Event Classification System to Reconsider the Production Planning
Andrés Boza, Faustino Alarcón, M. M. E. Alemany and Llanos Cuenca
Research Centre on Production Management and Engineering (CIGIP),
Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain
Keywords: Production Planning, Event Management, Decision Making, Information System.
Abstract: On-going production planning can be affected by unexpected events that modify the planned scenario.
Decision makers must react in some way to avoid problems in the production system when these events
appear. Thus providing information about these events can be critical for decision makers, as events can
affect not only operational processes but also previously made decisions. We herein propose an event
monitoring system that classifies events into different impact levels. This information helps production
decision-makers to consider changes in the on-going production planning. Furthermore, a risk matrix can be
built, which determines the significance of the risk from the impact level and the likelihood. This likelihood
of occurrences of these events can be estimated from the historical information of the event monitoring
system. A prototype has been built following this proposal.
Planning deals with finding plans to achieve some
goal (Barták 1999) and production planning is a
partial planning approach for a particular function of
a company (Buzacott et al. 2012). Production
planning also usually covers the allocation of
activities to factory departments, which is a typical
scheduling task. Production planning uses
information to generate processing routes and to find
what raw material should be ordered and when
(Barták 1999).
Once production planning decisions have been
made and planning is ongoing, unexpected events
can appear. Any cause (e.g. machine breakdowns or
changes in firm orders) that endangers current
production plan validity could lead to re-generating
the entire plan (Özdamar et al. 1998). However, the
difficulties of adapting the production plans
produces that often no changes are made (Van
Wezel et al. 2006). The conception and
implementation of appropriate information and
communication systems is a basic condition for
identifying critical incidents (Shamsuzzoha et al.
2013). In this sense, Scala et al. (2013) indicate that
data collected from sensors must trigger a chain of
events leading to changes within enterprise business
process, collaboration mechanism or organizational
framework. Such changes can be achieved in terms
of simple sense-act enterprise behaviour (direct link
between sense and act) or more complex sense-plan-
act approach (decision level). Hence the first
objective of an event monitoring system is to sense
production information about a real-time
environment and to detect events.
Enterprises normally use tools that provide them
with information to make decisions. According to
(Chen 2004), Decision Support Systems (DSSs) are
designed to use decision makers' own insights and
judgments in an ad hoc, interactive analytical
modeling process, which leads to a specific decision.
So an event monitoring and management system
should interact with DSSs to manage events that
might affect previously made decisions. It should act
as a supra-system that identifies when previous
decisions are still valid or need to be reanalyzed.
Thus traditional DSS configuration should be
extended to treat event management by a monitoring
and management system, which monitors internal
and external information (Boza et al. 2014). This
event information can also be represented in the
form of rules, such as IF–THEN. For example, if a
firm order exceeds a specific value, an alert is
triggered. This set of rules represents an expert
system: it contains information obtained from a
human expert, which is represented in form of rules
(Liao 2005).
According to the ISO/Guide 73:2009 (2009), risk
is the combination of the probability of an event and
its consequences when exploiting any vulnerability.
Boza, A., Alarcón, F., Alemany, M. and Cuenca, L.
Event Classification System to Reconsider the Production Planning.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 2, pages 82-88
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
So, with the information of events, risks can also be
identified. We propose herein a monitoring software
application, based on rules, that detects unexpected
events in production planning and identify risks
produced by these events. In order to explain our
purpose in this paper: Section 2 reviews problems in
production planning in the literature; Section 3 deals
with event management; Section 4 defines expert
decision support system based on the literature;
Section 5 explains our proposal to monitor and
classify events; Section 6 offers a prototype of this
proposal; Section 7 presents the conclusions drawn
from this approach.
Production planning can be affected by different
unexpected events or incidences, for example, a
broken machine or a huge order. In the literature,
authors have dealt with these problems in different
ways. Chan et al. (2006) indicate that frequent
changes in the current schedule may lead to
disturbances in production, and may result in
lateness orders or increased production costs.
Weinstein and Chung (1999) explain that when
production equipment displays signs of failure, or
they occur after, this may adversely affect both
production plan integrity and product quality. Poon
et al. (2011) explain that in the actual manufacturing
environment, shop floor managers face numerous
unpredictable risks in day-to-day operations, such as
defects in supplies of components or raw materials,
or errors, failures and wastage in various production
processes. Baron and Paté-Cornell (1999) indicate
that during the manufacturing process, unexpected
interruptions appear, which could be accidents,
machine breakdowns or human errors. In a cookie
factory case, Van Wezel et al. (2006) study planning
flexibility and classify events according to their
source: a) Customer (e.g. rush order, change in order
volume, or earlier/later delivery date); b) Product
(e.g. raw material out of stock, too little or too much
stock of end product(s), or product sent back); c)
Process (e.g. setup/cleaning time variation,
more/less waste, or higher/ lower production speed;
d) Machines/staff (e.g. long disruptions, shortage or
surplus capacity, or variation in run-in times). All
these planning problems need to be managed and it
is necessary to decide how to deal with these events.
To deal with the events, their detection is a very
important task. Once an event occurs in a company,
event information is stored in the system and
analysis information is delivered. With this
information, decision-makers decide what action
must to take to solve the problem. If the detection of
the event is slow, the troubles will be bigger. In this
sense, new technologies like Internet of Things can
help in this purpose. A quicker identification of
relevant events is necessary to make a quicker
analysis of their consequences. SAP (2014)
highlights how value diminishes as time elapses
between when data is first captured and when an
action or decision is triggered. This analysis must
include not only a short-term point of view, but also
the consequences for the on-going production
Event management consists in anticipating and
planning solutions for business events before they
appear rather than reacting after damage is
produced. The literature includes various authors
who deal with event management not only for a
company but also for business networks, such as
Virtual Organizations (Carneiro 2013) or
Collaborative Networks (Vargas et al. 2014). Baron
and Paré-Cornell (1999) provide an analytical and
dynamic link between the Risk Management System
and the long-term productivity and safety
performance of the physical system. Barash et al.
(2007) purpose a decision support tool for the
business impact analysis and improvement of the
incident management process in IT support
organization. Bartolini et al. (2010) present an
approach to assess and improve the performance of
an IT support organization in managing service
incidents based on the definition of a set of
performance metrics and a methodology. This
guided analysis allows users to find the root causes
of poor performance and to decide about the
corrective actions to be taken. Liu et al. (2007)
develop an approach for modeling event
relationships in a supply chain through Petri nets as
a formalism for managing events. Söderholm (2008)
aims to outline different categories of unexpected
events that appear in projects as a result of
environmental impacts and how these are dealt with.
Bearzotti et al. (2012) present an agent-based
approach for the Supply Chain Event Management
problem, which can perform autonomous corrective
control actions to minimize the effect of deviations
in the plan currently underway. These approaches
made different event classification to manage the
Event Classification System to Reconsider the Production Planning
unexpected events: according to its impact (Baron
and Pate-Cornell 1999), according to its supporting
(Bartolini et al. 2010)and according to specific
groups given by the company (Liu et al. 2007;
Bearzotti et al. 2012). Only one of these research
made a monitoring system to detect events
(Bearzotti et al. 2012). But all these approaches
require an expert engineer to define the rules.
A very accepted classification of events is
according to their impact in the organization on a
scale from 1 to 5, where 1 represents the least level
and 5 the strongest (Shamsuzzoha et al. 2013).
Knowing the severity of the event, risk can be
identified by the occurrence likelihood of this event.
Thus a risk matrix can be used to classify events.
This matrix has several categories, “probability,”
“likelihood” or “frequency”, for its columns and
several categories, “severity,” “impact” or
“consequences”, for its rows. It associates a
recommended level of risk, urgency, priority or
management action with each row-column pair; that
is, with each cell (Cox Jr. 2008).
These risk matrices have been widely praised
and adopted as simple effective approaches to risk
management. According to Cox (2008), their main
advantages are that they provide: (1) a clear
framework for the systematic review of individual
risks and portfolios of risks; (2) convenient
documentation for the rationale of risk rankings and
priority setting; (3) relatively simple inputs and
outputs, often with attractively colored grids; (4)
opportunities for many stakeholders to participate in
customizing category definitions and action levels;
(5) opportunities for consultants to train different
parts of organizations on “risk culture” concepts at
different levels of detail. So the risk matrix is an
appropriate tool to classify events.
DSSs are normally used as a tool to make decisions
when faced with certain problems. They are defined
as computer systems that deal with a problem where
at least some stage is semi-structured or
unstructured. A computer system can be developed
to deal with the structured portion of a DSS
problem, but decision makers’ judgment must
consider the unstructured part, to hence constitute a
human-machine problem-solving system (Shim et al.
2002). The primary purpose of DSSs is to help
decision-makers develop an understanding of the ill-
structured complex environment represented by the
model (Steiger 1998).
Turban and Watkins (1986) described the Expert
System like a computer program, which includes a
knowledge base that contains an expert's knowledge
for a particular problem domain, and a reasoning
mechanism for propagating inferences on the
knowledge base. The benefits generated by expert
systems include (Cohen and Asín 2001): (1) less
dependence on key personal; (2) facilitating staff
training; (3) improving the quality and efficiency of
decision making; (4) transferring the ability of
making decisions. Integrating an Expert System into
DSSs helps obtain more benefits. These benefits can
be used in several dimensions (Turban and Watkins
1986): Expert Systems contribution, DSS
contribution, and the synergy resulting from the
DSS/ES combination.
An event monitoring application should interact with
the DSS used in the production planning system by
decision makers. However, expert knowledge is
necessary to identify and classify potential events by
their impact level. Given the advantages of the
Expert DSS presented in the previous section, we
propose an Event Monitoring System (EMS) based on
an Expert DSS, which identifies and classifies events
(CE) that have an impact on on-going production
planning and interact with the DSS used in production
planning (PP) systems, dubbed as EMS-CE-PP.
Depending on its likelihood and impact level, the
system indicates the seriousness of the event in the
previously shown standard risk matrix. This
likelihood can be estimated by the system, counting
the number of times that an event appears.
The proposed expert DSS does not use an Expert
System like an intelligent program, which
automatically makes a decision, but uses it like a
support system for decision makers.
5.1 Event Monitoring System (EMS)
Some enterprises generate their production planning
with DSSs that use mathematical models (Model-
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Driven DSS). The decisions made with these Model-
Driven DSSs can be affected by different events. A
significant set of events to be identified includes
those that affect the planning generated by these
Model-Driven DSSs. The mathematical models used
in these DSSs are written in modeling languages,
such as Modeling Programming Language (MPL).
So it is possible to extract parameters and decision
variables from these models that can be affected by
events. The parameters and decision variables form
a set of attributes of the models.
This is the starting point for our proposal, where
an expert in production planning systems selects the
set of attributes that require a control. These
attributes will be used to make rules. A rule is a
condition defined by the decision maker to identify
the events: if this condition goes into effect, an event
alert appears. These rules are made by the expert, a
person with high knowledge about event detection in
production. This expert is usually the decision
The objective of these rules is to identify changes
in the production system to reconsider the current
production planning generated by the DSSs between
each re-planning period. The current information
about the production systems can be significantly
different from the previous information used by the
DSSs when the current planning was generated.
This proposal extends the DSS proposed by Boza
et al. (2014), which includes three phases: (1) model
and attributes selection: experts select decision
models and the attributes (of these models) that can
be affected by events; (2) criteria creation and
visualization: experts create alert criteria about
previously selected attributes; (3) execution:
validation of the alert criteria conditions executed
manually or automatically. Our proposal herein
intends to extend the previous proposal to include
the event classification and risk identification based
on the risk matrix. This information allows the
decision-maker reconsider the current production
planning. The following paragraphs review these
phases and detail our proposal.
5.2 Model and Attributes Selection
An expert in production planning systems selects the
mathematical models used in the planning
production decision system to analyze the alert
criteria on them. After selecting the models, experts
can identify the model’s parameters and decision
variables to create the alert criteria to identify
events. These selected attributes must have impact
into the production planning and its variation can
produce a modification in the production decisions.
For example: variation in demand or machine setup
5.3 Criteria Creation and Visualization
Alert criteria can be defined according to the
selected attributes and a classification of the events
can be made. We propose using five impact levels
for each criterion: Extremely Serious Level, Serious
Level, Substantial Level, Moderate Level and Low
Level. Each level is achieved according to a logical
operation formed by constants, attributes and
functions. Alerts are triggered when a true value
appears in these logical operations. Constants are
values that are introduced directly by the expert;
attributes are the previously selected parameters and
decision variables; functions are operations formed
by attributes and constants, such as addition,
averages, etc.
Enterprise information is dynamic, so any
unexpected development of an attribute should be
analyzed. In order to consider this development in
the alert criteria, it is necessary the current and/or
previous values for each attribute in the alert criteria;
i.e., attributes values are taken from the current
production system state and/or from the previous
state (when the production planning was made).
Thus, decision makers introduce rules (using logical
conditions) to identify events. Table 1 shows
combinations in these logical conditions (A -logical
condition- B).
Table 1: Possible combinations of logical operation to
criteria creation.
Current Attribute
Attribute Value
Current or Previous
Attribute Value
Constant Value
Current or Previous
Attribute Value
Function Result
Function Result Constant Value
Function 1 Result 1 Function 2 Result
Alert criteria can also be defined for particular
objects (e.g. the demand limit value of a specific
product), or from a general perspective, (e.g. the
demand limit value of all the products).
5.4 Execution
After creating the alert criteria, decision makers can
use the Event Monitoring Systems to evaluate the
Event Classification System to Reconsider the Production Planning
situation with these criteria. This evaluation can be
made automatically (e.g. by time intervals: hourly,
daily or weekly) or manually. During these
evaluations, the EMS-CE-PP checks the criteria
(using the rules previously introduced) with the
enterprise information, and as a result, events can be
detected and decisions makers are alerted.
5.5 Event Impact Classification
Decision makers obtain new information after each
execution. This information shows detected events
related with each criterion and the impact level that
produces that event. Also, the information about the
number of occurrences of the event is stored to have
historical information in order to obtain the
likelihood and calculate the risk.
The impact of the event had been indicated
previously by the expert and the likelihood is
estimated by the system with the information of
previous executions. This information allows
decision makers to identify the impact of the event
in order to evaluate the situation, try to solve the
problem and, if necessary, change the on-going
production planning, and to obtain information about
the event risks.
Figure 1 shows the event monitoring system
framework proposal.
An Event Monitoring System prototype to Classify
Events to reconsider the Production Planning was
developed using Java libraries. The main elements
used in the application were:
Mathematical models used for the DSS to
propose the production planning. The
mathematical models have been defined in
Mathematical Modeling Language (MPL).
Databases with information about production.
These databases include information about the
current situation of the production system and
the previous information of the production
system when the DSS proposed the production
An internal database which includes the
knowledge database.
The internal database has four main tables:
attributes table to save the attributes of the model
selected by the user; a criteria table, which stores
the criteria created by decision makers; an execution
criteria table, which saves information on execution
(if execution is automatic or manually, interval time,
etc.). Once execution has been run, the results are
saved in the results table, which saves the
information on each alert criterion (attributes values,
event significance, event frequency, etc.).
6.1 Model and Attributes Selection
The EMS prototype allows the user to select an MPL
file in order to load the attributes used in this model.
An expert can select between these attributes, which
will be used to create the alert criteria. Furthermore,
a link must be created between the attribute and
Figure 1: The event monitoring system framework.
Production System
Mathematical model
- Parameters
- Decision variables
to make
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the database (table and column) that contain their
The criteria creation form includes name, criteria
operands, the logic operation to be performed with
these operands, the impact level and a description.
Also, some attribute characteristics need to be
identified: (1) the attributes data in the criteria can
be obtained from current values or previous values;
(2) the alert criteria is general or for a particular
object. This information is stored in the internal
6.2 Execution
Periodical or manual monitoring can be made using
the EMS-CE-PP prototype. The event monitoring
system obtains information from the production
databases in order to evaluate the criterion
previously defined. This evaluation of each criterion
allows identifying the impact levels for each
criterion: Extremely Serious Level, Serious Level,
Substantial Level, Moderate Level and Low Level.
If an alarm appears in several levels for the same
criterion, it is stored the most serious level.
6.3 Event Impact Classification
The information is presented like a criterion list. A
warning icon appears and indicates that an alarm
occurs in this criterion. Production information is
shown in green, yellow or red according to the
impact level. This information can be evaluated for
the decision-makers to reconsider the validity of the
current production planning.
Production processes include quite complex decision
making, and consequently, production plans are
launched. Unexpected events can appear while these
plans are on-going, which could have a major or
minor impact on these on-going plans. If the impact
is major, it can force a change to be made in the
established planning. This research proposes an
Event Monitoring Software Application based on an
expert system to identify the events and to classify
them according to their impact level on production
Experts can create production system alert
criteria. In this way, decision makers can monitor
these events and check if there are any unexpected
This proposal presents some advantages: i) own
creation of impact criteria (rules) according to each
production system to classify events; ii) connection
with the DSS models used in the production
planning and the production information system; iii),
information to alert decision makers to decide
whether to change production plans or not.
Some future research lines of this system are:
As mentioned earlier, the EMS-CE-PP alerts
the decision makers about the critical events in
their production system. However, it does not
evaluate their economical impact. Our proposal
could be improved if a cost/benefits analysis is
included in order to provide further
Most organizations have a hierarchical
structure and make hierarchical decisions. The
system could consider different hierarchical
levels in production planning and define
different sets of criteria at each planning
system level.
Using IoT technologies: IoT technologies are
able to give further information about the
Production Systems. An Event Monitoring
System could take these technologies into
account in order to identify quickly relevant
events in the Production System and to extend
the EMS analysis with new information
gathered with these technologies.
This research has been carried out in the framework
of the project GV/2014/010 funded by the
Generalitat Valenciana (Identificación de la
información proporcionada por los nuevos sistemas
de detección accesibles mediante internet en el
ámbito de las “sensing enterprises” para la mejora de
la toma de decisiones en la planificación de la
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ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems