The Interpretation of Elliptical Predicate Constructions in Mandarin:
Semantic Underspecification and Pragmatic Enrichment
Yue Yu and Yicheng Wu
Centre for the Study of Language and Cognition, Zhejiang University, 148 Tian Mu Shan Road, Hangzhou, China
Keywords: Mandarin, Elliptical Predicate Construction, Pro-form, Semantic Underspecification, Pragmatic Enrichment,
Abstract: This paper attempts to present a unitary account of a range of elliptical predicate constructions in Mandarin,
such as Null Object Constructions, English-like VP ellipsis constructions, and gapping constructions. It is
argued that (i) from an interpretative perspective, the ellipsis site in the above-mentioned elliptical
constructions can be uniformly analyzed as a pro-form with underspecified content; (ii) the interpretation of
both syntactically and semantically underspecified constructions as such is crucially dependent on context.
Within the framework of Dynamic Syntax (Kempson et al. 2001; Cann et al. 2005), the null object in Null
Object Constructions, the null verb phrase in English-like VP ellipsis constructions and the null verb in
gapping constructions are consistently analyzed as projecting a metavariable whose semantic value is
pragmatically enriched from context by means of “substitution”/“re-use”. It is thus shown that syntactic and
pragmatic processes interact to determine the underspecified content of elliptical predicate constructions in
Mandarin. The dynamic analysis proposed provides a formal and unitary characterization of a variety of
elliptical constructions without any stipulations.
In this paper we attempt to provide a unitary account
for a range of elliptical predicate constructions in
Mandarin, such as Null Object Construction,
English-like VP ellipsis, and Mandarin gapping
construction, as exemplified by (1)-(3) below,
(1) 张三喜欢英语,李四也喜欢。
Zhangsan xihuan yingyu. Lisi ye xihuan ([e]).
Zhangsan like English Lisi also like
‘Zhangsan likes English. Lisi also likes (it).’
(2) [张三在爬树。]
[Zhangsan zai pashu.]
[Zhangsan ASP climb tree]
[‘Zhangsan is climbing a tree.’]
Lisi: wo ye gan ([e]).
I also dare
‘So dare I.’
(3) 张三吃了三个苹果,李四四个橘子。
Zhangsan chi-le san-ge pingguo, Lisi___si-ge
Zhangsan eat-ASP three-CL apple Lisi__four-CL
‘Zhangsan ate three apples, and Lisi__four
In (1), the object in the target clause of the Null
Object Construction is apparently missing with the
main verb repeated. English-like VP ellipsis
presented in (2) is licensed by modals such as
(hui) ‘will’, (neng) ‘can’, and (gan) ‘dare’.
The main verb in the gapping construction (3) is left
unexpressed in the subsequent clause. The fact that
syntactically underspecified constructions as such
can be perfectly understood indicates that the ellipsis
site is crucially dependent on context for its
interpretation. Obviously, the constituents at issue
can only be left out if there is a straightforward way
for the hearer to recover their meanings from the
context, be it linguistically (as in (1) and (3)) or non-
linguistically (as in (2)).
The context-dependent nature of interpreting
elliptical constructions suggests that the
underspecified content associated with the
unexpressed syntactic constituents requires to be
pragmatically enriched. This points to a hypothesis
that the elliptical site projects a meta-variable which
takes its value from context, either from a linguistic
Yu, Y. and Wu, Y.
The Interpretation of Elliptical Predicate Constructions in Mandarin: Semantic Underspecification and Pragmatic Enrichment.
DOI: 10.5220/0005830003230334
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016) - Volume 1, pages 323-334
ISBN: 978-989-758-172-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
antecedent or the discourse context. The central
thesis of this paper is that an adequate account of
elliptical constructions should be couched in terms
of semantic underspecification and pragmatic
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents a critical review of previous analyses of the
elliptical constructions illustrated above. Section 3
introduces the theoretical framework to be
employed, namely, Dynamic Syntax (Kempson et al.
2001; Cann et al. 2005). Section 4 presents a
dynamic account of the constructions exemplified by
(1)-(3). A summary is made in section 5.
As for Null Object Construction as (1), there are
mainly two lines of analyses. One argues that there
exists V-Stranding VP ellipsis (alternatively known
as VP ellipsis in disguise) in Mandarin which can be
differentiated from Null Object Construction (see
Huang 1991a; Li 2002; Ai 2008 inter alia), whereas
the other maintains that V-Standing VP ellipsis in
Mandarin is actually nothing more than Null Object
Construction (e.g. Xu 2003). V-Stranding VP
ellipsis is derived through the deletion of VP after
the main verb goes through V-to-v movement, with
the main verb being stranded. The NP gap is no
longer a null object, but an elided VP. Later, the
moved verb has to be reconstructed back through
Logical Form reconstruction (LF-reconstruction) to
get a full semantic interpretation for the target
Li (2002) points out that V-Stranding VP ellipsis
in Mandarin should be approached from the
perspective of verb types, which can be
differentiated into stative verbs, resultative verbs and
action verbs. Moreover, he mentions that in any
given V-Stranding VP ellipsis contexts (e.g. under
syntactic control), the aforementioned constructions
show strict and sloppy readings
, just like English-
like VP ellipsis constructions. However, Ai (2008)
When the elliptical site includes a pronoun, the interpretation of the
elliptical clause show strict and sloppy effect, as in the following
Zhangsan xihuan ta-de laoshi.
Zhangsan like his teacher
‘Zhangsan likes his teacher.’
Lisi ye xihuan__.
Lisi also like
Strict reading: ‘Lisi also likes Zhangsan’s teacher.’
Sloppy reading: ‘Lisi also likes Lisi’s teacher.’
argues against Li’s statements, holding that Li’s
approach is of no significant results, and to have a
linguistic antecedent (here to be under syntactic
control) is not a guarantee that the target is an
instance of VP ellipsis, because the target can also
be an instance of deep anaphora in the sense of
Hankamer and Sag (1976) (like do it/that anaphora).
Moreover, he proposes that the traditional
diagnostics for VP ellipsis such as the strict and
sloppy ambiguity are not sufficient as do it/that
anaphora also shows such traits. He believes that
there do exist V-Stranding VP ellipsis constructions
in Mandarin, but Li has looked at the wrong place
for relevant arguments.
According to Ai (2008), examples like (1) are
instances of V-Stranding VP ellipsis rather than Null
Object Constructions, on the ground that if the
construction at issue can tolerate pragmatic control
(without linguistic antecedent), it might be an
instance of Null Object Construction, while if it
cannot, it must be an instance of V-Stranding VP
ellipsis, an instance of VP ellipsis, which is typically
known to resist pragmatic control. Having
differentiated strong pragmatic control from weak
pragmatic control in terms of the availability of a
linguistic topic (if there is no linguistic topic, it is an
instance of strong pragmatic control; if there is one,
it is an instance of weak pragmatic control), he
further argues that genuine V-Stranding VP ellipsis
in Mandarin can be found only in places of strong
pragmatic control when the null object happens to be
[-animate]. As pointed out by him, [-animate] null
objects resist strong pragmatic control as in (4):
(4) [Zhangsan drives home in his new BMW].
Lisi [to his wife]:
# 我一点儿都不喜欢。
# Wo yi-dian-er dou bu xihuan[
I one-bit all not like
‘I do not like (it) at all.’
(it=Zhangsan’s new BMW)
(Ai 2008: 108, (37))
Though appealing, this account does not seem to
be on the right track, both theoretically and
empirically. Theoretically, the diagnostic of
pragmatic control for VP ellipsis constructions does
not hold in Mandarin, different from that in
. As a piece of evidence, example (2) can
well tolerate pragmatic control. Empirically, the [±]
animate property of the null object does not make a
As mentioned in Hankmaer and Sag(1976), VP ellipsis constructions
in English resist pragmatic control, as in the example below:
[Hankamer attempts to stuff a 9-inch ball through a 6-inch hoop]
Sag: #It’s not clear that you will be able to.
PUaNLP 2016 - Special Session on Partiality, Underspecification, and Natural Language Processing
difference in the acceptability of relevant utterances
according to my informants, that is, the acceptability
of (4) and (5) is equal.
(5)[Zhangsan walks home in his new adopted
Lisi [to his wife]:
Wo yi-dian-er dou bu xihuan[
I one-bit all not like
‘I do not like (it) at all.’
(it=Zhangsan’s new adopted husky)
(Ai, 2008: 109, (38))
Moreover, according to Ai’s analysis, we would
reach the conclusion that the elliptical site in (4) is
derived through VP deletion after the main verb
(xihuan) ‘like’ goes through V-to-v movement,
whereas the elliptical site in (5) can be either a
deictic pro or a referential null epithet, for instance,
the covert counterpart of 那玩意儿 (na wanyi-er)
‘that play thing’. The same structure is imposed with
two distinct derivation and interpretation processes,
which are far from satisfactory. Apparently, a more
unified and consistent analysis remains to be
achieved. In this paper, we follow Xu (2003) and
maintain that examples like (1) are nothing more
than Null Object Constructions.
As for the derivation and interpretation of
English-like VP ellipsis as (2) in Mandarin, there are
mainly two approaches proposed in the literature:
Phonetic Form deletion (PF deletion) (see Huang
1991b, 1997; Ai 2008 inter alia) and Logical Form
reconstruction (see, e.g. Li 2005). While the former
assumes a full-fledged syntactic structure for the VP
gap prior to Spell-Out, the latter assumes that the
gap is a base-generated pro-form of VP and its
content, including its syntactic structure, can be fully
reconstructed at the Logical Form. Following Huang
(1991b, 1997), the derivation of English-like VP
ellipsis in Mandarin can be represented as:
(Neg) modal/auxiliary [
(Ai 2008)
After the subject is extracted out of the ellipsis
site, the remaining element, namely, vP, is deleted,
which can be illustrated by (6) below.
