MATCHuP: An mHealth Tool for Children and Young People Health
Beatriz L
, Sreynoch Soung
, Natalia Mordvanyuk
, Albert Pla
, Pablo Gay
and Abel L
University of Girona, Girona, Spain
Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Biomedical Research Institute of Girona, Girona, Spain
Decision Support Systems, Telemedicine, Nursing Informatics, Wearable Health Informatics, eHealth
The kids of European and occidental countries are threatened by obesity. They are potential persons to become
chronic patients. mHealth technology can help them to change their nutrition and physical activity habits. This
paper presents MATCHuP, a platform that involves several agents (kids, parents, healthcare providers) that
collaborate and compete by games in a social network in order to create a enjoyable environment to promote
a behavioural change towards a healthier life.
Having care of our kids today is the best bid we can
make to have a healthy society tomorrow
. How-
ever, three main diseases threaten kids health: obe-
sity, diabetes and asthma. While parents are conscien-
tious that diabetes and asthma are serious diseases, it
seems that they are less aware about the harm of obe-
sity. Obesity can be cured, avoiding reaching the adult
age with related serious and chronic diseases with co-
Obesity is mainly caused by bad nutrition habits
and the absence of exercise. The development of
tools to support enhancing good nutrition and exer-
cise habits would result in benefits for both, obesity
and diabetes, known as metabolic diseases.
Nowadays, information and communication tech-
nology (ICT) is offering a means to support follow up
of personal data, enabling the education on the right
habits of obese children, but also offers clinicians a
way to gather information about their patients, and
other data coming from social workers. In that regard,
Artificial Intelligence Techniques, including Machine
Learning, have shown to be cornerstone to transform
The MOCHA project (Models of Child Health Ap-
gathered data to knowledge, so as to support decision
making towards a personalized health treatment (par-
ents, clinicians) (Herrero et al., 2016; L
opez et al.,
2013). Games is another important technology that
has been raised as a key issue for education, and can
be a key issue for kids to be compliant with their treat-
ment, especially if games are not designed as serious
but popular games are paid via exercise or good diet
instead of money.
This paper presents the MATCHuP platform cen-
tred on patient with metabolic diseases and their fam-
ilies to improve their education in the right habits
towards a healthy future society. In so doing,
MATCHuP aims to recommend actions connected to
the patients community, using collaboration strategies
to simplify input validation, and competition incen-
tives so as to award the patient with gaming.
This paper is organized as follows. First, some
related work is reviewed in Section 2. Next the de-
scription of the MATCHuP platform is presented in
Section 3. The status of the current implementation is
explained in Section 4. We end the paper on Section
5 with some conclusions and future work.
¸spez B., Soung S., Mordvanyuk N., Pla A., Gay P. and ¸spez-Bermejo A.
MATCHuP: An mHealth Tool for Children and Young People Health Promotion.
DOI: 10.5220/0006143303130318
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 313-318
ISBN: 978-989-758-213-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The use of mHealth approaches to child obesity has
been evaluated in (Tate et al., 2013). Among the
advantages, the authors highlight four issues. First,
that adolescent would prefer mobile-based and itera-
tive technology for treatment and prevention. Second,
that mHealth is a useful tool for monitoring adher-
ence. Third, that the reachability enhancement of the
population of a higher risk for obesity. And four, a
similar enhancement could be observed regarding of
the lowest educational level and income. However,
several challenges were detected, as the sedentary be-
haviour of screen technologies and the detected de-
creased ability to focus attention of screen users. In
that regard, wearables technology is arising as a new
tool for measuring the real activity of kids, enabling
the development of alternative mHealth platforms that
tackle such challenges. MATCHuP uses them.
Of course there are myriads of mHealth solutions.
In the recent report (Aitker, 2015) about 165,000
apps were identifyed. Among them, the authors con-
firmed 46,188 mHealth apps and they focus their
stydy on the English Apps from which 26,864 where
consumer/patient and only 8,965 apps were related
to healthcare providers. Our app includes health-
care providers as well as consumers, and it is multi-
language, currently in English, Spanish and Catalan.
Regarding apps for kids, Table 1 shows a list of
several apps. The elements that configure a mHealth
success regarding nutritional habits, as for example,
sugar ingesta, have been studied in (Sanders et al.,
2009).The key issues to have success tools involves
how the information is delivered. In that regards, sev-
eral agents are identified in order to improve the lit-
eracy on health: caregivers, health systems, family
health literacy skills, the educational system and the
community system. In our work, we involve most
of such actors: caregivers (endocrinologists), family
(parents), and the community.
The goal of MATCHuP is to improve nutrition and
exercise habits of obese kids from 5 to 16 years.
To that end, the platform gathers information about
kids meals and physical activity, and according to
the healthy quality of the data entered, kids awarded
with some points, that are translated in skill scores
regarding a virtual game. The game is not played
in isolation but in teams. Therefore, kids should
collaborate among her mates in order to have a
competitive team that beats their adversaries. On the
other hand, the validation of the information entered
by the kids is performed in a collaborative way.
Therefore, several actors are involved in
MATCHuP. First caregivers set up healthy tar-
gets to the kids according to their progresses. Second,
the kids that self-monitor their progress toward
the targets. Third, the parents that collaborates in
the monitoring, by validating the inputs entered
by kids. And finally, all the community of users
(parents and kids) collaborate in different way inside
a social network implemented for their community.
Moreover, kids can set up teams in the community
which compete in virtual games, and the skills of the
avatars (virtual representation of the kid) depend on
their healthy progress. An overview of the platform
is shown in Figure 1. In the remaining of this section
the different roles of the agents involved in the
platform are described, including the social network
in which they collaborate, and how the games are
Table 1: Apps for healthy Children. Physical activity: v
virtual exercise; t teach about exercise.
App Name
Physical Activity
Easy Eater 2 x x
Eat and Move-O-Matic x x v,t
Healthy Heores x x
Perfect Picnic x x
Smash Your Food x x
Veggie Circus Farm x x
Body Quest - Food of the Warrior. x x
Grow It-Know It x x
Catch the Carrot x x
Snack Planet x x v
Work It Off x x t
Max’s Plate x x
Frutas y verduras para nios x
Hora de Comer x x v
Emma breakfast - KIDS x x
EduKitchen-Kids Educational x x
Veggie Bottoms Lite x x
Sopa Hacedor x
Awesome Eats x x
Cocomong Season 2 x x
HEALTHINF 2017 - 10th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: MATCHuP overview.
3.1 Kids App
The kids app includes several modules in order to re-
spond to the following requirements:
Nutrition: enable the entering of the different kid
Exercise: register the activity of the kid
Validation: check and receive information about
the data entered as so far by other kids or by her-
Assessment: acquaintance of the healthy be-
haviour progress
Every time the kid eats, she should register the nu-
trition information in the system. However, this infor-
mation is not entered manually neither with a text, or
by selecting photos in a library, as many other apps
in the market, but by making a photo of the dish he
is just eating. Next, the kid has three sliding buttons
to label the photo, according to his knowledge, which
is the amount of fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates,
and meat that contains the served meal (see Figure
2). From the sliding button, a percentage on nutrition
components is derived.
Figure 2: GUI for food labelling.
Of course, the information entered by the kid
should be validated. Validation is performed in a col-
laborative way. That is, parents and other kids in the
community validate the labels assigned to the photo
(see Figure 3). Once a day, every kid receives a set of
photos from other kids in the social network (see par-
ents and community validation on Sections 3.2 and
3.4 correspondingly). The owner of the photos re-
ceived for validation is unknown. They could come
either from kids in the same team or from adversary
teams. Therefore, the kid cannot manipulate the out-
come to favouring her mates. In order to incentive
kids in this validation process, some points are given
to the kids that actively participate in this process that
contribute to win the game match of the week (see
Section 3.5).
Figure 3: GUI for food validation.
Regarding physical activity, each kid defines a
profile regarding her preferences about sports and the
timetable they use to practice (supported by parents
when under 12 years old). To validate the activity,
wearables are offering a smart way of capturing it. To
that end each type of activity, and its intensity is mea-
sured according to METs (the ratio of work metabolic
rate to resting metabolic rate) (see (Ainsworth et al.,
1993) and (Ainsworth et al., 2011) for further calcu-
lation descriptions). Some activities could come with
non-scheduled hours (as for example, playing soccer
in the school playground).
Kid assessment about her progress is provided by
plots in which the differences between the current
state and the targets is shown following a colour code
(see Figure 4). The nutrition information is not taken
from the kid’ labelling, but from the outcome of the
validation process. An aggregation method is used
to combine the information of the kid (self informa-
tion and the validation data from other users), giving
a higher importance to the information coming from
parents. The final nutrition fitness is provided in a
MATCHuP: An mHealth Tool for Children and Young People Health Promotion
scale from A to E, being A the best value. A similar
outcome is obtained for the physical activity, obtain-
ing a second value defined in the same scale. Both fit-
ness values, nutrition and physical activity, are finally
aggregated, obtaining the kid current healthy state.
Figure 4: Kid assessment.
3.2 Parents App
Parents role is mainly focused on providing reliable
validation information. In that regard, parents receive
once a day a set of labelled photos that they need to
revise. As in the kid case, they are not aware about the
provenance of the photos (i.e. whenever they belong
to their kid or do not).
3.3 Healthcare Professionals Web
Healthcare professionals are in charge of setting up
the nutrition and exercise targets for the kids. They
can also follow the kid progresses thanks to a visu-
alisation screen that shows the distance between the
target and the achieved results, in a colour code (see
Figure 5).
