Integrating BI Information into ERP Processes
Describing Enablers
Richard Russman, Lisa F. Seymour and Jean-Paul van Belle
Department of Information Systems, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Keywords: BI, ERP, Enterprise Systems, Real Time BI.
Abstract: Business Intelligence (BI) systems typically report on transactions executed in enterprise information sys-
tems such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Reporting is normally at managerial or executive
level, yet substantial benefits can accrue to organizations that successfully integrate BI information back in-
to ERP processing at an operational level. How this integration is enabled is not well understood or re-
searched. In this paper, a multiple case study considering three organizations, factors enabling this integra-
tion are described and a process framework is presented indicating the importance of these enablers and the
sequence in which these factors need to be considered. New factors not initially considered in the literature
emerged such as including big data, using in memory BI and using the same vendor for ERP and BI. How-
ever, unless integrating BI into ERP processing is appropriate for an organization, benefits will not neces-
sarily accrue.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are
enterprise information systems that integrate all
facets of business by providing functionality for
coordinating and processing planning, manufactur-
ing, sales, accounting, finance and human resources
business functions using shared data and infor-
mation. Business Intelligence (BI) systems can pull
data from ERP and other systems, and provide re-
porting to help users make accurate and timely deci-
sions. Although BI often is reporting on ERP trans-
actional data, BI has been criticized because the
level of reporting is mostly at a strategic level as
opposed to an operational level, and with a consider-
able time lag (Bucher et al., 2009). BI methodolo-
gies and tools are typically not process-aware (van
der Aalst, Zhao, Wang, 2015). Data scientists can
now do new and exciting analytics but should not
forget that this data needs to improve operational
business processes (van der Aalst et al., 2015). Po-
tential solutions to this problem include Real Time
Business Intelligence (RTBI) and Business Perfor-
mance Management (BPM). In RTBI BI reports are
generated in near real time, and are used to help an
organization carry out operations. BPM is an initia-
tive or framework within business process manage-
ment (vom Brocke and Rosemann, 2014) under
which organizations use IT enabled methodologies
to formulate, manage and execute their strategy
through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (Tank,
2015). In all of these scenarios, ERP systems exe-
cute and store transactions, and BI systems report on
those executed transactions. Yet there are also po-
tential benefits for the scenario in which BI infor-
mation is integrated back into ERP processing.
However, there are many obstacles to ERP BI inte-
gration (Nofal and Yusof, 2013). Hence the main
research question posed here is “What factors and
conditions enable BI information to integrate and
impact on ERP transaction processing?”
This paper addresses this through a short litera-
ture review, description of method and findings with
BI integrated with ERP allows organizations to take
advantage of ERP data using BI reporting capabili-
ties. Firstly BI developed on the top of ERP has the
advantage of simplified data acquisition drawn from
a homogenous source (Lupu et al., 2007). Secondly
by executing corporate decision making at both
management and operations levels back in the ERP
system both the BI system and the ERP data are
Russman, R., Seymour, L. and Belle, J-P.
Integrating BI Information into ERP Processes - Describing Enablers.
DOI: 10.5220/0006292302410248
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 241-248
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
better utilized to the benefit of the organization
(Chou et al., 2005). While BI provides refined in-
formation, BI reports that do not also include context
have a diminished impact (Bucher, et al., 2009).
Companies that have implemented ERP on a large
scale have a majority of process steps managed,
planned, and executed in the ERP system. In these
cases BI and ERP system integration can be maxim-
ized as follows (Bucher, et al., 2009; Chou et al.,
2005; Gile, Teubner, Moore and Fossner, 2006):
Operational processes generate transactional data
stored in the ERP system at the operational layer.
BI sources data from the ERP via extraction,
transformation and loading (ETL) processes and
presents it in the analytics layer in the DW.
BI consolidates diverse data into meaningful
performance indicators.
BI performance indicators are used as input to
drive operational processes executed in the ERP.
Yet, moving process analysis into an integrated BI
environments is still an unanswered research ques-
tion (Baars et al., 2014). While mining ERP systems
to get BI is challenging (Nofal and Yusof, 2013), the
feedback loop of BI back into ERP is more so. The
feedback loop of using BI to manage operational
processes has been termed operational BI (Baars et
al., 2014) and is described through several concepts,
including RTBI, and BPM frameworks. There is
insufficient research on integrating ERP and BI in
general (Nofal and Yusof, 2013) and the authors
could find limited research that identifies the factors
that enable feedback of BI on ERP processing.
Hence success factors in the literature for ERP, BI
and trends in BI were considered and investigated
and are now briefly presented here and summarised
in Table 1.
2.1 BI Enablers
BI processes can enable getting the right information
in the right quantity, in a timely manner and in a
usable format, to impact positively on business op-
erations and tactics (Lupu et al., 2007). Although BI
can run on data in any storage, most typically a data
warehouse (DW) stores transactional data in the
form of structured normalised data or as de-
normalized or unstructured data optimised for re-
trieving and presenting information in queries. The
DW is populated via ETL, after which the data be-
comes static. BI then uses this data to create reports
and analysis (Tank, 2015). Yet BI implementations
can be complex, and projects that deliver the DW
Table 1: BI ERP integration enablers based on the literature.
Category Enabler Description Cite
ERP support of operations Operation execution and operational reporting (Hwang and Grant, 2011)
Integrated on many levels
Strategic, Systems, Organizational
and Technical integration
(Hwang and Grant, 2011)
BI background and uses
Traditional sources, strategic, management
(Bucher, et al., 2009; Lupu et
al., 2007)
Different BI Reports Strategic; Management; Operational
(van der Aalst et al., 2015;
Tank, 2015)
BI Landscape ERP ETL BI structure and landscape
(Gile et al., 2006; Tank,
Corporate objectives
Drives change and competitive advantage
(Işık, Jones and Sidorova,
Data Quality Consistency, comprehensiveness, timely (Parikh and Haddad, 2012)
Integrated on many levels
Data, business process, application, and user
(White, 2005)
Flexibility Allows changes in requirements (Işık et al., 2013)
Decision tiers
Strategic (data less timely less structured),
planning, management, operational
(structured timely accurate)
(Işık et al., 2013)
A framework in use
Strategise, plan metrics to achieve goals,
monitor against goals, act and adjust
(Tank, 2015)
KPIs defined and tiered Strategic, Management, Operational (Tank, 2015)
Business context for KPIs In ERP where operations occur (Bogdana et al., 2009)
Different report types Strategic; management; operational
(Azvine, Cui, Nauck, and
Majeed, 2006)
Organizational readiness Management; funding; support
(Golfarelli, Rizzi and Cella,
Technical readiness hardware, software, tools (Golfarelli et al., 2004)
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and BI can fail because of the complexity of these
processes over the entire organization (Tank, 2015).
It has often been shown that the root cause of BI
failures is not technology, but organizational, cultur-
al and infrastructural issues (Lupu et al., 2007).
2.2 BI and Business Performance
Management Integration
BPM is an initiative where companies align strategic
and operational objectives with business activities
with the goal of managing performance through
informed and better decision making and actions.
The BPM core processes are strategize; plan; moni-
tor and analyse; and take corrective action (Tank,
2015). BPM focuses on the entire enterprise and
requires access to timely accurate data which pro-
vides support for tactical, operational and strategic
decision making. KPIs established within the correct
business context can allow for real time management
and changes (Tank, 2015). A top down enforcing of
company strategies via a BPM framework into oper-
ational and tactical decisions can be supported using
BI (Bogdana, Felicia and Delia, 2009). Although
KPIs supported by most BI installations, have high
latency and are generated through manual extrac-
tions and allocations (Azvine et al., 2006).
2.3 Real Time Business Intelligence
RTBI can be defined as BI that has zero or small
latency. RTBI will derive performance measures
related to the current situation (as opposed to histor-
ical time) in order to drive a decision at that mo-
ment. The vision behind RTBI is the seamless transi-
tion from data into information into action (Azvine
et al., 2006). Classic BI focuses on reporting only,
while the vision of RTBI is to provide decision mak-
ers at operational levels the information to make
changes to processes in real time (Golfarelli et al.,
2004). Although data in classic DW and BI solutions
is static and may be plagued with data integration
issues (Sahay and Ranjan, 2008) these systems are
real time capable and form the building blocks of
RTBI solutions (Tank, 2015). Thus RTBI can trigger
a process, alter the course of a process, or help a
human decision be made during a process (Bucher,
Gericke and Sigg, 2009) and has been termed real-
time process intelligence (RTPI) (Korotina, Müller,
Debortoli, 2015). For RTBI to be successfully real-
ised in an organization technical and organizational
challenges need to be addressed. Organizational
challenges include having top management and or-
ganizational support, as well as funding in place
(Tank, 2015) and lack of conceptual understanding
by business (Korotina et al., 2015). Technical chal-
lenges include a lack of standards (Korotina et al.,
2015) as well as inadequate hardware, software and
tools (Tank, 2015). An assessment of the return on
investment of RTPI has been called for (Korotina et
al., 2015).
This research is qualitative and interpretive using a
multiple case study approach (Yin, 2012). Interpre-
tive studies are well established in IS research and
include second-order constructs of the researcher’s
interpretation of interviewees’ first-order constructs
(Walsham, 2006). The case study approach enables a
real-world inquiry of a contemporary phenomenon
when the boundaries between phenomenon and con-
text are not clearly evident and is particularly useful
for descriptive and explanatory approaches going
well beyond exploratory research (Yin, 2012). Gen-
eralisations from case studies can include theories
(Walsham, 2006). The initial target population for
this research was any organization using an ERP
system to run a majority of its operational transac-
tions, and a BI system to perform the majority of its
business reporting. Three organizations were chosen
that had implemented and been operating ERP and
BI solutions for several years. The organizations and
their main ERP and BI systems are listed in Table 2.
The organizations are all large private for profit
organizations. Ethics approval from the university
was obtained prior to data collection.
Data collection consisted of six interviews and
analysis of one document (EP03). The semi-
structured questions were framed from the literature
and asked about the organisation’s BI, ERP, BPM
and RTBI usage and capabilities. The respondents
are functional experts of BI and ERP use, support
and implementation and were interviewed at their
work locations during 2015. The respondents and
their codes are:
IT Director or Manager (EP01)
IT Technology Specialist (EP02)
IT Director or Manager (OG01)
IT Technology Specialist (OG02)
IT Director or Manager (CP01)
Business Director or Manager (CP02)
Interviews lasted from 30 minutes to one hour
and then the recordings were transcribed. Data was
analysed using a combination of inductive and de-
ductive thematic analysis (Fereday and Muir-
Cochrane, 2008). An initial code book was created
Integrating BI Information into ERP Processes - Describing Enablers
Table 2: Organizations where research was conducted.
Code Country
ature of business
ERP and
BI systems
G South Africa Downstream, refine, Retail Oil and Gas SAP 1500 500 4000 R 65 billion
Manufacture, distribution of
branded products
SAP COGNOS 1300 390 3100 $1.6 billion
P USA Media production, distribution SAP + Teradata 3000 1000 8000 $ 12 billion
from the factors identified in the literature and the
document and transcribed interviews were analysed
for these codes. The phrases or text excerpts were
coded and then counted. Then inductive coding was
carried out and further factors were identified.
During thematic analysis, each text excerpt alluding
to a factor was assessed to be of negative, low, high
or critical importance. The importance of the factor
was then determined across all data sources and the
number of text excerpts counted. The factors and
counts are presented in Table 3 with the four new
factors not referred to in the literature shown in italic
font. Each factor is now discussed.
Table 3: Factors with counts and importance.
ERP installation success Critical 19 (1,9,9)
ERP integration success Low 10 (2,5,3)
BI installation success High 22 (0,18,4)
BI reporting success Critical 16 (9,7,7)
BI ETL performance High 18 (1,15,2)
BI alignment with corporate
Critical 18 (1,8,9)
Quality, timely, comprehensive
BI data
High 12 (0,9,3)
BI data integrated with user tiers High 11 (2,8,1)
BI flexibility Low 0
BI decision tiers Low 6 (1,4,1)
BI big data input High 11 (2,6,3)
BI and ERP from the same vendor Critical 10 (1,3,6)
BPM top-down framework Critical 20 (1,10,9)
BPM KPIs defined, tiered
and in context
Low 18 (2,9,7)
RTBI report drivers High 19 (4,8,7)
RTBI organizational support Critical 22 (5,8,9)
RTBI technical capability High 14 (3,11,0)
In memory BI Critical 31 (3,16,12)
RTBI organization
Negative 9 (3,5,1)
4.1 ERP Installation Factors
ERP installation factors include ERP installation
success and ERP integration success.
The success of the ERP installation includes the
purpose and uses of ERP at the organization, the
levels of use of the ERP system in terms of deliver-
ing operation execution and operational reporting
and which processes are implemented. With the
integration of all organisational departments, more
benefits are gained (Uwizeyemungu and Raymond,
2012). The interviewees considered this factor as
critical: “Supply chain, Procure to pay, build, manu-
facture, inventory, financial analysis for all of those
processes, supply to customer, delivery to customers,
for the most part end to end, using ERP solutions”
With an ERP installation integration across di-
mensions increases company performance and long
term success (Hwang and Grant, 2011). However,
various levels of integration appear to have occurred
in the organizations studied: “Business process are
integrated in SAP in different ways. Different types
of customers, one is end to end, others are not”
(OG01). In many cases ERP integration was not
achieved: “the rest of this company does not lend
itself to ERP” (EP01). Therefore this factor was
interpreted as not important.
4.2 BI Installation Factors
BI installation factors include BI installation suc-
cess, BI reporting success and BI ETL performance.
BI installation success addresses the stability and
value generated by the BI installation. There were
mixed responses to the success of the BI installation.
Many indicated success in reporting data from dis-
parate systems: “The big thing on the DW in our
system is all the disparate source systems, we are
bringing data together” (OG02). There were a few
critical responses to the ERP connection: “Yes, your
BI and ERP should work” (CP01). Most reported
that BI was stable and running but not perfect. It was
therefore interpreted as an important factor.
The BI solution to be successful should address
reporting across strategic, management and opera-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tional organizational levels and should consider the
content, timing and usefulness of the reports (Gile et
al., 2006; Tank, 2015). Respondents referred to BI
reporting success repeatedly and mostly identified it
as critical. Having BI reporting solutions that ad-
dress strategic, segment or management and opera-
tional reporting solutions was considered important:
“They did all three. I have seen all three with the BI
system” (CP02). “There are different audiences for
different reports” (EP01).
The ETL into the DW and BI landscape can be
complex but a simpler landscape and fewer BI plat-
forms gives a better result, while complex land-
scapes with several BI instances limit flexibility, add
to latencies and don’t allow for a holistic solution
(Gile et al., 2006). A large ERP simplifies this envi-
ronment. The homogenous environment and sources
of data and extraction processes, integration of ob-
jects and technical landscape are all important facets
that need to be successfully implemented. The re-
sponses show that even with ERP and BI there were
still some problems of complexity and latency: “24
hours on average, overnight reporting lag” (OG01).
“The system is flooded with lot of background pro-
cessors when extractors are running and virtually
most of the time, due to the resource intensive con-
sumption of the system” (EP03). ETL performance
was therefore considered an important factor.
4.3 BI Capability Factors
Seven BI capability factors include BI alignment
with corporate objectives; quality, timely and com-
prehensive BI date; BI Data Integrated with User
Tiers; BI flexibility; BI decision tiers; BI big data
input; and BI and ERP from the same vendor.
Alignment of BI solutions to organizational stra-
tegic directives is recommended (Işık et al., 2013).
The responses showed that corporate direction and
BI strategic alignment is overwhelmingly a critical
factor: “Management must put their foot down to
ensure that strategy is followed to prevent things
getting out of alignment” (OG02). “Yes this should
be totally a top down approach, where the corporate
strategy is driving the BI system” (EP02).
BI systems with good data lead to satisfied users,
and greater organizational success (Parikh and Had-
dad, 2012). Quality, timely, comprehensive BI data
in an organizations was confirmed as important with
numerous responses: “There is a BI hierarchy of
needs. You cannot worry about the higher levels
until the basic reports at the lower level are correct
BI involves linking systems, data or functions
together, depending on what is appropriate for each
organization (White, 2005). How BI is integrated
with other systems including ERP and how BI inte-
grates users in the organization through executive,
management and operation tiers was commented on
by a few respondents and so was classified as im-
portant: “yes, they built specific reports for each of
the three levels” (CP02).
Research emphasises that BI should be flexible
and adapable to maximise an organization’s success
(Işık et al., 2013). There were no responses to the BI
flexibility factor so it was seen to not be significant.
BI decision tiers addresses the capability of BI
solutions to differentiate the timing of the required
information that may be required to make decisions
at different levels. Operational decisions require fast
structured information, while strategic decisions
involve a longer time period, and a wider source of
information (Işık et al., 2013). There were few re-
sponses for this factor, in only one case was an oper-
ational report delivered to a low level supervisor
mentioned “and supervisors were using this report
to fix issues real time” (CG02). This factor was
therefore considered not important.
Insights from “big data” can help organizations
to improve their customer experience, improve their
products, add value and produce a bigger return on
investment (van der Aalst et al., 2015). Big data was
not initially considered in the literature reviewed but
was commented on several times, and was therefore
included as an important factor: “What we don’t
have is any consumer insights into our data… we
would like to know what impacts the weather has on
our sales” (CP01). It was also commented on as
required and useful: “The customer’s moods are
important” (OG02). For one of the cases it was seen
as not necessary: “You don’t need to have every
single store to know how you doing in total, or to
know how you doing in specific locations” (EP01).
However, it was not clear that these organization’s
BI or ERP solutions will ever contain this infor-
mation: “social media and emails which will be
difficult to store in an operational ERP system”
Having BI and ERP from the same vendor was
not in the literature but was added and classified as
critical because of responses: “SAP BW was primar-
ily built to connect to SAP ERP system and for every
50,000 SAP ERP customers there were at least
13,000 SAP BW customers who bought and imple-
mented SAP BW solution” (EP03). “Usually it does
matter especially with SAP because the BI was built
for that ERP system” (OG02).
Integrating BI Information into ERP Processes - Describing Enablers
4.4 BPM Framework Factors
Two BPM framework factors emerged. Firstly hav-
ing a BPM framework and secondly having BPM
KPIs defined, tiered and in context
The BPM framework is an initiative where com-
panies align strategic and operational objectives with
business activities (Tank, 2015). The factor explores
what frameworks each organization had in place and
how relevant such a framework is. This factor had
many comments both important and critical: “The
framework for these KPIs was developed. What the
board would say is you need to measure perfor-
mance. And they sign off on it. Each business unit
had their own metrics. The board would then sign
off on these measures” (CP02). BPM KPIs and the
tracking of them was commented on as a good tool
not specifically to be set up and tracked in ERP or in
BI: “The KPIs are strategic, management and opera-
tions. You need ways to measure that are not finan-
cial. The success should be measured by the appro-
priate strategy. Not by a tool or any tool” (EP02).
