickly find relevant job for a job
In this study, our approach to document and term
clustering is the extension of the work presented in
(Klahold et al., 2014) which employs term similarity
measures for text clustering elaborated in Section 3.4,
and bidirectional matching that is focused on docu-
ment matching as opposed to term matching (cf. Sec-
tion 3.5).
Unlike its usage in (Hussain et al., 2013) for pat-
tern matching, in this study, the concept bidirectional
matching refers to matching terms in job description
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
with job vacancies and vice versa (cf. Figure 2) to
produce a unified search space for documents in the
same cluster. This study is also different from that of
(TextKernel, 2015) in that it tries to generate a com-
mon terms database to represent job descriptions and
vacancies in same cluster to maximize the likelyhood
of their appearance in the suggestion list. It does not
use active vacancies and user profiles as in (TextKer-
nel, 2015) rather it uses user profiles, active and his-
torical vacancies and standard job description. Its re-
sult at this stage is a representation of job descriptions
and job vacancies which will be used as an input to
job vacancy recommender in later stages.
In this section, we describe the data source, methods
of collection and pre-processing; how the system is
conceptually set up; and the algorithm that is used to
find the matching of job descriptions.
3.1 Data Source
Wageindicator database contains a huge volume of
job descriptions and wage information that enables
us to obtain data on what job seekers (or job hold-
ers) provide about their existing jobs. This database
also contains data that job holders provide about their
Job vacancy data is collected from online job ad-
vertising sites using web crawlers designed especially
for this purpose. As these data are collected from
plethora of sources with multilingual nature, they will
be translated to a common language using machine
translation systems.
We use data of varied type from multiple sources
collected, stored and managed by WageIndicator
(WageIndicator, 2015). First, there is a big database
of job descriptions made by job designers for 430
job titles and an average of 10 sentences per job
title that is available in 13 languages which was
initially made by International Labor Organization
(ILO) (WageIndicator, 2015).
Second, there is a growing database of job de-
scriptions by job holders which includes 1,700 job ti-
tles coded according to ISCO-08 scheme (WageIndi-
cator, 2015). The number of characters used by the
jobholders varies largely, and the text is unstructured.
This text is collected by means of the WageIndicator
web survey, and the survey data includes also wages
and other variables of interest. The survey is held in
85 countries, although most responses are from the
Netherlands and Germany (WageIndicator, 2015). We
also use the job descriptions available on European
Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations
(ESCO)(EC, 2015).
Third, in relation to job advertisements, in a few
countries, WageIndicator publishes vacancies from
job advertisement companies that need to be crawled.
The data collected from all the above sources is used
to train and test the proposed bidirectional matching
3.2 Data Pre-processing
In the collected data, job holders enter their job de-
scription mixing it with their emotions and non-job-
related information, hence the description may in-
clude phrases such as ”I like my job but not my boss”.
For this reason, extensive data cleaning work is done
before indexing the documents. All of the data in the
collection is organized and subsequently converted
to plain text. Then it is cleaned up from the blank
lines and noisy characters (e.g., punctuations) and fi-
nally its encoding converted to UTF-8 automatically
to make it ready for training of the system.
3.3 Conceptual Framework
As shown in Figure 1, the data collected by web
crawling from online job vacancies is matched against
the data from Wageindicator Foundation to find out
which job descriptions align with which vacancies,
and vice versa. This alignment is in turn stored in
a database that contains pool of skill sets. The system
is used to improve the quality of job vacancies and to
assist job seekers (or job holders) during their entry
of job descriptions.
3.4 Document Similarity Analysis and
The first step towards document similarity analysis is
to build a document vector in order to represent the
document as a whole. This is done through a statisti-
cal approach, in which the vector will be made from
the statistically most important words contained in the
document by removing stop words, i.e., words that are
too common to distinguish documents from one an-
other. The importance of words or terms is weighted
according to their popularity in the data set. The out-
come prioritizes the terms that are relatively rare in
the data set.
Due to the fact that the data set is focused on a spe-
cific topic – occupation – we will also use vocabular-
ies to guide the formation of the document vector as
A Framework for Enriching Job Vacancies and Job Descriptions Through Bidirectional Matching
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Bidirectional Matching System.
it is practical to build and maintain a suitable vocabu-
lary for specific subject matter. In addition to the au-
tomatically extracted indexes, vocabularies from stan-
dard occupation are used in the system to improve the
ability of the system to distinguish between different
job descriptions.
After having extracted and stored the document
vector of indexes, the similarity analysis applications
work by comparing the vectors of documents using
range of statistical approaches such as TF/IDF, Co-
sine similarity, Dice Similarity, Jaccard similarity, or
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) techniques (Jurafsky
and Martin, 2009).
We use LSA, also known as Latent Semantic In-
dexing (LSI), which is a technique that utilizes the
concepts of vector space model and Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD). It was first proposed by (Deer-
wester et al., 1990) to construct a weighted terms-by-
documents matrix and using the matrix to represent
the concepts contained in the text. This way, we build
a matrix of terms-by-documents that we will use in
the later stages to perform SVD on the matrix and find
singular values that represent job descriptions as con-
cepts in the document.
A simple search which only looks for existence
of words fail to perform when the words are mis-
placed or a synonym of the words are used (Harring-
ton, 2012; Landauer, 2007). In contrast, with LSA the
synonyms represent a common concept and thus point
to the same documents (Harrington, 2012; Landauer,
2007). In the context of our data which is entered
mainly by job seekers’ or job holders’ self-assessment
(Tijdens and van Klaveren, 2012), where synonym is
a key issue to study, we found LSA as a viable option
over the other techniques because in LSA synonyms
represent a common concept.
To build the terms-by-documents matrix, M, we
need to first identify the occurrences of the A unique
terms minus the non-value adding terms, i.e., stop
words, within a collection of B documents. In a terms-
by-documents matrix, each raw represents term and
each column represents document, thus forming a ma-
trix of size AxB, where A is the number of unique
terms in the dataset and B is the number of documents
representing the data set. Each matrix cell, m
i j
, rep-
resents the count of term in the corresponding docu-
ment, t f
i j
, where t f stands for term frequency (Juraf-
sky and Martin, 2009).
After the terms-documents matrix is built, weight-
ing functions are applied to it to transform the data be-
cause the matrix is large and sparse. Then, the value
of m
i j
is transformed to represent the production of
the relative frequency of the term in the document,
i j
, and the relative frequency of the term in the total
document collection g
i j
. For the local term weight-
ing function, we use entropy method as it is proved to
have performed better than the other weighting func-
tions (Nakov, 2000).
3.5 Bidirectional Matching
The way human beings match resumes to job de-
scriptions has been summarized into a series of steps
including review of job descriptions, summarization
and entry of qualifications for the descriptions’ re-
quirements (Jones, 2015).
The automated system, on the other hand, extracts
text from multiple documents from various sources
and splits the text into words to prepare for the match-
ing process. This method performs a variety of differ-
ent operations and text analyses related to extraction
and matching of several files based on document sim-
ilarities using indexes. The system is not only helpful
to extract and match the specified text from multiple
job descriptions but also filters out documents which
do not contain a specified text. After the process of
matching, the system produces the resulting matched
data and stores it into the database for searching.
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Bidirectional Matching: An Example.
Once the documents are represented by indexes
(i.e., words or terms), we experiment to evaluate n-
gram string matching using the indexes from the two
sets of documents (i.e., job descriptions and job va-
cancies) to find out the optimal n-gram (Jurafsky and
Martin, 2009).
For example, we use keys from indexes extracted
from job descriptions provided by job holders to
search for patterns in job vacancies provided by em-
ployers, and vice versa. Then we compare the re-
sults if they have reasonable matching. The choice
of bidirectional matching is because it has been re-
ported to perform well in pattern matching (Chatter-
jee and Perrizo, 2009). Moreover, it has a space com-
plexity of O(mn/2), where m and n are the number
of characters in the search space (Kucherov et al.,
2014). The literature review by (Hussain et al., 2013)
shows that the complexity of bidirectional matching
is better than that of all other pattern matching al-
gorithms for text processing. For instance, consid-
ering a job description for a System Administrator,
one can find a number of vacancies with different job
requirements. Let us take part of the job description
D {D
} with content ”... ability to config-
ure systems and networks, manage users, give techni-
cal support to users ... and two example vacancies V
and V
} with content ”... experience in
troubleshooting systems over wide area network and
proven knowledge of working on virtual private net-
works ... and ”... skill in corporate email adminis-
tration and hardware maintenance ..., respectively.
It is apparent that some of the key requirements of
the vacancies such as troubleshooting in V
and main-
tenance in V
are missing in D. Thus, the system, on
the one side, provides suggestion for the job designers
to enrich D by incorporating troubleshooting from V
and maintenance from V
. On the other side, the sys-
tem provides recommendations to enrich V
and V
incorporating the terms ”configure” and ”network”
from D, respectively (cf. Figure 2, cf. Algorithm 1).
Algorithm 1: Algorithm for our Bidirectional Framework.
Require: D and V are two vectors of strings of length
m and n
>,< V
2: Cluster(< D
>,< V
) cluster similar job descriptions
and vacancies
3: for c Clusters do
4: for D D
5: for t
D do
6: for v V
7: if (t
6∈ v) then append(v,t
8: for V V
9: for t
v do
10: for D D
11: if (t
6∈ D) then append(D,t
12: return < D >,< V >
In this section, we discuss the methods that are em-
ployed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
system. To evaluate the effectiveness and sensitivity
of the system, a combined precision and recall mea-
sures is employed as shown in Equation 1, and Equa-
tion 2:
Recall =
|{RR} {RT }|
Precision =
|{RR} {RT }|
|{RT }|
where RR stands for the number of relevant docu-
ments and RT stands for the number of retrieved doc-
uments. In this context relevant documents refer to
job vacancies and job descriptions which have match-
ing terms with the search term whereas retrieved doc-
uments refer to job descriptions and job vacancies that
are returned as suggestions based on the search terms.
Thus, the effectiveness of the system is measured by
how many of the job descriptions and job vacancies
are suggested and from them how many of them are
appropriately suggested.
While cleaning the data of non-relevant charac-
ters and terms during indexing, we also include syn-
onyms, related terms, broad or general terms for each
job description. Considering the example of System
Administrator described in Section 3.5, for instance,
Network Administrator is also used as a synonym of
System Administrator.
A Framework for Enriching Job Vacancies and Job Descriptions Through Bidirectional Matching
Though these decisions affect precision nega-
tively, because synonyms may not be exact ones and
the probability of retrieving irrelevant material in-
creases, it guarantees that overlapping job descrip-
tions will be matched. Entries must be considered in
a dichotomy of either relevant or non relevant when
determining recall and precision. However, data en-
tries have varied degree of similarity in the spectrum
of totally relevant to totally irrelevant.
Referring to the example of System Administra-
tor (cf. Section 3.5) some of the synonyms can be
marginally relevant (e.g., Network Operator) or some-
what irrelevant (e.g., System Analyst) while others
may be completely relevant (e.g., System Engineer)
or completely irrelevant (e.g., Social Network Ana-
lyst). To decide this, we will use probabilistic method
of rated degree of effectiveness and precision (Goutte
and Gaussier, 2005). The results of matching targets
are then ranked according to their degree of relevance
to the indexes in the representation of the source job
description (cf. Figure 2).
As shown in Equation 1 and Equation 2, recall is
the proportion of relevant job descriptions and vacan-
cies that are determined to be matching to the term
in question to the total relevant documents, i.e., how
many of the related job descriptions and vacancies are
suggested to be matching. Precision, on the other
hand, is the proportion of relevant job descriptions
and vacancies that are determined to be matching to
the term in question to the total suggested documents,
i.e., how many of the related job descriptions and va-
cancies are suggested to be matching and how many
of the non related ones are not suggested.
This paper presents the work aimed at matching job
description with job vacancies, and explains the data
together with its source and type. In addition, it elab-
orates the selection of algorithms for i) preprocess-
ing and representing the documents, ii) performing
the matching between job descriptions and vacancies,
iii) similarity analysis, and iv) evaluating the effec-
tiveness of the results.
The resulting representation of job descriptions
and job vacancies in this study will be used as input
to job vacancy recommender system.
This matching not only provides accurate and up-
to-date information for job designers to develop refer-
ence job descriptions such as the ones present in stan-
dard occupation databases but also supports employ-
ers or job-agents to identify crucial and cross-cutting
skill sets to be stated in the requirements for a vacancy
There are a number of areas for future work. First,
in addition to the automatic evaluation, the level of
improvement in user engagement, the quality of sug-
gestions as well as user experience will be studied and
performance of the system with respect to usage will
be evaluated.
Second, due to the labor force mobility especially
across Europe (Fischer et al., 2014) and individual-
skill mismatches (Hernandez, 2015; Godliman,
2009), the scope of this study extends to i) analyze
multi-lingual job descriptions and job vacancies and
ii) applying it at micro level (i.e., individual level) to
support job seekers to improve the quality of their CV
for a particular job posting so as to include required
and preferred skills.
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial
support of the Eduworks Marie Curie Initial Training
Network Project (PITN-GA-2013-608311) which is
part of the European Commission’s 7th Framework
Finally, the authors would like to express their
deepest gratitude to WageIndicator Foundation for
supporting this research.
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WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies