Automatic Fongbe Phoneme Recognition From Spoken Speech Signal
ejus A. A. Laleye
, Eug
ene C. Ezin
and Cina Motamed
Laboratoire d’Informatique Signal et Image de la C
ote d’Opale, Universit
e du Littoral C
ote d’Opale,
50 rue F. Buisson, BP 719, 62228 Calais Cedex, France
e de Recherche en Informatique et Sciences Appliqu
ees, Institut de Math
ematiques et de Sciences Physiques,
e d’Abomey-Calavi, BP 613 Porto-Novo, Benin
Formant Analysis, Fuzzy Logic, Deep Belief Networks, Phoneme Recognition, Continuous Speech Segmen-
tation, Fongbe Language.
This paper reports our efforts toward an automatic phoneme recognition for an under-resourced language,
Fongbe. We propose a complete recipe of algorithms from speech segmentation to phoneme recognition in
a continuous speech signal. We investigated a strictly fuzzy approach for simultaneous speech segmentation
and phoneme classification. The implemented automatic phoneme recognition system integrates an acoustic
analysis based on calculation of the formants for vowel phonemes and calculation of pitch and intensity of
consonant phonemes. Vowel and consonant phonemes are obtained at classification. Experiments were per-
formed on Fongbe language (an African tonal language spoken especially in Benin, Togo and Nigeria) and
results of phoneme error rate are reported.
Phoneme recognition is an integrated process in an
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Most large
vocabulary automatic speech recognition systems use
several interconnected layers of recognition for opti-
mum performance. Phonemes are perhaps the most
common sub-word modules used in ASR systems
(Baghdasaryan and Beex, 2011). Many methods ex-
ist for phoneme recognition which are introduced
for generating of phonetic symbols from the ex-
tracted feature vectors and calculated on speech sig-
nals. These are methods based on approaches such as
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (Palaz et al., 2013;
Yousafzai et al., 2009; chwarz et al., 2006), Hidden
Markov Models (HMM) (Young, 2008; marani et al.,
2009), Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Solera-Urena
et al., 2007) or some hybrid methods (Trentin and
Gori, 2007; Anapathy et al., 2009).
This paper focuses on the development of an au-
tomatic phoneme recognition from continuous speech
using several interconnected layers starting from the
continuous speech segmentation to phoneme recogni-
tion. The overall system is the fusion of the recogni-
tion layer investigated in this work, the segmentation
and the classification layers investigated respectively
in (Laleye et al., 2015b) and (Laleye et al., 2015a)
which were previous works on Fongbe language.
Figure 1 presents an overview of the phoneme
recognition system. It includes the segmentation (i),
classification (ii) and recognition (iii) layers as ex-
plained above and the processing order. To real-
ize (i), we used the time domain approaches to gen-
erate features for detecting phoneme segments and
fuzzy logic approach for a matching phase performed
through supervised learning. Thus, (i) provides the
phoneme segments with an accurate in the definition
of boundaries. The Layer (ii) consists of a discrimina-
tory system of consonants and vowels using an intel-
ligent classifier combination based on decision-level
fusion. It produces phonemes that are either con-
sonants or vowels whose phonetic identity is recog-
nized at (iii). Layer (iii) is based on acoustic anal-
ysis of Fongbe phonemes for identifying with more
precision the phonetic content of the phoneme to its
input. Time-domain features and frequency-domain
features are respectively extracted from the speech
signal to perform the segmentation and classification
tasks. Frequency-domain features are computed on
phoneme segments in step 2 order to constitute the
classification system inputs. In step 5, we calculated
the formant frequencies to facilitate the recognition of
consonants or vowels.
Experiments were performed on a read speech
corpus which contains 3117 utterances in Fongbe.
we calculated the phone error rate score according to
Laleye, F., Ezin, E. and Motamed, C.
Automatic Fongbe Phoneme Recognition From Spoken Speech Signal.
