A Pre-clustering Method To Improve Anomaly Detection
Denis Hock
, Martin Kappes
and Bogdan Ghita
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Plymouth University, Plymouth, U.K.
Computer Networks, Network Anomaly Detection, Clustering.
While Anomaly Detection is commonly accepted as an appropriate technique to uncover yet unknown net-
work misuse patterns and malware, detection rates are often diminished by, e.g., unpredictable user behavior,
new applications and concept changes. In this paper, we propose and evaluate the benefits of using clustering
methods for data preprocessing in Anomaly Detection in order to improve detection rates even in the presence
of such events. We study our pre-clustering approach for different features such as IP addresses, traffic char-
acteristics and application layer protocols. Our results obtained by analyzing detection rates for real network
traffic with actual intrusions indicates that our approach does indeed significantly improve detection rates and,
moreover, is practically feasible.
IT-Systems and their underlying networks have per-
vaded business and private life and are ubiquitously
used in virtually every area. The paramount economic
and social impact raised the protection of IP-based
networks and associated devices to an increasingly
important matter. Lately, these systems are often sub-
ject of malicious software attacks that aim to cause
damage to users and may affect the functions of de-
vices and network. Network intrusions, defined by
(Heady et al., 1990) as ”any set of actions that attempt
to compromise the integrity, confidentiality, or avail-
ability of a resource”, can cause lost revenue, damage
to the reputation or corrupt critical processes and sen-
sitive data.
A countermeasure to detect these malicious ac-
tions in time are Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
However, traditional IDS require extensive knowl-
edge of attack signatures and are not capable of de-
tecting new attacks, due to the time lag between pub-
lication and implementation of an attack signature.
With noticeable rise in the number of threats and so-
phistication, the challenges and requirements of in-
trusion detection increase as well. These reasons ad-
vanced the interest in Anomaly Detection Systems,
with the ability to discover even unknown and new
attacks by analyzing statistical deviations from a de-
fined normal behavior. But what sounds simple is
rather complicated in practice: Statistical noise and
inconsistency, attributed to the On/Off behavior of
users, traffic peak times and the workings of under-
lying protocols (e.g. TCP Congestion Control) ag-
gravate to separate between irregular patterns, noise
and real outliers. Our aim is to reduce this noise
by analyzing subsets of network traffic with more
deterministic and predictable traffic. Clustering, the
task of sub-dividing a data set into statistically simi-
lar groups, can be used to discover patterns, relation-
ships, and structures in large amounts of data. In this
paper, we use clustering as data preprocessing tech-
nique to reduce the amount of network traffic noise
and simplify the detection of anomalous pattern by
analyzing statistically related network traffic.
In the remainder, we present an overview of re-
lated literature and the theoretical advantages of pre-
clustering. Subsequently, we study the feasibility
of different metrics for efficiently clustering network
traffic into suitable subsets. We provide a profound
theoretical explanation and analyze the complexity,
noise reduction and characteristics of the resulting
subsets. Our experiment, consulting an Anomaly De-
tection System on malicious network traffic, shows
indeed that clustering is well suited to preprocess net-
work traffic and can uncover networks attacks which
remain undetected when the identical Anomaly De-
tection method is applied to cumulative network traf-
fic without clustering.
Hock, D., Kappes, M. and Ghita, B.
A Pre-clustering Method To Improve Anomaly Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0005953003910396
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2016) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 391-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-196-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Since Dorothy Denning published the initial paper on
Anomaly Detection (Denning, 1987), a large variety
of techniques based on machine learning, statistics
and data mining have been published. Several pub-
lications (Leung and Leckie, 2005; M
unz et al., 2007;
Izakian and Pedrycz, 2014) utilize clustering-based
methods to classify malicious network traffic.
Some early Anomaly Detection approaches, such
as PHAD (Mahoney and Chan, 2001) and SnortAD
(Szmit et al., 2012) use very simple methods to split
network traffic into TCP, UDP and ICMP as part of
the Anomaly Detection algorithm. But, they did not
analyze the effect of the splitting on noise or utilize
the split groups to improve their results.
(Bouzida et al., 2004) uses PCA as preprocess-
ing to derive a new set of significant features as data
preprocessing. Further common data preprocessing
methods used for Anomaly Detection (e.g. selection,
transformation and cleaning) have been reviewed by
(Davis and Clark, 2011).
However, to the best of our knowledge, clustering
has not been proposed as method to reduce noise and
optimize thresholds during the data preprocessing, in
previous works.
