Development of an Electronic Health Record Application
using a Multiple View Service Oriented Architecture
Joyce M. S. Franc¸a
, Josimar de S. Lima
and Michel S. Soares
Federal University of Uberl
andia, Faculty of Computing, Uberl
andia, Brazil
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Norte de Minas Gerais, Porteirinha, Brazil
Federal University of Sergipe, Department of Computing, S
ao Crist
ao, Brazil
Service Oriented Architecture, Electronic Health Systems, Software Development, ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010,
Service-Oriented Architecture has been widely adopted in several domains in past years with the purpose of
developing distributed applications. Within the health domain, integration of legacy systems by means of web
services has been applied in order to develop complex applications. However, few approaches in this area
treat complexity by delineating a software architecture to which applications must conform. In most cases
in the literature, SOA applications in the health domain are documented using only one or two architecture
views. This paper proposes a multiple view Service Oriented Architecture which is the basis for development
of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) application. In order to develop the EHR, new requirements as well
as current functionalities obtained from integrating legacy systems by means of web services were considered
in a cohesive approach. Four architecture views, Scenarios, Business Process, Implementation and Logical
View are presented. Each architecture view addresses one specific concern that organizes important concepts,
facilitates understanding the system, and improves possibilities of communication between stakeholders. As
a result, important software principles such as separation of concerns, component-based development and
modularity are considered for development and integration of legacy systems in order to develop the EHR
application to be deployed in a public hospital.
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has emerged as
an architectural approach for developing distributed
applications based on the concept of assembling ser-
vices (Papazoglou et al., 2008). A service is a capa-
bility of the business organization that is implemented
and made available over the Internet so that other
applications can access it. In the past years, SOA
has been widely adopted for developing distributed
applications (Welke et al., 2011) (Marchetta et al.,
2015). According to recent literature, SOA has been
applied to develop applications in various domains
(Soares and Franc¸a, 2016), including automotive in-
dustry (Kabir et al., 2014), serious games (Carvalho
et al., 2015), and learning platforms (Gonz
alez et al.,
SOA has also been considered for developing
health applications (Monsieur et al., 2012) (Cho et al.,
2010) (Traore et al., 2016) (Franc¸a et al., 2016). One
health application that is considered very complex not
only to develop but also to operate and maintain is
the Electronic Health Record (EHR), which refers to
software systems that stores health information about
patients in a digital format. EHRs are used by differ-
ent health professional teams, including physicians,
nurses, radiologists, pharmacists, laboratory techni-
cians and radiographers. Even patients can add in-
formation into the EHR, provided this is validated by
SOA has been chosen as the architecture basis for
developing the EHR in this project due to the neces-
sity of integrating legacy systems in a public hospi-
tal. Currently, the hospital has several legacy systems
used for different purposes. Another issue is that the
hospital maintains patient health records in hard copy
papers manually written by clinicians. This is a prob-
lematic situation for two reasons: large amount of ac-
cumulated paper in several hospital rooms, and dif-
ficulty to retrieve patient records in order to check
historical data and evolution of the patient’s clinical
França, J., Lima, J. and Soares, M.
Development of an Electronic Health Record Application using a Multiple View Service Oriented Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0006301203080315
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 308-315
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A well-known principle in system development is
to describe in early stages of software development
process the overall software architecture (Booch,
2007). According to ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 (ISO
42010:2011, 2011), a software architecture is a fun-
damental concept of a software system in its environ-
ment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in
the principles of its design and evolution. Typically,
a software architecture description should include
a number of architecture views (ISO 42010:2011,
2011). An architecture view (or simply, view) ad-
dresses one or more of the concerns held by one or
a group of stakeholders.
In the literature, SOA has been considered to
develop several health information systems, includ-
ing clinical decision support (Cho et al., 2010) (El-
Sappagh and El-Masri, 2014), telemedicine services
(Traore et al., 2016), and EHR systems (Moor et al.,
2015), (Fabian et al., 2015). Most often these studies
present service architecture describing only one view
(implementation view or process view) or even us-
ing natural language, code snippets and applications
This paper aims to describe the software archi-
tecture of an EHR application based on SOA, which
has been developed for deployment in a public hos-
pital. Our application has been developed with focus
on software architecture principles from its early de-
sign. Our architecture is described by means of multi-
ple views, which is different from most other studies,
as presented in the following section.
According to ISO/TR 20514:2005 (ISO 20514:2005,
2005), EHR means a repository of patient data in dig-
ital form, stored and exchanged securely, and acces-
sible by multiple authorized users. EHR, as a com-
plex software system, contains any health, clinical or
medical record in electronic or digital format in the
context of patient care. A systematic literature review
(Nguyen et al., 2014) proposed recently highlighted
important details about EHR application worldwide.
