Enhancing JSON to RDF Data Conversion with Entity Type
Fellipe Freire, Crishane Freire and Damires Souza
Academic Unit of Informatics, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraiba, João Pessoa, Brazil
Keywords: RDF Data Conversion, Entity Type Recognition, Semi-Structured Data, JSON Documents, Semantics
Abstract: Nowadays, many Web data sources and APIs make their data available on the Web in semi-structured
formats such as JSON. However, JSON data cannot be directly used in the Web of data, where principles
such as URIs and semantically named links are essential. Thus it is necessary to convert JSON data into
RDF data. To this end, we have to consider semantics in order to provide data reference according to
domain vocabularies. To help matters, we present an approach which identifies JSON metadata, aligns them
with domain vocabulary terms and converts data into RDF. In addition, along with the data conversion
process, we provide the identification of the semantically most appropriate entity types to the JSON objects.
We present the definitions underlying our approach and results obtained with the evaluation.
The Web has evolved into an interactive information
network, allowing users and applications to share
data on a massive scale. To help matters, the Linked
Data principles define a set of practices for
publishing structured data on the Web aiming to
provide an interoperable Web of Data (Heath and
Bizer, 2011). These principles are based on
technologies such as HTTP, URI and RDF (Heath
and Bizer, 2011). By using the RDF model, data or
resources are published on the Web in the form of
triples (composed by a subject, a predicate and an
object), where each resource is individually
identified by means of URIs. To achieve this, it is
essential to provide the conversion of data available
in different formats (e.g., XML, JSON) to RDF data.
Publishing structured data on the Web faces
some challenges related mainly to the large number
of data sources, their autonomous nature, and the
heterogeneity of their data (Alexe et al., 2013;
Fanizzi et al., 2012). It is usually hard to convert
data without considering the knowledge domain
(e.g., “Healthy”, “Music”, “Books”) in which the
data exist. Delimitating a specific knowledge
domain at conversion time may help coping with the
amount of heterogeneous data (Fanizzi et al., 2012;
Silva et al., 2013). With respect to this, one of the
principles of this work is using semantics provided
by the knowledge domain of the data to enhance
their conversion to RDF data. To this end, we use
recommended open vocabularies which are
composed by a set of terms, i.e., classes and
properties useful to describe specific types of things
(LOV Documentation, 2016).
Regarding data already on the web, the
deployment of applications and services generating
semi-structured data has increased every day. For
instance, most of the information published on the
Web as semi-structured data are particularly in
JSON or XML formats. These are indeed flexible
formats, where missing values or extra fields are
allowed, enabling easier data exchange between
sources (Klettke et al., 2015). This means that in
semi-structured data, elements of the same “type”
might have different number of properties.
Particularly, nowadays, it is usual to deal with
JSON data on the web. For instance, data acquired
from social networks are commonly obtained in such
format. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.
It is considered as a lightweight data-interchange
format (JSON, 2016). In a JSON document, the
instances are called objects. Objects are an
unordered enumeration of properties, consisting of
name (key) and value pairs (JSON, 2016). In this
work, JSON object keys are considered as structural
metadata, i.e., high-level information about the
Freire, F., Freire, C. and Souza, D.
Enhancing JSON to RDF Data Conversion with Entity Type Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0006302900970106
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 97-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
schema and internal structure of a dataset. JSON
data are defined as semi-structured ones, and are
mainly characterized by a lack of a fixed schema.
Since a large amount of data published on the
Web is structured as JSON format, which thus
cannot be directly used in the Web of data, it is
necessary to convert them into RDF data. According
to their nature, JSON documents are constructed in a
flexible way and may have a metadata schema
minimally defined if we consider their key-value
pairs. Nevertheless, the entity types (or classes)
associated with the existing instances (objects) are
not commonly identified. This can be defined as an
entity type recognition problem, i.e., the process of
recognizing entities and their types (Sleeman and
Finin, 2015). Thus, for the generation of RDF data,
it is rather important to identify the metadata present
in a JSON document (properties) and, particularly,
to recognize semantically adequate entity types
associated to their instances. In this scenario, this
work presents a proposal for JSON data conversion
to RDF, including in this task, the identification of
the most appropriate entity types for the instances
(objects). Also, it includes the usage of open
vocabularies in order to reference the data with
suitable domain terms. The goal is to generate richer
RDF documents and to facilitate query formulation
and consequently more accurate results.
Our contributions are summarized as follows:
(i) We present a domain-based approach to
convert JSON documents into RDF data by using
open domain vocabularies;
(ii) We propose an entity type recognition
approach along with the data conversion process;
(iii) We present a conversion tool that
implements the proposed approach; and
(v) We describe some experiments regarding the
effectiveness of the data conversion and entity type
recognition processes.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 introduces a motivating example
with some background concepts; Section 3 proposes
our approach; Section 4 presents the developed tool;
Section 5 describes some accomplished experiments
to evaluate our proposal; Related works are
discussed in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 draws our
conclusions and points out some future work.
Suppose a web application which presents data
regarding software projects. Together with the data
visualization option, it provides a web service where
data can be acquired in JSON format. For instance,
consider a software project description as showed in
Figure 1.
In Figure 1, we have a set of keys (properties)
with their respective values, which describes a given
project. Nevertheless, in the presented JSON
document, the described object does not have its
entity type explicitly defined, i.e., it is not stated that
such instance description refers to a “software
project”. Such information is usually optional.
"developer":"Marcio Alves",
"tester":"Carina Monte",
"helper":"Jonas Brim",
"group":"SIDE Group",
Figure 1: JSON dataset example.
The “Resource Description Framework" or RDF
(RDF Documentation, 2016) is a data model that
was proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) as a standard for publishing datasets on the
Web. Its schema-free model makes RDF an
interesting mechanism for describing objects or
resources in such a way that diverse data publishers
can add information about the same object/instance
(resource), or create named links between different
or similar ones (Heath and Bizer, 2011).
The RDF syntax is based on triples in the form of
subject-predicate-object expressions. An RDF graph
is a set of such triples with nodes being subjects or
objects, and labelled edges being predicates. In
addition, an RDF dataset is a set of RDF graphs
(RDF Documentation, 2016).
According to the JSON data provided in Figure
1, a possible correspondent RDF distribution could
be as the one depicted in Figure 2. In this case, the
data converted to RDF has been serialized in Turtle
In this example, we have used the doap
vocabulary in order to semantically refer the data
(DOAP, 2016). As an illustration, we have also
pointed out a possible named link with the
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
DBPEDIA concept “Project” (DBPEDIA, 2016). On
the other hand, an RDF triple indicating the entity
type of that object is indeed missing. This is the
problem we address in this paper. We are interested
in discovering the entity types and attributes that can
be used to generate richer RDF data along with the
data conversion itself. This example will be used
throughout the paper to illustrate our approach and
@prefix rdf:
@prefix rdfs:
@prefix xsd:
@prefix doap:
@prefix dbp:
doap:title "arboViz",
doap:developer "Marcio Alves",
doap:tester "Carina Monte",
doap:helper "Jonas Brim",
doap:group "SIDE Group",
doap:programmingLanguage "Java",
doap:status "Doing"
Figure 2: Example Data in RDF/Turtle.
In this section, we introduce the SenseRDF approach
which has been extended in this current work. Then
we present some definitions underlying our work
along with the proposed extension.
3.1 The SenseRDF Principles
This work extends the RDF data conversion
approach introduced in Silva et al., (2013). Named
as the SenseRDF approach, it allowed the
conversion of existing datasets in XML format into
RDF data.
In the SenseRDF approach, the data conversion
effort is incrementally accomplished if the datasets
to be converted belong to the same knowledge
domain (e.g., “Bibliographic Data”, “Music”). To
this end, it is essential to have assistance of a
Domain Expert (DE). The DE is a person that has an
understanding of the content to be converted and the
knowledge domain underlying the data. The DE is
responsible for identifying the knowledge domain
(hereafter called as domain) at hand. Then s/he
verifies the datasets to be converted and also points
out the recommended vocabularies to be used. Thus,
at conversion time, all datasets and vocabularies
must belong to the same domain. For instance,
suppose that the defined domain regards
Bibliographic data, i.e., data (e.g., publications,
conferences, journals) compiled upon some common
principle, as subject, or place of publication. In this
case, the DE may indicate the SWPO reference
ontology (SWPO, 2016) as a recommended
vocabulary to be used at datasets conversion time.
To allow the data conversion, the SenseRDF
generates correspondences between the converting
dataset metadata and the domain terms, which
belong to the chosen vocabularies. The resulting
alignment is persisted and will be reused for each
other new dataset conversion that belongs to the
same domain. When converting other document
which belongs to the same knowledge domain, if
there is no correspondence between a given
metadata and a vocabulary term, the SenseRDF
proceeds with another correspondence identification.
As a result, it adds this new correspondence to the
existing domain alignment. Still considering the
bibliographic data domain, examples of
correspondences between metadata and domain
terms are:
creator dc:creator and
publication swpo:publication
creator and publication are metadata from an
input dataset; and
the prefixes dc and swpo are related to the
DC vocabulary (DC, 2016) and to the SWPO
ontology, respectively.
In this work, the SenseRDF approach has been
extended in order to allow the conversion of JSON
data into RDF. Furthermore, it is now able to
identify entity types along with the data conversion
process itself both to XML and JSON data formats.
These features are presented in the next sections.
3.2 Definitions
We provide some definitions regarding the concepts
underlying our approach. They refer to semi-
Enhancing JSON to RDF Data Conversion with Entity Type Recognition
structured to RDF data conversion topics that we
take into account.
Let D be a data domain (ex: “Music”,
“Education”) which is identified by a Domain
Expert (DE). According to D, source datasets are
converted to RDF ones. These datasets and their
instances are defined as follows.
Definition 1 (Source Dataset and Instance).
Let DS={ds
} be a set of source semi-
structured datasets which belong to D. Each ds
composed by a set of instances (or objects)
}. Each instance Ids
is defined by a
set of properties (keys) as Ids
= {p
, p
, …, p
Definition 2 (Target RDF Dataset). Let dsr
an RDF dataset which represents a source
description ds
after a semantic-based data
conversion process. dsr
is composed by RDF triples
and instances Idsr
in such a way that Idsr
A target RDF dataset dsr
is composed by
concepts and properties, which are semantically
formalized by means of domain vocabularies.
A Domain Vocabulary dv is a domain ontology
or an open vocabulary which contains terms (classes
and properties) belonging to a particular data domain
D. A dv should be a reliable domain reference
available on the web. Since we can have some
associated vocabularies (one or more) to a given D,
we are able to establish the set of domain
vocabularies we will use to provide semantics to the
data conversion process. The set of domain
vocabularies to be used is defined as follows.
Definition 3 (Set of Domain Vocabularies). We
state a Set of Domain Vocabularies SDV as
, dv
,..., dv
} which have been chosen as
reliable domain vocabularies to be used as
background knowledge in a data conversion process.
In the light of the motivating example (Section
2), ds
is a JSON dataset which will be converted to
an RDF one. In this example dataset, there is one
instance Ids
composed by some properties, as
= {homepage, repository, title,
developer, tester, helper, group,
programmingLanguage, status}
In this example, the DE considers D as
Software Projects”. S/he chooses two domain
vocabularies to be used to assist the data conversion
process, namely
SDV={doap, bibo}. Domain
Vocabularies may be found, for instance, in the
Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV) repository (LOV
Documentation, 2016).
doap is an RDF vocabulary
to describe software projects, and, in particular, open
source projects (DOAP, 2016). The Bibliographic
Ontology Specification (BIBO) provides concepts
and properties for describing documents on the
Semantic Web (BIBO, 2016).
The goal of our approach is twofold: (i) to
convert semi-structured data to RDF and (ii)
meanwhile to establish the most appropriate entity
type(s) for each instance Ids
. Since we do not know
the meaning of {p
, p
, ... p
} for each Ids
, we
firstly map them to SDV terms (properties). As a
result, we find out a set of correspondences between
, p
, ... p
} and the vocabularies’ properties.
Definition 4 (Property Correspondence). A
property correspondence is defined as a triple p
, v
n, where p
and v
are matching properties (with p
and v
) and n expresses the level of
confidence underlying such correspondence.
In this work, we only consider equivalence
relationship holding between p
and v
. Also, we
define a threshold to indicate when a matching may
be considered as an equivalence one. Thus, n must
be higher than a given threshold to assess
The output of a matching process between ds
and dv
is called an alignment A
. It contains a set of
equivalence correspondences indicating which
properties of the two datasets (ds
and dv
correspond to each other.
Properties belong to Entity Types (ET) in
domain vocabularies. With this in mind we need to
identify the properties which belong to entity types
that are candidates to be the most appropriate one to
a given Ids
Definition 5 (SDV Types). Given a SDV, we
state that SDV Types SDVT ={ET
, ET
, …ET
} is
the set of entity types (or classes) which compose
the vocabularies belonging to a particular SDV.
Each element SDVT
has associated properties {v
, ..., v
}. Thus, SDVT
, v
, ..., v
In our example, according to the chosen SDV,
we may identify SDVT as the union of doap and
bibo entity types. For the sake of space, we show an
excerpt from SDVT={doap ET U bibo ET}, as
SDVT = {doap:Project,
doap:Repository, doap:Version,
foaf:Person, foaf:Organization,
bibo:Collection, bibo:Document,
bibo:Event, foaf:Agent,
For instance, some of these entity types and their
associated properties are shown in the following:
doap:Project.properties = {homepage,
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
old-homepage, release,mailing-list,
category, repository, download-
page,download-mirror, wiki,bug-
database, screenshots,maintainer,
developer,documenter, translator,
tester,helper, programming-language,
os, implements, service-
doap:Repository.properties = {anon-
root, browse, module, location}
doap:Version.properties = {revision,
file-release, os, platform}
bibo:Document.properties = {citedBy,
owner,producer, status, edition,
bibo:Event.properties = {organizer}
Therefore, for each instance Ids
, we wish
to associate a set of candidate ET which belongs to
Definition 6 (Candidate Entity Types). Given
an Idsi
, a SDVT and an A
, we set the
candidate entity types CET= {<ET
, o
>, <ET
, o
..., <ET
, o
>} as the ones which have corresponding
properties in A
. Each CET
has a value o
indicates the number of property occurrences for a
given ET
With the current example in mind, we present
between ds
and SDV as follows.
x sdv) =
{homepage doap.homepage
repository doap.repository
developer doap.developer
tester doap.tester
helper doap.helper
title bibo.shorttitle
status bibo.status
There is no direct correspondence to the source
group. It would be included in an own
vocabulary, which is created when no defined
vocabulary may be used (this will be explained in
Section 4).
Although the correspondence title
has n <> 1, it is also included
because n > threshold (which is defined as 0.8).
Therefore, according to A
, we would have the
following CET.
CET = {<bibo.Document, 2>,
<doap.Project, 7>}
Our algorithm then ranks the top m ETs for each
instance Ids
according to the number of existing
properties o
. It thus indicates the top one as a
suggestion of the most semantically appropriate
entity type for Ids
Definition 7 (Most Semantically Appropriate
ET). Given CET, we state the most semantically
appropriate entity type MET for Ids
as the one(s)
which have the max number of property occurrences
in CET.
Thus, each RDF target instance Idsr
labelled with an ET belonging to SDVT. If there is
more than one ET with the same max number of
property occurrences, all of them will be added as
ETs of Idsr
In our current example, for Ids
the identified
and suggested MET is doap:Project. Thereby,
metadata (properties) for the target RDF Idsr
with the definition of the entity type (predicate
rdf:type) will be derived as follows.
= {rdf:type doap:Project,
doap:homepage, doap:repository,
bibo:shorttitle, doap:developer,
doap:tester, doap:helper, own:group,
Project represents the ET of Idsr
own represents an own ontology created to
supply missing terms;
doap and bibo are prefixes for the doap and
bibo vocabularies, respectively.
3.3 The MET Identification Algorithm
A high-level algorithm regarding the identification
of candidate entity types and the definition of the
most appropriate one is shown in Algorithm_MET.
Algorithm_MET shows how to identify the
candidate entity types for a given JSON object. It
also provides a suggestion of the most semantically
appropriate one. To this end, at first, the set of
properties which belongs to a JSON instance
is read and saved as an OWL file (line 1). Then the
vocabulary terms from SDV are selected (line 2) and
mapped to an OWL file as well (line 3), thus
enabling the use of the AlignmentAPI (David et al.
2011). The reason is due to the fact that this API is
able to read OWL data. After mapping the input
properties and vocabulary terms to OWL, the
Enhancing JSON to RDF Data Conversion with Entity Type Recognition
algorithm generates a candidate alignment (line 4)
and, for each identified correspondence (line 5), it
verifies its confidence measure n (line 6). The
correspondences with n above the defined threshold
are saved in the domain alignment A
(line 7).
Then, for each property p belonging to the
domain alignment A
(line 8), a SPARQL query is
performed in order to acquire to which class that
term is associated with (line 11). The idea is
querying on each property and verifying which
classes are then returned. Those returned classes
become candidate entity types for the converting
JSON object. Thus, classes with associated
properties (from the JSON object) become candidate
entity types (CETs).
Algorithm_MET: IdentifyMET()
: Set of JSON instance properties
SDV: set of domain vocabularies
MET: entity type for Ids
1: owlp = generateProperty(Ids
2: vocTerms = selectVocTerms(SDV);
3: owlv = generateVocTerms(vocTerms);
4: A
= AlignmentAPI(owlp, owlv);
5: For Each Corresp ϵ A
6: if (Corresp.n>Threshold)then
7: Add Corresp to A
8: end if;
9: End For Each;
10:For each property p A
11: CET
= Execute
(SELECT ?entitytype
WHERE {"+p+" rdfs:domain
?entitytype .});
12: End For each;
13: For each c CET do
14: CET
= Add(CountPOcurrences(c,
15: End For each;
16: RankedCET = RankCET(o
17: MET = Top(RankedCET);
18: Return (MET);
The algorithm counts the number of property
occurrences o
for each CET
according to a given
property present in A
(line 14). Such measure is
used to provide a rank of the top ETs in concordance
with o
(line 16).
After ranking ETs, the algorithm determines the
entity type that has the highest number of property
occurrences o
(line 17). Finally, the most
semantically appropriate entity type (MET) for a
JSON instance (object) is returned (line 18).
is also used to provide how the target RDF
dataset is generated, i.e., how the properties are
semantically referred by the corresponding domain
vocabulary terms.
For example, suppose that a JSON instance
has the properties “name”, “first_name”,
“age”, and “developer”. As SDV, consider
SDV={foaf, doap}. At the end of the alignment
) generation, there are correspondences between
properties and the terms “name”, “firstName”
and “age” of the FOAF vocabulary; the term
“developer” is matched with doap:developer. From
that, queries are executed to identify to which
classes these four terms are associated with. In this
example, the doap:Project and foaf:Person classes
are returned as candidate ETs. Given this scenario,
according to the number of obtained occurrences for
each class w.r.t. the properties, the most appropriate
entity type (MET) for the properties “name”,
“firstName”, “age” and “developer” is foaf:Person.
We have implemented the approach within a tool
developed in Java which is an extension of the
SenseRDF one. In the current version, the tool is
able to convert PDF (only its metadata), XML and
JSON data to the RDF model. In this work we show
the conversion process along with the identification
of the entity type for a given JSON object. Figure 3
shows a screenshot of the tool’s main window that is
split into four parts: (i) data file identification; (ii)
area with the file’s metadata or its content; (iii) the
dataset type at hand (PDF, XML or JSON), and (iv)
the generated RDF dataset.
In Figure 3, we present an example regarding a
JSON dataset conversion. This dataset belongs to the
Software Projects” domain. Two domain
vocabularies have been defined by the DE, namely:
doap and bibo.
As mentioned in Section 3, the tool works with a
domain alignment, where correspondences are set
between the JSON object properties and the domain
vocabulary terms. This alignment is produced by a
linguistic matcher (David et al., 2011). Each
correspondence is defined with a confidence
measure (between 0 and 1). Accomplishing tests, we
have defined a threshold of 0.8 to identify
correspondences to be set as equivalences.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: Main Interface.
The idea is to use correspondences set in the
alignment to identify domain terms and refer the
data at RDF generation time. Nevertheless, if it was
not possible to identify a corresponding term in the
chosen vocabularies, the tool incrementally “learns”
the new terms, produces a specific ontology with
them and defines the complementing
The tool allows the generation of the RDF
dataset in XML or turtle syntaxes. Considering the
data shown in Figure 3 (part ii), it identifies the
referring terms for the resources, thus producing the
resulting RDF dataset shown in Figure 3 (part iv).
Furthermore, it identifies the MET and includes such
information in the form of an RDF triple in the
target dataset (Figure 3 – part v).
We have conducted some experiments to verify the
effectiveness of our approach. The goal was
twofold: (i) to assess the ability to identify the most
appropriate entity type for a given JSON object and
(ii) to measure the data completeness w.r.t. the RDF
data conversion process. The former aims to identify
the degree of precision, recall and f-measure
regarding the statement of the MET for a given
JSON Object. The latter intends to measure the
degree of RDF triples that represent JSON object
properties which are present on the generated RDF
dataset. In both goals, we intend to verify in which
degree the choice of the used vocabularies imply in
the data conversion process itself as well as in the
MET definition. To this end, we have performed
both experiments considering and not considering
adequate domain vocabularies provided by the DE
and comparing the obtained results. In this particular
evaluation, we have used ten datasets regarding
“Software Projects” and also “Books” domain. As
recommended vocabularies, we have used the
DOAP, BIBO and CBO Ontologies (CBO, 2016). As
a not suitable vocabulary, in order to provide tests,
we have used the FOAF one.
Regarding the first goal, we consider precision
measure as the ratio of correctly found entity types
(true positives) over the total number of returned
entity types (true positives and false positives)
(Rijsbergen, 1979). This is supposed to measure the
correctness of MET statement provided by our
approach. On the other hand, recall measures the
Enhancing JSON to RDF Data Conversion with Entity Type Recognition
ratio of correctly found entity types (true positives)
over the total number of expected entity types (true
positives and true negatives) (Rijsbergen, 1979). To
achieve the expected number of entity types, we
have produced gold standards regarding the MET
identification for the ten source datasets. These gold
standards have been manually produced by domain
users of our group. Also, we have used the
traditional F-measure as the harmonic mean of
precision and recall (Rijsbergen, 1979). The used
formulas are shown in the following:
#CorrectET is the number of correct suggested
ETs produced by our approach;
#ExpectedETs is the total number of all possible
ETs that could be produced by considering the
defined gold standards; and
#ReturnedETs is the total number of all retrieved
ETs produced by the approach (i.e., correct or
incorrect ones).
Figure 4: Measures w.r.t. the Correctly Suggested METs.
The experimental results regarding precision,
recall and f-measure for ten datasets of both data
domains are shown in Figure 4. In order to evaluate
them, we have applied two experimental variables:
(i) MET statement without suitable domain
vocabularies and (ii) MET statement with suitable
domain vocabularies. Regarding the first variable,
the precision and recall measures were equal to zero.
This means that it was not possible to identify the
METs if an inappropriate domain vocabulary is used
to provide the needed underlying semantics. On the
other hand, by considering suitable domain
vocabularies, we achieve a precision value of almost
78% (Formula 2), a recall of 70% (Formula 1) and f-
measure of almost 74% (Formula 3) (Figure 4).
With respect to the second experiment goal, we
have measured the data completeness when
obtaining an RDF dataset from a source JSON
document. Particularly, this experiment is concerned
with evaluating each Idsr
with respect to
. In order to measure the data
completeness, we use the following formula.
Where #Propdsrm is the number of properties
obtained in the generated RDF dataset dsr
represents original properties;
#Propdsi refers to the number of original
properties in DSi.
A summary of the results regarding the data
completeness along with the data conversion process
for ten datasets is shown in Figure 5. In Figure 5, NS
means a Not Suitable domain vocabulary, i.e., it
does not contain appropriate terms for that dataset
domain; and S means a Suitable domain vocabulary,
which has been carefully chosen for that dataset
domain. Thereby, we are able to observe that the
usage of a suitable domain vocabulary makes all the
difference. If it is well chosen by the DE, the results
are complete w.r.t. the original dataset.
Figure 5: Data Completeness w.r.t. the data conversion
In conclusion, we verify that our approach for
RDF dataset conversion along with the identification
of the MET of a JSON object is promising. However
it is dependent on the semantics provided by the
chosen domain vocabularies.
Sleeman et al. (2015) address the problem of
identifying coreferences in heterogeneous semantic
graphs where the underlying ontologies may not be
informative or even known. For such cases, they use
Precision) (Recall
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
supervised machine learning to map entity attributes
via dictionaries to predict instance entity types.
´Particularly, this method uses a way to map
attributes from different domains to a common set
regarding people, location and organization types.
They show how to reduce work when using entity
type information as a pre-filter for instance matching
Bernardo et al. (2012) propose an approach to
integrate data from hundreds of spreadsheets
available on the Web. For that, they make a semantic
mapping from data instances of spreadsheets to
RDF/OWL datasets. They use a process that
identifies the spreadsheet domain and associates the
data instances to their respective class according to a
domain vocabulary.
Taheriyan et al. (2014) use a supervised machine
learning technique based on Conditional Random
Fields with features extracted from the attribute
names as part of a process to construct semantic
models. The goal is to map the attributes to the
concepts of a domain ontology and generate a set of
candidate semantic types for each source attribute,
each one with a confidence value. Next, an
algorithm selects the top k semantic types for each
attribute as an input to the next step of the process.
Tonon et al. (2013) propose a method to find the
most relevant entity type given an entity (instance)
and its context. This method is based on collecting
statistics and on the graph structure interconnecting
instances and types. This approach is useful for
searching entity types in the light of search engines.
Comparing these works with ours, in our work
we are interested in identifying the entity types to
give more semantics to RDF generated datasets.
Also, we use a semantic matcher to identify the
vocabulary terms which are associated with the
structural metadata from the converting dataset.
Differently from the presented related works, the
entity type is defined as the one which has the max
number of property occurrences. This is recognized
according to the semantics provided by domain
vocabularies which have been chosen by a DE.
Although there is such dependency, our work may
be used in any data domain.
We presented a data domain-driven approach to
converting semi-structured datasets, particularly in
JSON formats, to RDF. By using the semantics
underlying the domain of the data, it makes the
conversion process less demanding. It attempts to
automate as much of the conversion process by
maintaining a domain alignment composed by
correspondences between the converting metadata
(properties) and the domain terms, and reusing it in
each new conversion process. Also, in order to
enrich the target generated RDF dataset, the object’s
entity types are identified and included in the code.
Accomplished experiments show that our
approach is promising. By using the domain
vocabularies, it is able to produce complete RDF
datasets w.r.t. the original source data. Furthermore,
it identifies in almost 77% the most appropriate
entity type for a given object.
As future work, we intended to extend the
approach and tool to deal with CSV files.
Furthermore, we intend to use the MET recognition
process to assist a coreference resolution task when
integrating some datasets at conversion time.
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WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies