Identifying Objectives for a Learning Space Management System with
Value-focused Thinking
Ari Tuhkala
, Hannakaisa Isom
, Markus Hartikainen
, Alexandra Cristea
and Andrea Alessandrini
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyv
a, P.O. Box 35, Jyv
a, Finland
Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, Coventry CV47AL, U.K.
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, University of Dundee, Perth Road, Dundee DD14HT, Scotland
Classroom Management, Educational Technology, Special Education, Value-focused Thinking.
A classroom with a blackboard and some rows of desks is obsolete in special education. Depending on the
needs, some students may need more tactile and inspiring surroundings with various pedagogical accessories
while others benefit from a simplified environment without unnecessary stimuli. This understanding is applied
to a new Finnish special education school building with open and adaptable learning spaces. We have joined
the initiative creation process by developing software support for these new spaces in the form of a learning
space management system. Participatory design and value-focused thinking were implemented to elicit the
actual values of all the stakeholders involved and transform them into software implementation objectives.
This paper reports interesting insights about the elicitation process of the objectives.
The traditional classroom setting of children sitting
on benches and patiently listening to a teacher is not
easily applicable in special education. The class-
rooms are often less inspiring, and an activity-driven
approach is more appropriate (
Ozen and Ergenekon,
2011). For example, children with hearing and vision
problems can benefit from visual and physical stim-
ulations and moving between different spaces, and
children with autism disorders benefit from the use
of technologies and digital artefacts that promote col-
laborative educational activities and attentional exer-
cises (Alessandrini et al., 2014). To overcome these
issues, a new school was recently created in Finland,
the Valteri School Onerva, which was just finished in
early 2016. Its stated goal was to enable functionality,
physical activity, and the application of new technolo-
gies. The idea of an open and adaptable school was
a focus from the planning and construction stages of
the school.Under this concept, all physical spaces are
understood as potential spaces for learning, not just
the classroom, and the environment is dynamically
adapted to the needs of the practised pedagogy. A
simple example is using stairways as an active learn-
ing space: children might physically move from one
stairway step to another while learning the number
line, months, or weekdays (Ikkel
a-Koski, personal
communication, May 5, 2014).
However, the activities in the modern school en-
vironment of the Valteri School Onerva must be sup-
ported with modern technology. In the stairway ex-
ample, in a regular educational setting, with the cur-
rent level of support, it would not be possible to know
if the stairway was already in use, as the stairway is a
non-traditional learning space and would not be con-
sidered by any scheduling tool. The lack of such criti-
cal information prevents teachers from implementing
such new pedagogical ideas, even simple ones due to
the time costs if the targeted space is not available and
the whole class must return to the classroom. More-
over, not all teachers have the time and resources to
develop new ideas and surely are not aware of all the
available possibilities. Unfortunately, we find the cur-
rent facility (or classroom) management systems not
suitable for use in this dynamic environment. The
systems for commercial or non-commercial organisa-
tions seem to be developed mainly for standard ad-
ministrative needs. Instead of traditional facility man-
agement features, teachers need a tool that supports
them in organising flexible pedagogical activities and
sharing pedagogical practices. To successfully de-
velop a learning space management system, we need
to carefully examine the objectives that teachers asso-
Tuhkala, A., Isomäki, H., Hartikainen, M., Cristea, A. and Alessandrini, A.
Identifying Objectives for a Learning Space Management System with Value-focused Thinking.
DOI: 10.5220/0006230300250034
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 25-34
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
ciate with the open and adaptable environment.
As a result, the requirements for a learning space
management system were produced in the ONSPACE
research project between May 1 and December 5,
2014, before the building construction even started.
Requirements elicitation is one of the most critical ac-
tivities of software development and is known to be a
major reason for project failures (Pacheco and Gar-
cia, 2012). We grounded our research in two assump-
tions: First, to get a better understanding of teachers’
work, we needed to involve our stakeholders and ar-
range user-centred workshops based on participatory
design principles. Participatory design emphasises
shared decision-making, which is crucial when dif-
ferent stakeholders are involved (Frauenberger et al.,
2015). Second, traditional requirements elicitation
concentrates on identifying system’s goals, function-
ality, and limitations (Pacheco and Garcia, 2012).
While this is fundamental, we argue that the stake-
holders’ objectives need to be defined more holisti-
cally than just considering the actual system. There-
fore, we applied a method developed by Profes-
sor Ralph Keeney and proposed in the book Value-
focused Thinking: A Path to Creative Decision Mak-
ing (1992). The method offers systematic guidelines,
which are described in a later section, for identifying
objectives for the defined decision problem.
This study has both methodological and practical
contributions. Value-focused thinking has been ap-
plied in multiple domains, but less in the context of
requirements elicitation, especially as they relate to
education. Learning space management systems are
currently gaining attention as modern schools increas-
ingly adjust to the idea of open and adaptable learning
environments (Sanoff and Walden, 2012). The iden-
tified objectives were used during implementation of
the learning space management prototype. To fulfil
our goals, we framed the following research ques-
How can value-focused thinking be implemented
and applied to the requirements elicitation con-
What are the objectives associated with an open
and adaptable environment?
For the first question, we describe in detail how
we applied the method, and for the second, we inter-
pret recordings from the workshops and present the
identified objectives. The original requirements spec-
ification document is in Finnish and consists of 32
pages; therefore, its full inclusion is beyond the scope
of this paper. Instead, we highlight and discuss the
process of extracting the objectives, followed by a dis-
cussion of the objectives. The prototype of the system
was developed in 2015, in the sequel project called
ONSPACE2, and the objectives were used as guid-
ing evaluation principles by software engineers dur-
ing development of the learning space management
User participation and involvement are considered
essential for success in system development (Barki
and Hartwick, 1994; He and King, 2008; Mahmood
et al., 2000), as they improve the quality of the sys-
tem by generating more precise requirements (Har-
ris and Weistroffer, 2009) and tend to lead to a pos-
itive attitude and perceived usefulness among users
(Abelein and Paech, 2015; McGill and Klobas, 2008).
Participation refers to assignments, activities and be-
haviours that users engage in during the system devel-
opment process and involvement is a psychological
state of the individual, defined as the importance and
relevance of a system to a user (Barki and Hartwick,
1994). User involvement can also be seen as a broader
concept, in which users are somehow involved in the
system’s development process, whereas user partici-
pation refers to more active and intentional involve-
ment (Iivari et al., 2010).
Kujala (2003) has presented methodological ap-
proaches to achieving participation and involvement
(Table 1). In user-centred design, ethnology, and con-
textual design, participation can be characterised as
an approach by the designer to gain information from
participants. The fundamental difference in partici-
patory design is that it encourages participants to ac-
tively take part in the decision making and creative
processing of the solution (Frauenberger et al., 2015).
The goal of participatory design is not just to em-
pirically understand the design activity (or users, as
in user-centred design), but to simultaneously envi-
sion, shape, and transcend it to benefit the participants
(Spinuzzi, 2005).
The ideological grounding of participatory design
emerged from Scandinavian workplace democracy to
ensure that people who are affected by technology can
also participate in making decisions about it (Bjerk-
nes and Bratteteig, 1995; Ehn, 1988; Halskov and
Hansen, 2015; Muller and Kuhn, 1993). In partic-
ipatory design, the following statements are under-
stood as guiding principles: participants from diverse
backgrounds are seen as experts in how they live their
lives and design in collaboration with other profes-
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Methodological approaches to achieve participation and involvement (Kujala, 2003).
Participatory design User-centered design Ethnography Contextual design
Democratic participation Usability Social aspects of work Context of work
Workshops, prototyping Task analysis, prototyp-
ing, usability evaluations
Observation, video anal-
Contextual inquiry, pro-
sionals (Sanders et al., 2010; Sanoff, 2007), partic-
ipants have the right to influence technological de-
cisions affecting their private and professional lives
areborn and St
ahlbrost, 2008), and espe-
cially, participatory design is seen as appropriate in
the context of special needs (Benton et al., 2014;
Frauenberger et al., 2011; Guha et al., 2008; Malin-
verni et al., 2014). Thus, we have based our work-
shops on participatory design to adopt these principles
and we have implemented value-focused thinking as
a requirements elicitation technique.
Value-focused thinking (VFT) comes from the opera-
tional research field and has been applied to decision
problems in multiple domains, such as defence, en-
vironment, energy, government, corporations, and in-
telligence (Parnell et al., 2013). The underlying prin-
ciple of VFT is that when faced with a decision prob-
lem, participants should first examine their values. In
general, values are core concepts within individuals
and society (Williams, 1979). Values are desirable
and trans-situational goals that serve as principles that
guide one’s lives (Friedman, 1996; Schwartz, 1992).
Keeney (1992; 1996) employs values as principles for
evaluation of actual or potential consequences of ac-
tion or inaction, of proposed alternatives, and of made
decisions. In VFT, decision makers reflect what they
want to achieve instead of immediately comparing al-
ternative solutions. Values are made explicit for ex-
amination by associating them with a specific state-
ment of objectives, which are in the form of a verb fol-
lowed by an objective (Keeney, 1992; Keeney, 2013).
The basic steps of the VFT process are as follows:
develop a list of values, convert values to objectives,
and classify them as a means-ends objective network
(Sheng et al., 2005; Sheng et al., 2010). The start-
ing point is the statement of the problem to be solved.
The definition of the problem must be made carefully
to ensure a shared understanding of the situation. Par-
ticipants are asked to make a list of anything that he
or she hopes to achieve by solving the problem being
addressed. This is done without any restrictions or
constraints in reflection, to reach the different dimen-
sions that participants find valuable. After generating
the initial list, participants are encouraged to extend
the list using different mind-probing techniques (Ta-
ble 3 in Keeney, 1996) . For example, participants
can be asked to review each item and articulate why
they care about it, which in turn might lead to new
items. This phase of producing a comprehensive list
requires intensive thinking and discussion, and it will
most likely take several iterations.
The list is considered as completed when partici-
pants cannot find any new information about the prob-
lem. Then, each list item is translated into the format
of objectives (Keeney defines this phase as convert-
ing values into a common form). For example, if the
participants expressed that the school day is too busy,
the item might be rush’, and the objective would be
reduce rush’. This might raise discussion, why there
is the rush and how it could be reduced. This, in turn,
may lead to new items and objectives. Finally, the list
should be examined for possible redundancies.
The next phase is to structure objectives as funda-
mental and means objectives. Fundamental objectives
characterise the essential interests in the decision sit-
uation representing the goals that participants value.
Means objectives are of interest due to their impli-
cations for the degree to which fundamental objec-
tives can be achieved. For example, if reducing rush
is a fundamental objective, means objectives could be
about having needed accessories available. Finally,
the structure of these objectives is illustrated by build-
ing a means-ends network demonstrating how the dif-
ferent objectives are related to each other. The process
of structuring objectives results in a deeper and more
accurate understanding of what one cares about and
helps to clarify the decision context and enhances the
quality of decisions.
This section presents the stakeholder organisation, de-
scribes the data gathering process and explains how
data was analysed.
Identifying Objectives for a Learning Space Management System with Value-focused Thinking
4.1 Stakeholder Description
The Valteri School Onerva is one of the six learning
and consulting centres of Valteri schools that oper-
ate under the Finnish National Board of Education.
The school provides services that support learning
and school attendance in order to implement general,
intensified, and special support. In the school, edu-
cation is combined with rehabilitation and guidance
that support learning to form a seamless whole. The
school has expertise particularly in supporting needs
relating to vision, hearing, language, and interaction.
The school’s mission is to increase the accessibil-
ity of support services and promote the neighbour-
hood school principle. The school aims to realise
this, by making their operations more effective, creat-
ing new action models and innovations, and utilising
new technology. The aim is to develop solutions for
learning and rehabilitation that support learning for
individuals. The school’s activities are guided by a
development-oriented approach and the utilisation of
research and networking.
4.2 Data Gathering
We organised four workshops (Table 2) with the
school’s staff. The data was collected by recording
the workshops with a video camera or mobile phone;
the researchers also took notes. The participants
were special education teachers, occupational thera-
pists, visual sense specialists, and researchers. The re-
searchers who participated in the workshops were all
from the University of Jyv
a, Faculty of Informa-
tion Technology. There was some variation between
workshops: in the first workshop there was one per-
son from the technical staff, and in the last workshop
there were two members of the instructional staff, but
otherwise, the membership stayed constant. All of the
workshops were held in the old school’s facilities to
help researchers understand the context at the given
time and provide teachers and staff members with fa-
miliar surroundings.
The first workshop acquainted the participants
with one another and familiarised everyone with the
context of our study. Ininformal group discussions
were conducted, during which we asked questions
about the new school building, elicited their ideas of
an open and adaptable environment, and discussed the
initial need for the learning space management sys-
tem. The technical staff member presented a three-
dimensional (3D) model of the new school building,
and researchers analysed it together with the partici-
pants. The researchers produced conceptual maps of
the building to gain a better understanding of the new
Table 2: Workshops in the study.
1. 14.5.2014 8 teachers, 1 tech-
nical staff, 3 re-
2. 24.8.2014 6 teachers, 4 re-
3. 27.9.2014 6 teachers, 3 re-
4. 12.12.2014 6 teachers, 2 instruc-
tors, 3 researchers
environment. Finally, the participants discussed the
initial desired functions and the possible users of the
In the second workshop, the participants were
asked to provide ideas that they associate as impor-
tant with the open and adaptable environment. The
intensive discussion resulted in a list of words which
described anything that the participants perceived as
valuable in the school context. The list was reviewed
and discussed, and the participants defined higher
level categories for each item. Finally, the partici-
pants transformed the items into objectives represent-
ing their shared understanding of how the item could
be achieved. The objectives were examined together
to remove redundancy and disentangle abstract objec-
tives into more concrete ones. The emerging objec-
tives were scrutinised by asking the participants ’why
this item is important’. The goal of this back-and-
forth process was to encourage more elaboration of
the objectives. Because limited time was available
during the workshop, the participants finished the task
by themselves, and they sent the final document by
email to the researchers.
4.3 Producing Functional Requirements
The analysis of the first two workshops was based on
VFT methodology. First, the recordings were checked
to ensure that there was no missing data and to sup-
port the researchers’ notes taken during the discus-
sion. The document then included a full list of ob-
jectives. When analysing the objectives, we found
that some of them were directly related to the actual
system and others related to the whole organisation.
Therefore, the objectives were divided into two cat-
egories: system objectives and organisational objec-
tives. From the system objectives, we derived the ini-
tial functions of the system and illustrated them as a
use case diagram. Every use case was then described
in use case scenarios, which detailed how the user in-
teracts with the system.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In the third workshop, the researchers described
to participants how the use case diagram was con-
structed and how the system would be used by de-
scribing the use case scenarios. Furthermore, the re-
searchers presented initial user profiles, system archi-
tecture, and non-functional requirements. The partic-
ipants then discussed the requirements and gave feed-
back on how they could be enhanced. After the work-
shop, the requirements were updated using the feed-
back from the participants. The final version of the
document was sent to the participants two weeks be-
fore the final meeting, in December 2014. In the last
meeting, participants evaluated the outcomes and val-
idated the produced requirements. The participants
appreciated the transparency of the design process
and how researchers were able to communicate us-
ing language they understood. Finally, researchers
thanked the participants for their collaboration and
discussed future plans for the prototype development.
4.4 Identifying Objectives
The recordings of the four workshops were tran-
scribed in order to gain an overall view of data,
which were then exported into the ATLAS-ti software
for more detailed interpretation. Data was analysed
through a process of open coding (Corbin and Strauss,
1990) to develop a list of quotations that related to the
objectives of the group, that is, what the group con-
sidered important or how the desired situation could
be achieved. All 153 quotations were examined one
by one and assigned at least one code. The coding
process was overlapping: a single quotation could be
connected to many different codes and vice versa. If
it was impossible to connect a quotation with any of
the previous codes or imagine a new code, the quota-
tion was removed as an irrelevant phrase. Finally, 133
quotations remained that had been assigned at least
one code. The rejected quotations were examined to
ensure that no relevant data was removed.
The quotations inside the codes were refined to as-
certain that the codes had a coherent structure. The
codes, including the assigned quotations, were anal-
ysed to differentiate between fundamental objectives
and means objectives. If the assigned quotation ex-
pressed an essential objective, it became a candidate
for a fundamental objective. If the assigned quotation
expressed something that was important because of its
implications for some other objective, it was a candi-
date for a means objective. Finally, the transcriptions
were read through again to validate the structure of
the objectives.
The fundamental objectives regarding an open and
adaptable environment were improving communica-
tion, increasing efficiency, enabling functionality, tak-
ing special needs into account, ensuring privacy, and
strengthening the community. These are further dis-
cussed one by one. System level means were de-
fined as those features of the system that could pos-
sibly contribute to an associated fundamental objec-
tive. Organisational level means represent the social
actions that contribute towards the fundamental ob-
5.1 Improve Communication
Table 3: Improve communication.
Communication culture
Discuss conflicting reservations
Access with mobile devices
Automatic conflict handling
Information about reserved spaces
Purpose for reservations
Information about the owner of a reservation
The first fundamental objective was improved com-
munication. The hope was that teachers, staff, and
students would not be isolated in the classrooms and
this would encourage more communication between
people. We thus interpreted communication as a cen-
tral objective, even though it often appeared implic-
itly in the data, because it is strongly connected to
other objectives. For example, the connection with
privacy appears as a need to have spaces available for
private conversations between teachers, students, and
other stakeholders. Participants emphasised that, re-
gardless of the features or possibilities of the system,
there is a need for a culture of open communication. It
is unavoidable that conflicts will occur when adjust-
ing to a new environment. Participants agreed that
the responsibility for solving conflicts cannot be out-
sourced entirely to technology. Even when a mech-
anism for automatically resolving reservation-related
conflict would exist, the prioritisations policy must be
determined by the people.
Communication can be improved in many ways
at the system level. The primary feature required
was that the system could be accessed by mobile de-
vices. The participants stressed that they do not have
time to look for a desktop computer during the day.
Identifying Objectives for a Learning Space Management System with Value-focused Thinking
One proposition was that there could be tablet devices
ported near the learning spaces, making it easy to
check the status of the space and make a reservation.
The participants brought up the issue that information
related to reservations needed to be easily accessed
and needed to contain some mandatory fields: contact
information of the person who made the reservation
and the purpose of the reservation. From a pedagogi-
cal perspective, there should also be features allowing
for commenting, rating and sharing knowledge about
the learning possibilities of spaces.
5.2 Strengthen Community
Table 4: Strengthen community.
Responsible use of shared resources
Negotiated rules and norms
Open discussion
A “right of way” feature Reservation status
Strong community was conceptualised as a situation
wherein the whole school community, among stake-
holders, is able to negotiate shared goals and work
together towards them. As discussed before, the par-
ticipants emphasised the need for a culture of open
communication. The participants concluded that they
needed to learn ways to co-operate in an open and
adaptable environment: the actions are less confined
to classrooms, and possible conflicting encounters
need to be negotiated. It is not just the policies and
rules that need to be negotiated with the school staff,
the whole operational culture of the school needs
The participants proposed an interesting feature
for the system, which was named right of way’. The
idea was that the system could understand if some-
one had privileges to certain spaces and automati-
cally reorganise the reservations based on these priv-
ileges. This raised an intense discussion about what
constituted privileges and whether this idea conflicted
with the open and adaptable environment. Moreover,
this feature would be rather complicated to implement
An essential method of strengthening the commu-
nity was found to be the possibility of marking reser-
vations with open or closed status. An open reserva-
tion means that the space is reserved for certain peo-
ple, but others are still welcome to use it at the same
time. Some spaces are divided into smaller rooms
or areas, which could be used in parallel. For ex-
ample, two classes of deaf children, communicating
via sign language, could share the same room as long
as they would use the separating curtains available in
the room. This feature was appreciated by the partic-
ipants because it further supported the idea of collab-
oration and more efficient use of facilities.
5.3 Increase efficiency
Table 5: Increase efficiency.
Planned behaviour
Visual information
Real-time information
High usability
Mobile use
The participants extensively discussed how everyday
life would be organised in the new environment. The
idea of not having their own classrooms was both fas-
cinating and frightening. The main expectation from
the technological tool was that it would help to organ-
ise the school activities. This is a crucial issue and af-
fects the whole work community, as one teacher com-
mented: ’I think, it [the system] would help to sort
things out, without unnecessary hassle. It is some-
thing that would have a great impact on our work at-
mosphere’. We interpret that time is the most lim-
ited resource the participants have, and it is extremely
important that using the developed technology does
not waste it. The participants also emphasised how
the ability to plan activities beforehand will make the
working day more tranquil.
When considering the actual system, the partici-
pants described that efficiency was about getting real-
time information that could be used everywhere and
that was easy to use. They also noted the possibil-
ity of having visual information. A concrete example
of the relationship between ease of use and efficiency
being discussed was based on their previous experi-
ences with a facility management system which had
a complicated function for removing reservations and
resulted in too many ‘no-show’ reservations. A visual
view (visual interface) of the building was important
for the participants. They were used to perceiving the
dimensions of the new building on the map. The pos-
sibility of making reservations with a visual picture
was thought to be more accessible than, for example,
a list of available spaces. Mobile access was again
mentioned, because it supported the idea of an open
and adaptable environment, by encouraging people to
move around.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
5.4 Enable Functionality
Table 6: Enable functionality.
Think differently
Functional pedagogy
Creative use of new learning spaces
Recommends suitable spaces
Shows accessories
Shows the purpose of space
Shows size of the space
Accessible from different locations
Accessible with different devices
The participants shared the view that action-based
learning has a very important role in special educa-
tion; therefore, enabling functionality is one of the
main goals of the open and adaptive environment, and
so, it seems rather self-evident for a functional ob-
jective. Functionality was conceptualised as a vision
where activities are always happening in the space
that is most suitable for the intended pedagogical
practice and that is available at the current moment.
The participants hoped that a more functional envi-
ronment would lead to more creative pedagogy be-
cause of the possibilities the new learning spaces are
offering. However, creativity was seen as a challenge:
how to question the old practices (and think differ-
ently) and pedagogically combine the needs of the
students and new learning spaces?
The main question at a system level was what
spaces are made available for reservation. There
seemed to be contradictory views between the new
way of understanding all spaces as ’open learning
spaces’ and the need for individual and private spaces
for certain tasks. This discussion resulted in interest-
ing observations, for instance: if there is a room with
several workstations, does the reservation apply to the
whole room or is it possible to reserve only a single
workstation? Solving these issues leads to a clearer
understanding of the level on which the decisions are
made: between people, pre-programmed in techno-
logical systems, or as institutional policies. Accord-
ing to the participants, the following features of the
system would enable functionality: the system is able
to recommend the most suitable spaces based on cer-
tain criteria, it is easy to see important information in
the system, and the system can be accessed from any
location in the school with most used devices.
5.5 Pedagogical Use
Table 7: Pedagogical use.
Empower students
Guide to responsible use of ICT
Proper authentication policy
Generic student accounts
Take account of special needs
Accessible user interface
The students of the school have a wide range of spe-
cial needs. Different perceptional abilities present a
challenge between the creative and dynamic use of
learning spaces and the need for structure and for-
mality. For example, it is essential for blind stu-
dents to learn how to navigate through the building
and find the necessary accessories inside the learn-
ing spaces on their own. The school introduced sev-
eral guides for this, including typical tracks for blind
people, but also innovative uniquely textured walls,
which helped identify the respective spaces, as well as
a novel sound-based guidance system (specific inter-
sections emitting different little tunes, to be uniquely
The participants, however, discussed that the
world itself is not structured for the needs of blind
people, and an important aim is to teach students to
act independently outside the school. This reflects the
idea that using the system should be one way to fa-
cilitate the students’ independence. The system was
seen as an opportunity to enhance responsibility by
empowering students to reserve learning spaces for
themselves and by guiding students towards respon-
sible use of information and communication technol-
ogy (ICT). The participants noted that permitting stu-
dents to use the system could result in accidental or
intentional misuse, but they seemed to agree that, de-
spite the possible unwanted scenarios, it is important
to accustom students to ICT.
An important issue was to deciding on user poli-
cies and authentication within the system. One pos-
sibility was to create user accounts for every student,
but this would raise challenges related to security and
technical implementation. Information related to stu-
dents has high-security classification, which would
mean tight restrictions in the system. The partici-
pants proposed the possibility of making generic user
accounts for students, so their personal information
could not be revealed. Special needs should be taken
into account in system development to make pedagog-
ical use of the system possible.
Identifying Objectives for a Learning Space Management System with Value-focused Thinking
5.6 Ensure Privacy and Security
Table 8: Ensure privacy and security.
Respect private spaces
Critical information in dedicated server
An important matter of discussion was how privacy
could be ensured in the open and adaptable environ-
ment. The participants emphasised the need for pri-
vate spaces to have conversations with stakeholders
and how this privacy needs to be respected. They also
commented that visual positioning information about
staff or students could be very useful, but that it raises
many privacy-related problems. However, partici-
pants explained that they have actually had emergency
situations during which a student has been completely
From a technical perspective, the discussion fo-
cused around how the current technological infras-
tructure is connected to the system and what security
vulnerabilities it might cause. The participants con-
cluded that critical student information is stored in
dedicated servers and that access to the system should
be restricted.
This paper briefly presents the process and the results
of our requirements analysis for a rather typical in-
formation management system, but for a completely
new environment, represented by the open and adapt-
able school. It was clear from the beginning that
we needed to re-imagine the characteristics of facil-
ity management systems as they seemed to be devel-
oped primarily for administrative purposes. In prac-
tice, we needed to encourage the participants reflect
on the new surroundings and their everyday work to
frame what was important to them and to clarify what
they wanted to achieve. To reach this goal, we organ-
ised four workshops, during which we applied value-
focused thinking to identify objectives for developing
a learning space management system for an open and
adaptable environment. Our analysis had two stages:
first, we needed to analyse the workshops from the
perspective of requirements specification in order to
establish necessary attributes of the system, that is,
functions, a use case diagram, and use case scenarios.
After the workshops, we made a more in-depth in-
vestigation of the data using an open coding analysis.
This two-staged analysis was used to verify our anal-
ysis. As Morse et al. (2002) have presented, data may
demand to be treated in different ways, so the analytic
procedure should match the research questions. The
first analysis stage was more practical and straightfor-
ward while the second stage required more reflective
strategy and critical discussions about the project be-
tween the authors of this paper.
The identified fundamental objectives regarding
the open and adaptable environment included follow-
ing: improving communication, strengthening com-
munity, increasing efficiency, enabling functionality,
pedagogical use of the system, and ensuring privacy
and security. These fundamental objectives, as well
as the means to achieve them, are described from the
system and organisational level. We argue that this
will help other researchers and implementers to take
a more holistic view in the development phase: the
functions and features of the system need to be con-
sidered together with organisational level means, and
they should be in line with approved fundamental ob-
jectives. The results give more in-depth representa-
tion about the context, people, and environment for
which the system is developed.
We implemented the principles of participatory
design in our project. The participants had a real op-
portunity to influence what kind of system will be de-
veloped, and there was strong collaboration between
researchers and participants. Researchers were able
to learn about the work and the new environment of
the participants and the researchers were able to share
knowledge about technical possibilities as well as re-
strictions. We also collided with issues when consid-
ering our project as participatory design. VFT does
not put emphasis on the complex power relationships
participants may have. The method assumes that peo-
ple are able to communicate their thoughts, regard-
less of the social hierarchies that may constrain the
discussion. Furthermore, VFT examines the identi-
fied objectives as a whole, while the objectives be-
tween different stakeholders might be very conflict-
ing. The question is, whose objectives are we sup-
posed to meet? Claiming that the project is based
purely on ‘participatory design’ may even be consid-
ered somewhat unjustified, due to the fact that the ac-
tual analysis (objective identification) was made by
the researchers. Even when we were concentrating
on the objectives of participants, the role of the par-
ticipants was more that of informants than actors.
The philosophy behind VFT is that the identified
objectives are based on the values of decision mak-
ers rather than just comparing possible alternatives.
The concept of value is very challenging, because
of the different definitions of value in different re-
search fields and even among individuals. Keeney’s
(1992; 1996) definition is very general, and the dif-
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
ference between the concepts of value and objective
is not completely clarified. To underline the point,
for some people, value is about currency or efficiency
and for others it is about ethical questions. As an
anecdote, Cockton (2004; 2006) changed the name
of the concept from value to worth after struggling
with the same issue. It may seem appealing to use a
pre-defined set of values, as in Schwartz’s (2012) the-
ory of basic values, which provides more depth to the
contents and structure of values, but as Isomursu et
al. (2011) discussed, using a pre-defined framework
to analyse and interpret the findings can lead to con-
firmation bias.
Even if we embrace Keeney’s definition, the ques-
tion arises of how to reach abstract constructions that
may be difficult to form as statements. For exam-
ple, Iversen et al. (2012) pointed out that values are
not static entities that are waiting for researchers and
developers to collect them, but more like changing,
complex and abstract ways of being and thinking.
Keeney seems to take it for granted that decision mak-
ers are automatically people who are able to express
what is important to them. For example, when de-
signing with children, there should be more appropri-
ate methods than just asking ’what it is that one cares
for’. People’s values tend to emerge, change, and con-
flict, and researchers should carefully consider who is
answering these questions and what they mean.
We would like to express our gratitude for the Val-
teri School Onerva’s personnel for participating in
the research project. We also thank Kirsi Heinonen,
M.Sc., for assisting in data collection. This research is
funded by the Valteri School Onerva and the Univer-
sity of Jyvaskyla, Faculty of Information Technology
under the project entitled ONSPACE. The research
did not receive any specific grant from funding agen-
cies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sec-
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CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education