DOI: 10.5220/0006004101020109
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2016) - Volume 1, pages 102-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-198-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
speech signal
phoneme segments
consonant or vowel
phoneme recognized
Figure 1: Overview of our automatic phoneme recognition.
the different DBN model used for recognizing each
phoneme in its subclass. Experiments have shown a
significant improvement in the results given by phone
error rates (PER).
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. The next section describes the automatic
text-independent segmentation of Fongbe continuous
speech. Section 3 describes how Fongbe phonemes
are classified into consonant or vowel classes. Section
4 focuses on phoneme recognition system. Section
5 presents and comments the experimental results of
PER that we obtained. Section 6 concludes this paper
with results.
In this section, We present the phoneme segmen-
tation method (preliminary work on Fongbe) used
in this phoneme recognition work. we summarize
this method in (Laleye et al., 2015b) to perform
a text-independent segmentation of Fongbe continu-
ous speech. The segmentation task was performed
from non-linear speech analysis using fuzzy logic ap-
proach. It is based on the calculation of time domain
features such as short-term energy, zero crossing rate
Figure 2: Flow diagram of the segmentation algorithm.
and the singularity exponents in each point of signal.
As part of our work, we modified the calculation of
singularity exponents by reducing the frame sizes in
the scale-dependent functional h(t) in order to detect
only the boundaries between the phoneme segments
in speech signal. For more details please refer to (Lal-
eye et al., 2015b). The used algorithm for automatic
text-independent segmentation is summarized in Fig-
ure 2 and includes the following tasks:
a - Removal the silence from speech signal: a
method based on the signal energy and the spec-
tral centroid is used to remove the silence areas in
the audio signal.
b - Singularity exponents Computation: local distri-
bution of singularity exponents has been exploited
for analyzing the temporal dynamics of speech
segments previously obtained. This leads to the
segment candidates.
c - Short-time energy and zero crossing rate calcu-
Automatic Fongbe Phoneme Recognition From Spoken Speech Signal
(a) Classification and normalization.
(b) Decision fusion using fuzzy logic.
Figure 3: Paradigm of our classification system.
lation: the features are computed in each candi-
date segment generated by the local analysis of
singularity exponents.
d - Fuzzy rules application: fuzzy rules have been
generated for the matching phase to improve the
accuracy in the phoneme or syllable segments de-
tection and the boundaries of beginning and the
The phoneme segments are properly detected at the
matching phase. The matching phase is performed by
using fuzzy logic model which consists of a number
of conditional “if-then” rules. The matching phase
inputs are singularity exponents (SE), short-term en-
ergy (STE) and zero crossing rate (ZRC) and the out-
put is the membership degree of silence and phoneme.
The input variables are fuzzified into three comple-
mentary sets namely: low, medium, high and the
output variable is fuzzified into two sets: silent and
phoneme. The authors obtained for the different co-
efficients considering the features values:
STE: low - medium - high
ZCR: low - medium - high
SE: low - medium - high
The fuzzy rules generated through supervised learn-
ing are presented in Table2. In this table, x is a vari-
able that can take the value low, medium or high.
The different membership functions were ob-
tained by examining the local distribution of each cal-
culated feature. Local distribution has induced three
subsets according to the variation of input data and
output is obtained depending on the nature of data.
Table 1: Generated fuzzy rules.
Input Output
1 low x x silent
2 x low x silent
3 x x low silent
4 medium medium medium phoneme
5 medium medium high phoneme
6 x high x silent
7 high medium medium phoneme
8 high medium high phoneme
Because of the linearity of values in the subsets, a
simple triangle curve (trimf ) is used for the member-
ship functions.
The phoneme classification system (Laleye et al.,
2015a) consist of three modules which are each sub-
divided into submodules. The first module performs
classification with Naive Bayes and Learning Vec-
tor Quantization (LVQ) classifier and produces out-
puts with the coefficients applied as input. It con-
tains the submodules which are (i) feature extraction
(MFCC, PLP, and Rasta-PLP), (ii) classification with
Naive Bayes and LVQ. The second module performs
weighted mean calculation of classifiers outputs and
contains the submodule which is (iii) normalization
ICINCO 2016 - 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
for classifiers decisions database. The last module
performs the decision fusion with fuzzy approach.
