Users’ Willingness to Share Data on the Internet: Perceived Benefits
and Caveats
Martina Ziefle, Julian Halbey and Sylvia Kowalewski
Human-Computer Interaction Center, RWTH Aachen University, Campus-Boulevard 57, 52074, Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Internet, Social Network Sites, Perceived Privacy, Willingness to Share Data, Trust, Gender, Conjoint Study.
Abstract: One of the major challenges of the ongoing digitalization and the ubiquitous usage of pervasive computing in
all fields of our lives is to steer a sensible balance between benefits and drawbacks of using the Internet and
to implement an appropriate data handling when using digital media. The broad availability of data, in line
with the enormous velocity of information retrieval, is open to abuse and malpractice, with privacy threats as
the most serious barrier. The consumers and their attitudes and behaviors when using the Internet play an
important role in the discussion about privacy protection. The aim of the current study was to analyze Internet
usage behaviors and users’ willingness to share their data when using digital services and social network sites.
In a two step empirical approach, we first explore users’ perceptions of privacy in the context of Internet usage
and social network sites by means of a focus group approach. In a second step, a quantitative study was carried
out. Using a conjoint measurement approach, user scenarios were created from combinations of different
levels of anonymization extent, data type, and benefits from sharing the data. The respondents’ task was to
decide under which conditions they would be willing to share their data. 80 volunteers (50,6% women)
between 14 and 60 years of age participated in the conjoint study.
Historically, never might there have been a bigger
technological challenge for democratic societies than
the sensible, responsible, and open-minded handling
of Big Data that goes hand in hand with the
tremendous chances and drawbacks of the Internet of
Things (Karabey, 2012, Katal et al., 2013). In the
IDC's sixth annual study of the digital universe
(Gantz and Reinsel, 2012), a comprehensive
overview of the Big Data challenge is outlined. Using
a longitudinal analysis approach (comprising data
collection between 2005 until 2020), the authors
provide a detailed report about the reach of digital
data, their quantity and the significant growth of data
over the respective time. Quoting from the executive
summary, analyses up to 2012 showed:
“From 2005 to 2020, the digital universe will grow
by a factor of 300, from 130 exabytes to 40,000
exabytes, or 40 trillion gigabytes (more than 5,200
gigabytes for every man, woman, and child in 2020).
From now until 2020, the digital universe will about
double every two years. […] Between 2012 and 2020,
emerging markets' share of the expanding digital
universe will grow from 36% to 62%. A majority of
the information in the digital universe, 68% in 2012,
is created and consumed by consumers -watching
digital TV, interacting with social media, sending
camera phone images and videos between devices
and around the Internet, and so on. Yet enterprises
have liability or response-bility for nearly 80% of the
information in the digital universe. They deal with
issues of copyright, privacy, and compliance with
regulations even when the data zipping through their
networks and server farms is created and consumed
by consumers. […] The amount of information
individuals create themselves — writing documents,
taking pictures, down-loading music, etc. — is far
less than the amount of information being created
about them in the digital universe” (ibid, pp. 1-2).
From this impressing and at the same time
alarming data report, three major points should be
(1) The ongoing digitalization in all fields of our
life enables huge benefits for consumers on different
levels – on a private and a professional as well as on
a societal level.
(2) The availability of data and information opens
up a significant knowledge gain in – for societies –
Ziefle, M., Halbey, J. and Kowalewski, S.
Users’ Willingness to Share Data on the Internet: Perceived Benefits and Caveats.
DOI: 10.5220/0005897402550265
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data (IoTBD 2016), pages 255-265
ISBN: 978-989-758-183-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
very important fields: medical and health issues,
mobility and transport, production and business,
learning and education, to just mention a few.
(3) Naturally, the broad availability of data, the
measurability of information in important branches,
and the enormous velocity of information gathering
lends itself to abuse and malpractice. The damage is
– though not exactly calculable – huge and can
happen on different levels (privately, professionally,
societally). Among the most prominent drawbacks,
the danger of privacy loss by eaves-dropping as well
as shoulder reading, technologies come to the fore.
Consumer behaviors are tracked while using social
network sites and while surfing the Internet (Takabi
et al., 2010; Szongott et al., 2012).
For private consumers, but also for the
professional context, it is thus important to find a
sensible balance between the benefits and drawbacks
of using the Internet and establish an appropriate data
handling when using digital media. This balance can
only be reached by a broad understanding of Internet
usage behaviors and a joint approach from different
disciplines (Dartmann et al., under revision). In order
to achieve a far-reaching privacy preservation
strategy, different research and policy approaches
can be observed. While technical disciplines work
mostly on the development of privacy enhancing
technologies (k-anonymity or differential privacy
technologies, e.g., Sweeny, 2002; Dwork, 2006,
Dritsas et al., 2006), there is, naturally, a prominent
research input from the field of law and legal
regulations (Mayeda et al., 2016, Trestenjak, 2016),
as well as approaches to support privacy protection
behaviors in ecommerce and digital services from an
economic and market perspective (Phelps et al.,
2001; Matsusaki, 2016). Increasingly, normative
studies dealing with the establishment of a digital
etiquette and guidelines for safe and conscious
digital behavior are pursued. Already in 2004,
Ribble, Bailey and Ross (2004) claimed that across
all of society there is a need to establish a mindset of
technology appropriate behaviors in the context of
technology education, referred to as Digital
“Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of
behavior with regard to technology use. As a way of
understanding the complexity of digital citizenship
and the issues of technology use, abuse, and misuse,
we have identified nine general areas of behavior that
make up digital citizenship” (Ribble et al., 2004, p. 7).
In their work, the authors claim different usage
policy behaviors that should to be respected by
teachers and students when interacting with
technology (Ribble et al., 2004). Recent work
strengthens this view (Hornung and Schnabel, 2009;
Rouvroy and Poullet, 2009; Young and Quan-Haase,
2013). It is claimed that media competency as well
as knowledge about potential dangers and caveats in
the context of Internet usage and pervasive
computing have to be globally developed. The
responsibility, though, is not limited to policy, law,
and education entities, but it is shifted to end users
and consumers, referred to as the individual
responsibility of control of own personal data and
informational self-determination (Rouvroy and
Poullet, 2009; Tene and Polonetsky, 2012). Then,
individual consumers must take care of their self-
protection when using ecommerce services and
digital media, and – beyond technical, legal, and
policy efforts – consumers have the duty to be
responsible for their electronic actions and deeds.
Beyond this warranted claim for the
establishment of such digital ethics and the broad
public awareness that the responsibility for own
digital behaviors is a necessity (Marx, 1998), still,
from a social science point of view, there are some
concerns, if not doubts, that this mere (normative)
and rational claim is effective in the end (Lauffer and
Wolff, 1977; Kalwar, 2008). The concerns are based
on empirical findings which corroborate that users’
behaviors and their mental mindset or rationality
diverge widely.
Privacy Paradox. Users – though being seriously
concerned when asked about the fear of losing their
privacy in the digital universe – nevertheless do
mostly not protect themselves and are neither
discreet nor careful with their personal data in the
Internet (Lahlou 2008; Kowalewski et al., 2015;
Boyd and Hargittai, 2010). This phenomenon is
called privacy paradox (Awad et al., 2006; Norberg
et al., 2007).
Perceived Privacy. The factual risk of privacy loss
is not identical with the perceived risk of privacy loss
and the perception of control (Spiekermann, 2007).
Users might have not only a different understanding
of dangers and caveats and a different perception of
control but also a different appreciation of the
temporary benefits of using social network sites.
Thus, users might decide to take the risk of data
sharing as they perceive to be in control. Likewise,
users might decide to share data because the
temporary benefit is higher for them than the
potential risk.
Context. The perceived benefits, which might
motivate users to share their data on the Internet, and
the perceived risks, which might prevent users from
sharing their data, may also be impacted by the
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
respective usage context (Nissenbaum 2011;
Kowalweski et al, 2015). Recent work showed that
the tradeoff between benefits and barriers are quite
different in a medical context (when it comes to
intimate data concerning personal health and illness,
Wilkowska and Ziefle, 2012) in comparison to the
sports context in which users might be even keen to
share data (van Heek et al., 2014). Also, the closer
digital data are related to personal homes, the more
observant and reluctant are consumers to allow
others to use and see their personal data (Ziefle et al.,
2011; van Heek et al., 2015; 2016).
Culture. Understanding digital behaviors and
privacy concerns requires also the understanding of
the respective situation and culture (Hargittai, 2007).
Krasnova and Veltri (2010) examined privacy
concerns of Facebook members in the USA and
Germany. The findings revealed culture-specific
differences: While German users expect more
negative consequences (identity loss, damage, and
privacy-related violations), American users – though
also aware of cyber crime and privacy violations –
still do report higher trust in the service provider and
higher levels of perceived control. Thus, the
perception of privacy varies between different
User Diversity. User diversity is another important
factor with respect to Internet behaviors. Here,
several cognitive and affective factors might be
relevant: One is the users’ (low) level of knowledge
about factual risks and malpractice (Kowalewski et
al., 2015). A second factor relates to different
personalities and interacting styles (those who are
willing to take risks vs. those who are more fearful,
e.g., Karim et al., 2009). A third factor relates to the
competency in using technical devices and digital
media. The digital competency shapes the way users
interact with the Internet (Akther, 2014) and is
indirectly related to age effects (as persons with a
different upbringing with technology do have
another mental model of how technology works, e.g.,
Fogel and Nehmed, 2009; Freestone and Mitchell,
Gender. The usage of digital services and social
network sites is gender-sensitive (Kennedy et al.,
2003; Kim et al., 2007). The same applies for privacy
concerns when using digital services which are more
pronounced in women (Fogel and Nehmad, 200),
Wilkowska et al., 2010). On the one hand, there is
extensive research evidence that women – in contrast
to men – report a lower self-efficacy when using
digital devices which makes them much more careful
in the interaction with technology (Durndell and
Haag, 2002). In addition, frequent social network site
users show greater risk taking attitudes (Fogal and
Nehmad, 2009), and are usually male. In line with
this, women report higher privacy concerns and fears
of being victims of cyber crime (Halder and
Jaishankar, 2011). On the other hand, women
outperform males in terms of electronic
communication with peers on social network sites.
Women show a higher emotional involvement and
social engagement in digital communication (Sun et
al., 2016), accompanied by highly positive collective
self-esteem and motivation to befriend peers and stay
in contact with them (Barker, 2009; Thelwall et al.,
2008; 2010).
In this study, we take a social science perspective and
argue that an effective policy of privacy protection
behaviors cannot be effective and sustainable before
we understand the behaviors of Internet users by
means of empirical evidence. Therefore, a two-step
empirical procedure was undertaken. In a first step,
focus groups were carried out in which participants
discussed the perceived benefits and caveats of
sharing their data as well as their general experience
with the Internet and the usage of social network
sites. On the base of these argumentation lines, a
quantitative conjoint study was carried out in order
to study respondents’ privacy preferences and their
willingness to share their data.
Characteristically for the conjoint measurement
approach is that selected attributes (probability of
being identified (extent of anonymization), the data
type and benefits from sharing the data) are
combined to different usage scenarios for which
participants had to decide if they would be willing to
share their data under the respective conditions. This
procedure allows us to empirically describe which of
the factors is relevant to which extent and in what
way might other conditions modulate the willingness
to share their data.
As gender was revealed to be a decisive factor for
Internet behavior, a comparison between female and
male users was focused at.
The following questions guided this research.
(1) What are the most important factors for Internet
usage and willingness to share data?
(2) What is the worst case scenario under which
participants would not share their data at all and
which is the best case scenario?
Users’ Willingness to Share Data on the Internet: Perceived Benefits and Caveats
(3) Are there gender differences in the preferences
and the decision scenarios?
We followed a two step empirical procedure.
Focus Group Prior to the main study, focus groups
were carried out in which participants (N = 8, 20-50
years of age) discussed the most important issues with
respect to privacy and Internet usage. The
participants’ argumentation lines were analyzed in
detail (not reported here). The factors that have been
evaluated as most important (benefits and barriers) by
participants were taken as basis for the selection of
attributes used in the conjoint analysis.
Conjoint Analysis A choice-based conjoint analysis
approach was selected, as it mimics the complex
decision processes in real world scenarios in which
users have to evaluate more than one attribute that
influences the final decision (Luke and Tukey, 1964).
Contrary to traditional surveys, in which participants
answer single factors separately from each other,
conjoint analyses simulate real-world user decisions
in which users weigh potential benefits against
perceived barriers. In the context here, the tradeoff
between keeping one’s own privacy vs. sharing data
on the Internet was experimentally studied.
Methodologically, the given decision scenarios
and tradeoffs consist of multiple attributes and differ
from each other in the attribute levels. As a result, the
relative importance of attributes deliver information
about which attribute influences the respondents’
choice the most. Part-worth utilities reflect which
attribute level is valued the highest.
3.1 Questionnaire
First, the questionnaire structure is described as are
the instructions which were given to respondents,
followed by the selection and description of the
attributes used for the decision scenarios.
3.1.1 Structure
The questionnaire was arranged in five sections.
The first section addressed demographic characteristics
of the participants. Also, we asked if participants
were familiar with, respectively aware of, the
importance of privacy in the context of Internet
usage. Answers could be given on a four-point scale,
ranging from 1 = “the topic is quite novel to me” to
4 = “I am familiar with the topic.”
In the second part, the experience of Internet
usage was assessed, asking for the frequency of (1)
shopping in the Internet, (2) using social networks
sites, (3) searching for information for leisure
activities, and (4) asking for price comparisons on
the Internet. The frequency could be stated within the
following graduations: several times daily, daily,
several times a week, lesser than that, and never.
The third part introduced the topic of the study,
followed by a detailed description of the single
factors out of which the scenarios were formed. It
was important that the respondents understood the
reason for the study and the decisions that would be
presented later on. Therefore, we gave respondents
the following general introduction:
Internet users have a right to decide what is going
to happen with their data. Principally, the society
as a whole and every single individual can profit
from the data mass generated on the Internet. What
is important is an approach that satisfies the
interests of all parties concerned. Here, privacy
preserving technologies can step in as they
anonymize data and thereby detach them from
one’s person. However, this procedure also
reduces the usability of that data as one cannot, for
example, link a gender to a person anymore. Thus,
a complete anony-mization might not be
reasonable in every case.
The study aim is to find a solution that adheres to
the interests of the data owners (i.e., you as internet
user) and the ones utilizing said data.
In the fourth part of the questionnaire, the single
factors were introduced and explained in detail (see
section 3.1.2.).
The fifth and last part finally presented twelve
scenarios generated from combinations of the single
factors. Data was collected in an online survey
conducted in Germany in 2015. Completing the
questionnaire took about 20 minutes.
3.1.2 Selection of Attributes
The selection of attributes was based on focus group
study outcomes. Taken from the argumentation
patterns, we assume that the preferences concerning
data sharing on the Internet are influenced by
different characteristics that have the highest utility
for users.
For the conjoint study here, we selected the most
important attributes raised by participants:
the data type
the benefit of sharing the data
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
the extent to which anonymization is
Type of Data
Shopping Preferences that are based
on previous online purchases.
Leisure-Time Interests: In this case,
you would share hobbies and other
interests – such as music, movies,
books, or events – by agreeing that
the contents of websites visited by
you are analyzed.
Location Data: In this case, you
would permanently share your
location when using your
smartphone, cellphone, or computer.
Lifestyle Habits: You would actively
use apps meant to, e.g., record your
level of fitness or driving habits. The
apps would chronicle and analyze
data that is important to you but also
to health insurance funds or car
insurance companies.
Figure 1:Attribute: type of data.”.
The same query (90-year-old man
from a certain location) suddenly
generates four equal results and
individual persons are no longer
clearly distinguishable. The 90-year-
old is anonymous in a group of four,
or, in other words, the probability of
identifying him lies at 25%.
There is also the possibility to adapt
characteristics like age or gender in
such a way that there are at least 10
persons with the same characteristics.
This puts the probability of
identification at 10%.
In a group of two persons, the
probability of clear identification is
Without anonymization, the
likelihood of identification is 100%.
Figure 2: Attribute “Extent of anonymization”.
The first attribute that has been varied is the type of
data. Respondents were instructed as follows:
You can decide on the type of data you are willing to
share. This is information you can distribute in
general on the Internet. We differentiate four types of
data (that, to date, are already recorded without the
users’ knowledge:
Types of Benefits
Commendations: You periodically
receive commendations via email
or social networks. For example,
(1) the cheapest offer of a product
you have searched for or looked at
on the internet several times in the
recent past, (2) an insurance that is
tailored to your lifestyle habits and
offers better conditions than your
current insurance package, or (3)
events or leisure time activities in
your proximity.
Discounts: You periodically
receive coupons via email. For
example, for (1) online-shops you
frequent, (2) leisure-time activities
in your proximity (cinema, public
swimming pool, etc.), or (3)
insurance offers that are tailored to
your personal lifestyle habits.
Global benefits: Your shared data
aid the public at large and not only
singular big corporations. For
example, researchers could use
your data for research purposes that
benefit society or medicine, cultural
institutions or clubs could advertize
in a more targeted manner, or
software developers could utilize
the user data to develop free
Figure 3: Attribute “Benefits”.
The second factor was the extent of
anonymization. The following instruction was given
to participants in order to clarify what was meant by
the single anonymization levels:
You can decide on the probability that your data
can be linked to your person. Hypothetically,
general data about people is collected. One could
then assume this data is anonymous if a person’s
name is not recorded as well. How-ever, there are
further characteristics such as age or zip code that
enable an identification without access to one’s
Users’ Willingness to Share Data on the Internet: Perceived Benefits and Caveats
name. Anonymization technologies prevent this by
slightly modifying the data. Imagine, e.g., a village
that has two 86-year-olds, one 87-year-old, and a
92-year-old. Instead of recording the precise age,
only an age-group, e.g., aged 85 to 95, would be
The third factor was the benefit from sharing data.
It was of specific importance that benefits do reflect
different persepctives (from local to global), as these
dimensions were mentioned in the discussions during
the focus groups.
The attribute “benefits” was introduced simply by
the question: As an Internet user, how do I benefit
from this?
3.1.3 Exemplary Decision Scenario
A combination of all corresponding levels would
have led to 48 (4x4x3) possible combinations. As
those decisions are quite taxing on the participants,
we reduced the number of choice tasks to 12 random
tasks. A test of design efficiency confirmed that the
reduced test design was comparable to the
hypothetical orthogonal design.
In each of the choice-based-conjoint decision task
four sets of scenario configurations were presented.
No restrictions were put on the level combinations,
because all chosen attribute levels were combinable.
Overall, participants had to evaluate twelve choice
tasks, each consisting of three different combinations
of the attributes types of data, extent of
anonymization, and the types of benefits. Also, a
“none” option was available in case that none of the
scenarios seemed appropriate to respondents.
Participants were instructed to select the senario they
preferred the most. There was no possibility to skip
tasks. In order to improve comprehensibility, attribute
levels were presented by pictrogramms in addition to
written information.
An exemplary decision scenario is given in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Example decision scenario.
3.2 Sample
Overall, the data of 80 participants was analyzed. Age
ranged between 14 years (youngest participant) and
60 years (oldest participant), with a mean age of 32.9.
The sample was quite gender-balanced, with 50.6 %
Asked about prior knowledge about privacy and
Internet usage, the sample reported to be quite aware
of the topic (M=3.1/out of four points max).
However, a significant gender difference was found:
male respondents (M=3.5) reported to be more aware
of the topic than females (M = 2.9).
With respect to the frequency of using the
Internet, participants reported to use social network
sites on a daily basis (M = (2.2) and seek information
about leisure time activities several times a week (M
= 3.2), whereas online shopping and price
comparisons via Internet are accomplished less often
(M = 3.4). Outcomes are depicted in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Relative importance of attributes.
The data analysis (estimation of part-worth utilities)
was done with the Sawtooth Software (SSI Web, HB,
SMRT). In order to identify the main impact factors
on users’ preferences to share their data on the
Internet, we calculated the relative importance of
each attribute. Then, part-worth utilities were
analyzed (on the basis of Hierarchical Bayes) as to
understand which of the three factors is the most
relevant attribute across all decisions made and
relative to all other attributes. When interpreting part-
worth-utilities, it should be noted that these are data
that are scaled to an arbitrary additive constant within
each attribute. Thus, it is impossible to compare
utility values between attributes. Comparisons of
differences between attribute levels are possible if
using zero-centered differentials (part-worth utilities
that are scaled to sum to zero within each attribute).
3.4 3.4
soc ial
price s
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
4.1 Relative Importance
The relative importance scores of attributes on
preferences to share data in the Internet are depicted
in Figure 6.. As can be seen, the most important
attribute is the probability of being identified
(48.9%), followed by the type of data (30.8%). The
attribute which was evaluated as least important on
users’ preferences was the benefit of sharing the data
reaching a score of 20.3%.
Figure 6: Relative importance of attributes.
The relative importance scores show that users
evaluate the probability of being identified as the
most important attribute whenever they think about
sharing their data. Also, the type of data is relevant
for them. Interestingly, the benefits they could gain
from sharing the data is evaluated as least important,
compared to the other attributes under study. At this
point, it may be noteworthy that the ranking of
importance and even the single scores are quite
homogeneous across participants, neither impacted
by gender nor by the self-reported familiarity with the
topic (“how familiar are you with the topic privacy in
the Internet”).
4.2 Part-worth Utilities
The average zero-centered diff part-worth utilities for
all attribute levels are shown in Figure 7. From this
depiction it becomes obvious that the attribute
probability of being identified” yielded the highest
range between part-worth utilities. When looking at
absolute utility values, the level “probability of 10%
of being identifiable” reached the highest utility score
(76.7), followed by the 25% probability, which was
still acceptable (reaching a positive value of 23.3). In
contrast, the 50% probability was not acceptable for
respondents (yielding a negative value of -36.2). The
attribute level which received the lowest utility value
was a 100% probability of being identifiable (-63.8).
Figure 7: Part-worth utilities (zero-centered diffs) for all
attributes and levels in the choice-based conjoint study.
When focusing on the type of benefits, also a
mixed picture of acceptance was found. If data
sharing leads to a global benefit for the public at large
(e.g., research efforts, free software development,
medical health or cultural issues), respondents would
be willing to share their data (positive utility score of
Negative utility scores were revealed for general
discounts that are periodically offered by email
(-7.5). The lowest utility scores (-19.9) were received
by recommendations that specifically address
personal habits (insurance, lifestyle tailored offers,
leisure time activities in respondents’ proximity).
Figure 8: Part-worth utilities (zero-centered diffs) for all
attributes and levels in the choice-based conjoint study from
a gender perspective.
Looking at the type of data, “shopping habits” and
“leisure time activities” might be shared from the
respondents’ point of view (shopping habit: 29.9;
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
bei ng
Relativ e
Users’ Willingness to Share Data on the Internet: Perceived Benefits and Caveats
leisure time data: 23.3). However, sharing of
“location data” and lifestyle habits” receive negative
scores (lifestyle habits: -23.8; location data: -29.5).
Finally, we analyzed gender differences with
respect to part-worth utilities (Figure 8). Single
values can be taken from Table 1.
Table 1: Part-worth utilities in both gender groups.
While the preferences with respect to the main
attribute “probability of being identifiable” is the very
same for women and men, there still were gender
differences regarding the evaluation of the benefits of
sharing data and the type of data users would be
willing to share.
With respect to the benefits, personal
recommenda-tions are more negatively evaluated by
men (-25.3) than women (-17.4). Women evaluate
discounts as more negative (-11.4) compared to men
(-0.3), who are neutral in this regard. When looking
at the type of data, men refuse to share data about life
style habits (-29.1) more strongly than women (-
20.9). Women, in contrast, are much less willing to
share location data (-33.9) compared to men (-21.3).
Sharing data about leisure time activities is more
attractive to women (30.9), while men agree to share
data with regard to leisure activities to lesser extent
(9.2). Another difference between both gender groups
regards shopping data, which male respondents
would be much more willing to share (41.3) than
women (23.8).
This study revealed insights into users’ preferences
for sharing their data on the Internet. In order to
understand behaviors and the tradeoffs between
perceived benefits (that motivate users to share data)
and perceived barriers (that motivate users not to
share the data), we simulated usage scenarios in
which different attribute combinations were
experimentally varied. As attributes we explored
three major factors, which were discussed as the most
important factors in previously conducted focus
group. The first factor was the data type (shopping
preferences, leisure time interests, location data, and
lifestyle habits), referring to the fact that users might
have different privacy protection needs depending on
the respective context. The second factor referred to
the type of benefit which is to be expected from
sharing data on the Internet. There were three
different benefits, ranging from recommendations
(information about interesting events, offers) over
discounts (specifically tailored offers and bargains) to
global benefits (data sharing helps the public at large,
not only single company interests). Finally, the third
factor dealt with the probability of being identified,
which was also experimentally varied.
When looking at the single factors, the findings
show that the anonymization extent is, in fact, the
most relevant attribute for respondents, hinting at a
high awareness of the risk of eavesdropping. The type
of data was ranked as second most important
criterion. Users’ willingness to share data depends on
the respective usage context, conforming
Nissenbaum’s theory of contextual integrity
according to which users control their privacy needs
depending on the respective context (Nissenbaum,
2014). Shopping habits and leisure time activities
might be shared from the respondents’ point of view,
in contrast to lifestyle habits and location data which
are perceived as too personal to be shared.
The lowest overall importance received the type
of benefits. However, there were still differences
between the respective types of benefits. Users
willingness to share data increases when the data
sharing results in a global benefit for the public at
large (e.g., research efforts, free software develop-
ment, medical health or cultural issues). General
discounts that are periodically offered by email were
negatively evaluated. The same applies for
specifically tailored recommendations (insurance,
lifestyle tailored offers), because they rely on quite
intimate data (personal habits). Thus, the more
specific and personal the benefit is that is offered in
return of sharing the data, the more negative is the
respondents’ attitude and the lower is the willingness
to share data.
In conclusion, on this data basis, a “best case” and
a “worst case” scenario of users’ willingness to share
data can be derived. As taken from the highest utility
ratings for each attribute, the most accepted scenario
Men Women
benefit 25.4 28.5
discounts -0.3 -11.4
recommen dation -25.3 -17.4
lifestyl e
habits -29.1 -20.9
location data -21.3 -33.9
interests 9.2 30.9
habits 41.3 23.8
10% 78.6 75.8
25% 21.2 24.3
50% -34.4 -37.1
100% -65.3 -62.9
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
for sharing their shopping or leisure activities data is
a probability of 10% of being identifiable and a global
benefit of data usage for the public at large (in
contrast to the exclusive benefits for companies). The
worst scenario is a 100% identification probability in
combination with location data or even the
identification of lifestyle habits that are used for an
individually tailored personal recommendation.
Another research focus was directed to gender
differences and the question if women and men have
a similar perspective on the willingness to share their
data on the Internet. The findings of the study showed
both gender-sensitive and gender-insensitive
findings. Men and women do have the same attribute
importance ranking (anonymization is most
important, followed by type of data, and the type of
benefit as least important criterion). They also apply
the same decision criterion for or against sharing the
data. Thus, the above mentioned worst case and best
case scenarios are valid for both gender groups.
However, gender differences showed with respect
to the evaluation of the benefits of sharing data and
the type of data users would be willing to share. In
regard to the type of benefits, women evaluate
personal recommendations as more positive and
discounts as more negative than men. Sharing
location data is a much stronger no-go for women
than for men. Also, women are much more reluctant
to share data regarding their shopping habits, in
contrast to men who are more open in this regard. On
the other hand, when it comes to the question of
sharing leisure time activities on the Internet, women
would share their data much easier than men would.
Even though our empirical research approach
provided valuable insights into conditions of users’
willingness to share their data, still, the outcomes here
provide only a first glimpse into a highly complex
phenomenon. Future studies will have to continue in
this line of research, considering methodological
limitations and broadening the research focus
(Dartmann et al., under revision).
A first point in this context regards the sample size
of this study. The findings should be replicated in
larger and more representative samples.
In this context, integrating a larger portion of
participants of higher and younger age could be
insightful in order to learn if the perceived benefit of
sharing data might be age-sensitive. Also, we only
used three attributes for the conjoint study. Even
though the attributes were empirically identified as
most important for Internet users, of course there are
further factors that should be integrated in future
studies to receive a full picture.
Furthermore, the findings do reflect only
empirical insights from one country - Germany.
Naturally, social values, societal patterns, policy
structures, and economic status of countries do
impact Internet behaviors, and thus also risk
behaviors which impact the willingness to share the
data in the Internet. Therefore, respondents of other
countries and cultures should be integrated in order to
get a more international picture.
In addition, other usage contexts need to be
examined. As such, data sharing in the medical
context (with more sensible and person-related data)
is an emerging field (Wilkowska & Ziefle, 2012) that
needs a closer look as does the mobility and transport
context in which car2x communication in automated
driving (Schmidt et al., 2016) raises other privacy
concerns that yet need to be explored. Overall it will
be interesting to explore such critical situations in
which data sharing on the one and data protection on
the other hand make sense at the same time – however
from the perspective of different interest groups.
This research has been funded by the Excellence
Initiative of German state and federal governments
(Project ‘NEPTUN, no. OPSF316).
The authors express their special thanks to
Chantal Lydinia and Juliana Brell for excellent
research support as well as two anonymous reviewers
for helpful comments on an earlier version of this
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