Combining Two Different DNN Architectures for Classifying
Speaker’s Age and Gender
Arafat Abu Mallouh
Zakariya Qawaqneh
and Buket D. Barkana
Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, 06604, U.S.A.
Electrical Engineering Department, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT, 06604, U.S.A.
Keywords: Deep Neural Network, GMM-UBM, I-Vector, Speaker Age and Gender Classification, Fine-Tuning.
Abstract: Speakers’ age and gender classification is one of the most challenging problems in the field of speech
processing. Recently, remarkable developments have been achieved in the neural network field, nowadays,
deep neural network (DNN) is considered one of the state-of-art classifiers which have been successful in
many speech applications. Motivated by DNN success, we jointly fine-tune two different DNNs to classify
the speaker’s age and gender. The first DNN is trained to classify the speaker gender, while the second
DNN is trained to classify the age of the speaker. Then, the two pre-trained DNNs are reused to tune a third
DNN (AGender-Tuning) which can classify the age and gender of the speaker together. The results show an
improvement in term of accuracy for the proposed work compared with the I-Vector and the GMM-UBM as
baseline systems. Also, the performance of the proposed work is compared with other published works on a
publicly available database.
Computerized systems such as language learning,
phone ads, crime detection, and health monitoring
are rapidly increasing, and this creates an urgent
need for better performance. These systems can be
improved by gathering correct information about
speaker’s age, gender, accent, and emotional state
(Nguyen et al., 2010). Age and gender recognition is
the ability to recognize the age and gender
information from speaker’s speech. A key stage in
identifying speakers’ age and gender is to select and
extract effective features that represent the speaker’s
characteristics uniquely. Then a classifier uses these
features to predict the speaker’s age and gender.
Many feature sets have been developed and
evaluated in the literature. In general, these sets can
be classified into three main categories: spectral,
prosodic, and glottal features. One of the spectral
feature sets is the Mel frequency cepstral
coefficients (MFCCs), which is widely used by
many researchers. The advantage of MFCCs is the
ability to model the vocal tract filter in a short time
power spectrum (Li et al., 2013, Metze et al., 2007).
DNNs have been used effectively for feature
extraction and classification in various fields, like
computer vision (Nguyen et al., 2015, Zeiler, 2013),
image processing and classification (Ciregan et al.,
2012, Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014), and natural
language recognition (Richardson et al., 2015, Yu et
al., 2010). One of the main advantages of DNN is
the deep architecture that transforms rich input
features to strong internal representation (Baker et
al., 2009). In the past, considerable research has
been carried out to improve speaker’s age and
gender classification, but the field still needs more
work for better results.
The main contributions of this work can be
summarized as the following; the usage of DNN is
investigated to classify the speaker’s age and gender
for the public age-annotated database of german
telephone speech database (aGender) using MFCCs.
A new method for training two DNNs is introduced,
where Age-DNN and Gender-DNN are combined
into a shared output layer to produce a tuned DNN,
which is able to classify a speaker age and gender
simultaneously. The reminder of the paper is
organized as follows: A brief literature review,
methodology, experimental results and discussion,
and finally, a conclusion of the proposed work.
Abu Mallouh A., Qawaqneh Z. and Barkana B.
Combining Two Different DNN Architectures for Classifying Speakerâ
Zs Age and Gender.
DOI: 10.5220/0006096501120117
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 112-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-212-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Speakers’ age and gender characteristics were
studied early in the 1950’s in terms of pitch and
duration (Mysak, 1959). With the developments in
computer technology, studies are mainly focusing on
the classification of speakers’ age and gender.
Ming-Li et al. (Li et al., 2013) utilized various
acoustic and prosodic features to improve
classification accuracies by combining GMM base,
GMM-SVM mean super vector, GMM-SVM-MLLR
super vector, GMM-SVM-TPP super vector, and
SVM baseline system. The highest accuracy (52.7%)
is attained when all methods are fused together.
Metze et al. (Metze et al., 2007) studied different
techniques for age and gender recognition, based on
telephone applications. They compared the
performance of their system with humans. The first
technique they used was parallel phoneme
recognizer (PPR), which is one of the early systems.
The main core of this system is to create a PPR for
each class in the age and gender database. They
reported that the PPR system performs almost like
human listeners, with the disadvantage of losing
quality and accuracy on short utterances.
Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2007) built a home robot
that classifies speakers' age and gender from speech
utterances using MFCCs, Harmonic to Noise ratio,
and Jitter and Shimmer feature sets. Three different
classifiers were used in their work: multi-layer
perceptron (MLP), GMM, and ANN, they achieved
an overall accuracy of 96.57%, 90%, and 94.6% for
age using the three classifiers respectively. Bahari et
al. (Bahari, 2011) tried to estimates the speakers’
age. In their work, they use weighted supervised
non-negative matrix factorization (WSNMF) to
reduce the dimension of the speaker HMM weight
supervector model. They achieved an accuracy of
96% for gender recognition on a Dutch speech
database. The achieved mean absolute error was
7.48 years for age recognition. Bahari et al. (Bahari,
2014) regress the speakers age by modeling each
utterance using the I-Vector and then employing the
SVR classifier.
The proposed system differs from other works in
many aspects; in our system, we utilize the
combination of different DNN architectures to
extract the features and to classify the groups.
Moreover, we introduce the idea of training two
DNNs one for age and another for gender, then
combining the two DNNs into one DNN that can
classify speaker’s age and gender.
The supervised training in DNNs aims to learn the
optimal weights that will make the DNN
classification process accurate with minimal
overfitting. In this work, the supervised learning is
divided into three parts; a DNN that learns the
speakers age, a DNN that learns the speakers gender,
and AGender-Tuning DNN that learns speakers age
and gender together.
3.1 Gender-DNN
This network is dedicated to capturing the gender of
each speaker. As shown in figure 1 the input for this
network is the MFCCs set, and the output labels are
male and female. The number of hidden layers is 5,
where the number of nodes in each layer are 1024
nodes. Extracting speaker gender is easier than
extracting the age or age and gender of the speaker.
The achieved accuracy of Gender-DNN is expected
to reach high scores, and this will make the Gender-
DNN participation in other DNN networks effective.
3.2 Age-DNN
This network will learn the speaker’s age, where the
input is the MFCCs feature set, and the output labels
are children, young, mature, and senior. As shown in
figure 2, the number of hidden layers is five each
consists of 1024 nodes. Decreasing the number of
labels helps the classifier to achieve better results,
we separated the gender labels from age labels to
enable the classifier to focus on age prediction. In
speech processing, it is known that age classification
is harder than gender classification, we will train
Age-DNN to focus and learn as much as possible
about speakers age, then Age-DNN will be involved
in a third DNN that utilize it.
3.3 AGender-Tuning System
In classification problems, two or more methods can
be combined and utilized by fusing their results on
the score level, but in these cases, the fusion may not
utilize the full ability of each network. In this paper,
we propose an alternative way to combine two or
more networks by fine-tuning their last hidden
layers’ outputs.
Combining Two Different DNN Architectures for Classifying Speakerâ
Zs Age and Gender
Figure 1: Gender-DNN architecture.
Figure 2: Age-DNN architecture.
Before combining, each network will be trained
separately to utilize the network maximum ability.
First, to generate the new proposed AGender-
Tuning network, the two trained age and gender
networks are reused as shown in figure 3. Next, a
new output layer with a softmax activation function
(softmax3) is added above the last hidden layers of
both networks to jointly fine tune them together. The
input for the newly added output layer is the
element-wise summation of the last hidden layer
outputs of age network (O
) and gender network
) as in (1).
X = O
Where is the element-wise summation between
each element in the two output vectors.
Figure 3: AGender-Tuning Network.
The output labels are 7, where each label
represents a class for a group of speakers who share
the same range of the age and gender. To combine
the two networks, the weight values of the pre-
trained age and gender networks are not changed
(frozen). Then, we train and tune the weight values of
the last hidden layers of the Age, Gender, and the
newly added output layer as follows:
1) The newly added output layer is trained using
softmax3. Consequently, the back propagation
process will take effect on the last hidden layers for
the Age-DNN and Gender-DNN.
2) Whenever Age-DNN receives updates from the
newly added output layer, it starts updating its last
hidden layer weights one more time using softmax1.
3) The same will be done for Gender-DNN,
whenever Gender-DNN receives updates from the
newly added output layer it; starts updating its last
hidden layer weights one more time using softmax2.
4) Steps 1 to 3 are repeated until there is no learning
5) Finally, after training is done, the final result (S)
of speaker's age and gender classification are
considered by taking the max of the newly added
output layer (softmax3) as in (2).
S = argmax O
Where O
is the output posteriors of the newly
added output layer (softmax3).
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
4.1 Data Corpus
The aGender is used to test the proposed system.
The database consists of 47 hours of prompted and
free text (Schuller et al., 2010). It includes seven
categories: Children (C, 7-14 years old), young-
female (YF, 15-24 years old), young-male (YM, 15-
24 years old), mature-female (MF, 25-54 years old),
mature-male (MM, 25-54 years old), senior-female
(SF, 55-80 years old), and senior-male (SM, 55-80
years old). A 25% of the database of random
speakers are chosen for testing, and the remaining
75% are used for training.
4.2 Baseline Systems
4.2.1 I-Vector
I-Vector is considered as one of the state-of-art
systems that showed remarkable results in many
fields such as speaker recognition and language
identification (Richardson et al., 2015). The I-Vector
process consists of, eigenvoices extraction, noise
removal, and scoring. I-Vector classifier estimates
different classes by using eigenvoice adaptation
(Kenny et al., 2007). The process of extracting the I-
Vector of any utterance starts by finding the total
variability subspace. The total variability subspace is
used to estimate a low-dimensional set from the
adapted mean supervectors; the result is called the
Identity Vector (I-Vector). For each utterance,
GMM mean vectors are calculated as in (3). The
UBM super vector, M is adapted by stacking the
mean vectors of the GMM.
M = m+ Tw (3)
T represents a low-rank matrix, and w represents the
required low-dimensional I-Vector. After that, the
linear discriminant analysis is applied to reduce the
dimension of the extracted I-Vectors by using Fisher
criterion (Dehak et al., 2011). After the extraction of
the I-Vectors, noise in each I-Vector is removed by
Gaussian probabilistic linear discriminant analysis
(Kenny, 2010). Finally, given a test utterance, the
score between a target class and the test utterance is
calculated using the log-likelihood ratio. In this
work a 25ms MFCCs plus its delta and delta-delta
are used as the input features. An age and gender
independent UBM with 1024 mixtures is trained and
built with a 600 dimensional I-Vector extractor, and
a class subspace I-Vector of 400 dimensions for G-
4.2.2 GMM-UBM
Seven age and gender classes were classified using a
GMM classifier, with 1024 Gaussian mixtures per
class. The input is 13-dimensional MFCCs with their
first and second derivatives. The MFCCs are
normalized to zero mean and one-unit standard
deviation by using the cepstral mean subtraction and
variance normalization algorithm. The UBM model
is trained to inspect the general speaker’s
characteristics. It is used in conjunction with the
map adaptation (MAP) model by using a relevance
factor of 10. In the test evaluation process, the GMM
is computed for each test utterance. The log-
likelihood ratio function is then used to calculate the
score between each class model and the given test
GMM model.
4.3 DNN Training Process
A speech utterance is divided into frames of 25 ms.
In total, 39 features, one energy and 12- MFCCs
with its first and second derivatives, are extracted for
each frame. The number of nodes in the input layer
is equal to 39×n features, where n represents the
target frame concatenated with the preceding and
following (n-1)/2 frames in the utterance. In the
literature n is selected to be the odd numbers in {5,
21}. In our work n is chosen to be 11. The training
data is divided into mini-batches, each mini-batch
consists of 1024 random utterances. We used 20
epochs for training initial learning rate set to 0.1 for
the first six epochs, and then decreased to one-half
its original value for the remaining epochs.
4.4 Classification Accuracies
Several experiments were conducted to evaluate the
performance of the proposed work and to compare it
with the baseline systems. The classification
accuracies are presented in Table 1. The proposed
AGender-Tuning DNN outperformed the GMM-
UBM system by approximately 12% and
outperformed the I-Vector system by almost 7%.
The proposed work extracted the speaker’s age
separately from the gender before merging the last
hidden posteriors of Age and Gender DNNs into one
layer that is to be trained further. This separate pre-
training helped to maintain the unique identity of
each speaker even after age and gender posteriors
became one layer.
Combining Two Different DNN Architectures for Classifying Speakerâ
Zs Age and Gender
The proposed system achieved a significant
improvement especially in mature female and male
classes (45.52%, 48.62%) and senior female and
male classes
(57.5%, 60.63%). As well as, the I-
Vector classifier achieved better results than the
GMM-UBM system in all classes except for the MM
class. We can see that in children and SF classes, the
proposed and the I-Vector systems achieved almost
same results with a slight advantage for the
AGender-Tuning system. The confusion matrix for
the proposed system is presented in Table 2.
It can be seen from table 2 that the proposed
system achieved a significant improvement for all
classes especially for (MF, MM, SF, and SM). Our
system was able to discriminate between these
classes better than the baseline systems. Agender-
Tuning system has been trained in two ways, first
with separated age (Age-DNN) and gender (Gender-
DNN) networks, second, with a shared output layer
resulted from the Age-DNN and Gender-DNN
output layers, and this shared output layer has seven
age and gender labels.
Table 1: The classification accuracies of GMM-UBM, I-
Vector, and AGender-Tuning DNN (%).
I-Vector AGender-
C 55.6 64.9 65.7
YF 48 57.1 58.3
YM 41.9 49 49.9
MF 29.6 32.5 45.5
MM 41.2 36 48.6
SF 36.4 49.9 57.5
SM 53.9 45.8 60.6
Table 2: Confusion matrix for the aGender-Tuning DNN.
14.9 5.7 3.2 2.1 6.2 2.3
YF 11.8
0.5 19.9 0.7 8.3 0.5
YM 2.1 0.9
2.6 26.9 2.9 14.7
MF 8.6 18.2 1.2
1.2 24.8 0.5
MM 1.2 0.1 22.3 0.3
1.2 26.2
SF 8.1 9.1 1.2 21.1 1.5
SM 1.5 0 8.7 1.2 22.2 5.8
To evaluate the performance of the baseline
systems and the proposed work when the time
duration of the speech utterance is different; we
examined the overall accuracy of each system over
five slots of time durations (1-5 seconds). Figure 4
shows the performance of the three systems.
Figure 4: Comparison between the AGender-Tuning and
the baseline systems for different time duration utterances.
Table 3: Comparison of proposed and previous works (%).
System Accuracy
GMM Base-1 43.1
Mean Super Vector-2 42.6
MLLR Super Vector-3 36.2
TPP Super Vector-4 37.8
SVM Base-5 44.6
MFuse 1+2+3+4+5 52.7
AGender-Tuning 55.16
In general, the performance of all systems has
been enhanced by increasing the duration of the
utterance time; AGender-Tuning system performed
better than the baseline systems for all time slots. A
possible explanation refers to the fact that I-Vector
and GMM-UBM systems could not build a good
representation of eigenvector and GMM-UBM
supervector for the corresponding utterance if it is
short in time, and it is known that the aGender
database utterances are short in time. When the
duration of the utterance increases, for example from
3 to 4 seconds, the accuracy is not increasing for the
GMM-UBM and AGender-Tuning system, this is
due to the sparse data of these utterances duration,
where most of the YF, MF, and MM utterances
exists in this time duration. Also, we noticed from
table 2 that the higher misclassification occurs
between these
classes and these classes have the
least accuracy results among other classes.
Table 3 shows a comparison between the
proposed work and six different methods presented
in (Li et al., 2013). The best result in (Li et al., 2013)
occurred when all systems are combined manually
(MFuse 1+2+3+4+5), as shown in the table. We can
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
see that AGender-Tuning system outperforms all the
baseline systems of the manually fused system.
Using our method, the accuracy of the speaker’s age
and gender is improved by approximately 3%
compared with the fused system.
In this work, we proposed AGender-Tuning DNN
system to classify the speakers’ age and gender by
combining two DNN architectures; Age-DNN to
classify four groups of age, and Gender-DNN to
classify the gender. A third output layer is proposed
to combine the output layers of Age and Gender
DNNs using element-wise summation. The results of
the proposed work are compared with two baseline
systems; the I-Vector and GMM-UBM on the public
database aGender. The proposed work achieved
better results in terms of overall accuracy and even
for individual classes. Also, the proposed system was
doing very well compared with the baseline systems
regardless of the time duration of the speaker
utterance. The overall accuracy of the proposed
system, I-Vector, and GMM-UBM systems are
55.16%, 47.89%, and 43.8% respectively.
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Combining Two Different DNN Architectures for Classifying Speakerâ
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