Figure 3 shows the various steps of classification.
Nature of the results obtained in the first step al-
lows to apply fuzzy logic on four membership func-
tions. The inputs to fuzzy logic system are MFCC,
PLP and Rasta-PLP and the output obtained is the
membership degree of a phoneme to consonant or
vowel class. The input variables are fuzzified into
four complementary sets namely: low, medium, high
and very high and the output variable is fuzzified into
two sets namely: consonant and vowel. Table 2 shows
the fuzzy rules which were generated after fuzzifica-
tion. First, the input data is arranged in an interval
as [Xmin .. Xmax]. The different membership func-
tions were obtained by examining the local distribu-
tion of samples of both classes. Local distribution has
induced four subsets according to the variation of the
input data and the output is obtained depending on the
nature of the data. For example, if we give MFCC,
PLP and Rasta as input to the system, the consonant
or vowel output is obtained according to the subsets
of the input data. Because of the linearity of values in
the subsets, a simple triangle curve (trimf ) is used for
low and medium membership functions and a trapeze
curve (trapmf ) is used for high and very high mem-
bership functions.
This layer described in this section provides a
classification in consonant or vowel of phoneme seg-
ments obtained in the first layer. The following sec-
tion explain how our system recognize definitively the
phonemes contained in a spoken speech.
This section describes the process of the third layer,
which is to recognize each phoneme included in the
speech on the basis of the formant frequencies. We es-
tablished an acoustic analysis of the phonemes by cal-
culating the formant F1, F2 and F3 from vowels and
the fundamental frequency and intensity from conso-
nants. The recognizer was therefore trained with a
Deep Belief Network (DBN) and a fuzzy logic sys-
tem with the features calculated for recognizing each
of the consonants and vowels. The acoustic analysis
by calculating the frequencies allowed us to represent
the phonemes in a tree according to the values of the
formant, pitch and intensity. Figure 4 shows the tree
of the categorization of consonants and vowels
4.1 Formant Analysis of Vowels
Articulatory configuration of each vowel lead to spe-
Table 2: Generated fuzzy rules. x is a variable that can take
the value low, medium or high.
Input Output
mfcc rasta plp
1 low low low consonant
2 low low medium vowel
3 x x high consonant
3 x x very high vowel
4 low medium low vowel
5 low high low consonant
6 low very high low vowel
7 medium low low vowel
8 medium very high low vowel
9 high low low consonant
11 high high low consonant
12 very high low low vowel
13 very high low medium vowel
14 very high medium low vowel
15 very high very high low vowel
16 very high very high medium vowel
cific formant values corresponding to the shape taken
by the vocal tract for each vowel. The shape will in-
duce a resonant frequency in production of vowels:
higher its size is, lower its frequency is. The first
three formant have a wide variation in the acoustic
configuration of each vowel. The mandible aperture
(F1) varies from 311Hz (front. / i/) to 681Hz (cent.
/ a/) for oral vowels and from 315Hz (front. /
i/) to
610Hz (cent. /˜a/) for nasal vowels. The second for-
mant (F2) which indicates the tongue movement in
front or rear position takes values from 697Hz (back.
/ u/) to 2238Hz (front. / i/) for oral vowels and from
406Hz (back. /˜u/) to 1630Hz (back. /
i/). The third for-
mant influenced by the rounding of the lips has values
that vary between 2696Hz (back. / O/) and 3174Hz
(front. / O/) for oral vowels and between 711Hz (back.
/˜O/) and 2870Hz (front. /˜E/).
In F1-level, oral vowels (back. and front.) / i/,
/ u/, / e/ and / o/ have lower values while oral vowels
(back. and front.) / E/, / O/ and the central oral vowels
/ a/ have the highest values. In each aperture level,
a front vowel has a greater F1 than a back vowel.
Vowels / i/ and / a/ are respectively the low and high
extremities in the frequency range of the mandible
aperture (F1). These remarks are also observed with
nasalized vowels. This indicates that front vowels are
/ i e E i
/ and the listed back vowels are / u o O u
/. In F2-level, front vowels have higher frequencies
compared to back vowels that are realized with low
frequencies. The only difference between the vowels
from the same class (front and back) is the value of
the third formant F3. F3 of / u/ (F3 = 3083Hz) and
/ (F3 = 2720Hz) has a lower value than the value of
the vowels / i/ (F3 = 3174Hz) and /i
/ (F3 = 2738Hz),
thereby justifying the rounding of the lips during the
production of vowels / u u
/. Table 3 summarizes
Automatic Fongbe Phoneme Recognition From Spoken Speech Signal
Figure 4: Tree of consonants and vowels.
Table 3: Mean values of formants F1, F2 et F3 for each
phoneme of Fongbe vowel system.
311 2238 3174
353 2042 3096
530 1255 3081
326 697 3083
380 822 2727
555 1051 2696
681 1404 2789
315 1630 2738
405 1362 2870
325 406 2720
501 705 2711
cent. a
610 1015 2769
the averages of formant frequencies calculated on all
phonemes in the data corpus.
4.2 Fongbe Consonant System
Fongbe consonant system is composed of twenty-two
(22) phonemes grouped into two (2) classes (oral and
nasal consonants). Unlike the acoustic configuration
of vowels that is characterized by the presence of for-
mant frequencies, the acoustic analysis of consonants
consisted in calculating of two acoustic markers: fun-
damental frequency (pitch) that materializes the pe-
riodic vibration of the vocal cords and intensity that
materializes the sub-glottis pressure. Usually, there
are three main classes for acoustic analysis of con-
sonants: plosives, fricatives and sonorants. The con-
sonants from French are investigated in the next plo-
sives, fricatives and consonant vocalic. In Fongbe, in
addition to occlusive, fricative and consonant vocalic,
there are two other classes that are nasal consonants
and semi-consonants.
The Occlusives from Fongbe have the same con-
figuration than most other languages, including
French. We distinguish sound and voiceless stops,
which are mainly composed of voiced (/ d g gb
j/) and unvoiced (/ b d/) oral consonants. They are
characterized by the fundamental frequency (f0)
which vary averagely between the voiced conso-
nants (263Hz for / j/ and 279Hz for / gb/). The
unvoiced consonants are realized with lower pitch
than voiced consonants except / d/ and / j/. The
fundamental frequencies (pitch) calculated over
all speakers in data corpus are shown in Figure 5.
The smallest average voice intensity (6) during the
isolated pronunciation of voiced stops is obtained
with the voiced consonant / d/ (56db) while the
higher is obtained with the unvoiced / b/ (60db)
voiceless Occlusives of Fongbe are composed of
some voiceless oral consonants such as / c k kp
t/ and also / p/ which is not considered a phone-
mic consonant but only found in some words bor-
rowed from other languages. The voice intensity
during the pronunciation of voiceless stop varies
between 53db (for / c/) and 59db (for / p/).
Articulatory configuration fricatives indicates the
presence of noise throughout their pronunciation.
As occlusives, there are sound fricatives (peri-
ICINCO 2016 - 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
odic) and the voiceless fricatives (aperiodic) in
Fongbe. The sound fricatives are composed of
sound oral consonants / h v z/ and the voiceless
fricatives are composed of voiceless oral conso-
nants / f s x/. The fundamental frequency of / h/
(250 Hz) is lower than periodic fricatives / z/ (293
Hz) and / v/ (286 Hz). Voiceless fricatives are re-
alized with low intensity values compared to the
sound fricatives whose peaks are observed respec-
tively with the consonants / x/ (54 db) and / z/ (58
There are three nasals consonants in Fongbe such
as / m/, / n/ and / N/. They are comparable to
voiced stops in an articulatory viewpoint. They
are realized with the lowest fundamental frequen-
cies compared to voiced stops. Compared to other
consonants from Fongbe, the nasal consonants are
produced with the lowest intensity of voice and
form, with the semi-consonants (/ w/ and / y/)
the briefest in the pronunciation. The realiza-
tion of semi-consonants are performed with al-
most the same periodic vibration rhythms of the
vocal cords (pitch values) and the same pressure
subglottic (intensity) than the voiced stops.
Figure 5: Pitch per consonfront.
Figure 6: Intensity of each consonfront.
4.3 Baseline Phoneme Recognition
We used two different approaches to perform the
process of the last layer of our recognition system:
fuzzy logic and DBN approaches. The Computation
of the vowel formants, the fundamental frequency
and intensity of consonants provide additional ex-
pert knowledge which can allow us to apply a fuzzy
logic system to effectively recognize consonant or
vowel phonemes (the inputs of this layer). Then,
we used several DBNs in a hierarchical architecture
based on the phoneme classification (Figure 4) to
achieve recognition. Our recognition system con-
sists of a mixture of fuzzy rules applied for recog-
nizing subclasses of phonemes and DBN structures
for recognizing the phonemes contained in each sub-
class. Thus, initially we used the fuzzy logic model
which consist of a number of conditional if-then
rules. When the classification layer provides a con-
sonant to the recognition layer, the inputs of the fuzzy
logic system are fundamental frequency and intensity
and the output is the membership degree of voiceless,
voiced, sonorant and nasal. In the case of a vowel
as input to the third layer, the inputs are the formants
F1, F2 and F3 and the output is the membership de-
gree of oral front, oral central, oral back, nasal front,
nasal central and nasal back. For a consonant as an
input, the fundamental frequency (f0) is fuzzified into
four complementary sets namely: low, medium, high,
very high and intensity is fuzzified into three com-
plementary sets namely: low, medium, high. For a
vowel, each formant is fuzzified into three comple-
mentary sets namely: low, medium, high. The linear-
ity of computed features induced the use of a simple
triangle curve (trimf ) for low, medium, high and very
high membership functions. The fuzzy rules gen-
erated through supervised learning are presented in
Table4 and Table5.
Table 4: The generated fuzzy rules applied to vowel for
identifying its subclass.
Input Output
F1 F2 F3
1 low low low oral front
2 low low medium nasal front
3 low low high oral front
4 low high medium nasal back
5 low high high oral back
6 medium low low nasal front
7 medium medium high nasal back
8 high low low oral front
9 high low medium nasal central
10 high medium medium oral central
11 high medium high oral back
After having detected the subclasses, we perform
a learning step based on the use of Deep Belief Net-
work. We trained 10 DBN models whose the neu-
ron number in the output layer varies according on
Automatic Fongbe Phoneme Recognition From Spoken Speech Signal
Table 5: The generated fuzzy rules applied to consonant for
identifying its subclass.
Input Output
f0 intensity
1 low medium sonorant
2 low high nasal
3 medium medium voiced
4 medium high sonorant
5 high low voiced
6 high medium voiced
7 very high low voiceless
8 very high medium voiced
Table 6: DBN parameters.
Model-256 units Model-512 units Model-1024 units
RBM Layer 1 256 units 512 units 1024 units
RBM Layer 2 256 units 512 units 1024 units
RBM Layer 3 256 units 512 units 1024 units
RBM Layer 4 256 units 512 units 1024 units
Learning rate 0.01 0.01 0.01
Training Epochs 160 160 160
Batch size 8 8 8
the number of elements in a subclass. We used three
different architectures to compare the recognition per-
formance and impact of the layer number of DBN
models on the performance of our recognition system.
This is also motivated by differences in the change of
phoneme subclasses. Table 6 summarizes the param-
eters used for each DBN model;
4.4 Experiments Results
Experiments were performed with Matlab in an en-
vironment which is Intel Core i7 CPU L 640 @
2.13GHz × 4 processor with 4GB memory.
4.5 Experimental Data
The complete recipe of algorithms proposed in this
work has been built for an automatic recognition of
Fongbe phonemes contained in a continuous speech.
Fongbe language is the majority language of Benin,
which is spoken by more than 50% of Benin’s popu-
lation, including 8 million speakers and also spoken
in Nigeria and Togo. Fongbe is an under-resourced
language which is characterized by a series of vow-
els (oral and nasal) and consonants (unvoiced, frica-
tives). By excluding compound words and derived
words, the words of Fongbe language can be grouped
into monosyllabic (V and CV), into bisyllabic (VCV;
CVV; CVCV and VV) and trisyllable (VCVCV and
CVCVCV). It is written officially in Benin with an
alphabet derived from the Latin writting since 1975.
It has a complex tonal system, with two lexical tones,
high and low, which may be modified by means of
tonal processes to drive three further phonetic tones:
rising low-high, falling high-low and mid (Lefebvre
and Brousseau., 2001). The Fongbe’s vowel system
is well suited to the vocalic timbre as it was designed
by the first Phoneticians. It includes twelve timbres:
7 oral vowels with 4 degrees of aperture and 5 nasal
vowels with 3 degrees of aperture. Its consonant sys-
tem includes 22 phonemes in 7 orders and 4 series.
The Fongbe speech corpus is divided into a train and
test sets which respectively contain 2307 and 810 sen-
tences uttered by 56 speakers whose ages are between
9 and 45 years. It contains for the full database ap-
proximately 12 thousand words and more than 96
thousand phonemes.
The best performing setting of DBN models (four
hidden layer architectures) was used to compute the
phone error rate (PER) for the core test set. PER is
the standard evaluation metric for phoneme recogni-
tion systems. It measures the difference between the
phoneme string returned by the recognizer and the
correct reference transcription. The distance between
the two phoneme strings is computed by the classi-
cal minimum edit distance algorithm (Huang et al.,
2001). Its formula (Equation 1) is based on the num-
ber of phoneme substitutions (SD), insertions (IE) and
deletions (DE) which are necessary to map between
the correct and hypothesized strings.
PER = 100.
SD + IE + DE
where N represents the number of phonemes in the
correct transcription.
After calculating the PER metric, we also calcu-
late Acc (recognition accuracy) by using:
Acc = 100 PER (2)
PER for four-layer architectures with different
hidden layer sizes are presented in table 7.
Table 7: Performance metrics per model.
Models DE IE SD PER Acc
256 units 7.15% 4.60% 16.30% 28.05% 71.95%
512 units 9.02% 3.04% 12.5% 24.56% 75.44%
1024 units 10.03% 1.30% 13.4% 24.73% 75.27%
The best PER is obtained with 512 units as hidden
layer sizes and is around 24%. This shows that by
adding more hidden layer sizes, from 256 units to 512
units, the recognition system performance has signif-
icantly improved and has given the best PER.
ICINCO 2016 - 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
In this work, we have achieved a first automatic recog-
nition system of Fongbe phonemes starting from the
continuous speech segmentation to the phonetic iden-
tity recognition of the units contained in the speech
signal. We offer a complete recipe algorithms using
fuzzy logic for segmentation, classification, identity
recognition. The output of this complete recipe is a
set of DBN models trained individually on 2307 sen-
tences of the training set and according to the con-
figuration of each subclass. Unlike most phoneme
recognition systems, we first performed a recognition
of plosives, fricatives and nasal consonants for con-
sonant phonemes and recognition of oral and nasal
for vowel phonemes. This yields a better recogni-
tion accuracy, decreasing especially the phone error
rate. In this way working with the subclasses by re-
ducing phoneme set increased approximately with 4%
the recognition accuracy. Another important finding
of this work is that we achieved very good Fongbe
phoneme recognition accuracy with 512 units as hid-
den layer sizes in our DBN models.
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Automatic Fongbe Phoneme Recognition From Spoken Speech Signal