Semantic Agent in the Context of Big Data
Usage in Ontological Information Retrieval in Scientific Research
Caio Saraiva Coneglian
, Elvis Fusco
and José Eduardo Santarem Segundo
Information Science Department, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Marília, São Paulo, Brasil
Computer Science Department, Centro Universitário Eurípides de Marília (UNIVEM), Marília, São Paulo, Brasil
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil
Keywords: Semantic Web, Semantic Agent, Ontology, Big Data.
Abstract: The evolution of information technology caused an expansion in the amount of data available on the internet.
Moreover, such developments demanded that new tools were created to allow processing at high velocity,
trying various informational sources. In this context, in flocking to the three V (Velocity, Variety and
Volume), emerged the phenomenon called Big Data. From the emergence of this phenomenon, the need to
generate new architectures that allow that users, enjoy the high volume of data spread throughout the Web.
One way to improve the processes carried out, insert the question of semantic information processing, in
which the use of domain ontologies can expand as computational agents interpret the meaning of the data.
Thus, this paper aims to present a proposal for architecture that places the elements of Big Data and semantic,
seeking to insert a model that is adapted to the current computing needs. As proof of concept performed the
implementation of the architecture, exploring the question of scientific research, where a user is assisted to
find relevant information in academic databases. Through the implementation, it was found that the use
ontologies in a Big Data architecture, significantly improves the recovery of information performed by
computational agents.
The massive diffusion of generated data is testing the
ability of the most advanced techniques of
information storage technological, treatment,
processing and analysis. The areas of treatment and
information retrieval are being challenged by the
volume, variety and velocity of semi-structured and
unstructured complex data, offering opportunities for
adding value to business-based information providing
organizations a deeper and precise knowledge of their
Opportunities to add value to the business-based
information arise due to both the internal and external
environment. Hence, there is a need for a new
approach to structure Information Technology (IT)
companies to transform data into knowledge, which
cause broader impact.
To aggregate and use information that are
scattered in the internal and external environments of
organizations, there is the concept of Competitive
Intelligence, which according Fleisher and Blenkhorn
(2001) is a process by which organizations gather
actionable information about competitors and the
competitive environment and, ideally, apply it to their
decision-making and planning processes in order to
improve their performance.
A proactive informational process leads to a better
decision, whether strategic or operational, in order to
discover the forces that govern the business, reduce
risk and drive the decision maker to act in advance,
besides protecting the generated knowledge.
In the current scenario of the information
generated in organizational environments, especially
in those who have the Internet as a platform, there is
data that, due to its characteristics, is classified as Big
Data (Coneglian and Fusco, 2015). In the literature,
Big Data is defined as the representation of the
progress of human cognitive processes, which
generally includes data sets with sizes beyond the
capacity of current technology, methods and theories
to capture, manage and process the data within a
specified time (Graham-Rowe et al., 2008). Douglas
(2012) defines Big Data as the high volume, high
speed and/or high variety of information that require
new ways of processing to allow better decision
Coneglian, C., Fusco, E. and Segundo, J.
Semantic Agent in the Context of Big Data - Usage in Ontological Information Retrieval in Scientific Research.
DOI: 10.5220/0005875703240330
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data (IoTBD 2016), pages 324-330
ISBN: 978-989-758-183-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
making, new knowledge discovery and process
optimization. In the process of information search for
Competitive Intelligence and Big Data robots, data
mining techniques on the Internet are used.
According to Deters and Adaime (2003) robots are
systems that collect data from the Web and assemble
a database that is processed to increase the speed of
information retrieval.
According to Silva (2003), the extraction of
relevant information can rank a page according to a
domain context and also draw information structures
them and storing them in databases. To add meaning
to the content fetched, the robots are associated with
Web search semantic concepts, which let the search
through a process of meaning and value, extracting
the most relevant information.
The ontology in the philosophical context is
defined by Silva (2003) as part of the science of being
and their relationships; in this sense, the use of
ontologies is essential in the development of semantic
search robots, being applied in Computer Science and
Information Science to enable a smarter and closer
search to the functioning of the cognitive process of
the user so that data extraction becomes much more
Thus, an agent presents itself as a solution to
retrieve information on the web by semantic means.
Currently, the content is organized in a jointly
manner, in which syntactic structures do not have
semantic data aggregation. In this sense, the role of
the agent is to extract the information from the
content and use syntactical ontology to achieve
semantic relations and apply them to retrieval
This research aims to implement a semantic agent
for searching on the Web and allowing the retrieval,
storage and processing of information, i.e., Big Data
from various informational sources on the Internet.
Such semantic agent will be the main mechanism for
building a computational architecture that transforms
disaggregated information on an analytical
environment of strategic, relevant, accurate and
usable knowledge to allow managers the access to
opportunities and threats in the field of higher
education institutions, based on concepts of
competitive intelligence. The semantics of the agent
will be built using ontological structures.
To achieve this goal, the Semantic Agent will be
built using the domain of higher education institution,
addressing the problem related to search to scientific
This paper is a continuation of the work presented
in the papers Coneglian, Fusco and Botega (2014) and
Coneglian and Fusco (2014).
The creation of a software agent that semantically
aggregate the information generated by the IoT
devices can bring to a computational platform,
subsidize their implementation of an information
environment to support the decision to give a broader
view of internal and external scenarios of information
relevance in organizational management.
In this context, means the extreme relevance of
use data extraction agents through semantic search
robots with the use of metadata standards,
technologies and means for the achievement of
interoperability, being essential in recovery, storage,
processing and use of various types of information
generated in these environments of large volume of
data through the various devices that remain
connected through the internet.
To this end it was proposed an Information
Recovery architecture in the context of Big Data as
seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Architecture Context of Semantic Agent of
In the context of the presented architecture, this
research relates the various network-connected
devices called IoT, with information environments on
the Web that show the Big Data features, due to the
great variety, the volume and the velocity with which
it is generated and processed data . Data generated
from such devices also create a high volume, having
thus Big Data characteristics. All this data is
unstructured and disorganized, needing a tool that
links and enter meaning and insert the various
information generated and stored. To this end, the
center of the architecture has an agent that extracts
data both information environments as data generated
by the devices, and through the use of ontologies,
insert meaning to information, so that treatment and
Semantic Agent in the Context of Big Data - Usage in Ontological Information Retrieval in Scientific Research
making inferences from the collected data to present
more efficiently. Finally, the proposed architecture of
the storage information generated and collected and
semantically related, in a NoSQL database structure.
The use of ontologies is given through the agent,
which after extraction of information, query an
ontology that addresses the specific domain in which
those data are inserted. From this semantic
representation structure, data is rearranged, making
the structured, and thus, the possibility of inferences
made based on data that have been extracted.
The creation of a software agent that aggregates
semantically information available on the web in a
given domain can bring grants to a computational
platform for creating an information environment for
decision support giving a through broader view of the
internal and external scenarios of information
relevance in organizational management.
In this context, we understand the extreme
importance of using agents to extract data through
scrapper semantic search with the use of technologies
like NoSQL persistence in information processing
with characteristics of Big Data, essential in the
recovery, storage, processing and use of various types
of information generated in these environments of
large volume data sets on Competitive Intelligence.
In the context of the architecture presented in
Figure 1, this research are dealing the problem of
automatic and semantic information extraction of
web environments that have as informational sources:
web pages, web services and database with the
development of the agent semantic of data extraction.
This agent should communicate with internal and
external information spaces of Big Data basing their
search on ontological rules on a metadata standard to
perform the semantic extraction of the domain
proposed and supported by other systems in a broader
context of Information Retrieval.
From this semantic search, the scrapper actuates
as a tooling strategy in the search and find the
information that really add value to the decision-
making process. Inside a huge and massive data
structure scattered throughout the web, it is essential
that the search engines do not support only syntactic
structures of decision in information retrieval, but
also in investigations of the use of semantic extraction
Our research uses the domain of higher education
institutions as a case study to apply the proposed
computing platform in the architecture described in
Figure 1. For the development of the prototype of the
ontology, we used the database discipline, to perform
the search for scientific papers
3.1 Ontology
To create the ontology, first it was necessary to check
within the domain of database discipline, which are
the classes that are involved in this issue.
It was checked what were these classes, and
analyzed the hierarchy between them, based on the
experience of the authors ' research and other
researchers, and thus was sealed the hierarchy
between the classes. To build the ontology was used
Noy and McGuiness (2001) methodology, that
explains the seven steps that are required to build an
ontology: 1. Determine the domain and scope of the
ontology; 2. Consider reusing existing ontologies; 3.
Enumerate important terms in the ontology; 4. Define
the classes and the class hierarchy; 5. Define the
properties of classes—slots; 6. Define the facets of
the slots and; 7. Create instances.
It was drafted this conceptual notation of
ontology, using the Protégé software. It was built the
relationship between classes.
The agent will act on this proposed ontology that
this scenario is called Task Ontology, according
Mizoguchi (2003).
It is an ontology that solves a specific problem
within a domain, that is, solves the problem of
scientific research within the domain of database
We implement the ontology in Protégé software,
creating the class diagram and its properties, being
implemented in a file OWL (Web Ontology
Language) (WC3, 2002H).) There after the Owl2Java
tool transformed OWL in classes Java (Java, 2004);
thus making the implemented ontology. The figure 2
represents the development ontology.
3.2 Working Method of the Semantic
The search agent captures information by means of
pre-defined web pages and uses the ontology to
classify and make a semantic search.
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
Figure 2: Ontology.
Figure 3: Scheme of operation of agent.
Figure 3 shows the process made by the system.
The user performs a search on any subject, the agent
extracts of databases summaries relating to this topic.
These summaries will go through a process where
they will be analyzed, taking into consideration the
words contained in this summary are present in the
field that sought theme. This will be possible using a
built ontology, which deals with a specific topic in the
area of scientific research.
The sequence of tasks performed by the agent is
described as follows:
3.2.1 Information Extraction
The agent extracts the abstracts from IEEE Xplore
page ( based on the
research the user carries out. Based on the location of
the abstracts in the HTML page, the agent extracts the
information and transforms it into a String chain.
The agent process is divided into three phases:
search in the page, extraction of the titles and
Semantic Agent in the Context of Big Data - Usage in Ontological Information Retrieval in Scientific Research
abstracts, and return of a list of the papers to the main
Search in the HTML page: this first phase is
characterized by performing a search in the IEEE
Xplore search system, so that the search is
characterized by a request to this system inserted
in the url, which is the theme that the user want to
search. For example, if the user wants to perform
a search on Data warehouse, the agent will open a
connection, and look at the following address
?Newsearch=true&QUERYTEXT =
datawarehouse). From this page, the IEEE returns
an HTML containing articles related to this topic.
Extraction of titles and abstracts from the page:
after returning from the HTML, the agent extracts
the title and the abstract of each paper It is made
possible by analyzing the HTML page by
checking the tags whose data abstracts and titles
are inserted. In this manner, for each item it is
create a Java object that contains information
about title, abstract and link to the full article. To
perform this removal of data inside an HTML
page, we used the tool JSOUP, which works as an
HTML parser, in other words, working with the
HTML page, so that it can extract the class data,
tags and structures of HTML.
Development of a list of articles extracted: finally,
the agent creates a list of all the items that were
extracted from the HTML page. This list will be
used by the main program, which will join the
ontology with this information retrieval agent.
Thus, this search robot is able to perform a syntactic
extraction of the articles contained in the IEEE
Xplore database. Therefore, the search robot retrieves
the items that have been indexed by the database,
creating a list of all the articles presented to be used
in the ontology.
3.2.2 Use of Ontology for Information
In order to effectly have the semantics presented, the
program makes use of ontology to assess which of the
results obtained from the database are actually useful,
and related to the context of that search. This
integration takes place in five stages:
First, it is checked where the term searched by the
user is found within the ontology. For example, if the
user performs a Datawarehouse search, the system
checks where this term is found within the ontology.
It is obtained the hierarchically higher and lower
classes to the search term. In the case of
Datawarehouse, it is obtained the lower classes:
OLAP, OTAP and modeling, as well as the upper
class Database. It is then checked in the abstract and
title of the searched papers whether it contains or not
the words that make part of that hierarchy of the
search term. In the case of Datawarehouse, it would
be verified if the terms OLAP, OTAP, modeling,
Datawarehouse and database are contained within the
abstracts and titles of the extracted papers. Next, it is
done a comparison between the amount of terms in
the hierarchy and those contained in the abstract and
the title of the article, thereby resulting in a
percentage quantity of terms contained in the
hierarchy, which are within the abstract and the title
of the article. In the same example, if the terms
Database, OLAP, Datawarehouse and modeling are
contained within an article, it will contain four of the
five terms of the hierarchy, which results in a
percentage of 80% of the terms. Finally, it is
presented to the user all the items that reached a
percentage above 35%.
3.2.3 Presentation to User
The user will be held in an initial screen of search,
and then the system will make it from the ontology
integration process with user requirements. After the
extraction and process of the articles, the system
returns to the user a screen containing the articles and
links of these articles that the system extracted and
considered related to the search performed by the
user. This result can be seen in Figure 4, where the
names and links are presented so that the user can
access the full article.
Figure 4: Screen presentation of results.
In order to check if the system is extracting and
verifying the semantics of extracted articles, a search
was made with the user searching for the term
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
The Datawarehouse term hierarchy are the words:
Database, Datawarehouse, OLAP, OTAP and
In Table 1, you can view all the titles of the
articles that have been extracted from the IEEE
Xplore website, the amount of jail terms of ontology
that were found in the abstract and title, the
relationship between the terms found in the article
and the terms of the chain the ontology of the term
"Datawarehouse" (in this case will be the percentage
resulting of dividing the amount of words found in the
ontology by 5, which are the terms contained in the
ontology chain hierarchy) and this paper meets or not
the minimum requirement of at least 35% of the terms
contained in the abstract and title.
Table 1: This caption has one line so it is centered.
of words
Will be
Testing a Datawarehouse -
An Industrial Challenge
2 40
Telecom datawarehouse
prototype for bandwidth and
network throughput
monitoring and analysis
3 60
Unifying and incorporating
functional and non
functional requirements in
datawarehouse conceptual
3 60
Knowledge datawarehouse:
Web usage OLAP
2 40
Datawarehouse and
dataspace — information
base of decision support
1 20 NO
The implementation of
datawarehouse in Batelco: a
case study evaluation and
1 20 NO
E-Business Model Approach
to Determine Models to
1 20 NO
Production datawarehouse
and software toolset to
support productivity
improvement activities
2 40
A genomic datawarehouse
model for fast manipulation
using repeat region
1 20 NO
A datawarehouse for
managing commercial
software release
1 20 NO
Modeling Analytical
Indicators Using
DataWarehouse Metamodel
1 20 NO
An SLA-Enabled Grid
1 20 NO
Business Metadata for the
1 20 NO
A partition-based approach
to support streaming updates
over persistent data in an
active datawarehouse
1 20 NO
Study of localized data
cleansing process for ETL
performance improvement
in independent datamart
1 20 NO
Visualizing Clouds on
Different Stages of DWH -
An Introduction to Data
Warehouse as a Service
0 0 NO
GIApSCart: A geo-
intelligence application
based on semantic
2 40
I+D 2008 =
0 0 NO
Normed principal
components analysis: A new
approach to data warehouse
0 0 NO
Enriching hierarchies in
multidimensional model of
data warehouse using
0 0 NO
The fragmentation of data
warehouses: An approach
based on principal
components analysis
0 0 NO
Evaluation of different
database designs for
integration of heterogeneous
distributed Electronic Health
2 40
Keynote talk data
warehouses: Construction,
exploitation and
1 20 NO
Security Analysis of Future
Enterprise Business
0 0 NO
QVT transformation by
modeling: From UML
model to MD model
1 20 NO
In the case of 25 articles, seven out of them
fulfilled the requirements, which are presented to
users. This presentation can be viewed in Figure 4.
This paper presents the use of ontologies to improve
the Information Retrieval process.
The objective of this research is to add semantics
to the information retrieval process by using the
information in the context of Big Data to perform a
process that adds more value to the searches
In order to prove this goal, it was used the domain
of scientific research in which the user, when
Semantic Agent in the Context of Big Data - Usage in Ontological Information Retrieval in Scientific Research
performing a search of scientific articles in databases,
is faced with the problem of having a very large
number of documents, but much of these are not
actually useful and do not attend the user’s need.
It was then created an ontology and a search robot,
and the connection between them was established so
that the the initial goal was achieved.
For testing, in a way to assess the actual operation
of this process, the search robot was implemented
with the ability to extract articles from the IEEE
Xplore database, and the ontology has been built with
the field of database discipline.
After testing, it was observed that the use of
ontology for the search agent is an effective way to
obtain valuable information and be able to meet the
informational needs of the user.
The ontology can be effective in this case, because
it becomes a way of organizing semantic information,
and in this manner, only significant information will
be presented to the user.
Although the Semantic Web term has already
been used for some years, there is still a limitation in
their use, because much of the Web is organized in a
syntactic form in which most pages are created so that
only humans can read what is written without being
structured in a way that computational agents can
extract the data inside a context with the implied
meaning in the HTML.
The extraction agent can extract the documents
from the web, and a program can process information
by using onthology, thereby presenting the most
relevant results.
In this manner, the results obtained by using the
prototype developed can substantially narrow down
the amount of items presented to users. This research
aims, therefore, at making the user get, in a process of
Information Retrieval, more significant, quality
results. Thus, the user can evaluate more information
that is meaningful and does not waste time with data
that does not meet their needs.
Therefore, in order to address the issue of how to
insert intelligence in the recovery of web pages which
do not contextualize their information, the present
research proposes that the process of adding
semantics to these pages takes place outside the Web,
that is, the extraction of pages occurs in a syntactic
way, and from what was extracted, information is
checked by semantically entering into this process.
This method was very efficient since it is in fact able
to make a smarter search, which goes beyond simple
formulas of searches, which observe only the syntax
of the texts, and is able to analyze the context in which
the extracted documents are inserted, and then
visualize if that document fulfill the user’s needs.
The work presented in the paper was supported by the
CAPES and FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo a
Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo), process
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IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data