In the following, we will briefly outline the rationale
behind our approach. This section demonstrates the
optimization of thresholds and impact of clustering
on noise.
3.1 Advantages of Pre-clustering
In contrast to other approaches, Anomaly Detection
does not depend on the existence of malicious exam-
ples. Instead, it aims to detect statistical deviations
from normal network traffic, which results in the ca-
pability to detect previously unseen events. Anomaly
Detection Systems can assign a certain probability p
(or alternatively a numerical score) to each event in-
dicating its abnormality, where p is generated by a
function which compares the current traffic to refer-
ence values from historical data.
The binary result r {0,1} (where 0 denotes nor-
mal and 1 abnormal) depends on a threshold θ.
r =
1 if p is > θ
0 if p is θ
If an event was assigned a probability p above the
threshold θ, but was actually legitimate traffic, we call
the result a false positive. If an event was assigned a
p below θ, but was actually unwanted traffic, we call
the result a false negative.
Figure 1: Classification problem on two normal distribu-
Figure 1 illustrates the concept of classification
based on thresholds with an artificial sample. Our
example includes two distinct set of data (light and
dark), which are both normal distributed with N =
100. The right-hand side shows the density curves,
the left-hand side a plot with dark dots (µ = 0,σ = 1)
that symbolize normal data and light dots are consid-
ered intrusive (µ = 3,σ = 1). The area where both
sets overlap (which is 7,3%) is a region where an al-
gorithm can not reliably predict a value as intrusive or
normal - we can only decide to favor false positives or
false negatives by adapting the threshold.
Figure 2: Classification problem on a heavy-tailed distri-
Figure 2 presents a heavy-tailed distribution, as
they occur on several network traffic features such
as byte-size. The left-hand side shows the classifica-
tion with a single threshold, the right-hand side uses
several different thresholds to optimize the amount of
false positives (FP) and negatives (FN) as well as the
true positives (TP) and negatives (TN). Each range
has been optimized using the threshold θ with max-
imal accuracy A.
T P + T N
T P + FP + T N + FN
where TP, FP, TN, and FN depend on θ.
While the figure is a simplified case for illustration
and unlikely to occur in actual network traffic, we can
transfer our approaches to the real world: If we clus-
ter network traffic into classes with distinct groups of
normal and malicious traffic, we can optimize each
threshold using training data and outperform a cumu-
lative threshold. Setting up different thresholds for
SECRYPT 2016 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: Time-series clustered and cumulative.
different clusters, as it is suggested here, might seem
to lack in its scalability because setting up thresholds
manually would be a tedious task. But using equa-
tion 2, it is obviously possible to automatize the find-
ing and setting of those. Moreover, it is unlikely to
have a vast amount of clusters, since the number of
clusters heavily depend upon the limited number of
network characteristics with the ability to split the
traffic in a meaningful way.
Clustering applies statistical properties to rear-
range related data into predefined smaller classes.
Naturally, smaller classes also have a smaller standard
deviation, which is noise. The optimal case would be
statistically independent groups, when we let a and b
denote any two curves where a and b are independent,
then var(a +b) = var(a) +var(b). A commonly used
method to detects malicious actions is time-series
analysis in combination with volume-based metrics
such as the amount of bytes. Figure 3 shows an ar-
tificial time-series dataset with a x-axis ranging from
0 to 500. The three bottom graphs (x1,x2,x3) show
the clustered data, while the top graph (xall) contains
the cumulative data - we could archive such a setup
e.g. by splitting the traffic using the layer 4 protocol.
At first glance, the cumulative data is not only much
more noisy, it also contain the trends of graphs x1,x2
and x3. To measure the impact of the reduced noise,
we located four outliers on different positions of the
x-axis when we generated the data: In graph x1 on
point 15 and 74, in graph x2 on 10 and x3 on 30.
An outlier detection algorithm - following Chen
and Liu (Chen and Liu, 1993) proposed procedure -
showed, that it is much more difficult to reliably de-
tect the injected outliers within the cumulative data.
The result showed, that the algorithm returned one
false negative and several false positives on the cu-
mulative data, while archiving perfect results for each
individual graph.
3.2 Metrics to Cluster Network Traffic
In the following, we propose three metrics to split net-
work traffic and outline their properties: IP addresses,
flow characteristics and a combination of Principle
Component Analysis (PCA) and k-means clustering.
The proposed metrics are only a few possible ex-
amples and their capability may vary for different
anomaly detection methods and environments (e.g.
splitting by IP addresses would fail if our network has
only a single subnet).
The following examples have been achieved with
the network traces over one day, including approx-
imately one hundred thousand flows to the Internet
and other networks, captured on a university network.
The network consisted of several personal comput-
ers, servers and other network devices such as VoIP
phones, printers and managed switches.
Figure 4: Byte size for each netflow.
Figure 4 displays the entire network traces, which
are clustered later. Each dot depicts the byte size (y-
axis) of a connection with different colors for each
destination port (<1024). The figures aims to show
the tremendous amount of variation, which prevents
us to distinguish regular pattern from noise, detect
deviations or find network pattern. The latter ap-
proaches try to split this traffic into smaller logical
3.2.1 Splitting Traffic by IP Addresses
IP addresses can reveal a lot of information when used
to compare the traffic of different subnets. We aim
to depict subnets of the local area network with our
clusters, because they may logically separate smaller
networks used for server applications, virtual private
A Pre-clustering Method To Improve Anomaly Detection
networks or network administration.
Network traces do not contain any information on
subnets, and there is a possibility that we have to
many small subnets to reflect each in a single clus-
ter. Therefore, we strongly simplified our operation
by using the first 24 bit to determine the classes. In ad-
dition, we assume for our dataset, that the local area
network is represented by the class with the highest
number of participants.
Figure 5: Byte size for the different subnets.
Figure 5 shows the first four classes we created.
Each figure displays the transfered byte per flow for
a class. The x axis show the time and the y axis the
flow size in byte. The color visualizes the used desti-
nation port - all ports greater than 1024 are displayed
in gray. Even if one of the subnets (not included in
Figure 5) contains a major part of the complete traf-
fic with eighty thousand flows, compared to the graph
with all flows, we can see clear patterns in our classes.
3.2.2 Splitting Traffic by Flow Characteristics
Flow characteristics have been previously used to pre-
dict applications. Here, we split traffic using the flow
duration, byte size and number of packets per flow.
Figure 6 shows a 3D visualization of the mentioned
metrics. The x axis shows the byte size from 0 - 6000
byte, the y axis the amount of packets from 0 to 30
packets and the z axis the duration from 0 to 1 sec-
ond. A small amount of flows outside these ranges
(with extreme values such as 100.000 bytes) were re-
moved as outliers.
The color for each dot symbolizes the destination
port as in the previous diagrams, the cross in the di-
agram shows our 8 different classes. Analyzing the
classes, we concluded, that the characteristics split
Figure 6: Byte size vs. packets vs. duration.
our flows into constant network activity, which are
most likely network services, and user dependent ac-
tivity which occured intensified on certain times of
the day.
3.2.3 Splitting Traffic by Application Layer
Our last method utilizes Principle Component Analy-
sis (PCA) and a k-means clustering, which delegates
all logic entirely to a machine learning algorithm and
aims to conclude for a human obscure higher-level in-
formation. PCA is a procedure which aims to create
a set of linearly uncorrelated variables, defined by the
largest possible variance. The input data used for our
PCA model are the layer 4 protocol, destination port,
number of packets and byte size for each flow. We
derived four principle components and generate eight
clusters with the k-means algorithm. Figure 7 shows
the byte size of every flow for the first four of the
eight clusters. In contrast to the approach using IP ad-
dresses, we obtain classes with a more equal number
of flows. The color represents the destination port.
Altogether, we can conclude that each cluster
has the potential to simplify the detection of certain
attacks. Each approach to cluster showed several
classes with unique characteristics (e.g. only TCP
traffic above Port 1024, only UDP packets to Port
51, or only a small set of different protocols with
fixed byte size) and all clusters with a small amount
of good defined traffic can support in finding anoma-
lies, which are unexpected, rare and previously un-
seen events. It was not in the scope of this work to test
SECRYPT 2016 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 7: Byte size for each PCA cluster.
or justify a different number of clusters, which would
be interesting. Here, we used the maximum number
of clusters, where we could constantly observe traf-
fic in each class, which is a tradeoff between usability
and performance.
The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of pre-
clustering on Anomaly Detection. Here, we briefly
presented a prototypical evaluation with and without
prior clustering. While some state of the art Anomaly
Detection Systems aim to unveal Advanced Persistant
Threats, we use a strongly simplified Anomaly Detec-
tion algorithm and only focus on a particular subset
of Network Anomaly Detection, namely network in-
trusions which visibly alter the statistical properties
of network traffic. However, the contribution of this
paper (preprocessing) can be applied to improve any
modern detection alogrithm.
Our data consists of a training set, which is the
previously introduced flow data, and a smaller test set
captured on the same network. The test set contains
three labeled attacks. The first two attacks aimed to
compromise a managed switch from inside the net-
work: First, a stealthy port scan, executed with nmap,
discovered running services and open ports. Then,
we manually tried six wrong passwords to log-in via
SSH. The third attack was a SYN-flood on port 80
with random source addresses, executed with the tool
hping3. The data has been acquired over a period of
approximately 10 minutes and contains about 5500
flows and also contains regular background traffic.
However, most flows belong to the attack, since ev-
ery random IP address started a new flow.
We used an Anomaly Detection scheme which as-
signs, based on the number of occurrences o in his-
torical data, a probability for being abnormal to each
connection. Thus, previously unseen and rare events
are marked as suspicious and receive a higher prob-
ability to be anomalous. Our historic (training-) data
consists of the traces introduced in the previous chap-
ter. We extracted vectors using the amount of pack-
ets, delay, destination port, bytes and layer 4 proto-
col and converted the values to categorical data (by
rounding the each value to the next 1000) to prevent
to many unique occurrences. We counts the num-
ber of occurrences in the historic data and calculated
the probability p with p = (100 o)/100. The bi-
nary result (decision) is made classifying each event
as positive or negative based on a threshold. We cal-
culated the trade-off between true positive (benefits)
and false positive (costs) at various threshold settings
using ROC-Curves. The clustering has been applied
as introduced in the previous chapter. We used the
mean value of all probabilities to create a ROC curve
for the Anomaly Detection with clustering. The area
under curve (AUC), which is 0.47 without cluster and
0.83 with cluster, is equal to the probability that our
Anomaly Detection System assigns a higher anomaly
score to abnormal traffic than normal traffic. Our rea-
soning for the good performance of the clusters is,
that the stealthy scan and SSH intrusion (which is nor-
mally very hard to detect with just flow data) appeared
unusual in the classes which contains traffic of the
managed switch. The denial of service on the other
hand appeared in a class very common for HTTP traf-
fic and has been found because it was unusual in com-
parison to earlier traffic with similar characteristics.
In this paper, we presented an approach for reducing
noise of network traffic and optimizing thresholds for
Anomaly Detection Systems. These first results intro-
duced the output of three different methods to clus-
ter network traffic into smaller subsets. The clustered
traffic shows a significantly reduced noise and clearly
visible patterns in byte size, flow amount and destina-
tion port. We showed that pre-clustering can improve
Anomaly Detection through noise reduction and in-
dependent threshold setting - The concept was eval-
uated with a prototype implementation and showed
acceptable results. The optimal cluster can vary de-
pending on the network infrastructure, used applica-
A Pre-clustering Method To Improve Anomaly Detection
tions and Anomaly Detection method. But we can
conclude that a good cluster needs to contain intrusive
and normal traffic in order to optimize the threshold
cluster by cluster and is at best statistical independent
to reduce as much noise as possible. Our experiment
pointed out that a proficient clustering can uncover
abnormal traffic which is difficult to detect in the cu-
mulative data. Especially our manual SSH intrusion
attempt and the stealthy scans are normally difficult
to detect by Anomaly Detection methods, because
they do not transparently change volume or shape of
the network traffic. However, we were easily able
to detect them. It is likely that both, Anomaly De-
tection with and without clustering, could be equally
improved by using more complex detection methods.
There is a wide range of, here unused, Anomaly De-
tection schemes (e.g. Local Outlier Detection) and
metrics (packets per second) available, which proved
useful in other publications. However, we deliber-
ately wanted to keep the experiment simple and focus
on the effect of our preprocessing instead Anomaly
Detection. We are aware that our approach heav-
ily depends on the network characteristics. Our ex-
perimentation provided good results, because it was
possible to separate networks into sub-networks with
unique characteristics. It remains an open question
whether it is possible to always reach this goal with
any network. We belief that the task of finding signif-
icant features to split the traffic is event simpler when
the network is larger than the network used for our
experiments. In this work, we only performed tests
on a single data set and artifical data, because we
avoided the use of obsolete public data sets. As future
prospects we would like to extend our experiments to
a variaty of networks, evaluate more parameters and
extend our work with ways to cluster obfuscated pro-
tocols and encrypted traffic.
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