A Lexicon-based Approach for Sentiment Classification of Amazon
Books Reviews in Italian Language
Franco Chiavetta
, Giosu
e Lo Bosco
and Giovanni Pilato
Istituto Tecnico Settore Tecnologico Vittorio Emanuele III, Via Duca della Verdura 48, 90143, Palermo, Italy
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Palermo, Via Archirafi 34, 90123, Palermo, Italy
Department of Key Sciences and Enabling Technologies, Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology,
Via Michele Miraglia 20, 90139, Palermo, Italy
ICAR-CNR, Viale delle Scienze - Edificio 11, 90128, Palermo, Italy
Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining.
We present a system aimed at the automatic classification of the sentiment orientation expressed into book
reviews written in Italian language. The system we have developed is found on a lexicon-based approach
and uses NLP techniques in order to take into account the linguistic relation between terms in the analyzed
texts. The classification of a review is based on the average sentiment strenght of its sentences, while the
classification of each sentence is obtained through a parsing process inspecting, for each term, a window of
previous items to detect particular combinations of elements giving inversions or variations of polarity. The
score of a single word depends on all the associated meanings considering also semantically related concepts
as synonyms and hyperonims. Concepts associated to words are extracted from a proper stratification of
linguistic resources that we adopt to solve the problems of lack of an opinion lexicon specifically tailored on
the Italian language. The system has been prototyped by using Python language and it has been tested on a
dataset of reviews crawled from Amazon.it, the Italian Amazon website. Experiments show that the proposed
system is able to automatically classify both positive and negative reviews, with an average accuracy of above
Sentiment analysis has the objective of extracting
from the web the current opinion toward someone
or something through the massive classification of
texts generated by users (Liu, 2012). The develop-
ment of automatic tools for Sentiment Analysis is re-
quired by the huge and growing amount of opinion-
ated user generated contents currently available on
the Web. A component of a sentiment analysis plat-
form is the ”sentiment classifier”, a software having
the role to decide the ”sentiment polarity” of a text,
i.e. if it expresses a positive or a negative opinion
toward the target. An extended survey on the sen-
timent classification approaches is given in (Hassan
et al., 2014). They are usually divided into “Machine
Learning” and “Lexicon-based” approaches. Among
the former ones we recall the use of Na
ıve Bayes
classifiers (Duda and Hart, 1973): see for example
(Domingos and Pazzani, 1997), (Lewis, 1998), (Dinu
and Iuga, 2012), (Garcia and Gamallo, 2014) and
(Shanmuganathan and Sakthivel, 2015); besides, Sup-
port Vectors Machines (SVM) (Boser et al., 1992),
(Meyer et al., 2003) have been successfully employed
by Pang and Lee in(Pang et al., 2002), Dave et al
in (Dave et al., 2003) and in (Kennedy and Inkpen,
Lexicon based approaches (Taboada et al., 2011)
use as knowledge base lexical resources named opin-
ion lexicon (Hu and Liu, 2004), that associate words
to their sentiment orientation represented for example
by positive and negative“scores”. Their use in senti-
ment analysis research starts from the assumption that
single words can be considered as a unit of opinion
information, and therefore it can provide indications
to detect document sentiment and subjectivity. The
annotation can be done either manually or by auto-
matic, semi-supervised, processes that, using linguis-
tic resources like a corpora (Littman and M.L., 2002),
a thesaurus, or a more sophisticated one like Word-
net (Fellbaum, 1998), (Dragut et al., 2010), generate
the lexicon. The most popular opinion lexicon de-
Chiavetta, F., Bosco, G. and Pilato, G.
A Lexicon-based Approach for Sentiment Classification of Amazon Books Reviews in Italian Language.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 2, pages 159-170
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
rived from Wordnet (Fellbaum, 1998) and containing
posterior polarities (i.e. polarities associated to each
word sense) is SentiWordNet (Esuli et al., 2010). In
other cases the lexicon associates to each word a prior
polarity, i.e. the polarity for its non-disambiguated
meaning, out of any context, as human beings per-
ceive by using cognitive knowledge. An example
of opinion lexicon based on prior polarities is repre-
sented by MPQA (Wilson et al., 2005). In general, the
effectiveness of the approach is highly dependent both
on the correctness of the preprocessing steps (e.g the
right ”part-of-speech” detection) and on consistency
and quality of the opinion lexicon and the number of
terms it contains (coverage).
A problem in the research activities on Sentiment
Analysis is that available literature is mostly focused
on documents written in the English language. More-
over, most of the available resources needed in this
approach to sentiment classification, like opinion lex-
icons, manually labelled corpora and NLP tools, are
available for the English language only. The lack of
linguistic resources is considered as a critical issue in
most of the research works regarding Sentiment Anal-
ysis of non English languages.
