A Classifier Ensemble Approach to Detect Emotions Polarity
in Social Media
Isidoros Perikos and Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Classifier Ensemble, Social Media, Emotion Detection, Text Mining.
Abstract: The advent of social media has changed completely the role of the users and has transformed them from
simple passive information seekers to active producers. The user generated textual data in social media and
microblogging platforms are rich in emotions, opinions and attitudes and necessitate automated methods to
analyse and extract knowledge from them. In this paper, we present a classifier ensemble approach to detect
emotional content in social media and examine its performance under bagging and boosting combination
methods. The classifier ensemble aims to take advantage of the base classifiers’ benefits and constitutes a
promising approach to detect sentiments in social media. Our classifier ensemble combines a knowledge
based tool that performs deep analysis of the natural language and two machine learning classifiers, a Naïve
Bayes and a Maximum Entropy which are trained on ISEAR and Affective text datasets. The evaluation study
conducted revealed quite promising results and indicates that the ensemble classifier approach can improve
the performance of sole classifiers on emotion detection in Twitter and that the boosting seems to be more
suitable and to perform better than bagging.
Over the last years, social media became a new means
that connects people all over the globe with
information, news and events in real time and has
changed completely the way of human
communication. Social media and microblogging
platforms are constantly becoming an important
aspect of everyday life providing various
opportunities for social interaction, informing on
news and events, expression of opinions and sharing
of thoughts and attitudes. With the advent of Web 2.0
and social media platforms, people became more
eager to express their opinions and share their
experiences on web regarding almost all aspects of
their day-to-day activities and global issues as well
(Ravi and Ravi, 2015). Indeed, social media appeals
to people of all ages because it provides opportunities
for personal sharing of experiences and feelings,
expressing opinions and attitudes and also offering
reflections on a variety of social issues. Social media
and microblogging platforms like Twitter have
transformed people from passive information
consumers to active producers. Every day, a vast
amount of articles and messages are posted in various
sites, blogs, news portals, social networks and forums
which is rich in emotional content, opinions, attitudes
and necessitates automated methods to analyse and
extract knowledge from it (Shaheen et al., 2014).
A vital piece of information that could be
extracted from user generated data in social media
concerns the underlying emotional content expressed.
Emotions can provide very indicative aspects of the
personality of a person, his/her status and behaviour.
The detection of emotional content can considerably
enhance our understanding of users’ states (Wang and
Pal, 2015) and also to understand the public
emotional attitude and views towards various events.
From a user centric scope, analysing the text
messages of a specific person can provide very
indicative factors of the person’s emotional situation,
his/her behaviour and also provide deeper clues for
determining his/her personality (Qiu et al., 2012).
Furthermore, regarding events and user comments on
them, from a topic centric perspective, the analysis of
users’ comments on a specific topic can provide very
meaningful information about public stance, feelings
and attitude towards various topics and events. In this
line, emotion models can be employed to specify how
people feel about a given entity such as a topic, an
event and other (Wang and Pal, 2015).
The sentiment analysis and the recognition of
Perikos, I. and Hatzilygeroudis, I.
A Classifier Ensemble Approach to Detect Emotions Polarity in Social Media.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 1, pages 363-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
emotion in text is a hard problem on its own and when
it comes to the analysis of user generated data in
social media things can get even harder (Augustyniak
et al., 2014). In the context of this work we present an
ensemble classifier approach to detect emotional
presence in tweets and specify their emotional
polarity. The ensemble classifier relays on a
knowledge based tool that performs deep analysis of
the natural language and two machine learning
approaches which are a Naïve Bayes and a Maximum
Entropy learner. The knowledge based tool tries to
analyze the sentence structure, spot words that
convey emotional content and based on the word’s
dependencies, specify the overall emotional content
of the sentence. The ensemble classifier schema
combines the base learners under bagging and
boosting methods with the aim to take advantages of
their benefits and minimize their drawbacks. We
examine the performance of the ensemble learning on
user generated content on Twitter and assess its
performance based on both combination methods.
The evaluation study conducted on annotated tweets
revealed very promising results regarding the
ensemble classifier’s performance to detect
emotional content in tweets and specifying their
emotional polarity.
The detection of emotional presence in social media
and the recognition of its emotional polarity are
important for sensing and monitoring public stance
and people feelings towards various events all over
the globe. It could provide very indicative aspects of
both individual behaviour and public attitude and also
can assist in identifying emerging topics and trends.
Applications and systems that determine the
underlying emotional polarity could present an
efficient and effective evaluation of people stance,
thoughts and attitudes in real time and can assist a
wide range of interest bodies such as governments,
marketing agencies and other. The analysis can shed
light into people behavioral tendencies and also
present opportunities to learn about their feelings and
perceptions in real time. The detection of sentiments
and feelings in user data in social media also offer an
unprecedented opportunity for marketing
intelligence. Public sentiment as expressed in large-
scale collections of Twitter posts can provide factors
of social and economic attitudes and even be utilized
to even predict stock market exchanges (Bollen et
al., 2011).
However, in the literature most of the approaches
train, use and rely on sole classifiers to perform the
textual classification. In this work, we present an
ensemble classifier approach that aims to improve the
accuracy of base learners and the performance of
sentiment analysis applications in detecting
emotional presence in tweets and also determining
their emotional polarity. The combination of
classifiers is an effective method for improving the
performance of a classification system (Li et al.,
2007; Perikos and Hatzilygeroudis, 2016). The design
and development of effective classifier ensembles
requires that the used learner units have some level of
diversity. There are many reasons for designing,
developing and using classifier ensembles
(Dietterich, 2000). From a statistical scope, by
constructing an ensemble schema out of trained
classifiers, the algorithm can average their votes and
reduce the risk of choosing the wrong or
underperforming classifier on new data. Even when
different classifiers are trained and report a good
performance, when just one is chosen, it may not
yield the best generalization performance in unseen
data. From a computational perspective, many
learning algorithms work by performing some form
of local search and it is very possible to get stuck at a
local optimum. So, an ensemble constructed by
running the local search from many different starting
points may provide a better approximation to the true
unknown function than any of the individual
classifiers. Finally, from a representational scope the
decision boundaries that separate data from different
classes may be too complex and an appropriate
combination of classifiers can make it possible to
cope with this issue. In this line, given the
characteristics of the user generated textual data in
social media platforms, the utilization of ensemble
classifier methods seems a suitable and efficient
approach and the work presented in this paper is a
contribution towards examining this direction.
Over the last years, the domain of sentiment analysis
and emotion detection in social media has attracted a
lot of interest. There is a huge research interest and
several works study the way people express emotions
and try to detect emotions in web and in social media
(Cambria et al., 2013; Medhat et al., 2014; Liu, 2015).
Machine learning supervised methods have been used
on sentiment classification and emotion detection and
are mainly based on supervised learning relying on
manually labelled samples (Pang and Lee, 2008).
Authors, in the work presented in (Go et al., 2009),
SRIS 2016 - Special Session on Social Recommendation in Information Systems
study sentiment classification of tweets and examine
the performance of Naïve Bayes, Maximum Entropy
and Support Vector Machine algorithms and report
performance results up to 82.7% for the Naïve Bayes
and max entropy and 82.2 for SVM. Authors tried
Unigram, Bigram model in conjunction with parts of
speech features and found that the unigram model
outperforms others. In (Firmino Alves et al., 2014),
authors employ machine learning techniques for
sentiment analysis of tweets in Portuguese during the
world cup and achieved accuracy of approximately
80% with support vector machines and 73% with
Naïve Bayes. The utilization of ensemble classifiers
approaches could improve the efficiency of sentiment
analysis and emotion detection systems (Devi et al.,
2015; Fersini et al., 2014; Whitehead and Yaeger,
2010). In the text mining, ensemble classifiers have
been applied successfully in various sub-domains,
such as named entity recognition, word sense
disambiguation and text classification (Xia et al.,
2011). In (da Silva et al., 2014), authors present an
ensemble classifier approach for sentiment analysis
of tweets consisting of random forest, support vector
machine, multinomial naïve Bayes and logistic
regression classifiers. In the study, authors report that
the classifier ensemble can improve classification
accuracy that bag-of-words representation is suitable
and can assist classifiers to achieve better accuracy.
In (Wang et al., 2014), authors experimented with the
performance of an ensemble classifier consisting of
five base learners, that is naïve Bayes, maximum
entropy, decision tree, k-nearest neighbor and support
vector machine combined using random subspace
method. Results indicate that ensemble classifier
substantially improve the performance of base
learners and reports better results than using solely
the base learners and so authors suggest that ensemble
learning methods can be used as a very viable
approach for sentiment classification.
However, the ensemble classifier approaches in
the literature mainly rely on machine learning
classifiers. Machine learning approaches in general
cannot fully leverage semantic and syntactic features
of the sentences. On the other hand, the classification
methods that are based only on keywords can suffer
from the ambiguity in the keyword definitions in the
sense that a word can have different meanings
according to its usage and context and also the
incapability of recognizing emotions within
sentences that do not contain emotional keywords
(Shaheen et al., 2014). So, an ensemble classifier
approach that would combine both machine learning
and knowledge-based approaches could be of great
interest. In addition, our work presented in this paper
is, to the best of our knowledge, one of the first
approaches in the sentiment analysis domain to
examine this direction and study the performance of
an ensemble schema that combines diverse classifiers
under different combinations methods.
In this Section, we present the ensemble classifier
approach, illustrate its architecture and analyse its
functionality. The ensemble classifier combines two
statistical machine learning learners and a knowledge
based tool that performs deep analysis of the natural
language sentences. The machine learning base
learners are a naive Bayes and a maximum entropy
learner which are trained on sentences from ISEAR,
Affective Text and additional annotated tweets. The
performance of the ensemble classifier is examined
under bagging and boosting combination methods. In
the following subsections, the base classifiers, their
training and the different combination methods are
described in detail.
4.1 Base Classifiers
4.1.1 Naïve Bayes
The Naïve Bayes classifier is a simple and commonly
used model for classification which can achieve good
performance in text categorization. It is based on
Bayes theorem and is a probability based
classification approach that assumes that documented
words are generated through a probability
mechanism. In general, the lexical units of a corpus
are labelled with a particular category or category set
and are processed computationally. During this
processing, each document is treated as a bag-of-
words, so the document is assumed to have no
internal structure, and no relationships between the
words exist and the position of the words in the
document is ignored. A universal feature of Naïve
Bayes classification is the conditional independence
assumption. Naïve Bayes assumes that words are
mutually independent and so, each individual word is
assumed to be an indication of the assigned emotion.
The Bayesian formula calculates the probability of a
defined class, based on document`s features and is
calculated as:
where P(c) is the probability that a sentence belongs
A Classifier Ensemble Approach to Detect Emotions Polarity in Social Media
to category c, P(s) is the probability of sentence s
occurrence, P(s|c) is the probability that the sentence
s belongs to category c and P(c|s) is the probability
that given the sentence s it belongs to category c. The
term P(s|c) can be computed taking into consideration
the conditional probabilities of occurrences of
sentence’s words given the category c, as follows:
|) represents the probability that term
occurs given the category c and n
represents the length of sentence s.
4.1.2 Maximum Entropy
The Maximum entropy classifiers are feature based
models that prefer the most uniform models that
satisfy a given constraint. The aim is to find a model
that can satisfy all the problem’s constraints having
also maximum entropy. The labelled data in training
phase are used to derive the constraints for the model
that characterize the class. In contrast to Naïve Bayes,
the Maximum Entropy classifier does not make
independence assumption for its features. So, it is
possible to add features to a Maximum Entropy
classifier like words unigrams, bigrams and N-grams
in general, without worrying about the overlapping of
the features. Maximum Entropy classifiers can
achieve very difficult classification tasks and indicate
good performance in various natural language
processing tasks such as sentence segmentation,
language modelling and named entity recognition
(Nigam et al., 1999). MaxEnt classifier can also be
used when we can’t assume the conditional
independence of the features, something that is
particularly true in text mining and sentiment analysis
problems, where features such as words are not
independent. In general, the Max Entropy classifier
requires more time to be trained comparing to Naïve
Bayes, mainly due to the optimization problem that
needs to be solved in order to estimate the parameters
of the model. The classifiers use the bag of words
representation technique, where a sentence is
considered to be an unordered collection of words,
whereas the position of words in the document bears
no importance. It is used in combination with removal
of stop-words and stemming of useful words.
4.1.3 Knowledge based Tool
The knowledge-based tool analyses and extracts
knowledge from each sentence in order to specify its
sentimental status (Perikos and Hatzilygeroudis,
2013). The architecture of the tool is depicted in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: The architecture of the tool.
The Knowledge Base (KB) of the tool stores
emotional words that convey emotions. It utilizes the
WordNet Affect lexicon which is a widely used
extension of the WorldNet and which was also
extended by additional emotional words. The
Stanford parser is used to analyse the structure of a
sentence, specify the relationships between the
sentence’s words and determine the corresponding
dependencies and the sentence dependency tree. The
dependency tree represents the grammatical relations
between the sentence’s words in a tree based
approach. Those relationships are presented as triplets
consisting of the name of the relation, the governor
and the dependent respectively. Dependencies
indicate the way that words are connected and interact
with each other. Named entity recognizer methods are
utilized to detect proper names and named entities
that appear in the sentence aiming to assist the
sentence analysis and the specification of the way that
emotional parts are associated with sentence’s
entities, such as persons. Words known to convey
emotions are spotted using the lexical resources of the
knowledge base and each emotional word detected is
further analysed by the tool and its relations and the
way it interacts with the sentence’s words are
determined. Based on the words’ relationships, the
tool identifies specific types of emotional word’s
interactions with quantification words, in order to
specify its emotional strength. Finally, the emotion
extractor unit specifies the sentence’s overall
emotional status based on the sentence emotional
4.2 Training Data
The base learners were trained using annotated
sentences from the ISEAR (Scherer and Wallbott,
1994) and the Affective Text (Strapparava and
Mihalcea, 2007) datasets and also additional
annotated Tweet. These datasets consist of sentences
SRIS 2016 - Special Session on Social Recommendation in Information Systems
that have been emotionally annotated by experts. The
ISEAR dataset consists of 7,660 sentences associated
with 7 categories of emotions that are anger, disgust,
fear, guilt, joy, sadness and shame. The Affective text
dataset was designed for Semeval 2007 task on
affective text and consists of news headlines
sentences annotated based on the six emotions
defined by Ekman (Ekman, 1999) which are anger,
disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise. For each
sentence is specified its emotional load on a range
from 0 to 100. For our experiment, we use emotions
having the highest load as the sentence label and are
considered only the emotions having a score greater
than 50 specified by the experts.
Since the ensemble classifier detects emotional
presence in tweets and characterizes them as
emotional positive, neutral or negative, the sentences
of the datasets where meta-annotated based on their
emotional content. The meta-annotation specifies the
emotional polarity of the sentences of the datasets as
positive, neutral or negative and was based on the
emotional theory of Russel that defines a two-
dimensional model of affect (Russel, 1980). In this
model, emotions can be presented in a dimensional
space of two dimensions (Figure 2), where the one
dimension represent the emotion’s polarity and the
other dimension the emotion’s activation. The
activation characterizes an emotion as activated or
deactivated whereas polarity dimension is used to
characterize emotions as positive or negative. For the
meta-annotation of the sentences of ISEAR that
express shame and guilt, the Parrot’s analysis of
emotions (Parrott 2001) was utilized, which specifies
the shame and the guilt emotions to be associated with
sadness. In this line, both emotions are meta-
annotated to have negative emotional polarity. So, the
sentences of the two datasets and also the additional
annotated tweets from Sanders corpus were
annotated, based on the aforementioned emotion
schema, to convey positive, neutral or negative
emotional content and a new corpus were formulated
for the training of the classifiers for the needs of this
The mapping assists in specifying the polarity of
a sentence based on its underlying emotional content.
That is, in case a sentence is annotated to convey
emotions, its emotional polarity is determined and
meta-annotated according to the mapping of Russell’s
space (Russell, 1980). The joy emotion is associated
with positive emotional polarity, while the emotions
of anger, disgust, fear, sadness, shame and guilt
characterize a sentence as emotionally negative. In
this line, the surprise emotion can characterize a
sentence as emotionally positive, in cases it is
accompanied with joy emotion (happy surpise), as
negative in cases it is associated with emotions of
negative polarity or neutral in other cases.
Figure 2: Polarity of basic Ekman emotions on Russel’s
The base classifiers are trained on the extended meta-
annotated corpus to learn to detect emotional content
and recognize its emotional polarity. In the training
phase, additional tweets mainly form Sanders corpus
that were also emotionally meta-annotated were
4.3 Ensemble Classifier Methods
The main aim of ensemble classifier is to leverage and
benefit from the advantages of the base learners. For
the combination of the base learners, various methods
have been proposed in the literature and used in
ensemble learners. The way that an ensemble
classifier is formulated and the base classifiers are
combined consist a crucial aspect that can greatly
affect its performance. In the study, we examine the
ensemble’s performance based on the performance of
the base learners under different combination
methods. In the context of our work, we utilize
instance partitioning methods and examine in the
ensemble classifier the bagging and the boosting
combination methods. Bellow, the nature and the
functionality of the two methods are described.
4.3.1 Bagging
Bagging is one of the first combination methods for
ensemble classifier. It relays on the principle to train
each base classifier using a randomly drawn subset of
the whole training dataset aiming to aggregate the
multiple hypotheses generated by the same classifier
on different distributions of training data.
Initially, the dataset is transformed into multiple
data sets using sampling and iteration methods and
A Classifier Ensemble Approach to Detect Emotions Polarity in Social Media
Figure 3: The Bagging combination method.
each set is assigned to a classifier. The diversity is
secured by using bootstrapped replicas of the training
dataset. The combination strategy of the base
classifiers in bagging is the majority voting. Bagging
assumes a dataset D and a learning system which
trains a base classifier for each training set (i.e. bags)
b = 1, 2, .., B sampled with replacement from D. The
learning system is able to infer the label for each
sentence of the testing set by aggregating over all the
bags according to a majority voting decision rule.
4.3.2 Boosting
Boosting incrementally builds an ensemble by
training each new model to emphasize those instances
that previous models misclassified. The basic idea of
boosting consists of three main stages.
Figure 4: The AdaBoost method.
In the first stage, an iterative search to locate the
examples that are more difficult to predict is
performed, in the second stage the accurate
predictions on those examples in each iteration are
rewarded and in the third stage the rules from each
iteration are combined (Schapire 1999). The
workflow of the ensemble combination method is
presented in Figure 3. In our work, the AdaBoost
(Adaptive Boosting) algorithm was utilized. Both
combination methods are examined on how they can
enhance the performance of the base learners. The
development of the combination methods and the
base machine learning classifiers was implemented in
Python language.
An experimental evaluation study was designed and
conducted to provide an insight of the performance of
the ensemble approach examined under bagging and
boosting combination methods. Initially, for the study
we retrieve a wide range of posts published by
different people on various topics on Twitter
platform. To collect data, the Sanders Twitter
sentiment corpus and the Twitter API ware utilized.
The Sanders corpus consists of tweets collected from
4 search terms (@apple, #google, #microsoft,
#twitter) which are characterized by an expert as
neutral, irrelevant, positive and negative. The Twitter
API was also used to access core Twitter data and to
collect additional tweets. After that and for the needs
of our study, we formulated a corpus consisting of
300 tweets and then a human expert was used to
emotionally annotate each Tweet. The expert
annotation would be used as a golden standard for the
experimental evaluation. For each tweet, the expert
specified the existence of emotional content and also,
in case it exists, its emotional polarity. Based on the
expert’s annotations, the emotional polarity is
specified, characterizing a Tweet as emotionally
positive, negative or emotionally neutral.
5.1 Performance Evaluation
The evaluation study consists of two main stages.
Initially, the ensemble classifier is evaluated in
detecting emotional presence in tweets and after that
in specifying the emotional polarity. For the
evaluation we use the accuracy, precision, sensitivity
and specificity metrics to assess the performance of
both the sole classifiers and the ensemble classifier.
Table 1: The performance results of the classifiers.
Metric N.B. MaxEnt
Accuracy 0.82 0.80 0.76 0.83 0.84
Precision 0.87 0.87 0.82 0.87 0.88
Sensitivity 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.79 0.80
Specificity 0.87 0.86 0.75 0.86 0.87
Initially, for the first part of the study that
examines the classifiers performance in
SRIS 2016 - Special Session on Social Recommendation in Information Systems
characterizing a tweet as emotional or neutral, the
results obtained are illustrated in Table 1.
The results show a very good performance of the
three classifiers and the ensemble classifier schema.
The ensemble formulated performs robustly better in
all experiment than the sole classifiers better in both
the bagging and the boosting combination methods
perform. A main reason for this concerns the good
accuracy of the classifiers and the fact that the
classification is performed with very good
performance by each one of three classifiers of the
ensemble schema. So, in cases that one of the
classifiers fails to make a correct prediction, the final
prediction is corrected by the remaining two. The
results show that Naïve Bayes has the better
performance among the base learners. Also, the
ensemble classifier combined under boosting is
performing slightly better than under bagging.
After that, in the second stage of the evaluation,
the performance of the classifiers is evaluated in
specifying the emotional polarity of tweets. The
results are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: The performance results of the classifiers.
Metric N.B.
Accuracy 0.80 0.78 0.73 0.81 0.82
Precision 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.85 0.88
Sensitivity 0.77 0.87 0.71 0.79 0.80
Specificity 0.85 0.77 0.70 0.85 0.86
The three base classifiers demonstrate very good
performance in the recognition of the emotional
polarity of emotional tweets. The ensemble classifier
formulated in both combination methods is
performing better than the base learners. Also, results
show the boosting method to slightly outperform
bagging once again in this part of the study. In the
context of this study, the results show that the
machine learning approaches achieve a satisfactory
performance. In addition, the ensemble classifier
approaches can enhance the performance and sole
classification approaches in sentiment analysis of
Tweets. Both combinations are suitable and can
enhance the performance of sole classifiers so that the
ensemble schema to perform robust better in
detecting emotional presence in Tweets. Regarding
the combination methods of the base classifiers in the
ensemble, the results indicate the boosting method to
perform slightly better than bagging in both stages of
the evaluation study. Finally, the machine learning
approaches have achieved a quite satisfactory
performance. Given that their training was based also
on sentences from ISEAR and the Affective Text
datasets, it seems that both datasets are valuable and
can assist in the training of machine learning
In this paper, we present a classifier ensemble
approach to detect emotional content in social media
and specify their emotional polarity and examine its
performance under bagging and boosting methods.
The ensemble combines three classifiers, that are two
machine learning and a knowledge based tool. The
knowledge based tool performs deep analysis of the
sentence structure, utilizes lexical resources to detect
emotional worlds and specifies emotional content of
a sentence based on the word dependencies. The two
statistical machine learning classifiers are a Naïve
Bayes and a Maximum Entropy trained using ISEAR,
Affective Text datasets and annotated tweets. The
evaluation indicated that the ensemble formed by
diversified learners is a valuable approach on
sentiment analysis of social media. Regarding the
combination methods, results indicated boosting
method to slightly outperform bagging and that both
can perform robust better than the base classifiers.
As a future work a larger scale evaluation will be
conducted to provide a deeper insight of the
performance of the ensemble approach. Also, a next
step regarding the feature representation would be to
examine feature construction based on linguistic
aspects and in addition examine and utilize SVM
classifiers which are suitable for sparse
representations. Moreover, the ensemble classifier
utilizes the bagging and boosting combination
methods which are instance partitioning methods and
as a future work we plan to examine additional
methods such as random subspace that is a feature
partitioning method.
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SRIS 2016 - Special Session on Social Recommendation in Information Systems