(6) [
爬树]]], [
gan [
pa shu]]],[
gan [
pa shu]]].
dare [
climb tree]]], [
dare [
climb tree]]].
‘Zhangsan dare to climb a tree, so dare I.
The other approach in the literature is Logical
Form reconstruction (LF-copy). The target VP is
considered to be base-generated as a pro-form of VP
that has no structure after Spell-Out. For the
interpretation of the target elliptical clause, the
relevant VP in the antecedent clause has to be copied
into the gap. Li (2005) holds that the existence and
the meaning of the base-generated pro-form are
determined by the selection property of a head. Only
the constituents selected by the head can exist as
empty elements, for instance, modals select VP:
(7) 小明能讲英语,小红也能。
Xiao Ming neng jiang yingyu, Xiao Hong ye
Xiao Ming can speak English Xiao Hong also
‘Xiao Ming can speak English, so can Xiao
The head (neng) ‘can’ selects a VP, therefore,
in (7) the VP 讲英语 (jiangyingyu) ‘speak English’
is selected by the head (neng) ‘can’ and can exist
as an empty element. Though appealing at first sight,
this approach can only deal with limited VP ellipsis
materials. The gapping example (3) is left
unexplained, as what is not overtly expressed is the
(3) illustrates the structure of gapping, in which
the main verb is null in the subsequent clause.
Gapping in English, as shown in (8), is traditionally
analyzed as (VP-) ellipsis with VP deletion after the
target object being moved out of the relevant VP at
the Phonetic Form, or across the board V/VP
movement (see Johnson 1994, 2004, 2006, 2009).
(8) John likes apples and Mary __oranges. (Ai
2014: 125, (1))
Tang (2001) assumes that examples like (8) are
simply empty-verb sentences rather than instances of
gapping. Recently, Ai (2014) has proposed a
different analysis of English-like gapping
constructions in Mandarin. He takes issue with both
Johnson’s and Tang’s analyses. With respect to
Johnson’s across-the-board-movement analysis, Ai
(2014: 128) claims that it fails to account for
English-like gapping in Mandarin, because gapping
in Mandarin is not restricted to coordinate structures,
nor does it seem to obey typical island constraints.
Regarding Tang (2001)’s assumption, Ai argues
instead that empty verb sentences have a rather
limited distribution in Mandarin, and the
“reconstructed” verbs in empty-verb sentences do
not have to be identical, a case being different from
gapping, an instance of ellipsis, for which “identity”
is always the licensing condition. Adopting a
methodology that separates the target clause from
The Interpretation of Elliptical Predicate Constructions in Mandarin: Semantic Underspecification and Pragmatic Enrichment
the antecedent clause, Ai (2014: 131) contends that
English-like gapping in Mandarin “is nothing more
than multiple sentence fragments, formed by a series
of syntactic operations that involve topicalization,
focus movement, and IP-deletion”, as shown in (9a)
whose interpretation is shown in (9b) and (9c):
(9a) 问:那天在山上,他们都看见了谁?
Q: Natian zai shan-shang, tamen dou kanjian-le
shei? on mountain-above they all see-ASP
‘(Lit.) That day on the mountain, they all saw
A: (?)Zhangsan kanjian-le Shufen. Lisi Yaping.
Zhangsan see-ASP Shufen LisiYaping
‘Zhangsan saw Shufen and Lisi Yaping.’
Ai (2014: 126, (5))
(9b) [
kanjian-le t
(focus movement)
(9c) [
kanjian-le t
(PF deletion)
Ai (2014: 133, (26))
Under Ai’s analysis, the first NP, namely the
subject, is topicalized and moved from spec, IP to
spec, TopicP position. Prior to the topicalization of
李四 (Lisi), the second NP 亚萍 (Yaping) undergoes
leftward focus movement to spec, FocusP position,
which is above IP but below TopicP. Subsequently,
as shown in (9c), the remnant IP [t
kanjian-le t
] is
then deleted at the Phonetic Form, yielding (9a),
which should be notated as “张三看见了淑芬。李
___]” (“Zhangsan kanjian-le Shufen. Lisi,
___]”) ‘Zhangsan saw Shufen and
___]’ with the gap indicating an IP that
has been elided.
Ai’s proposal has, however, a few problems
under closer examination. First, given the
observation of given-before-new ordering of
information that has long been recognized, the
subject and object of two coordinate clauses
supposedly carry the same information function in
the sense that the subject NP usually presents the
given information, and the object NP the novel
information. Under Ai’s analysis, the subject NP and
object NP in the target clause undergo topicalization
and leftward focus movement, respectively. If Ai’s
analysis is on the right track, the antecedent clause
should undergo the same syntactic operations. This
would give rise to a distinct structure “*张三淑芬看
见了,李四亚萍” (“*Zhangsan Shufen kanjian-le,
Lisi Yaping”) ‘*Zhangsan Shufen saw and Lisi
Yaping’. Moreover, by extension, the generation of
all canonical subject-predicate-object structures
would involve such complex syntactic operations as
topicalization and focus movement, which does not
seem viable.
Second, the leftward focus movement of the
object is not properly motivated. In canonical
Mandarin sentences the object usually carries the
natural focus information as observed in Chao
(1968: 69-78). Thus, in (3) 张三吃了三个苹果,李
四四个橘子 (Zhangsan chi-le san-ge pingguo,
Lisisi-ge juzi) ‘Zhangsan ate three apples and Lisi
four oranges’, 三个苹果 (san-ge pingguo) ‘three
apples’ and 四个橘子 (si-ge juzi) ‘four oranges’ are
located in the position of informational focus, which
suggests that the leftward focus movement of the
object should not be justified. Even there exists a
focus position that is above IP and below TopicP
under certain context, there should not be any
justification for the leftward movement of the object
in gapping constructions to that position, because it
is not the only position available for focus. The
object that remains in situ is originally the natural
focus, which can become the contrastive focus when
it is phonologically stressed, namely, without
movement (see Cheng 2008).
To sum up, from an interpretive perspective, all
the analyses reviewed here fail to provide an
adequate and consistent account for the various
elliptical predicate constructions in Mandarin,
simply because their production as well as their
interpretation is context-dependent in nature.
Therefore, a proper analysis for elliptical
constructions should be one that places a high
premium on context, that is, one that can show how
syntactic processes interact with pragmatic processes
to determine the underspecified content of the
elliptical constructions.
In this paper we attempt to propose a uniform,
parsing-based account of the various elliptical
predicate constructions discussed above: Null Object
Constructions, English-like VP ellipsis and gapping
construction. From a parsing perspective, the both
syntactically and semantically underspecified
constituents can be enriched by contextual
information. The theoretical framework to be
employed is that of Dynamic Syntax (henceforth
DS, Kempson et al. 2001; Cann et al. 2005), which
is a grammar formalism that defines both
representations of content and context dynamically
and structurally and allows the interaction between
syntactic, semantic and pragmatic information.
Before presenting a DS account of elliptical
PUaNLP 2016 - Special Session on Partiality, Underspecification, and Natural Language Processing
constructions in Mandarin, we provide a brief
introduction to the relevant parts of the framework
needed for handling the constructions discussed
The DS paradigm seeks to develop a grammar
formalism for characterizing the structural properties
of language by modeling the dynamic process of
semantic interpretation which is defined over the
left–right sequence of words uttered in context.
What is distinct about this theory is that syntactic
explanations can be grounded in the time-linear
projection of the requisite predicate-argument
structure. Like Minimalism (Chomsky 1995), there
is only one significant level of representation,
namely Logical Form. Unlike Minimalism, logical
forms are representations of semantic content, i.e.
pure representations of argument structure and other
meaningful content.
The design of the DS model reflects a number of
significant observations. First, natural language
understanding is highly dependent on context and
the change of context is not merely sentence by
sentence, but also word by word. Second,
processing, like other cognitive activities, involves
manipulation of partial information. This model
extends incomplete specifications from semantics
and pragmatics to the domain of syntax, and thus
allows the interaction between three types of actions,
computational, lexical and pragmatic, in the parsing
process. Intrinsic to this process is the concept of
underspecification, both syntactic and semantic,
which is manifested in a number of different ways
and whose resolution is driven by the notion of
requirements (i.e. goals and subgoals) which
determine the process of tree growth and must be
satisfied for a parse to be successful. The critical
aspect for the DS account will be the interaction
between these three types of actions, all of which are
expressed in the same terms of tree growth, hence
freely allowing interaction between them. Since this
interaction is important to the case to be made, we
briefly introduce the vocabulary of tree growth
decorations and the way it captures the concept of
progressive tree growth.
3.1 Requirements and Tree Growth
The starting point is to build a tree the root node of
which is the goal of interpretation formalized as a
universal requirement ?Ty(t), where ? indicates the
requirement, the label Ty the type and its value t the
type of a proposition. To satisfy such a requirement,
a parse relies on information from three sources.
First, there are computational rules that give
templates for the building of trees. A pair of general
computational rules called Introduction and
Prediction allow a tree rooted in ?Ty(Y) to be
expanded to one with an argument daughter ?Ty(X)
and a predicate daughter ?Ty(XY), reflecting the
functor/argument status of the typed, lambda logic
employed. By this rule, the minimal tree with the
initial requirement ?Ty(t) can be expanded to a
partial tree as in Fig. 1, where the diamond is the
‘pointer’ which is used to identify the particular
node under construction, here the external argument
or subject node
Figure 1: An initial expansion.
Second, information about tree building may
come from actions encoded in lexical entries, which
are accessed as words are parsed. Take a canonical
sentence 张三喜欢英语 (Zhangsan xihuan yingyu)
‘Zhangsan likes English’ as an example. A lexical
entry for the word 张三(Zhangsan) contains
conditional information initiated by a trigger (the
condition providing the context under which
subsequent development takes place), a set of
actions (here involving the annotation of a node with
type and formula information) and a failure
statement (an instruction to abort the parsing process
if the conditional action fails). The lexical
specification further determines, through the
annotation [], the so-called ‘bottom’ restriction,
that the node in question is a terminal node, a
general property of contentive lexical items
(10) Lexical entry for Zhangsan:
IF ?Ty(e)
THEN put(Ty(e), Fo(ι, x, Zhangsan'(x)), []))
ELSE abort
The information derived from parsing 张三
(Zhangsan) provides an annotation for the external
In the DS framework, proper names are treated as projecting iota
terms, where an iota term is construed as an epsilon term with an
associated unique choice function that picks out only that object
identified by the name (see Cann et al. 2005; Wu 2011).
The Interpretation of Elliptical Predicate Constructions in Mandarin: Semantic Underspecification and Pragmatic Enrichment
argument node and thus satisfies the requirement on
that node for an expression of Type (e). Then the
pointer moves on to the predicate node as shown in
Fig. 2.
Figure 2: Pasring “Zhangsan”.
Lexical entries may make reference to nodes in
the tree other than the trigger node, either building
them or annotating them, by employing a few
instructions such as ‘make’, ‘put’, ‘go’, which have
obvious interpretations. To formulate both
computational and lexical actions in these terms, DS
adopts The Logic of Finite Trees (LOFT), a modal
logic for describing finite trees. This logic is central
to the DS framework and utilizes a number of
operators of which the following are used in this
These modalities are interpreted by a discrete
relation between the nodes in a tree: is
evaluated over the daughter relation, so
mean an argument daughter and a functor
daughter below a certain mother node respectively;
converselyover the mother relation, thus
mean an argument daughter and a
functor daughter of a certain mother node
respectively;Lis evaluation over a relation of
‘‘LINK’’ pairing two trees. The way LOFT
operators are used can be demonstrated in the lexical
entry for 喜欢 (xihuan) ‘like’ in the above Chinese
(11) Lexical entry for xihuan:
IF ?Ty(et)
THEN make(<
>), go(<
>), put(Fo(xihuan'),
>), go(<
>), put(?Ty(e))
ELSE Abort
The pointer is manipulated by the lexical actions
to annotate different nodes. Firstly, it moves from
the predicate node of ?Ty(et) to the top node
?Ty(t) where the present tense information is
annotated, then returns to the open predicate node.
Then the lexical semantics of the transitive verb
(xihuan) ‘like’ takes action: it not only licenses
the building of a two-place predicate node, but also
that of an internal argument daughter with a
requirement to construct a formula of Type (e). After
the parse of the verb, the pointer moves to the ?Ty(e)
node, indicating that this is to be developed next.
The tree in Fig. 3 represents the parse state where
both the subject and the verb have been parsed.
Figure 3: Parsing “Zhangsan xihuan” ( ‘Zhangsan likes’).
Finally, the object NP 英语 (yingyu) ‘English’ is
parsed to satisfy the open term requirement in the
internal argument position, the processing of which
is the same as that of the subject NP 张三
(Zhangsan). The parsing process is not yet complete,
however, as some requirements on the tree remain to
be satisfied. Completion of the tree involves
functional application of functors over arguments,
driven by modus ponens over types, yielding
expressions which satisfy the type requirements
associated with intermediate nodes (the rules in
question are called Completion and Elimination, the
former noting modal statements of type decorations,
these then triggering the construction of the
appropriate lambda term at the mother). Fig. 4
shows the completed tree the top node of which is
decorated with a propositional formula value
representing the final result of interpreting the
Figure 4: Parsing “Zhangsan xihuan yingyu” (‘Zhangsan
likes English’).
PUaNLP 2016 - Special Session on Partiality, Underspecification, and Natural Language Processing
3.2 Anaphoric Expressions
As mentioned above, DS also allows pragmatic
actions during the parsing process, which can be
illustrated by the processing of anaphoric
expressions. Assuming the general stance that words
provide lexical actions in building up representations
of content in context, we can say that anaphoric
expressions such as pronouns may pick out some
logical term if that term is provided in the discourse
context. This sort of semantic underspecification is
treated in the DS model as involving the articulation
of anaphoric expressions as projecting a
metavariable to be replaced by some proper
representation. Put another way, anaphoric
expressions can be construed via a placeholder
which must be replaced by either some selected term
from the context or by some term given in the
construction process. Such a replacement is
established through a pragmatically driven process
of substitution which applies as part of the parsing
Considering the processing of pronouns such as
she and him in the English utterance George likes
Gillian, but she doesn’t like him. In parsing the first
pronoun she, the subject node created by the rules of
Introduction and Prediction (that induce subject–
predicate structure for the conjunct clause) is first
decorated with a metavariable U
, with an
associated requirement ?
x.Fo(x), to find a
contentful value for the formula label, as shown in
(12) IF? Ty(e)
THEN put(Ty(e), Fo(U
,?x.Fo(x), [])
ELSE abort
Construed in the given context, substitution will
determine that the metavariableU
can only pick
out the logical termFo (Gillian') established in the
first clause, since she requires to be identified with a
referent that is female or that can be attributed with
female properties. Zero anaphors (e.g. null subjects
and null objects) can be dealt with in the similar
fashion. The null object projects a matevariable,
whose value can be enriched from the context.
Essentially it is a pragmatically driven process of
substitution. We will illustrate the parsing processes
of null objects in section 4.
3.3 Linking Trees
To underpin the full array of compound structures
displayed in natural languages, DS defines a license
to build paired trees, so called Linked trees, which
are associated by means of the LINK modality, <L>.
This device is utilized for allowing incorporation
within a tree of information that is to be structurally
developed externally to it, a mechanism used for
characterizing adjuncts of various types. The
modalities are <L>, <L¯¹> and the former points to a
tree linked to the current node while the latter
naturally points backward to that node. The link
adjunction rule is illustrated as following:
Link Adjunction Rule additionally imposes a
requirement on the new linked structure that it
should contain somewhere within it a copy of the
formula that decorates the head node from which the
Link relation is projected. This rule encapsulates the
idea that the latter tree is constructed in the context
provided by the first partial tree, which thus cannot
operate on a type-incomplete node and ensures that
both structures share a term. Relative clause is one
core case analyzed employing linking trees. Besides
that, we can see later in this paper that linking tree
structure plays a significant role in the interpretation
of ellipsis constructions.
3.4 Ellipses and Context
DS is promising in the account of ellipsis
constructions, including those without linguistic
antecedents. This is because it abandons the
entrenched idea that context is irrelevant to syntax
and provides a general characterization of such
process that is blind to whether the triggering
context is internal or external to the sentence (see
Cann et al. 2007). As we mentioned, we should
place a high premium on context when dealing with
elliptical constructions. Then, we have to make it
clear: what is context? The context defined in DS
provides a record of (a) the partial tree under
construction with its semantic labels, (b) the trees
provided by previous utterances and (c) the sequence
of parsing actions used to build (a) and (b).
Moreover, context can be both linguistically and
non-linguistically. Therefore, divergent ellipsis
patterns can be explained under this approach, as
context is defined as a record of both structures and
procedures used in building up such structures, by
either re-using context-recorded content, or re-using
structure, or context-recorded actions
(see Cann et
The bonus of analyzing context as involving not only previous
content but also structures and actions used in building up these
structures can be found in the characterization of the strict and
sloppy effect mentioned in footnote 1. Copying content from
context results in the strict reading while copying the action
processes used in the antecedent clause leads to the sloppy
The Interpretation of Elliptical Predicate Constructions in Mandarin: Semantic Underspecification and Pragmatic Enrichment
al. 2007; Gregoromichelaki et al. 2012
Gregoromichelaki et al. 2013; Gregoromichelaki &
Kempson to appear; Kempson et al. to appear).
As is pointed out in section 2, the Mandarin
elliptical predicate constructions are underspecified
in content, and their interpretations are crucially
dependent on context. In the DS system, the
elliptical site projects underspecified content that is
represented by a metavariable, which may be
postulated for any type: for a Type (e) for the null
object in Null Object Construction as in (1), a Type
(et) for the null verb phrase in English-like VP
ellipsis as in (2), and a Type (e(et))for the
empty verb in gapping construction as in (3).
Therefore, the elliptical sites in these constructions
can be uniformly analyzed as a placeholder which
requires enrichment for interpretation to occur,
through the interaction between syntactic processes
and pragmatic processes. In the case of a pronoun,
the content of the metavariable associated with it is
instantiated by a process of substitution for
interpretation, usually by a term established in the
previous discourse, as demonstrated in the preceding
section. As far as Mandarin elliptical predicate
constructions (1)-(3) are concerned, the hearer has to
identify the potential substituend for the
metavariable from the context. Therefore, with a
dynamic analysis of elliptical site as projecting a
metavariable and a technical tool for identifying its
content value from context, we should be able to
characterize Mandarin elliptical predicate
constructions in a somewhat straightforward way.
4.1 Null Object Construction
Let us first consider the Null Object Construction
(1), repeated here as (13), where the object in the
subsequent clause is unexpressed.
(13) 张三喜欢英语,李四也喜欢。
Zhangsan xihuan yingyu. Lisi ye xihuan ([e]).
Zhangsan like English Lisi also like
‘Zhangsan likes English. Lisi also likes (it).’
The interpretation of the antecedent clause 张三
喜欢英语 (Zhangsan xihuan yingyu) ‘Zhangsan
likes English’ is illustrated in section 3 as shown in
Fig. 4, repeated here as Fig.5. Introduction and
Predication rules allow a root tree to be expanded to
one with an argument node and a predicate node.
The subject 张三 (Zhangsan) is parsed and decorates
the argument node with a formula value. The lexical
information of the transitive verb 喜欢 (xihuan)
‘like’ builds a two-place predicate node (and
annotates it) and an internal argument node. 英语
(yingyu) ‘English’ is processed and annotates the
internal argument node with a formula value.
Figure 5: Parsing “Zhangsan xihuan yingyu” (‘Zhangsan
likes English’).
When parsing the elliptical clause, 李四 (Lisi) is
successfully parsed and duly decorates the subject
node with a formula value. The next lexical item to
be processed is however not a predicate as usually
expected, but instead a predicate adjunct (ye)
‘also/too’ which can be assigned Ty((et)(et)).
After the predicate modifier is processed, the pointer
moves to the one-place predicate node, permitting
the parse of the regular verb 喜欢 (xihuan) ‘like’,
whose lexical actions further project a two-place
predicate node decorated by Fo(xihuan') and an
internal argument node with requirements to be
satisfied. The parsing process is shown in the right
tree below in Fig.6, linked to the context tree in the
left through the technical tool “LINK” mentioned
earlier in the paper.
Figure 6: Parsing “Lisi ye xihuan” (‘Lisi also likes’).
At this point, the tree cannot be completed
because there still remains an outstanding formula
PUaNLP 2016 - Special Session on Partiality, Underspecification, and Natural Language Processing
requirement on the internal argument node, which
requires a Ty(e) element. With no further strings
input, the internal argument is in its null form, which
projects a metavariable Fo(V), whose value needs to
be enriched from context.
(14) Actions for the null object:
IF ?Ty(e)
THEN put(Fo(V), ?x.Fo(x))
ELSE Abort
Subsequently, the pragmatic process of
substitution targets a node from the tree in the
context, selects a Ty(e) formula value and writes it
to the node decorated by the requirement ?Ty(e).
The double arrow indicates the pragmatically
constrained operation of substitution between the
linked trees. After this pragmatic process, the
requirement on the internal argument node is
replaced by some contentful concept Fo(yingyu').
The parsing process is illustrated in Fig.7,
completion of which will give rise to a propositional
Figure 7: Parsing the null object.
4.2 English-like VP Ellipsis
We now turn to English-like VP ellipsis construction
(2), repeated here as (15), which is licensed by
modal verbs such as (gan) ‘dare’, (hui) ‘will’,
(neng) ‘can’ and so on
(15) [张三在爬树。]
[Zhangsan zai pashu.]
[Zhangsan ASP climb tree]
The syntactic licensing condition for English-like VP ellipsis,
namely, the restrictions on modal verbs that can license English-
like VP ellipsis constructions, is not concerned here, which will
be addressed in another papecr.
[‘Zhangsan is climbing a tree.’]
Lisi: wo ye gan([e]).
I also dare
‘So dare I.’
The contextual utterance in (15) 张三在爬树
(Zhangsan zaipashu) ‘Zhangsan is climbing a tree
is parsed in a normal way, with the term projected
by the subject NP 张三 (Zhangsan) decorating the
subject node, (zai) as an aspect marker signalling
the progressive continuous tense, and (pa)
‘climb’ projecting a two-place predicate node (and
decorating it) and an internal argument node. The
term projected by the object NP (shu) ‘tree’
finally decorates the internal argument position,
yielding a well-formed tree structure as shown in
Figure 8: Parsing “Zhangsan zai pa shu” (‘Zhangsan is
climbing a tree’).
We now turn to the parse of the current utterance
我也敢 (wo ye gan) ‘I dare too’. As for the pronoun
(wo) ‘I’, it projects a metavariable Fo(V), whose
value can be substituted by “the speaker”. (ye)
‘also/too’ is an adjunct of Ty((et)(et)). As is
widely observed, modal verbs have certain semantic
contents, expressing the speaker’s opinions or
feelings towards the action verbs following them,
namely, they modify the verbal phrase subsequent to
them. Modals cannot be used alone as predicates,
though they can license ellipsis constructions under
certain context (with linguistic or pragmatic
antecedent). Therefore, modals such as (gan)
‘dare’ can also be analyzed as a modifier of
Ty((et)(et)).The parsing process is illustrated
in Fig.9.
At this point, all words in the clause have been
processed, yet the tree cannot be completed because
the one-place predicate node, though type-complete,
has an outstanding requirement for a formula value.
With no further strings input, the one-place predicate
The Interpretation of Elliptical Predicate Constructions in Mandarin: Semantic Underspecification and Pragmatic Enrichment
Figure 9: Parsing “wo ye gan” (‘So dare I’).
node is in its null form, which projects a
metavariable Fo(V), whose value needs to be
enriched from context.
(16) Actions for the null verbal phrase:
IF ?Ty(et)
THEN put(Fo(V), ?x.Fo(x))
ELSE Abort
The need for a contentful Ty(et) predicate
structure can then be satisfied through the
enrichment from context, employing the pragmatic
tool substitution. In the context of (15), the only
possible substituend for the pro-predicate is the term
Fo(pa'(ε,y,shu'(y))) projected by the preceding
verbal phrase. Subsequently, the value of the null
verbal phrase is therefore established, through an
update provided by the discourse context, parallel to
the process of the null object in Null Object
Construction. The parsing process is shown in the
tree in Fig.10, completion of which will give rise to
a propositional formula
Fo(ye'(gan'(pa'(ε,y,shu'(y))))( ι, x, Lisi'(x))).
Figure 10: Parsing the null verbal phrase.
A dynamic analysis of the null verbal phrase as
projecting a metavariable and a technical tool for
identifying its content from the context, we provided
a somewhat straightforward way to characterize
English-like VP ellipsis constructions.
4.3 Gapping
Finally, let us consider how gapping constructions in
Mandarin can be characterized. Consider example
(3), repeated here as (17).
(17) 张三吃了三个苹果,李四四个橘子。
Zhangsan chi-le san-ge pingguo, Lisi___si-ge
Zhangsan eat-ASP three-CL apple Lisi__four-CL
‘Zhangsan ate three apples, and Lisi__four
The dynamic parsing of this construction is
straightforward, without any stipulation. The parsing
of the antecedent clause 张三吃了三个苹果
(Zhangsan chi-le san-ge pingguo) ‘Zhangsan ate
three apples’ basically has the same story as that of
张三喜欢英语 (Zhangsan xihuan yingyu) ‘Zhangsan
likes English’
. In the subsequent clause, the pointer
moves to the predicate node after the initial
expression 李四 (Lisi) is successfully parsed and
duly decorates the subject node with a formula
value. However, the next lexical item coming in
sequence is not a predicate as usually expected, but
instead an object NP. As the antecedent clause,
namely, the context, is about eating something, we
can sense immediately that the verb in the
subsequent clause is not lexically realized, which
can be analyzed as projecting a predicate
metavaribale Fo(U), whose actions can be
characterized as below (18). Its value needs to be
enriched from context, parallel to that of the
metavariable projected by the null object in Null
Object Construction and the predicate pro-from
projected by the null verbal phrase in English-like
VP ellipsis construction.
(18) Actions for the null verb
IF ?Ty(et)
THEN make(<
>), go(<
>), put(Ty(e(et)),
Fo(U), ?x.Fo(x)); go(<
>), make(<
>), put(?Ty(e))
ELSE abort
The slight difference between these two utterances exists in the noun
phrases. The former contains a numeral phrase, the quantity
expression of which are usually represented by εepsilon operator
PUaNLP 2016 - Special Session on Partiality, Underspecification, and Natural Language Processing
The open requirement of a contentful value
x.Fo(x) at this predicate node can be satisfied
through a straightforward copying of the
Ty(e(et)) formula value Fo(chi') from the
context. In other words, the not-overtly expressed
verb in the subsequent clause can be easily
recovered by the verb in the antecedent clause
(chi) ‘eat’. The parsing process is illustrated in the
tree structure in Fig. 11, the completion of which
will give rise to a complete formula value
Figure 11: Parsing “Lisi_si-gejuzi” (‘Lisi_four oranges’).
In this paper we have presented an account of a
range of Mandarin elliptical predicate constructions,
namely, Null Object Construction, English-like VP
ellipsis and gapping constructions. Within the DS
framework, which defines both representations of
content and context dynamically and structurally, the
elliptical predicate constructions are treated
uniformly in the way that the underspecified
contents are all enriched pragmatically from the
context through the process of substitution. The
null object in Null Object Construction, the null verb
phrase in English-like VP ellipsis as well as the null
verb in gaping construction are consistently
analyzed as a metavariable, projecting nodes with
underspecified semantic contents which are
informationally updated from context. The context
involves local (as in (1) and (3)) as well as extra-
linguistic content (as in (2)). It is thus shown that
syntactic and pragmatic processes interact to provide
a straightforward and unitary characterization for a
variety of elliptical predicate constructions in
Mandarin, without any stipulation.
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PUaNLP 2016 - Special Session on Partiality, Underspecification, and Natural Language Processing