Rules for Validation of Models of Enterprise Architecture
Rules of Checking and Correction of Temporal Inconsistencies among
Elements of the Enterprise Architecture
Amiraldes Xavier, André Vasconcelos and Pedro Sousa
INESC-ID, IST, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Enterprise Transformation, Enterprise Architecture, Rules, Inconsistencies, As-Is, To-Be.
Abstract: The organizational structure of the elements in an enterprise architecture model is key for decision-making
and business transformation. Over time, it is possible that the relationships among the elements of the EA
(Enterprise Architecture) become inconsistent in the EA model. To address this problem in this research we
specify a set of temporal rules divided into two categories: rules for verification and rules for
inconsistencies correction. The specification of these rules is based on the states of the elements of the EA
and the concepts presented by the ArchiMate metamodel. The Rules are translated into logical expressions
in order to make them easier to implement. This research was developed on the basis of a concrete study of
an enterprise architecture management tool, but the solution proposed can be adapted to any EA
management tool.
The enterprise architecture (EA) provides a holistic
view of organizations, including several viewpoints,
such as business, information, systems and
technology (Ylimäki et al, 2007). In general, these
viewpoints are represented through modelling. The
process of modelling consists in the representation,
through an appropriate language, of the elements
and relationships among EA elements.
EA is an approach to control and manage the
complex and constant transformations in the
organization and its business environment, assisting
organizations in conducting a multitude of positive
impacts at various organizational levels. Such
impacts can be verified at administrative level, in
decision-making, as well as the economic level
because it allows better management and control of
resources (Ylimäki. et al., 2007).
In many cases, these transformations are
influenced by temporal factors that are associated
with the elements that constitute the model of the
These temporal factors are responsible for
defining the states of the elements within the model
as "alive" for the elements that are functional and
"dead" when they stop working. As time passes, the
state of the EA elements can be changed, influencing
right way the operation of other elements linked by
certain relationships, influencing the operation
(performance) of the architecture as a whole.
It is essential that, during the transformation process
to check the completeness of the models, to assess
the compliance to a set of (recommended) rules, in
order to avoid problems in managing and controlling
the EA.
1.1 Problem
It is important for organizations to follow the EA
evolution over time. For this purpose, organizations
use EA management tools that allows to have a
perspective of temporal evolution of the
organization through the ability they have to define
states for the elements that make up an organization
and the moment that they join these states. Time is
an important attribute to assess defines when an
element enters to a state, in order to ensure the
validity of relationships among the elements taking
account to the sort of functional dependence among
these elements.
For example, if an application is abandoned at
one time, and this occurs before it is possible, the
service that may depended on that Application will
stop working.
These problem occur because the EA
Xavier, A., Vasconcelos, A. and Sousa, P.
Rules for Validation of Models of Enterprise Architecture - Rules of Checking and Correction of Temporal Inconsistencies among Elements of the Enterprise Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0006187503370344
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 337-344
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
management tool don’t have the temporal evaluation
mechanism of the models. And these problems
affect the quality of the decision-making related to
the enterprise transformation process.
In order to solve this problem, the following
issue is raised: how to ensure the consistency of the
relationship among elements in the EA modes
serving its evolution?
1.2 Goals
Look upon to the problem introduced in the previous
section, the main goal of this research is to define a
set of rules that allows the verification and
correction of inconsistencies in the relationship
among EA elements to the extent that they will
evolve over time (change of State). To have this
purpose achieved it is fundamental the achievement
of the following specific goals: (1) specify temporal
rules considering the relationship among elements,
(2) formalize the rules in an appropriate language to
facilitate the implementation in EA management
In section 2 we present the theoretical
background that focusses on three main concepts,
which are
ArchiMate, Enterprise Transformation and
Enterprise Cartography. In the following section (3)
we present the solution proposal including the
general definition of the temporal rules, the
definition and formalization of the inconsistencies
verification and correction rules. In the section 4 we
present this research evaluation. Finally, in section
5, we synthesize the conclusions and future work to
be developed.
2.1 ArchiMate
ArchiMate is an open and independent modelling
language of EA which is supported by different
software vendor’s tools and consulting firms.
ArchiMate provides a notation that allows enterprise
architects to describe, analyse and visualize the
relationships among domains (Braun and Winter,
2005). It is currently a framework of EA that is part
of the technical standards of the Open Group.
ArchiMate offers a common language for
describing the construction and operation of
business processes, organizational structures,
information flows, IT systems, and technical
infrastructure. This insight helps stakeholders to
design, evaluate and communicate the consequences
of decisions and changes within and among these
business domains.
