Assessing the Impact of Stemming Algorithms Applied to Judicial
An Experimental Analysis
Robert A. N. de Oliveira and Methanias Colac¸o J
UFS - Universidade Federal de Sergipe, S
ao Crist
ao, SE, Brazil
Dimensionality Reduction, Experimental Analysis, Jurisprudence, Stemming.
Stemming algorithms are commonly used during textual preprocessing phase in order to reduce data dimen-
sionality. However, this reduction presents different efficacy levels depending on the domain that it’s applied
to. Hence, this work is an experimental analysis about dimensionality reduction by stemming a real database
of judicial jurisprudence formed by four subsets of documents. With such document base, it is necessary to
adopt techniques that increase the efficiency of storage and search for such information, otherwise there is a
loss of both computing resources and access to justice, as stakeholders may not find the document they need to
plead their rights. The results show that, depending on the algorithm and the collection, there may be a reduc-
tion of up to 52% of these terms in the documents. Furthermore, we have found a strong correlation between
the reduction percentage and the quantity of unique terms in the original document. This way, RSLP algorithm
was the most effective in terms of dimensionality reduction, among the stemming algorithms analyzed, in the
four collections studied and it excelled when applied to judgments of Appeals Court.
Every day, the courts, through their magistrates, judge
various themes of the Law, generating a large base of
legal knowledge that guides new decisions and works
as an argumentative base to the related parties that
plead their interests. Hence, from the corpus formed
by a uniform set of decisions handed down by the ju-
diciary on a particular subject (Maximiliano, 2011),
emerges the concept of jurisprudence, fundamental
tool for legal professionals to exercise their role.
This way, those decisions generate three types of
documents (Santos, 2001):
Trial Court sentence: when the judge utters a pro-
cedural trial in first instance;
Monocratic Decision: when a magistrate decides
alone, in second instance, a lawsuit that has uni-
form interpretation;
Judgment: when collegiate organ, composed by
one rapporteur and at least two magistrates, utters
sentence in second instance.
A decision in second instance may be the re-
sult of an appeal from a sentence uttered by an Ap-
peals Court judge or by Special Courts judge, creating
specifics documents for each one of them.
With such document base, it is necessary to adopt
techniques that increase the efficiency of storage and
search for such information, otherwise there is a loss
of both computing resources and access to justice, as
stakeholders may not find the document they need to
plead their rights.
In this scenario, according to (Flores and Mor-
eira, 2016; Orengo et al., 2007), stemming algorithms
can reduce the texts dimensionality, thereby improv-
ing the use of computing resources, and increase the
relevancy of the results returned by retrieval systems.
In fact, these algorithms are commonly used during
textual preprocessing phase in order to reduce data
dimensionality. However, this reduction presents dif-
ferent efficacy levels depending on the domain it is
applied. The legal universe has its own jargon and we
have not found reports in the literature showing that
the same benefits are obtained when stemming is ap-
plied to jurisprudential bases.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to ana-
lyze, following an experimental process, using quan-
titative metrics, the effectiveness of stemming on the
dimensionality reduction of real jurisprudential bases.
The results showed that, depending on the algorithm
and the collection, there may be a reduction of up to
52% of these terms in the documents. Furthermore,
Oliveira, R. and Júnior, M.
Assessing the Impact of Stemming Algorithms Applied to Judicial Jurisprudence - An Experimental Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006317100990105
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 99-105
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
we have found a strong correlation between the re-
duction percentage and the quantity of unique terms
in the original document. This way, RSLP algorithm
was the most effective in terms of dimensionality re-
duction in the four collections analyzed and it was ex-
celled when applied to judgments of Appeals Court.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents the related work. Section 3 concep-
tualizes stemming and describes the algorithms used
in this research. In Section 4, we present the defi-
nition and planning of the experiment. In Section 5,
we show the experiment execution. Section 6 con-
tains the results of the experiment. Finally, Section 7
presents the conclusion and future work.
This paper analyses the impact of stemming on di-
mension reduction of jurisprudence texts in Brazilian
Portuguese, therefore this section will present articles
that had a similar approach.
(Alvares et al., 2005) carried out an assessment of
vocabulary reduction, along with overstemming and
understemming errors described in the following sec-
tion , by stemming 1,500 words available in dictionar-
ies of Brazilian Portuguese language. This approach
differs from ours, since they propose a new stemming
algorithm, StemBR, and compares it to two different
ones. On the other hand, here we will use algorithms
available in (Lucene, 2005).
(Orengo et al., 2007) conducted a comparative
study of stemming algorithm related to reduction of
terms in a collection of tests formed by the Folha
de S
ao Paulo newspaper and evaluated its impact on
the results returned by a retrieval system. Different
from this proposal, there are no further details on the
dimensionality reduction per document, considering
that they focused on an analysis of the metrics taken
from the search system.
Similar to the article mentioned above, (Flores
and Moreira, 2016) measured the impact of stemming
on testing collections available in different languages
(English, French, Portuguese and Spanish). This way,
they collected dimensionality reduction metrics, over-
stemming, understemming and also measured the re-
flection on the application of these algorithms in pre-
cision and recall of information retrieval systems.
However, due to its scope, the paper did not go into
detail on any of the analyzes.
It is worth mentioning that, until now, papers that
run a detailed analysis of dimensionality reduction per
document, like the one presented, were not found. In
addition, related work used collections that do not re-
flect the documents found in the legal universe.
The stemming process consists of grouping different
words connected by a common stem, based on a set
of rules which act by removing suffixes and prefixes
(Figure 1). Table 1 shows the application of five stem-
ming algorithms used during this experiment with six
distinct words, in which NoStem is the control group,
i.e., it generates no reduction of terms.
Except for the control group, the other algorithms
used in the experiment are based on rules and act by
removing suffixes (Flores and Moreira, 2016):
Porter: originally written in English, in 1980, and
adapted to Portuguese language later;
RSLP (Removedor de Sufixos da Lingua Por-
tuguesa): published in 2001, contains approxi-
mately 200 rules and an exception list to almost
each one of them;
RSLP-S: a lean version of RSLP that uses only
plural reduction;
UniNE: contains less rules than Porter and RSLP,
however it is more aggressive than RSLP-S.
Figure 1: Sequence of steps for the RSLP algorithm(Orengo
et al., 2007).
Thus, considering semantic and morphological as-
pects, a stemming algorithm can commit two error
types: a) overstemming, when the part removed is not
a suffix, instead it is part of the word stem; and b) un-
derstemming, when the suffix removal does not take
place fully. In this study, such errors will not be eval-
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Example of stemming using five algorithms of the experiment.
NoStem constituic¸
oes limitac¸
oes regimento considerando anu
encia estelionato
Porter constituic¸
o limit regiment consider anu
enc estelionat
RSLP constitu limit reg consider anu estelionat
RSLP-S constituic¸
ao limitac¸
ao regimento considerando anu
enc estelionato
UniNE constituica limitaca regiment considerand anuenci estelionat
In this and next two sections, this paper will be
presented as an experimental process according to
Wohlin et al. guidelines, described in (Wohlin et al.,
2012). Therefore, initially, we will explain planning
and definition of the experiment. After that, we will
refer to its execution and data analysis.
4.1 Goal Definition
The goal of this work is to analyze the impact of stem-
ming algorithms in the dimensionality reduction of ju-
risprudential documents.
In order to achieve it, we will conduct an exper-
iment, in a controlled environment, in which the re-
duction of unique terms per document will be mea-
sured, inside each collection, along with an analy-
sis of statistically significant differences of effective-
ness of the same algorithm, among four documentary
bases adopted by the study.
The following is the goal formalization, accord-
ing to GQM model proposed by Basili (Basili et al.,
1994): Analyze stemming algorithms with the pur-
pose of evaluating them with respect to dimension-
ality reduction and effectiveness from the point of
view of data analysts in the context of jurispruden-
tial documents.
4.2 Planning
Context Selection. The experiment will be in vitro
and will use the entire judicial jurisprudence database
of Supreme Court of the State of Sergipe, formed
by four collections: a) judgments of Appeals Court
(181,994 documents); b) monocratic decisions of Ap-
peals Court (37,142 documents); c) judgments of Spe-
cial Courts (37,161 documents); and d) monocratic
decisions of Special Courts (23,151 documents).
Dependent Variables. The average of unique terms
per document (UTD) and the average percentage of
reduction of unique terms per document (RP) taken
from the stemmer application.
Unique Terms: UT D
= Frequency of unique
terms after document stemming.
Average of unique terms: µ = (UT D
+ +UT D
Reduction percentage: RP
= 100 (UT D
100)/UT D
Average of reduction percentage: µ = (RP
+ ... + RP
Independent Variables. Document collection of
judgments of Appeals Court (JAC), monocratic deci-
sions of Appeals Court (MAC), judgments of Special
Courts (JSC) monocratic decisions of Special Courts
(MSC); the stemming algorithms (NoStem, Porter,
RSLP, RSLP-S and UniNE).
Hypothesis Formulation. The research questions for
this experiment are: do stemming algorithms reduce
the dimensionality of jurisprudential documents? Is
the effectiveness of each algorithm the same for all
four collections studied?
For the first research question, we considered the
quantity of unique terms per document as a metric to
evaluate the dimensionality reduction. For the second
question, we adopted the reduction percentage of each
algorithm, considering that the comparison was made
among documents of a different nature, making the
use of absolute values inadequate. In this scenario,
the following assumptions will be verified:
Hypothesis 1 (For each of the four collections).
Null Hypothesis H0
: The stemming algo-
rithms have the same average of unique terms per
document (µ
= µ
= µ
= µ
Alternative Hypothesis H1
: The stemming
algorithms have different averages of unique
terms per document (µ
6= µ
for at least one
Hypothesis 2 (For each of the stemming algo-
Null Hypothesis H0
: The percentage averages
of reduction of unique terms per document are the
same in all four collections (µ
= µ
= µ
Assessing the Impact of Stemming Algorithms Applied to Judicial Jurisprudence - An Experimental Analysis
Alternative Hypothesis H1
: The percentage
averages of reduction of unique terms per docu-
ment are different in all four collections (µ
for at least one pair(i,j)).
Selection of Participants and Objects. The docu-
ments of each collection were chosen randomly tak-
ing into consideration their number of characters. So,
the quantity of documents were determined by the
sample calculation of a finite population:
n =
.(N 1).z
Where, n is the sample size, z is the standardized
value (we adopted 1.96, i.e., 95% of trust level), σ is
the standard deviation of population, e is the margin
of error (we adopted 5% of σ) and N is the population
size. Table 2 shows the number of selected documents
after sample calculation, along with size, mean and
standard deviations of the population.
Table 2: Sample size per collection.
Coll. N µ σ n
JAC 181,994 11,626.65 8,270.08 1,524
MAC 37,142 8,396.27 6,940.01 1,476
JSC 37,161 9,509.41 5,718.97 1,476
MSC 23,151 6,569.90 4,009.80 1,442
Experiment Project. The jurisprudential documents
have a great variability in terms of number of charac-
ters, thus, in order to ensure confidence on hypothesis
tests, we will utilize a randomized complete block de-
sign (RCBD) (Wohlin et al., 2012) , this way, each
algorithm will be applied to the same document and
those documents will be randomly taken from each
collection, increasing the experiment precision. Fur-
thermore, before applying stemming, a preprocessing
for textual standardization will be performed in which
the content of documents will be shifted to small caps
and punctuation characters will be removed. NoStem
represents the unique terms of the document with no
stemming, therefore, it acts as a control group.
Instrumentation. We developed a Java application
in order to iterate on each document of the sample,
applying stemming algorithms and counting the fre-
quency of unique terms after the execution. In the
end, the application will store the observations per-
formed in a CSV file (Comma Separated Values) for
each collection.
5.1 Preparation
The preparation phase consisted of obtaining collec-
tions referring to judicial jurisprudence. Thus, doc-
uments were extracted from an OLTP base (Online
Transaction Processing) and converted to XML for-
mat (eXtensible Markup Language) facilitating the
experiment packaging.
5.2 Execution
By the end of previous phases, the experiment started
executing the Java application, in accordance with
what was defined in the planning phase.
5.3 Data Collection
The application recorded, for each collection, the doc-
ument identifier, the number of unique terms and the
stemming algorithm adopted CSV format (Table 3).
Table 3: Input example in CSV file.
5.4 Data Validation
The Java application was built using Test Driven
Development (TDD) (Agarwal and Deep, 2014) ap-
proach , therefore, we wrote unit test cases to validate
if the frequency count of unique terms per document
worked as expected.
Averages of unique terms per document were
computed and the percentage averages of dimension-
ality reduction were obtained by applying stemming
algorithms, considering control group.
To support this analysis, interpretation and results
validation, we used ve types of statistical tests: the
Shapiro-Wilk test, the Friedman test, the Kruskal-
Wallis test, the Wilcoxon test and the Mann-Whitney
test. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to verify sam-
pling normality, as literature shows it has higher
test power than other approaches (Ahad et al., 2011;
Razali and Wah, 2011). Considering RCBD project of
the experiment, with a factor and multiple treatments,
the Friedman test (Theodorsson-Norheim, 1987) and
the Kruskal-Wallis test (Wohlin et al., 2012) were
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
used to demonstrate the existence of different aver-
ages of paired and independent samples, respectively,
that did not obtain data normality, verifying χ
Square) magnitude. Finally, a post hoc analysis of
the Friedman and Kruskal-Wallis tests was run us-
ing, respectively, the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney
tests, to compare the averages of each treatment, ap-
plying the Benferroni adjustment in the significance
level (Holm, 1979). As we perform multiple compar-
isons among different treatments, this adjustment is
important, since it reduces the possibility of rejection
of the null hypothesis when it is indeed true (Error
Type I) (Dunn, 1961).
All statistical tests were performed using SPSS
(SPSS, 2012) and re-evaluated with R (Team, 2008)
and SciPy (Jones et al., 2001).
To answer experimental questions, CSV files gener-
ated by the Java application were analyzed. The re-
sults of stemming impact on the average of unique
terms per document and on percentage average of di-
mensionality reduction per document, can be seen in
Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively.
Figure 2: The average number of unique terms per docu-
ment obtained by each stemmer.
6.1 Analysis and Interpretation
Visually, analyzing Figures 2 and 3, a stemming ap-
plication seems to generate differences in both, the
average of reduction of unique terms per document
and in the average percentage of dimensionality re-
duction. However, it is not possible to claim that with
no statistical evidences that confirm that.
Finally, we used 95% of trust level (α = 0.05), to
the entire experiment and, later on, we analyzed if
the samples had normal distribution. However, this
Figure 3: The average percentage of dimensionality reduc-
tion per document generated by stemming.
hypothesis was rejected, since the Shapiro-Wilk test
obtained p-value below 0.001, lower than the signif-
icance level adopted, in every collection and algo-
rithm. This way, considering data distribution and
RCBD design adopted for the experiment, we per-
formed the Friedman test to verify Hypothesis 1 (Ta-
ble 4).
Table 4: Results of the Friedman tests for the Hypothesis 1.
Coll. χ
JAC 5,883.84 0.000
MAC 5,590.32 0.000
JSC 5,863.67 0.000
MSC 5,474.95 0.000
After applying the tests, we found a strong ev-
idence for the hypothesis H1
, showing that the
averages of unique terms per document are not the
same among the algorithms, since we verified a p-
value below 0.001, to every collection, and χ
equal to
5,883.84; 5,590.32; 5,863.67 and 5,474.95, referred
to collections JAC, MAC, JSC and MSC, respectively.
After a post-hoc analysis with the Wilcoxon test, ap-
plying the Benferroni correction (α = α / 10), we
found the following order related to the number of
unique terms obtained after stemming: NoStem >
RSLP-S > UniNE > Porter > RSLP, to every collec-
tion. In other words, RSLP algorithm was the most
effective in the reduction of unique terms per docu-
For Hypothesis 2, considering that the jurispru-
dential bases are independent, i.e., the same docu-
ment does not appear in more than one collection, we
adopted Kruskal-Wallis tests (Table 5).
According to the results, the percentage averages
of reduction of algorithms are not the same for every
collection, since p-value was less than 0.001 and χ
equal to 687.93; 711.83; 250.31 and 295.25, referred,
Assessing the Impact of Stemming Algorithms Applied to Judicial Jurisprudence - An Experimental Analysis
Figure 4: Correlation matrix among stemming algorithms.
NoStem unit is UTD and others are RP.
Table 5: Results of the Kruskal-Wallis tests for the Hypoth-
esis 2.
Stemmer χ
Porter 687.93 0.000
RSLP 711.83 0.000
RSLP-S 250.31 0.000
UniNE 295.25 0.000
respectively, to Porter, RSLP, RSLP-S and UniNE al-
gorithms, therefore, hypothesis H0
was refuted. By
conducting a post-hoc with the Mann-Whitney test,
also applying the Benferroni adjustment (α = α / 6),
we noticed that stemming algorithms reduced dimen-
sionality more effectively in JAC collection.
As it can be seen in the first line of the correla-
tion matrix showed by Figure 4, there is a strong pos-
itive correlation, ranging from 0.70 to 0.89, between
the quantity of unique terms per document and the re-
duction percentage achieved by stemming algorithms.
In other words, it suggests that the more words ju-
risprudential documents have, the better results the
analyzed stemming algorithms will get. Furthermore,
in the same figure, we noticed a linear relation be-
tween the algorithms, indicating that they maintain a
proportionality related to the potential of dimension-
ality reduction of texts. Thus, the Porter and RSLP
algorithms, for example, have a 0.97 correlation co-
efficient, indicating an almost perfect positive linear
To illustrate this correlation potential between
quantity of unique terms and reduction percentage,
we considered the entire sample of each collection as
Table 6: Sample dimensionality reduction.
Coll. Porter RSLP RSLP-S UniNE
JAC 46% 52% 12% 24%
MAC 39% 45% 11% 22%
JSC 35% 41% 10% 20%
MSC 35% 41% 10% 19%
a single document. Then, we applied stemming algo-
rithms to the collection.
In this scenario, shown in Table 6, one of the stem-
ming algorithms achieved 52% of reduction (JAC-
RSLP), confirming the linear relation mentioned
above. We also noticed that the order of effectiveness
was equivalent to the one found in the experiment us-
ing single documents (RSLP > Porter > UniNE >
RSLP-S > NoStem).
Hence, due to the results found, it is possible to
say that RSLP algorithm reduced judicial jurispru-
dence dimensionality more effectively than Porter,
UniNE and RSLP-S. Besides, JAC collection showed
higher reduction of unique terms, regardless which
stemming algorithm was adopted.
6.2 Threats to Validity
Because the data was collected and analyzed by the
authors, there happens to be a strong threat to internal
and external validities. However, there is not conflict
of interest. Thus, there are no reasons to privilege
an algorithm over another. To mitigate any possible
bias, documents were chosen randomly, according to
RCBD guidelines.
This paper showed an important contribution related
to application of stemming algorithms on jurispruden-
tial bases. Indeed, data dimensionality reduction is
used in a variety of text processing techniques, how-
ever, we have not found, so far, a quantitative study
that analyzes its impact on Brazilian judicial real de-
According to experimental results, the use of
stemming algorithms reduced the average of unique
terms per document by 52%. Furthermore, we have
found a strong correlation between the reduction per-
centage and the quantity of unique terms in the orig-
inal document. This way, among the stemming al-
gorithms analyzed, RSLP was the most effective in
terms of dimensionality reduction in the four collec-
tions studied and it was excelled when applied to
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
judgments of Appeals Court.
Finally, for future work, we intend to analyze the
reflection of the reduction from the perspective of a
judicial information retrieval system, measuring its
impact on MAP, R-Precision and Pr@10 metrics.
This study counted on Supreme Court of the State of
Sergipe full support by sharing their database of judi-
cial jurisprudence in text format.
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Assessing the Impact of Stemming Algorithms Applied to Judicial Jurisprudence - An Experimental Analysis