Cloud Computing Adoption, Cost-benefit Relationship and Strategies for
Selecting Providers: A Systematic Review
Antonio Carlos Marcelino de Paula and Glauco de Figueiredo Carneiro
Salvador University (UNIFACS), Salvador - Bahia, Brazil
Cloud Computing, Cloud Migration, Provider Selection, Cost-benefit Relationship, Systematic Literature
Context: Cloud computing has been one of the most promising computing paradigms in industry to provide
a customizable and resourceful platform to deploy software. There are a number of competing providers and
available services that allows organizations to access computing services without owning the corresponding
infrastructure. Goal: Identify the main characteristics of opportunities to migrate to the cloud, the respective
challenges and difficulties as well as factors that affect the cost-benefit relationship of such adoption. Method:
This paper presents a systematic literature review to compare reported strategies of organizations to migrate
and adopt cloud computing and their perception of the cost-benefit of this adoption. Results: The overall
data collected from these studies depicts that a significant part of the companies perceived inclination towards
for the innovation adoption process influenced by technological, organizational and environmental contexts.
Conclusion: Due to the variety of strategies, approaches and tools reported in the primary studies, it is expected
that the results in this systematic literature review would help in establishing knowledge on how the companies
should adopt and migrate to the cloud, how the cost-benefit relationship can be evaluated as well as providers
can be selected. These findings can be a useful reference to develop guidelines for an effective use of cloud
Cloud computing (CC) is a paradigm shift in comput-
ing that has changed the way users deal and perceive
computing (Weiss, 2007). This scenario has created
opportunities for enterprises that have manifested per-
ceived inclination toward cloud computing and the
benefits reaped by them (Buyya et al., 2009). How-
ever, the identification of opportunities for migration,
the reasoning of an attractive cost-benefit relationship
and the selection of service providers that best fit their
needs are not trivial tasks (Li et al., 2012a) (Li et al.,
2012b). The selection of commercial cloud providers
is a challenging task and depends on several variables
and indicators. Among other reasons, cloud providers
may continually upgrade their hardware and software
infrastructures, and new commercial Cloud services,
technologies and strategies may gradually enter the
market (Li et al., 2013). Studies have shown that suc-
cessful migration to the cloud are usually driven by
a set of criteria to select providers that best fit their
needs (Li et al., 2012b)(Li et al., 2010)(Garg et al.,
The motivation for a Systematic Literature Re-
view (SLR) is the need to identify, classify, and com-
pare existing evidence on the strategies used by com-
panies to identify scenarios of migration opportuni-
ties to the cloud computing. To justify the adoption,
a set of factors should be considered for the assess-
ment of the cost-benefit relationship. Moreover, com-
panies should be able to select a provider according to
their needs and profile. The evidences collected and
discussed in this SLR is intended to gain and share
insight from the literature so that companies can de-
cide towards cloud computing. This paper has three
major contributions: i) the identification of strategies
and issues that companies have considered to migrate
to the cloud; ii) factors that should be considered in
the cost-benefits relationship while adopting and mi-
grating to the cloud; iii) and finally aspects related to
the selection of cloud computing service providers.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 provides background related to the research
area and emphasizes the differences between this sys-
tematic review and previous systematic reviews in
the domain. The subsequent sections outlines the
Paula, A. and Carneiro, G.
Cloud Computing Adoption, Cost-benefit Relationship and Strategies for Selecting Providers: A Systematic Review.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2016), pages 27-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-189-2
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
research methodology (Section 3); presents and dis-
cusses the results of the SLR and its corresponding
analysis (Section 4). The concluding remarks as well
as limitations and scope for future research have been
discussed in Section 5.
In this section, we present the concepts related to
cloud computing to justify why we position our con-
tribution of this SLR. Based on a systematic search,
we also link to existing secondary studies that discuss
aspects related to the migration to the cloud and cor-
related factors.
Many enterprises have adopted the paradigm of
cloud computing where producers and consumers (of
information) do not necessarily reside within the same
physical proximity (Gupta et al., 2013) (Li et al.,
2011)(Mahesh et al., 2013). Studies have revealed
that cloud computing adoption by enterprises is pri-
marily based on their perceptions about cost reduc-
tion, ease of use and convenience, reliability, sharing
and collaboration and lastly but not the least, security
and privacy (Gupta et al., 2013).
Cloud computing comprises basically three ser-
vices. Probably the most popular is the Software-
as-a-Service (SaaS). It relies on the principle that in-
stead of installing software on the clients machine and
updating it with regular patches, the applications are
available (hosted) over the web for the consumption
of the end-user. This scenario enables the achieve-
ment of economy of scale (Gupta et al., 2013). The
companies that provide SaaS most of the time hire
the Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). The main idea of
PaaS is that instead of buying the software licenses for
platforms like operating systems, databases and mid-
dleware, these platforms along with software devel-
opment kits (SDKs) and the programming languages
(such as Java, .NET) are made available over the web
(Gupta et al., 2013). The last is the Infrastructure-as-
a-Service (IaaS). It refers to the tangible physical de-
vices (raw computing) like virtual computers, servers,
storage devices, network transfer, which are physi-
cally located in one central place (data center) but they
can be accessed remotely and used over the web using
the login authentication systems and respective pass-
words (Gupta et al., 2013).
These three services described above are deployed
following four different models: i) Public cloud is
available from a third party service provider via web
and is a very cost effective option to deploy IT solu-
tions (Mell and Grance, 2011); ii) Private cloud is
managed within an organization and is suitable for
large enterprises (managed within the walls of the
enterprises). Private clouds provide the advantages
of public clouds, but still incur capital expenditures
(Mell and Grance, 2011);iii) Community cloud is used
and controlled by a group of enterprises, which have
shared interests (Mell and Grance, 2011);iv) Hybrid
cloud is a combination of public and private cloud
(Mell and Grance, 2011). This paper focuses on pub-
lic cloud providers and the three types of cloud com-
puting services: SaaS, PaaS and IaaS.
This study has the goal to shed some light on the
practices involved in the adoption of cloud comput-
ing. The results of this study are expected to help
different types of companies to decide for this adop-
tion and how they can plan it. For this end, the study
present different approaches, techniques and tools to
overcome difficulties and challenges in the context of
cloud computing. The scope of this review is spe-
cific to identify strategies that can help organizations
to migrate and adopt cloud computing, their percep-
tion of the cost-benefit relationship of this adoption
and how companies can select service providers that
best fit their needs and profile.
The scope and coverage of this systematic review
differ significantly from previous reviews. During the
conduction of this study, we found four systematic
literature reviews (SLRs) focusing on the following
themes: migration to the cloud computing (Jamshidi
et al., 2013), service composition (Jula et al., 2014),
service evaluation (Li et al., 2013) and challenges
and concerns when building cloud-based architec-
tures (Breivold et al., 2014). Despite being rele-
vant source of information for companies that plan to
adopt the cloud computing paradigm, none of these
previous SLRs focused specifically on the relation-
ship among the issues target in this paper. This re-
lationship is indeed relevant for both the adoption and
migration to the cloud.
In contrast to a non-structured review process, a Sys-
tematic Literature Review (SLR) (Brereton et al.,
2007) and (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007) reduces
bias and follows a precise and rigorous sequence of
methodological steps to research literature. SLR rely
on well-defined and evaluated review protocols to ex-
tract, analyze, and document results as the stages con-
veyed in Figure 1. This section describes the method-
ology applied for the phases of planning, conducting
and reporting the review.
ENASE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
3.1 Planning the Review
Identify the Needs for a Systematic Review. Search
for evidences in the literature regarding how compa-
nies decide towards cloud computing in terms of (i)
strategies to identify migration opportunities to the
cloud, (ii) relevant factors for the assessment of the
cost-benefit of this adoption of cloud and finally (iii)
the selection of providers according to their needs and
Specifying the Research Questions. We aim to
answers the following questions by conducting a
methodological review of existing research:
RQ1. Which strategies are used by companies to
adopt and migrate to the cloud computing? Identify-
ing goals, proposals and motivations for the adoption
of cloud computing, help organizations to better char-
acterize their needs and therefore provide conditions
to a successful migration.
RQ2. Which factors companies consider to assess the
cost-benefit relationship of adoption and migration to
the cloud computing? The knowledge of the costs and
benefits of migration to the cloud computing can be
used as a support for its planning and reference for
other companies.
RQ3. How companies select cloud computing ser-
vice providers according to their needs and profile?
The knowledge of successful strategies and problems
raised by inappropriate selection of cloud computing
providers allow organizations to be more confident to
identify providers that best fit their needs.
These three research questions are somehow re-
lated to each other. However, studies could have dis-
cussed them separately. Regarding the cost-benefit
relationship addressed by RQ2, it is possible that
this relationship could be analyzed considering a spe-
cific provider. Moreover, there is the possibility of
studies addressing this scenario comparing various
providers with their respective characteristics analyz-
ing to which extent they fit a company profile. This
fact establish a close relationship between RQ2 and
Publications Time Frame. We conducted a SLR in
journals and conferences papers from January 2005 to
June 2015.
3.2 Conducting the Review
This phase is responsible for executing the review
Identification of Research. Based on the re-
search questions, keywords were extracted and used
to search the primary study sources. The search string
is presented as follows and used the same strategy
cited in (Chen and Babar, 2011):
((”Cloud Migration” OR ”legacy-to-cloud
migration” OR ”Cloud adoption”) OR
(”Cost” OR ”Return of investments” OR
”ROI” OR ”Cost-benefit”) OR ((”Cloud
Service” OR ”Cloud Provider”) AND
(”Evaluation” OR ”Selection”)) AND
(”Cloud Computing” OR ”Cloud Services”
OR ”Cloud Interoperability”)
Selection of Primary Studies. The following steps
guided the selection of primary studies.
Table 1: Inclusion Criteria.
Criterion Description
IC1 The publications should be journal
or conference and written in En-
IC2 Works involving an empirical study
or have ”lessons learned” (experi-
ence report).
IC3 If several journal articles reporting
the same study the latest article will
be included.
IC4 The articles that address at least one
of the research questions.
Table 2: Exclusion Criteria.
Criterion Description
EC1 Studies not focused on cloud com-
EC2 Studies merely based on expert
opinion without locating a specific
experience, as well as editorials,
prefaces, summaries of articles, in-
terviews, news, analysis/reviews,
readers letters, summaries of tuto-
rials, workshops, panels, and poster
EC3 Publications that are earlier ver-
sions of last published work.
EC4 Publications that were published
out of the period January 1st, 2005
to June 2015.
Stage 1 - Search string results automatically ob-
tained from the engines - Submission of the search
string to the following repositories: Digital Library
ACM, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct and Google
Scholar. The justification for the selection of these
libraries is their relevance as sources in software en-
gineering (Zhang et al., 2011). The search was per-
formed using the specific syntax of each database,
Cloud Computing Adoption, Cost-benefit Relationship and Strategies for Selecting Providers: A Systematic Review
considering only the title, keywords, and abstract.
The search was configured in each repository to select
only papers carried out within the prescribed period.
The automatic search was complemented by a man-
ual search to obtain a list of studies from journals and
conferences. The duplicates were discarded.
Stage 2 - Read titles & abstracts to identify po-
tentially relevant studies - Identification of potentially
relevant studies, based on the analysis of title and ab-
stract, discarding studies that are clearly irrelevant to
the search. If there was any doubt about whether a
study should be included or not, it was included for
consideration at a later stage.
Stage 3 - Apply inclusion and exclusion criteria
on reading the introduction, methods and conclusion
- Selected studies in previous stages were reviewed,
by reading the introduction, methodology section and
conclusion. Afterwards, inclusion and exclusion cri-
teria were applied. At this stage, in case of doubt
preventing a conclusion, the study was read in its en-
Stage 4 - Obtain primary studies and make a crit-
ical assessment of them - A list of primary studies
was obtained and later subjected to critical examina-
tion using the 11 quality criteria (Dyba and Dingsoyr,
2008) set out in Table 3.
Table 3: Quality Criteria (Dyba and Dingsoyr, 2008).
Criterion Description
QC1 Is the paper based on research (or
is it merely a lessons learned report
based on expert opinion)?
QC2 Is there a clear statement of the aims
of the research?
QC3 Is there an adequate description of
the context in which the research
was carried out?
QC4 Was the research design appropriate
to address the aims of the research?
QC5 Was the recruitment strategy appro-
priate to the aims of the research?
QC6 Was there a control group with
which to compare treatments?
QC7 Was the data collected in a way that
addressed the research issue?
QC8 Was the data analysis sufficiently
QC9 Is there a clear statement of find-
Data Extraction. All relevant information on each
study was recorded on a spreadsheet. This informa-
tion was helpful to summarize the data and map them
with its source. The following data were extracted
Figure 1: Stages of the Study Selection Process.
from the studies: (i) name and authors; (ii) type of ar-
ticle (journal, conference, workshop); (iii) aim of the
study; (iv) research question; (v) scenario(s); (vi) re-
sults and conclusions; (vii) benefits; (viii) limitations
and challenges.
Data Synthesis. This synthesis aimed at grouping
findings from the studies in order to: identify the
main concepts (organized in spreadsheet form), con-
duct a comparative analysis on the characteristics of
the study, type of service adopted, cloud deployment
model, and issues regarding three research questions
(RQ1, RQ2 and RQ3) from each study. Other infor-
mation was synthesized when necessary. We used the
meta-ethnography method (Noblit and Hare, 1988) as
a reference for the process of data synthesis.
Conducting the Review. We started the review with
an automatic search followed by a manual search to
identify potentially relevant studies and afterwards
apply the inclusion/exclusion criteria. The first tests
using automatic search began in March 2015. We had
to adapt the the search string in some engines without
losing its primary meaning and scope. The manual
search consisted in studies published in conference
proceedings and journals that were included by the
authors while searching the theme in different reposi-
tories. These studies were equally analyzed regarding
their titles and abstracts. Figure 1 conveys them as
28 studies. We tabulated everything on a spreadsheet
so as to facilitate the subsequent phase of identifying
potentially relevant studies. Figure 1 presents the re-
sults obtained from each electronic database used in
the search, which resulted in 1003 articles consider-
ing all databases.
Potentially Relevant Studies. The results obtained
from both the automatic and manual search were in-
cluded on a single spreadsheet. Papers with identical
title, author(s), year and abstract were discarded as
redundant. At this stage, we registered an overall of
1031 articles, namely 1003 from the automated search
plus 28 from the separate manual search (Stage 1).
We then read titles and abstracts to identify relevant
ENASE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
studies resulting in 106 papers (Stage 2). At (Stage 3)
we applied the quality criteria in each study and then
we read introduction, methodology and conclusion to
decide to consider 70 studies for the next stage. After
applying the quality criteria, remained 66 articles to
answer the three research questions - RQ1, RQ2 and
RQ3 (Stage 4).
This section presents the results of this SLR to answer
the research questions RQ1, RQ2 and RQ3. Figure
2 conveys the selected studies and the respective re-
search questions they focus on. As can be seen in
the same Figure, 36 studies addressed issues related
to RQ1, while 25 studies discussed RQ2 issues and,
finally, ten papers addressed RQ3 issues. All selected
studies are listed in Appendix and referenced as ”S”
followed by the number of the paper.
Figure 2: Selected Studies per Research Question (RQ).
Table 4 presents the top ten papers included in the
review according to Google Scholar citations. These
papers are evidences of the relevance of the issues dis-
cussed in this SLR and the influence these papers ex-
ert on the literature as can be confirmed by their re-
spective citation numbers. Table 4 shows an overview
of the distribution of the most relevant papers accord-
ing to the addressed research questions. In the fol-
lowing paragraphs we briefly describe these papers.
The paper [S41] that addresses RQ1 has the high-
est number of citations (483)
. It is related to RQ1
and RQ2 and analyzes the use of cloud computing in
manufacturing business companies. It has been exten-
sively used as a successful case of cloud computing
adoption having as a reference parameters of a cost-
benefit relationship to guide such adoption. The paper
[S55] has 477 citations according to Google Scholar
and discusses issues related to RQ3. It describes the
use of a tool called CloudCmp to perform benchmark
suite for cloud platforms. This tool has been recog-
nized as an important reference for benchmarking. To
Data obtained in 11/01/2015
this end, it identifies a common set of services offered
by cloud providers, including elastic computing, per-
sistent storage, and intra-cloud and wide-area net-
working. The authors argue that CloudCmp enables
predicting application performance without having to
first port the application onto every cloud provider.
The paper [S3] has 207 citations according to
Google Scholar. The authors discuss how a pro-
posed model can support companies to analyze sev-
eral characteristics of their own business as well as
pre-existing IT resources to identify their favorabil-
ity in the migration to the Cloud Architecture (RQ1).
A general Return on Investment model has also been
developed here taking into consideration various in-
tangible impacts of Cloud Computing, apart from the
cost (RQ2).
The paper [S57] with 201 citations according to
Google Scholar, proposes a framework and a mech-
anism to measure the quality and prioritize Cloud
services providers. According to the authors, given
the diversity of Cloud service offerings, an important
challenge for customers is to find out appropriate
Cloud providers that can satisfy their requirements
(RQ3). This makes it difficult to evaluate service
levels of different Cloud providers, justifying the use
of a Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) based
ranking mechanism to provide a quantitative basis for
the ranking of Cloud services where the final ranking
is based on the cost (RQ2) and quality (Garg et al.,
Table 4: Top Ten Cited Papers according to Google Scholar.
Studies Cited by Research Question
S41 483 RQ1
S55 477 RQ3
S3 207 RQ1 and RQ2
S57 201 RQ3
S65 196 RQ1
S4 170 RQ2
S2 153 RQ1 and RQ2
S54 132 RQ3
S59 77 RQ2
S64 74 RQ1
We have identified that six (S42, S51, S54, S58,
S60, S61, S64) of the 66 selected studies reference the
Technological Organizational Environmental (TOE)
framework (Tornatzky and Fleischer, 1990). It is an
organization-level theory aimed at supporting orga-
nizations in the adoption and implementation of in-
novations. Based on this framework, the innovation
adoption process is influenced by three aspects of the
enterprise [S64]: i) technological context, which rep-
resents the internal and external technologies related
Cloud Computing Adoption, Cost-benefit Relationship and Strategies for Selecting Providers: A Systematic Review
to the organization; both technologies that are already
in use at the firm, as well as those that are available
in the marketplace but not currently in use; ii) orga-
nizational context is related to the resources and the
characteristics of the firm, e.g. size and managerial
structure; iii) environmental context, which refers to
the arena in which a firm conducts its business; it can
be related to surrounding elements such as industry,
competitors and the presence of technology service
providers. These papers are evidences that this frame-
work is useful to guide organizations toward the adop-
tion of cloud computing.
4.1 Strategies for the Adoption and
Migration to the Cloud (RQ1)
This subsection has the goal to discuss how selected
papers addressed RQ1: Which strategies are used by
companies to identify scenarios of migration oppor-
tunities to the cloud computing?
RQ1 Analysis. As can be seen in Table 5, 25
papers proposed and discussed processes, strategies
and frameworks to help companies in the decision of
adoption and migration to the cloud. In the following
paragraphs we contextualize how each of these papers
contributes to RQ1.
Table 5: Types of support for adoption of cloud computing.
Adoption Support Type Reporting Studies
Experiences and
Case Reports
S11, S18, S24, S25,
S30, S31, S41, S44,
S45, S66
Processes, strategies
and frameworks
S1, S3, S8, S9, S10,
S14, S15, S16, S19,
S20, S21, S23, S27,
S28, S29, S50, S61,
S62, S63, S64, S65
Tools S2, S5, S6, S13
The result of the analysis of the selected papers in-
dicated that four studies proposed the use of tools to
support companies to identify and evaluate scenarios
of migration opportunities to the cloud. The studies
and the respective tools are listed as follows: [S2] de-
scribes a cloud Adoption Toolkit that uses Cost Mod-
eling techniques to examine cost of deploying IT sys-
tem to the cloud. [S5] describes an evaluation of the
tools (CPTS, CSA STAR, C.A.RE and CloudTrust) to
compare them. [S6] discusses the use of CloudMIG
to support Software as a Service (SaaS) providers in
semi-automatically migration of legacy software sys-
tems to the cloud. The desktop-to-cloud-migration
(D2CM) tool that supports transformation and migra-
tion of virtual machine images, deployment descrip-
tion and life-cycle management for applications was
designed to help researchers to migrate their applica-
tions to the cloud [S13].
On the other hand, 21 of the selected studies pro-
posed approaches to guide the migration to the cloud:
The authors of [S1] performed an analysis of ex-
isting migration methods, classifying them in five mi-
gration strategies as presented as follows: (i) migrate
to IaaS, (ii) migrate to PaaS, (iii) replace by SaaS,
(iv) revise based on SaaS, and (v) re-engineering to
SaaS. The similarities and differences between the
migration strategies are discussed, and the challenges
and future work about legacy system migration to the
cloud are proposed. According to [S3], Cloud Com-
puting adoption is influenced by characteristics such
as size of IT resources, utilization pattern of the re-
sources, sensitivity of the data they are handling, and
criticality of the work performed by the company.
[S8] identifies resources rationalization by type of or-
ganization. A decision process aimed at supporting
Information system migration to the Cloud, and pro-
pose a synthesis for the choice of Cloud structures ac-
cording to type of organization. [S9] describes a strat-
egy to help software companies to decide of what is
more convenient: to migrate or to start from scratch
based on evaluation of costs, ROI, efforts and migra-
tion tasks.
Cloud Services Brokerages (CSBs) act as interme-
diaries between the consumer and providers. They
are considered as a viable solution to address migra-
tion issues [S10]. [S14] shows that even small and
medium-sized companies may have competitive ad-
vantages to migrate their applications to the cloud,
presents a step-by-step process to support cloud adop-
tion and migration decisions in the enterprise using
for this the Decision Process called Cloudstep to sup-
port the migration decision. The author of [S15]
uses InCLOUDer to assists organizations in adapting
their applications to cloud environments according to
their many interdependent criteria for cloud migra-
tion. [S16] analyzes features of cloud computing ser-
vices to determine the practicability and methodology
to migrate legacy applications to the cloud and a com-
patibility checklist was used to estimate the cost of
the migration. [S19] proposes an approach based on
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) techniques to mi-
grate legacy systems to the cloud. In fact, it used busi-
ness and technical factors to reverse engineer legacy
software into models from which cloud-based soft-
ware can be generated. [S20] proposed a migration
process framework outlining major steps and their
concerns. This has served as a basis to extract crit-
ical problems in business and technical terms.
The Study [S21] presents Cloud-Assisted Live
ENASE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
Media Streaming (CALMS), a generic framework
that facilitates a migration to the cloud. [S23] dis-
cusses the methodology of migrations along with the
challenges and issues that usually acts as a barrier
for organizations trying to pursue this goal. A set
of migration patterns which span the continuum from
legacy IT environment to the cloud is included as a
common framework for aligning the various migra-
tion approaches developed. [S27] combined the con-
cept of BPR and GBPR to propose a framework based
on paradigms to support migration to cloud. Three
paradigms are proposed. The process paradigm refers
to the jobs to be accomplished during cloud migra-
tion in terms of the examination of current processes,
the development of new processes under cloud con-
text, and the determination of the key performance
indicators and key ecological indicators for new pro-
cesses. [S28] proposed a framework, namely Plan-
Negotiate-Implement-Check (PNIC), to analyze the
customer concerns, categorize them from the perspec-
tive of trust and security, and develop a plan for build-
ing and sustaining trust. [S29] discussed a cloud mi-
gration framework along with a successful migration
case study of existing on-premise applications onto
cloud using this factory based approach and migra-
tion framework. [S50] proposed a flexible deploy-
ment environment to migrate existing application us-
ing Hadoop. The authors illustrated the migration of
a text-mining application by a number of stages to-
wards deployment in a cloud environment.
In [S61] a research model was developed based
on the innovation characteristics from the diffu-
sion of innovation (DOI) theory and the technology-
organization-environment (TOE) framework. The
[S62] study presented an extensible architecture for
detecting software systems violations against limited
access to the underlying file system or enforced re-
strictions regarding provided standard APIs. The vi-
olation detection process and the highlighting of cru-
cial system parts are essential early-phase activities
of the CloudMIG approach to support the migration
of legacy systems to the cloud. Based on theoretical
models and qualitative interviews, a model of rele-
vant factors was developed. This model provides in-
dividual, organizational, technical, and environmen-
tal factors influencing the diffusion and acceptance of
Cloud Computing among Small and Medium Enter-
prises (SMEs) [S63]. [S64] discussed the main fac-
tors that were identified as playing a significant role
in SME adoption of cloud services: relative advan-
tage, uncertainty, geo-restriction, compatibility, size,
top management support, prior experience, innova-
tiveness, industry, market scope, supplier efforts and
external computing support. [S65] proposes a re-
search model to assess SaaS-adoption at the applica-
tion level, based on the transaction cost theory, the
resource-based view, and the theory of planned be-
Finally, ten studies discussed case studies to il-
lustrate the migration process. The [S11] presented
a case study moving a traditional FTP server to the
cloud implemented on Windows Azure. [S18] dis-
cussed the motivation, requirements and feasibility
of migrating CiteSeerX digital library to provide an
IaaS model in a private cloud are discussed in [S18],
the challenges encountered prior to and during the
migration and the post-migration issues and possi-
ble solutions are reported. In [S24] legacy systems
are expanded and updated effectively with the use of
open source virtualization server management soft-
ware cloudstack. The security risk and solution rele-
vant to an EHR (electronic health records) system de-
ployment in a IaaS cloud is presented in [S25] cover
only a fraction of the challenges facing a large-scale
migration of public e-health systems to IaaS clouds.
[S30] discusses when to migrate software testing to
the cloud from two perspectives: the characteristics of
an application under test, and the types of testing per-
formed on the application. [S31] provides researchers
and practitioners with empirical insights into the mo-
tivations for and experiences of implementing cloud
enterprise systems based on two case studies.
The paper [S41] describes the possibilities of
adoption cloud computing in the manufacturing sec-
tor and suggests two types of cloud computing adop-
tions, manufacturing with direct adoption of cloud
computing technologies and cloud manufacturing.
The migration of an on-premises web application,
used on a secondary vocational school, to the cloud
was analyzed in [S44]. It then compares the appli-
cations performance when deployed to a traditional
Windows server versus its deployment to Windows
Azure. [S45] abstracts from current market prices
and investigates the interaction of cloud provider
and clients from an analytical perspective. A gen-
eral understanding of how providers and clients po-
tentially benefit financially from Infrastructure-as-a-
Service (IaaS) can help clients to appraise price uncer-
tainty in strategic resource planning decisions. [S66]
report an empirical study aimed at examining cloud
computing adoption challenges and difficulties in the
context of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in
4.2 The Cost-benefits Relationship in
the Adoption and Migration (RQ2)
This subsection discusses how selected papers ad-
Cloud Computing Adoption, Cost-benefit Relationship and Strategies for Selecting Providers: A Systematic Review
dressed RQ2: Which factors are considered by com-
panies to assess the cost-benefit relationship of adop-
tion and migration to the cloud computing?
During the analysis of RQ2, we identified that
there is a myriad of factors proposed and used to an-
alyze the cost-benefit relationship of cloud comput-
ing adoption. There is no consensus of which factors
should be used for this end.
In [S3] a formula is defined to calculate the Re-
turn of Investments (ROI) of adopting Cloud Com-
puting. An approach to detect performance antipat-
terns before migrating to CC based on static analysis
was presented in [S12]. In [S4] the architectural fea-
tures of CC are explored and classified according to
the requirements of end-users, enterprises, and cloud
providers themselves to support the cloud adoption.
The [S2] study describes the Cloud Adoption Toolkit
that provides a framework and a cost modelling tool
to support decision makers. In [S16] the authors pre-
sented a compatibility checklist that is used to esti-
mate the cost of application migration to PaaS. The
migration of legacy applications to cloud comput-
ing was discussed in [S17], focusing on application
performance analysis and providers characteristics.
[S22] discussed migration of agile based project to
cloud in terms of cost, time and quality. [S23] Dis-
cusses some of the potential issues and challenges that
organizations may face while considering to migrate
workloads to cloud: Efficiency, agility, quality, secu-
rity, governance and standardization in the delivery,
consumption and operation of IT services, all at re-
duced capital and operational expense. In [S32] an
analysis of the difficulties of companys traditional ac-
counting system have been investigated. The factors
affecting migration and adoption were studied and the
best cloud deployment and service models complying
with company requirements suggested.
The paper [S33] attempts to reflect on the issues
associated with interoperability and portability, but
with a focus on vendor lock-in. Moreover, the pa-
per demonstrates the importance of interoperability,
portability and standards applicable to cloud comput-
ing environments, provides a foundation for future
analysis and review regarding the impact of vendor
neutrality for corporate cloud computing application
and services. In [S34] a critical review of pertinent
business, technical and legal issues associated with
vendor lock-in, and how it impacts on the widespread
adoption of cloud computing was presented. A prob-
abilistic model was adopted to evaluate the decision
to migrate to cloud storage against the alternative to
buy the storage devices and facilities under a proba-
bilistic model for the evolution of storage character-
istics, disk failures, and prices based on the Value-at-
Risk as a risk metric [S35]. Within the [S36] study
proposes the use of a real option model to help think
about when to switch to cloud based on the expected
benefits, uncertainties and the value a company puts
on money.
The [S37] study how mechanisms, namely, check
pointing and migration, can be used to minimize the
cost and volatility of resource provisioning. Based
on the real price history of Amazon EC2 spot in-
stances, several adaptive check pointing schemes in
terms of monetary costs and improvement of job com-
pletion times are compared, schemes that apply pre-
dictive methods for spot prices and a study how work
migration can improve task completion in the midst
of failures while maintaining low monetary costs are
evaluated. Other study focuses on factors as namely
availability, portability, integration, migration com-
plexity, data privacy and security [S38]. Study [S39]
identifies and investigates a number of cognitive fac-
tors that contribute to shaping user perceptions of and
attitude toward mobile cloud computing services by
integrating these factors with the technology accep-
tance model. A structural equation modeling analysis
is employed and results reveal that user acceptance of
mobile cloud services is largely affected by perceived
mobility, connectedness, security, quality of service
and system, and satisfaction. A literature review on
technological innovation characteristics in this con-
text is conducted to identify potential gaps in ongo-
ing research. The review also provides an overview
of relevant empirical studies on cloud computing that
are based on the Diffusion of Innovation (DoI) the-
ory (Rogers, 2003) and the Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) (Davis, 1987). Consequently, the focus
is set on the examination of the factors compatibility,
relative advantage, complexity, image and security &
trust [S42].
The [S43] study presents an analysis of how mo-
bile device resources such as energy and bandwidth,
along with cloud infrastructure resources, can be
managed effectively in the mobile cloud domain. The
best practice approaches for implementations is ap-
plied to existing works in the area, along with our
Context Aware Mobile Cloud Services (CAMCS)
cloud middleware and the Cloud Personal Assistant
(CPA), the representative of the user within the mid-
dleware. In [S44] the cloud model discussed is
composed of ve essential factors: On-demand self-
service, Broad network access, Resource pooling,
Rapid elasticity, Measured service. [S51] proposes a
tripod model of SaaS readiness that suggests that or-
ganizational users need to get prepared from techno-
logical, organizational and environmental aspects for
the adoption of SaaS. A taxonomy to help profile and
ENASE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
standardize the details of performance evaluation of
commercial Cloud services [S52].
In [S53] the de facto metrics adopted in the
existing Cloud services evaluation work were col-
lected and arranged following different Cloud ser-
vice features to be evaluated, which essentially con-
structed an evaluation metrics catalogue. This met-
rics catalogue can be used to facilitate the future
practice and research in the area of Cloud ser-
vices evaluation. In [S58] the TOE (Technology-
Organization-Environment) framework and HOT-fit
(Human-Organization-Technology fit) model were
used to investigate the critical factors affecting hos-
pitals decisions regarding the adoption of cloud com-
puting technology. Another study presents five fac-
tors influencing the cloud usage: ease of use and con-
venience, security and privacy, cost reduction, reli-
ability, sharing and collaborating [S59]. The study
[S60] discussed how cloud adoption intention, pric-
ing and deployment options were derived from the
TOE framework. The authors argued that the pre-
ferred pricing strategy results in part from a costbene-
fit analysis, and the deployment strategy results in part
from risk analysis, were important issues that previ-
ous cloud studies have seldom investigated.
Table 6: Types of support for the cost-benefit relationship
in cloud computing adoption.
Adoption Support Type Reporting Studies
Experiences and
Case Reports
Processes, strategies
and frameworks
S2, S3, S12, S14,
S16, S17, S23, S32,
S33, S34, S35, S36,
S37, S38, S43
Tools S2
4.3 Selecting Cloud Computing Service
Providers (RQ3)
This subsection discusses how selected papers ad-
dressed RQ3: How companies select cloud computing
service providers according to their needs and pro-
According to Table 7, eight papers proposed and
discussed processes, strategies and frameworks to
help companies to select Cloud Service Providers
(CSP). Two papers propose tools to support this sce-
nario and one paper focused on case studies to illus-
trate this situation. In the following paragraphs we
contextualize how each of these papers contributes to
According to (Garrison et al., 2012), IT-related
success is described through three categories of de-
Table 7: Types of support for the selection of CSPs.
Selection Support Type Reporting Studies
Experiences and
Case Reports
Process, strategies
and frameworks
S26, S40, S46, S47,
S48, S49, S54, S57
Tools S7, S55
rived benefit: strategic, economic and technological.
Strategic refers to an organizations renewed focus on
its core business activities that can accompany a move
to cloud computing when its IT functions, whole or
in part, are hosted and/or managed by a cloud ven-
dor. Economic refers to an organizations ability to
tap the cloud vendors expertise and technological re-
sources to reduce in-house IT expenses. Techno-
logical refers to an organizations access to state-of-
the-art technology and skilled personnel, eliminat-
ing the risk and cost of in-house technological ob-
solescence. Deployment is defined in terms of the
strategic, economic,and technological benefits real-
ized through cloud computing, setting the organiza-
tion apart from its competitors.
According to Figure 2, eleven papers discuss is-
sues related to RQ3. [S56] evaluates Google Com-
pute Engine (GCE) and compare it with Amazon
EC2 services to support the deployment of scientific
applications. [S26] uses a migration decision sup-
port system (MDSS) to select providers. The pa-
per also evaluate the decision support system in a
real scenario with two providers (Microsoft Azure
e Google). [S40] proposes an approach to support
migration of computing infrastructure to the cloud
by selecting the most suitable cloud configuration in
terms of infrastructural requirements and cost. [S46]
proposes a framework to support requirements elic-
itation to select providers focused on security and
privacy issues. The paper [S47] describes in de-
tail an approach to select providers based on multi-
criteria decision-making (MCDM) and optimization
based approaches. [S48] proposes an approach called
Complete-Auditable-Reportable (C.A.RE) to select
CSPs The C.A.RE approach helps to determine the
adequacy of a CSP sponsored security by assess-
ing its completeness in addressing the possible risks
that a service may be exposed to. Paper [S49] pro-
poses an approach that considers Function, Auditabil-
ity, Governability and Interoperability(FAGI) to help
cloud service consumers in selecting a trusted CSP.
The [S54] study proposes a taxonomy of eight im-
portant Cloud computing elements covering service
type, resource deployment, hardware, runtime tuning,
business model, middleware, and performance. An-
other study [S57] proposes a framework SMICloud
Cloud Computing Adoption, Cost-benefit Relationship and Strategies for Selecting Providers: A Systematic Review
that compares differents CSPs and measure QoS at-
tributes defined by Cloud Service Measurement In-
dex Consortium (CSMIC). At last 2 articles presented
tools: [S7] that proposed a simulation tool CDOSIM
that can simulate cost and performance. It extends
the cloud simulator CloudSim and integrates into our
cloud migration framework CloudMIG e [S55] that
presents a tool called CloudCmp to compare perfor-
mance and costs of cloud providers by measuring the
elastic computing, persistent storage, and networking
services. Papers [S46], [S48] and [S49] focus on se-
curity and privacy issues to select providers.
This systematic review provides evidence of
strategies used by companies to identify opportunities
to migrate and adopt cloud computing, how they as-
sess the cost-benefit relationship and strategies behind
the rationale to select providers. A spectrum of tech-
niques and approaches has been identified that cope
with various concerns, i.e., security and trustworthi-
ness, elasticity, portability and interoperability, and
cloud resilience. In addition, many studies look into
reference architectures and cloud-based architecture
design methods as well.
4.4 Implications for Research and
The following types of validity issues were consid-
ered when interpreting the results from this review.
Conclusion validity. There may be bias in data ex-
traction. However, this was addressed through defin-
ing a data extraction form to ensure consistent extrac-
tion of relevant data to answering the research ques-
tions. The findings and implications are based on the
extracted data. Internal validity. One possible threat
is the selection bias. We addressed this threat dur-
ing the selection step of the review, i.e. the studies
included in this review were identified through a thor-
ough selection process which comprises of multiple
stages. Construct validity. The studies identified from
the systematic review were accumulated from multi-
ple literature databases covering relevant journals and
proceedings. One possible threat is bias in the selec-
tion of publications. This is addressed through spec-
ifying a research protocol that defines the research
questions and objectives of the study, inclusion and
exclusion criteria, search strings that we intend to use,
the search strategy and strategy for data extraction.
This paper presented a Systematic Literature Review
(SLR) to identify, classify, and compare existing evi-
dence on the strategies used by companies to identify
scenarios of migration opportunities to the cloud, as
well as the cost-benefit relationship of this migration
and selection of CSP. Far from being anecdotal, the
evidences collected and discussed in this SLR have
the goal to gain and share insight from the literature so
that companies can have more confidence and hence
decide towards cloud computing. The major contribu-
tion of this paper is to identify new factors as well as
to develop a sense of the relative weight of the cost-
benefit relationship and the selection of providers and
their respective services. As future work, we plan to
characterize how providers perceive the clients adop-
tion and migration to the cloud computing paradigm
and how they may adjust their strategies to better meet
the needs of customers. We also plan to perform the
snowballing technique by checking references of the
selected studies in order to extend the number of rel-
evant studies related to the research questions.
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Table 8: Studies included in the review.
ID Author, Title Venue Year
S1 J.-F. Zhao and J.-T. Zhou, Strategies and
Methods for Cloud Migration.
IJAC 2014
S2 A. Khajeh-Hosseini, D. Greenwood, J. W.
Smith and I. Sommerville, The Cloud Adop-
tion Toolkit: Supporting Cloud Adoption
Decisions in the Enterprise. Top Ten Cited
Paper According to Google Scholar
SPE 2012
S3 S. C. Misra and A. Mondal, Identification of
a Companys Suitability for the Adoption of
Cloud Computing and Modelling Its Cor-
responding Return on Investment. Top Ten
Cited Paper According to Google Scholar
MCM 2011
S4 B. Rimal, A. Jukan, D. Katsaros and Y.
Goeleven. Architectural requirements for
cloud computing systems: an enterprise
cloud approach. Top Ten Cited Paper Ac-
cording to Google Scholar
JGC 2011
S5 M. I. M. Almanea A Survey and Evalu-
ation of the Existing Tools that Support
Adoption of Cloud Computing and Se-
lection of Trustworthy and Transparent
Cloud Providers.
INCoS 2014
S6 S. Frey and W. Hasselbring An Extensible
Architecture for Detecting Violations of a
Cloud Environments Constraints during
Legacy Software System Migration.
CSMR 2011
S7 F. Fittkau, S. Frey and W. Hasselbring,
CDOSim: Simulating cloud deployment
options for software migration support.
S8 O. Sefraoui, M. Aissaoui and M. Eleuldj,
Cloud computing migration and IT re-
sources rationalization.
ICMCS 2014
S9 J. Alonso, L. Orue-Echevarria, M. Es-
calante, J. Gorronogoitia and D. Presenza,
Cloud modernization assessment frame-
work: Analyzing the impact of a potential
migration to Cloud.
S10 B. Wadhwa, A. Jaitly, and B. Suri, Cloud Ser-
vice Brokers: An Emerging Trend in Cloud
Adoption and Migration.
APSEC 2013
S11 L. Zhou, CloudFTP: A Case Study of
Migrating Traditional Applications to the
ISDEA 2013
S12 V. S. Sharma and S. Anwer, Detecting Per-
formance Antipatterns before Migrating to
the Cloud.
CloudCom 2013
S13 S. N. Srirama, V. Ivanistsev, P. Jakovits, and
C. Willmore, Direct migration of scientific
computing experiments to the cloud.
HPCSim 2013
S14 P. R. M. Andrade, R. G. Araujo, J. C. Filho,
T. R. Pereira, A. B. Albuquerque, and N. C.
Mendonca, Improving Business by Migrat-
ing Applications to the Cloud Using Cloud-
WAINA 2015
S15 A. Juan-Verdejo, S. Zschaler, B. Sura-
jbali, H. Baars, and H.-G. Kemper, In-
CLOUDer: A Formalised Decision Sup-
port Modelling Approach to Migrate Ap-
plications to Cloud Environments.
SEAA 2014
S16 Q. H. Vu and R. Asal, Legacy Application
Migration to the Cloud: Practicability and
S17 G. Kousiouris and D. Kyriazis, Legacy ap-
plications on the cloud: Challenges and
enablers focusing on application perfor-
mance analysis and providers characteris-
Cloud Computing Adoption, Cost-benefit Relationship and Strategies for Selecting Providers: A Systematic Review
Table 8: Studies included in the review (cont.).
S18 J. Wu, P. Teregowda, K. Williams, M.
Khabsa, D. Jordan, E. Treece, C. L. Giles,
Migrating a Digital Library to a Private
IC2E 2014
S19 A. Bergmayr, H. Brunelire, J. L. C. Izquierdo,
J. Gorroogoitia, G. Kousiouris, D. Kyriazis,
M. Wimmer, Migrating legacy software to
the cloud with ARTIST.
CSMR 2013
S20 C. Pahl, and H. Xiong, Migration to PaaS
clouds - Migration process and architec-
tural concerns.
S21 F. Wang, J. Liu, M. Chen and H. Wang, Mi-
gration Towards Cloud-Assisted Live Me-
dia Streaming.
TNET 2014
S22 M. Manuja, Moving agile based projects on
IAdCC 2014
S23 J. Banerjee, Moving to the cloud: Workload
migration techniques and approaches.
HiPC 2012
S24 B. Cai, F. Xu, F. Ye and W. Zhou, Research
and application of migrating legacy sys-
tems to the private cloud platform with
ICAL 2012
S25 A. Michalas, N. Paladi and C. Gehrmann, Se-
curity aspects of e-Health systems migra-
tion to the cloud.
HealthCom 2014
S26 V. Andrikopoulos, Z. Song and F. Leymann,
Supporting the migration of applications
to the cloud through a decision support sys-
CLOUD 2013
S27 H.-I. Wang, and C. Hsu, The paradigm
framework of cloud migration based on
BPR and gBPR.
ICAwST 2013
S28 S. Saadat and H. R. Shahriari, Towards a
process-oriented framework for improving
trust and security in migration to cloud.
S29 B. P. Peddigari, Unified Cloud Migra-
tion Framework Using factory based ap-
S30 T. Parveen and S. Tilley, When to Migrate
Software Testing to the Cloud?
ICSTW 2010
S31 T. Boillat and C. Legner, Why Do Com-
panies Migrate Towards Cloud Enterprise
Systems? A Post-Implementation Perspec-
CBI 2014
S32 M. Sadighi, Accounting System on Cloud:
A Case Study.
ITNG 2014
S33 B. C. Tak, B. Urgaonkar and A. Sivasubrama-
niam, Cloudy with a Chance of Cost Sav-
TPDS 2012
S34 J. Opara-Martins, R. Sahandi and F. Tian,
Critical review of vendor lock-in and its
impact on adoption of cloud computing.
i-Society 2014
S35 L. Mastroeni and M. Naldi, Long-range
Evaluation of Risk in the Migration to
Cloud Storage.
CEC 2011
S36 C. -Y. Yam, A. Baldwin, S. Shiu and C. Ioan-
nidisMigration to Cloud as Real Option:
Investment Decision under Uncertainty.
TrustCom 2011
S37 S. Yi, A. Andrzejak and D. Kondo Monetary
Cost-Aware Checkpointing and Migration
on Amazon Cloud Spot Instances.
TSC 2011
S38 N. Phaphoom, X. Wang, S. Samuel, S.
Helmer and P. AbrahamssonA survey study
on major technical barriers affecting the
decision to adopt cloud services.
JSS 2015
S39 E. Park and K. J. KimAn Integrated Adop-
tion Model of Mobile Cloud Services: Ex-
ploration of Key Determinants and Exten-
sion of Technology Acceptance Model.
TELE 2014
Table 8: Studies included in the review (cont.).
S40 J. Garca-Galn, P. Trinidad, O. F. Rana
and A. Ruiz-CortsAutomated configuration
support for infrastructure migration to the
FGCS 2015
S41 X. Xu From cloud computing to cloud
manufacturing. Top Ten Cited Paper Ac-
cording to Google Scholar
RCIM 2012
S42 M. Stieninger, D. Nedbal, W. Wetzlinger, G.
Wagner and M. A. Erskine Impacts on the
Organizational Adoption of Cloud Com-
puting: A Reconceptualization of Influenc-
ing Factors.
S43 M. J. OSullivan and D. Grigoras Integrating
mobile and cloud resources management
using the cloud personal assistant.
S44 P. J. P. da Costa and A. M. R. da Cruz. Migra-
tion to Windows Azure Analysis and Com-
S45 J. Knsemller and H. Karl A game-theoretic
approach to the financial benefits of
FGCS 2014
S46 H. Mouratidis, S. Islam, C. Kalloniatis and S.
Gritzalis. A framework to support selection
of cloud providers based on security and
privacy requirements.
JSS 2013
S47 S. Le, H. Dong, F. K. Hussain, O. K. Hus-
sain, E. Chang, L. Sun, E. Chang.Cloud ser-
vice selection: State-of-the-art and future
research directions.
JNCA 2014
S48 M. Ouedraogo and H. Mouratidis Selecting a
Cloud Service Provider in the age of cyber-
COSE 2013
S49 C. Tang and J. Liu.Selecting a trusted cloud
service provider for your SaaS program.
COSE 2015
S50 F. CRowe, J. Brinkley and N.
Tabrizi.Migrating Legacy Applica-
tions to the Cloud.
S51 Z. Yang, J. Sun, Y. Zhang and Y.
Wang.Understanding SaaS adoption from
the perspective of organizational users: A
tripod readiness model.
CHB 2014
S52 Z. Li, L. OBrien, R. Cai and H. Zhang. To-
wards a Taxonomy of Performance Evalu-
ation of Commercial Cloud Services.
CLOUD 2012
S53 Z. Li, L. OBrien, H. Zhang and R. Cai. On a
Catalogue of Metrics for Evaluating Com-
mercial Cloud Services.
IWGC 2012
S54 R. Prodan and S. Ostermann. A Survey and
Taxonomy of Infrastructure as a Service
and Web Hosting Cloud Providers. Top Ten
Cited Paper According to Google Scholar
IWGC 2009
S55 A. Li, X. Yang, S. Kandula and M. Zhang.
CloudCmp: Comparing Public Cloud
Providers. Top Ten Cited Paper According
to Google Scholar
IMC 2010
S56 Z. Li, L. OBrien, R. Ranjan and M. Zhang.
Early Observations on Performance of
Google Compute Engine for Scientific
S57 S. K. Garg, S. Versteeg and R. Buyya. A
framework for ranking of cloud computing
services. Top Ten Cited Paper According to
Google Scholar
FGCS 2013
S58 J. W. Lian, D. C. Yen, Y. T. WangAn ex-
ploratory study to understand the criti-
cal factors affecting the decision to adopt
cloud computing in Taiwan hospital.
IJIM 2014
ENASE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 8: Studies included in the review (cont.).
S59 P. Gupta, A. Seetharaman, and J. R. Raj. The
usage and adoption of cloud computing by
small and medium businesses. Top Ten
Cited Paper According to Google Scholar
IJIM 2013
S60 P. F. Hsu, S. Ray and Y. Y. Li-Hsieh. Ex-
amining cloud computing adoption inten-
tion, pricing mechanism, and deployment
IJIM 2014
S61 T. Oliveira, M. Thomas and M. Espadanal.
Assessing the determinants of cloud com-
puting adoption: An analysis of the manu-
facturing and services sectors.
IM 2014
S62 S. Frey, W. Hasselbring and B. Schnoor. Au-
tomatic conformance checking for migrat-
ing software systems to cloud infrastruc-
tures and platforms.
JSEP 2013
S63 M. Stieninger and D. Nedbal. Diffusion and
Acceptance of Cloud Computing in SMEs
Towards a Valence Model of Relevant Fac-
HICSS 2014
S64 Y. Alshamaila, S. Papagiannidis and F. Li.
Cloud computing adoption by SMEs in the
north east of England. Top Ten Cited Paper
According to Google Scholar
JEIM 2013
S65 A. Benlian, T. Hess and P. Buxmann. Drivers
of SaaS-Adoption An Empirical Study of
Different Application Types. Top Ten Cited
Paper According to Google Scholar
BISE 2009
S66 M. Carcary, E. Doherty and G. Conway. The
Adoption of Cloud Computing by Irish
SMEs an Exploratory Study.
EJISE 2014
Cloud Computing Adoption, Cost-benefit Relationship and Strategies for Selecting Providers: A Systematic Review