ArchiMate uses the concept of layered views to
present the service-oriented model, where the layers
above make use of services that are provided by the
lower layers (Lankhorst, 2004).
The concepts (types of elements and
relationships) defined in the specification of the
ArchiMate (Iacob et al, 2012), serve as a basis for
the development of the proposed solution presented
in this article.
2.2 Enterprise Transformation
The transformation is seen as a set of initiatives that
change the domain of the organization from its
current state (As-Is) for a desired state (To-Be).
These states consist of a representation of
organizational elements in different periods of time.
The As-Is corresponds to the state whose elements
have changed due to past events. The To-Be
corresponds to the expected state of the
organizational elements. And among these two
states, the company reacts to other events that are
triggered by the transformation processes (Tribolet
et al, 2014).
So to control and coordinate this process of
enterprise transformation several authors propose the
Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM)
(Ahlemann et al, 2012; Aier and Gleichauf, 2010;
Harmsen et al, 2009). The main purpose of EAM is
to provide a high-level overview of a company,
involving aspects such as business and information
technology (IT) and especially the dependence
among them. EAM provides solid bases of models
and methods to support the analysis, planning and
design of organizations from a "business-to-IT"
perspective (Abraham and Aier, 2012).
Three modelling techniques of enterprise
transformation are covered: activity modeling,
modeling and life cycle modeling (that is the focus
of this paper) (Buckl et al., 2011).
A life cycle indicates that a single element of the
EA evolves over the time going through different
stages (states) where we can highlight the
"conception", "alive" and "retired/dead".
According to Buckl et al (Buckl et al., 2011) the
most basic way to modelling temporal aspects of EA
elements is to assign validity periods for each
element individually. In projects carried out through
the EAMS tool this approach is also applied to the
metamodel of the ArchiMate by assignment of
attributes such as "Begin Date" (BD) and "End
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Date" (ED) in its elements. Figure 1 presents an
approach to modelling the temporal aspects of
temporal elements defined by Buckl.
Figure 1: temporal aspects of modelling elements of EA
(Buckl et al., 2011).
With the attributes defined above it is possible to
determine a set of restrictions on the terms of
validity of any phase/state is valid only in a limited
period of time by the corresponding start and end
activities. These restrictions can influence right on
the relationship among the EA elements.
For Buckl et al (Buckl et al., 2011), these
restrictions are not necessary for all types of
relationships. Therefore, the same authors make the
distinction into two types of relationships for their
temporal qualities:
Synchronic Relationship: consists of the
relationships that are valid only among elements
whose validity periods intersect.
Diachronic Relationship: are relationships that
are valid regardless of the validity periods of the
elements, here the issue of intersection of the
periods is not taken into account.
2.3 Enterprise Cartography
Cartography is the practice of design and creation of
maps. Having regard to this assumption, Tribolet et
al., define enterprise cartography as the design,
production and dissemination of business maps to
support their analysis and collective compression
(Tribolet et al., 2014).
Of the eight principles of enterprise cartography
presented in (Tribolet et al., 2014) the sixth sets that
all organizational articles can be categorized as
being in one of four States invariants:
Gestating: the state describes an artefact after
designed, that is, once you start being planned or
Alive: is the state in which an artefact enters
after the birth. This means that the designed
product is now able to produce a behavior as part
of transactions and organizational processes;
Dead: it’s when an artefact in gestation or alive
is disabled in the sense that it is no longer able to
play a role in transactions and organizational
Retired: is the after-death state, where the
artefact is unable to interact with other artefacts.
3.1 Solution Overview
Considering the related work presented in the
previous sections, we argue that the elements that
form the basis for the specification of rules are:
states of elements, temporal attributes and the level
of dependency among the EA elements that is
defined by the relationship type among these
The proposal to solve the problem presented in
the section 2 of this paper can be summarized on the
conceptual map presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Proposed solution overview.
In the figure 2, we can see that the solution is
implemented by creating rules that act on EA
models (properly the relationship among the
The temporal rules are divided into two
categories: (i) Inconsistencies Verification Rules
(IVR), which serves to verify temporal
inconsistencies, and (ii) Inconsistency Correction
Rules (ICR), that serve to correct temporal
inconsistencies in models through the transformation
of those models (temporal adjustment process). The
temporal rules are created from the combination of
the states of the elements and EA relationships.
Temporal rules for its specifications can only be
applied to elements.
Rules for Validation of Models of Enterprise Architecture - Rules of Checking and Correction of Temporal Inconsistencies among Elements
of the Enterprise Architecture
3.2 General Definition of Temporal
We call temporal rules the rules that define, in terms
of the EA elements, states through its temporal
attributes and can be used to verify or correct
inconsistencies in the relationship among EA
elements. To define these rules, we consider the
characteristics of each relationship. Table 1 present
the general definitions of the temporal rules.
