Establishment and Function Analysis of Psychological Evaluation
Mode for Mentally Retarded Children
Yong Zhang
Institute of Educational Science, Leshan Normal University, Leshan, Sichuan, 614000, China
Keywords: Mentally retarded children, Psychology, Evaluation, Function, Flow.
Abstract: As a special group, mentally retarded children are relatively weak in both ideological consciousness and
emotional psychology, and they need more concern and care from society. Mentally retarded children have
their own mental emotion and psychological activity. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to attach
importance to evaluation mode for their psychology. Besides, a scientific evaluation mode will actively
guide the development of taking care of these children. First, the psychology performance of mentally
retarded children was introduced in this work. Then, the evaluation mode for psychology was described.
After that, the principal idea and evaluation flow in establishing evaluation mode was analyzed. We hope
that this evaluation mode can provide good reference for taking care of mentally retarded children.
Mentally retarded children cannot contact with
people normally. They prefer to stay in their own
world rather than rely on adults. They often seem to
be indifferent, even ignoring others around them.
They are unwilling to initiatively analyze problems
or play with peers, without relying on adults. In
addition, there are communication barriers in the
growth of mentally retarded children, especially
language barriers. Non-verbal barriers are always
shown in dull look, never expressing subjective
desire by body language and repeating some actions.
If things do not go in accordance with their wishes,
they will exhibit anxiety and care nothing around
them. Generally, they are insensitive to parents’
calling, thus often having no response to parents’
calls. From an objective point of view, the number
of mentally retarded children is large, so more
attention and care of the society should be paid to
them. The intelligence flaw of mentally retarded
children will inevitably lead to multi-psychology, so
it is important to effectively evaluate their multi-
psychology (Wang Hui, 2010). First, the prerequisite
is a comprehensive and thorough understanding of
the mental performance of mentally retarded
children. Thereby, this special group can be clearly
understood, and the psychological evaluation can
work. .
Although different with normal people, mentally
retarded children still have their own mental
characteristics and psychological performance,
which can be projected outside. Therefore, the
accurate psychological characteristics of mentally
retarded children can be grasped through their
external manifestations.
2.1 Dull and slow perception
For mentally retarded children, only the stimulus
with eye catching colors or huge volume can come
into their mind. Otherwise, mentally retarded
children cannot concentrate their limited energy on
the stimulus, being imperceptible to things. Besides,
as they only use mechanical memory, the received
information of mentally retarded children from
outside in unit time is significantly less than normal
2.2 Low learning ability
Mentally retarded children are only interested in
special things, such as special sound or things with
Zhang Y.
Establishment and Function Analysis of Psychological Evaluation Mode for Mentally Retarded Children.
DOI: 10.5220/0006446101610165
In ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV (ISME 2016), pages 161-165
ISBN: 978-989-758-208-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
bright colors (Wang Liping, Lan Jijun, 2011).
Therefore, it is difficult for them to concentrate on
learning, thus resulting in their low learning abilities
and bad abstract thinking ability.
2.3 Lack of language ability
Most mentally retarded children have difficulty in
language and phonation. Sometimes conveying
simple commands would cost teachers a long time.
Some of them can say some simple sentences with
limited content. Generally, their expressions are
unsmooth and incomplete, thus puzzling teachers
and parents.
2.4 Easy excitement
With ADHD, mentally retarded children are
accustomed to play individually, which seems very
unsociable. Once encountering some interesting
scenes or things, they will behave excitedly, like
clapping, laughing and jumping.
2.5 Emotional instability
Emotional instability is also a significant feature of
mentally retarded children. They often burst into
laughing or crying when meeting things. Therefore,
much patience of teachers and parents is required to
make limited communication with them.
2.6 Lack of independent living ability
Many mentally retarded children are unable to use
spoon, dress themselves or do basic trivia.
Meanwhile, some parents prefer to spoil their
children rather than exercise children’s daily living
ability. Therefore, mentally retarded children really
lack the independent living ability.
2.7 Full of curiosity
Mentally retarded children are not interested in
familiars, but show great interest in strangers; once
touching something new, they will play it without
stopping. So, it is evident that mentally retarded
children still have curiosity. Besides, most mentally
retarded children love music, sometimes dancing
with the music.
2.8 Possessive instinct
Some mentally retarded children are unwilling to
share their favorite sports or things with others.
Furthermore, they will show strong rejection when
someone joins in his playing of a game or toy.
Mentally retarded children should be paid more
concern and care for their congenital diseases.
Besides, it is the realistic requirement of social
development to establish an effective psychological
evaluation mode to care mentally retarded children.
Therefore, the establishment of such a scientific and
reasonable evaluation mode is of realistic function.
3.1 Establishing psychological
evaluation mode to give children
more care
While facing mentally retarded children, normal
persons always have the mixed feelings of
helplessness and sympathy. Therefore, paying more
care to mentally retarded children is the desire of
every normal person in society. In this way,
mentally retarded children can grow in a better
environment. Besides, establishing a scientific and
reasonable evaluation mode can effectively treat and
guide the psychology of mentally retarded children.
Then, mentally retarded children will get more care
and help, thus living and learning better.
3.2 Establishing psychological
evaluation mode to perfect social
security system
Caring for mentally retarded children cannot be
achieved by individuals. Therefore, perfect social
security system is required to provide more scientific
and effective help. Otherwise, the existing situation
will become worse. To establish this evaluation
mode, some professional problems should be solved
to ensure a right developing direction of concerning
mentally retarded children. Then, the social security
system will become more complete and powerful,
thus exerting its function more timely and
extensively. In this way, the cause of concerning the
mentally retarded children will be paid more
ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV
ISME 2016 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
3.3 Establishing psychological
evaluation mode to reveal warmth
between people
Undoubtedly, mentally retarded children need more
concern and care. However, there are still many
people do not realize it. The reasons are the lack of
social responsibility as well as the indifference of
people. This is the exclusion of social development,
also the phenomenon people are unwilling to see.
Therefore, giving more care to mentally retarded
children can highlight the warmth and sincere
between people in social development. Therefore,
establishing such evaluation mode can effectively
play a leading role. Then, people's indifference
psychology will be awoken to pay attention to
mentally retarded children timely, thus changing the
indifferent relationship between people.
3.4 Establishing psychological
evaluation mode to better
communicate with children
Usually, there are conflicts among mentally retarded
children. Establishing an evaluation mode can
effectively avoid this phenomenon, even helping
children to find a common way of communication.
Then, more communication should be realized to
iron out conflicts, thus enabling them coexist
The psychological evaluation mode for mentally
retarded children is necessary and important.
Therefore, to establish such evaluation mode is
imperative. Although the advantage of this mode has
been affirmed, it is also necessary to make a correct
analysis. So, some principals and ideas are required
to ensure the correctness of evaluation.
4.1 Principle of effective
An effective evaluation of multi-psychology for
mentally retarded children requires good
communication between teachers and children. After
all, certain processes are needed to evaluate
children’s psychology. Teachers should learn to
make psychological communication with children to
avoid children’s contradiction, which may lead to an
interruption of evaluation. Prior communications are
beneficial for the unexpected situations as it can
save time to communicate with children during the
process, thus ensuring a smooth evaluation.
4.2 Coordinating and supervising
principle for parents
In view of the physical and mental characteristics of
mentally retarded children, parents’ coordination
and supervision are required during the psychology
evaluation. It is known that the psychology of
mentally retarded children has the features of
particularity and variability. Parents should better
understand children's habits as well as their body
language. Thus, psychological evaluation can be
completed better with the cooperation of parents. In
other words, parents’ participation is also a kind of
direct supervision, because they can take the floor to
the evaluation process, quality of staff and
evaluation results. It is also an effective way to
promote and improve the psychological evaluation
of mentally retarded children.
4.3 Scientific and rational principle of
evaluation flow
For mentally retarded children, psychology
evaluation is not an easy thing. Only with simple
and efficient evaluation process, as well as scientific
and rational content, can the effectiveness of
evaluation be guaranteed. In other words, simple
flow, proper method and rational content are all
required to achieve the expected goal. This is
responsible both for the assessment and the mentally
retarded children. Otherwise, the psychological
evaluation will lose its significance.
Standing on the physical and mental characteristics
of mentally retarded children, the psychological
evaluation should also stick to some principles and
ideas. Then, the evaluation can be carried out
smoothly. Hence, scientific and rational evaluation
flow seems especially important.