Examples of sentiment analysis methods applied
to non English languages texts are given in (Kim and
Hovy, 2006) for the German language, in (Kanayama
and Nasukawa, 2006) and (Takamura et al., 2006) for
the Japanese language, in (Yi et al., 2005) and (Zag-
ibalov and Carroll, 2008) for the Chinese language, in
(Abbasi et al., 2008) for the Arabic language. In (Ca-
soto et al., 2008) an example of sentiment analysis
applied to movie reviews written in Italian language
is given.
Several methods have been investigated to auto-
matically generate resources for a new language start-
ing from lexical resources already available for the
English language. In (Mihalcea et al., 2007) au-
thors illustrate a method that, given a cross-lingual
bridge between English and the selected target lan-
guage, such as a bilingual dictionary or a parallel cor-
pus, rapidly create tools for sentiment analysis in the
new language (their work is on Romanian language).
To work around the lack of resources and tools
for other languages, another common approach is to
make a full translation of the text during a prepro-
cessing by ”state of the art” automatic translators, and
then apply all traditional stages of the sentiment anal-
ysis on the corresponding English text (see for ex-
ample (Bautin et al., 2008)) where obtained results
show a certain consistency of Sentiment Analysis ap-
plied to automatically translated texts across several
languages. Such solutions, however, present several
problems including imprecision in translation and dis-
ambiguation of words.
There are several types of user generated textual
contents on which sentiment analysis can be applied.
Differences can consist in their usual average size, ap-
plication domain, context, technical terms presence,
linguistic level of author, number opinion holders, and
much more.
This paper is focused on the analysis of books re-
views, i.e. texts having in general a well defined target
(the book), few technical terms, except for references
to authors and book titles. The linguist level, e.g. the
syntactical and grammatical correctness and the rich-
ness of vocabulary used, is usually higher with respect
to reviews regarding other products. This can be in
general ascribed to the different cultural profile of the
reviewers: for example, the manner of expression of
a teenager in reviewing a game may be very different
from the way an adult with a good cultural level can
comment the latest book by an affirmed Italian book
writer. Moreover, books’ reviewers may use domain
related terms.
From the size point of view, a book review is
usually shorter than a full blog’s article and longer
than a microblogging post (e.g. a ”tweet”). While
the short number of characters available to write a
tweet doesn’t allow, from the linguistic point of view,
complicated and articulated sentences and forces
the writer to explicitly use common opinion-bearing
words easily revealing its sentiment, in a review
the more common opinion-bearing adjectives are re-
placed by more complicated expressions conveying
user’s sentiment including irony, which cannot be eas-
ily identified and used in document representation.
In designing a sentiment classification algorithm all
these differences must be considered to choose the
appropriate strategy. For example, if sentiment clas-
sification of tweets can be successfully performed
by a probabilistic Na
ıve Bayes classification scheme,
where the shortness of the text and the use of opinion-
bearing words allow to neglect its grammatical struc-
ture, the order and relative position of words, in fa-
vor of the multiplicity of occurrences (according to
a ”bag of word” model) (Shanmuganathan and Sak-
thivel, 2015), this strategy can not properly works on
longer and more sophisticated texts. For these reasons
we have developed a sentiment classification scheme
taking into account the structure of the sentences to
be analyzed, using a natural language processing ap-
proach based also on linguistic resources.
This paper proposes a method for Sentiment Anal-
ysis applied to documents written in Italian language.
In particular, we have developed and evaluated a lin-
guistic algorithm aimed at classifying books reviews
by using a lexicon-based approach.
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The system takes into account both the context of
words, and the presence of “valence shifters” (Polanyi
and Zaenen, 2006), that can change the polarity of a
given word. Furthermore, the methodology tries to
consider the concepts represented by a word in its
context more than the simple presence of a “word
form”, i.e. simple strings of letters.
In order to support the experimental activities a
complete interactive framework has been designed
and implemented; it provides a toolbox for document
analysis, classifier refinement and evaluation. The
framework has been used to evaluate the proposed
methodology for opinion polarity analysis on both do-
main dependent and independent environments. The
results give an accuracy of 85.5% for positive reviews
and 84.7% for negative reviews of the proposed ap-
proach with a significant improvement with respect to
78.1% for positive reviews and 49.6% for negative re-
views obtained by using a baseline classifier based on
a lexicon of Italian words.
Since the most popular website collecting books
reviews is Amazon, we have applied our classifica-
tion approach to a dataset extracted from the Italian
Amazon site (http://www.amazon.it). The dataset has
been created by means of a properly developed grab-
ber that is a part of the realized framework.
The overall architecture of the developed system is
shown in Figure 1. The core element is a classifier
tuned to perform a sentiment classification task on
books’ reviews written in Italian language. Our ap-
proach classifies a document on the basis of the av-
erage sentiment strengths of its sentences. The sen-
timent expressed in the sentences is obtained through
the use of tools suited for the Italian language, in all
the steps preceding a “scoring phase”, i.e. the part of
the process that attributes scores to each word in any
given sentence of the text. In Section 2.1, we describe
the approach to obtain scores for Italian words. To
this purpose, we will make use of a “concept-based”
scoring technique by using Wordnet related lexical re-
sources. In Section 2.2 we illustrate the classification
algorithm. Experiments and result are illustrated in
the Section 3.
2.1 Resources for Concept-based
As mentioned above, the developed approach obtains
the sentiment polarity expressed in a review by calcu-
lating the average sentiment strengths of its sentences.
We state that the efficacy of this approach strongly
depends on the possibility of computing the polarity
scores for the largest number of Italian terms as pos-
sible. To reach this goal we have investigated a strat-
egy we named concept-based scoring, where the key
idea is that human beings associate sentiment to “con-
cepts” and not to words, i.e. strings depending from
the language used
Moreover, since human beings associate senti-
ments to words by mediating between different mean-
ings, we have chosen to exploit proper linguistic re-
sources to retrieve meanings. In particular we make
use of semantic relations like ”synonymy” or the ”IS-
A” relationship or similar correspondences to better
calculate a sentiment score for a given word.
These capabilities are available in resources like
Wordnet, in which the linguistic knowledge is repre-
sented ”by concepts” by means of two parallel com-
a lexical component, collecting words (under-
stood as character strings separated from their
meaning) by organizing them into syntactic cat-
egories (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs).
a semantic component, clustering words into
”synsets”, i.e. list of synonyms expressing the
same concept and representing also other seman-
tic relationships between concepts (hyperonymy,
hyponymy, antinomy, meronymy, etc.);
This set of relations between synsets allow us to
consider WordNet as a lightweight ontology (Liu
Ozsu, 2009) where lexically or conceptually re-
lated synsets are connected: for example, nouns
can be linked through hyperonymy/hyponymy and
meronymy/holonymy relations which can also be in-
herited determining a hierarchy. Verbs are organized
via troponym, hypernym and entailment relations.
Adjectives are linked to their antonyms, and rela-
tional adjectives point to their related nouns. Since,
at the best of our knowledge, there are not freely
available and well tested high coverage opinion lex-
icon containing posterior polarities of italian words,
we have investigated the possibility to build a “lay-
ered” opinion lexicon by coupling WordNet-like ex-
isting resources in a sort of “stack”.
At the basis of this stack we searched for a “mul-
tilingual WordNet”, i.e. a linguistic resources con-
taining at least a database for the Italian language
and a database for the English language, where the
’What’s in a name? that which we call a rose by
any other name would smell as sweet..., W. Shakespeare,
Romeo and Juliet
A Lexicon-based Approach for Sentiment Classification of Amazon Books Reviews in Italian Language
Figure 1: Architecture of the system.
databases are both structured on the basis of the origi-
nal Princeton WordNet (PWN) (Fellbaum, 1998) and,
moreover, they are also aligned to support multilin-
gualism, and they are sufficiently extended to assure
high probability to find Italian terms and the corre-
sponding English translations. There are at least two
models for building a multilingual WordNet in lit-
erature. The first one, named ”merge model”, has
been adopted within the EuroWordNet project (EWN)
(Vossen, 1998) and consists in building language spe-
cific wordnets independently from each other, trying
to find their correspondences in a successive phase
(Vossen, 1998).
The second model, ”the expand model” adopted
within the MultiWordNet project (Bentivogli et al.,
2002), consists in building language specific Word-
nets starting as much as possible from the synsets
(concepts) and the semantic relations available in the
PWN. The Wordnet for a foreign language is built
by adding synsets in correspondence with the PWN
synsets, whenever possible, and importing semantic
relations from the corresponding English synsets; i.e.
we assume that, if there are two synsets in PWN and
a relation holding between them, the same relation
holds between the corresponding synsets in the other
language. This building strategy makes sense only if
there exist few structural differences between English
and the lexicon of the other language, i.e. there are
relatively few cases when the synset of one language
has no correspondent in the other language. A situa-
tion like this is called ”lexical gap”. A recent work on
the lexical gap existing between English and Italian
languages is given in (Bentivogli et al., 2002).
MultiWordnet contains an Italian Wordnet
strongly aligned to the English PWN with a percent-
age of lexical gap between Italian and English synsets
around 1 % only. These characteristics have deter-
mined the choice of MultiWordNet as a component of
our stack to realize a concept-based scoring. Figure
2 shows in the middle the three dimensional structure
of the so called “lexical matrix” of MultiWordnet:
in the figure, words in a language are indicated by
; meanings are indicated by M
; languages are
indicated by L
. Moreover, the main lexical and
semantic relations are also shown. The E
i j
For a more detailed description of the Multiword-
net scheme we remand to the paper (Bentivogli et al.,
2002) and reference therein. Concerning the second
component of the stack, we have analyzed and com-
pared several opinion lexicons (Agerri and Garcia-
Serrano, 2010),(Cambria et al., 2014),(Strapparava
and Valitutti, 2004), (Compagnoni et al., 2007). The
one we consider is SentiWordnet, the best to couple
with MultiWordnet (Esuli et al., 2010), an opinion
lexicon obtained from the annotation of all 117659
synsets of the English PWN, representing hence a
very high coverage opinion lexicon. Its elements are
named senti
synsets because each one is a synset as-
sociated with a triple (P,N,O) of scores, i.e. a positive,
a negative and a objective polarity scores having val-
ues in [0.0, 1.0] and sum equal to one. Finally, the
structure of the stack is represented in figure 2: being
based on MultiWordnet as first component, and on
SentiWordNet as second component, we get a mini-
mal lexical gap and a maximal coverage because their
Wordnet-Like structures are both aligned whenever
possible with Princeton WordNet English synsets, as-
suring the possibility to realize a concept-based scor-
As illustrated in figures 1 and 2 our system in-
cludes also a third component we named ”Auxiliar
Opinion Lexicon”, used to take into account misclas-
sifications, missing terms, domain specific terms.
2.1.1 The Resource for the Morphological
Most of the sentiment lexicons described in literature
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: The stack of lexical resources used as opinion lexicon.
contain lists of tagged lemmas, i.e. the canonical form
(or dictionary form) of a word. For instance, the lat-
est version of MultiWordNet (1.39) contains around
58,000 Italian word senses and 41,500 lemmas orga-
nized into 32,700 synsets aligned whenever possible
with Princeton WordNet English synsets. When using
such kind of resources in sentiment analysis it is nec-
essary to operate a previous step of sense disambigua-
tion in order to identify the corresponding lemma
of a word. In ontologies like Wordnet and Multi-
Wordent the synonyms contained within a synset are
called lemmas. The retrieval of synonyms associated
to a word requires therefore a previous morphologi-
cal transformation named ”lemmatization” that, given
a word, returns its inflected form. Before search-
ing the meaning of a word in the Italian Wordnet
we thus perform a lemmatization by using “Morph-
it!” a morphological resource for the Italian language
(Zanchetta and Baroni, 2005) . “Morph-it!” is a lexi-
con of inflected forms with their lemma and morpho-
logical features.
These resource currently contains 505,074 entries
and 35,056 lemmas and therefore it can be used as a
data source for a lemmatizer / morphological analyzer
/ morphological generator.
2.2 Sentiment Classification of a
Here we describe the approach used to perform the
sentiment classification of a document (a re-
view), The classifier, i.e. the main function
DocumentLevelSC(D,τ) described in the Algorithm 1
receives as parameters the document D, and a thresh-
old τ R used to decide the positive or negative over-
all polarity as described below.
The classifier starts with a preprocessing of the re-
view by using the TextCleaner(D) function. The pur-
pose of this function is to obtain a text with fewer am-
biguities and errors: it converts all the letters to lower-
case, unescapes ”htmlentities”, deletes some escape
sequences as ”\n”, \r”, ”\t”, reduces letters repeated
more then three times, recode accented vowels, cor-
rects ”chat style” terms to the corresponding italian
words and other “cleaning” operations.
After the preprocessing step, the document D is
splitted into a list of sentences
by the
GetSentences(D) function detecting sentences bound-
aries on the basis of punctuation marks: ’.’, ’!’, ’?’.
The overall polarity of the review D is hence ob-
tained comparing the mean of the polarity strengths
of its sentences (average sentence polarity, ASP )
with the positivity threshold τ calculated on the ba-
sis of some experiments. The classifier returns
the label string ’POS’ if the computed average is
above or equal τ, else the label string ’NEG’ is re-
turned. The most important sub-task here is the Sen-
A sentence is a linguistic unit consisting of one or more
words that are grammatically linked.
A Lexicon-based Approach for Sentiment Classification of Amazon Books Reviews in Italian Language
tenceLevelSC(s) function ,which assigns a polarity
strength score, s score
to a sentence s
Algorithm 1: Sentiment Classification of a document.
D TextCleaner(D) Preprocessing
for i 1,k do Classification of all sentences
s score
(Algorithm 2)
end for
asp (
s score
)/k Average polarity
if asp τ then
res POS Positive label
res NEG Negative label
end if
return res Document polarity class
end procedure
2.2.1 Sentiment Classification of Sentences
A sentence can be composed by one or more clauses
separated by text elements that can be conjunc-
tions(“ma” = “but”, “e”=“and”...), punctuation (‘,
“;”, “:”), or both. We assume that each clause is a por-
tion of text that can express a sentiment independently
from other clauses in the sentence. This assumption
obliges us to search clauses separators during the sen-
tence analysis. The classification of a sentence s is
done by means of the function SentenceLevelSC(s).
Its first step is a Parts of Speech tagging of s with
a tool specifically designed for the Italian language.
The POS Tagger(s) returns a list TS of r pairs (p,t)
where each p is a word of the sentence s and t a tag
indicating the part of speech p represents.
The second step is a parsing of the sequence of
pairs (p
), i=1,2,...r. The overall sentence score is
given summing positive and negative scores, named
pt scores
, associated to the pairs (p
), with i =
1,2,...r. Each pt scores
is the product of three fac-
1. the result of the Weight(p
) function based on
a lookup table (see Table 3) to give different en-
hancements according to the part of speech tag t
or to give a proper amplification to a negation term
in p
2. the result of the Sign(F,sp) function that, during
the parsing, at each step i=1,2,...r, keeps or inverts
the sign of the polarity based on the local context
extracted from s and TS.
3. the result of the WordLevelSC(p
) function that
calculates a positive or negative score for each
word in the sentence independently by its local
context (Algorithm 3).
Algorithm 2: Sentiment Classification of a sentence.
POS Tagger(s)
s score 0 initialization
sp +1 initial polarity sign (positive)
for i 1,r do sequence parsing
a Weight(p
) amplifications
F GetLocalContext(i,s,T S) current
ns Sign(F,sp) calculate new sign
w score WordLevelSC(p
(Algorithm 3)
pt score
a × ns × w score score
s score s score + pt score
sp ns polarity sign update
end for
return s score sentence polarity strenght
end procedure
2.2.2 Local Context Window
In the Algorithm 2, during the parsing, the function
GetLocalContext(i, s, TS) maintains a window F of
elements from TS and from s.
At each step i = 1,2,...r, the function puts in F the
following elements of TS:
the unigram (p
) if i = 1,
the bigram (p
) if i = 2,
the trigram (p
) if i > 2
In addition, the function adds to the F clause sepa-
rators punctuation marks in s, if any, preceding the
word p
. This window is used as local context of the
currently analysed term.
2.2.3 The Function Sign(F, sp)
While some terms may seem to be inherently positive
or negative, other lexical items near them in a text
can change their base valence according to context.
A ”valence shifter” (Polanyi and Zaenen, 2006) is a
combination of items in the sentence that flip the po-
larity of a term on the basis of its local context. Ac-
cording to the Italian grammar, there are several lexi-
cal items combinations acting as valence shifters.
Common examples are:
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
negation at different levels of syntactic con-
lexicalized negation in the verb or in adverbs;
conditional, counterfactual subordinators;
double negations with copulative verbs;
modals and other modality operators.
Since polarities are represented as signed scores,
the parser starts with a positive sign and flips it every
time a valence shifter occurs. In this way, valence
shifters detection gives a proper sign to the pt score
at each parsing step i. Sign inversions are decided by
calling the function Sign(F, sp) passing as parameters
the local context F and the sp variable storing the sign
of the polarity up the preceding position i-1.
The function uses these arguments and a set of
lists of Italian words to detects items combinations
representing valence shifters by using a sequence
of IF-THEN/IF-THEN-ELSE rules. Examples of
words’ lists used are:
”nemmeno”}, L1={”solo”,”soltanto”,”solamente”},
L2={”meno”}, L3={”niente”,”nulla”},L4={”affatto”},
L5={”di”}, L6={”per”}, L7={”ma”,”anzi”, ”ep-
pure”, ”per
o”, ”tuttavia”, ”bens
ı”}, ...
If the presence of a valence shifter is detected
in the current position, the sign to be given to the
is flipped, else it is maintained. The sign
is also reset each time the function find either con-
junctions or punctuation marks in the local context,
as colon and semicolon, individuating the start of a
new independent clause into the analysed sentence.
2.2.4 Sentiment Classification of Words by
Concept-based Scoring
The function WordLevelSC(p,t) on Algorithm 2 as-
signs a positive or negative prior polarity score to a
single Italian word p, regardless of its local context,
by using the stack of lexical resources. When it is not
possible to perform Word Sense Disambiguation, then
all senses of a word must be considered (or one can
use heuristics such as taking the most frequent sense).
Many words are polysemous, that is, they have mul-
tiple meanings. Moreover, the meanings of a word
can convey sentiments with opposite polarities. Algo-
rithm 3 is a sketch of the approach we use to find the
prior polarity of an Italian word by using the concept-
based approach. We remember that in the used re-
sources both positive and negative polarity scores are
values in the range [0.0,1.0]. At the beginning the
word p is ”normalized”, i.e. it is transformed in a
lemma (step 3). This morphological transformation is
done either by means of Morph-IT database (see sub-
section 2.1.1) and some heuristics and it is required to
correctly perform the successive searches in the lexi-
cal resources.
First of all, the algorithm tries to search a pair of
positive and negative scores corresponding to the in-
put (p,t) into the Auxiliar Opinion Lexicon (AOL), in
which corrections and terms missing in the lexical re-
sources are stored . The AOL database can also con-
tain domain specific terms: in our application we have
stored in it terms typically used in literary criticism
and books reviews.
During the development of the proposed method-
ology, we have found that some terms in SentiWord-
Net have opposite polarity signs with respect to the
corresponding Italian terms. Moreover, some errors
are due to the POS tagger which in some cases ap-
plies wrong tags labelling as verbs some adjectives
and some verbs as nouns. If the search in AOL is
successful the function returns the greater of the two
values, providing it with a proper sign (steps 4-12). If
the term is missing in AOL, then the function Search-
Lemmas() search a list of lemmas synonyms of that
given in input, with and without using also its postag
t, in the Italian Wordnet.
Then, the corresponding English synsets are ex-
tracted from the English Wordnet and finally their
scored versions, if any, are taken from SentiWordNet
(step 13). If this attempt fails, our approach uses other
semantic relations represented in the ontology trying
to search ”meanings” in the set we call the ”cloud” of
p. We define the cloud of p a group of terms semanti-
cally close as linked by relationships of type ”IS-A”,
the set of hyperonyms (and secondarily) of p (step 15)
Finally, if also this search gives an empty list of senti-
synsets, the algorithm attempts to find some sense, if
any, starting from alternative translations of p (step
18). Each one of the three used ”search functions”
can return a list of senti-synsets (or an empty list).
For example, if the Italian lemma is ”bello”
(with pos tag t= ’a’, as adjective), then the list of
senti-synsets returned by step 13 is:
good weather.n.01
beauti f ul.a.01
In the list we can see that some postag do not
match the tag t associated to p. The final part of the
algorithm extracts information from each one of the n
A Lexicon-based Approach for Sentiment Classification of Amazon Books Reviews in Italian Language
positive and negative posterior polarity scores
(steps 24 and 25);
sense number (step 26);
tag (step 27);
Two weighted means are then calculated:
poss =
) × pos(s
negs =
) × neg(s
) =
sense number1
× ppt
where the first factor gives lower weight to less fre-
quent meanings and viceversa, while the second fac-
tor is equal to 1.0 for senti-synsets having tag equal to
tf, or act as a penalty for senti-synsets having postag
different from t (we used ppt=0.75 in case of tags mis-
match). The function finally returns the greater of the
two weighted means, providing it with a proper sign.
This value is the polarity given to the word p with tag
In order to evaluate the proposed method we have de-
veloped a fremework to perform experiments, includ-
a grabber to capture books reviews from ama-
zon.it web pages,
a relational database storing the dataset,
the classifier,
two wrapper procedures allowing to run the clas-
sifier in two possible modes: a batch mode, and
an interactive editor mode.
3.1 The Dataset
A dataset of 8255 reviews in Italian language (related
to 85 books of various authors and topics) has been
created and stored in a relational database using the
grabber. Each review has been written by a single
Amazon user. Since Amazon reviews are accompa-
nied by a rating (the number of stars), the number of
reviews in the dataset for each rating level is shown in
Table 1. The reviews in the dataset have an average
number of 384 characters, with a standard deviation
around 538. The longest review has 19263 characters.
To evaluate and refine the classifier experimentally we
Algorithm 3: Sentiment Classification of a word.
1: procedure WORDLEVELSC(p,t)
2: w score 0.0
3: lemma Normalize(p,t)
4: (poss,negs) SearchAOL(lemma,t)
5: if min(poss, negs) 0.0 then
6: if max(poss, negs) = poss then
7: w score poss
8: else
9: w score negs
10: end if
11: return w score
12: end if
13: synsets list SearchLemmas(lemma,t)
14: if synsets list =
0 then
15: synsets list SearchCloud(lemma,t)
16: end if
17: if synsets list =
0 then
18: synsets list SearchTranslations(p,t)
19: end if
20: if synsets list 6=
0 then
21: poss 0.0, negs 0.0
22: ws 0.0 weights sum initialization
23: for all ss synsets list do
24: ps ss.pos score()
25: ns ss.neg score()
26: sn ss.sense number()
27: tt ss.tag()
28: if tt = t then
29: ppt 1.0
30: else
31: ppt 0.75 tag mismatch
32: end if
33: w
× ppt
34: ws ws+w
35: poss poss + w × ps
36: negs negs + w × ns
37: end for
38: poss poss/ws
39: negs negs/ws
40: if min(poss, negs) 0.0 then
41: if max(poss, negs) = poss then
42: w score poss
43: else
44: w score negs
45: end if
46: return w score
47: end if
48: end if
49: return w score
50: end procedure
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
compare the sentiment polarity labels it returns with
the rating associated to reviews. We consider posi-
tive reviews those where authors give a score above
or equal to 4 stars. Negative reviews are those having
a rating less or equal to 2 stars. The distribution of
reviews per class is given in Table 2 showing that the
dataset, while containing some thousands of reviews,
is not perfectly balanced according to the rating. As
you see the POS class has a majority (over two thirds)
of highly positive reviews, while NEG class is well
balanced with almost the same percentage of reviews
of two stars and one star. The disproportion between
the number of reviews at 4 or 5 stars (POS class) and
those with 1 or 2 (NEG class) is ”physiological” in the
sense that on Amazon.it abundantly prevail, as is nor-
mal, the positive reviews. For classification purposes,
this disproportion clearly puts the POS class in a ”bet-
ter position” than the NEG one because selecting ran-
domly from the first there is a higher probability of
highly positive sentiment strength.
Table 1: The dataset.
Rating (stars) 5 4 2 1
# reviews 4342 1963 508 494
Occurrences per review (Avg.)
adjectives 6.6 7.1 7.5 6.8
nouns 13.5 13.9 15.9 14.3
verbs 8.5 8.6 11.0 10.6
adverbs 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.9
Table 2: Subdivision of the reviews in classes.
Polarity class Rating # %
POS rating 4 5 stars 4342 68.87%
4 stars 1963 31.13%
Total 6305 100.0%
NEG rating 2 2 stars 508 50.70%
1 star 494 49.30%
Total 1002 100.0%
3.2 Creation of the Auxiliar Opinion
Lexicon During Early Experiments
The lexical resources used include an auxiliary opin-
ion lexicon (AOL) were we stored
Missing terms
Domain specific terms
This resource has been created by the following pro-
cedure. First, for each review in the dataset, we ap-
plied an Italian Part-Of-Speach tagging and, after a
lemmatization, the terms tagged as adjective, nouns,
adverbs and verbs has been searched in the Multi-
wordnet/Sentiwordnet. If the search of a term fails
save it in a file (missing terms). Then, a manual an-
notation of each term in the file with a priori polarity
has been performed. In addition, we have searched on
other several websites different from Amazon, more
reviews of books written in Italian language and we
have added to the file terms we have considered do-
main specific or typically used in review writing (do-
main specific terms). Moreover, during early experi-
ments we saved on a second file the polarity assigned
to each distinct noun, adjective, adverb and verb dur-
ing the classification and then we manually checked if
their scores were consistent with corresponding senti-
ment polarity normally understood in the Italian lan-
guage. Finally, for each term we saved only the
stemmed version in order to reduce file size and to
facilitate the search. As a future work we consider to
investigate the costruction of the domain specific part
of the AOL following the approach given in (Agath-
angelou et al., 2014).
3.3 Experiments
In order to refine the classifier we have developed two
wrapper procedures allowing to run it either in inter-
active mode on a single review or in batch mode on
large lots of reviews. The set of weights and the posi-
tivity threshold τ on which our classifier depends has
been experimentally determined by using two wrap-
per procedures of the classifier. The first wrapper al-
lows the interactive use of the classifier by means of
a GUI whose visual components realize a text Editor.
By using this editor we can open an existing text file
or directly type and change a text and then we can run
the classifier to obtain a detailed trace of the text anal-
ysis. The interactivity allows to study misclassifica-
tion errors and to correct them acting on parameters,
e.g. weight used in parsing of sentences (algorithm
2) and the positivity threshold τ used in the algorithm
1. This experimental modality has allowed us to re-
fine the set of IF-THEN-ELSE rules used in the pars-
ing process (algorithm 2) and to find a balanced set
of weights for the Sentence Level SC previously de-
scribed. Experiments show that too high weights val-
ues tend to give document level average scores with
too large standard deviations, not allowing to find a
good separation threshold between positive and neg-
ative classes. It was also noted that one of the most
influential weights for a more correct classification,
are those given to adjective and adverbs, and to the
negatives (the term ’no’ and the first successive terms)
that are more frequently present in negative sentences.
The set of weights found, reported in table 3 showed
A Lexicon-based Approach for Sentiment Classification of Amazon Books Reviews in Italian Language
Table 3: Look up table of the Weight() function.
Part of Speech Weight
’JJ’ 1.1
’RB’ 1.1
’VB’ 1.06
’VBN’ 1.06
’VBG’ 1.03
’NN’ 1.06
Negation 1.1
a good behaviour of the Sentence Level SC.
Taking in account the different review rating dis-
tribution as described in table 2 we have used the
batch modality to run the classification task on lots of
reviews in order to estimate the threshold τ to be used
in the Document Level SC, In this set of experiments
we have randomly selected :
a set of 50 reviews with 5 stars rating
a set of 50 reviews with 4 stars rating
a set of 50 reviews with 2 stars rating
a set of 50 reviews with 1 star rating
obtaining the following table of average document
polarity scores for each class:
Table 4: Batch mode experiments results on samples of
given rating.
Polarity Rating Average
class (stars) document polarity
POS 5 +0.098443
4 +0.035872
NEG 2 -0.02612
1 -0.06583
Using these results and on the basis of the distribu-
tion of the rating in the POS and NEG class, we have
calculated the expected Document polarity strength
for the POS an NEG class as the weighted mean:
= (0.098×68, 87+0.035×31.13)/100 = 0.079
= (0.03 × 50,7 0.07 ×49.3)/100 = 0.045
where weights are rating percentages.
Finally, the τ parameter has been determined as the
arithmetic mean of the above values:
τ = (µ
+ µ
)/2 = (0.079 0.045)/2 = 0.017
a threshold value slightly positive that adjusts imbal-
ance between the POS and NEG classes.
The final set of experiments we performed has
been finalized to statistically estimate the accuracy of
the classifier. For this purpose, we have applied the
classifier in batch mode on six lots of 200 randomly
selected reviews each and 3 of these lots having rating
greater or equal 4, while the other three having rating
lesser or equal 2. The results of these experiments are
summarized in table 5, were TP, FN, TN, and FP are
counters indicating True Positive, False Positive, True
Negative and False Positive obtained from the classi-
Table 5: Results of classification of random samples of re-
Random Correctly Incorrectly
sample classified classified
Pos#1 168 32
Pos#2 171 29
Pos#3 174 26
Sums TP = 513 FN = 87
Neg#1 157 43
Neg#2 162 38
Neg#3 163 37
Sums TN = 482 FP = 118
On the basis of the results obtained by experi-
ments the estimated accuracy is given by :
Accuracy =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP + FN
= 82.91%
while in terms of precision π and recall ρ we have:
T P + FP
= 81.29%
T P + FN
= 85.5%
T N + FN
= 84.71%
T N + FP
= 82.0%
3.4 Baseline Test
In order to have a term of comparison we have real-
ized a baseline test using a reduced lexicon of Ital-
ian words we have found on Github
. This lexicon
is represented by two text files: pos.words.txt and
neg.words.txt containing a list of 1382 positive Ital-
ian words and a list of 3052 negative Italian words
respectively. We call this lexicon OLIT here. The
test consisted into the following experiment. We have
randomly selected from the dataset one thousand pos-
itive reviews (i.e. having rating 4) and one thou-
sand negative reviews (i.e. having rating 2). Each
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
review has been preprocessed with the same prepro-
cessor used in the classifier (first step of Algorithm
1). Then for each review it was done the count of
positive and negative words of OLIT found in the text
and it has been classified positive if the count of posi-
tive words exceeds that of the negative, classified neg-
ative vice versa, classified neutral if the two counts
are equal. The run of this test has correctly classi-
fied positive reviews in 78.10% of cases (compared
with 85.5% of the classifier) and correctly classified
negative reviews in 49.63% of cases (compared with
84.71% of the classifier).
3.5 Considerations on Misclassifications
of Books Reviews
Several misclassifications errors have been analysed
by tracing the classification process in interactive
modality. We observed that some errors are due to im-
perfections in the components of the system or to the
lack of some functionalities as a ”spelling correction”
module in the framework. We noticed in fact a certain
sensibility to ”typing errors” like missing spaces be-
tween words, or missing or wrong letters in them that
our preprocessing step cannot resolve. Other sources
of errors inside the system are given by the POS tag-
ger that in some cases assigns erroneous tags. But
the majority of misclassification we observed are due
to the nature of the documents analysed. Many re-
views contain ”sarcasm” or comparisons with previ-
ous works of the author of the reviewed book. Very
often, users insert into negatively rated reviews pos-
itive sentences regarding Amazon’s delivery service
and vice versa. Sometimes the review is on the book
format rather than its contents. Moreover books re-
views are different from other products reviews, like
those in the ”Appstore for Android” or in” Electronics
& Computers” Amazon departments. In reviewing a
book in fact the user of Amazon often has a tendency
to show his skills as a ”literary critic”, and hence peri-
ods are sometimes very long and articulated and gen-
erally complexes. Sometimes the ”review” is to bring
the plot of the book without providing a proper con-
tribution to the document.
In this work it has been shown the efficacy of a new
proposed lexicon-based approach for the Italian lan-
guage. This approach prove that multi-linguistic on-
tologies based on the expand-model can be used as
interfaces towards opinion lexicon for the English
language like SentiWordnet. Differently from other
schema that use SentiWordnet simply like a dictio-
nary to score documents as in a ”bag of words” model,
our approach uses ontologies to find terms semanti-
cally close to the one to be scored, in the so called
”cloud” of the word. The sentence parsing process
based on a window of up to a trigram of words, tags
and punctuation marks helps in the correct sentiment
classification of sentences detecting, by a proper set of
rules, the presence of valence shifters based on Italian
grammar. Moreover, errors and missing terms, as well
as dominion specific terms can be corrected by using
an Auxiliary Opinion Lexicon integrating the main re-
sources. Important components of the whole process
are represented by the morphological resource used
for lemmatization and normalization of words before
their search in the linguistic resources, and also the
POS tagger for Italian language.
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