Benchmarking Hadoop Performance in the Cloud
An in Depth Study of Resource Management and Energy Consumption
Aymen Jlassi
and Patrick Martineau
e Franc¸ois-Rabelais de Tours, CNRS, LI EA 6300, OC ERL CNRS 6305, Tours, France
Groupe Cyr
es, Tours, France
Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Green Consumption, Docker Container, Hadoop, Resources Consumption.
Virtual technologies have proven their capabilities to ensure good performance in the context of high perfor-
mance computing (HPC). During the last decade, the big data tools have been emerging, they have their own
needs in performance and infrastructure. Having a wide breadth of experience in the HPC domain, the experts
can evaluate the infrastructures used to run big data tools easily. The outcome of this paper is the evaluation
of two technologies of virtualization in the context of big data tools. We compare the performance and the
energy consumption of two technologies of virtualization (Docker containers and VMware) and bench-
mark the software Hadoop (JoshBaer, 2015) using these environments. Firstly, the aim is the reduction of
the Hadoop deployment cost using the cloud. Secondly, we discuss and analyze the assumptions learned from
the HPC experiments and their applicability in the big data context. Thirdly, the Hadoop community finds
an in-depth study of the resource consumption depending on the deployment environment. We come to the
point that the use of the Docker container gives better performance in most experiments. Besides, the energy
consumption varies according to the executed workload.
The cloud-computing domain is based on the quality
of the services offered to customers and the capacity
of providers to ensure performances and security. The
virtualization tools are the most important technology
that has the capacity to hide the complexity of the
infrastructure and to optimize resource exploitation.
It helps providers to reduce costs. The virtualiza-
tion technology was introduced in 1960 by IBM (Wen
et al., 2012). It transparently enables time-sharing
and resource-sharing on servers. It aims at improv-
ing the overall productivity by enabling many virtual
machines to run on the same physical support. Many
categories of virtualization tools (Wen et al., 2012) are
used in data centers. In this paper, we classify them on
the full and light virtualization: The full virtualization
is based on the management of virtual machine (VM).
The VM is guest operating system (OS) that runs in
parallel over physical hosts. A hypervisor ensures the
interpretation of instruction from the guest OS to the
host OS. The light virtualization is based on the man-
agement of containers on a physical host, the contain-
ers share functions from the kernel of the host OS and
have direct access to its library. In the last decade,
the light technology of virtualization has been shifting
quickly, it allows to obtain a cost-effective clusters of
servers. Docker is the most sophisticated tool in its
category; it offers a large and more intensive range of
capability to manage hardware resources. This classi-
fication is also used in (Reshetova et al., 2014). Tradi-
tionally, the cloud computing and big data (Gandomi
and Haider, 2015) environments are mainly based on
the heavy virtualization tools. The main reason is
the companies’ lack of confidence in the following
points: (i) the emerging technologies,(ii) the respect-
ful efficiency of heavy virtualization,(iii) the complete
isolation of the environment between guests and host
OS. Nowadays, the Docker technology offers multi-
ple capabilities of resource isolation. It reaches an
adequate level of maturity and it can be tested with
big data tools. Hadoop software is a big data envi-
ronment, it is based on the MapReduce Model, which
was introduced by Google in 2004 (Dean and Ghe-
mawat, 2008) as a parallel and distributed computa-
tion model. It is largely adopted in companies and
data centers; for example Facebook (JoshBaer, 2015)
and Amazon (JoshBaer, 2015) use it to answer the
computation needs.
In this work, we study and compare the two cat-
Jlassi, A. and Martineau, P.
Benchmarking Hadoop Performance in the Cloud - An in Depth Study of Resource Management and Energy Consumption.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2016) - Volume 2, pages 192-201
ISBN: 978-989-758-182-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
egories of virtualization. The experiments must be
made using the Docker technology, the VMware tech-
nology and the Hadoop software. We therefore ana-
lyze the influence of the platform’s resource varia-
tion. During the evaluation, we consider (i) the com-
pletion time of the workload,(ii) the quantity of hard-
ware resources and (iii) the energy consumption cri-
teria. We prove, then, that this technology gives a
cost-effective cluster with a better efficiency in most
The remainder is as follows. In section two, the
previous studies on literature are presented. In sec-
tion three, concept and terms used in this paper are
reminded. In section four, the methodology used in
the experiments is presented. In section five, the re-
sults are presented and discussed. The conclusion is
presented in the last section.
Since the last decade, Hadoop has been interesting the
scientists community. Many benchmarks and evalua-
tion tests have been done in order to evaluate its per-
formances or to compare it to other softwares. There
are mainly two levels in the benchmark of the soft-
ware Hadoop.
The first one focuses on the comparison of
Hadoop with the existing engine in the big data com-
puting. For example, Fadika et al. (Fadika et al.,
2012) benchmark Hadoop with three data-intensive
operations to evaluate the impact of the file system,
network and programming model on performances.
Stonebraker et al. (Stonebraker et al., 2010) compare
Mapreduce model to parallel database, they focus on
the performance aspect. Pavlo et al. (Pavlo et al.,
2009a) prove that Hadoop is slower than two state-of-
the-art parallel database systems, in performing a va-
riety of analytical tasks, by a factor of 3.1 to 6.5. Jiang
et al. (Jiang et al., 2010) give an in-depth study of
MapReduce performance to identify bottleneck fac-
tors that affect the performance on Hadoop, they show
that the best tuning of these factors improves the same
benchmark used in (Pavlo et al., 2009a) and (Pavlo
et al., 2009b) by a factor of 2.5 to 3.5. Zechariah et
al. (Fadika et al., 2011) compare Hadoop, LEMO-MR
and twister (three implementations of the MapReduce
model). Gu et al. (Gu and Grossman, 2009) compare
Hadoop software (HDFS/ MapReduce) to the soft-
wares Sector/Sphere. Jefrey et al. (Shafer et al., 2010)
focus on the file system to identify bottlenecks, they
identify the weaknesses of the Hadoop file system to
solve and the best practices to follow in the cluster
The second one focuses on the performances and
the energetic consumption of Hadoop using different
deployment architectures. For example, Kontagora
et al. (Kontagora and Gonzalez-Velez, 2010) bench-
mark Hadoop performances using full-virtualization
(using VMware Workstation). The paper (Xu et al.,
2012) evaluates Hadoop’s performances using open-
Stack, KVM and XEN. It compares performances
using openStack deployment with the physical de-
ployment. (Gomes Xavier et al., 2014) compare the
Hadoop software using different tools of container
technology, however, neither Docker technology nor
heavy technology are considered in the comparison.
The Docker technology is benchmarked in other
contexts as the HPC technology. For example, Xavier
et al. (Xavier et al., 2013) present an in-depth perfor-
mance evaluation of the containers based on the vir-
tualization for HPC. They present the evaluation of
the tradeoff between performance and isolation. In
the same context, (Gantikow et al., 2015) compares
the job executions using containers with executions
using physical infrastructure deployment, it confirms
that the overload due to the use of the container and
the time completion are about 5 %. (Reshetova et al.,
2014) analyzes the resource isolation in the context of
Docker technology and confirms that container iso-
lation is less secure than isolation offered by tradi-
tional tools of virtualization (heavy). For an accu-
rate study, (Peinl and Holzschuher, 2015) presents the
state of the art of all open source projects, which adapt
Docker technology to the context of the Cloud.
We conclude that the Docker technology has been
evaluated in the context of HPC technology, which
has its specificity. In most cases, the big data and
HPC are two divergent fields of technologies. Each
one has its own scheduling policies, resources re-
quirements workloads affinities. The topic of this
paper focuses on the use of Hadoop software with
the Docker technology as a light virtualization tool.
It compares this emerging technology with the tra-
ditional virtualization technology. It focuses on the
resources exploitation, the time completion of the
benchmarks and the energetic consumption. It anal-
yse and discuss assumptions acquired from experi-
ments performed in the HPC context.
This section contains definitions of various concepts
and terms used in this work. It presents the Hadoop
software characteristics and it defines the heavy and
light virtualization technologies.
Google introduced the model MapReduce as a dis-
Benchmarking Hadoop Performance in the Cloud - An in Depth Study of Resource Management and Energy Consumption
tributed and parallel Model for data intensive comput-
ing. Every job generates a set of “map” and “reduce”
tasks, which is executed in a distributed fashion over
a cluster of machines. “Map” tasks have to be exe-
cuted before “reduce” tasks. Tasks have to be exe-
cuted the nearest to the needed data input. Data out-
puts of tasks map are transferred from the machine
where tasks “map” run to the machines where “re-
duce” tasks run using the network.
3.1 The Hadoop Implementation
Hadoop implements the MapReduce model; the com-
putation level is named “Yarn” and is composed of
three elements, which manage job execution. At
first, the Resource Manager (RM) is the master dae-
mon; it assures synchronization over different ele-
ments and distributes resources between jobs. On
a second point, the Node Manager (NM) is the re-
sponsible for the resource exploitation per slave ma-
chine. The Application Master (AM) is responsible
for managing the lifecycle of a job. The scheduler
in the RM is responsible for the management of the
resources.The scheduling policies are based on these
1. the scheduler considers the homogeneity criteria
of the cluster thus slave machines run jobs at the
same rate.
2. the tasks progress linearly during a they tend to
finish in waves, thus tasks having a low progress
rate are considered as slow tasks
3. the tasks in the same category require the same
amount of resources
The storage level is named Hadoop file system (DFS)
and is composed of the NameNode (NN) as a server,
which contains the cartography of blocks’s file. The
datanode is the second element of the storage archi-
tecture: it is responsible for maintaining data blocks
and communicates with namenode to perform opera-
tions like adding, moving, deleting. It also applies a
number of NN decisions like ensuring data replication
and load balancing operations. The sizes of the files
in DFS are from megabytes up to terabytes. They are
partitioned into data blocks. The size of a block is a
decisive point to reduce the duration of the workload
execution. When the scheduler cannot assign tasks to
machines where data are stored, network bandwidth
is allocated to migrate blocks.
3.2 The Heavy Virtualization
The heavy virtualization consists in a virtual ma-
chine monitor and in a virtual machine (VM). VM
has its own operating system that is completely iso-
lated from the host operating system. The virtual
machine concept is the basis of the full and para-
virtualization approach (David, 2007). VMs have
their own booked memory, disk space, network band-
width and CPU’s share. Thus we cannot afford to ig-
nore the caused overhead, which is due to :(i) the vir-
tual device drivers, (ii) the intermediate level which
transforms instruction of the guest OS, (iii) the hy-
pervisor that gives the administrator the possibility
to run in parallel many OS per physical host. Ei-
ther commercial or open source solution, a big work
is done to limit mentioned overhead. The resource
isolation in the full virtualization approach is at the
hardware (Intel, 2015) and software level. We use
VMware workstation
hypervisor to manage VMs
in our experiment.
3.3 The Light or Container Technology
Either LXC and Docker containers use the kernel con-
trol groups (Cgroups), systemd (cores, 2015) and ker-
nel namespaces libraries for (1) limiting and isolat-
ing resource consumption and (2) the process man-
In the context of this work, the Docker container
guarantees the same function as the virtual machine
and it has the same architecture. It is based on a man-
agement engine, it has the same role of the hypervi-
sor in the traditional virtualization. However, the re-
sources policy used for the containers management is
more flexible than the one issued from the policy used
in the full virtualization approach. CPU resources are
an example, we can (1) fix the number of the CPU
cores to allocate to each container or (2) define a rel-
ative share of the CPU resources between all contain-
ers on the physical host. In the second policy (2), the
containers benefits from free CPU resources disposed
on the physical host and releases them when they will
be used by another process. Concerning the memory
resources, a container requires consumed memory not
provisioned memory, thus the containers offer better
management of idle resources than VM.
The Docker technology introduces policies to
manage four resources: memory, CPU, network IO
and disk space management. Containers are able to
share the same application libraries and the kernel of
the host. The intermediate level that transforms in-
structions from guest to host OS is limited, therefore
the container technology presents a lower overhead,
it is considered as light virtualization. In big compa-
nies like Facebook and Yahoo, a cluster of Hadoop
contains a large number of machines. The optimiza-
tion of the resource exploitation offers the opportu-
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 1: Configuration of machines (physical or virtual)
used in the experiments.
Host machine Client machine
Processor Intel
Xeon(R) CPU E5-26200 @
CPU cores 12 2 cores (4
31.5 5
500 80
OS Ubuntu 14.10
nity to reduce costs and increase benefits. The com-
panies profit from the virtualization in the cloud to
improve resource exploitation. As the energy man-
agement presents an important field, much research
over the Cloud aim minimize the electric consump-
tion of the data center. This paper analyse the effect of
the use of virtualization tools over the energetic con-
sumption. It presents proportional relations between
different kinds of resources and the consumption of
energy. It is important to mention that the energetic
gain over a cluster of four machines will be weak.
The idea is to detect the variation of the consumption
as small as it is. In a large cluster scale, the varia-
tion in energy consumption is not negligible and has
an important impact on the overall cost.
