Privacy Agents for IoT Cloud Communication
Syed Khuram Shahzad, Muhammad Waseem Iqbal and Nadeem Ahmad
The Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Privacy, Trust, Internet of Things, Agents, IoT Architecture.
Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) has been shaped to a phenomenon from some technical framework. The smart
environment based on IoT has been introduced by the construction of smart cities, offices, universities and
factories. These smart environments consist of smart devices replacing simple appliances from our home
and workplaces. With this interconnected environment we are connected, accessible and smartly managed
through intelligent systems. These intelligent systems work on our personal, historical and current data. This
data sharing brought new challenges of the privacy preservation of individuals living in this smart world.
This paper provides a study of the issues related to the data sharing through these smart devices over service
providing cloud. It proposes communication architecture by introducing an intermediate layer of data
sharing control consisting of privacy agents. It also includes a methodology to define a customized privacy
policy for different personal properties within different business models.
The era has been bringing in smart device in our
daily life replacing simple electronic device. These
smart devices are no longer independent stand alone
household item but it is a part of bigger network
named Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT can use any
medium or solution to communicate over network
like tagging (RFID, NFC etc.), embedded smart
service capabilities like smart phones or smart TV.
All variants of technical applications of smart device
have common function of being identified by unique
ID, communication over networks and capability of
acquiring services from network servers. Moreover
they form household and business infrastructures of
smart environment. IoT has become the part of daily
life even household appliances are forming
household network of the smart devices
(Chamberlain, 2016). There are very common
examples of tracking, GPS facility in vehicles and
video on-demand and other entertainment facilities
at home (Crabtree, 2016). With facilitation the
information and service sharing, the smart
environment brings new challenges of personal
privacy assurance in data sharing. The more we use
IoT for personal and domestic purpose, the more we
share our personal information over this network.
This paper discusses the privacy threats in
communication between personal smart devices and
cloud environment. It suggests a mediatory layer for
privacy preservation and access control with defined
privacy and trust policy. The next section of this
paper provides a summarized view of historical
work and problem identification. The methodology
states the privacy matrix, the privacy preservation
agents and overall architectural view. The model
provided in methodology is discussed by
implementing at three different scenarios in the
section of discussion over business model. The
conclusion and future work is provided in the last
section of the paper.
IoT is understood as a world of objects connected
with each other. Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) and sensor network technologies will be
used normally for collecting information from
surrounding environment (Gubbi, 2013)
(Sundmaeker, 2010) (Al-Sakran, 2015). In 2020, it is
estimated that there will be around 26 billion units
connected together in IoT. The Cisco Company
claimed in a study, that smarter cities will produce
$1.9 trillion value from IoT (Bradley, 2015). The
massive data will produce new challenges for
personal security and privacy. IoT, usually, has
limited processing and storage capacity with some
Shahzad, S., Iqbal, M. and Ahmad, N.
Privacy Agents for IoT Cloud Communication.
DOI: 10.5220/0006286502390245
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 239-245
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
challenging issues like reliability, security, privacy
and performance. The integration of IOT with cloud
will expand the processing and storage capacity over
the network. The Cloud will also benefit from IoT
by delivering extensive services in more distributed
manner (Babu, 2015). Considering the privacy issue,
there are efforts under go to reduce the privacy
threats some of the researches talk about providing
privacy layers in communications like gateways
(Medaglia, 2010) or rule mining for information
sharing from household networks (Crabtree, 2015).
2.1 Privacy Issues
Whenever there is discussion over IoT the privacy is
listed at the top from introduction of RFID to latest
research (Henze, 2014). The threats to the privacy
are being revealed in many forms and levels like
data storage, ownership, communication protocols,
access control to the identification attribute and trust
in legal and technical terms (Perera, 2015)
(Ziegeldorf, 2014). Consequently many solutions are
proposed for respective privacy threats (Alpár,
2016). Here we focus on the data sharing over IoT
cloud communication. Researchers have defined two
major techniques for access control and data sharing
while communication at IoT. The first method is to
provide an intermediate layer for privacy control
between device and public cloud including severs &
other devices (Williams, 2014), while the second
method talks about attribute level authentication for
different devices and users (Aazam, 2014). The first
methods providing the privacy layer doesn’t look
deep for the service request and attributes shared
that can block some service acquisition. It is focused
at the trust policy development for information
sharing over public network. The second method
provides too much technical details to be managed
by the end user. This methodology talks about the
individual privacy policy (Kozlov, 2012). Here we
need a trade off approach which can not only
facilitate user for managing all the attribute level
access control but also assist them to perform the
task. Here we argue that the trust policy and privacy
policy should not be detached from each other. The
distance between these two policies can bring
unwanted results or they are not workable together.
So it is required that the trust policy should have
capacity to imply the rules defined at user level in
his privacy policy.
2.2 Web Trust Models
Privacy over any network has been an issue since the
birth of network. Privacy is the concern related to
the unauthorized or harmful access of data even at
standalone device (Cranor, 1999) (Rubin, 1998)
(Grandison, 2001) (Glen, 2000). Within a network
environment the threat has been strengthen due to
connected environment allowing access to any
machine form any remote site. Many privacy and
trust models have been developed in early 90s for
World Wide Web (WWW). The privacy models
avoid any unauthorized access by providing security
layers at the data sent to WWW. While on the other
hand the trust models provide the ranking and
validation of all trusted destinations over internet.
This ranking of the internet node, including websites
and servers nodes, describes the assurance model to
the privacy (Grandison, 2001) (Glen, 2000). Similar
trust models developed and applied for IoT (Sicari,
2015). We have adopted the same model for ranking
the service providers over cloud to share the
required information with service requests.
Considering the available trust models for IoT, The
ranking methodology and technical details are not
discussed in the current writing. These ranking
enable the device and privacy engine to determine
the secure destination to share any kind of
information with minimum privacy threat.
To resolve the problems of privacy and personal
information sharing, we introduced network
architecture with a privacy layer. It is not possible to
disconnect the person from smart environment or
create total new replica for privacy issues. This can
control the access of shareable and non-shareable
attributes of requesting device from cloud. This
filtration and access identification is achieved
through a classification of all device properties. The
classification schema is part of request-response
protocol of smart device-cloud communication
(Smart net). It will assist user to categorize all the
properties while default classes and categorized list
with complete privacy policy will be provided by the
device at initial installation while user can change
them according to their needs.
3.1 Privacy Matrix
Here we develop a matrix of all device properties
shared over smart net while rendering any services.
We have developed few classification and ranking
mechanism to limit a risky and unnecessary sharing
of personal information. We have made
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
classification of different personal information that
need to be shared over web. The provided
classification list some basic classes while it can be
enhances by introducing new classes at same level
or vertically by subclasses. This privacy matrix
provides a table to develop a privacy policy at user
level (Mattern, 2010). On the other has the privacy
layer between devices and cloud keeps the trust
policy defining trusted, blacklisted and public node
over cloud.
3.1.1 Personal Identification Properties
These properties include the information that can be
used for identification of persons that smart device is
belonged. It includes the identification of person or
business at whose name the device is registered.
This information is required for some contractual
matters like purchase and maintenance contracts. It
includes name, date of birth, social security number
or taxation identification. There are some business
properties similar to personal information or defined
as subclass that list also some other business values
like buyer’s Credit Card details at purchasing a
mobile phone contract, Driving License information
of smart car owner (Santucci, 2010). At current
model these are considered as PIP.
3.1.2 Location Properties
These are properties that can be used to trace a
device in terms of spatial measures. It may be static
values of street address or dynamic latitude,
longitude measurements.
3.1.3 Device Properties
These properties include properties related to the
device it includes static device identification
properties or variant of device status properties.
Device identification properties include, brand,
model and serial number, while the status properties
include the working status of the device like OS,
networks, storage application installed etc (Mattern,
2010) (Santucci, 2010) (Medaglia, 2010).
In current framework, we have attached the
properties classification module with the device.
Considering the properties classification an access
control protocol has be devised for sharing these
properties over cloud. The properties from the
privacy matrix is hidden, shared or replicated by soft
identities from the requested servers.
3.2 Trust Points and Ranking Cloud
The properties classification is not enough to make
an automated decision mechanism for information
sharing over cloud. It is also depends at the trust
policy of smart net. The policy also ranked the
servers and other nodes over web as simple public
server, trusted server and blacklisted servers (Weber,
The privacy agent can rank (in a ranking table)
some clouds nodes as trusted servers based on
signatures, user ranking and other factors. All the
servers of private network associated to the device
and privacy agent will be ranked as trusted server.
All the unranked cloud service providing nodes
can be treated as public servers.
The privacy agent may create a list of black
listed servers to avoid any service request to be sent
3.3 Privacy Layers
Once the attributes of personal information are
categorized and servers are ranked, the Privacy
Layer model is formed to map the property classes
to the ranked server. These layers define the access
level according to the property classification and
trust ranking of servers as shown in Table 1. The
higher level of trust we define the more access
privileges will be provided for the property classes.
These privacy layers spans from the device to black
listed nodes over cloud, mapping full access to all
property classes to no access at all respectively. The
first layer is defined as the device layer, residing at
the device level. All properties belonged to any of
above defined class in can be accessed and used at
this level. Further user level access protocols
(Admin, Power user, Operator etc.) can be defined at
device level. We have not established any user level
privacy that is mostly defined with the smart device.
All of the properties categorized as private, stay
within device layer and never shared over network.
Majority of the physical properties of devices like
some of the personal identification or device
identification properties are limited to this level and
never shared to the network.
The layer above device layer is defined as local
network layer. This layer includes all the nodes
device registered at the agent forming a local
network. Information like local IP, identification
properties stays within the local network (LAN).
While the privacy agent may produce some soft
identities for the properties required to request a
Privacy Agents for IoT Cloud Communication
service from any node above LAN. The local
network level information sharing is done with a
smart environment developed in small residential or
business areas.
The third level of access is the private network
(VPN) layer. It can be created for some environment
for specific smart enterprise over cloud. This private
network includes all agents and server nodes for all
devices registered to the enterprise network. Mostly
the business information is shared over this level.
While rendering service out of the private network
may define some other soft identities for these
business properties (Weber, 2010).
There may exist some other trusted node or
servers over cloud based on signatures and user
ranking other than the private network. The next
access layer Trusted Nodes Layers that allow of
requesting these nodes and provided access to the
provided attributes.
Table 1: Access Layers.
Access Layer Access Level
(0 - lowest)
Device Layer 5 (Full Access)
Local Network Layer 4
Private Network (VPN) Layer 3
Trusted Network Layer 2
Cloud Layers 1
Blocked Layer 0 ( No Access)
The top most level of access is the public cloud
layer. It includes all trusted and public server at
which a service request can be sent. Only the
attributes categorized as public or soft identities can
be shared over this layer.
These access layers protocols excludes black-
listed server while there will no request sent to these
server or cloud nodes. A Blocked Layer may be
created for all black listed that can be an invisible
layer for communication.
The device layer and blocked layer have defined
access to all properties. All intermediate layers may
vary access level with the context including service
types and business model defined in the discussion
section. All the attributes are tagged with that
authorization level while none of the attributes can
be tagged with blocked layer access. The complete
model including properties classification, network
nodes ranking an associated privacy layers provide a
platform to build a privacy matrix for any device or
group of devices. Quantification of the privacy
matrix provides us a privacy policy for each device
or group of devices. The access level tags can be
associated with individual of attributes or any
defined class of attributes according to the privacy
policy. Moreover soft-identities with higher access
level can be used replacing all identification
properties to provide access to most levels of cloud
layers (Friess, 2013).
3.4 Privacy Agents
The agent is somewhat intelligent that make it
similar to a privacy server while the smart devices
act like a client. There is no explicit privacy request
and response protocol adopted but the privacy agent
provides services of proxy, gateway (Medaglia,
2010) and domain controlling enabling it to work as
server for the local network. This component of the
communication architecture is the backbone of
whole privacy preservation model designed in
current study. It also ensures the privacy by sharing
information over network according to the defined
privacy policy for each request sent from device to
3.4.1 Agents Components
The privacy agent has three major types of
components as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Components of Privacy Agent.
Network related components enable this agent to
register all devices as local network with domain
controlling protocols. The component above local
network management component is used for request
analysis and access identification.
The next component is used to routing the
request to the server or cloud layer according to
specified access. This component is somewhat
intelligent using simple decision tree mechanism
based on the least access level provided with the
Request Parser
Access Identifier
Routing Algo
Gateway /
Proxy server
DHCP Server / Domain Controlle
Routing Table
Local Address/ NAT
Blacklisted Nodes
Trusted nodes
VPN Addresses
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
updated request with all required attributes either
original values or soft-identities
The third component is the database in
conventional filing system with specific indices
storing routing tables. The access controller
identifies access of all properties and attributes by
the associated access level tags with them. These
attributes are tagged at client level by the device.
Figure 2: Privacy components in Smart Device.
Here we have established the Access classifies
and request builder component to tag the attributes
and build the service request respectively. Figure 2
provide the components of the smart device. These
components reside just before the communication
layer of smart devices. The attributes access
classification vary based on the business model and
service types, e.g. for some security services the
location properties may be tagged as local network
level access while same properties may be defined
public for location based service requests (Babar,
3.4.2 Network Architecture
With the detailed description of privacy agents and
privacy matrix the network architecture explanation
will provide whole concept and working of proposed
privacy framework. Here Figure 3 provides an
overview of the network including a privacy layer.
The bottom layer is the local network layer of smart
devices registered to a privacy agent. The privacy
agents collectively form a privacy layer. Above that
the privacy layer, privacy agents connect the devices
with service cloud with specified authorization and
access privileges. The cloud resides as the top layer
consisting of all kind of server nodes and defined
VPNs. These server nodes are presented in Figure 3
as Trusted Node (TN), Public Node (PN) and
Blacklisted Nodes (BN). These layers forms
different level of access as described in privacy
layers based on trust level.
Figure 3: The IoT Cloud Architecture with Privacy Layer.
The explored framework of the research has been
applied for three basic business models.
The first model defines the Service Based
Privacy Agent. These agents are connected to all
service provider of similar services like Security
services, Health services, location based service etc.
With the specialized agents, the classification of
properties is done depending of the need of service.
If an agent is specialized for location based service
Smart Device
Request Builder
Access Classifier
Privacy Agents for IoT Cloud Communication
location properties must be required to share with
the servers. This business model use mostly trusted
servers and server ranking by the users. In the
current scenario the devices are registered over these
privacy agents irrespective of device location and
other association. Thus these privacy agents or are
also ranked by the users with history and their
profiles. This scenario is described in Figure 3 with
all server nodes (trusted and public nodes) without
forming any VPN.
Next two business models use a VPN as a private
cloud based on either location or enterprise. The
second model defines all the access privileges over a
VPN based on a location, where privacy agents are
associated with any location e.g. a locality or town.
In experimentation we have developed one for a
model residential scheme. The idea is to have
privacy agents for some smart environment a
campus, city etc. where the residents of the locality
use provided locality services.
The third business model provides maximum
access mostly at the VPN of a specific enterprise
over cloud. It uses an Enterprise Privacy Agent
currently this architecture is mostly used for smart
communication devices. It provides access and
authentication agents for brand specific devices or
applications. These enterprises have created their
own cloud service like Google, SAMSUNG,
SIEMENS and IBM. Other than device
manufacturing devices, there are service providing
organizations that have built their own cloud
architecture like Amazon. The majority of the
information floats through their specific VPN, while
rendering a third party service there is an access
control protocol required. Only few public defined
attributes or alternative soft-identities are floated
with the services request outside the VPN.
There may be some other hybrid approaches of
enterprise agents and service specific agents, with
any organization provide specific kind of services
through their own cloud or user registers at different
enterprise agents for different kind of services to get
improved quality of services.
The problem described earlier was not questioning
all the privacy issues but only the information
sharing over cloud via service request. The answer
was found by development of an intermediate
privacy layer with a trust policy and user defined
privacy policy at device level. It provides the merger
of two method intermediate layer induction and
attribute level access control. Default access control
policies and device attributes classification can be
provided with the deployment of the device to assist
user at initial configuration. Moreover it enabled the
smart environment to develop uniform privacy
matrix for the uniform context like a specific smart
enterprise, smart campus or smart residential block
with similar devices and user needs. This research
still have many privacy question unanswered like
security measures (Medaglia, 2010) during
communication e.g. data & request encryption
methods, legal standings and binding of the privacy
providing agents. These and many other questions
are needed to answer in the future work. We will
continue our work in these directions. It is also
possible to define intelligent privacy agents by
defining dynamic the privacy matrix, history enabled
profiling of cloud nodes etc.
This contribution is presented with the
acknowledgements of the Higher Education
Commission of Pakistan (HEC). HEC is the higher
education organizing body that has funded this
research contribution presentation.
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