Development of an Interaction based Approach for Product Service
System Implementation
An Approach towards PSS Usability
Alexander Richter, Johanna Schoblik, Bernhard Kölmel and Rebecca Bulander
- Institute of Smart Systems and Services, Pforzheim University, Tiefenbronner Str. 65, Pforzheim, Germany
Keywords: Product Service System, PSS, PSS Life Cycle, Interaction, Implementation, Usability.
Abstract: Product Service Systems (PSS) as a combination of product and service components offer an excellent
opportunity to improve the competitive position of companies on the local and global market. The current
PSS approaches in literature are especially adapted to large companies. In particular, the stakeholders of
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) block these approaches because of lack of usability. Because
PSSs also provide many opportunities for SMEs to individualize their position on the market and to improve
their relationships to their customers there is a need for a PSS framework adapted to the needs of SMEs. To
provide this new concept of PSS to SMEs and also to follow the goals of usability this paper presents an
interaction based approach considering aspects of current PSS frameworks. This approach of using
Interaction Maps qualifies companies to apply all important steps for the implementation of a PSS.
Therefore, all steps and interactions between important roles are documented and visualised in Interaction
Maps. The interaction based approach takes all important stakeholders of the PSS process into account.
Produced assets such as a capital intensive special-
purpose machine or a normal passenger car are seen
more and more as commodities. Through
globalization and the usage of new technologies it is
nowadays possible to produce complex and
engineering intensive products, which used to be the
showcases of western industries, at a very low price
and a remarkably similar quality anywhere in the
world. Furthermore, today’s speed of imitation and
copying is enormous and is getting faster. Even the
production quality is not a real argument for the
buyer any more. Hence customers are unlikely to be
attracted with classic arguments such as the quality
or performance of investment goods. The service
orientation of a product-oriented company seems to
be a possible way out of the described dilemma,
which a growing number of "traditional businesses"
face these days. In order to cope with these changes
and challenges, it is not enough just to expand the
company's portfolio to some services. The
adjustment to the concept of service orientation
requires a transformation in the corporate culture,
the leadership, the management and the company's
internal processes right from the beginning. For this
transformation companies are forced to put
themselves into their customer’s position and
therefore become a part of the feedback cycle.
Furthermore, the increasing integration into the
customer's processes not only means a new field of
action for traditional business, but also a tremendous
opportunity to improve the development of new
products. The experiences from the use of its
products can be used to provide customers even
more value out of the existing relationship, which in
turn strengthens the relationship and thereby puts
cost arguments of the global competition clearly into
The design and implementation of such a service
approach through Product Service Systems (PSS),
which consists by definition out of a service and a
product component (Tischner, 2002), has already
often been discussed in literature since the late
1990s (Baines and Lightford, 2013). However, this
concept still lacks detailed understandable
procedures for the introduction and the
implementation of a Product Service System to an
average small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)
(Hernández Pardo et al., 2012). Practitioners look
for pragmatic and applicable tools. Therefore, this
Richter, A., Schoblik, J., Kölmel, B. and Bulander, R.
Development of an Interaction based Approach for Product Service System Implementation - An Approach Towards PSS Usability.
DOI: 10.5220/0006000901320139
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2016) - Volume 2: ICE-B, pages 132-139
ISBN: 978-989-758-196-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
research has the aim to determine the essential
interactions for the preparation, development,
introduction and the operation of such a system.
Interactions are easy to understand for practitioners
who are not familiar with academic approaches.
Furthermore, a literature review in books, scientific
magazines and on the web showed that currently
there are no frameworks in this area which use
interactions (see examples in table 1). Hereby a PSS
framework is defined as a set of actions to build and
implement a PSS in a company.
Table 1: Examples of current PSS approaches.
Aurich et al.
Control loop model of life cycle
management of capital intensive PSS:
The authors designed a product life cycle
for PSS from manufacturer and customer
perspective from “organizational design”
to “PSS Realization”.
Lindahl et al.
Integrated Product and Service
Lindahl et al. created a development
method with focus on environment-
oriented business models and sustainable
influence of consumption patterns with
phases from “Need & requirement
analysis” to “Take back”.
Spath and
Demuß (2003)
Model for hybrid product development:
The model of the authors aims at the
development of customized products and
services. By means of a requirement
model and requirement management the
different engineering disciplines should
coordinate their activities.
The current PSS approaches which could be
found in literature are complex and quite academic
methods. Therefore, they are especially suitable for
large companies, which in general have a research
and development department as well as the
appropriate staff to work on these methods. In
particular the stakeholders of SMEs block these
approaches (Hsin and Ching-Fang, 2005). An
average SME has a tight organisation, lean
structures and practice-oriented staff. Their
employees do not have time to become acquainted
with these methods. The interaction based approach
should take all stakeholders into account and
facilitate the usage of current PSS frameworks. The
approach is adapted to the structures of SMEs, i. e.
kept simple and understandable. Therefore, it is
especially applicable for SMEs.
Product Service Systems also offer a big
opportunity for SMEs. To provide this new concept
of PSS to SMEs and also to follow the goals of
usability this paper presents a PSS framework
translation tool, which includes all important steps to
get to a PSS approach; therefore, all steps and
interactions between all important roles are
documented and visualised in Interaction Maps. For
this paper usability is defined as: “The extent to
which a product can be used by specified users to
achieve specified goals with effectiveness,
efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of
use.” (DIN EN ISO 9241-1, 2002) Although the
definition aims at products this focus could be
extended to Product Service Systems.
The usage of an Interaction Map was necessary,
because the process to implement a PSS is full of
interaction and communication but low in actions on
a higher level. In a deeper level of the framework a
process modelling language, e. g. BPMN 2.0, can be
used to document business processes on a lower
Having formulated the aim and benefit of the
interaction based approach, chapter 2 outlines the
foundations of Product Service Systems. Chapter 3
elaborates how the approach was developed and
provides the main aspects of the approach. The
paper concludes with a summary and an outlook in
chapter 4.
By laying the research focus on interactions and
usability in this paper, the main emphasis was not on
developing new Product Service System frameworks
yet. However, comprehensive literature research on
the subject was conducted and numerous
publications about currently discussed taxonomies,
PSS design frameworks and past as well as current
research projects on this topic were accessed.
To give the reader an overview over the PSS
subject, two definitions and one common
classification of PSSs will be briefly introduced in
the following chapter. Afterwards the “Product-
Service-System Life Cycle” (Aurich and Clement,
2010), which is an interesting and well thought-out
PSS framework, will be presented.
2.1 Definitions
To provide an understanding of the Product Service
System topic two common PSS definitions are listed
“A PSS consists of tangible products and
intangible services, designed and combined so that
Development of an Interaction based Approach for Product Service System Implementation - An Approach Towards PSS Usability
they are jointly capable of fulfilling specific
customer needs. Additionally, PSS tries to reach the
goals of sustainable development.” (Brandstotter et
al., 2003)
“Product Service-Systems (PSS) may be defined
as a solution offered for sale that involves both a
product and a service element, to deliver the
required functionality.” (Wong, 2004)
Those two definitions show as others, too, that a
PSS must always consist of a product and a service
component. In addition to this, many common
definitions also focus on a certain customer need or
a certain utility which must be delivered by the
system. Numerous, mainly European, definitions
also include a focus on sustainability as a key part of
PSSs. In this paper the definition of (Wong, 2004) is
2.2 Eight Types of Product Service
The Dutch researcher Arnold Tukker classified
Product Service Systems into eight types which are
distributed from product-oriented over use-oriented
towards completely result-oriented offerings. The
insights which led to the development of his
taxonomy are based on the results of an European
Union founded research project named SusProNet
(Sustainable Product Development Network)
(Tukker and Tischner, 2006).
The following figure shows the three main and
eight subcategories of a PSS according to Tukker
(2004) and the following sections describe the graph
in detail.
Figure 1: Main and subcategories of PSS (Tukker, 2004).
A Product Service System is always in between a
pure product and a pure service. The PSS has a
material product part and an immaterial service part.
Depending on the composition of the shares, the
PSS can have three main categories: it can be
product-, use- or result-oriented. (Tukker, 2004).
As a product-oriented PSS, it has a high
proportion of product and can either (1) contain a
product-related service component or (2) have a
product-related consulting. Here both types offer
added value for the customer by for example causing
a more efficient use of material and human
resources. (Tukker, 2004)
(3) Product Leasing has tangible value for the
customer, since operating costs and maintenance are
offered and performed by the provider. The provider
usually has to take precautions, as a more careless
usage by the customer can be expected due to the
fact that the customer does not own the product.
(Tukker, 2004)
(4) Product rental and product sharing demands a
general deprivation of property from customers and
therefore only the use of the product by direct need.
Hereby the customer has to invest time and efforts in
order to be able to use the product whenever it is
needed. (Tukker, 2004)
For (5) product pooling the description is almost
the same as for renting and sharing. The main
difference lies in the user group which usually
belongs to a certain circle of persons within an
organization or a community. (Tukker, 2004)
(6) Activity management transfers staff and
material costs from the user to the provider, which
can generate profits through specific expertise and
the efficient reorganization of the outsourced
activity. (Tukker, 2004)
The concept of (7) payment per service unit of
one or more activities provides a perceivable value
for the customer. The position of the provider is
located in the customer’s value chain and is better
for the provider in terms of direct customer contact,
customer processes and customer loyalty. (Tukker,
The (8) functional result provides the same
outcome as an activity which is carried out by the
customer and thus brings the same benefit. In
principle, the provider can try to offer a solution that
requires a comparatively lower input. (Tukker,
2.3 Product Service System Life Cycle
As a framework which the research can be based on,
the Product Service System Life Cycle approach of
Aurich and Clement (2010) was chosen. The PSS
Life Cycle describes how to plan and build up a
Product Service System for capital intensive
ICE-B 2016 - International Conference on e-Business
Aurich and Clement’s (2010) framework was
analysed to afterwards apply the Interaction Map
tool to the five life cycle phases described. Those are
Organizational Design, PSS Planning, PSS
Development, PSS Configuration and PSS
Realization. Since this framework is a cycle, it starts
with PSS Planning and ends with PSS Realization.
The step of Organizational Design has to be
conducted once for every use case. The following
figure shows the PSS Life Cycle:
Figure 2: PSS Life Cycle (Aurich and Clement, 2010).
2.3.1 Organizational Design
The application of Product Service Systems provides
traditionally oriented companies with special
organizational but also corporate cultural challenges.
In order to put the company on the path of
development of a PSS, a one-time implementation of
an organizational design is necessary. This normally
begins with the decision of the management of
wanting to introduce a PSS. At this time, there is no
existing PSS expertise within the company. The
knowledge must be acquired from outside. This can
be done by means of tendering, headhunters or
business consultants. It is of advantage to be able to
attract an expert who not only has PSS expertise, but
also leadership skills for the implementation of such
a project. In the next step the business processes
must be considered, and business models must be
developed so that the PSS can be aligned to them.
To ensure the acceptance of employees for the
coming changes, they must be extensively trained
and convinced of the benefits of PSS. Organizational
and operational structure changes can be made with
the acceptance of the employees. This is done using
a proposed resolution, which will be presented to the
board. It is also important to ensure that all levels of
management share the new decisions. If some
people are still not on board, they must be trained
and instructed again. After that the implementation
of the organizational design phase can begin on the
team level. (Aurich and Clement, 2010).
2.3.2 PSS Planning
PSS Planning has the aim to define all planning
related activities. Those include tasks like the
definition of the product and its utility and the
definition of the project goals. This phase is
finalized with the PSS development assignment and
the formulation of a PSS development request. The
PSS planning phase gives companies the opportunity
to generate and to rate PSS development projects.
(Aurich and Clement, 2010).
2.3.3 PSS Development Project
The development phase has the aim to develop a
market-ready Product Service System. By building
on the preliminary work of the planning phase, the
development process starts here. An important
requirement is the systematization of the integrated
product and service development. At the end of this
phase, a PSS consisting out of products and services
is developed. The last steps of PSS development are
the creation of market specific offers, documentation
and other formal procedures. (Aurich and Clement,
2.3.4 PSS Configuration
PSS Configuration aims to offer a customer
individual Product Service System which also meets
the provider’s objectives. Therefore, the technical
configuration of the physical product, the
configuration of suitable and individual customer
centric service products, the generation of different
offer combinations and their evaluation and
selection are necessary. The configuration phase is
essential, because in order to exploit the strengths of
Product Service Systems a custom-fit configuration
is crucial. (Aurich and Clement, 2010).
2.3.5 PSS Realization
Besides from providing the configured PSS and
generating customer utility, a core responsibility of
PSS realization is the retention of a high quality
offer and the ensuring of high-quality standards
throughout the whole PSS Life Cycle. To be able to
guarantee this, a continuous improvement process,
performance measurement indicators and further
improvement and monitoring measures are used.
