Towards an Integrated Sustainability Evaluation of Energy Scenarios
with Automated Information Exchange
Jan S
oren Schwarz
, Tobias Witt
, Astrid Nieße
, Jutta Geldermann
, Sebastian Lehnhoff
and Michael Sonnenschein
Department of Computer Science, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
Chair of Production and Logistics, University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany
OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology, Oldenburg, Germany
Co-simulation, Energy Scenarios, Information Model, Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Ontology,
Scenario Planning, Story-and-Simulation (SAS), Sustainability Evaluation.
To reshape energy systems towards renewable energy resources, decision makers need to decide today on how
to make the transition. Energy scenarios are widely used to guide decision making in this context. While
considerable effort has been put into developing energy scenarios, researchers have pointed out three require-
ments for energy scenarios that are not fulfilled satisfactorily yet: The development and evaluation of energy
scenarios should (1) incorporate the concept of sustainability, (2) provide decision support in a transparent way
and (3) be replicable for other researchers. To meet these requirements, we combine different methodologi-
cal approaches: story-and-simulation (SAS) scenarios, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), information
modeling and co-simulation. We show in this paper how the combination of these methods can lead to an
integrated approach for sustainability evaluation of energy scenarios with automated information exchange.
Our approach consists of a sustainability evaluation process (SEP) and an information model for modeling de-
pendencies. The objectives are to guide decisions towards sustainable development of the energy sector and to
make the scenario and decision support processes more transparent for both decision makers and researchers.
The intended phase-out from nuclear and fossil
power, and the transition to renewable energy re-
sources in Germany pose new challenges. With the
EU and the federal government of Germany having
set targets for reducing energy demand and green-
house gas emissions until 2030 and 2050 respectively
(European Commission, 2014; Deutscher Bundestag,
2014; BMWi, 2010), decision makers in politics need
to initiate and project the transition process today to
achieve these targets. The goal of this transition pro-
cess is to reshape the energy infrastructure and related
planning and operation processes while also consid-
ering sustainable development. Thus, an approach
to evaluate and compare future scenarios and corre-
sponding transition paths regarding their sustainabil-
ity characteristics is needed to provide guidance to the
politically intended transition process.
Long-term energy scenarios are used to guide de-
cision making in this context (Grunwald et al., 2016),
and researchers have already put considerable effort
into developing these scenarios. For example, the
German database ”Forschungsradar Energiewende”
lists more than 920 publications on energy transi-
tion research in Germany from 2011 to 2016. This
database also includes some publications on EU and
worldwide levels, which are also relevant for the Ger-
man debate, e.g. the World Energy Outlook (Inter-
national Energy Agency, 2016). Based on these en-
ergy scenarios, different transition paths can be distin-
guished for the energy transition. If decision makers
make use of energy scenarios to decide upon strate-
gies, how the set targets of the energy transition can
be achieved, the development and evaluation of en-
ergy scenarios should meet some basic requirements
(see section 2 for more details):
A concept of sustainability should be defined and
operationalized with relevant dimensions in the
evaluation process.
Schwarz, J., Witt, T., Nieße, A., Geldermann, J., Lehnhoff, S. and Sonnenschein, M.
Towards an Integrated Sustainability Evaluation of Energy Scenarios with Automated Information Exchange.
DOI: 10.5220/0006302101880199
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2017), pages 188-199
ISBN: 978-989-758-241-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The decision support process should be transpar-
ent to allow decision makers to rely on the results.
The scenario development and decision support
processes should be replicable to allow repeated
evaluation of energy scenarios.
In the article at hand, we will show an integrated
approach for sustainability evaluation of energy sce-
narios with automated information exchange meeting
these requirements. Our approach is based on the sus-
tainability evaluation process (SEP) developed in the
research project NEDS (Blank et al., 2016). The SEP
combines qualitative future scenarios with quantita-
tive simulation and multi-criteria decision-making.
To cope with the requirements regarding replicabil-
ity, we introduce an information model to support the
automation of information exchange in the SEP.
The remainder of this article is structured as fol-
lows: In section 2, we elaborate on the requirements
for energy scenarios. In section 3, we define the term
”energy scenario”, review related methodologies for
their development and also review approaches for in-
tegrating energy scenarios with methods from deci-
sion analysis research. We furthermore describe the
applicability of information modeling in the context
of energy scenarios. In section 4, we combine the re-
viewed methodologies in our conceptual solution to
set up the SEP as an integrated process with contin-
uous tool support. After that, we give details on this
solution regarding the SEP in section 5, and regard-
ing the information model supporting the SEP in sec-
tion 6. In section 7, we show how the three above-
mentioned requirements are met by our solution and
discuss open questions and future work.
As stated in the introduction, the development and
evaluation of energy scenarios should satisfy three ba-
sic requirements: They should include a definition
and operationalization for sustainability, provide de-
cision support in a transparent way and be replicable
for other researchers. In this section, we elaborate
on these requirements in more detail and point out
that many energy scenarios do not satisfactorily ful-
fill them.
2.1 Sustainability Definition and
Traditionally, a triangle of objectives including secu-
rity of supply, economic viability and environmental
compatibility is used to guide decision making in the
energy sector. For example, in Germany these ob-
jectives are stated in the ”Energiewirtschaftsgesetz”
(Energy Sector Act) (Deutscher Bundestag, 2005).
Meanwhile, the concept of sustainable development
is increasingly used to guide decisions in multiple
fields of politics. According to the triple-bottom-line
interpretation of sustainability, economic prosperity,
social justice, and environmental quality need to be
achieved simultaneously (Elkington, 2002).
If both approaches are integrated, technical, eco-
nomic, environmental, and social criteria are all rele-
vant to operationalize sustainability for decision mak-
ing in the energy sector. However, the majority of
recent research on energy transitions focuses on se-
lected aspects and consequently fails to consider all
relevant aspects simultaneously - see (Keles et al.,
2011; Kronenberg et al., 2012; Hughes and Strachan,
2010) for reviews of considered aspects in Germany
and the UK. Therefore, these studies might not be
suitable to guide political decision making towards
sustainable development of the energy sector in the
definition given above.
2.2 Transparency of the Decision
Support Process
While many studies aim at providing decision support
for political decisions to promote sustainable develop-
ment of the energy system, they fail to conceptualize
this as a formal decision problem by using methods
from decision analysis research. For example, in their
review on 24 energy scenarios in Germany, (Kronen-
berg et al., 2012) point out that an integrated sustain-
ability assessment would increase the usefulness for
decision support, but is missing in most of the re-
viewed energy scenarios. This means that the process
of generating recommendations from energy scenar-
ios, i.e. the underlying decision support process, is
not transparent for decision makers (Grunwald et al.,
2016). Most energy scenarios do not specify decision
alternatives for decision makers and delineate them
from external uncertainties. Also decision makers’
preferences are not explicitly considered, so that in-
terpreting results for a decision towards a sustainable
energy system remains an implicit and manual task.
This is a problem, because most energy scenarios
are developed in principal-agent relationships (Grun-
wald et al., 2016). For example, if researchers do
not explicitly communicate the uncertainties associ-
ated with scenarios, decision makers may misinterpret
the results. To this end, transparency of the methods
and models used in the scenario process is needed.
To overcome these problems, (Grunwald et al., 2016)
Towards an Integrated Sustainability Evaluation of Energy Scenarios with Automated Information Exchange
proposed to introduce standards for energy scenarios
in terms of scientific validity, transparency and open-
ness of the results.
2.3 Replicability
Replicability is crucial to achieve scientific validity of
energy scenario studies. It allows other researchers to
repeat calculations and simulations of scenarios with
the same parameters to replicate the results. There-
fore, all information about the scenarios should be
documented and published including input data, mod-
els and assumptions (Grunwald et al., 2016). This
enables researchers to take an external scenario and
vary the parameters or add new models to expand the
focus of the scenario. This way, replicability also al-
lows to reuse scenarios and to compare different sce-
nario studies. Furthermore, in combination with a
transparent decision making process it allows other
researchers to replicate scenarios while also consider-
ing further sustainability facets.
During scenario development, simulation and
evaluation, various data is exchanged between differ-
ent actors, models and software. Due to the complex-
ity of these processes (in particular the integration of
simulation models from various domains), the infor-
mation exchange is to a high degree error-prone. This
calls for tool-support and automation with all data
flows and dependencies being well defined and docu-
mented. This documentation of energy scenarios sig-
nificantly improves the replicability (Grunwald et al.,
In this section, we introduce different methodologies,
which we combine to set up an integrated sustainabil-
ity evaluation process with automated information ex-
change: Firstly, as we focus on scenarios in the en-
ergy domain, concepts of scenarios and methods for
scenario design in this domain are described. Sec-
ondly, we discuss recent work from the area of de-
cision support and discuss the applicability of multi-
criteria decision making (MCDM)
in an energy sce-
nario context. Thirdly, we point out how information
models are used to support simulation and evaluation
Also called multi-criteria decision aiding/analysis
3.1 Energy Scenarios
Energy scenarios are a tool to investigate possible
transformations of future energy systems. (Grunwald
et al., 2016, p. 9) define them as a description of a
possible future development (or a future state) of the
energy system.” An exemplary methodology to set up
these scenarios is the story-and-simulation (SAS) ap-
proach (Alcamo, 2008). While this approach stems
from environmental modeling, it is increasingly used
in the energy context (Weimer-Jehle et al., 2016).
SAS scenarios combine qualitative stories and quan-
titative data for simulation studies. With this two-fold
concept, SAS scenarios allow both the involvement of
decision makers and technical simulation.
The variation of quantitative attributes within the
SAS scenarios leads to adapted simulation model
parametrization. To this end, it should be clear, why
certain quantitative parameters of a simulation are
varied and others are not, based on a storyline.
For the sake of transparency a well-defined pro-
cess for creating these stories is necessary, which can
be found e.g. in scenario planning
. This is an expert-
based management tool, which originates from strate-
gic planning on company level in the 1970s (van der
Heijden, 1996). Based on this prior work, (Gause-
meier et al., 1998) proposed the following process for
the developing future scenarios:
Firstly, participating domain experts discuss fac-
tors influencing a scenario and systematically iden-
tify the most important key factors. Afterwards, they
identify the key factors’ projections, which are pos-
sible developments up to a certain point in time to
span a broad range of possible future developments,
and describe them. These different projections are
checked by the experts for consistency and the re-
sults are recorded in a consistency matrix. Based on
this matrix a scenario software uses cluster analysis to
build projection bundles, which represent consistent
combinations of projections and thus possible future
scenarios. In the last step, the domain experts write
storylines, i.e. textual descriptions, for all future sce-
3.2 Integration of Scenario Planning
and MCDM
According to (Belton and Stewart, 2003, p. 2),
MCDM is an umbrella term to describe a collec-
tion of formal approaches, which seek to take ex-
plicit account of multiple criteria in helping individu-
als or groups explore decisions that matter”. We shall
Also called scenario management.
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
highlight three characteristics in this definition, which
show the applicability of MCDM for energy systems
planning: Firstly, as stated in section 2.1, technical,
social, environmental and economic aspects are rel-
evant for energy systems planning (”multiple crite-
ria”). Secondly, the decision for a future energy sys-
tem affects many stakeholders with conflicting ob-
jectives. In this context, MCDM can help to struc-
ture and inform debates (”individuals or groups”).
Thirdly, the energy system is fundamental for sustain-
ing modern societies (”decisions that matter”).
Researchers have already applied MCDM exten-
sively in sustainable energy planning, e.g. (Wang
et al., 2009) and (Oberschmidt et al., 2010) provide
overviews. Surprisingly, the integration with scenario
planning has not been in the focus of research. (Stew-
art et al., 2013, p. 682) identify four concepts for sce-
narios, which are more or less well-suited for integrat-
ing MCDM and energy scenarios:
1. external situations affecting consequences of pol-
icy actions,
2. exploration of future conditions or environments,
3. advocacy of particular courses of action,
4. representative sample of future states.
(Kowalski et al., 2009) integrate scenario planning
and MCDM and apply this to energy systems plan-
ning in Austria. However, they do not differentiate
between decision alternatives and external uncertain-
ties: They use the scenarios from scenario planning
directly as decision alternatives (see also (Madlener
et al., 2007)). This approach is consistent with the
scenario concept ”exploration of future conditions or
environments”, in the sense that the decision alter-
natives are defined by a range of possible outcomes.
While scenarios were originally designed to deal with
external uncertainties in strategic planning, (Kowalski
et al., 2009) do not consider external uncertainties.
(Stewart et al., 2013) provide general guidelines
for integrating MCDM and scenario planning. To that
end, they point out that it is essential that the sce-
narios reflect external driving forces (events, states)
which are separated from the policies or actions un-
der consideration (Stewart et al., 2013, p. 683).
This implies the interpretation of scenarios as ”ex-
ternal situations affecting consequences of policy ac-
tions”. However, they do not provide a detailed pro-
cess model for integrating MCDM and energy scenar-
3.3 Information Modeling
In the aforementioned development, simulation, and
evaluation of energy scenarios, various data flows
have to be defined. For example, the simulation of en-
ergy systems includes material flows (e.g. coal or bio-
gas for power plants), information flows (e.g. in smart
grid control strategies), and electric power flows. Ad-
ditionally, the behavior of users should be included to
achieve valid results. Therefore, various simulation
models have to be coupled to represent this complex,
dynamic, sociotechnical system. This is a complex
task, so automating the exchange of data is impor-
tant. This is usually done by defining an information
model, which is described in (Lee, 1999, p. 1) as ”a
representation of concepts, relationships, constraints,
rules, and operations to specify data semantics for a
chosen domain of discourse.
According to the definition and operationalization
of sustainability (see section 2.1), experts of different
domains take part in the scenario development pro-
cess. Therefore, the challenge is not only to model
information but also to collect domain knowledge. A
single term can be used in different domains with dif-
ferent meanings. Therefore, the terms and relation-
ships between them should be defined. A common
technology for this representation of domain knowl-
edge are ontologies, which ”have been developed to
provide a machine-processable semantics of informa-
tion sources that can be communicated between dif-
ferent agents (software and humans)” (Fensel, 2004,
p. 3).
Information models are widespread in industry
to allow interoperability, e.g. the Common Informa-
tion Model (CIM) in the energy domain (Uslar et al.,
2012). It contains a data model (domain ontology),
various interface specifications, technology-specific
instantiations of the ontologies (communication and
serialization) and allows automated communication
between components of smart grids.
The common processes and languages for infor-
mation modeling and ontology development require
the user to be experienced in their usage. To avoid this
barrier for experts from different domains, who most
likely do not have this expertise, there are some ap-
proaches to use concept maps for the instantiation of
ontologies (Castro et al., 2006; Simon-Cuevas et al.,
In section 2, we have defined three main requirements
for the devolopment and evaluation process of future
Towards an Integrated Sustainability Evaluation of Energy Scenarios with Automated Information Exchange
energy scenarios: A definition and operationalization
of sustainability, transparency of the decision support
process to allow decision makers to rely on the results,
and replicability to ensure comparability. To take into
account these requirements, we propose to use SAS
scenarios in combination with scenario planning for
the story and integrate the following three approaches:
Firstly, to increase the transparency of the deci-
sion support process, we propose to integrate SAS
scenarios with MCDM. (Stewart et al., 2013) pro-
vide an overview of approaches from the 1990s and
early 2000s that already integrated MCDM and sce-
nario planning to provide an integrated sustainability
assessment. However, today only few energy scenar-
ios build upon these approaches and differentiate be-
tween courses of action (we will call these decision
and framework conditions (external
uncertainties). One obstacle might be the lack of
a process model integrating these two approaches.
While there already exist some guidelines for con-
structing SAS scenarios (Alcamo, 2008; Weimer-
Jehle et al., 2016), these guidelines do not integrate
MCDM. In the research project NEDS, a novel pro-
cess model has been introduced for the integration
of MCDM and SAS scenarios for sustainability eval-
uation: the sustainability evaluation process (SEP)
(Blank et al., 2016). We will describe some parts of
this process model in more detail in section 5.
Secondly, the complexity of energy scenarios calls
for tool-support and automation of the process (see
also section 2.3). Therefore, an information model is
proposed to structure the data flows and dependencies
in the scenario process, organize the communication
between experts from different domains and collect
their knowledge. To allow the participation of domain
experts without having them to learn new complex de-
scription languages and techniques in detail, the infor-
mation model uses a mind map for the representation
of knowledge. For integration in the process and the
simulation, we use the modeled information to instan-
tiate an ontology and make the information available
in a machine readable format.
Thirdly, we propose to use co-simulation for the
simulation part of SAS scenarios, to allow consider-
ing multiple dimensions of sustainability. Simulation
is typically done in one single simulation software
(e.g. Matlab). This makes it hard to integrate simula-
tion models from different domains, because most do-
mains use specific software and languages (Schloegl
et al., 2015). An approach for solving this issue is co-
simulation, which is defined in (Bastian et al., 2011)
In the remaining sections of this paper, definitions re-
lated to the SEP are highlighted in bold typesetting at their
first occurrence.
as ”an approach for the joint simulation of models
developed with different tools (tool coupling) where
each tool treats one part of a modular coupled prob-
lem. A co-simulation framework with focus on the
energy domain is e.g. mosaik
(Lehnhoff et al., 2015;
Rehtanz and Guillaud, 2016). It allows coupling dif-
ferent simulators, provides an application program-
ming interface (API) for different programming lan-
guages and handles the scheduling and information
exchange between the simulation models during sim-
Having presented our general solution approach for
integrating SAS scenarios and MCDM, we now con-
cretize this in terms of a process model for the SEP.
An overview is given in figure 1. It is subdivided into
four parts that will be explained in the next sections.
The parts do not have to be performed in sequential
order, but should be done at least partly in parallel:
Two different entry points are given, on the left and
on the right side of figure 1.
5.1 Future Scenarios
In the first step
, the scenario planning process (see
section 3.1) is used to develop future scenarios. These
are qualitative, i.e. textual, descriptions of possible fu-
tures and thus need to be transformed into quantita-
tive assumptions, which are used in simulation mod-
els and sustainability evaluation. Therefore, the next
step is the deduction and classification of attributes
characterizing these assumptions. On the one hand,
the attributes are deduced from key factors of the fu-
ture scenarios. On the other hand, attributes can also
be deduced from results of the sustainability evalua-
tion phase (in form of transformation functions and
sustainability evaluation criteria, which we shall ex-
plain in section 5.4).
In future scenarios, the distinction between deci-
sion alternatives and external uncertainties is blurred
and therefore a classification of attributes is needed.
Figure 2 provides on its left side an overview on the
different types of attributes. To allow differentiat-
ing between attributes characterizing decision alter-
natives and external uncertainties, we introduce a sys-
tem boundary. Naturally, the decision makers’ sphere
For better readability we use the term ”step” to describe
subprocesses of the SEP.
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
NEDS Sustainability Evaluation ProcessNEDS Sustainability Evaluation ProcessNEDS Sustainability Evaluation Process
Future ScenariosFuture ScenariosFuture Scenarios Preparation of Evaluation Scenarios & AlternativesPreparation of Evaluation Scenarios & AlternativesPreparation of Evaluation Scenarios & Alternatives
Sustainability EvaluationSustainability EvaluationSustainability Evaluation
Model setup &
data preparation
Model execution
Definition of
evaluation criteria
set boundaries
to relevant scenarios
Scenario planning
Future scenarios
deduction &
List of attributes
Reduction of
scenario set
List of relevant
future scenarios
Quantification of
attributes (ranges)
scenario subset
Define evaluation
Alternatives specific
for each evaluation
criteria (SEC)
SEC for each
Define in detail for
individual models
combine with appropriate
quantified SEC
order of
alternatives per
non-derived attributes are
passed directly
Reduce attribute
ranges to discrete
values / alternative
(scenario +
Quantified general
needed for
all scenarios
of SEC
Sensitivity analysis
of SEC weights
data flow
data flow,
iterations or
entry point
Figure 1: Sustainability evaluation process (blue legend icons give information on the semantics used within the diagram)
(Blank et al., 2016).
of influence provides this system boundary: If deci-
sion makers can decide upon the values of attributes,
they are classified as endogenous attributes. A com-
bination of values for all endogenous attributes conse-
quently constitutes a decision alternative. For exam-
ple, political decision makers can decide, if and which
renewable energy technologies are granted subsidies.
Thereby, they influence their respective shares in the
energy mix. In contrast, if decision makers cannot
decide upon values of attributes, they reflect external
uncertainties. For example, political decision mak-
ers in a federal state government cannot decide on
the development of prices for crude oil. We fur-
ther distinguish external uncertainties into scenario-
specific framework conditions and general frame-
work conditions. For example, prices for crude oil
might be a scenario-specific framework condition,
while the demographic development might be a gen-
eral framework condition. The decision, whether
framework conditions are interesting and therefore
scenario-specific, depends on the systematic selection
of key factors in the future scenarios. Since general
framework conditions are not scenario-specific, they
also do not have an impact on the decision between
The results of this part of the process are tex-
tual descriptions of future scenarios, defined general
framework conditions and a list of the classified at-
tributes (see left column in figure 1).
5.2 Preparation of Evaluation Scenarios
and Alternatives
In a first screening, the future scenarios are evaluated
against the general framework conditions, e.g. targets
for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which
set boundaries for identifying decision alternatives.
This is necessary, because the future scenarios are de-
signed to reflect a broad range of future projections.
In this step, future scenarios may be discarded, if it
is obvious that they will not comply with all general
framework conditions. For example, if there exists a
future scenario, in which the shares of renewable en-
ergy technologies stay on today’s levels and energy
Towards an Integrated Sustainability Evaluation of Energy Scenarios with Automated Information Exchange
scenario-static scenario-variable
criteria (SECs)
Figure 2: Overview of attribute classification in different types and the data flows of their values.
demand increases, it is quite obvious that GHG re-
duction targets cannot be met. However, this scenario
may be used as a reference scenario, depending on the
objective of the evaluation.
Quantifying the attributes for a certain point in
time in the future, say the year 2030 or 2050, is the
next step. This means that the different types of at-
tributes (see section 5.1) need to be specified in such
a way that a future scenario is reflected in this spec-
ification. To that end, attribute specifications can be
gained e.g. from related quantitative energy scenarios
in literature, i.e. scenarios that fit to the assumptions
of the selected future scenarios. Using these different
scenario studies, for general framework conditions a
single value has to be defined, while for scenario-
specific framework conditions values have to be de-
fined for every future scenario. For the endogenous
attributes, different scenario studies are used to deter-
mine ranges of possible values in every future sce-
nario. After that, final discrete attribute values are
chosen in such a way that they reflect decision alter-
natives. According to the SAS procedure proposed by
(Alcamo, 2008), fuzzy set theory can be used for this
The results of this part of the process are quan-
tified decision alternatives and quantified evaluation
scenarios illustrating the associated uncertainties.
5.3 Modeling and Simulation
In the previous parts, attributes have been deduced,
classified and quantified with the help of related liter-
ature. But not all relevant attributes can be quantified
this way and therefore simulation is used to provide
derived attributes. As mentioned in section 4, co-
simulation is used to allow the integration of simula-
tion models from different domains. Since modeling
is done differently in every domain and this is not the
focus of this paper, only a rough specification of this
part is shown here. More details on this will be given
in future publications.
Firstly, the different simulation models have to
be set up and the input data has to be prepared,
e.g. scaled to the scope of the simulation scenario. As
indicated by a feedback loop in the process, models
may have dependencies between each other that have
to be considered. We shall explain modeling these
dependencies in more detail in section 6.3. After sim-
ulation scenarios are set up, simulation can be started
and the derived attributes are provided.
5.4 Sustainability Evaluation
The last part of the process is the evaluation of sus-
tainability, which is assisted by MCDM. As a require-
ment for any MCDM, the researchers need to define
the criteria, in terms of which the performance of al-
ternatives is measured (Belton and Stewart, 2003).
Since the criteria should reflect the different aspects
of sustainability, we name them sustainability eval-
uation criteria (SECs). The values for the SECs rep-
resent the performance of a decision alternative under
a given scenario in terms of these criteria for a certain
To guarantee that all relevant SECs are consid-
ered, we propose a two-step procedure: Firstly, re-
lated literature on MCDM in the energy context pro-
vides input for the SECs. SECs should also be gained
from public participation, e.g. by using questionnaires
in a public symposium (see entry point in the right
column of figure 1). Secondly, the researchers should
condense the collected SEC to avoid redundancies
and define them.
The SECs are structured hierarchically so that the
first level of the hierarchy represents the overall objec-
tive, e.g. identifying a sustainable power system. The
second level represents the aspects as defined in sec-
tion 2.1 (technical, economic, environmental, social).
The lower levels of the hierarchy represent sub-goals,
which are ultimately broken down into quantifiable
SECs. For example, climate protection and biodiver-
sity protection are sub-goals in the environmental do-
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
main, which can be broken down into greenhouse gas
potential, particulate matter formation, land use etc.
With the researchers having collected and struc-
tured the SECs, the decision makers need to assign
weights to reflect their preferences (Belton and Stew-
art, 2003). (Wang et al., 2009) provide an overview
on standard procedures for the assigning weights in
MCDM. While directly asking decision makers as
commissioners of energy scenarios is the straightfor-
ward approach, a multi-actor MCDM involving dif-
ferent stakeholder groups is also possible (Steinhilber,
The next step is to define a transformation func-
tion for each criterion to determine the quantified
SECs for each decision alternative (see the right side
of figure 2). This function transforms derived and
non-derived attributes into concrete values for the
SECs. For example, the installed capacities of dif-
ferent power plants and a specified demand curve for
a year, say 2050, are given as input for a simulation.
Then, the schedules of these power plants in 2050 are
calculated in the simulation by matching supply with
demand. From these schedules, the CO
in 2050 can be calculated for this decision alternative
(installed capacities of power plants) with a transfor-
mation function (provided the CO
-emissions for spe-
cific power plants are also known and normalized to
a reference unit, e.g. [t CO
-eq/MWh]). In this ex-
ample, the demand curve could be a scenario-specific
framework condition and thus altered to reflect differ-
ent future scenarios.
To define the transformation functions, it is impor-
tant that the criteria fit the simulation models or rather
that this fit is established: In the best case, researchers
can choose, expand or design simulation models in
such a way that all SECs can be calculated. If this
is not possible, external studies might provide input
for the transformation functions. For example, stud-
ies on life-cycle assessments can provide input for the
environmental criteria.
Lastly, the actual evaluation of the decision al-
ternatives is performed by aggregating the quantified
SECs of the different alternatives with the weights as-
sociated with them. To that end, different aggrega-
tion methods exist in MCDM. A suitable method in
this context is PROMETHEE, since it is easily under-
standable and therefore also transparent for decision
makers (Brans and Vincke, 1985). The result of this
method is a (partial or total) ranking of the decision
alternatives. This order can then be used to generate
recommendations for the decision makers. Further-
more, sensitivity analysis of the SEC weights can be
used to check the robustness of the results.
The results of this part of the process are a rank-
ing of alternatives and recommendations for further
action for the decision makers.
Having presented the SEP of energy scenarios, we
shall point out how an information model can help
to automate the information exchange during this
process. The objectives of the information model
are to structure the data flows and dependencies in
the described SEP, organize the communication be-
tween experts from different domains and collect their
knowledge. The experts should be enabled to con-
tribute directly to the SEP without using description
languages and techniques as commonly used in infor-
mation modeling. To allow participation of experts
from all domains considered, an easily usable soft-
ware is necessary, which is found in mind mapping
Our approach for fulfilling the objectives with the
information model in a mind map is explained in the
following sections. In section 6.1 we describe the
information model’s general structure and concretize
this with an example in section 6.2. To allow the au-
tomated integration of the modeled information, we
show its machine readable representation as an ontol-
ogy in section 6.3 and explain the integration in the
SEP in section 6.4.
6.1 Structure of the Information Model
The information model links future scenarios and
simulation scenarios to the sustainability evaluation.
While future scenarios give an overview of possi-
ble developments in the future, simulation scenar-
ios describe the configuration of a concrete simula-
tion, which includes the used simulation models and
how they are connected and parametrized. The con-
nections from both of these scenarios to the evalua-
tion are implemented with transformation functions,
which provide the dependencies and mathematical
descriptions by mapping attributes and derived at-
tributes onto the SECs.
The structure of the information model is depicted
in figure 3. The left side represents the domains of in-
terest for the future scenarios and simulation scenar-
ios and consists of different levels ordered from left to
right. On the first level the domains are listed. Each
domain is subdivided into domain objects, which rep-
resent objects of the real world. The domain objects
We chose the mind mapping tool XMind
(, which can be extended with plug-
ins and is available as open source software.
Towards an Integrated Sustainability Evaluation of Energy Scenarios with Automated Information Exchange
Figure 3: Structure of the information model.
consist of attributes
and derived attributes that de-
scribe them. Attributes have defined units and are in-
stantiated with values in each evaluation scenario.
The derived attributes represent the results from
simulations and have to be connected to the corre-
sponding simulation model. The inputs of a sim-
ulation model are connected with incoming arrows,
which show the data flows from the attributes to a sim-
ulation model. The outputs of a simulation model are
connected with reversed arrows (from a simulation
model to the derived attributes). Derived attributes
are also marked with cogwheel icons to allow to dis-
tinguish them from other attributes.
The right side of the information model represents
the evaluation part of the SEP. On the first level, the
major objective is defined in our case sustainabil-
ity. The objective consists of different facets on the
second level (e.g. technical, economic, environmental
and social as introduced in section 2.1). Every facet is
subdivided into various SECs on the third level. These
SECs have to be defined by transformation functions,
which may have attributes and derived attributes from
the left side of the information model as input.
6.2 Example
An exemplary segment of the information model
modeled in XMind is shown in figure 4. On the left
side, the two domains ”information and communi-
cation technology” (ICT) and ”energy” are depicted.
”Control systems” and ”power plants” are domain ob-
jects, which are described by some attributes.
One single simulation model is included in this
example representing a controller for the operational
planning of power plants. This (simplified) controller
uses the control strategy of the control system and the
power of the power plants as inputs. The results are a
The term attribute in the information model includes all
framework conditions and endogenous attributes described
in section 5.1 and figure 2.
schedule for all power plants and the period of use for
every single power plant.
Power, specific CO
-emissions and period of use
feed the transformation function for calculating the
-emissions of the whole system. In this case,
the transformation is an aggregation of data, which is
used to quantify the SEC CO
-emissions on the right
side of the information model.
6.3 Ontological Representation
In section 6.1, the structure of the information model
in a mind map has been described. To allow the au-
tomated integration of the modeled information in the
SEP it has to be made available in the form of a ma-
chine readable format. As described in section 3.3,
ontologies are a frequently used technology for a ma-
chine readable representation of knowledge. Thus,
we aim to allow the representation of the informa-
tion model’s content with an ontology. By doing so
it provides a structure for reasoning the information
to infer implicit knowledge and query the informa-
tion with languages like e.g. SPARQL to support the
development of simulation scenarios.
The capability to query data can be used to support
the user in the following ways. For example, when
the left and right sides of the information model have
to be coupled, the user can be supported in different
tasks: Firstly, querying allows to identify attributes
that are missing on the left side of the information
model as input for transformation functions to allow
the previous defined evaluation (use it from the right
to the left side). This information helps to choose the
right simulation models or to include the right key fac-
tors in the scenario planning. Secondly, it allows to
identify evaluation criteria that can be added on the
right side of the information model to make sure that
all results from future scenarios and simulation are
used (use it from the left to the right side).
Additionally, the modeled information allows to
examine the dependencies between simulation mod-
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 4: Example of the information model in XMind.
els. More specifically, the data flows between models
can be analyzed to find mutual or cyclic dependen-
cies to get information about the order in which the
models have to be executed.
As the information model is implemented in a
mind map, a transformation to an ontology is needed.
To allow the ontological representation a base ontol-
ogy is implemented with the general structure of the
information model. Based on the modeled informa-
tion in the mind map, the base ontology is instantiated
with the concrete information by an extension of the
mind mapping software.
6.4 Integration in the SEP
The information model is integrated in the SEP (see
figure 1) and supports the following steps:
Deduction of Attributes: The results of the deduc-
tion of attributes (see section 5.1) are listed in
the information model. In parallel, the SECs and
transformation functions are defined in the infor-
mation model (see section 5.4). As explained
in the previous section, the information model is
able to check the dependencies and identify miss-
ing attributes, SECs or transformation functions.
Quantification of Attributes: Having listed the at-
tributes in the information model, experts need to
quantify them, so that is it possible to use them
as parameters in the simulation models and in the
evaluation with the MCDM. In this step, different
values are assigned to the attributes (to represent
the different scenarios). The information model
supports that by providing a (database) schema for
the data.
Modeling and Simulation: The information model
supports designing the simulation models and set-
ting up simulation scenarios (see section 5.3). As
it contains the connections of attributes and sim-
ulation models, it illustrates, which dependencies
have to be considered in modeling and simulation.
Sustainability Evaluation: In the sustainability
evaluation part of the SEP, the information
model is directly integrated, because it contains
the transformation functions, which define the
derived attributes and attributes as input of the
SECs. It also provides the data schema for
handling the results.
In this article, we have shown how the SEP developed
in the project NEDS (Blank et al., 2016) integrates
SAS scenarios with MCDM and leads towards an in-
tegrated sustainability evaluation of energy scenarios.
We have described the process and added details to
different parts. Additionally, we have introduced an
information model, which leads towards an automa-
tion of information exchange in the SEP. In this in-
formation model, future and simulation scenarios are
linked to the sustainability evaluation via attributes,
transformation functions and SECs. We shall high-
light how the three requirements for the development
and evaluation of energy scenarios integrate a sus-
tainability definition, add transparency to the decision
support process and allow for replicability (see sec-
tion 2) – are met by this integrated approach:
Firstly, co-simulation integrated in SAS scenarios
simplifies the consideration of various sustainability
facets in simulations, because it allows coupling sim-
ulation models from different modeling tools and pro-
gramming languages. Thereby, not only technical or
economic, but also environmental and social criteria
can be considered simultaneously in energy scenar-
ios. The information model facilitates the integration
of different dimensions of sustainability by model-
ing the data flows between different models, software
and actors in the SEP. Overall, it allows to handle
the complexity of multi-domain co-simulation scenar-
ios and supports the communication between experts
from different domains.
Secondly, integrating MCDM into energy scenar-
ios makes the decision support processes more trans-
parent for decision makers. Integrating MCDM into
energy scenarios facilitates problem structuring: The
structured nature of MCDM approaches challenges
decision makers to think about and make their own
Towards an Integrated Sustainability Evaluation of Energy Scenarios with Automated Information Exchange
preferences explicit. Additionally, the proposed SEP
fosters the communication of uncertainties by differ-
entiating explicitly between decision alternatives and
external uncertainties. Thereby, decision makers are
presented with the impacts of their decisions in highly
uncertain environments. This way, decision alterna-
tives can be identified and evaluated.
Thirdly, the information model addresses both the
transparency and replicability of the development and
evaluation of energy scenarios by modeling the data
flows and dependencies between different models,
software and actors in the SEP. The ontological rep-
resentation of information leads towards an automa-
tion of scenario definition, simulation preparation and
evaluation of the results in the context of energy sce-
narios. This is crucial to handle the complexity of
energy scenarios.
While the proposed solution satisfies the require-
ments for energy scenarios in theory, this is only a
starting point and its applicability needs to be vali-
dated empirically. To that end, the SEP is currently
applied in the project NEDS to analyze the transition
of the energy system of the German federal state of
Lower Saxony up to 2050. Researchers from business
administration, computer science, economics, electri-
cal engineering, and psychology work together with
stakeholders to identify and evaluate future states of
the energy system in Lower Saxony. Additionally, the
following steps will be undertaken in NEDS:
1. Reflection of transition paths: To evaluate not
only target years within the given future scenarios
but include the transition to these in the sustain-
ability evaluation is important for a holistic view
on the problem domain. Possible methodical ap-
proaches are multi-period MCDM, e.g. by adapt-
ing the PROMETHEE method to handle multi-
period decision problems.
2. Information model usage for data manage-
ment: To allow an automation of evaluation in
the SEP the direct integration of the information
model in the simulation process has to be estab-
lished. The definition of data in the information
model will also be integrated in the data manage-
ment and used for semantic analysis and informa-
tion retrieval in the results.
Further work beyond the NEDS project might add
handling of model induced uncertainties in the simu-
lation process: As every simulation model is a sim-
plification of the real world, simulation naturally in-
troduces uncertainties, which have to be dealt with.
There is some work done about quantifying uncertain-
ties in the context of co-simulation framework mosaik
(Steinbrink and Lehnhoff, 2016), which can be inte-
grated in the SEP and the information model in future
The research project ’NEDS Nachhaltige Energiev-
ersorgung Niedersachsen’ acknowledges the support
of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Cul-
ture through the ’Niederschsisches Vorab’ grant pro-
gramme (grant ZN3043).
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Towards an Integrated Sustainability Evaluation of Energy Scenarios with Automated Information Exchange