Identification and Correction of Misspelled Drugs’ Names in
Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
Faiza Hussain and Usman Qamar
Department of Computer Engineering, College of E&ME, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
H-12 Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Spelling Correction, Electronic Medical Record, EMR, Natural Language Processing, Text Mining,
Information Retrieval, POST, Parts-of-Speech Tagging, Regular Expressions and Medical Text Processing.
Abstract: Medications are an important element of medical records but they usually contain significant data errors.
This situation may result from haphazardness or possibly careless storage of valuable information. In either
case, this misspelled data can cause serious health problems for the patients and can put their life at a major
risk. Thus, the correctness of medication data is an important aspect so that potential harms can be identified
and steps can be taken to prevent or mitigate them. In this paper, a novel and practical method is proposed
for automated detection and correction of spelling errors in electronic medical record (EMR). To realize this
technique, major relevant aspects is taken into consideration with the help of Parts-of-Speech tagging and
Regular Expressions. The paper concludes with recommendations and future work for giving a new
direction to the emendation of drug nomenclature.
Processing medical texts is an emerging topic in
natural language processing, especially in English.
As it holds an immense amount of biomedical data
which every person accumulates over a lifetime. A
medical record can be divided into five major
portions i.e. medical history, laboratory, diagnostic
test results, patient’s condition and therapeutic
response, potential side effects, and drugs dosage
and treatment notes (Wagner, et al., 1996).
Prescribers may use this format as a procedure for
their documentation but may use another format
according to their own ease (Spooner, Linda, and
Kimberly, 2013). Clinicians can also write
additional information sometimes such as progress
notes, or correspondence etc.
Nowadays, to ease the work of pharmacists, a
variety of electronic systems are used to record
health information of patients. A primary goal of
these systems is to get simple yet important and
complete data enough for a doctor’s needs. There are
numerous benefits of the systematic data collection
such as it allows to regularly organize information of
patients in a decent manner and also allows to
transfer history and records of a patient to another
pharmacist (Spooner, Linda, and Kimberly, 2013).
Electronic medical record system (EMR) is one of
the methods to automatically record health-related
information of an individual that can be generated,
collected, managed, and used by clinicians,
researchers, managers, process- improvement teams,
and decision-support systems (Wagner, et al., 1996).
Despite many benefits, general implementation
of EMRs in the United States is very low; the latest
study showed that only 4% of doctors use a fully
functional EMR while 13%have a simple electronic
system (DesRoches CM, et al., 2008).The typical
cause is these clinical records are created in a rush
without any proong. Consequently, a large number
of spelling errors are resulted especially a wide
variety of data entry errors occur. These errors not
only originate because of the complexity of the
English language but also due to characteristics of
the medical domain. (Siklósi et al., 2016)
investigated the most frequent types of errors are the
unintentional mistyping, grammatical errors,
sentence fragments, and non-standardized
It is self-evident that the correctness of such
information is important (Richard Pless, 2004).
Also, many researchers concluded that accurate
medication data is the need of the hour such as
(Price, D., et al., 1986) found 70 percent omissions
Hussain, F. and Qamar, U.
Identification and Correction of Misspelled Drugs’ Names in Electronic Medical Records (EMR).
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 2, pages 333-338
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in dosages of patients and 46 percent were taking
medicines that were not recommended by their
doctor. (Monson and Bond, 1978) assessed 355
patients and also attained the same percentage of
errors in dose i.e. 70%.
Thus, these errors support us for the
improvement of EMR (medication) data as its
accuracy is an important factor for patient’s health.
In this research, we proposed a methodology for the
identification of errors in medication data and used
them to increase the accuracy of medication data
through correction of misspelled terms in Electronic
Medical Records. The data accuracy describes data
along two dimensions i.e. correctness and
completeness (Wagner, et al., 1996). Correctness is
the main concern according to the guidelines
provided by Wiederholt and Perrault (Shortliffe, et
al., 1990).
There are some issues that are considered while
proposing a novel technique. Firstly, all the fields of
an individual’s record are not important, some fields
are optional, and some are not useful in correcting of
medication data. So, it is a prerequisite for choosing
an appropriate subset of fields. Another issue is to
understand the meaning of a medication record. In
simple words, there are two kinds of useful data are
recorded i.e. doctors instruct the patient what to do
and what the patient is feeling and taking (Wagner,
et al., 1996). Thirdly, the modern concepts of
biomedical are different from the classical one.
Thus, medical concepts are constantly changing
(Nordenfelt and Lennart, 2013). Furthermore, it is
difficult to identify and classify different
medications as their names resemble each other
(Wagner, et al., 1996) e.g. Pentobarbital and
The organization of the paper is as follows: In
Section 2, Methodology and details of fundamental
techniques are explained. Results are shown in
Section 3 where dataset of the research is stated.