This factor has been recorded as critical when a
BPM with KPIs is implemented using a top down
approach. The fact that the framework was in place
was a critical indication of aligned business and
executive goals.
BI management systems with KPIs should sup-
port strategic, tactical and operational levels (Azvine
et al., 2006). However, context with KPIs often im-
plies information from several diverse sources for
example the industry KPI is often needed to give a
KPI full meaning and to better understand the global
competition (Gile et al., 2006). We explored the
importance of the types of KPIs that organizations
have in place, the nature of those KPIs as well as the
levels at which they are tracked. The responses in-
cluded the types of KPIs that organizations have in
place: “There are 5 strategic objectives, Finance,
Business Process, HSEQ (Health, Safety, Environ-
ment, and Quality), Other, and Talent Manage-
ment.” (OG02). KPIs are also tracked outside of
formal tools or ERP and BI: “They put a lot of in-
formation into Excel” (OG02) and “they are being
tracked, but not centralised” (CP02). The KPIs look
back at past performance: “In the KPIs there are
laggards and leaders. These are all laggards, not
leaders” (OG02). KPIs were in place in all the cases
and were seen as critical in many cases but were not
formalised or built into the ERP or BI systems con-
sistently. This lack of adoption into BI and ERP
meant this combination of factors was classified as
not important.
4.5 RTBI Factors
Five RTBI factors emerged: RTBI report drivers;
RTBI organizational support; RTBI technical capa-
bility; in memory BI; and RTBI organizational ap-
Global and market forces could drive RTBI re-
quirements or BPM (Azvine et al., 2006) and a top
level strategy in the organization could be driving
the push towards a RTBI solution (Golfarelli et al.,
2004). There were many responses to the drivers for
RTBI: “It was just the production order and inven-
tory movements. This was something special that
they built, so that they could see the performance
metrics on a real time basis” (CP02). This factor
was also described as level specific: “Roadmap says
BI is only for info strategic reports… management
and strategic will be moved onto more real time”
(OG01). The factor also had negative responses
“Most decisions we make do not require real time
decisions” (EP01). However, the wide variety of
responses and the high counts make this factor im-
portant overall.
Organizational support indicates organization
preparedness for RTBI and support from an execu-
tive level for RTBI. For successful RTBI companies
require process orientation, technically preparation
and management driving the demand (Golfarelli et
al., 2004). This includes readiness in terms of man-
agement direction, support, and funding. This factor
had many critical responses: “The first thing is to get
the conceptualization in place before the tools are in
place… they need to ask for it, otherwise you end up
with many fast reports that nobody asked for. Execu-
tives need to ask for a top down view” (EP02).
However, respondents indicated that their organiza-
tions may not be ready yet: “The problem is I do not
know if they know that they have a need for it. It
depends on the business unit” (CP02). “The strate-
gic people are focusing on operational, because they
are still trying to right the ship” (CP01). The ma-
jority of mapped responses make this factor a critical
RTBI technical challenges require the appropri-
ate hardware, software and tools available for the
organization (Tank, 2015). The responses around
this factor indicated that technology was still chal-
lenging: “We should have around the network plan-
ning and transports, but this is still on Excel and
after the fact” (OG02). Technology was not neces-
sarily a constraint: “This gave potential to tune the
existing SAP BW systems integrating SAP ERP”
(EP03). However, this factor also implies that organ-
izations need to have tools and processes in place to
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
allow RTBI to be implemented: “We had a very
structured approach and they used the consultants to
bring in tools, taught us how to use the tools and
gave us a structure to work with” (CG02). With
many comments, this factor was coded as important.
In memory BI was not a factor in the literature
but was overwhelmingly supported in most cases
across all the interviews. Main memory databases or
real time databases such as the SAP HANA product
are expected to provide high performance and relia-
bility solutions to BI reporting constraints, and are a
major phase in business intelligence development
(Golfarelli et al., 2004). The factor is an important
part of how RTBI can impact operations and report-
ing, and also in the simplification of the ERP and BI
landscape: “They want to reduce the ETL as much
as possible, and pull the ETL into HANA (EP02).
The inclusion of in memory BI showed a simplified
ETL landscape in EG03. It was commented that real
time reporting from a RTBI solution is more appro-
priate for operational and management type report-
ing, rather than strategic or executive type reporting:
“Roadmap says BI is only for info strategic re-
ports… we can use HANA for line item level report-
ing on COPA (OG01). Therefore the RTBI in
memory is a critical factor. The driver for this is to
simplify landscapes, improve processing times, and
delivery existing reports faster at the management
and operational levels in an organization.
Organizational appropriateness was not found
specifically in the literature but was added as a fac-
tor because of the numerous comments and respons-
es around the suitability of RTBI to a business pro-
cess or to an organization. This factor is shown to be
important in that not every company or department
needs to know information in real time: “the studio
CFO does not need know every piece of information
in the world to close the books each month” (EP01).
“If you are in a top down culture organization
where your reports are sent out, then maybe RTBI is
not such a big deal. The reports can come out once a
day or once a week” (CP01). These responses indi-
cate that the factor is relevant in a negative way
because RTBI may not be appropriate.
4.6 Framework of Factors Impacting
BI ERP Integration
From a theoretical perspective a process model or
theory (Pentland, 1999) showing the significant
factors and the sequence of factors is presented in
Figure 1. This theory shows the time sequence an
organisation needs to follow to integrate BI into
ERP processing. Firstly ERP installation and BI
installation are required, followed by BI capabilities,
BPM framework and then RTBI. In Figure 1, the
factors that are seen to be critical are displayed in
italic font. The implication is that these should be
given a higher priority as they have a greater impact
on outcomes. These include ERP installation suc-
cess, BI reporting success, and BI alignment with
corporate objectives. Having ERP and BI from the
same vendor is also a critical factor. A top down
BPM Framework should also be in place to further
push out and drive corporate strategies. When con-
sidering RTBI, organizational appropriateness must
be addressed through the consideration of the organ-
ization and related processes as being appropriate for
RTBI. The organizational demand or support for real
time reporting and processing should be sought be-
fore embarking. In addition, demand for in memory
BI processing as a way to simplify RTBI should be
ETL processes BI Installation Factors
BI installation success
BI reporting success
BI Capability Factors BI ETL performance RTBI Factors
BI alignment with corporate ob-
RTBI technical capability
Quality, timely, comprehensive
BI data
BPM Framework Factors RTBI organizational support
BI data integrated with user tiers BPM framework RTBI report drivers
BI big data input In memory BI
BI and ERP from the same vendor ERP Installation Factors RTBI organization
ERP installation success Integrate and impact
Figure 1: Framework of factors impacting BI ERP integration.
Integrating BI Information into ERP Processes - Describing Enablers
This paper describes factors and conditions enabling
BI information to integrate and impact real-time on
ERP processing. From a theoretical perspective a
process model showing the sequence of factors is
presented which includes a successful BI and ERP
installation followed by developing relevant BI ca-
pabilities and a BPM framework and finally RTBI.
Fifteen sub-factors enabling these factors were iden-
tified and eight of these were evaluated as critical
and hence should be considered and addressed in the
From a practical perspective the factors provided
in the framework can assist organizations in better
understanding how to get BI and ERP more closely
integrated and enable process intelligence to impact
real time on ERP processing. A limitation of this
research is that only three organisations were found
integrating BI into ERP. This is a new area of re-
search that needs more investigation especially the
combined impact of unstructured web data and in
memory reporting on enterprise information systems
and the resultant infrastructure and organizational
impacts as well as gaining a deeper understanding of
the cost benefit analysis. Design science or action
research studies working with practitioners to re-
solve these challenges is required and as these tech-
nologies mature future research could look to vali-
dating these factors more broadly.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems