Prospects of Cloud and Mobile Computing Adoption for Dissemination
of Agricultural Information in Developing Countries
Edore Akpokodje and Chris Price
Computer Science Dept., Aberystwyth University, Wales, U.K.
Timely access to agricultural information by farmers
is critical to agricultural productivity. ICT has the
potential of improving agricultural information deliv-
ery and farmers productivity. Most developing coun-
tries however lack both the resources and the expertise
to build and maintain many data centres distributed
around the country. These countries have to look
for other ways to access Information and Communi-
cations Technology infrastructure and services. This
research investigates whether cloud computing com-
bined with mobile computing provides an efficient,
effective, sustainable way of bridging this digital di-
vide between developed and developing countries, de-
livering appropriate expertise to remote areas.
To determine the status of mobile computing in
Nigeria while reviewing the trends in mobile com-
puting based extension delivery for farmers.
To assess farmers perception of the present level
of interaction between farmers and extension
agencies in Nigeria in relation to the level of sup-
port given to the farmers via farm/extension infor-
mation delivery.
To determine the prospects of leveraging cloud
and mobile computing to deliver support to farm-
ers by deploying low tech web solutions via fea-
ture phones.
To evaluate the impact of these low tech web so-
lutions on farmers’ productivity.
Analysis of documentary sources about access to
telecommunication and Internet services by Nigeri-
ans especially rural farmers will be conducted. All
the 37 Agricultural Development Agencies (ADPs)
and farmers in Nigeria will form the population of this
study. The country will be divided into five Geo eco-
logical zones. A convenience sample will be used to
select one ADP each from the North West, North Cen-
tral and from the South West Geo ecological Zones.
The North East and the South East Geo ecological
zones are presently experiencing security threats and
will not be surveyed. It is hoped however that if the
conditions permit a survey will be conducted in these
zones at a later date. One hundred (100) farmers;
fifty (50) from the rural areas and fifty (50) from ur-
ban areas will be selected from each of the surveyed
ADP states using a simple random sample. A semi
- structured Interview schedule will be used to elicit
responses from the ADPs and a structured and semi
structured questionnaire schedule will be adminis-
tered to the farmers. A thematic analysis will be done
on the qualitative data collated from the interviews to
determine common trends and goals. The data from
the questionnaire will be analyzed using descriptive
statistics and other appropriate statistical tools. Low-
tech web service solutions will be developed to lever-
age existing cloud computing, mobile computing in-
frastructure and feature phones. This low tech web
service will be deployed in the areas surveyed. A fur-
ther survey will be conducted to evaluate the impact
of these low-tech web service solutions on the pro-
ductivity of farmers.
4.1 Introduction
Within the past two decades there has been a burst of
research activities in the area of agriculture in Nige-
rian universities and agricultural research centres. Far
reaching innovations that are capable of boosting the
small scale farmer’s agricultural production and Nige-
ria’s economic development have been discovered.
Unfortunately these have not had a correspond-
Akpokodje, E. and Price, C.
Prospects of Cloud and Mobile Computing Adoption for Dissemination of Agricultural Information in Developing Countries.
In Doctoral Consortium (DCCLOSER 2016), pages 3-8
ing effect of improved agricultural productivity due to
the poor dissemination and adoption of these findings.
According to (Madukwe et al., 2002) , effective in-
tegration of communication elements, enhances sus-
tainability in communication of ideas and consequent
transfer of agricultural technology to farmers.
Information is an essential ingredient in agricul-
tural development programs but Nigerian farmers sel-
dom feel the impact of agricultural
4.2 Agricultural Extension Delivery in
The Agricultural extension system in Nigeria has
been beset by a myriad of problems. According
to (Agbamu, 2005) these problems include inade-
quate agricultural research extension linkages, poorly
trained extension workers at the local level, poor lo-
gistic support for field staff, inadequate funding for
extension services, inappropriate and ineffective agri-
cultural technologies for farmers. Other problems
include inability to access extension services espe-
cially in small towns, villages and farm settlements,
ill equipped extension agents, difficult access espe-
cially in rural areas and general apathy towards ex-
tension services.
The government has tried to resolve these prob-
lems by introducing several agricultural extension
agencies at state and Federal level. They include
the Agricultural Development Project (ADP) which
was established in 1975 (Olujenyo, 2006) to improve
agricultural information dissemination to farmers es-
pecially small-holder and rural farmers. There are
presently 37 ADPs; one in each of the 36 states and
one in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Many
agricultural based universities and research agencies
have some form of agricultural extension service. The
Federal Government also established the Agricultural
Extension and Research Liaison Services with the
mandate to develop and disseminate agricultural in-
novations to farmers. They are also involved in re-
search into new agricultural extension methodologies
and policy. There is also a lot of collaboration be-
tween all these agricultural extension agencies.
4.3 Agricultural Development Project
ADPs started as a World Bank intervention in 1975/76
in three Northern Nigeria towns namely Funtua,
Gusau and Gombe . It later spread to other states.
It was established to boost the agricultural production
of small holder farmers as well as improve their so-
cio economic status and food security of the nation.
It was established as a joint state and federal govern-
ment collaboration to improve extension services and
to provide a robust monitoring system of small holder
farmers and their activities.
The ADP programme has recorded significant
success in the area of revitalizing the extension ser-
vices in Nigeria, It has also brought about the dissemi-
nation of much needed technological transfer to farm-
ers. It has however been plagued by lots of problems
ranging from political manipulation, corruption, high
turnover of staff and rivalry between the states and
the federal government, inefficient tools for informa-
tion dissemination, restricted access to small holder
farmers etc.
In recent years the ADPs have been actively in-
volved in the success of the e-wallet approach of the
Nigerian government. ADPs supplied 3-5 helpline
staff per local government (Adebo, 2014) who con-
nected to the farmers daily to help to resolve issues.
However, in a study conducted by (Obidike,
2011), some of the problems encountered by rural
farmers in Nsukka L.G.A. of Enugu State, Nigeria
served by an ADP include lack of access roads for
regular visits by extension officers, poor public re-
lation of some extension staff, poor radio and tele-
vision signals, non-availability of electricity supply
in most Nsukka villages, lack of funds to purchase
newsletters, leaflets on agricultural information; il-
literacy and inability of radio and television stations
in Enugu State to broadcast agricultural informa-
tion programmes in native Nsukka dialect. These
problems are also experienced by most rural farmers
served by ADPs throughout Nigeria.
The ADP’s are the major agents for information
dissemination to farmers in Nigeria. It has become
therefore become imperative that their methods of dis-
seminating information be improved. ICT?s can be
exploited for this purpose.
4.4 Mobile Computing Access in
Sub-Saharan Africa had 367 million unique sub-
scribers and 680 million connections by the second
quarter of 2015 (Association et al., 2015). Nigeria
remains the largest mobile market in Africa and as
at 2014 had 145 million subscribers, 2.4 sims per
subscriber, 58 million unique subscribers, 80 percent
penetration rate for all subscribers, 32 percent pene-
tration rate for unique subscribers and an annual sub-
scriber growth of 18 percent in 2014 (Intelligence,
DCCLOSER 2016 - Doctoral Consortium on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 1: Key mobile indicators for Nigeria 2010 -2014
Source(Intelligence, 2014).
According to (Intelligence, 2014) (Intelligence,
2014), while a 70 percent mobile connections pene-
tration would paint a picture of a well-connected mar-
ket, the actual penetration on a unique subscriber (e.g.
human user) basis is more sobering, with many sub-
scribers having several SIMs with different providers
to give adequate coverage. The problem of mobile
coverage is more glaring when viewing mobile ac-
cess from the urban and rural perspective. According
to (Intelligence, 2014), the Nigerian population dis-
tribution has a 50:50 ratio for rural and urban centres
with a 24 percent subscriber penetration for rural ar-
eas and a 34 percent subscriber penetration for urban
The apparently low unique subscriber challenge
has been mitigated by high household access. Many
individuals have arranged sharing of mobile phones
especially in rural areas among lower income pop-
ulations, and mobile phone penetration has become
near ubiquitous (only radio is more widespread), with
broadcast TV still behind, and PCs lower still as
a result of a paucity of fixed broadband infrastruc-
ture(Intelligence, 2014).
Some of the major causes of the low penetration of
mobile telephony in rural Nigeria include bad roads,
security problems especially in the North east re-
gion, tough geographic terrain especially in the Niger
Delta, vast distances in the North, poor electricity
supply, low investment in rural coverage (including
new sites and backhaul). Despite these challenges the
regulator set a goal of 60 percent rural penetration by
2015, with an increase to universal levels by 2017 (In-
telligence, 2014).
As cellular networks become increasingly mature
and reliable, Nigerian consumers are having faster
and better access to the Internet using their mobile
phones without the need for broadband or a computer
at home. This positive development has been identi-
Figure 1: Gap in rural vs urban mobile telephony penetra-
tion Source:(Intelligence, 2014).
Figure 2: Phone type ownership in Nigeria and Frequency
of Internet visits Per phone type Source: (Intelligence,
fied as a key driver for a range of applications that will
support Cloud computing (Dogo et al., 2013). How-
ever, at the lower end of the market, and especially in
rural areas, much of the use of mobile Internet is done
from feature phones. This makes it imperative to state
that any program to leverage mobile access for agri-
culture has to take the issue of the widespread use of
feature phones into consideration.
4.5 ICT and Agricultural Information
Delivery in Developing Countries
Agricultural extension services in most developing
countries have not been as effective as in devel-
oped countries. This has had serious implications on
the productivity of the average farmer in a develop-
ing country. Information Communications Technol-
ogy (ICT) has been deployed successfully in agri-
cultural information delivery. The fast acceptance
and widespread nature of mobile telephony has con-
tributed immensely to this success.
4.5.1 Mobile Telephony: Improving Access to
Agricultural Information
Most farmers live in rural areas which are largely
under-served by ICT infrastructure like Internet ser-
vices, broadband connection and telecommunications
services. This has made the delivery of farm infor-
Prospects of Cloud and Mobile Computing Adoption for Dissemination of Agricultural Information in Developing Countries
mation via mobile phones challenging; but there have
been promising pilots in Nigeria in this area.
4.5.2 The Electronic Wallet (e-wallet) Approach
for Small Holder Farmers in Nigeria
The Electronic Wallet (e-wallet) approach which was
started in 2012 facilitates the distribution of seeds, fer-
tilizer and other agricultural inputs directly to small
scale farmers. In a study of three sample sets of farm-
ers conducted by (Adebo, 2014) on the e-wallet ap-
proach in Kwara State, Nigeria, 53.5 percent, 51.0
percent and 87.2 percent of the respondents? respec-
tively benefited from improved seeds of maize, rice
and two bags of fertilizers each.
This program has helped to eliminate corruption
and has improved access to timely farm inputs which
is critical to improved productivity. In Nigeria as a
whole the number of farmers with access to the e-
wallet system grew from 1.7million in 2012 to 5 mil-
lion in 2013 (Association et al., 2015).
The e-wallet approach provides direct linkage be-
tween the farmers and the government which en-
ables government to distribute valuable information to
farmers and provide support for the program.(Adebo,
2014) identified some challenges to the system to in-
clude telephony network failure, low level of aware-
ness among farmers, cumbersome procedure of get-
ting approval from the mobile provider, low density
coverage of agro-dealers, and supply of fertilizer and
maize seeds.
Despite its challenges the e-wallet approach has
proven to be an effective example of the application of
mobile telephony in improving access to agricultural
information and inputs which have a direct effect on
agricultural productivity.
4.6 Use of Web Services in Agriculture
A pilot study conducted in Ago-Are village in Oyo
State, Nigeria provided access to farming informa-
tion through an integrated resource centre in which in-
formation and communication technologies including
the internet provided communication links for farm-
ers (Adekunle et al., 2006).
The results after 18 months showed that yield per
hectare for maize increased from 1.05 to 2.46 tons.
The average income per annum of the farmers in-
creased from 437USD to 3,285USD. There was an
increase in fertilizer usage from an average of 22 per-
cent of recommended rate to an average of 62 percent
of the recommended rate. The increased income from
the improved productivity of farmers also had an im-
pact on their farm holding rate which increased from
2.22 ha to 3.76 ha.
The results of the study have shown that proper
application of ICT, Internet and Web services can
have a great impact in delivery of agricultural infor-
mation to farmers with the ripple effect of increasing
farm productivity and income.
4.7 Wider Application of Web Services
to Support Farmers in Developing
Most farmers live in rural areas which are largely
underserved by ICT infrastructure like Internet ser-
vices, broadband connection and telecommunications
services. The recent upsurge in mobile telephone ac-
tivities in developing countries and the vast coverage
of mobile telephony services in developing countries
provides an opportunity to improve access to agricul-
tural extension services by rural farmers in develop-
ing countries. Many developing countries in collab-
oration with developmental agencies have begun to
leverage this new found tool to improve access and
ultimately improve productivity of rural farmers. Two
good examples of the use of are:
4.7.1 Esoko
Esoko is an agricultural information advisory service
that provides farmers advice i.e weather forecasts,
market prices etc . It is a communication tool that
links farmers with government agencies, NGOs and
other farming support agencies. Esoko is an offshoot
of TradeNet which was formed in 2005 as a response
to the need to give farmers access to market informa-
tion that was being collected by the Ugandan govern-
ment. It was formed out of the need to adapt tech-
nology to resolve communication gaps being experi-
enced by farmers.
Esoko comprises 16 apps which are grouped into
the following categories: Market apps, Monitoring
apps, Advisory apps and Field services.
Market apps ?These apps are used to send SMS
messages that link farmers and sellers to each
other and that provide for improved access by
farmers to market information and prospective
Monitoring apps? These apps provide survey in-
formation to both farmers and agricultural agen-
cies throughout the entire agricultural value chain.
This survey information can then be used to
provide a clearer picture of what is happening
throughout the agricultural value chain.
Monitoring apps? These apps provide survey in-
formation to both farmers and agricultural agen-
cies throughout the entire agricultural value chain.
DCCLOSER 2016 - Doctoral Consortium on Cloud Computing and Services Science
This survey information can then be used to
provide a clearer picture of what is happening
throughout the agricultural value chain.
Field Services ? Provides tools to support on-site
training for farmers, extension agencies and also
provides helplines and technical support via call-
center services.
4.7.2 Ezaraat
Ezaraat is a Management Information System ap-
plication that has both a web and a mobile inter-
face. It also supports help-line facilities. The Ezaraat
project was developed by the Centre for Agriculture
Bioscience International (CABI) with funding from
the UK Department for International Development
(DFID) to improve the reach of extension services in
Punjab district of Pakistan.
The system comprises a mobile interface for farm-
ers and extension agencies and a web based inter-
face for institutional users. The hub of the system
is a communication centre which links the farmers
and extension agencies via a mobile interface and the
agricultural agencies and other institutions via a web
based interface. A farmer sends queries for weather
information, fertilizer availability and other exten-
sion based information. These queries are routed to
the extension agents on the field via the information
communication centre. The communication centre
is supported by a database for farmer and agricul-
tural related information. The extension agents pro-
vide answers to farmers queries based on information
they have retrieved from the field and supporting in-
formation from the communication centre database.
Queries that cannot be answered by the extension
agencies are sent to expert panels on the particular
area of expertise via conference call facilitated by the
call entered connected to the communication centre.
4.8 Potentials of Cloud Computing for
Agricultural Information Delivery
Cloud Computing (CC) is defined by (Mell and
Grance, 2011) as a model for enabling ubiquitous,
convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. net-
works, servers, storage, applications, and services)
that can be rapidly provisioned and realized with min-
imal management effort or service provider interac-
tion?. It is useful in developing countries, grappling
with the problem of inadequate on-site ICT Infras-
tructure caused by limited resources to build robust
Data Centres and manage them appropriately. CC
has the potential to provide a quicker, cheaper way
of bridging the digital divide that has developed be-
tween developed and developing countries, and could
provide developing countries with the necessary tools
to exploit the potentials of the information revolution.
There are many existing factors that will support
the adoption of CC in Nigeria but the major ones are,
namely; recent revolution in mobile technology, avail-
ability of skilled manpower, high volume of research
in this novel area and the sudden influx of multina-
tional data players in Nigeria seeking to invest due to
the huge opportunities on ground (Dogo et al., 2013).
The recent drop in oil prices which provides most
of Nigeria?s revenue has made it more imperative to
look to other sectors of the economy to drive develop-
ment and job creation. ICT based agriculture has the
potential to improve the economy and create jobs.
According to (Ballantyne et al., 2010), the use of
ICT to connect farmers and producers to new agri-
cultural knowledge and technology has been tested
and found very useful, to the extent that ICT is now
considered to be transforming agricultural extension.
Cloud Computing provides a leap forward in agricul-
tural development if properly applied, enabling sus-
tainable and optimised utilization of these comput-
ing resources for agricultural extension information
delivery. It also provides for networking between
farmers and extension agencies even across large geo-
graphical areas. These cloud based resources could be
scaled to meet the particular computing need of farm-
ers and extension agencies on demand and at minimal
cost. It will enable the extension agencies to focus
on their core mandate of agricultural extension deliv-
ery rather than managing computer resources. The
combination of cloud and mobile technologies would
reduce the expenditure on information delivery and
monitoring by extension agencies, while increasing
the overall coverage of farmers by these agencies.
More farmers can be reached on time at less cost
and risk to human life with mobile phones. Presently
most extension agencies in Nigeria have to deploy ex-
tension agents to remote areas at great cost and high
risk. This is much more challenging in flash points
like the North east. Data ranging from location infor-
mation and other farmer specific information can also
be easily collected from the field promptly and regu-
larly. This information alongside with location spe-
cific information like weather information etc can be
very critical to the productivity of farmers. This infor-
mation can also be analysed on the Cloud at minimal
cost to the extension agencies. The Cloud could also
provide data storage which can be scaled on-demand.
This data store could serve as pooled information to
aid improved information delivery based on analysed
results. Farmers? activities and progress can also be
Prospects of Cloud and Mobile Computing Adoption for Dissemination of Agricultural Information in Developing Countries
monitored by extension agents much more regularly.
(Dogo et al., 2013) while acknowledging the eco-
nomic and operational benefits of CC cautioned that
security, privacy, trust and data integrity remain the
major concerns slowing down its adoption by gov-
ernments, financial institutions, ICT firms, Industry
and researchers in Nigeria.(Dogo et al., 2013) also
implicated other challenges to the adoption of CC in
Nigeria to range from ownership and security of data
and information on the cloud, Internet availability, un-
stable power supply, policy implications arising from
implementing cloud services, litigations and legisla-
tion on data ownership in the cloud and infringement
rights, interoperability and international legislation.
The present trends and status of mobile computing ac-
cess especially for rural farmers would be determined.
The present level of support given to farmers by ex-
tension agencies would also be assessed. The feasibil-
ity of introducing low-tech web service solutions that
would significantly improve the productivity of farm-
ers in Nigeria would be explored. Appropriate low-
tech web service solutions to enable access to cloud
based services via feature phones by the farmers will
then be developed. These web services will be de-
ployed and made available to farmers. The results
of this deployment will be monitored to determine its
impact on the productivity of farmers. This project
will provide a framework for the utilization of cloud
based resources by farmers in developing countries.
I am presently doing a literature review of the con-
cepts and present developments that underpin this
project. They include an understudy of the status
of mobile computing in Nigeria while reviewing the
trends in mobile computing based extension deliv-
ery for farmers. The present cost of access to mo-
bile networks and the penetration especially in ru-
ral areas will be investigated. A one month survey
of agricultural agencies and farmers they serve will
be conducted shortly in Nigeria. This study will as-
sess farmers perception of the present level of inter-
action between them and the extension agencies in re-
lation to the level of support given to the farmers via
farm/extension information delivery. The information
gained will be used to determine the kind of solution
to be designed and the deployment model that will be
highly beneficial to the majority of farmers in those
areas and by extension the whole country.
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DCCLOSER 2016 - Doctoral Consortium on Cloud Computing and Services Science