For instance, according to the authors, the adoption
of EHR will increase significantly worldwide due to
its several benefits. This review confirms the potential
EHRs have to aid patient care and clinical documen-
When system complexity grows, it is commonly
advised to develop applications having a well-defined
software architecture as basis (Bertolino et al., 2013).
Architecture-based development has been applied for
many years to solve issues such as interoperability be-
tween legacy systems and to help the development, in-
tegration and evolution of complex software systems
(Garlan, 2014). However, in health information sys-
tems, such as EHR applications, software architecture
is still not common sense, and when architecture is
considered, it is based on a single view or a mix of
views in only one picture.
Two studies presented in (Cho et al., 2010) and
(El-Sappagh and El-Masri, 2014) propose SOA appli-
cations for clinical decision support. In both studies,
only the implementation view of the EHR architecture
is presented. One study in health domain, presented
in (Traore et al., 2016), addresses telemedicine ser-
vices and its related software architecture. The pro-
posed architecture is, in fact, a model-driven approach
to transform UML models into WSDL source code.
Studies (Moor et al., 2015) and (Fabian et al., 2015)
applied SOA concepts to develop an EHR system. In
these works, the EHR architecture is described as a
whole big picture, in which the views are considered
together. For instance, in (Fabian et al., 2015) the
architecture brings in the same picture dynamic pro-
cesses, structural elements, and deployment infras-
tructure. In addition, application scope and which ser-
vices should be implemented are not described. Work
presented in (Gazzarata et al., 2015) proposes an EHR
SOA application with focus on secure access, and
presents the architecture using only the process view.
Most studies which address the implementation of
an EHR using SOA concepts have focus on the ap-
plication itself, but not on the architectural aspects
for development. Even those studies which present
the software architecture, only describes one or two
views, or even a multiple number of views in only
one box diagram, which may be confusing for most
Our proposal in this paper is to present an EHR ap-
plication developed under SOA paradigm using multi-
ple views to describe the software architecture, as pre-
conized by ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010. Models presented
in these views are described by means of UML and
SoaML (OMG, 2012) diagrams.
The EHR system has been developed due to a demand
from a public hospital. Three main constraints are
considered in this EHR project. First, due to low bud-
get for Information and Communication Technology
in a public hospital, it is hard to apply resources for
modernization of software applications. Thus, there
is no possibility to start from scratch and discard all
Development of an Electronic Health Record Application using a Multiple View Service Oriented Architecture
deployed legacy systems.
Second, lack of integration between current legacy
systems makes duplication of data a common side
effect. Most Hospital’s legacy systems are not inte-
grated and thus they do not meet many routine needs
of hospital staff. There are many software systems
for different purposes, including software to automate
exams, to provide primary care, and also to register
patient data. However, these modules do not interact
with each other in an affordable way. Thus, data needs
to be duplicated in two or more different systems.
Finally, important business rules have not yet been
implemented in existing software systems, as discov-
ered after mapping all current business processes in
the hospital. For instance, patients’ data are registered
in and maintained as hard copies. Daily, hundreds
of patients are treated at the hospital and all data and
evolution are noted in physical medical records. In
addition to this, these records should be kept for long
periods (most often 20 years), to allow access to in-
formation stored on it at any time by the patient or
his/her legal representative. Therefore, this scenario
causes a big impact regarding storage space of this
large amount of physical records. The large amount
of paper occupies several rooms and it promotes dif-
ficulty in retrieving patient’s records when clinicians
need to consult past files to analyze patient evolution.
Due to the constraints presented before, the pro-
posed solution is to use Service Oriented Architecture
principles and techniques to gather all important in-
formation from legacy systems on services to be con-
sumed by the EHR application.
After analyzing the current difficulty of retrieving
patient data, this work proposes the development of an
EHR application that maintains and automates access
to information. The EHR application aims to store
and provide medical records about patients in a pub-
lic hospital. These patient data can be accessible by
doctors, nurses, health professionals in general and
also patients. Access to patient’s data can be realized
by devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets and mo-
Another important module implemented in the
EHR application deals with centralizing and control-
ling appointments. Currently, appointments’ manage-
ment requires that a hospital employee has to access
several systems. EHR application provides an impor-
tant requirement that enables appointment scheduling
in one single application. Therefore, the other sys-
tems will be accessed by the EHR through web ser-
After performing all records verification proce-
dures, patients with scheduled appointment are for-
warded to the doctor’s office according to the medi-
cal specialty needed. The appointment is carried out
and the doctor is responsible for updating the patient’s
record in the EHR in accordance with doctor’s ob-
servations. For each case, the doctor can prescribe
medicines, request exams and mark further appoint-
According to ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 (ISO
42010:2011, 2011), an Architecture View refers
to a work product expressing the architecture of a
software system from the perspective of specific
system concerns. The EHR architecture proposed
as follows is the basis to develop the application in
a public hospital. The multiple views architecture
is important to describe the different aspects of the
architecture. This set of views is useful to describe
the entire system for different stakeholders, including
doctors, nurses, hospital managers and software
developers, from different perspectives. Parts of the
most representative views are presented as follows.
