Multi Target Tracking by Linking Tracklets with a Convolutional Neural
Yosra Dorai
, Frederic Chausse
, Sami Gazzah
and Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara
Institut Pascal, Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France
LATIS, Laboratory of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Systems, ENISo, Sousse University, Sousse, Tunsia
{yosra.dorai, sami.gazzah},,
Multi-object Tracking, Tracklet, Faster R-CNN, Traffic Surveillance, Occlusion.
The computer vision community has developed many multi-object tracking methods in various fields. The fo-
cus is put on traffic scenes and video-surveillance applications where tracking object features are challenging.
Indeed, in these particular applications, objects can be partially or totally occluded and can appear differently.
Usual detection methods generally fail to leverage those limitations. To deal with this, a framework for multi-
object tracking based on the linking of tracklets (mini-trajectories) is proposed. Despite the number of errors
(false positives or missing detections) made by the Faster R-CNN detector, short-term Faster R-CNN detec-
tion similarities are tracked. The goal is to get tracklets in a given number of frames. We suggest to associate
tracklets and apply an update function to correct the trajectories. The experiments show that on the one hand,
our approach outperforms the detector to find the undetected objects. And on the other hand, the developed
method eliminates the false positives and shows the effectiveness of tracking.
The tracking is the estimation of the possible trajec-
tories of an object as it moves in a scene. Its goal
is that every object keeps the same label despite oc-
clusion, similarity, and detector defects. In fact, there
are three steps in tracking: locating positions, estimat-
ing the motion of object and following its movement.
Various applications use tracking to analyse scenarios
in the domain of autonomous driving, visual surveil-
lance and robot navigation.
Several methods of object tracking exist in the
literature as: tracking by detecting (Badie, 2015),
feature-based (Hadi et al., 2014), and 3D-model-
based (Battini and Landi, 2015). A lot of object-
tracking methods have been proposed not only to
cover a variety of viewpoints like object poses, back-
grounds, lighting conditions..., but also to keep track
of object identities over time in spite of frequent oc-
clusion by clutter or other objects and similar ap-
pearances of different objects. Recently, on multi-
object tracking, most of the works have used the
tracking-by-detection strategy and the data associa-
tion of detected objects. The basis of the algorithms is
to research the similarities between detected objects.
Some cues are combined to compute similarity like
appearance, location and movement...
In this paper, we put forward a method of tracking
using data association based on the tracking approach.
It links short track fragments (tracklets) and detection
responses into trajectories by global optimization. In
the first step, we utilize the Faster R-CNN detector
(Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) (the first time used
on tracking according to our knowledge). In the sec-
ond step, tracking combines the detection responses
to build initial tracklets. In our approach, we opt for
a global stage to associate detections. We are looking
at the similarity of objects from appearance, position
and speed. In addition, we give each object a specific
signature. We has also contribute by adding an update
stage to correct the trajectories.
The paper is organized as follows. We start with
a presention of the related works in section 2. After
that, our approach is described in section 3. Next,
the experiments are detailed in section 4. Finally, we
conclude and present the future work in section 5.
As we have already mentioned, we have focused on
the method of tracking by detection (composed by de-
tection and tracking steps).We give a brief review of
Dorai Y., Chausse F., Gazzah S. and Essoukri Ben Amara N.
Multi Target Tracking by Linking Tracklets with a Convolutional Neural Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0006155204920498
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 492-498
ISBN: 978-989-758-227-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the main detectors and the major tracking methods.
Detectors. The recent detectors have witnessed a sig-
nificant progress. In what follows, we choose to re-
view some of the important detectors. Sevral authors
have chosen to use the Histogram of Oriented Gra-
dient (HOG) to detect objects (Badie and Bremond,
2014). For example, (Mao and Yin, 2015) utilize
the HOG to detect pedestrians. Recently, object de-
tection from still images has been mainly based on
deep learning (Szegedy et al., 2015) (Girshick, 2015)
(Ouyang et al., 2015) (Gidaris and Komodakis, 2015).
The literature has shown that the neural networks and
essentially the Faster R-CNN outperform other detec-
tors (Mao and Yin, 2015)(Szegedy et al., 2015). Al-
though the HOG and deep learning are often used for
detection, they have a significant number of false pos-
itives and missed ones. That is why some researchers
(Mao and Yin, 2015)(Maamatou et al., 2015) have
opted for a specialized method to increase the perfor-
mances of the detector.
Tracking. The literature of multi-object tracking is
vast. However, we can divide the tracking methods
into two categories: on-line and off-line. We are inter-
ested in the on-line or recursive method (Erdem et al.,
2004) applied in real time. It uses on-line informa-
tion and is based only on past observation to build the
trajectory. Therefore, it is more difficult to deal with
the missing detection. As a result, it will have a lot of
trajectories for the same object.
Serveral works use two steps to associate detec-
tions: the local and global associations. Furthermore,
the local one considers a few frames to solve the as-
sociation problem. Instance, in (Bar-Shalom et al.,
1980), despite the ambiguities in association, they
used the association probabilities that would compute
across all targets. In a global association, the number
of frames is important and can be the entire of video
(Dehghan et al., 2015) (Zamir et al., 2012). Indeed, in
most of the results, the trajectory is not complete and
can be fragmented to many trajectories for the same
object. Thus, why some researchers have utilize the
method of an associated short trajectory (known as
tracklet) (Yang and Nevatia, 2012) (Bae and Yoon,
2014). To link tracklets several works were based
on appearance (Kuo et al., 2010; Nillius et al., 2006)
and motion (Yang and Nevatia, 2012). The previous
works used in matching mini trajectories the Hungar-
ian method (Bae and Yoon, 2014) or the linear pro-
gramming (Erdem et al., 2004). There is no rule in
selecting the matching method; each work of the lit-
erature uses a different method.
In this paper, we address the challenging problems
in long-term tracking of multiple objects in a complex
scene captured by a single camera. We have chosen
to work with the method of tracking by detection. We
have also chosen to use the Faster RCNN detector for
detection and the association of the mini trajectories
for tracking.
3.1 Approach Overview
Our approach is inspired by (Bae and Yoon, 2014).
Indeed, the authors categorize a tracklet based on
their degree of confidence. They use both local and
global associations. We reformulate the architecture
of association to eliminate the tracklet classification.
This is intended to understate the steps of association,
increase the performance and manage the occlusion
problems. We add an update step to correct the track-
let from the previous step: If the tracklet contains
holes in a certain frame from the beginning to the end
of its construction. There, we will check if a detec-
tion was not attributed to a tracklet. We are also in-
spired by the approach from (Mao and Yin, 2015). In
fact, they used the tracklets to increase the detection
performances. Accordingly, we choose to work with
a tracklet to solve the problems of tracking indepen-
dently from correcting the detector defects. In other
words, our approach is composed by 4 steps (fig.1).
The first step is the input which can be a video (I).
The next step is the detection by the Faster R-CNN
(II). Then, in the step of tracking (III) we construct
the tracklet. We associate detection to have initial
tracklets. In addition, we compare them with detec-
tion from the regressor function of the Faster R-CNN.
We also associate the tracklets which have almost the
same signatures (contain the characteristics of each
object). We update the tracklets by adding non as-
sociated detections. Finally, output step contains the
trajectory of each object with a unique ID (IV).
3.2 Detection by Faster R-CNN
The detector Faster R-CNN is composed of two mod-
ules. The first one is Region Proposal Network (RPN)
which is deep fully convolutional network that serves
to provide regions. The second one is the Fast R-
CNN. It has been proven that the Faster R-CNN is
faster than the previous versions (RCNN, SPPNET
and Fast R-CNN). We have exploited the model of
caffe VGG 16 of (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014)
with 13 convolutional layers. The RPN is modeled by
a fully convolutional network. Its input is an image.
Multi Target Tracking by Linking Tracklets with a Convolutional Neural Network
Figure 1: Block diagram of our tracking method.
It is an n n spatial windows of the output of the con-
volutional feature map by the last convolutional lay-
ers. The movement of the sliding windows provides
a vector. It is characterized by a lower dimension and
it is introduced in the fully connected, box regression
and box classifier layers. The second module of the
Faster R-CNN is the Fast R-CNN. It takes as an in-
put the output of the RPN. The network is composed
by convolutional and max-pooling layers to produce
a convolutional feature map. However, to use the Fast
R-CNN in the Faster R-CNN, the convolutional layers
will be shared by the Fast R-CNN and the RPN. We
will use in this paper the generic Faster R-CNN using
the RPN and the Fast R-CNN and we are essentially
interested in the box regressor function.
3.3 Tracking using Tracklets
The advantages of the detection by the Faster R-CNN
is that it naturally identifies new objects of interest en-
tering the scene. This detector presents false positives
and missing detection but we consider these problems
minor and negligible because with a tracklet we can
predict and correct these defects.
3.3.1 Tracklet
A tracklet is a chain of nodes O
representing one sin-
gle detected object which appears in N frames with
the same ID i from the start time t
to the final time
. Each node O
is one detection at the time t (t
, t
]). It has a unique signature defined by fea-
tures (e.g. localization, speed, size, appearance...).
One object can have multiple chains in one scene be-
cause of missed detection or occlusion problems. In-
deed, when such problem occurs, the initial tracklet
is interrupted. Then, when the same object appears
again, later a new tracklet is initiated instead of con-
tinuing the ancient one. Hence, tracklets have to be
associated to solve occlusion problems and to predict
missed objets. The association is made by the Hun-
garian method (Ahuja et al., 1993).
3.3.2 Initial Tracklets
Initial tracklets are built just after the detection step.
First,we choose the number N of frames on which the
tracklets are defined. We associate the detection from
to t
. The association is done according to the over-
lap and similarity of appearance between successive
detections. After initial tracklet constructions, we can
predict the following positions using the Kalman fil-
tering (Chong et al., 2014).
3.3.3 Global Stage
In this stage, we associate tracklets having similar
signatures as well as detections provided by the sys-
tem. Each detected object passes through the extrac-
tion feature block to define their characteristics. Most
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Algorithm 1: Our approach of tracking.
Require: Video or frame sets
The number of frame to construct tracklet N
Tracklet for the object i : T
Node of tracklet of the object i : O
The detection by Faster R-CNN : detection.
Ensure: trajectories
k 0
/* intial tracklets */
for k to N do
Construct intial tracklets
end for
/* Global step */
Provide the next detection from intial tracklet
Compare them with the output of the regressor
function of Faster R-CNN
if detection 6= 0 and and corresponds to the esti-
mate then
Association detections
end if
Compare tracklet
if signature T
and signature T
are resembled
Association tracklet
end if
/* update step */
while detection not associated do
Compare detection with Nearest tracklets
if there is a resemblance then
Update tracklet
end if
end while
until all objects are successfully tracked
Most methods adopt affinity measures to compare two
detections across time, such as special affinity (e.g.
bounding box overlap, Euclidean distance or sim-
ple appearance similarities). The advantages of our
method is to solve crossing and occlusion problems.
To associate detections we use the overlap level and
we check similarity at the same time. In this way, if
two objects are detected, we will check the overlap
between objects in frames F
and F
and their sim-
Nevertheless, we can find problems (e.g. ID
switch, tracklets of the same object or merging two or
more tracklets). This is maybe caused by the cross of
two objects, occluded by a background element or be-
havior of an object. We present thereafter every prob-
lem and how to remedy it.
First, we start with the behavior of objects. In-
deed, each object is characterized by bounding box
dimensions, a trajectory (direction and speed: deter-
mined by the Kalman filter), and a characteristic vec-
tor that contains appearance information determined
by a color histogram (HSV). The object can undergo
a natural phenomena in a scene such that the object
can leave scene. To solve this problem, we validate
the next hypothesis: If we have more than four miss-
ing nodes in a tracklet, we do not attribute the ID any-
more. If we follow a single object, the tracking will
be made by the overlap between the detected object
in frame F
and the object detected in frame F
, be-
side recording the features of the object at each node
of the tracklet. Here we use the box of a regressors’
function of the Faster R-CNN because it is adjusted
and precise on the object in order to build the initial
tracklets. From initial tracklets, we provide the detec-
tions in the next frame and we compare the prediction
with box of regressor function.
Second, we treat the case of several objects hav-
ing an overlap. We can get this when the objects in-
tersect or approach : We compare the appearance to
infer classes.
Third, we treat the case of occlusion between an
object and its environment as follows: We have in this
case frames with undetected objects and subsequently
missing nodes in the tracklets or two tracklets of the
same object with different IDs. To remedy the prob-
lem of missing nodes, prediction is performed using
the features of the two nodes located just before and
just after the missing nodes. Then, we can have more
than two missing nodes. Therefore, we have more
than one tracklet for one object with different IDs. To
solve this, we compare in our global stage, the sig-
natures of the tracklets. In fact, a signature contains
the features of appearance, position, size and speed of
each tracklet node. If the features of two traklets are
similar, we associate the two tracklets by a Hungarian
method. If not we attribute for each tracklet an ID.
3.3.4 Update
In the global stage, if the algorithm misses detection
in frame F
and is not able to do a correct matching,
then we can provide the missing one, during the up-
date step. This is explained by a defect in the con-
struction of the tracklet. In other word, it means that
some nodes of the tracklet are missing. Indeed, the
tracklet can not be built in the case when the number
of missing nodes is superior to the number of frames
N (the number of frames to define the tracklet). Also,
the number of missing nodes in a tracklet must be less
than four. In fact, by this strategy, we can eliminate
false positives. On the other hand, if the number of
missed nodes is more than four frames, we will con-
sider that the object is out of scene and that the ID is
Multi Target Tracking by Linking Tracklets with a Convolutional Neural Network
Table 1: CLEAR MOT metrics tracking results on the monocamera sequence PETS09 S2L2, PETS09 S2L1 and ETHMS
(Sunny and Bahnhof).
Presion Recall MOTA MOTP FP
(Breitenstein et al., 2011) -
- 0.79 0.56 -
(Bae and Yoon, 2014) - - 0.83 0.69 0.19
Our approach 0.93 0.82 0.86 0.69 0.05
(Poiesi et al., 2013) - - 0.59 - -
(Bae and Yoon, 2014) - - 0.7 0.53 0.14
Our approach 0.99 0.6 0.68 0.54 0.002
ETHMS (Bae and Yoon, 2014) - - 0.72 0.64 0.04
( Sunny and Bahnhof) Our approach 0.9 0.7 0.74 0.66 0.01
not used any longer. In order to update the missing
one, we check non-associated detection and we com-
pare the object appearances with the signatures of the
closest tracklets. The main goal of this update step
is to correct the tracklet, add non associated detection
and track objects as much as possible. Finally, we ob-
tain in the output the trajectory of each object with its
unique ID and signature.
In this section, we present the used metrics and the
obtained results.
4.1 Metrics
For all the PETS2009 S2L1, PETS 2009 S2L2 and
ETHMS (Sunny and Bahnhof) sequences, we use the
CLEAR MOT metrics (MOTP, MOTA, presion, re-
call and false positives (FP)) in order to compare with
related works. The MOTP metric is multiple-object
tracking precision to evaluate the tracking results with
bounding boxes of ground truth. The MOTA metric is
the multiple-object tracking accuracy to mesure the
ID switch, the false positives and the false negatives.
4.2 Results
Table [1] gives the results of our tracking method and
a selection of the works of the state of the art. Our
tracker is evaluated on the PETS2009 S2L1 dataset.
The efficiency of our approach is observed in fig.2,
since the two pedestrians (1 yellow and 2 green) have
kept their ID from frame 44 to frame 127, despite
the presence of a crossing problem. Our approach is
able to improve the results by increasing the metric.
The tracker is also evaluated on the PETS2009 S2L2
No results found.
Figure 2: Tracking results: IDs (1 yellow, 2 green) correctly
kept despite crossing.
dataset and ETHMS (Sunny and Bahnhof). For this
dataset, we also use the metric (MOTA, MOTP, pre-
sion, recall and false positives (FP)).
By analyzing Table 1, we notice that the num-
ber of false positives is less than other works. This
is thanks to the use of a high performance detector
and to our technique neglecting the false positives. In
addition, our MOTA results are encouraging because
this metric depends on the ID switch. Actually, we
have managed to keep the ID for each object as long
as possible.
In this paper, we have proposed a new approach of
tracking using a tracklet based on the function box
regressor of Faser R-CNN. The framework is eval-
uated on the public datasets PETS2009 (S2L1 and
S2L2) and ETHMS (Sunny and Bahnhof). The track-
ing based on a tracklet can solve the problems of
occlusion by providing the missing detection. The
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
global approach based on the Faster R-CNN detection
presents a reduced number of false positive trajecto-
ries. We have successfully found a way to keep the
same ID for each object as long as possible by our
”update step” to correct tracklets and associate non
In the future work, we will use a network camera
to track objects.
This work is sponsored by a co-guardianship between
the University of Sousse (Tunisia) and Blaise Pascal
University (France).
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