Establishment and Function Analysis of Psychological Evaluation Mode for Mentally Retarded Children
Establishment and Function Analysis of Psychological Evaluation Mode for Mentally Retarded Children
5.1 Achieving children’s trust with
preliminary understanding
Psychology evaluation for mentally retarded
children cannot be done directly because they are a
special group. That is why professional evaluators
will have a preliminary understanding of these
children through their parents before evaluation.
This link is critical, because it is conducive to the
formation of targeted evaluation content. While
communicating with children, evaluators should
shorten the distance with children by smiling or
showing toys and snack foods, thus eliminating their
strangeness. Once an amiable and kind impression
of evaluators has left, children will trust the
evaluators to cooperate during the evaluation.
Therefore, evaluators should learn to encourage as
well as treat children equally. Through this process,
evaluators can have a general understanding of
children’s intelligence, thus stimulating their desire
to communicate with evaluators.
5.2 Objective positioning and effective
identification of screening results
Many children with mild mental retardation will
choose ordinary schools. Therefore, the children in
special schools are almost deep retarded ones. So, it
is necessary to evaluate the psychology of children
objectively. For the children with obvious mental
obstacles, school should make specially
registrations. Then, these children can be rationally
arranged for special learning. Through some targeted
questions, the intellect degree of children can be
determined, ensuring an objective and true
identification results.
5.3 Rigorously evaluating mental
retardation level to provide basis
for education of children
The severity of mental retardation of children
directly influences their choosing and learning.
Therefore, effective methods and aids are necessary
to measure the severity of mental retarded children.
Among them, application-oriented intelligence tests
and adaptive behavior assessment are effective ways
to measure the degree of retardation. Once the
degree has been determined, schools can draft
targeted teaching plan and scheme to provide
reliable basis for teaching.
After communication, visual observation and
screening, the mentally retarded children
preliminarily determined shall be further diagnosed
by intelligence scale and social behavior rating
scale. Following that, the medical history and
inspection results of relevant departments of hospital
will be analyzed and identified in detail. Medical
history includes the history of growth, disease,
family and others. Inspection results include the
examination of neurology, mental status,
biochemistry and other physical examinations.
Certainly, every link of the diagnostic process
should be emphasized, otherwise the data will not be
objective. Furthermore, untruthful data will cause
unnecessary disruption to psychological evaluation,
even leading to testing suspension or misdiagnosis.
Mostly, each behavior of children may reflect
certain representation problems, which should be
paid attention to.
5.4 Rationally extending evaluation
flow and paying full attention to
mentally retarded children
The evaluation of children is not once for all.
Psychological evaluation of children should be
rationally extended to schools, teachers and parents,
because many factors outside will change the degree
of children’s mental retardation. Parents and
teachers should communicate with children regularly
to observe children’s actual situations. Besides,
teachers and parents should also make timely and
effective communication with evaluation
institutions, thus timely providing them with
children's real reaction and relevant performance.
Thus, mentally retarded children can be concerned
and cared through the joint efforts of all parties.
As a special group, mentally retarded children need
psychological evaluation badly. Indeed, mentally
retarded children need our concern and that is what
we should do. Therefore, the warmth can be spread
during the development of society, contributing to
their growth. Everybody should take their
responsibility and do it from now on, so as to
effectively consolidate psychological assessment for
mentally retarded children.
This work was financial supported by the key
research base of philosophy and social science in
ISME 2016 - Information Science and Management Engineering IV
ISME 2016 - International Conference on Information System and Management Engineering
Sichuan Province for the project of Sichuan research
center of applied psychology "Practical Study of
Psychological Evaluation for Mentally Retarded
Children" (No.CSXL-122020).
Wang Hui, Reflections on Education Evaluation Problem
of Mentally Retarded Children, A Journal of Modern
Special Education, 2010 (11): 30-30.
Wang Liping, Lan Jijun, Research Progress of Game for
Mentally Retarded Children, Chinese Journal of
health Psychology, 2011 (12): 27-28.
Establishment and Function Analysis of Psychological Evaluation Mode for Mentally Retarded Children
Establishment and Function Analysis of Psychological Evaluation Mode for Mentally Retarded Children