The Challenge of Brain Complexity
A Brief Discussion about a Fractal Intermittency-based Approach
Paolo Paradisi
, Marco Righi
and Umberto Barcaro
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione “A. Faedo” (ISTI-CNR), Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
Basque Center of Applied Mathematics (BCAM), Alameda Mazarredo 14, 48009 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain
Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit
a di Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy
Biomedical Signal Processing, Electroencephalogram, Brain Events, Fractal Intermittency, Threshold
Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Complex Systems.
In the last years, the complexity paradigm is gaining momentum in many research fields where large multi-
dimensional datasets are made available by the advancements in instrumental technology. A complex system
is a multi-component system with a large number of units characterized by cooperative behavior and, conse-
quently, emergence of well-defined self-organized structures, such as communities in a complex network. The
self-organizing behavior of the brain neural network is probably the most important prototype of complexity
and is studied by means of physiological signals such as the ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG). Physiological
signals are typically intermittent, i.e., display non-smooth rapid variations or crucial events (e.g., cusps or
abrupt jumps) that occur randomly in time, or whose frequency changes randomly. In this work, we introduce
a complexity-based approach to the analysis and modeling of physiological data that is focused on the char-
acterization of intermittent events. Recent findings about self-similar or fractal intermittency in human EEG
are reviewed. The definition of brain event is a crucial aspect of this approach that is discussed in the last part
of the paper, where we also propose and discuss a first version of a general-purpose event detection algorithm
for EEG signals.
A crucial focus in Physiological Computing is the
development of human-computer interaction devices
whose applications span from the monitoring of the
health state of a patient, with an associated decision
support system including diagnosis and prognosis, to
the application of specific therapies, (e.g., administra-
tion of stimuli).
In this general framework, the so-called complex-
ity approach (Sol
e and Bascompte, 2006; Sornette,
2006), focused on the analysis and modeling of
emerging self-organization in multi-component sys-
tems and complex networks, is nowadays gaining mo-
mentum in the field of biomedical signal processing.
In order to extract useful information from large clini-
cal datasets, storing many different physiological data
and signals, algorithms for the reduction of data com-
plexity are needed to derive reliable diagnostic in-
dices. Then, a great interest is focused in defining,
developing and testing statistical indices that can en-
close the minimal information required to character-
ize physiological signals in a both efficient and reli-
able way. This is of relevance in clinical activities in-
volving, e.g., disorders of consciousness (DOC) (De
Biase et al., 2014; Monti et al., 2010; Fingelkurts
et al., 2013; Fingelkurts et al., 2014; Laureys and
Tononi, 2009; Tononi, 2008) or attention deficit hy-
peractivity disorders (ADHD) (Robbie et al., 2016).
However, such indices are useful if they are able
to describe the key features of the signals and if
these features can be exploited by physicians in their
clinical activity, e.g., in the evaluation of a medical
condition or disease (diagnosis); in foretelling the
course of a disease (prognosis); in the consequent
choice of the proper therapy (decision making).
Interestingly, the possibility of applying complex
stimuli with fractal features as innovative thera-
peutic strategies is attracting the attention of many
researchers (Zueva, 2015; H
all et al., 2015;
Spehar et al., 2015).
In this work we introduce and discuss an approach to
the processing of ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG) sig-
Paradisi, P., Righi, M. and Barcaro, U.
The Challenge of Brain Complexity - A Brief Discussion about a Fractal Intermittency-based Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0005998601230129
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS 2016), pages 123-129
ISBN: 978-989-758-197-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
nals that is based on the observation that, in many
complex systems, such as the human physiology, the
dynamics trigger crucial events, each one associated
with the emergence or decay of self-organized struc-
tures in the system (Allegrini et al., 2009; Allegrini
et al., 2010a; Allegrini et al., 2010b; Allegrini et al.,
2011; Paradisi et al., 2013; Allegrini et al., 2013; Al-
legrini et al., 2015; Beggs and Plenz, 2003; Plenz
and Thiagarjan, 2007; Fraiman et al., 2009; Chialvo,
2010; Grigolini and Chialvo, 2013).
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we in-
troduce the fractal intermittency description of com-
plex systems and we discuss a measure of complexity
and a reliable method to estimate it. In Section 3 we
review some results about the application of fractal
intermittency to brain dynamics, introducing the ba-
sic concept of crucial event in the brain. In Section 4
we discuss a proposal for a general-purpose algorithm
for event detection in human EEG and in Section 5 we
draw some conclusions.
Even if a general definition of complex system is
not universally accepted in the scientific community,
some features are recognized to be ubiquitous in the
presence of complexity (Paradisi et al., 2015c; Par-
adisi et al., 2015b; Sol
e and Bascompte, 2006; Sor-
nette, 2006). Without demanding completeness, we
give a brief list of the most important features:
A complex system is composed of many parts,
i.e., degrees of freedom: many individuals, par-
ticles, units or, in general, many sub-systems that
are embedded in a network of strong nonlinear in-
The behavior of a multi-component system can be
considered complex if the nonlinear dynamics is
cooperative, thus giving rise to self-organized or
coherent states.
Non-reducibility: self-organized states have tem-
poral and spatial scales that are hardly obtained as
a simple (linear) function of an external forcing
or by means of linear coarse graining procedures
(e.g., average or weighted sum over single com-
Self-organized states display long-range space
and/or time correlations (slow power-law decay).
The correlation exponents are an important exam-
ple of emergent properties that can be used as syn-
thetic indicators of the cooperative dynamics in
the complex system.
In order to introduce the approach discussed in this
paper, it is worth noting that the above list of features
is not complete. In fact, the following general obser-
vations are also in order:
Self-organized states are usually metastable
states. They are in fact characterized by relatively
long life-times and by fast transition events among
two successive coherent states.
The sequence of fast transition events among self-
organized states is described by a intermittent
birth-death point process of self-organization (i.e.,
coherence): {t
}; t
> t
= 0; n = 0, 1,2, ...,
being t
the occurrence times of the n-th event.
Even if the states are in a far-from-equilibrium
condition, the overall dynamics are stationary (on
average) if there are no external perturbations.
The life-times of coherent structures are defined
by the time intervals between two successive tran-
sition events: τ
= t
; n = 1,2,.... In com-
plex systems these times, here denoted as Waiting
Times (WTs), are random variables whose sta-
tistical distribution has a inverse power-law tail:
ψ(τ) 1/τ
(Allegrini et al., 2009; Allegrini
et al., 2010a; Allegrini et al., 2010b; Allegrini
et al., 2011; Paradisi et al., 2013; Allegrini et al.,
2013; Allegrini et al., 2015).
The fast transitions among metastable states are
typically associated with a fast memory drop in
the dynamics, so that each self-organized state is
often independent from each other, as such as the
transition events. This is denoted as renewal con-
dition and the sequence of transition events is a
renewal point process (Cox, 1962; Paradisi and
Allegrini, 2015; Paradisi et al., 2015a; Paradisi
et al., 2012a; Paradisi et al., 2012b; Paradisi et al.,
2009b; Akin et al., 2006; Paradisi et al., 2008;
Akin et al., 2009; Bianco et al., 2007; Paradisi
et al., 2009a) In this case the WTs τ
are mutually
independent random variables. Conversely, in the
time interval (t
) between two events, i.e., in
correspondence of a self-organized state, the dy-
namics are strongly correlated.
The inverse power-law in the WT distribution is the
manifestation of a self-similar behavior in the coop-
erative dynamics of the complex system. This power-
law behavior in the WT distribution is a crucial emer-
gent property, characterizing the capacity of the com-
plex system to trigger self-organization. This condi-
tion is denoted as fractal intermittency (Paradisi et al.,
2012b; Paradisi et al., 2013; Allegrini et al., 2013;
Paradisi et al., 2015b; Paradisi and Allegrini, 2015).
PhyCS 2016 - 3rd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems
This complex behavior is also known as Temporal
Complexity (Grigolini, 2015; Beig et al., 2015; Tu-
ralska et al., 2011; Grigolini and Chialvo, 2013), a
term that was introduced to underline the difference of
the intermittency-based approach to complexity, fo-
cused on the study of the temporal structure of self-
organization, with the more extensively investigated
approach associated with the estimation of topologi-
cal and spatial indicators of complexity (e.g., the de-
gree distribution in a complex network, the avalanche
size distribution) (Beggs and Plenz, 2003; Plenz and
Thiagarjan, 2007; Fraiman et al., 2009; Chialvo,
2010; Grigolini and Chialvo, 2013).
In summary, when a system is characterized by fractal
intermittency, the essential dynamics are an alterna-
tion of metastable states, with strong coherence and
long life-times, and transition (intermittent) events
that occur randomly in time, develop in very short
time, can be considered instantaneous and are asso-
ciated with a fast memory drop. In this condition, the
experimental observation of long-range (power-law)
correlations is strictly connected to the inverse power-
law decay in the statistical distribution of the random
life-times (Allegrini et al., 2009).
2.1 Intermittency-based Scaling
Analysis as a Signature of
The emergence of intermittency per se is not a sig-
nature of complexity. In fact, let us consider a in-
termittent system with many units whose dynamics
is independent from each other. An example of this
condition is given by neural cultures in vitro with
connections that are chemically inhibited. The ab-
sence of interactions involves the absence of coop-
eration and, thus, of self-organized structures. Inde-
pendently from the single neuron intermittent dynam-
ics, the overall behavior of the network is described
by a renewal Poisson process (Cox, 1962), which in-
volves an exponential WT distribution. This simple
observation implies that Poisson intermittency in a
multi-dimensional system without external perturba-
tions is associated with absence of self-organization
and, thus, it can be taken as a non-complexity refer-
ence condition. Then, a necessary condition for com-
plex self-organization in intermittent systems is the
emergence of crucial events with non-Poisson statis-
The emergence of non-Poisson statistics by itself is
not a signature of complexity but, as observed above,
a inverse power-law tail in the WT distribution is of-
ten observed in complex systems. As a consequence,
the power exponent µ can be exploited as a signature
of complex behavior and it is denoted as complexity
index. This intermittency-based complexity measure
is very powerful and represents a robust way of quan-
tifying the amount of complexity in a system, being
the value of µ typically associated with the ability of
the system of triggering complex self-organized struc-
2.2 Diffusion Scaling and the EDDiS
The complexity index µ is formally defined by the
asymptotic behavior of the WT distribution. How-
ever, due to secondary pseudo-events associated with
the presence of noise in the signals and/or with the un-
avoidable limitations of the event detection algorithm,
the direct estimation of µ is often not possible as a
clear power-law decay is not seen in the hystogram
(Allegrini et al., 2010a; Paradisi et al., 2012a; Paradisi
et al., 2012b; Paradisi and Allegrini, 2015) (Allegrini
et al., 2010a) proved that, when a intermittent pro-
cess with complexity index µ is superposed to noisy
events, the WT distribution can display an apparent
exponent µ
that is completely different from the un-
derlying real µ. For this reason, (Allegrini et al., 2009)
exploited an algorithm for the indirect estimation of µ.
In this method, denoted as analysis of Event-Driven
Diffusion Scaling (EDDiS), three different diffusion
processes driven by the same sequence of event oc-
currence times {t
} are firstly built. Then, some
scaling exponents of the event-driven diffusion pro-
cesses are evaluated by applying well-known tools
of statistical data analysis: the Detrended Fluctua-
tion Analysis (DFA) for the second moment scaling
H: hX
(t)i t
(Peng et al., 1994); and the Dif-
fusion Entropy (DE) for the self-similarity exponent
: P(x,t) = F(x/t
(see Ref. (Paradisi and Alle-
grini, 2015) and references therein).
The EDDis method exploits a combination of some
theoretical results about the relationships between µ
and the exponents H and µ that are well-known in
literature by many years (for a short review see Ref.
(Paradisi and Allegrini, 2015) and references therein).
Theoretically, it should possible to get 6 different es-
timates of µ, but sometimes not all the estimates are
reliable due to the presence of noise (Allegrini et al.,
2010a; Paradisi and Allegrini, 2015). In any case, at
least 2 values of µ can be usually obtained. Being the
relationships H = H(µ) and = (µ) based on the re-
newal assumption, the self-consistency of the µ values
is used as a test for the renewal assumption and, in the
positive case, this also gives a robust estimation of µ
(Paradisi et al., 2012b; Paradisi and Allegrini, 2015).
The EDDiS method is used to estimate the complex-
The Challenge of Brain Complexity - A Brief Discussion about a Fractal Intermittency-based Approach
ity index µ in the presence of noisy pseudo-events.
However, the scaling exponents H and/or can be
also used directly to characterize the complexity of
the system. Actually, when the renewal condition is
satisfied, using the diffusion scaling or the power-law
exponent µ is totally equivalent.
Brain dynamics is probably the most important exam-
ple of complex self-organization with a great variety
of quantitatively and qualitatively different behaviors,
also spanning over several time scales. The efficiency
of brain information processing is strictly associated
with the metastability of the highly non-stationary
neural assemblies continuously forming and decay-
ing, usually in response to external and internal stim-
uli in order to maintain the homeostatic equilibrium.
In this section we introduce the fractal intermittency
approach in brain research and we briefly discuss
some interesting findings about brain complexity.
3.1 Transition Eevents in Brain
Fingelkurts and Fingelkurts proposed a conceptual
model of the brain, the Brain Operation Architec-
tonics, that could explain the self-organizing and
multi-scale behavior of brain dynamics (Fingelkurts
and Fingelkurts, 2001; Fingelkurts et al., 2008; Fin-
gelkurts et al., 2010; Fingelkurts and Fingelkurts,
2015; Fingelkurts et al., 2013). According to this sce-
nario, a neural assembly is a group of neurons for
which coordinated activity persists over substantial
time intervals and underlies basic operations of infor-
mation processing during brain functioning. Thus, the
neural assemblies are the metastable, self-organized,
states introduced in Section 2.
From this brain theory, a general approach to the sig-
nal processing of EEG data was derived (Kaplan et al.,
2005). In this paper EEG signals are recognized to
be strongly non-stationary, reflecting the switching
among different neural assemblies. During the life-
time of neural assemblies, the EEG signals should dis-
play periods of quasi-stationarity, while rapid changes
can be seen in the EEG traces in correspondence
of the emergence and decay of the neural assem-
blies themselves. These rapid changes are called
Rapid Transition Processes (RTPs) and mark the pas-
sages between two quasi-stationary periods and, as
said above, are interpreted as the birth or death of
metastable neural assemblies (Kaplan et al., 2005).
3.2 Deep Sleep, Wakefulness and REM:
Towards an Index for Consciousness
RTPs are a prototype of complex transition events in
the brain and RTP definition was exploited to apply
the EDDiS method introduced above. This allowed
to discover the presence of fractal intermittency in
the brain functioning (Allegrini et al., 2009; Allegrini
et al., 2010a; Allegrini et al., 2010b; Allegrini et al.,
2011; Paradisi et al., 2013; Allegrini et al., 2013; Al-
legrini et al., 2015). The interesting range of the com-
plexity index is: 1 < µ < 3. (Allegrini et al., 2009)
found an approximate value µ = 2.1 for the brain basal
condition (wakefulness with closed eyes). The in-
teresting result is that this value remain quite stable
among different subjects. More interestingly, µ was
proven to be associated with the degree of integra-
tion/segregation of the brain dynamics and, thus, with
consciousness (Paradisi et al., 2013; Allegrini et al.,
2013; Allegrini et al., 2015). This result was obtained
by applying the EDDiS method to EEG data recorded
during sleep condition, including about 30 minutes
before the sleep onset. This allowed to estimate the
diffusion scaling H, whose values was found to be in
agreement with the integrated states of consciousness
and the segregated states of unconscious deep sleep.
These results indicate that intermittency-based com-
plexity measures could be good candidates as indica-
tors of the consciousness state of a patient with brain
In our opinion, even if the global RTP events extracted
from EEG signals are good candidates to characterize
the state of consciousness of a subject, the applica-
tion of the fractal intermittency approach for general
purposes would require an extension in the definition
of brain events. In fact, EEG signals are strongly
non-stationary and display large variability at several
time scales and this variability is not only quantitative
but also qualitative with very different waveforms and
grapho-elements, also depending on the experimental
condition. It is then desiderable to extend the RTP
definition of brain event to a multi-modal definition,
thus allowing to have different kind of events that can
be used individually or jointly depending on the par-
PhyCS 2016 - 3rd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems
ticular application and scope. For example, we expect
that a kind of brain events is suitable to establish some
pathological condition, while another kind is not.
The starting point here proposed is based on the stan-
dard approach based on splitting the EEG signal into
the classical frequency bands. For each band, some
basic events are extracted, so that we can define at
least one event typology for each band. In our opin-
ion, this would allow to implement a first kernel of
event detection algorithms that can be improved and
upgraded in future developments. Further, in brain re-
search each frequency band is often the starting point
for the building of neural correlates. This could al-
low for a easier link between the technical aspects
of the signal processing procedure used to extract
the events and the neuro-physiological interpretation
of these same events. Then, the intermittency-based
complexity index can be also extended to a vector of
complexity measures, whose elements can be selected
and/or coupled in different ways depending of the par-
ticular application and/or pathology in order to get a
reliable statistical index.
The approach here introduced is essentially an exten-
sion of an already existing algorithm that was orig-
inally developed to detect the high activity epochs
within each frequency band by means of a threshold-
ing technique (see, e.g., (Navona et al., 2002; Barcaro
et al., 2004; Magrini et al., 2015; Righi et al., 2008))
In the intermittency-based complexity approach the
focus is on the transition events from high (+) to low
() states (epochs) and vice versa. The event detec-
tion algorithm is applied to EEG signals after a pre-
processing, essentially consisting of the usual notch
filter at 50 Hz and a successive artifact removal. In
the following we assume that the EEG signal was al-
ready pre-processed and artifacts were removed.
Then, the event detection algorithm works as follows:
(1) The frequency bands of the EEG signal are com-
puted. The following band ranges are usually con-
sidered: (a) δ band (0.5 4 Hz); (b) θ band (4 8
Hz); (c) α band (8 12 Hz); (d) σ band (12 16
Hz); (e) β band (16 35 Hz); (f) γ band (35 64
(2) For each frequency band, the absolute value, i.e.,
the component amplitude is considered. Then,
two moving-window time averages are computed
at different time scales, short and long, that are
typically chosen as 2 and 64 sec., respectively.
(3) Calculation of non-dimensional descriptors for
each frequency band: (short-time average - long-
time average)/long-time average [denoted as A =
A(t) in Fig. 1].
(4) Identification of epochs and transition events be-
Figure 1: Identification of epochs and transition events. The
curve A = A(t) is the descriptor defined in item (3) for a
given frequency band, L/H is the low/high threshold.
tween epochs for a given band. In Fig. 1
we sketch an example with 6 different kinds of
events, all obtained by considering the crossings
through two different thresholds: L (Low) and H
(High). Typical values are L= 0 and H= 1.
In the example of Fig. 1, the epoch typologies are:
(i) L
: epochs with descriptor above (+) or below
() the threshold L; (ii) H
: same as before for
the threshold H; (iii) C
: epochs L
at least one epoch H
; (iv) C
to the epochs C
. Similarly, the crossing times
corresponding to these epochs define the events
of the kind L
, H
and C
(5) Storing in a database (spatio-temporal event
maps) and feature extraction (e.g., number of
events per time unit for each band and EEG trace).
In this work we have discussed the complexity
paradigm in the context of the analysis and modeling
of physiological signals and, in particular, the fractal
intermittency approach applied to the signal process-
ing of EEG recordings. We argued that the opera-
tional definition of the events and, consequently, the
specific algorithm of event detection can play a cru-
cial role in the evaluation of EEG complexity asso-
ciated with fractal intermittency. For this reason, we
discussed a proposal to extend the definition of RTP
events in order to have a set of different kind of brain
events that could be used for different applications
and to build a general-purpose algorithm for event
detection and, thus, for the estimation intermittency-
based complexity measures.
The Challenge of Brain Complexity - A Brief Discussion about a Fractal Intermittency-based Approach
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The Challenge of Brain Complexity - A Brief Discussion about a Fractal Intermittency-based Approach