4.1 Scenarios View
Figure 1: UML Use Case diagram.
One part of the EHR functionalities is presented
in Fig. 1. The EHR developed in this research is able
to schedule medical appointments, register appoint-
ments, store patient records, visualize entire patient
records history, present results for patients’ exams,
and checking recommendations prescribed by doctors
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
or health professionals. Several requirements and Use
Cases were documented in this EHR project. How-
ever, due to space limitation, only a small number is
listed as follows. This set of Use Cases can provide
a glimpse of how the EHR improves automation of
hospital business processes.
UC1 Authentication
UC1.1 User login.
UC1.2 User logout.
UC1.3 Password recovery.
UC2 Insert electronic medical records about patient.
UC3 View electronic medical records.
UC4 View patient exam results.
UC5 Schedule medical appointments.
UC6 Seek medical appointments scheduled for spe-
cific dates.
UC7 Schedule exams.
UC8 Seek exams scheduled for specific dates.
UC9 Validate health card.
UC10 Seek patient diets and medical recommenda-
4.2 Business Process View
Fig. 2 depicts an Activity diagram which presents
the process for a medical appointment in the hospi-
tal. This process is detailed in the next paragraphs.
In most cases, appointments are scheduled by pa-
tients through the Basic Health Unit (BHU) located
near their residence sector. Each patient has one BHU
near to his/her house to request assistance when med-
ical care is needed. Some basic health services are
solved by clinicians in the BHU. Other more com-
plicated health situations are forwarded to the public
On the appointment’s day, patient is received in
the hospital by an attendant at reception. The atten-
dant is a hospital employee who has login to access
the system and register the patient’s arrival. Hospital
attendant requests the number of the patient’s Health
Card, and then search in the EHR patient’s registra-
tion that contains date of appointment and medical
Patients are received by the physician and then the
appointment is performed. Physician reports patient
records including clinical status and medicines pre-
scription. Finally, physician describes exams and new
This process is responsible for scheduling and
managing appointments. This is a small part of the
Figure 2: UML Activity diagram - Medical appointment
EHR scope and, currently, it is required to access five
different legacy systems to perform this task. In addi-
tion to this, patient record is manually written which
makes it difficult further access by doctors. The de-
veloped EHR centralize this process, and also makes
it possible to use only one system because the other
systems are integrated by web services. Another ad-
vantage provided by the EHR is the fact that all in-
formation about patient health is stored in the system,
which facilitates medical diagnostic.
4.3 Implementation View
The EHR architecture proposes that users access the
application by using computers (desktops, laptops)
and also mobile devices such as tablets. Portability is
an important requirement requested by health profes-
sionals. According to the systematic review (Nguyen
et al., 2014) on EHR, portability and support for mo-
bile work have emerged as important system quality
attributes because several patients in hospitals have
difficulties to move. Applications running on portable
devices facilitates the transmission of information, for
example, doctors can explain an exam result for a pa-
tient showing images from the mobile device.
Development of an Electronic Health Record Application using a Multiple View Service Oriented Architecture
Figure 3: EHR Implementation View.
The EHR implementation view of the architecture
proposed in Fig. 3 is designed as a multi-layered
style. First layer, called Presentation, is about presen-
tation components that provide or receive information
to users. A web portal is developed to represent this
first layer. According to previous decisions, as the
EHR application can be executed on different devices,
this layer must be independent from the lower layers.
Application layer is composed by an application
server where the user information inputs will be col-
lected and processed. This middle layer is composed
by the services layer that resolves technical issues for
the integration of different applications, solving prob-
lems of different data structures, connectivity to dif-
ferent protocols and specific needs of the involved
systems. Typically, components transformation, and
Routing Adapter are used.
The middle layer is composed by web services.
Within Service-Oriented Applications, it is extremely
important to clearly define some settings such as
which services should be implemented, which sys-
tems are providers and/or consumers, definition of
how to establish the interaction between systems and
which data types will be supplied in requests and re-
The Data layer abstracts the contact point of the
SOA bus with legacy systems. Services providers
will supply the EHR application with patient data re-
quested by users.
Diagram depicted in Fig. 4 provides a global view
of system services. In addition to this, SoaML Service
Architecture diagram clearly presents all services that
should be implemented, which systems are involved
and which consumers and providers interact with the
application. Figure 4 presents eight services, which
are represented by an ellipse. Each service represents
one functionality of a legacy system that is exposed in
an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to be consumed by
a system consumer, the EHR in this case.
Figure 4 presents ACONE, CADWED, AGHU,
Medlynx and Imhotep, which are legacy systems in-
volved in this project as providers of services. Each
legacy system has important information about pa-
tients that will be consumed by the EHR. The EHR
system has been developed for consuming several ca-
pabilities scattered across multiple systems. Within
the SoaML Service Architecture diagrams it is possi-
ble to note that the EHR is a main consumer of data.
These important data about patients is exposed by five
legacy systems used as systems providers.
Another diagram presented in Figure 5, a SoaML
Participant diagram, represents logical or real peo-
ple or organizational units that participate in ser-
vices architectures and/or business processes. The
full specification of a participant includes ports for
every service contract in which the participant par-
ticipates within the services architecture. Fig. 6
presents EHR participant diagram showing the use of
ports. Ports can be classified as RequestPoint
or ServicePoint . System providers offer func-
tionalities exposing services and thus this partici-
pant type uses ServicePoint to represent ser-
vices in participant diagram. On the other hand,
RequestPoint is used when a system consumer
requests a service.
Figure 5 allows to visualize all legacy systems
involved and which services they should expose.
Within Service-Oriented Applications, it is extremely
important to clearly define settings such as which
services should be implemented, which systems are
providers and/or consumers, definition of how to es-
tablish the interaction between systems and which
data types will be supplied in requests and responses.
4.4 Logical View
Logical view is described by means of two different
and complementary diagrams, UML Class diagram
and SoaML Participant diagram. The UML Class di-
agram, as depicted in Fig. 7, is applied as a basis for
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Service Architecture diagram representing legacy systems.
Figure 5: Participant diagram representing ports.
Figure 6: Data exchange between systems through services.
developing the EHR system. Fig. 6 presents another
Participant Diagram that depicts two systems that can
communicate with each other through a service. The
SoaML Participant diagram describes this situation.
This diagram has been chosen as it presents structural
view of services.
The EHR is a consumer system that request for a
valid health card service exposed by a legacy system
Development of an Electronic Health Record Application using a Multiple View Service Oriented Architecture
Figure 7: UML Class Diagram.
named CADWEB. EHR gives a request containing a
health card number and CADWEB receives this pro-
vided number as request. Then, the valid health card
service is executed and provides a confirmation as re-
sponse that is captured by the EHR.
This paper presents an architectural description using
multiple views for an EHR system based on SOA. The
EHR application developed is a demand of a public
hospital that has several legacy systems for different
purposes. In most cases, literature proposes SOA ap-
plication in EHR domain without addressing archi-
tectural concepts. As presented in Section 2, some
studies propose EHR architecture using natural lan-
guage and some using informal draws. This scenario
can represent that there is focus on the application it-
self. However, in software development process, it is
necessary to address architectural elements as well.
Some other studies concerned on EHR architecture
presents the software architecture by describing only
one or two architectural views, or even two views
described on the same diagram, making it difficult
for most stakeholders to understand the architectural
Contrary to most other works found in the litera-
ture, this work proposed EHR architecture using mul-
tiple views. Four architectural views, Scenario, Busi-
ness Process, Logical and Implementation, are pre-
sented to provide an overview of the development of
a SOA application in the health domain. Each view
presents different elements, improving separation of
concerns. Software architecture is documented in
multiple views in order to help stakeholders to better
understand the future software system. In addition,
architecture description using multiple views allows
managing complexity and risks during software de-
This paper describes part of the EHR architec-
ture, which is applied to gather requirements by hos-
pital stakeholders such as doctors, nurses, reception-
ist and health professionals in general. The proposed
architecture has been proven to be extremely impor-
tant to validate EHR scope by stakeholders because
they could understand what would be developed. Ar-
chitecture views presented are important because, in
general, hospital stakeholders are not experts in infor-
mation technology technical concepts. Thereby, sce-
narios and business process views are fundamental to
facilitate understanding of future system functionali-
ties through diagrams such as Use Cases and Activity
In addition, the proposed EHR architecture has
been crucial for software developers. They clearly
could understand through multiple scenarios, busi-
ness processes, layers, and architectural decisions
what should be implemented. Documenting software
architecture facilitates the development but also fur-
ther maintenance. As a conclusion of this case study,
after development of the EHR application using SOA,
it is clear that investing time and effort documenting
the software architecture is beneficial to the system
development process. Multiple architectural views
enable most stakeholders to understand the project
scope, even if they are not expert in software devel-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The authors would like to thank the Brazilian re-
search agency CNPq (grant 445500/2014-0) for finan-
cial support.
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Development of an Electronic Health Record Application using a Multiple View Service Oriented Architecture