The discontinuation rule is derived from the
insertion in the EA model of “discontinuation” state.
This state appears as proposed in the scope of this
article and serves to identify the moment
(Discontinuation Begin Date – DBD) in which an
EA element enters the state of discontinuation.
3.3 Inconsistencies Verification Rules
The IVR are rules that, as presented before, have the
role of verifying the existence or not of
inconsistencies in the relationship among elements
on the basis of the time evaluation.
The inconsistencies verification is accomplished
by applying in the model the mathematical logic
expressions that make the combination of the
elements used to assess inconsistencies; the result
"true" implies the non-existence of inconsistency
which means relations among the elements analysed
are correct. The result "false" implies the existence
of inconsistency in the relationship.
Depending on the relationship reading mode, two
versions of formalization and definition for each rule
are presented. To distinguish them, we use A B
Table 1: General definition of the temporal rules.
Rule Name Rule Definition
Composition Rule
The composition relationship is valid only if the elements in them are involved ("whole" and
the "parts") are in the "alive" state in the same time period.
Aggregation Rule
In aggregation relationship the “whole” element enters to the state "alive" when all the
elements "parts" are ins "alive" state.
Create Rule
The create relationship, the created element should only go to the “alive” state as creative
element is in “alive” state.
Synchronic rule for
In the relationship amongA and B where the A acts on B and B depends on A so B should only
go to the "alive" state and keep in this state while A is "alive"
Discontinuation Rule The new elements added to EA cannot relate to elements in a state of discontinuation.
Table 2: Definition and formalization of Composition IVR.
C-IVR1 – Definition
If A is composed of B, for this relationship to be valid the A "Begin Date" must be equal to
B "Begin Date” and the A "End Date” must be equal to the B "End Date".
Formalization AB = {BD
= BD
˄ ED
= ED
C-IVR2 - Definition
If B composes A, for this relationship to be valid the B "Begin Date" must be equal to A
"Begin Date" and B "End Date" must be equal to the A "End Date".
Formalization BA = {BD
= BD
˄ ED
= ED
Table 3: Definition and formalization of the Aggregation IVR.
A-IVR1 - Definition
If A Aggregates B elements, this relationship is only valid if the A "Begin Date" is greater
or equal than to the greater "Begin Date" among B elements and the A "End Date" must be
less or equal than the less "End Date" among the B elements.
Formalization AB = {BD
>= max (BD
(B1, B2…Bn)
) ˄ ED
<= min (ED
(B1, B2…Bn)
A-IVR2 - Definition
If B is Aggregated by A, this relationship is valid if the B "Begin Date" is less or equal than
A "Begin Date" and the B "End Date" is greater or equal than to the A "End Date".
Formalization BA = BD
<= BD
˄ ED
Table 4: Definition and formalization of the Create IVR.
Cr-IVR1- Definition
If A creates B, this relationship is valid only if the A "End Date" is greater or equal than B
"Begin Date".
Formalization A B = ED
> = BD
Cr-IVR2- Definition
If B is created by B, this relationship is valid only if the B "Begin Date" is less or equal than
A "End Date".
Formalization B A = BD
< = ED
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 5: Definition and formalization of Synchronic Relationship IVR.
SR-IVR1- Definition
If A acts on B, this relationship is valid if A "Begin Date" is less or equal than B "Begin
Date" and A "End Date" must be equal or greater than B "End Date".
Formalization AB = BD
<= BD
˄ ED
SR-IVR2- Definition
If B is actuated by A, this relationship is valid if B "Begin Date" greater or equal than A
"Begin Date" and B "End Date" is less or equal than B "End Date".
Formalization BA = BD
>= BD
˄ ED
Table 6: Definition and formalization of Discontinuation IVR.
D-IVR1 - Definition
On the right relationship among new element (B) and an existing one (A), is only valid if A
" Discontinuation Begin Date" is less than the B "Begin Date".
Formalization AB = DBD
D-IVR1 - Definition
On the inverse relationship among new element (B) and an existing one (A), is only valid if
B "Begin Date” is greater than A "Discontinuation Begin Date”
Formalization BA = BD
Table 7: Definition and formalization of Composition ICR.
First case A B B A
Inconsistencies: C - INC1 = BD
C – INC2 = BD
C-ICR1- Definition To correct these inconsistencies, the B "Begin Date" should receive the value of the B
"Begin Date".
Formalization C- ICR1 = BD
Second Case: A B B A
Inconsistency: C-INC3 = ED
Translate C-ICR2 To correct these inconsistencies, the B "End Date" must receive the value of B "End Date".
Formalization C- ICR2 = BD
Table 8: Definition and formalization of the Aggregation ICR.
First case: A B B A
Inconsistency: A-INC1 = BD
< max (BD
(B1, B2…Bn))
A-INC2 = max(BD
(B1, B2…Bn)
) > BD
A-ICR1 - Definition To correct these inconsistencies, the A "Begin Date" should receive the value of the largest
"Begin Date" amongthe B elements
Formalization The-RIC1 = BDA max (BD
(B1, B2 ... Bn))
Second case: A B B A
Inconsistency: A-INC3 = ED
> min (ED
(B1, B2…Bn)
) A-INC4 = min (ED
(B1, B2…Bn)
) < ED
A-ICR2 - Definition To correct these inconsistencies, the A "End Date" must receive the lowest "End Date"
amongthe B elements
Formalization A-ICR2 = ED
min (ED
(B1, B2…Bn)
Table 9: Definition and formalization of Synchronic Relationship IRC.
First case A B B A
Inconsistency: Sr-INC1 = BD
> BD
Sr-INC2 = BD
< BD
SR-ICR1 - Definition To correct these inconsistencies, the B “Begin Date” must receive the A "Begin Date".
Formalization SR- ICR 2 = BD
Second case: A B B A
Inconsistency: SR-INC3 = ED
< ED
> ED
SR- Definition To correct these inconsistencies, the B “End Date” must receive the A “End Date”
Formalization SR- ICR 2 = ED
representation to designate the right relations and B
A to designate inverse relations. Tables 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6 present the definition and formalization of the
3.4 Inconsistency Correction Rules
If there is an inconsistency there must be a way to
correct it. Therefore, we propose next a set of
Inconsistency Correction Rules.
Rules for Validation of Models of Enterprise Architecture - Rules of Checking and Correction of Temporal Inconsistencies among Elements
of the Enterprise Architecture
In this paper we consider inconsistency when the
relationship among two elements does not comply
with the specifications outlined in IVR. Otherwise
we can say that there is inconsistency when applying
the IVR results in false. The ICR consist of temporal
adjustment procedures among the elements involved
in an inconsistent relationship. According to the
establishment of formal expression, each rule can
result in one or two inconsistencies (INC) and
correction rules respectively. The 7 to 11 tables
present the definition and formalization of ICR.
The temporal adjustment is always done in
function of dependency exists among related
elements is defined by the relationship. In general,
the dependent element will always receive the value
(temporal attribute value that is inconsistent) of the
element from which it depends.
3.5 Mapping among the Relationships
and the Rules
Thus, it is possible to make a match among the types
of relationships, IVR, INC and ICR as well as the
types of relationships defined in ArchiMate
metamodel, as shown in table 12. For each
relationship are presented their respective rights
relations (top) and the inverse relations (down).
3.6 Temporal Analysis of EA Elements
based on ArchiMate Metamodel
Considering the characteristics of the EA elements,
it is possible to regroup them into two categories. (1)
Temporal Elements: are those which it is possible to
determine through temporal attributes when they
come into a certain State. (2) Timeless Elements: we
consider the element that due to the specifications it
is difficult to determine when they will enter to a
specific State. Due to their nature, temporal rules
are used only for the temporal elements.
To test the rules, we develop a prototype software:
EAMS-RulesTime. The development process of this
Table 10: Definition and formalization of Create ICR.
Inconsistency: Cr-INC1 = ED
Cr-INC2 = BD
Cr-ICR To correct these inconsistencies, the A "End Date" of the should receive the value of B
"Begin Date".
Formalization Cr-ICR= ED
Table 11: Formalization of Discontinuation Inconsistency.
Inconsistency: D-INC1 = EDB
> ED
Correction rule Not applied. Only a warning should be issued.
Table 12: Mapping among the rules, relationship, IVR, INC and ICR.
Rules Relationships IVR INC ICR
Composition Rule
Composed of C-IVR1 C-INC1, C-INC2 C- ICR1
Composes C- IVR2 C-INC3, C-INC4 C- ICR2
Aggregation Rule
Aggregated by A- IVR1 A-INC1, A-INC2 A- ICR1
aggregates A- IVR2 A-INC3, A-INC4 A- ICR2
Create Rule
creates Cr- IVR1 Cr-INC1 Cr- ICR
Created by Cr- IVR2 Cr-INC2 Cr- ICR
Synchronic Relationship
rule for
Used by, Assigned from, Realizes,
Read by, Deletes, Updates, Influences,
Specializes, Accessed by, Flow to,
Associated to, triggers, Owns,
use, assigned to, realized by, reads,
deleted by, updated by, influenced by,
specialized by, accesses, flow from,
associated with, triggered by, Owned
Discontinuation Rule All, except (create) D- IVR1 D-INC1, D-INC2 -
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 13: Classification of elements of and when the time.