(Aurich and Clement, 2010).
Development of an Interaction based Approach for Product Service System Implementation - An Approach Towards PSS Usability
2.4 Importance of Usability for a
Theoretical Framework
The common PSS design frameworks are well
reasoned, but quite academic and also often not user
centred. Within the context of the research project
“Use-PSS” many interactions with German SMEs
showed that the companies are interested in new
approaches but have great difficulties to cope with
academic research approaches. These insights could
be acquired during workshops with SMEs and
discussions with participants of public presentations.
This means, that the real life usability and
applicability of these approaches often lacks a
detailed description and guidance for SMEs. This
paper’s research has the aim to combine the existing
academic frameworks with a tool, that helps to
translate the academic research into real life action
and interaction plans for SMEs which cannot afford
a R&D department which brings complex research
results to life.
Based on Aurich and Clement’s (2010) Product
Service System Life Cycle framework, this chapter
will introduce an approach to higher PSS-
Framework-Usability. The following concept can be
applied to many other frameworks to provide a
better understanding of the detailed interactions
required for an implementation of a PSS
development framework.
The following figure 3 shows the integration of
the interaction based approach in-between a PSS
framework and the detailed business processes of a
The interaction based approach has the aim to
help translate the often quite abstract and roughly
described frameworks into a detailed business
process model. Therefore, the interaction based
approach is divided into two steps. In the first step
several interaction matrices for each PSS Life Cycle
phase are created. They contain the main process
steps and the required information about interactions
within these steps. In the second step of the
interaction concept the matrices are separated into
various Interaction Maps. Those are created for each
process step within the interaction matrix.
Figure 3: Integration of the interaction based approach in-
between a PSS framework and a company’s detailed
business processes.
3.1 Interaction Description
This part focuses on the interactions within the
company and also in-between the company and the
external partners involved. Interactions concentrate
on the existing roles within a company and their
actions and communication within the Product
Service System Lifecycle. Therefore, the term
“interaction” is defined for the research as follows:
Interactions are based on two or more-directional
relationships between two or more actors, which can
get in contact through synchronous or asynchronous
communication. All processes of a company are
affected by interactions.
To define a scope for the approach and to contain
it, first the procedure of describing the interactions is
elaborated. Furthermore, the single roles within a
company are defined. Due to the fact that this is still
a theoretical approach, it must be mentioned, that
those roles do not fit to every firm.
The subject of interaction description for PSS is
new and could not been found in the literature
review, which was conducted prior to the
development of this concept. Therefore, the
development of the approach started from draft. The
PSS Life Cycle framework (Aurich and Clement,
2010) which was introduced in chapter two provided
a solid base for the interaction concept.
Figure 4 shows the transformation of the PSS
Life Cycle framework down to a single Interaction
ICE-B 2016 - International Conference on e-Business
Figure 4: Transformation from PSS Life Cycle framework
to a single Interaction Map.
In a first step the framework was split into the
five Life Cycle phases (e. g. Planning) which were
divided into many process building blocks (e. g.
Planning Preparation). Afterwards each building
block was converted into an Interaction Matrix.
Each Interaction Matrix consists out of several
process steps (e. g. Define Physical Product Core)
which were separately analysed for their occurring
interaction. Finally, an Interaction Map for each
process step was created.
3.2 Interaction Matrix
The Interaction Matrix analyses each of the process
building blocks and divides them into single process
steps. A Matrix contains the process steps on the x-
axis and the actors on the y-axis. Within the matrix,
methods which can be applied to the steps as well as
internal and external actors and their interaction
status are shown. The status is visualized using the
assigned symbols. Additionally, there is a possibility
to add a short description to each process step at the
bottom of the table.
During the interaction analysis phase the
following interaction states can be assigned:
Active Actor; Symbol: +
The actor is actively involved in this phase and
indispensable. He/she interacts with other
participants. An active actor is always located in
the inner circle of the Interaction Map.
Passive Actor; Symbol:
This actor is not directly involved in an
interaction but has a supporting function. He/she
can have an indirect interest in a certain process
part or may have an interest in getting certain
information. This actor only delivers information
for the main interaction process by request.
Doesn´t play a role; Symbol:
This actor doesn´t have any activity in this phase
and is also not indirectly involved.
Role is non-existent at this time; Symbol:
The actor in this phase is irrelevant and doesn´t
have any reference concerning the presented
interaction or process part.
Figure 5 shows an extract from the "Planning
Preparation" Interaction Matrix.
Figure 5: Extract from Interaction Matrix "Planning
3.3 Interaction Map
The next step after creating the Interaction Matrix
was a detailed analysis of the single process steps
and their contained interactions. The main aim of the
Interaction Map, which was inspired by Stickdorn
and Schneider’s (2011) “Stakeholder Map”, is to
give the PSS framework user a tool which allows the
presentation and explanation of an implementation
process in easy to understand interactions. The
Interaction Map does not aim to replace established
process modelling languages, it rather gives the
practitioners a tool, which helps to translate a rough
framework through interactions into detailed
business processes. At this point of research, it is
recommended using the maps with a short
explanatory text of a few sentences.
Development of an Interaction based Approach for Product Service System Implementation - An Approach Towards PSS Usability
For the purpose of keeping the interactions
within the Interaction Map simple and informative,
the number of symbols used is limited. The
following figure shows the symbols which can be
used for modelling an interaction map.
Table 2: Description of the Interaction Map Symbols.
Symbol Description
Organizational Unit / Role
Synchronous Communication
Asynchronous Communication
Interaction Activity
Message Flow
Connector exclusive OR
Connector inclusive OR
Connector AND
The following section explains the components
and symbols of the Interaction Map in detail.
The inner circle of the Interaction Map contains
the active actors, which are involved in this
phase and are responsible for the interactions.
The outer circle contains all actors which are not
directly involved in the interaction (Passive
Actor) but can provide information for the inner
circle or get information from the inner circle.
Actors are the internal and external
organizational units and roles of a company, e. g.
CEO, marketing or supplier.
The synchronous communication symbol stands
for e. g. telephone call, video conference, live
meeting or chat.
The asynchronous communication symbol
represents e. g. letter, telefax, email, internal
social media or automatic communication via
The activity symbol stands for the interaction
between several actors. An interaction activity is
always a synchronous communication and could
be for example a meeting or a workshop.
Data or information can be transferred via
message flow. It is used for example to
communicate the output of a meeting to actors in
the inner or outer circle.
An assignment shows the connection between an
organizational unit or role and the interaction
In an Interaction Map three different connectors
could be used. The AND signals that several
interactions could be executed in parallel. The
fact that only one out of several interactions
could be executed is shown by the exclusive OR.
The inclusive OR represents the fact that one or
more interactions could be executed.
Figure 6: Interaction Map for the process step "Define
Physical Product Core".
Figure 6 shows the Interaction Map of the first
process step “Define Physical Product Core” of the
“Planning Preparation” Interaction Matrix. It
represents a workshop for defining the physical
product core of a PSS. The organizational units
R&D, Marketing and Sales as well as the PSS-
Specialist are active actors in this process step. The
output of the workshop is asynchronously reported
to passive actors, CEO, Manufacturing and Service.
In this paper the importance of Product Service
Systems as a combination of product and service
components for companies to reach a better
competitive position on the market was pointed out.
The result of a literature review demonstrated that
there are some PSS frameworks but they are not
suitable for SMEs. Therefore, one of the aims of this
paper is to provide an approach to implement PSS in
a company which is suitable for SMEs.
Afterwards the new concept of PSS considering
the requirements of SMEs was introduced.
Therefore, an interaction based approach using
Interaction Maps which qualifies companies to apply
all important steps for the implementation of a PSS
was presented. An Interaction Map documents and
visualises all steps and interactions between
important roles.
ICE-B 2016 - International Conference on e-Business
The interaction based approach was already
reviewed in an expert discussion of several hours.
Moreover, it will be evaluated through workshops
with employees of selected SMEs. Further on a
complete PSS framework will be developed in the
research project “Use-PSS” for the implementation
of PSS in SMEs. Therefore, the interaction based
approach will be used as one methodology to
document the communication and interaction of
important roles and stakeholders in the
implementation process. Furthermore, this PSS
framework will be evaluated for SMEs while using
some selected SMEs to develop and implement a
concrete PSS idea.
The Research Project “Use-PSS” is part of the focal
point of support “Middle Class Digital – Strategies
for a Digital Transformation of Business Processes”
of the German Ministry of Economics and Energy
(BMWi). This support campaign was assigned to
push the digitalization of small and medium sized
enterprises and craft businesses.
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Development of an Interaction based Approach for Product Service System Implementation - An Approach Towards PSS Usability