Rule-based System for Quality of Life Evaluation in Socio-Cultural
Martin Šanda and Jiří Křupka
Institute of System Engineering and Informatics, Faculty of Public Administration, University of Pardubice,
Studentská 84, Pardubice, Czech Republic
Keywords: Evaluation, Fuzzy, Indicators, Quality of Life, Rules, Rule-based System.
Abstract: This article deals with the quality of life in European Union. The objective of this article is to analyse the
possibilities of quality of life evaluation on the European level based on selected indicators. For evaluation of
quality of life is used expert system and fuzzy sets. User gives the value of a total of thirteen indicators of
socio-cultural field, which are divided into three areas. The indicators are selected from several methodologies
for evaluating the quality of life and are divided into areas with similar principles and characteristics. Selected
methodologies are Active Aging Index, Eurofound, the Economist Intelligence Unit and the Better Life
Index.The expert system determines rating for each area and for total rating of quality of life for the selected
country. In the conclusions of this paper are other options for adjustments and expansion.
Quality of life evaluation (QL) (Mandys et al., 2009;
Qlru, 2011) is not a simple matter and often can be
this evaluation problematic in many regards. It was
produced (and will be produce) a lot of different
types, different methodologies and approaches to the
QL evaluation. So QL evaluation is very complicated
issue, then is appropriate to "take the help of"
software or programming tools such as decision
making models, expert systems or just rule-based
systems. QL can be viewed as availability of options,
from which an individual can pick during filling his
life (Phillips, 2006; Royuela et al., 2010). This term
refers to human existence, comprehension of meaning
of life itself of individual being. QL includes
individual way of life (lifestyle), not only individual
living conditions, but also living conditions of wider
groups of society as a whole (Rapley, 2003).
The concept of QL is difficult to define and various
authors and various organizations approach to the
concept of QL it differently. For the evaluation of the
QL it is necessary to use indicators, using which you
can specific areas or issues of QL quantify. Any such
assessment is complex, it is necessary to assemble the
various indicators with regard to the subject and
evaluation criteria (Mederly et al., 2004; Šanda and
Křupka, 2015).
2.1 Subjective, Objective Quality of
Enhancing the QL is an explicit policy goal of many
countries, yet it is rarely studied using models that
relate objective measures to the subjective
evaluations of residents (Von Wirth et al. 2015).
Subjective QL (Mederly et. al., 2004) is the sum
of each individual's subjective inputs, such as
opinions, attitudes, personal system of values,
adaption, manner of perceiving the environs, etc.
Research of subjective QL of people is very difficult
- every human life is unique and each person has their
own individual notion. This unfortunately poses
problems such as the willingness of respondents, their
uncertainty in responses or their different system of
values in job, in family etc.
Objective QL (Mederly et. al., 2004) can be
considered as specific, measurable generally living
conditions and living standards achieved by an
individual person or whole population. Among the
factors influencing the objective QL belong a number
Šanda, M. and K
rupka, J.
Rule-based System for Quality of Life Evaluation in Socio-Cultural Field.
DOI: 10.5220/0006007803420347
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2016) - Volume 1: ICSOFT-EA, pages 342-347
ISBN: 978-989-758-194-6
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of indicators such as average wage, access to services
and education, access to health care, quality of the
natural environment etc.
2.2 Indicators of Quality of Life
QL is evaluated by use of indicators. The evaluation
of QL is a difficult thing. Number of similar opinions
and approaches (Křupka et al., 2010; Šanda and
Křupka, 2015) exist regarding the relevant set of
indicators and the concrete evaluation tools used for
this area. For example in the Czech Republic, the
Czech Statistical Office (CSO) includes among the
QL indicators (CSU, 2013) “changes in demographic
developments”, and “security of inhabitants”, other
QL indicators used by the CSO are: GDP per
inhabitant, revenues per inhabitant, level of
employment/ unemployment, housing, security and
health expenditures, culture expenditures and
expenditures for travelling as free-time and aging
related activities.
Individual indicators then form a set of indicators
or the whole methodologies for evaluating the QL.
2.3 Selected Methodologies for Quality
of Life Evaluation
We have selected following assessment
methodologies (approaches) of QL evaluation in this
paper (and for this rule-based system): Active Ageing
Index (AAI, 2015); Economist Intelligence Unit
Limited (EIU, 2015); Eurofound (EF, 2015); Better
Life Index (OECD,2015).
2.3.1 Active Ageing Index
Active ageing index (AAI) is a tool to measure the
untapped potencial of older people for active and
healthy ageing across countries. It measures the level
to which older people live independent lives,
participate in paid employment and social activities
as well as their capacity to actively age.
Methodology AAI comprises four basic areas for
QL evaluation (AAI, 2015):
Employment (indicators: Employment rate for the
age group 55-59, 60-64, 65-69 and 70-74);
Participation in society (Voluntary activities, Care
to children, grandchildren, Care to older adults,
Political participation);
Independent, healthy and secure living and
capacity (Physical exercise, Access to health and
dental care, Independent living arrangements,
Relative median income, No poverty risk, No
severe material deprivation, Physical safety,
Lifelong learning);
Enabling environment for active ageing
(Remaining life expectancy achievement of 50
years at age 55, Share of healthy life years in the
remaining life expectancy at age 55, Mental well-
being, Use of ICT, Social connectedness,
Educational attainment of older persons).
2.3.2 Economist Intelligence Unit
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) evaluation
(EIU, 2015) has a large scale of usage, such as
perceived level of development comparison. The EIU
evaluation quantifies problems that could be
presented to inhabitants regarding life style in a given
area. The EIU evaluation makes possible direct
comparison between individual places. The result of
this evaluation can be also used for e.g. decision about
allocating subsidies or grants for an individual city for
its further development and support. Basic areas
(indicators) are (EIU, 2015):
Stability (indicators are Prevalence of petty crime,
Prevalence of violent crime, Threat of terror,
Threat of military conflict, Threat of civil
Healthcare (Availability of private healthcare,
Quality of private healthcare, Availability of
public healthcare, Quality of public healthcare,
Availability of over-the-counter drugs, General
healthcare indicators)
Culture and Environment (Humidity/ temperature
rating, Discomfort of climate to travellers, Level
of corruption, Social or religious restrictions,
Level of censorship EIU rating, Sporting
availability, Cultural availability, Food and drink,
Consumer goods and services);
Education, (Availability of private education,
Quality of private education, Public education
Infrastructure (Quality of road network, Quality
of public transport, Quality of international links,
Availability of good quality housing, Quality of
energy provision, Quality of water provision,
Quality of telecommunications).
2.3.3 Eurofound
The Eurofound (EF) has developed (Eurofound,
2015) three regularly repeated surveys to contribute
to the planning and establishment of better living and
working conditions. The European Quality of Life
Survey (EQLS), implemented in 2003, 2007 and
2011-12, provides a comprehensive portrait/picture
of living conditions in European countries. It contains
Rule-based System for Quality of Life Evaluation in Socio-Cultural Field
a broad range of indicators on different dimensions of
QL, both objective and subjective.
The EU evaluation works with seven basic areas
(Grijpstra et al., 2014):
Subjective well-being (indicators are Life
satisfaction, Happiness);
Living standards and deprivation (Proportion of
households with both rent or mortgage and utility
arrears, Satisfaction with standard of living);
Work–life balance (Proportion of employees
coming home from work tired at least several
times a month, Proportion of employees having
difficulties at least several times a month fulfilling
family responsibilities, Proportion of employees
having difficulty concentrating at work at least
several times a month);
Family and social life (Satisfaction with family
life, Satisfaction with social life);
Home, housing and local environment (Mean
number of rooms, Satisfaction with
Health, healthcare, education and other public
services (Satisfaction with health, Perceived
quality of healthcare, Satisfaction with education,
Perceived quality of educational system,
Perceived quality of public transport, Perceived
quality of state pension system);
Quality of society is represented by tension index.
It use scale of 5–15, where 5 is no tension and 15
is a lot of tension. Respondents could indicate on
a scale from 1 to 3 (1 is no tension, 2 is some
tension, 3 is a lot of tension) how much tension
they perceive between the following groups: 1)
poor–rich; 2) management–workers; 3) men–
women; 4) old–young; 5) different racial and
ethnic groups. The tension index is the sum of
these variables, which gives a tension index score
for each respondent that ranges from 5 (no
tension) to 15 (maximum tension).
2.3.4 Better Life Index
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) have their QL evaluations.
The OECD (OECD, 2015) executes evaluation of
primarily member states by means of OECD Better
Life Index (BLI), where the evaluation of QL is a part
of sustainable and inclusive growth, the OECD BLI
evaluation works with basic areas (OECD, 2015):
Housing (indicators are Dwellings without basic
facilities, Housing expenditure, Rooms per
Income (Household net adjusted disposable
income, Household net financial wealth);
Jobs (Employment rate, Job security, Long-term
unemployment rate, Personal earnings; indicator
of Community is Quality of support network);
Education (Educational attainment, Student skills,
Years in education);
Environment (Air pollution, Water quality);
Civic engagement (Consultation on rule-making,
Voter turnout; indicators of Health are Life
expectancy, Self-reported health);
Life Satisfaction (indicator Life satisfaction);
Safety (Assault rate, Homicide rate);
Work-Life Balance (Employees working very
long hours, Time devoted to leisure and personal
Rule-based system (RBS) for QL evaluation in the
European Union is based on selected indicators (from
the socio-cultural field) and their values. RBS's
first operation is that the user enters a value of the
concrete indicator. These indicators are divided into
three areas (according to similarities, principles and
common characteristics). RBS then determines the
rating for these three areas, which are the basis for
total rating. The total rating is based on the evaluation
of three areas and defined rules in this system.
3.1 Indicators for Evaluation
For this system were used thirteen indicators selected
from stated methodologies (AAI, 2015; EIU, 2015;
EF, 2015 and OECD, 2015) within the socio-cultural
field. Selected indicators are in Table 1.
Table 1: Selected indicators.
Indicator Approach
Employment AAI
Participation in society AAI
Social or religious restrictions EIU
Level of censorship EIU
Sporting availability EIU
Cultural availability EIU
Tension index EF
Perceived quality of state pension system EF
Satisfaction with social life EF
Satisfaction with family life EF
Satisfaction with standard of living EF
Civic engagement BLI
Work-Life Balance BLI
These indicators are divided into three areas: The
first areas (labeled as AREA-MIN) comprise
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
Employment, Social or religious restrictions, Level of
censorship and Tension index, because are in this area
all indicators that are minimalist (minimum values in
the ideal case). The second area can be called "public
administration" (AREA-PA) because the indicators
are associated with public administration - Perceived
quality of state pension system, Participation in
society, Civic engagement, Cultural availability,
Sporting availability. The third area is "Satisfaction"
(AREA-S). As the name suggests, these are indicators
that assess satisfaction - Satisfaction with family life,
Satisfaction with social life, Satisfaction with
standard of living, Work-Life Balance.
3.2 Structure and Principle of RBS
RBS structure can be divided into three basic layers -
the lower layer are the above-mentioned indicators,
the middle layer is created of three areas and high
layer is the total rating or goal QL evaluation. The
principle RBS can be describe in three steps: 1) the
user enters name (or symbol) of the evaluated state
and values of all indicators into the RBS; 2) RBS
saves the values and consequently according to
defined rules determines ratings for three areas; 3)
RBS determines total QL evaluation in the country
based on the rating of areas (according to defined
The user enters the rating of indicators 0-100 (so
it is a percentage value). Some of the selected 13
indicators are in the range 0-10, then will be modified
at range 0-100 (in percent). An indicator Tension
Index is then necessary to convert (value 5 is 0% 6 is
10%, …, 10 is 50%, … and 15 is 100%).
The areas are then evaluated for average values of
indicators, with the exception AREA-MIN - In this
area is average rating of indicators still deducted from
one and then has area finally rating. Similar case is
in the total evaluation. Fuzzy sets for areas rating is
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Areas rating with fuzzy sets - % rating of area and
membership function of % rating.
Every area can be evaluated from four options:
very-stable (84-100%), stable (68-88%), unstable
(46-74%) and very-unstable (0-56%). The area rating
is tuned sensitively using fuzzy sets and based on the
fact that the QL evaluation is resembles as
exponential curve (AAI, 2015; BLI, 2015; EF, 2015;
EIU, 2015).
Total evaluation of QL are based on rating of
areas (according to defined rules). Options for total
rating are: perfect-QL (88-100%), very-good-QL (76-
90), good-QL (60-80%), bad-QL (40-66%) and very-
bad-QL (0-50%) in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Total evaluation with fuzzy sets - % total
evaluation and membership function of % evaluation.
The number of options for areas rating and the
total evaluation is based on (EIU, 2015; Hlaváčková
et al., 2010).
3.3 Rules and Evaluation
Rules for evaluating QL in the programming tool
fuzzy CLIPS will be discussed in the following lines
(Cross and Firat, 1997). The value of indicators are
entered by the user, the areas are then evaluated for
average values of these indicators and total evaluation
of QL are based on rating of areas, as already
mentioned. The code in fuzzy CLIPS is an example,
that the user entered values of indicator Employment
(indicators in Table 1). In the same way the user
entered the remaining twelve indicators (word
EMPLOYMENT would be changed to
(defrule read_EMPLOYMENT
(printout t “Value of employment
is: (0-100)" crlf)
bind ?string (read))
(assert (EMPLOYMENT ?string)))
Rule-based System for Quality of Life Evaluation in Socio-Cultural Field
In the program must be defined the range and the
rules for areas's rating as well as for the total
evaluating QL. This is example of code in fuzzy
CLIPS for defined areas's rating (code is for area
AREA-S) and based from Figure 1:
(deftemplate AREA-S
0 100 %
(very-stable (pi 8 92))
(stable (pi 10 78))
(unstable (pi 14 60))
(very-unstable (pi 28 28))
There is example of code in fuzzy CLIPS for
defined total evaluation (code is based from
Figure 2):
(deftemplate QL-TOTAL
0 100 %
(perfect-QL (pi 6 94))
(very-good (pi 7 83))
(good (pi 10 70))
(bad (pi 13 53))
(very-bad (pi 25 25))
Rules for the total evaluation are follows:
QL is perfect if all the areas are evaluated very
(if AREA-MIN is very-stable and
AREA-PA is very-stable and AREA-S is
(then QL is Perfect-QL))
QL is very good if all the areas are evaluated
very-stable or stable (except 3x very-stable).
(if (AREA-MIN is very-stable or
stable) and (AREA-PA is very-
stable or stable) and (AREA-S is
very-stable or stable)
(then QL is Very-good-QL))
Good QL is for all variants, which are not
described. It is an "average" rating and includes for
example the rare cases (rating areas will be unstable,
very-very-stable and unstable); QL is bad if all the
areas are evaluated very-unstable or unstable (except
3x very-unstable) and QL is very bad if all the areas
are evaluated very-unstable.
At the end of the program is this information
(total evaluation for country) "print out" for user.
QL evaluation using a rule-based system can be very
beneficial - system will be evaluated based on defined
rules, whether subjective or objective indicators. The
rules have to be defined very sensitive because it is
very important for correct function of RBS. In this
case it is created with fuzzy sets.
As an added incentive for editing and
development of RBS for greater sensitivity and
greater credibility is QL evaluation include: take into
account the weight of individual indicators
(eventually of areas), it can be choose other
methodologies for QL evaluation, include more
(varied) indicators or it choose other of field QL
evaluation (economic, health, etc.)
It could be also evolve form of the input data -
values of indicators given by user.
In this case is an objective evaluation - the user
enters values that are based on previous
measurements or investigations. It can be developed
for user's subjective evaluation - userself's assessment
(feelings, impressions, etc.). It can would use the (for
example) range of indicators rating: excellent,
average, Satisfactory, unsatisfactory and the user can
applied his subjective evaluation (it would be
necessary to draw up rules for evaluating areas on the
basis of this supplement). QL evaluation would not
have to concern only the countries, but it can be used
for city's or region's evaluation.
QL evaluation of EU states could then also be
supplemented with a "pattern matching" it could be
the EU average and the result would be the country's
position in memberships countries in EU. As another
similar case can be applied to the Visegrad Group.
This article was supported by the projects No.
SGS_2016_023 of the Ministry of Education, Youth
and Sports of CR with title “Economic and social
development in private and public sector” at the
Faculty of Economics and Administration, University
of Pardubice.
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Rule-based System for Quality of Life Evaluation in Socio-Cultural Field