A Semiautomatic Process Model Verification Method based on Process
Modeling Guidelines
Valter Helmuth Goldberg J
, Lucineia Heloisa Thom
, Jos
e Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira
Marcelo Fantinato
and Diego Toralles Avila
Department of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of S
ao Paulo, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Business Process, BPMN, Ontology, Process Model Quality, Modeling Guidelines.
Designing comprehensible process models is a complex task. Process analysts must rely on the experience
of expert systems managers to achieve process models with high comprehensibility, also known as pragmatic
quality. In the literature, this is portrayed as process modeling guidelines that help modelers to avoid common
issues which hinder the comprehension of the process model. In this paper, we propose a method for the semi-
automatic verification of business process models according to process modeling guidelines. This method
uses the BPMN Ontology and the ontology editor Prot
e to assist the modeler with validation of the process
model’s syntax before certifying its pragmatic quality. The validation of the developed method was applied to
a collection of 31 process models and the results show that 23 process models of the collection contain at least
one guideline violation.
Business Process Management (BPM) is a disci-
pline that provides a systematic approach to manage
an organization’s work by modeling, analyzing, im-
proving and controlling its business processes (here-
after called processes, for simplification). BPM con-
tributes to the increase of productivity and reduction
of costs through more effective, more efficient and
more adaptable processes (van der Aalst, 2013).
With BPM, organizations continually seek to im-
prove the quality of their processes. However, stud-
ies analyzing models of industry processes reveal that
many process models contain issues that harm its
quality, such as control flow errors, badly designed
structures and layouts or incorrect labeling (Mendling
et al., 2008; Leopold et al., 2016). With the process
modeling being a key part of BPM, it is important to
prevent these issues if we expect processes of better
It is widely accepted that modeling a process is a
difficult task (Mendling et al., 2010). This is usually
due to the complexity of the modeling notation, its
many different elements and their respective seman-
tics (Leopold et al., 2016). Choosing the appropri-
ate design to represent the real world process depends
upon the expertise or the guidance of an experienced
modeler, which may greatly influence the quality of
the resultant process model. It is necessary to con-
sider that, while the use of process modeling tools can
help in this regard, they cannot guarantee a process
model’s correctness nor its comprehensibility.
One way to solve this challenge and help the
beginner modelers is to consolidate the knowledge
of experienced modelers in process modeling guide-
lines, whose purpose is to help the user to reduce
the complexity and the number of errors in a pro-
cess model through the restriction of undesirable con-
structs. Many guidelines have been proposed by
both practitioners (Silver, 2009; White and Miers,
2008; Allweyer and Allweyer, 2010) and researchers
(Becker et al., 2000; Mendling et al., 2007; Vander-
feesten et al., 2008; Correia and Abreu, 2012). Once
it is verified that a process model is following a set of
guidelines, we can presume that it has good compre-
However, using guidelines to verify a process
model does not make sense if the model is not syn-
tactically correct. Any knowledge extracted from an
incorrect process model has its validity compromised
as at the same time that the model is readable some
doubt may exists about the modeler intended repre-
sentation (Reijers et al., 2015). Therefore, it is nec-
essary to verify if a process model is correct before
Júnior, V., Thom, L., Oliveira, J., Fantinato, M. and Avila, D.
A Semiautomatic Process Model Verification Method based on Process Modeling Guidelines.
DOI: 10.5220/0006316602740281
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 3, pages 274-281
ISBN: 978-989-758-249-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
considering its comprehensibility.
It is possible to verify the correctness of process
models in different ways. One of these is by the
means of ontologies. Ontology is the study of the na-
ture of being, which pursues to represent the world
as entities, categories and relations (Guizzardi, 2012;
Mendling, 2008a). In a more practical description, an
ontology provides an approach to define types, prop-
erties and relations. It is possible to use an ontology to
represent BPM process models as a meta-model with
inference capability to verify a process model’s cor-
Following this approach, the objective of this pa-
per is to show how the use of ontologies may assist
in the identification of problems that reduce a process
model’s comprehensibility. To perform this valida-
tion, it is necessary to represent a process model as
a process model ontology and use the ontology infer-
ence processor to verify a set of guidelines for process
modeling, pointing out any problems that can be im-
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents a short review of previous works related to
the verification of process models. Section 3 shortly
introduces the basic concepts used in this paper. Sec-
tion 4 explains the context chosen to work with and
the method developed. Section 5 presents the applica-
tion study and the results. Section 6 closes the paper
with conclusions.
The verification of process models is nothing new, in
fact, numerous researches addressed this subject. The
difference is that most of these researches are con-
cerned with issues of correctness of a process model.
In Mendling (2008a), for example, the author pro-
poses two different approaches to verify the sound-
ness of a process model draw using Event-Process-
Evaluating and reducing the complexity of a pro-
cess model is harder to achieve. It is not possible
to measure a process complexity directly and, as a
consequence, many metrics have been proposed that
try to solve this problem indirectly (Vanderfeesten
et al., 2007; Mendling, 2008b; Gruhn and Laue, 2006;
alez et al., 2012). The validity of these
metrics is evidenced through statistical experiments,
where process models are judged both by the metrics
and by people with varying levels of modeling experi-
ence (Cardoso, 2006; S
alez et al., 2008).
As it was mentioned, many authors proposed
guidelines for modeling processes, with repeated
guidelines that had already been proposed, with only
few small variations in the details. In Moreno-Montes
de Oca and Snoeck (2014), these repeats were gath-
ered from a systematic review about business process
modeling quality from over a 100 proposed in the lit-
erature and turned into 27 unified guidelines.
Some of the existing BPMN tools try to pro-
vide some support for creating good process models.
Based on the guidelines found in the referred article, a
study (Snoeck et al., 2015) was performed to test how
extensive was, at the time, the support of the popular
BPMN tools in creating good process models. From
this analysis, it is possible to learn that the Signavio
modeler tool provides the best support for modeling
processes using guidelines.
While the referenced works are build upon impor-
tant process modeling concepts, none of them provide
a complete approach to certify the comprehensibility
of process models. The present work explains the de-
velopment of a method and how to adapt each concept
for an ontological approach that allows the verifica-
tion of the process models in a semi-automatic way.
The modeling task of BPM is often done using
the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN).
BPMN was developed by the Object Management
Group (OMG), with the purpose of consolidating the
many existing notations for process models in a sin-
gle standard. This standard should provide an easy to
understand notation to all stakeholders (OMG (Object
Management Group), 2015).
Most BPMN elements are labeled, to identify the
parts of the process they constitute. BPMN also has
many different types of elements to represent a pro-
cess, each with a different purpose. There are five
main types covered in this paper :
Activities represent tasks that may need to be
performed (e.g., ”Print daily report”) or sub-
processes, that contains multiple elements of the
process inside a single element.
Events correspond to things that happen instanta-
neously (e.g. ”Purchase order received”). Events
may be start, intermediate or end events.
Sequence Flows link two elements together,
forming the paths that may be taken during the
execution of the process.
Gateways serve to split or join the flow of ac-
tions performed in the process. There are differ-
A Semiautomatic Process Model Verification Method based on Process Modeling Guidelines
Figure 1: The SIQ Framework, adapted from Reijers et al.
ent types of gateways: AND gateways for concur-
rency, XOR gateways for exclusive choices and
OR gateways for inclusive choices.
Pools group together elements that happen in a
single organization (e.g., a university). Swimlanes
may divide these pools to identify different re-
sources of that organization (e.g., departments)
Although these types are useful in the modeling of
processes, BPMN does not teach modelers how to use
them to create simple and expressive process models.
The consequence of this is that it is hard to achieve a
good level of quality in BPMN process models.
This difficulty motivated the creation of many
frameworks that try to define what is the quality of a
process model and classify the different quality types
that compose it. Examples of these efforts are the SE-
QUAL Framework (Krogstie, 2012), the Guidelines
of Modeling (GoM) (Schuette and Rotthowe, 1998)
and, more recently, the SIQ framework (Reijers et al.,
2015), in which we base the present work, due to
its simplicity and its widespread use in the literature
surrounding the quality of process models. The SIQ
framework defines process model quality as made of
three basic quality types:
Syntactic Quality identifies if a process model
conforms to the rules defined by the notation uti-
lized to create it. In other words, if a process
model follows the syntax and the vocabulary of
its modeling language, then it is possible to verify
that process model and affirm it to be correct. To
do so, the verification must check the static propri-
eties of a process model - how different types of
elements are used and combined - and its behav-
ioral proprieties - the process modeled should not
reach a deadlock and must be completed properly,
i.e., the process model is sound.
Semantic Quality bears the connection between
a process model and the real world process that
it is supposed to represent. To check a process
model’s semantic quality is to guarantee it is valid
- all elements of the process model correctly rep-
resent the real world - and complete - there are
no real world process parts that are missing from
the process model. This check is called validation
and, if it passes, the process model is ascertained
to be true.
Pragmatic Quality characterizes the comprehen-
sibility of a process model. It is the certification
that a user’s interpretation of a process model is
equal to the real world process. If done, the pro-
cess model is said to be understood.
Syntactic quality is the basis for the other two
qualities. As mentioned before, it is not reasonable
to consider the comprehensibility of a process model
if it is not syntactically correct. The same concern
must be expressed on its semantic quality. The ver-
ification of a process model must be done before its
validation or certification. As previously explained, it
is possible to do this verification using an ontology.
More specifically, we can use an ontology design to
serve as a meta-model for a process modeling nota-
tion. In the case of BPMN exists the BPMN Ontology
(Rospocher et al., 2014), which supports the mapping
of a BPMN process model into elements of the on-
tology, while preserving the relations and structures
between the BPMN elements. Using this ontology, it
is possible to apply an inference engine to verify the
mapped process model, checking if the static prop-
erties of BPMN model, i.e., its structure, is correct
according to the BPMN syntax.
Finally, assuming the process model is indeed cor-
rect, we can try to ensure its pragmatic quality, which
is done by checking it via the use of process modeling
guidelines. In Mendling et al. (2010, pag. 3), seven
process modeling guidelines (7PMG) have been pro-
posed that are thought to be helpful in guiding users
towards improving the quality of their models, in the
sense that these are likely (1) to become comprehen-
sible to various stakeholders and (2) to contain few
syntactical errors”. These guidelines have been built
upon empirical insights and, as such, provide a short
but meaningful set of rules, which encouraged their
use at an academic level to teach beginner modelers
about quality of process models. They are as follows:
G1 Use as Few Elements in the Model as Possible.
The larger a process model is, the more difficult it
is to understand and the more likely it is for syn-
tactical errors to exist in it.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
G2 Minimize the Routing Paths per Element.
These paths are the sum of the incoming and the
outgoing arcs for each element. A high number of
paths in a single element makes the model harder
to understand.
G3 Use One Start and One End Event. Models that
satisfy this requirement are easier to understand
and are less likely to have errors.
G4 Model as Structured as Possible. A process
model is structured if for each gateway that splits
the flow of the process model there is another
gateway of the same type that joins the flow.
Ideally, a structured model is like a math for-
mula with balanced brackets, i.e., every opening
bracket has a corresponding closing bracket of the
same type. Structured models tend to be easier to
understand and to have less errors
G5 Avoid OR Routing Elements. The behavior of
OR gateways are more difficult to comprehend
and limiting their use reduces the likelihood of
G6 Use Verb-object Activity Labels. There are
many different labeling styles for process models.
According to the literature, the verb-object style
is less ambiguous and more useful than the oth-
ers, like action-noun.
G7 Decompose a Model with More than 30 El-
ements. Like G1, a high number of elements
makes the process model less understandable and
more error-prone. After 30 elements, it is rec-
ommended to split the process model into smaller
models, either by creating new models or by gath-
ering a group of process model elements and re-
placing them with a sub-process.
It is important to note that these guidelines do
not concern with the semantics of the process model.
Whether a model of a specific process follows or not
these guidelines this characteristic should not imply in
a change of the behavior of the modeled process. All
that the 7PMG rules change is the comprehensibility
of the process model and the reduction of possibility
that modeling errors exist in it (Mendling et al., 2010).
To fulfill the objective of this paper, it is necessary
to specify a series of steps that, with the assistance
of an ontology, allows us to certify a process model’s
pragmatic quality by checking whether it follows the
seven process modeling guidelines.
Table 1: Indicators tested for each guideline from 7PMG.
7PMG Indicators and comparisons
G1 Number of elements > 30
G2 Maximum connector degree > 5
Number of start events > 1
Number of end events > 1
G4 Number of splits 6= Number of joins
G5 Number of OR gateways > 0
G6 Wordnet
G7 Number of elements > 30
To start with the development of the framework
it is necessary to decide about the form of how the
process models will be represented. A few different
notations for process models exist and each notation
has different ways of how the process model is coded
within a file. The notation used in this work is BPMN
2.0. Models using this notation may be exported to
the interchangeable format defined by OMG, which
is a XML file with a specific schema and a .bpmn ex-
tension (OMG (Object Management Group), 2015).
From this file, it is possible to map elements from the
process model in an ontology, via the BPMN Ontol-
Secondly, it is necessary to establish how to check
whether a guideline is being followed or not by a pro-
cess model. They must be expressed in a binary yes
or no question. To allow this, each guideline must
be associated to a process model indicator that may
be measured and compared against optimal thresh-
olds. Previous works (Mendling, 2008a; Recker,
2011; Mendling et al., 2012; S
alez et al.,
2012) have studied process model indicators to pro-
duce empirically validated thresholds for each guide-
line, allowing a modeler to be alerted when there is a
issue that affects the process model’s comprehensibil-
ity. The table 1 presents the indicators and the optimal
thresholds used to check if the process model violates
each guideline. Based on these, two guidelines show
problems: G1 and G6.
G1, the guideline for encouraging the use of fewer
elements when modeling, becomes redundant with
G7, which determines when a process model should
be decomposed. This occurs because the indicator
used for G1 is the same one employed for G7. There-
fore, we need to choose which guideline is more ap-
propriate for the proposed method. Since G1 is more
suited to be applied when a process model is being
developed and the modeler can refrain from introduc-
ing new elements, instead of when the modeling is
finished, the guideline G7 is the most suited.
G6, which tells us to label activities in the verb-
object style, presents a problem related to the com-
plexity of checking the language of each label. This
A Semiautomatic Process Model Verification Method based on Process Modeling Guidelines
Table 2: BPMN Ontology Mapping.
BPMN Ontology Example
Element type OWL class Activity, gateway
Element instance Individual named Task 1: Submit report
Attribute Object property Label=”Name”
Attribute value Data property Name:String=”Task 1: Submit report”
Table 3: Recommended Actions for each tested guideline.
7PMG Recommended action
G2 Reduce the number of sequence flows
connected to a single element
G3 Restructure the process model to re-
duce the number of Start and End
G4 Restructure the process model to have
the same number of Split and Joins
G5 Restructure the process model to re-
move the OR Gateways
G7 Decompose the process model
exceeds the scope of this work, since it requires the
use of Natural Language Processing to identify the
words of each label and compare them and their
use against a thesaurus to define the label’s context
(Gassen et al., 2014). Therefore, we are ignoring this
Finally, it must be determined how an ontology
will be loaded and edited. We chose to use the on-
tology editor Prot
. Prot
e not only can verify
the integrity of ontologies using an inference engine,
it can also be extended using plugins. Much of our
method was built using this extensibility.
Having made these decisions, we specified a
method to certify the pragmatic quality of process
models based on the seven process modeling guide-
lines, verifying a process model syntax using the on-
tology and its associated inference engine.
The first step of the method is configure Prot
for instantiating BPMN models. The BPMN ontology
is loaded to support the mapping of elements from
BPMN to the ontology by serving as the meta-model
containing the structuring rules of BPMN. Following
this activity, the individual elements from the BPMN
models can be extracted and instantiated into the on-
tology by a Java plugin which reads the .bpmn file of
the process models and extracts its tasks, gateways,
sequence flows and messages. After the same plugin
uses the OWL-API to create individuals for each el-
ement, mapping and instantiating them according to
each type described by the BPMN Ontology. The ta-
ble 2 shows the mapping.
Once the entire process model has been instanti-
ated in the ontology, the Prot
e verifies if the pro-
cess model is syntactically correct. Using Prot
e in-
ference engine, we can verify the ontology’s integrity
and, if this is successful, it can be assumed that the
structure of the BPMN model is syntactically cor-
rect, since any syntactical error in the process model’s
structure would violate the ontology’s integrity ac-
cording to the BPMN Ontology.
The final steps of this method are checking the
process model according to the seven process mod-
eling guidelines and recommending modeling alter-
natives based upon the results. Another Java Plugin
checks the process model’s indicators and, for each
violated guideline, recommends actions according to
the table 3.
The entire series of steps are (figure 2):
1. Load the BPMN Ontology in Prot
2. Extract each individual element from a BPMN
3. Instantiate each extracted element in Prot
e via
OWL-API and using the BPMN Ontology.
4. Use Prot
es inference engine to verify the in-
tegrity of the new ontology.
5. Check if the process model’s indicators obey the
limits defined by the modeling guidelines.
6. Recommend modeling alternatives to the process
model for each guideline not followed (table 3).
To validate our method, it was applied to a collection
of 31 BPMN models. These models represents the
processes of a university, created by BPM students,
verified and corrected by their adviser and semanti-
cally validated by the process stakeholders. To create
these models, the students used the Bizagi
tool, which does not offer support for the guidelines
we test (Snoeck et al., 2015).
For each guideline used in the method, the associ-
ated indicators were extracted for a statistical analysis
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Steps to verify process models based on process modeling guidelines.
Table 4: Statistics for the indicators related to the guidelines G2, G3, G5, G7.
connector degree
Start events N
End events N
OR gateways N
Average 3.7097 1.871 1.9355 0.2903 23.4194
Std. Deviation 0.9379 0.8848 0.892 0.8638 13.458
Minimum 2 1 1 0 6
Maximum 6 4 4 4 76
Median 3 2 2 0 21
Table 5: Statistics for the indicators related to the guideline
Splits - Joins difference
Average 0.129 0.4839 -0.0968
Std. Deviation 0.3408 1.3873 0.3962
Minimum 0 -2 -2
Maximum 1 4 0
Median 0 0 0
(as seen in tables 4 and 5). Based on these statistics,
we tried to predict whether the process models of this
collection follow or not the process modeling guide-
For example, in the statistics for maximum con-
nector degree , associated with guideline G2, we see
that the highest value found was 6, which is above the
recommended value of 5 for this guideline. However,
if we look at the average of 3.7097 and the standard
deviation of 0.9379, it is possible to perceive that it is
unlikely, assuming a normal distribution, that a ran-
dom process model picked from our collection will
have more than the recommended threshold for this
guideline, which is ve. Consequently, we can antic-
ipate that the high majority of process models from
the collection will follow the guideline. G5 is similar,
since the average number of OR gateways is low, but
not zero, and the standard deviation is almost 1, im-
plying that a few process models do use OR gateways,
up to the maximum of 4. For this reason, we suppose
that a few process models violate this guideline, and
our method shows this.
For G3, on the other hand, we see the opposite sit-
uation, as the number of both start and end events has
the high average (almost 2), compared to the recom-
mended use of 1 event of each. This implies that most
process models from the collection have multiple start
and end event and, therefore, they do not follow G3.
Analysis for guideline G4 is more complicated,
since we define whether the process model is or not
structured as the measure of the difference between
the indicators of the number of splits and the num-
ber of joins. Not only that, it is also necessary to
measure the difference for each each type of gateway.
This balance means that the closer to zero is the av-
erage difference and the lower is the standard devia-
tion then it is more likely that the process models are
structured. We recognize the opposite, however, since
there is an imbalance of the number of XOR splits
versus the number of XOR joins according to the av-
erage of 0.4839 for that indicator. Also, the high stan-
dard deviation of 1.3873 shows for the XOR gateway
indicates that most process models in the collection
are not structured. Therefore, we predict that many
A Semiautomatic Process Model Verification Method based on Process Modeling Guidelines
Table 6: Number of violations per guideline.
Total violations Percent of total
G2 1 3.23%
G3 1 3.23%
G4 22 70.97%
G5 4 12.90%
G7 6 19.35%
process models of this collection infringe the guide-
line G4.
Finally, the statistics for G7 are slightly vague.
The high, but not unreasonable, average for the mea-
sure of the number of elements suggest that the guide-
line is followed. Yet, the high standard deviation
shows a hint that at least some process models do have
more than 30 elements.
With all this information in mind, our expecta-
tions are that most process models violate guidelines
G3 and G4, while following guidelines G2 and G5.
Lastly, guideline G7 will a have a few violations.
Comparing these conclusions with the results of
the applied method (as show in table 6) shows that the
predictions for guidelines G2, G4, G5 and G7 match
the results. The results for guideline G3, however, is
unexpected. After further analysis, we found a reason
for this behavior. Many process models of the col-
lection have multiple pools or sub-processes, both of
which require, according to the notation, a new start
and a new end event, causing a distortion in the num-
ber of events of each process model. Therefore, we
must take this distortion into account for the statisti-
cal analysis.
Process models that follow the guidelines of process
modeling are more likely to be understood by the pro-
cess stakeholders. With the help of process modeling
tools that support those guidelines, modelers can rep-
resent and communicate the mechanisms of a process
through the models, achieving higher levels of model-
ing quality that improve the work of an organization.
Through the application study, we perceived the
difficulty that beginner modelers experience in cre-
ating process models following the modeling guide-
lines. Most process models in the collection have at
least one aspect that is inefficient for the their compre-
hension (table 7). It is observable that beginners need
help in finding these inefficiencies and that this help
may only be accomplished if more support is provided
by the modeling tools.
In this paper, it was shown that it is possible to
semi-automatically verify process modeling guide-
Table 7: Number of process models per quantity of viola-
Number of models
No violations 8
One violation 13
Two violations 9
Three violations 1
lines with the assistance of the BPMN ontology. This
procedure analyzes the process models and recom-
mends solutions to increase their pragmatic quality.
The plugin developed based on this procedure identi-
fies modeling inefficiencies that violate the seven pro-
cess modeling guidelines and we hope that it may
contribute in helping beginner modelers to identify
possible modeling inefficiencies in regard with the
comprehensibility of process models.
One limitation that must be acknowledged is re-
lated with the use of the BPMN ontology to check
the syntax of the process model. While it is possi-
ble to verify the static proprieties of a process model,
the BPMN ontology is not suited to specify a process
model’s dynamic behavior (Rospocher et al., 2014).
Therefore, we were not able verify a process model’s
entire syntactic quality.
While the method is by no means complete, as
there are more guidelines in the literature beyond
those applied here, we hope that this work brings at-
tention to the necessity of accurate tool support for
creating process models with high comprehensibility.
We also believe that our work will provide a basis for
future works in this area.
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