The experiments are repeated with both types of virtu-
alization tools. The first topic of this work is to com-
pare the performance variation using the two tech-
nologies of virtualization; we compare the time com-
pletion of the used benchmarks. The second topic is to
focus on the Docker technology and give and in-depth
study of this technology; we aim to identify the inade-
quate or badly spent resources. The third topic analy-
ses the variation of the energy consumption according
to the experiments and tests. Two sets of experiments
have been carried out, the first set uses an homogenu-
ous cluster of machine. In the second set, we vary re-
source capacities to thoroughly analyze performance
variations between heterogeneous and homogeneous
platforms. CPU, memory, hard disk and total load
over physical machine are recuperated during the ex-
perimentations. We consider the time execution of the
job. In all these works, the physical host has 12 CPU
cores, 31.5 GB of RAM and 500 GB of hard disk (Ta-
ble 1). The experiments are partitioned on two main
parts: when we study Hadoop in homogenuous clus-
ter, the virtual machines and the containers have the
same configuration; they have 2 cores (and 2 thread
per core), 5 GB of RAM and 80 GB of hard disk (Ta-
ble 1). To ensure the best evaluation of the platform,
some configuration parameter could be fixed. For ex-
ample, the rate of data replication is two (this number
is depending on the size of the cluster) and the ca-
pacity of node manager is set to 3 GB of RAM and
3 cores. When we address the problems in the het-
erogeneous cluster, we use another configuration of
virtual machines (VMs and containers) depending on
the resource we are studying. The experiments are
based on two levels, the first one considers two slave
machines and the second one considers four slave ma-
chines. The slave machines can be virtual machines
or containers. All experiments are repeated 5 times.
The Ganglia software is used to recuperate LOAD,
CPU, RAM metrics. It overloads the Hadoop clus-
ter with 2 per cent (Intel, 2015). The software hsflow
is combined to Ganglia to retrieve I/O bound of the
hard disk access on the slave machines. These met-
rics offer the possibility of an in-depth study in the
variation in resource utilization during experiments.
In order to measure energetic consumption, we use
a specific engine mounted to the electrical outlet, it
measures overall the energy consumption of the clus-
ter machines every 2 seconds and save it on an ex-
ternal memory card. Four workloads (TestDFSIO-
read, TestDFSIO-write, Teragen, Terasort ) are used
in our benchmarks. In order to reach the topic of this
work; we use the benchmarks Teragen and TeraSort
and TestDFSIO. They are used by Vmware organisa-
tion; intel (Huang et al., 2010) and AMD (Devices,
2012) to evaluate their products. They are consid-
ered as a reference and are used in many other works
like (Fadika et al., 2012). The first kind of workloads
is Teragen and TestDFSIO. They stress the hard disk
and I/O resources, they are based on a set of “map”
tasks which writes random data in HDFS in the a se-
quential manner. In these works; they generate three
sizes of data 10, 15 and 20 GB using 2 then 4 slave
The second one is TeraSort, this benchmark
stresses: memory, network and compute resources.
Each data generated with Teragen is sorted with Tera-
sort. Terasort is knwon for the capacity to aggregate
output of the Teragen workload. It is based on a set
of “map” tasks and “reduce” tasks. The job Tera-
Sort is forced to use four reduce tasks, we aim to dis-
patch the compute on many slave machines. The four
workloads (TestDFSIO-read, TestDFSIO-write, Tera-
gen, Terasort ) used in the evaluation are based on the
MapReduce model; each of them has the capacity to
stress specific resource thus the evaluation results will
be more accurate.
Benchmarking Hadoop Performance in the Cloud - An in Depth Study of Resource Management and Energy Consumption
Table 2: Configuration of Slave Machines and (NM) Used in Heterogenuous Context.
Resources Slave machine 1 Slave machines 2 and 3 Slave node configuration
CPU (cores/Vcores) 4 cores (4 threads) 2 cores (4 threads) 6 Virtual cores
Memory (GB) 10 5 6
HDD space (GB) 80 80 -
Hadoop is designed to work on a homogeneous
cluster. Defined policies (configuration of files and
the default schedulers) don’t consider the configu-
ration of machines when they schedule tasks, how-
ever, the clusters and technologies grow up contin-
uously and companies don’t have guarantee to sup-
ply the cluster with the same machine’s configura-
tions. Thus, we study the influence of the variation of
the machine configuration on the performance of the
workloads executions. We vary the quantity of the re-
sources of the Hadoop slave machines and we analyse
experiments results. We double the RAM and CPU
resources of slave machines in the cluster and the re-
source capacities of the slave node. The slave node is
the Node Manager (NN) of the Hadoop’s cluster. The
table 2 introduces the configuration of the slave ma-
chines (VM or container) and nodes (which give the
configuration of slaves in the Hadoop) considered at
this part of experiences.
In this section, we provide the results of the exper-
iments. The first subsection discusses the influence
of the execution workloads on the performance of the
two types of virtual clusters. In the second subsection,
we focus on the variation in the resources i.e. CPU
and I/O bounds. In the third subsection, we consider
a heterogeneous cluster to analyse the variation of re-
source utilizations during experiments. In the fourth
subsection, we study the influence of overload of the
energy consumption.
5.1 Evaluation of the Machine’s
Overload Capacity
The overload of a machine can be defined as the dif-
ference between load of a physical machine (without
any slave machine) and load after the start of slave
machines on it. Figure 1 presents (i) the overload
of the physical machines without the running of any
slave machines (ii) the overload of the physical ma-
chine with slave VM when they are idle (iii) the over-
load of the physical machine with Docker containers
Figure 1: Resources overload with different number of vir-
tual machines and different types of virtualization tools.
when they are idle. We have noticed that the virtual
machines reserve total configured memory since its
start: thus 17 GB of memory is booked (3 VM) for
cluster with two slaves and 28 GB is booked for the
cluster with 4 slaves (5 VM). But the containers use
resources only when they need them. The host uses 5
GB of memory with three containers and 10 GB with
5 containers. This is the minimum memory needed
to start hosts, guest operating systems and Hadoop
daemons. The Figure 1 shows that the overload is
measured between 3-5% for Docker containers and
between 10-25% for the commercial tools. During
experiments, we record overload of the physical ma-
chine. Figure 3 compares the overload capacity using
the two technologies of virtualization and the work-
load Teragen. These experiments also consider dif-
ferent size of Hadoop cluster and 20 GB of generated
data. We remark in these conditions that container is
lighter than traditional virtual machine and for axam-
ple, the workload Teragen causes less overhead than
VM. The Figure 3(a) illustrates the total overload due
to the execution of Teragen. The difference is inter-
esting because it is a large difference in load between
the two types of virtualization. The heavy virtualiza-
tion is characterized by the reservation of the needed
memory when these VMs start. It is visible from Fig-
ure 3(b) that the amount of memory reserved by the
traditional virtualization increases compared to the re-
sults of memory consumption, shown in Figure 1. The
additional memory is used by the hypervisors to in-
terpret the guest operations which are executed by the
host operating system.
Docker technology uses only the amount of mem-
ory needed to run their process, otherwise memory
would be released. This behavior is due to the Docker
container policy. The last requires consuming mem-
ory not a provisioned memory, thus the memory man-
agement in Docker is more flexible than the memory
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
management in traditional virtualization tool. The
Docker containers cause less memory overload than
traditional VM which reserves 100-200 MB mem-
ory per VM for hypervisor. In addition, traditional
VM independently reserves a fixed amount of mem-
ory. The Docker containers offer the possibility to fix
a maximum amount of memory a container can use.
However, when this memory is not explored by the
container, it can be used by another processes. Con-
cerning the variation of the CPU cores and memory,
we present analyses and we give an in-depth descrip-
tion. We take as an example the execution of different
job with 20 GB of data and we noticed that with the
jobs Teragen and Terasort, the cluster using Docker
technology is more efficient than cluster with tradi-
tional virtualization (Figure 2(a) and 2(b)).
We obtained same results for the same job, executed
on the same size of a clusters. The use of two slave
machines gives better performances than the use of
four slave machines. Thus, the number of slave ma-
chines should be correctly chosen to avoid the degra-
dation in performances. We give in next part an in-
depth study of Hard disk and CPU bounds explo-
5.2 I/O-bound Variation and CPU
The TestDFSIO benchmarks are used to evaluate the
HDFS health, they utilize the hard disk resource more
than other resources as memory or CPU cores. We run
TestDFSIO benchmarks on 2 and 4 hadoop slave ma-
chines, using the two technologies of virtualization.
Then we also vary the writable data sizes (10, 15 and
20 GB). We present the experimental results of the
disk write and read throughput and average IO in Fig-
ure 4. The results of the job execution: TestDFSIO-
write, (Figure 4(a) to 4(c)) proves that the throughput
and average I/O are inversely proportional with the
overload measured during the execution. For exam-
ple, using 4 VMs over 20 GB of data, the overload
is about 85%, but throughput and averageI/O highly
decreases. The management of hard disk bound in-
fluences directly the completion time of the workload
execution. The results proves that Docker technology
use a best policy to manage access to the hard disk
compare to the VMware tool.
We use the workloads Teragen and Terasort to
stress the CPU bound. It has a considerable influ-
ence over the performance and the energy consump-
tion. In our experiments, we use two cores per slave
machines. Docker technology offers two policies to
manage CPU resources. The first method is to re-
serve a specified number of cores per container. The
second one uses a relative share rate between contain-
ers. It associates a weight to each container and it
shares the existing compute resources between them.
Please note that all the experiments, explained earlier
use the first reservation policy. We will focus on the
fair share policy in Section 5.3. We notice that using
Teragen (Figure 3(a)) and TeraSort; containers cause
about the half of the CPU overload than traditional
virtualization tool. Figures 2(a) and 2(b) shows the
completion time of the used workflow over a cluster
of 2 and 4 slave machines. The cluster with two slave
machines gives better performances than the cluster
with four. One reason is the architecture, the use of
four slave machines increases the competition to ac-
cess resources and the total overload increases in con-
sequence. For example, when we evaluate the cluster
with two slave machines, six cores (CPU) are booked
for the virtual cluster so the host OS has the six other
cores to use and to run the instructions. However,
cluster with four slave machines uses 10 cores (CPU)
thus only two cores are used by the host OS. We ob-
serve the same behavior for the memory resource use.
Thus, we note a performance degradation. As we use
the same policy to manage CPU resource in the two
cases of study ( 2 and 4 slave machines), we conclude
that the main reason of the performance degradation
is the management of throughput and memory poli-
cies. We use TestDFSIO read workload to test the
read throughput. The results are summarized on Fig-
ure 4(a) to 4(c). We noticed that the running of mul-
tiple slave machines on the same physical host cre-
ates a concurrent access to the hard disk. Despite the
replication of data used in Hadoop (which is equal to
2), there is a difference in performance between slave
machines, depending on the used technology. We give
an in-depth description of the memory management
policies in Docker technology in section 5.1.
Despite the congestion of resources, when we
work with a cluster of four slave machines, in most
cases, the Docker container offers better perfor-
mances in most cases.
In the next subsection, we focus on the execution
of the workloads on a heterogeneous cluster and com-
pare the two technologies of CPU management, avail-
able in the Docker technology.
5.3 Performance Variation in a
Heterogeneous Cluster
We analyse in this subsection the influence of the het-
erogeneous cluster on the performance of Hadoop.
The first step of the experiments uses two different
configurations of slave machines. The second step
changes the capacity of each resource and analyses
Benchmarking Hadoop Performance in the Cloud - An in Depth Study of Resource Management and Energy Consumption
(a) Teragen (b) TeraSort
(c) TesDFSIO-Write (d) TestDFSIO-Read
Figure 2: Time execution in function of the data quantity and type of slave machines.
(a) Total Teragen overload (b) Memory consumption of the job Ter-
(c) CPU overload of the job Teragen
Figure 3: An exemple of the variation of the overload due to use of different virtualization tools.
the influence of each resource variation in Hadoop
performances. In the first step, we use an additional
configuration of slave machine, then we obtain new
Hadoop cluster with two types of slave machine’s
configurations: one configuration has 4 cores, 10 GB
of RAM and 80 GB of hard disk, the second has 2
cores, 5 GB of RAM and 80 GB of hard disk. The
results of the execution of the workloads Teragen and
Terasort over a heterogeneous and homogeneous clus-
ter of three slave machines is presented in Figure 5(a).
It confirms that Hadoop outperforms better with ho-
mogeneous cluster. In the Figure 5-b, we focus on
the Docker technology performances. We run the two
jobs in this four use cases: (1) homogeneous clus-
ter of three machines, (2) heterogeneous cluster (de-
scribed in table 2), (3) heterogeneous cluster with in-
creasing the memory and (4) heterogeneous cluster
with increasing only of the number of cores. Then
we conclude from this experiment that varying only
RAM or CPU resources is not helpful for the Hadoop
performances. There are two reasons of this conclu-
sion. The first one is that increasing the capacity of
memory in client machines stresses the host operat-
ing system and limits its performances. In the same
manner, increasing the number of virtual cores per
container limits the number of CPU cores used by
the host system and decreases its computing capac-
ity. The second one is noted at the scheduling level.
After observing the tasks assignement at the Hadoop
scheduler level with the two technologies, in the first
third of the time execution, we noticed that workloads
have a high rate of tasks failures on the slave machine
(SM) two and three. However, there is no task fail-
ure in the first SM. These results are due to: (i) The
homogeneity of the cluster, considered by the sched-
uler (capacity scheduler is used in experiments). (ii)
The mismatch between the resource definition in the
configuration files. (iii) The available resources on
the cluster. During the remaining period of execution
of Terasoft and Teragen, the scheduler has the ten-
dency to re-run the failed tasks with double capacity
of resources. The scheduler adapts its behavior and
affects the major quantity of tasks, which have double
capacity of resources to SM-1. For example, behind
the capacity of Nodemanager’s resources in table 2
(slave daemon on the Hadoop cluster), the SM-1 runs
three tasks all the time, two tasks have 2GB of mem-
ory and the third has 1GB of memory. The SM-2 and
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
(a) TestDFSIO-Write Average IO (b) TestDFSIO-Read Avarage IO (c) Write/Read Throughputs (20 GB)
Figure 4: Throughput and Average IO of the job TestDFSIO execution with different virtualization tools.
SM-3 have the tendency to execute tasks with 1GB
of memory, four times more than tasks having 2 GB
of RAM. We notice that the scheduler always affects
one Vcores (virtual cores) per task. This is caused by
the fact that Hadoop considers the criteria for resource
homogeneity during scheduling of the tasks.
In Figure 5(c); we focus on the CPU resources. In
previous experiments, we use the reservation policy
to affect CPU cores in containers (section 4-3). On
the next step, we compare the two policies, given by
Docker to explore computing capacity between con-
tainers. The results show that there is a thin differ-
ence between policy on the described environment of
experiments. The sharing method (with CPU-share
option) performs better than the affectation method
(reservation policy with the CPU-set). The share pol-
icy gives the opportunity to share unused compute re-
sources between containers and don’t limit them to a
specific number of cores. As the Hadoop context is
concerned, The share policy increases the capacity of
slots on the slave machines. Thus, it increases perfor-
mances without having the negative aspect on the host
OS. When the number of slave machines per physi-
cal host is maintained, the share policy gives better
performances. It ensure a minimum rate of computa-
tional capacity per container. When the host machine
has a free computational resources, these resources
are shared respecting the relative share between con-
tainers. As a result, the compute capacity per hadoop
NM deamon increases and will have a good influence
on the completion time of the workloads. When the
overload limit is reached, the two methods have the
same behavior and the decrease on performances.
5.4 Evaluation of the Energy
The energy consumption is an important issue in
the big data context i.e. Yahoo deploys a Hadoop
cluster over more than 2000 servers; Facebook de-
ploys Hadoop over 600 servers; General Electric de-
ploys Hadoop on a cluster of 1700 servers. At this
scale, the energy is a critical aspect which influences
considerably the cost of cluster exploitation. A re-
search realized by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (Agency, 2007) and the Natural Resources
Defense Council (Council, 2014) announced in 2007
that the cost of energy consumption for cluster man-
agement was very high. The commission in the Eu-
ropean Union defined the code of conduct on data-
center energy efficiency since 2008 (for Energy and
(IET), 2015). Through the experiences, it is clear
that the load and the energy consumption are propor-
tional, when we run 4 slave machines. The overload
and energy consumption increase and they are higher
than the case of 2 slave machines. We can conclude
that when the overload of physical machine increases
(more than 85 %), the performance degrades and then,
energy consumption increases. Installing many vir-
tual machines on the physical host increases the en-
ergy consumption and they have negative influence on
the job’s execution performances. The overload on
physical host is proportional to the number of slave
machines and the workload running on them. Fig-
ure 2(a) and 2(b) show the completion time of Tera-
gen and TeraSort workloads over a cluster with dif-
ferent slave machines. The cluster of two slave ma-
chines is better performing than the cluster with four
machines and has a bit lower consumption than four
slave machines cluster. The virtualization technology
is used by the server providers to manage the load on
the physical machine and to optimize energetic con-
sumption. The overload on the physical machine is
the aggregation of all overload of their guest when
the VMs run in a higher load. Working with the same
type of job, size of cluster and quantity of data (Fig-
ure 6), there is a thin difference between the use of
the two virtualization tools. Docker technology con-
sumes less energy than traditional tools. This one is
caused by the use of containers instead of the overload
due to the use of virtual machines.
This paper has four objectives: (i) The analysis and
Benchmarking Hadoop Performance in the Cloud - An in Depth Study of Resource Management and Energy Consumption
(a) Influence of the heterogeneous cluster
(two types of virtualization)
(b) Influence of resources variations of
Docker containers on the execution of jobs
(c) Comparison between the two poli-
cies for managing the CPU resource al-
lowed by the Docker technology
Figure 5: Completion time of the workloads Teragen and TeraSort with heterogeneous platforms.
Time (sec)
TeraSort -4 VM
Teragen -2 VM
TeraSort -4 Containers
Teragen -2 containers
Figure 6: Energetic Consumption of different size of clus-
ters with jobs Teragen and Terasort.
the study of many assumptions concerning the con-
figurations of big data platforms. (ii) The comparison
of performances of the Hadoop platform with the two
technologies of virtualization. (iii) The study of the
variation of the performance for the case of homoge-
neous and heterogeneous platforms and (iv) The deals
with the energy consumption on the Hadoop cluster.
(refer to Section 5.2). We can confirm that assump-
tions performed from experiments in the HPC domain
and focus on the container technology. The deploy-
ment of the Hadoop cluster either by using traditional
virtualization or containers technology, optimizes the
resource exploitation and minimizes idle resources.
However, using the two technologies decreases the
efficiency and the cluster’s performance. In general,
the container technology exceeds the traditional vir-
tualization technology. In the major part of the test,
the containers cause less overhead on CPU resources,
however the two policies given by the Docker technol-
ogy in order to manage computing resources should
be used carefully. Hadoop is based on the sharing of
the computing capacity between a numbers of slots
through time. The fair share policy can increase the
rate of computing resources. However, it strongly in-
fluences the performance of the host operating sys-
tem since it limits the resources of the clusters. We
choose to fix the number of cores per slave machine.
Hence, this method offers an accurate report about the
resource exploitation and it allows a better compari-
son between these results.
The containers have an efficient policy to manage
memory resources; free memory can be recuperated
by the host operating system in order to improve gen-
eral performance of the physical host. The Hardware
and network bandwidth are shared between guests
that are localized on the host. We only consider the re-
source isolation, the other kinds of isolation (like user
or session isolation) are not targeted in this work. The
two technologies used in this paper can isolate CPU,
memory and Hard disk resources. However, despite
the evolution of the hard disk resource isolation (as
blkio controller), the access rate to hard disks remains
an open problem. The main reasons are: (i) the over-
load due to the workload execution or due to the num-
ber of slave machines per host. (ii) The I/O schedul-
ing, when tasks are running; a big quantity of data
is transferred between the slave machines. It ensures
data replication and merging between tasks. Thus, the
I/O scheduling has a direct influence on the Hadoop
cluster’s efficiency. The I/O environment considers
the network bandwidth and harddisk access.
The Hadoop software is adapted to be used with
homogeneous platforms. However, hardware tech-
nologies are changing continuously and it is not possi-
ble to ensure the same Hardware configurations when
the cluster is evolving. On the other hand, our experi-
ments argue that heterogeneous platforms degrade the
performances, the main reason is being the schedul-
ing policies because the scheduler in Hadoop is per-
formed to work on homogenuous cluster and the only
policy used to speed up the processing of the applica-
tions is to run a copy of delayed tasks on other ma-
chines. The energy consumption is directly related
to the load of resources on the physical host i.e. the
higher is the load of physical host, the higher is the
energy consumption. However, the performance de-
pends on the number of slave machines per host and
it also depends on the execution of workloads.
In this work, benchmarks argue that the light vir-
tual technology is the best to use in the Hadoop
context. In the future, we will focus on the opti-
mization of the Hadoop performances by working on
the scheduling policies, in order to improve perfor-
mances. The approach mentioned in (Jlassi et al.,
2015), presents the definition of the scheduling prob-
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
lem on the Hadoop cluster. We take into account the
performances and the energy consumption in a bicri-
teria problem.
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Benchmarking Hadoop Performance in the Cloud - An in Depth Study of Resource Management and Energy Consumption