Along with, discussion and analysis of the results are
made in Section 4. In Section 5, Literature Review is
presented. And finally, the paper is concluded in
Section 6.
The most effectual solution would be to expand the
scope of medical records by not only considering
drugs names but also the potentially related concepts
i.e. disease, symptoms etc. in all dimensions to
potentially identify correct medications.
2.1 Selection Criteria
Inclusion and exclusion criteria are illustrated below
that made certain that only relevant work is
2.1.1 Inclusion Criteria
Records those are considered to examine:
Any patient consulted an authorized medical
nurse, practitioner or a doctor.
Any patient with a drug prescription with
dosage and schedule.
2.1.2 Exclusion Criteria
Cleaning of entries is done through:
Any patient having empty medication lists.
Any patient who had been checked previously
and no new amendment in prescription was
Any medication with a brand name with the
help of non-drug terms.
Redundant prescriptions of the same patient
found in the database.
2.2 Steps towards Solution
The complete flow of the proposed work is
presented in Figure 1.
The main tasks are broken down into the
following steps:
2.2.1 Data Preparation
For the preparation of data, first of all, records are
extracted about different allergies and then it is
analyzed. For this, NULL value and duplicate entries
are removed through the use of array_unique and
array_filter functions of PHP are used for the
identification of particular required data.
Fields include date, time, reason, result,
medication and instructions for multiple diverse
patients. Each record is fetched without biasness.
Then all records fulfilling inclusion and
exclusion criteria are saved in the database.
2.2.2 Pre-processing
Brown corpus’s Parts Of Speech Tagging (POST) is
a well-known method of relating a word with a
particular part of speech in a given sentence. But
tagging a word is not a straightforward process as
multiple words can communicate in multiple ways.
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Flow Chart of the Methodology.
Hence, there are multiple parts of speech against a
single term due to ambiguity and complexity of
English language. Actually, “what” the word is less
significant than “how” it is applied (Manning,
Christopher D., 2011).
Therefore, our first step is tagging of words
according to brown corpus methodology. Presently,
we have eight parts of speech in English: adjective,
adverb, conjunction, interjection,
noun, preposition, pronoun and verb along with
many categories and their sub-categories. But our
focus is on the nouns (NN) and the adjectives (JJ).
In working with clinical data, information is
written in a certain format such as “medication dose
unit-of-measure time-period” for example. “Aspirin
60 mg 1 tablet q.d.” This information share some
common features, that are patterns in the text but
they are fairly complex (Richard Pless, 2004). To
address them, regular expressions are used to
systematically collect data. As regular expression is
a simple way of describing a search pattern and
extract information. The advantage of regular
expressions is the incredible flexibility that they
offer. But the challenge of regular expressions is to
understand the patterns that you want to find but it
gives assurance to collect all valuable information
with ease.
2.2.3 Term Frequency (TF) Calculation
Term Frequency used in text mining to evaluate the
importance of a word in a document or corpus. The
significance of terms enhances proportionally to the
number of times a word occurs in a document. As
each document has different length, so, it may be
possible that a word would come more times in long
documents than in shorter ones. Therefore, the term
frequency is frequently divided by the document size
for normalization.
So, Term Frequency is used to obtain all
available matching drugs’ names from the internet:
TF= (Number of times appears in a medical
record) / (Total number of terms in the
medical record)
2.2.4 Information Retrieval (IR)
Since many online medication dictionaries are
available, such corpus will be used to extract all
possible spellings of the anticipated misspelled drug
through information retrieval. In IR, what more we
need is to:
Process information quickly from the web
documents as there is a bulk amount of data
available on the web. The indexed web
contains 4.39 billion web pages at the time of
writing this. And to retrieve useful
information from it is not an easy task.
Flexibility in matching patterns is required.
Ranking in retrieved results. As hundreds and
thousands are results are retrieved what we
need is to have best results for our query so
for this ranked retrieval is very important
Identification and Correction of Misspelled Drugs’ Names in Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
(Manning, Raghavan, and Schütze, 2008).
Further comprehension will be done with the
help of Lemmatization and Stemming of words by
considering the fact that ‘particular nouns’ can’t be
altered in any case.
2.2.5 Cosine Similarity
This metric is frequently applied to determine the
similarity between two documents due to the
presence of multiple similar words. Here, words are
treated as vectors to calculate the normalized dot
product. The result 0 depicts that two documents do
not share any common term while other scores show
some similarity. In our case, comparison of most
relevant drug name extracted through IR will be
performed through Cosine Similarity.
Dataset: In order to evaluate, an incorrect test set of
clinical documents is necessary. For this purpose, we
randomly selected 250 electronic medical records.
All the data is available in tabular form.
Precision = True Positives/Total
The formula (2) was applied to calculate the
overall accuracy of the system that how well it
performed on correcting erroneous terms in the test
set. ‘Actual’ spellings were compared with the
‘Corrected’ ones in each prescription and ‘Total’
were all possible records having no NULL entry in
them while duplicate entries were considered as their
quantity and dosage method vary person to person.
Analysis of every single prescription was done
manually by comparing ‘Corrected’ results with
multiple medical dictionaries.
Below graph shows the accuracy of the novel
approach by applying the formula of precision.
Figure 2: Comparison of Results.
Figure 2 demonstrates how precision rate varies.
X-axis represents a total number of records while Y-
axis represents the precision of retrieved results
while horizontal line represents the threshold.
The essence of this approach is detailed comparison
instead of simply replacing drug name with the rst
ranked suggestion. The evaluation is done on the
basis of:
Whether the technique provided all possible
spellings of the word.
Whether a word can be presented in multiple
Whether results are close enough to the actual
The approximate average precision is 0.742.
From results described in Figure 3, we observe that
overall results are better than previous non-context
based approaches. However, in some situations,
accuracy of results is reduced as the data is chosen
randomly, therefore, it is imbalanced in nature that
becomes a major cause of result’s graph decline. A
potential limitation of this approach is that complete
disease and symptoms information is required.
Although, a new technique is proposed in this paper
with the combination of Information Retrieval (IR),
Regular Expressions and POST, but sometimes, the
nature of English language leads us towards the
uncertainty of applying it in few circumstances.
Ambiguous and unclear terms may cause drifting
from the actual intent when replacement of the word
is made. However, it can be said that, through
detailed analysis of grammatical issues, we will able
to overcome issues and improve this technique.
The problem of misspelling in the medical domain
has been addressed in various publications.
(Ruch et al., 2003) classified spelling error
detection and correction into two types. The first
type is word-based or context-free spelling
correction which consists of errors that cannot be
found in the dictionary, for example, handel instead
of handle. The other type is context-based or context
sensitive which deals with the correct word but
invalid within the situation, for instance, worm body
instead of warm body. Also (Kukich, Karen., 1992)
divided the problem into three subgroups as (a) non-
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
word error detection; (b) isolated-word error
correction; and (c) context-dependent word
correction. However, many proposed techniques rely
on a lexicon-based approach.
The typical spelling correction system by
(Levenshtein, Vladimir I., 1966) is based on
minimum edit distance which ranks suggestion by
the least number of inclusion, removal, replacement
and reversal required to convert one string into the
(Turchin, Alexander, et al, 2007) identied
incorrect words by comparing them to some
predened list of words, but this baseline method is
extended by doing prevalence analysis, i.e.
determining the frequency ratio of a word and its
one edit distance alternatives in the corpus.
(Patrick, Jon, and Dung. 2011) used numerous
knowledge bases of English clinical terms in
addition to utilizing statistical methods.
Mass noun errors in English are solved by
(Brockett et al., 2006), who focused on grammatical
errors rather than on orthographical. Their work is
related to the (Ehsan, Nava, and Faili, 2013) where
the traditional SMT algorithm is used for spelling
error preciseness. Though, in the approach, errors
were initiated articially.
(Siklósi et al., 2016) presented a new method for
automatic correction in Hungarian clinical records
by means of a SMT decoder. Due to the lack of a
corpus normalized, a realistic aim was not fully
Some spelling suggestion tools such as Aspell
and Gspell also exist in the English language for use
and exploration. Aspell is a mixture of the Meta-
phone algorithm and near-miss strategy. While
NGrams, metaphone, common misspellings, and
homophone retrieval tools are present in Gspell.
Candidates are evaluated by the Levenshtein edit
distance, and similar ranked candidates are re-
ordered by (Divita, G., 2003).
A frequency-based approach joining a medical
dictionary configuration was built to improve
recommendations of Aspell and Gspell by (Crowell
et al., 2004). Turchin et al. used prevalence analysis
for correction. (Senger, Christian, et al., 2010) made
use of Aspell and user activities to analyze
medication misspellings in a drug query system.
As we know that medical records play a significant
role in everyone’s life. So, the focus of this study is
to illustrate the problems of Electronic Medical
Records. Based on the causes of data errors, an
effective improvement to the EMR would be to
expand its scope to classify possible medications. In
our paper, we presented a method to correct single
spelling errors by concentrating more on ‘how’ and
‘why’ part of the searching instead of ‘what’,
making a rm base for extending it to the correction
of multiple errors as well. POST, Regular
Expressions, and Information Retrieval played an
important role in substitution. The overall accuracy
of the system is a technically better than traditional
Even with EMR extensions, 100% accuracy
can’t be guaranteed, some minor error chances will
remain (Wagner, et al., 1996). As the domain of
searching is very gigantic; still more work is
required to gather more accurate and close results.
So, we have some future plans for including text
parsing in it and will do the implementation of this
technique for free-text clinical records to provide
more ease to practitioners.
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Correcting ESL errors using phrasal SMT techniques.
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ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems