3D Face and Ear Recognition based on Partial MARS Map
Tingting Zhang, Zhichun Mu, Yihang Li, Qing Liu and Yi Zhang
School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
926zhangtingting@sina.com, mu@ies.ustb.edu.cn, {liyihang_1992, ustbliuqing}@163.com
Keywords: 3D Face Recognition, Partial MARS Map, Deep Learning, Head Pose Estimation.
Abstract: This paper proposes a 3D face recognition approach based on facial pose estimation, which is robust to
large pose variations in the unconstrained scene. Deep learning method is used to facial pose estimation, and
the generation of partial MARS (Multimodal fAce and eaR Spherical) map reduces the probability of
feature points appearing in the deformed region. Then we extract the features from the depth and texture
maps. Finally, the matching scores from two types of maps should be calculated by Bayes decision to
generate the final result. In the large pose variations, the recognition rate of the method in this paper is
94.6%. The experimental results show that our approach has superior performance than the existing
methods used on the MARS map, and has potential to deal with 3D face recognition in unconstrained scene.
Face recognition is one of the most popular
biometric feature recognition methods with the
characteristics of nonintrusive, contactless,
accessible and informative. However, the single
features from human face image are susceptible to
the variations of age, expression and pose. Ear
recognition is another biometric recognition method
with the advantages of its insusceptible to the age
and expression variations. A multi-biometric feature
fusion and recognition method based on face and ear
has been proposed, which is more robust to pose and
expression issues. However, there are still some
questions to be solved of 3D face recognition in
unconstrained scene. In this paper, we propose a
method based on partial MARS map, which
represents the better recognition performance of
dealing with large pose variations in the
unconstrained scene.
Many face recognition algorithms have been
proposed over the decades which based on global
features and local features. The first methods require
normalization of the images lacking of robustness,
and the second methods always neglect the global
information. Then a new method of fusing the global
and local features is presented (Melzer et al., 2003).
In order to improve the recognition result in the
unconstrained scene, some studies take the use of
multi-view 3D point clouds to identify human faces
(Zhang and Gao, 2009). Considering the positional
relationship of face and ear, some researchers (Liu et
al., 2015; Wang et al., 2015; Huang, 2015) propose a
new method based on MARS depth map and texture
map. They merge 3D face point clouds from the
multi-view without any influence factors to a new
point cloud with more information including the
complete face and ear. Then they transform the
expression of Cartesian coordinates into spherical
coordinates, and generate the MARS depth and
texture maps. The sphere depth map (SDM) and
sphere texture map (STM) of the candidate 3D face
point clouds are also required to be matched with
MARS depth maps and MARS texture maps of
gallery set respectively. This method presents a
better recognition performance compared with other
general methods in the case of complete ear and
incomplete face. However, in other unconstrained
conditions, especially existing large pose variations,
it doesn’t work well.
In the case of large pose variations, SDM and
STM always present a certain degree of
deformation, which will increase the recognition
difficulty when matching with the entire MARS
depth and texture maps without any deformation.
This paper proposes a new method based on partial
MARS map to deal with large pose variations. In
this paper, we estimate the facial pose situations
based on deep learning, and then generate the partial
MARS maps corresponding to each facial pose
situation, then generate the 3DLBP (Huang et al.,
2006) feature maps from MARS map, and choose
Zhang, T., Mu, Z., Li, Y., Liu, Q. and Zhang, Y.
3D Face and Ear Recognition based on Partial MARS Map.
DOI: 10.5220/0006244206330637
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2017), pages 633-637
ISBN: 978-989-758-222-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the sift feature descriptor at the stage of feature
extraction. In the recognition stage, we adopt an
improved method from sparse representation
classification (Liao et al., 2013) to get the matching
result, and then use the Bayesian fusion method
(Chen et al., 2014) between the matching results
from SDM and STM.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
describes the pose estimation using deep learning
and the generation of partial MARS map. Section 3
presents the feature extraction based on 3DLBP
feature maps and the process of recognition. The
experimental results are provided in Section 4.
Finally, some concluding remarks are given in
Section 5.
In this paper, we use a deep learning method (Xu et
al., 2015) with convolutional neural network (CNN)
for facial pose estimation to classify the images from
the different databases into 5 poses. The detailed
network structure is designed as follows: There are
three convolutional layers, two max-pooling layers,
a fully connected layer and the soft-max output layer
indicating five classes which stand for the five
poses. The first two convolution layers are weight
sharing and have 64 convolution kernels with size of
5*5 respectively. The following two max-pooling
layers also have 64 convolution kernels, and the size
of each kernel is 2*2. The third convolutional layer
is fully connected to the second max-pooling layer,
and the last hidden layer is fully connected to the
third convolutional layer. In the soft-max output
layer with 5 classes, the class with the maximum
probability is expected the estimated one.
In the image preprocessing stage, we take two
steps: Firstly, we extract the face region from
original images; then we crop each processed face
image into five patches, and resize patches into
32*32 as the input of the network. The patches
correspond to the four corners and central part with
eighty percent of the whole image. In the training
stage, we use total five patches as training data, and
in the testing stage, we only use the central patch for
2.1 Facial Pose Estimation using Deep
In this paper, we use a deep learning method (Xu et
al., 2015) with convolutional neural network (CNN)
for facial pose estimation to classify the images from
the different databases into 5 poses. The detailed
network structure is designed as follows: There are
three convolutional layers, two max-pooling layers,
a fully connected layer and the soft-max output layer
indicating five classes which stand for the five
poses. The first two convolution layers are weight
sharing and have 64 convolution kernels with size of
5*5 respectively. The following two max-pooling
layers also have 64 convolution kernels, and the size
of each kernel is 2*2. The third convolutional layer
is fully connected to the second max-pooling layer,
and the last hidden layer is fully connected to the
third convolutional layer. In the soft-max output
layer with 5 classes, the class with the maximum
probability is expected the estimated one.
In the image preprocessing stage, we take two
steps: Firstly, we extract the face region from
original images; then we crop each processed face
image into five patches, and resize patches into
32*32 as the input of the network. The patches
correspond to the four corners and central part with
eighty percent of the whole image. In the training
stage, we use total five patches as training data, and
in the testing stage, we only use the central patch for
Our algorithm is tested in CMU PIE database
and CAS PEAL face database. The CMU PIE
database contains 68 subjects with 13 poses. We
choose 19584 images with the 5 poses mentioned
above. The CAS PEAL face database contains 1040
subjects with 21 poses, and we choose 4160 images
from this database including the images with 5 poses
in the Pose database and all the images in the
Normal database. Of the total data, the first 50
persons from the CMU PIE database and the data
from the Normal database in the CAS PEAL face
database are selected to train the network, and the
rest of data is used for testing. The network with a
learning rate of 10-3 is obtained by the 300 epochs.
In our experiment, we get the accuracy of 98.7% in
the training stage, and 98.4% in the testing stage.
2.2 Generation of Partial MARS Map
We select the effective area of the entire MARS map
according to each situation of the 5 views and
generate 5 partial MARS maps. Firstly, 3D face
images are collected from the 3D scanning optical
system, and each subject contains three point clouds
respectively from three views of the left, right and
front side. After merging the three point clouds, we
get a more complete 3D point cloud called the fusion
ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
point cloud. The coordinate distribution is shown as
Figure 1.
Figure 1: The mosaic of three 3D face point cloud.
We fit the 3D face shape on a sphere model
according to the linear least square method to get the
sphere center point C and the sphere radius Radii.
Then determine a axis through point C with the
normal vector (0,0,1), and rotate the 3D face point
cloud to 90°, 45°, 0°, -45°, -90°. After rotation of the
point cloud, we select the effective region as
followed: Firstly, we divide the 3D point cloud into
three parts along the z axis equally, which are upper,
middle, bottom part. Then determine the boundary
point of the middle part and acquire the value of the
variable y as Yt. The boundary point is defined as
the edge point of the ear in the opposite side to the
rotation direction. We assume that the point with the
maximum or the minimum value of variable x in the
middle part is the boundary point. When the rotation
direction is left, we get the point with the minimum
of x, and if the rotation direction is right, we get the
point with maximum of x. Finally, we select the
region with the value of y smaller than Yt as the
valid region. Then the Cartesian coordinates [x, y, z]
of the new rotated point cloud can be transformed to
spherical coordinates [r, θ, ρ]. The partial MARS
Depth maps with five views are displayed as Figure
2 for examples. And we can see that the partial
MARS map does not mean the half of the entire
original MARS map in the case of 90° pose
Original MARS map
Figure 2: The original MARS depth map and partial
MARS depth maps.
3.1 Local Feature Extraction on SDM
and STM
After generation of all partial MARS maps, we do
the same processing with the candidate 3D point
clouds to get SDM and STM. In the feature
extraction stage, an improved algorithm called
Weight Rank-SIFT (Wang et al., 2015) is used to
select more stable feature points. However, it is
difficult to extract enough feature points from SDM.
The 3DLBP (Huang et al., 2006) maps generated
from the SDM can extract the absolute depth value
difference between the central pixel and its
neighbors and presents a better representation
regarding feature description. The combination of
the local features on SDM and the first two layers of
LBP maps can improve the recognition rate. Figure
3 shows the representation of key points extracted
from SDM and the first three layers of 3DLBP
maps. With regards to STM, we extract features
from the STM directly.
3DLBP-L1 (169)
3DLBP-L3 (246)
Figure 3: Features extracted from SDM and the first three
layers of 3DLBP maps.
3.2 Decision Fusion based on Sparse
Representation Classification
The SDM and STM in the probe set are the
representation of the candidate 3D point clouds, and
the number of features on them is different from the
number of features from partial MARS maps. In this
paper, Multi Key points Descriptor Sparse
representation Classification (MKD-SRC) is used to
classification. In this method, any candidate SDM
and STM in the probe set can be sparsely
represented by a dictionary consisted of the
descriptors in the gallery set. In this paper, we
calculate the average residual of the candidate point
3D Face and Ear Recognition based on Partial MARS Map
cloud descriptor in the dictionary. The smaller
average residual is, the higher matching degree is.
We use the MKD-SRC method on SDM and STM
respectively, and then fuse the average residual
scores of them by a Bayesian method (Chen et al.,
2014) to get the final matching score to determine
which subject the candidate 3D face image belongs
To examine the performance on large pose
variations, we build a small set containing 20 people
with 90 3D face images of each person. The images
include complex variations with one or two factors
in pose, occlusion and expression. Considering the
shortage of data, we selected the 3D face images of
80 subjects from the CASIA 3D face database, and
get the MARS maps through the ICP algorithms.
Finally, our experiment database contains 20
subjects collected from our own equipment and 80
subjects from CASIA 3D face database, and the
images of each person contain the normal state
without any influence factors and the states with
factors of 5 pose variations, laughter, smile, angry,
sad and close eyes which are similar with the
uncontrolled conditions. We select one MARS depth
map and one MARS texture map of each subject as
the gallery set, and select the SDMs and STMs
generated by the candidate images of these subjects
as the test set. In this experiment, we compare our
approach with some existing methods used on the
MARS map based on the test set and the results are
shown in Table 1 (the recognition rate of 90° is the
average value of the +90° and -90°). In general, our
method has a slight advantage with 90°, and has
better performance with 45°. Towards the frontal
view without any influence factors, the recognition
rates of four methods are close to each other. From
the Table 2, we can conclude that in the cases of
angry and close eyes with the 45° view of pose vari-
ations, our method presents a satisfied recognition
Table 1: Recognition rate in the cases of single pose
variation issue.
90° 45°
93.5% N/A 95.7%
95.5% 90.0% 96.7%
93.8% 85.6% 95.3%
Our Approach
95.7% 91.3% 96.7%
Table 2: Recognition rate in the cases of expressions with
Rotation angle
laughter angry close eyes
75.5% 96.3% 87.0%
83.8% 91.4% 89.3%
95.2% 95.3% 94.3%
rate. But in the laughter cases, eyes and mouth of the
person always have the large deformations, and the
performance still need to be improved.
Our approach has been proposed for the
unconstrained scene, in which pose and expression
variations are the difficult issues to be solved. This
paper has presented an effective method to solve the
large pose variations issue by facial pose estimation
and feature matching on partial MARS map. 3DLBP
representation is used to acquire the more feature
points on SDM and partial MARS depth map. After
feature extraction by Weight Rank-SIFT, we choose
the MKD-SRC method during the matching process,
and then perform the fusion operation at the decision
level. The experimental results show that this
method has well promising potential to be applied in
the uncontrolled environments.
This paper was supported by National Nature
Science Foundation of China under the Grant
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3D Face and Ear Recognition based on Partial MARS Map