Healthcare professionals access to the platform
has been designed as a web service, instead of an mo-
bile app because this facilitates the integration of the
tool in the current Healthcare Information Systems of
our region.
3.4 Social network
The community of users is managed by means of a
social network, where collaborative and competitive
events take place.
Regarding competition, users in the network are
identified according to their sportive preferences (soc-
cer, basket, dance, etc.), and her healthy status. This
Figure 5: GUI for healthcare providers.
data enables the configuration of sport teams and the
corresponding game competitions (see Figure 6). In
so doing, two conditions should be fulfilled:
There should be enough teams in each sport to set
up a game (sport competition matches)
There should be a certain satisfaction degree
among the kids preferences and the team as-
Figure 6: Physical activity teams.
On the other hand, collaboration arises in two di-
Help team mates to achieve their healthy targets
(see Figure 8)
Validate food photos from other users (see Figure
7 )
Regarding the validation of photos,
25% of the photos of a kid are validated by mem-
bers of the same team
50% of the photos of a kid are validated by mem-
bers of other teams of the same sport
25% of the photos of a kid are validated by mem-
bers of other sports
50% of the photos of a kid are validated by par-
ents, selected at random
Therefore, the number of validations obtained per
photo is expected to be higher than 1. The worse case
HEALTHINF 2017 - 10th International Conference on Health Informatics
scenario would be when no validation is achieved for
a given photo. In that situation, the photo is scored
neutral. Future work should include a monitoring
module to facilitate the assessment and control such
The validation feedback can help to understand
the kid about the real contents of the meals, and learn
about nutrition.
Figure 7: Food validated by the community.
Figure 8: Chat functionalities for kid collaboration.
3.5 Games
In the social networks, there are n games, according
to the kids sportive preferences, although it depend
on the number of users, too. For example, there could
be a soccer game, or a skate game (see Figure 6). For
each game, there are a given number m of sport teams.
Once a weak (e.g.Sunday),all teams play a match.
Ideally, the match should correspond to a market
available game integrated in the platform. For exam-
ple, there are soccer games which teams could be con-
figured by the user. However, in the first approach of
MATCHuP, the game is a simple rank of scores: the
winner of the match is the team with the highest score
(see Figure 9). The team score (defined in )is ob-
tained by the aggregation of the healthy state values
of all of its members.
Figure 9: Competition outcome.
The system has been developed using the Spring Java
environment. The mobile application is deployed in
Android (Figure 10). The first version deployed with
all of the involved agents, but physical activity en-
ter manually. Current languages are English, Spanish
and Catalan.
The design goals of MATCHuP are simplicity and
easy to use. Thus, photos favours usability and collab-
orative validation is simply. Of course, some image
processing engines could be used to obtain nutrition
components from photos, for example, but the state
of the art of such engines are still under research for
such purpose.
Next step will consider the inclusion of the exer-
cise activities by means of a smartwatch or activity
band. Other technological advances that are ready to
use and that could be incorporated in a near future
are Artificial Intelligence techniques to handle prefer-
ences to set up teams, as well as to aggregate infor-
Obesity is a main issue for many people, specially
children. It is becoming a big concern in European
and occidental countries. Obese persons are not con-
sidered patients (as diabetic persons are), and there-
fore, they are very difficult to motivate for bring-
ing them to healthier states. This paper presents the
MATCHuP platform with the aim of helping obese
MATCHuP: An mHealth Tool for Children and Young People Health Promotion
Figure 10: Home page for kids.
children and young persons (under 16) to reach a
healthier state with the supervision of healthcare prac-
titioners, families, and other users in a similar situa-
Along the paper, the system has been described,
and the first version of MATCHuP presented. Next
steps include the integration of smartwatches or sim-
ilar wearable able to automatically detect the physi-
cal activity, as well as artificial intelligence tools to
improve the aggregation methods and additional ad-
vices for further personalization and fast adaptation.
Moreover, a the evaluation of the tool in for medical
evidence is also required.
In that regard, the main challenge is to keep kids
engaged in the platform. Clinicians argue that about 6
month of using the platform could be sufficient for ob-
taining some behaviour change. However, some stud-
ies have shown that having a kid engaged in a game
more than 3 months is a great success. The long trial
of the tool will provide inputs to that concern, and
work for alternative artifaxts (Hevner et al., 2004) .
A secondary, technological challenge, is the fact that
sensitive data is stored in mobiles. The recent study
(Blenner et al., 2016) highlights the necessity of con-
sider privacy implications before using health apps.
This project has received funding from the grant of
the University of Girona 2016-2018 (MPCUdG2016),
ans has been developed with the support of
the research group SITES awarded with distinc-
tion by the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR 2014-
2016). Sreynoch Soung received financial support
from the European Commission (Erasmus Mundus
project Techno II, ref. 372228-1-2012-1-FR-ERA
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HEALTHINF 2017 - 10th International Conference on Health Informatics