Knowledge Fusion for Cooperative Innovation
from Strategic Alliances Perspective
Jucheng Xiong and Li Li
Shenzhen Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology, 518055, Shenzhen, China
Keywords: Knowledge Fusion, Cooperative Innovation, Strategic Alliances, IT-based Knowledge Management.
Abstract: It has been argued that strategic alliances offer opportunities for using purposive inflows and outflows of
knowledge to accelerate cooperative innovation. In this introductory article, we seek to identify the means by
which knowledge fusion helps create new knowledge and technological innovations. By analyzing the
previous researches in terms of fusion and collaboration, we summarize the approaches of knowledge fusion
based on IT application. Meanwhile, we also give effectiveness mechanisms and brief agenda for research in
this important area. This study offers deep theoretical and managerial insights for firms and other institutions
to manage knowledge fusion in strategic alliances.
A growing trend in today’s innovation environment is
intensification of co-competition. In order to compete
in a global market, more and more distributed
organizations bound to work in alliances to gather and
share knowledge by using information technology.
Currently enterprises often establish strategic
alliances such as patent pools, industry-university
collaborative innovation alliances, and industrial
technology innovation alliances to cocreate value that
involves the sharing of knowledge and expertise for
developing new or better products (Dyer and Hatch,
2006; Grover and Kohli, 2012). As noted by Grant
(1996), knowledge is the preeminent resource of the
firm and organizational capability involves
integration of distributed knowledge bases. To
maximize the benefits of knowledge integration
emanated in multiple organizations environment, the
issue of knowledge fusion and innovation gained
through collaboration is important (Meijer, 2000;
Rundquist, 2014).
Knowledge fusion is defined as recognition and
combination of knowledge that are located and
extracted from multiple, distributed, heterogeneous
sources to generate new products, services, processes,
capabilities or competencies (Preece et al., 2001;
Heffner and Sharif, 2008). Most contemporary
organizations are pursuing competitive advantage
from the management information systems.
Advanced information technologies (e.g., the
Internet, Word Wide Web, distributed information
systems, data mining and searching, simulation and
modelling) can enhance the ability to recognize,
assimilate, and exploit external knowledge (Alavi and
Leidner, 2001; Dittrich and Duysters, 2007).
However, most research on knowledge fusion are
focusing on IT level (e.g., the ontology, fusion
framework, fusion algorithm, multi-agent systems),
while this is not enough for knowledge fusion, with
many problems remaining to be solved from the
knowledge management perspective.
There is a growing stream of literature
investigating inter-organizations knowledge
management in innovation alliances (Christoffersen,
2013; Vasudeva et al., 2013; Li et al., 2014), in which
collaborators and competitors integrate in the pursuit
of the codevelopment of technological innovations
(Han et al., 2012). Knowledge fusion has been studied
as a conversion procedure in knowledge integration
with a focus on IT tools to support knowledge
availability, sharing, and assimilation. In this paper
we take one step toward addressing the gap between
engineering science and knowledge science in prior
research. We seek answers to the following set of
questions for knowledge fusion management: What
conditions facilitate knowledge fusion in innovation
alliances? What management mechanisms are the
most effective in enabling knowledge fusion?
Xiong, J. and Li, L.
Knowledge Fusion for Cooperative Innovation from Strategic Alliances Perspective.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 1, pages 498-503
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The knowledge-based view (KBV) suggest that
superior profitability is likely to be associated with
resource and capability-based advantages which are
likely to drive from superior access to and integration
of specialized knowledge (Grant, 1996). In order to
support the knowledge integration, much of the
research into the management issues concerning the
role of information technologies has been focusing on
the knowledge management system (KMS) (Černe et
al., 2013; Sutanto and Jiang, 2013; Wang et al., 2014).
Contemporary environment with open information
systems (Li et al., 2014) make the combinative
capabilities become more and more important. This
ability of the firm to generate new combinations of
existing knowledge is improved with the knowledge
fusion theory developed.
The academic results and practical applications of
KRAFT (Knowledge Reuse and Fusion/
Transformation) project are considered the most
representative study in knowledge fusion research.
KRAFT is conceived to investigate how existing
proposals for distributed information systems
architectures can support fusion of knowledge in the
form of constraints expressed against an object data
model (Gray et al., 1997). The literature on
knowledge fusion in the field of computer science has
explored the role of KMS in knowledge storage,
sharing, reuse, revealing, generation, entry,
integration, transportation, search and indexing
(Preece et al., 2001; Smimov et al., 2013). The
primary emphasis of this literature is on the
architectures and fusion algorithms (Jiang et al., 2012;
Zhou et al., 2013).
At the same time, research in knowledge fusion
among multiple organizations has raised several
questions that must be addressed. Heffner et al. (2008)
articulate the knowledge fusion for technological
innovation in organizations as a critical theme for
future research. They propose that we need to
integrate a number of heretofore disparate research
streams, thereby providing a management framework
for examining the knowledge fusion activities of
organizations connect current researching on
knowledge management. A management attitude
towards knowledge fusion and innovation is
discussed by Meijer (2000), who points out that
problem solving comes down to creative processes
which very much depend on thought processes that
primarily take place inside the brains of individuals,
under the influence of the group or the environment
in which they do their creative work. By emphasizing
how IT-based knowledge fusion is occurred in
innovation alliances, fusion mechanisms research can
help decision making and problem solving. Figure 1
illustrates the knowledge fusion management
framework in strategic alliances.
The capacity of the information technology to
capture, store, and analyze information offers many
opportunities for cocreation of business value
(Grover et al., 2012), especially in alliances that trust
and formal contracts can offer opportunities for
knowledge sharing and leveraging. Traditionally,
innovation has been created and marketed under
closed settings, in which companies internally
manage all of the processes involved in the
innovation life cycle. Despite the nascent stage of
development, many contemporary business
enterprises have jumped on the bandwagon of the
emerging industrial trend, participating in open
Figure 1: Knowledge fusion management in strategic alliance.
Knowledge Fusion for Cooperative Innovation from Strategic Alliances Perspective
Figure 2: Two knowledge fusion approaches in different environment.
innovation alliances in pursuit of leveraging
purposive knowledge inflows and outflows (Han et
al., 2012).Knowledge acquisition and conversion are
crucial to the knowledge fusion, since it makes
possible a much greater degree of innovation ability.
Figure 2 illustrates the two knowledge fusion
approaches through which firms can acquire and
convert knowledge in different ways.
Firms are usually to exploit external knowledge
sourcing by capturing or engaging in alliances. From
transaction cost economics (TCE) perspective,
capturing takes place when organizational boundaries
exist and knowledge is valuable, which influenced by
the risk of opportunism, information asymmetries,
and asset specificity. In contrast, the resource based
view (RBV) can extend understanding of firm
boundaries because it explicitly recognizes
knowledge as a critical resource (Carayannopoulos
and Auster, 2010). Joint and interactive learning
represents a coupled form of knowledge fusion
(Rosell et al., 2014), where acquisition and
conversion take place through cooperative efforts
between organizations that maintain their separate
identities while sharing inputs and control. It seems
that innovation alliances offer an interesting context
within which knowledge fusion can be studied.
Knowledge fusion can also be facilitated by the
prosperity of collaborators as well as rivals in multi-
organizational environment.
Figure 3: Innovation alliance features effect on knowledge
Many studies have examined the role of
knowledge management in alliances (Mesquita et
al.,2008; Shin and Lee, 2013). However, we limit our
review to the studies that focus on knowledge fusion
between two alliance partners and its impacts on the
cocreating innovation capabilities. Fusions refers
generally to the blending of different things into
something new, something more than the mere sum
of the parts, which in the process of combination
release or generate tremendous energy . Based on an
analysis of KRAFT project, the core of knowledge
fusion is the knowledge conversion which depends on
an iterative exploration cycle and information
application by capturing both explicit and tacit
knowledge. The first step of knowledge fusion is
knowledge acquisition which established on the basis
of the knowledge sharing. In innovation alliances, it’s
facilitated to acquire external knowledge sourcing
through cooperation between organizations that
maintain their separate identities while sharing
complementary capability and assets. Figure 3
illustrates the innovation alliance features effect on
knowledge fusion.
We believe that IT-based knowledge fusion from
distributed databases and knowledge bases represents
one of the most important streams in creativity and
innovation that will gain greater importance as firms
expand collaborative relationships in innovation
alliances. In order to strengthen and promote
knowledge fusion we offer some brief effectiveness
mechanisms to solve the problems and challenges in
practice (Table 1).
1. To expand the knowledge source network. Our
framing drew largely from the strategy alliance
perspective with the assumption that firms will form
a cooperative bond and be willing and able to share
knowledge through thoughtful use of IT. However,
there are several other aspects that need to be
emphasized in order to set a comprehensive research
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Effectiveness mechanisms for knowledge fusion.
Prerequisites Enablers Results
Knowledge Source Network Knowledge sharing and
Knowledge spread
Knowledge Fusion Process Knowledge acquisition,
conversion, creation,
and application
Dynamic and continuous set
of processes and practices
IT-based Knowledge Fusion
Support System
IT infrastructures and
elegant thinking
Machine intelligence
System quality, information
quality, and usefulness
Management Initiatives The role and impact of
Virtuous circle of knowledge
fusion and innovation
For instance, although innovation alliances offer
opportunities for knowledge sharing and leveraging
beyond the firm boundary, they also carry the risk of
knowledge leakage to partner firms. Furthermore, of
the two main types of knowledge, explicit and tacit,
the latter is especially important due to its limited
transferability because the tacit knowledge is
acquired by and stored within individuals in highly
specialized form. In order to solve these problems, it
is necessary to expand the knowledge source
network, which should not only focus on the
knowledge bases but also build some efficient
communication channels (e.g., expert systems,
discussion forums, knowledge directories, and public
innovation platform). For this proposes it is
reasonable to reduce potential barriers in knowledge
sharing between firms, explore the tacit knowledge
transfer ways and means, increase intelligibility of
knowledge representation for the users, and promote
the spread of open knowledge sources.
2. To focus on the knowledge fusion process.
While conceptually the idea of knowledge fusion is
intuitive and simple, the process through which
innovators can successfully implement it is likely to
pose several challenges. How locate data and
knowledge relevant to their current needs. The ability
of knowledge acquisition which involves searching
and retrieving from a wide array of knowledge is the
prime condition. This process decides the quantity
and quality of the available knowledge resources for
knowledge conversion and creation. Regarding
interdependencies, the ultimate goal of the knowledge
fusion is to use the new knowledge in practice. One
of the important implications of the framework is that
knowledge fusion consists of a dynamic and
continuous set of processes and practices embedded
in individuals, as well as in groups and IT structures.
So the process of knowledge fusion is not discrete and
independent. Another implication of this framework
is that knowledge fusion processes of acquisition,
conversion, creation, and application are essential to
effective innovation. We contend that the application
of IT can create an infrastructure and environment
that contribute to knowledge fusion by actualizing,
supporting, augmenting, and reinforcing the fusion
3. To develop IT-based knowledge fusion support
system. The knowledge fusion support systems
heavily rely upon advanced IT infrastructures. Our
analysis of the literature suggests that IT can lead to a
great depth and breadth of knowledge fusion in
organizations. Usually, the knowledge fusion system
architecture includes the construction of meta-
knowledge, calculation of fusion knowledge metric,
knowledge fusion algorithm, and post processing for
fusion knowledge, all of these function modules are
depend on the IT tools and capabilities. As with most
information systems, the success of knowledge fusion
support system partially depends upon the extent of
use, which itself may be tied to system quality,
information quality, and usefulness. At the current
stage the knowledge fusion patterns and algorithms
are hot research topic in some specific area, but they
are not enough to support the common knowledge
fusion systems. Some future research is needed such
as agent architectures, prototypes for knowledge
sharing, virtual reality-based ontology, algorithms
and cooperation models. Thus, building IT-based
knowledge fusion support system needs
comprehensive consideration of knowledge
management and information systems.
4. To find the relationship between IT and
knowledge fusion management initiatives. It is
important to note that managing knowledge fusion in
innovation alliances is an important issue and that the
main challenge is primarily related to the role and
impact of IT. We have discussed the potential role of
IT relates to more extensive network and
Knowledge Fusion for Cooperative Innovation from Strategic Alliances Perspective
communication channels, faster access to knowledge,
just in time learning, and more rapid application of
new knowledge. Meanwhile, we should clear that the
actual knowledge fusion for problem solving only
happens in the minds of humans. It is the manager’s
task to provide the technical and environment in
which the innovators are inspired to be creative and
feel free to communicate. Managers should realize
that IT tools are used to support the human’s creative
work but the IT-based systems themselves are
incapable of keeping pace with dynamic needs of
knowledge fusion. So the most important
consideration is to coordinate machine intelligence
and human creativity when individuals or teams
engage in a cooperative research and development
project. This could create a virtuous circle of
knowledge fusion and innovation.
In this paper, we have presented a discussion of
knowledge fusion in innovation alliance based on a
review, interpretation, and synthesis of a broad range
of relevant literature. We also have highlighted IT-
based knowledge fusion that is of increasing
importance for firms that seek to be cooperative and
innovative. With respect to innovation, innovators
can be involved in multiple knowledge fusion process
chains. In order to solve problems and make
decisions, knowledge fusion can take place in human
brains and intelligent machines with the help of IT.
The patterns and algorithms are the core modules in
the knowledge fusion model. Furthermore, we have
given effectiveness mechanisms from four layers:
knowledge source network, the process of knowledge
fusion, IT-based knowledge fusion support system,
and management initiatives.
Through this special issue, our goal is to seek
effective ways to manage the IT-based knowledge
fusion for innovation. As we summarize above, an
outline of the knowledge fusion system have been
described from the co-competitive perspective. The
analysis also yields some conclusions that are
potentially important for firm managers and alliance
practitioners. They need to regard the choice of
knowledge disclosure level and reduce the transaction
costs in the process of knowledge acquisition. As the
information technology entered a big data era,
dynamics of competition and cooperation among
firms continue to evolve, and IT-based
infrastructures, devices, and software tools create
opportunities for knowledge fusion. The ongoing
work includes available knowledge resources,
advanced man-machine interactive, efficient
knowledge fusion patterns and algorithms, consistent
update knowledge database, and effective
new knowledge evaluation.
Research works in this paper are financially
supported by Soft Science Research Project of
Guangdong (Grant No. 2013B070206002), Research
Planning Foundation in Humanities and Social
Sciences of the Ministry of Education of China (Grant
No. 13YJAZH044) and National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. 61173052, and No.
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