Temporal Elements
Timeless Elements
Product, Representation, Contract, Business
Object, Business Service, Business Process,
Application Service, Infrastructure Service,
Application Component, Node, Communication
Path, System Software, Location, Goal,
Representation, Work Package
Value, Date Object, Artifact, Business Function,
Business Event, Function, Function, Business Infrastructure Player,
Business Role, Business Collaboration, Business Interface, Device,
Network, Assessment, Deliverable, Driver, Principle, Requirement,
Stakeholder, Meaning, application Collaboration, Business
Interaction, application Interaction, application interface,
infrastructure, interface Constraint, Gap, Plateau
Table 14: Result of the evaluation of the solution (C = Composition, A= Aggregation, SR= Synchronic Relationship,
Rule type C-Rule A-Rule SR-Rule Cr-Rule Total
Nº of inconsistencies founded 18 20 48 40 126
Nº of inconsistencies corrected 12 15 31 36 92
prototype complied with all requirement defined in
the mapping presented in table 12 and also the
classification of the elements shown in table 13, to
check the operation of EAMS-RulesTime we did
two experiences.
First we created an xml file with some projects
where we simulate some business architecture
scenarios based on the ArchiMate metamodel and
checked the inconsistencies and later corrected them
through EAMS-RulesTime.
To test the rules in a real environment, we use an
xml file containing several projects from various
organizations in Portugal including AMA
para a Modernização Administrativa), extracted
from the EAMS tool developed and marketed by
Link Consulting. The file had a total of 3742
elements of which 1434 timeless elements and 2308
temporal elements. The result of this test is
presented in table 14.
The result obtained in the tests reveal the
importance of using this tool (heance the rules)
within organizations. The set of modifications
allowed the model EA were updated which improves
the quality of decision-making on the enterprise
In this research we propose a set of rules to validate
the temporal relationship of the EA elements. These
rules are divided into two categories: The
Inconsistencies Verification Rules and
Inconsistencies Correction Rules.
For specification of the rules we consider the
following aspects: the type of dependency that each
relationship represents, the States of elements and
element types, fulfilling this way the goal: set
logging rules specifications on the basis of the ratio
among elements.
We proceeded with the classification and
subsequently and the validation criteria formalized
through mathematical logic expressions.
The logical expressions proposed are a simple
way to represent the verification rules and
inconsistencies correction.
The rules, even though they are based on
operation of the EAMS, they were specified in a
generic way; therefore, it is possible that other
similar systems to EAMS can use them in the
implementation of features based in the application
of the rules.
We verify that the impact of using the rules
through the development of a prototype called
EAMS-RulesTime. In this prototype we applied to
all proposed specifications in section 5. Despite the
limitations, the results of the tests are satisfactory
which allows us to conclude that the proposed rules
are functional so we recommend the implementation
of the same management tools and in order to
minimize the amount of problems of existing
The contributions of this work open doors to
define new rules for the validation of models and
can be applied on EA management tools used by
5.1 Limitations
During the research process some work-related
limitations were observed.
The first limitation is that the proposed rules be
specified taking into account only three of the
possible States that can be assigned to an element of
The proposed solution is focused only on
Rules for Validation of Models of Enterprise Architecture - Rules of Checking and Correction of Temporal Inconsistencies among Elements
of the Enterprise Architecture
temporal elements and which limits the validation of
models to this area. But we believe that other types
of inconsistencies such as a passive element be
responsible for creating an element of active
The last limitation is the fact that the rules were
developed according to the specifications of the
ArchimMate metamodel, thus limiting its use to
other EA metamodels.
5.2 Future Work
We think that, despite the satisfactory results, the
proposed solution opens important perspectives for
the future work, derived from the limitations
presented in section 5.1.
We think that it is crucial to develop other
temporal rules in order to cover other States and
temporal elements that have not been treated at
work, since the elements of and may be in States
such as pregnancy, test, or removed in a way that
may affect the operation or even the transformation
of EA.
Given other types of existing inconsistencies and
models, we found important to create new types of
rules (which are temporary only) in order to resolve
these inconsistencies.
Improve the rules in order to make possible its
use by other types of EA metamodels that not only
the ArchiMate metamodel.
This work has been partially supported by the
Fundação da Ciência e Tecnologia through funding
of INESC-ID, ref. UID/CEC/50021/2013.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems