Mobile Technology to Monitor Physical Activity and Wellbeing in
Daily Life
Objective and Subjective Experiences of Older Adults
Miriam Cabrita
, Monique Tabak
and Miriam Vollenbroek-Hutten
Roessingh Research and Development, Telemedicine group, Enschede, Netherlands
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Telemedicine group,
University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
Keywords: Wearables, Active Ageing; Positive Emotions.
Abstract: Older adults are not reaching the recommended guidelines for physical activity. There is growing evidence
that physical activity and positive emotions reinforce each other. However, the development of interventions
leveraging this knowledge faces several challenges, such as the limited knowledge on the assessment of
emotional wellbeing in daily life using technology. In this study, we investigate the experience of older adults
regarding the use of mobile technology to coach physical activity and monitor emotional wellbeing during
one month. Our results show that the participants became more aware of their daily physical activity and
perceived an added value in using the technology in daily life. However, only limited added-value was
perceived on monitoring positive emotions in daily life in the way we performed it. The most common
argument concerned repetitiveness of the questions being asked every day. Moreover, participants also
reported that they were not used to think about their emotions, what affected the way they answered the
questions regarding their emotional wellbeing. Our results suggest that, to ensure reliability of the data, it is
extremely important to hear the experience of the participants after performing studies in daily life.
Lack of physical activity and prevalence of physical
inactive is a global problem. The World Health
Organization points out physical inactivity as the
fourth leading cause for global mortality (World
Health Organization 2009). Despite the overall
policies for promotion of physical activity and the
well-known benefits for physical and mental health,
older adults are still not active. In the literature, the
proportion of older adults reaching the recommended
guidelines ranges from 2 to 83%, depending on the
guidelines and assessment methods chosen (Sun et al.
2013). Mobile technology has already provided
promising results in promoting physical activity, yet
the older population shows low interest in using
activity trackers (Alley et al. 2016). One reason might
be that the market of physical activity trackers often
targets a young, active and healthy population. It is
therefore important to hear the experiences and
opinions of the older adults, when intending to
develop interventions to promote physical activity
using mobile technology.
One emerging line of research combines
promotion of healthy lifestyles with promotion of
emotional wellbeing. For example, adapting
Frederickson’s ‘upward spiral theory of lifestyle
change’ to the promotion of physical activity, being
physically active might enhance emotional wellbeing
and, in turn, higher experience of emotional
wellbeing might motivate people to be more engaged
and active (Fredrickson 2013). To be confirmed, this
theory might open new horizons on interventions
promoting physical activity and, furthermore,
combining physical and mental health.
Mobile technology allows innovative methods to
assess multiple parameters simultaneously. However,
there is limited knowledge on the assessment of
emotional wellbeing in daily life, especially using
mobile technology. Emotional wellbeing concerns
positive affective states, or positive emotions
(Fredrickson 2001; Lyubomirsky et al. 2005).
Experience sampling, also known as ecological
sampling, is a commonly used method in research to
assess emotions in daily life (Csikszentmihalyi &
Hunter 2003), and provides the means to assess
Cabrita, M., Tabak, M. and Vollenbroek-Hutten, M.
Mobile Technology to Monitor Physical Activity and Wellbeing in Daily Life - Objective and Subjective Experiences of Older Adults.
DOI: 10.5220/0006321101640171
In Proceedings of the 3rd Inter national Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2017), pages 164-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-251-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
positive emotions following the requirements
proposed by Kanning and colleagues (Kanning et al.
2013). Despite its value for research, it has been less
explored as a monitoring method, to be used over
longer periods of time and create awareness about the
own wellbeing.
In this study, we present the results of a one-
month daily life study that investigates objective and
subjective experiences of community-dwelling older
adults regarding physical activity promotion and
monitoring of positive emotions in daily life. This
work has two main objectives:
1 To investigate how older adults experience
promotion of physical activity in their daily life
using mobile technology;
2 To investigate how older adults experience
monitoring positive emotions in their daily life
using mobile technology;
As an exploratory study we also propose to
investigate the relation between physical activity and
experience of positive emotions per day.
This study is innovative as it provides older adults
with technology that is normally more appealing to
younger adults, and by investigating both objective
and subjective experience of using this technology in
daily life. This study focuses on the individual
experience, following each participant for the course
of one month with an interview at the end of this
period to elicit subjective experiences. The results of
this study will be used in the development of
technology-based interventions to promote physical
activity and emotional wellbeing among older adults.
2.1 Participants
Twenty-three older adults were recruited in the
PERSSILAA project ( and in
events related to promotion of healthy behaviours. All
who were interested received information letters via
post explaining the research in more detail and were
invited for an interview at the premises of the
participating institution. Twelve older adults (7
female) accepted to participate in the study.
Technology was explained by two researchers and the
participants had time to ask questions. Participants
were asked to use the technology at their own pace
during four weeks. This study adhered to the
guidelines set forth by the Declaration of Helsinki and
it was approved by the institutional review board at
the participating institution. All participants provided
written informed consent.
The average age of the participants was 69 years
old (range 65 – 78 years). Three participants lived
alone, 8 with someone else and 1 did not want to share
this information. This participant dropped out after 5
days due to data privacy concerns. Although
authorization was given to use the 5 days of data, we
decided to not include the data. According to the
frailty assessment from the Groningen Frailty
Indicator (GFI) (Steverink et al. 2001), 3 participants
suffered from decline, 7 were robust, and 2 were
inconclusive due to missing data. In particular, 2
participants evidenced some physical function
decline when assessed with the Short Form-36 Health
Survey (Ware 1993). Table 1 provides a global
overview of the demographics and health related
characteristics of the participants.
Table 1: Characteristics of the participants (n=11).
Characteristic N, range, (%)
Age (mean, range) 69, 65 - 78
6 (55%)
5 (45%)
Living Situation
With someone else
3 (27%)
8 (73%)
Elementary School
High School
Vocational School
1 (9%)
3 (27%)
6 (55%)
1 (9%)
General Frailty (GFI)
3 (27%)
7 (64%)
1 (9%)
Physical Function (SF-36)
2 (18%)
9 (82%)
BMI (mean, range) 25.3 (17.4 - 36.1)
2.2 Measurements
Physical Activity. Physical activity was monitored
using a Fitbit Zip® step counter that can be worn in
the pocket to assess number of steps throughout the
day. Literature has shown that this step counter
provides a valid estimation of the number of steps in
both the laboratory (Case et al. 2015; Lee et al. 2014;
Kooiman et al. 2015; Nelson et al. 2016) and free-
living (Ferguson et al. 2015; Tully et al. 2014;
Kooiman et al. 2015) environments with accuracy
values ranging between 0.90 and 1 in both conditions.
Mobile Technology to Monitor Physical Activity and Wellbeing in Daily Life - Objective and Subjective Experiences of Older Adults
Feedback on physical activity was provided on the
device itself, and also on the screen of the mobile
phone, using the Activity Coach application. This
application is a re-design of the application developed
by Roessingh Research and Development and tested
with several clinical populations, such as cancer
survivors (Wolvers et al. 2015) and patients suffering
from chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (Tabak
et al. 2014). In the mobile phone, participants
received feedback on the number of steps at that
moment, number of steps at the current day per hour
and during the last week per day. Participants could
also see a representation of how far they were from
reaching the daily goal. The daily step goal was set to
7500 steps, following the research of Tudor-Locke
and colleagues (Tudor-Locke et al. 2011).
Participants were told that this goal could be changed
upon request.
Positive emotions. Emotional wellbeing was
operationalized by 6 discrete positive emotions.
Participants were asked at the end of every day (at
20:30) to which extent they experienced six discrete
positive emotions (joy, amusement, awe,
love/friendliness, interest and serenity) and to rate it
on a Likert scale from 1 (‘not at all’) to 7 (‘very
intense’). The positive emotions asked were taken
from the modified Differential Emotions Scale
(Fredrickson 2013). The emotions were chosen to
cover the full arousal, or activation, dimension.
Usability and feasibility. At the end of the 4-week
period, participants were invited for a semi-structured
interview to share their experience. The objective of
this interview was to obtain an extended evaluation of
the usability and feasibility of the system. Examples
of questions asked were “Which features of the
Activity Coach do you consider as the most
important?” and “Did you become more aware of
your wellbeing by answering the questions daily?”.
2.3 Data Analysis
The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed
verbatim. The transcripts were categorized in themes
and sub-themes using inductive thematic analysis
(Braun & Clarke 2006). An iterative process was
taken until eliciting the final codes.
Correlations between physical activity and
positive emotions are calculated with bivariate
correlation analysis. A composed variable of daily
positive emotions was created by summing the results
of the 6 emotions. Physical activity was
operationalized in 4 discrete variables retrieved
directly from the Fitbit classifications: number of
steps per day, and number of minutes per day spend
in each one of the following activity levels: inactive,
lightly active, moderate-to-very active.
Eleven older adults participated in the study on an
average of 27 days resulting on a total of 292 days of
data collected. The daily average of steps was slightly
above 6000 steps, with the daily averages among
participants varying from 2989 to 10572 steps per
day. Table 2 provides a summary of the combined
results from all participants.
3.1 Experience of Promotion of
Physical Activity in Daily Life
Figure 1 provides an overview of the number of steps
per day performed by four participants. Only 1
participant in the study consistently met the daily
goal, 5 participants almost never reached the daily
goal and the remaining 6 participants reached the goal
almost on half of the days. No subject asked to change
the goal during the study period. The participant who
met the goal every day said that he/she was not
interested in increasing the goal due to the
accomplishment feeling experienced by seeing that
the goal was achieved every day. When asked about
the difficulty of the step goal, 4 participants reported
that it was too high, as they could not reach the goal
in (almost) any day. Three participants found the goal
appropriate, as in challenging but achievable,
considering that it requires an extra effort to be
achieved, as “it comes not by itself”. One participant
found the goal very difficult in the beginning but it
motivated him/her to become more active, and at the
end of the 4 weeks it was actually easy to achieve.
Two participants found the goal easy or very easy.
Finally, 1 participant said that he/she did not look at
the goal during the 4 weeks. Most participants
reported that the Activity Coach helped them to
become more aware of their physical behavior and
helped them to become more active.
“In the beginning I found the daily goal very high,
but now it does not look much at all. If you walk 2
kilometers you are almost there. And then if you
walk a bit in the house you reach the goal.”
(Male, 66 yrs)
When comparing the measured average number of
steps of each participant with the sample average, 4
participants are substantially above the average, 2
slightly above (less than 500 steps difference) and 4
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 2: Descriptive analysis of the parameters assessed regarding physical activity and emotional wellbeing.
Characteristic Mean (standard deviation), range
Study duration in days (N=292) 27 (1.5), 23 – 28
Physical Activity (N = 273)
Full sample
Variation between subjects
6316 (3688), 224 – 20158
2989 – 10572, (1554 – 5044), 224 – 20158
Distance (km) 4.51 (2.67), 0.15 – 15.51
Sedentary minutes per day 1269 (72), 1037 – 1440
Moderate-to-intense active minutes per day 29 (34), 0 – 215
Daily wellbeing (N = 272)
Joy 5.53 (0.79), 3 – 7
Awe 5.55 (0.77), 3 – 7
Interest 5.63 (0.72), 3 – 7
Serenity 5.64 (0.90), 2 – 7
Love / Friendliness 5.75 (0.84), 3 – 7
Amusement 5.68 (0.92), 3 – 7
Sum of positive emotions 33.76 (4.34), 19 – 42
participants are below the average. When asked about
how the participants perceive their physical activity
level compared to their peers, two participants
answered that they perceive themselves as more
active than average, whereas, in fact, their measured
physical activity is below average.
There are also divergences when looking at the
comparison between self-perceived and objectively
measured change in physical activity during the 4
weeks period. Three participants perceived
themselves as becoming more active while in fact this
did not happen, while 2 participants said they did not
become more active while that data actually shows
they did.
All participants were satisfied with the possibility
to see an overview of the number of steps per day and
per week. This overview helped participants
becoming more aware of their physical activity
encouraging them to become more active.
It just motivates you, and I kind of like it to keep
track of what you’re doing and what you’re doing
per week and per day, yes I like it very much.”
(Female, 70) or “Yes, one time I was like ‘ehm, today
I had a little less, so tomorrow I should be moving a
little more’" (Female, 70)
Besides the functionalities currently available,
participants would like to see an overview of their
steps over longer periods of time (e.g. months or
years) and would like to also see the distance
performed on each day. Participants would also like
to see personalized recommendations on how to
achieve the desired physical activity level.
Figure 1: Variation of the number of steps per day for 4 participants. The coloured circles represent the number of steps taken
on that day, the black line, the trend on the number of steps during the study. The green line represents the goal set to 7500
steps per day.
Mobile Technology to Monitor Physical Activity and Wellbeing in Daily Life - Objective and Subjective Experiences of Older Adults
Nine participants reported that they see the added
value of using technology in daily life for monitoring
physical activity. One of the participants bought a
step counter for him/herself while participating in the
study. Two participants said that, although it was fun
to monitor physical activity, they would not do it in
everyday life. These were the most active
I have to admit that, now that I have participated
in this study, it is very clear for me how important it
is to monitor physical activity.” (Female, 73)
3.2 Daily Monitoring of Positive
From the small standard deviations of the ratings of
experience of positive emotions in Table 2, it is
visible that most of the participants use only 3 values
of the Likert’s scale providing a very small variability
during the study. The reliability of the scale of
positive emotions in this sample was acceptable
(Cronbach’s α = .93).
The opinions of the participants regarding
monitoring of emotional wellbeing varied notably.
Six participants considered that they became more
aware of their wellbeing by answering the questions.
You really learn to realize the way you are and
the way you work, you start to think about these
things a little more, yes.” (Female, 70)
However, only 4 participants saw an added value
on this. Most participants were very critical about
answering the wellbeing-related questions. The most
referred remarks concerned the repetition of the
questions, i.e. every day the same questions, and the
fact that no feedback was provided.
“Ok but it is always the same question, then I
answer every time the same, 6, 6, 6, 6 and ok that
time a 7 because I was really happy, but nothing
else…” (Male, 78)
“I mean I would consider a 4 too little, that is not
correct. Then I have to choose among the other
numbers, I don’t stay at the 7, because that would be
idiotic, right? No, I wouldn’t do it!” (Female, 67)
Also, participants found it difficult to understand
how the emotions differ between each other.
“The questions are in fact almost the same. If you
are satisfied, than you are also happy more often,
this type of thing…” (Female, 72)
One subjected mentioned that he/she would like
to see the feedback on positive emotions linked to the
feedback on physical activity.
3.3 Relation Between Physical Activity
and Positive Emotions
The reports of the participants on the experience of
monitoring positive emotions in daily life, made us
question the reliability of the data collected and,
consequently, limit the analysis to correlation
analysis, only to grasp a feeling of the data. Table 4
provides the results of the bivariate relation between
distinct ways of operationalize physical activity (i.e.
steps, distance, and total number of minutes engaged
in sedentary, light intensity and moderate to high
intense physical activity) and positive emotions
(happiness, cheerful, curious, calm, friendly and
Table 3: Self-perception of physical activity (PA) level compared to peers and objectively measured, as well as self-perception
of change in physical activity during the 4 weeks of study and objectively measured. In grey shadow are represented the cases
when the subjective perception and the measured data coincide.
Self-perception of PA
compared to peers
Objectively measured
PA compared to peers
of change in PA
Objectively measured
change in PA
1 + + - +
2 + + + -
3 - - + -
4 + - + +
5 / - - /
6 + ++ - /
7 + ++ - /
8 + - - +
9 - - + -
10 + ++ + +
11 + ++ / /
a) + represents more active than peers, / corresponds to neutral or unclear statements and - corresponds to less active than
b) ++ represents more active than peers and quite above the daily goal, + more active than peers but average below goal line,
- less active than peers
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
satisfied, and sum value). The number of steps per
day and the distance is significantly associated to the
daily ratings of curiosity/interest (p<0.05).
Furthermore, the number of sedentary minutes is
associated to the rating of friendliness (p<0.05).
In this study we compared the subjective and
objective experience of coaching physical activity
and monitoring positive emotions in daily life using
mobile technology. Older adults see an added value
on monitoring physical activity, but not so much in
monitoring wellbeing. Moreover, we investigated the
relation between physical activity and six discrete
positive emotions. Our results suggest that the
relation between physical activity and positive
emotions is not direct, suggesting that other factors
might act as moderators. However, due to the small
sample size and considering the criticism concerning
the assessment of positive emotions, these results
should be taken with caution and we highly
encourage further research. In the following sub-
sections, the results associated to each one of the
objectives are discussed in more detail.
4.1 Experience of Promotion of
Physical Activity in Daily Life
In general, the participants were very satisfied with
the opportunity to monitor physical activity in daily
life and, in particular, with the tracker chosen. This
physical activity tracker is discrete, can be worn in the
pocket, has long battery duration and is simple. This
fact suggests that, although older adults are often not
the target population of the market of physical
trackers, after a small nudge to start using the
technology, they actually perceive an added value.
The average number of steps of the full sample
was approximately 6300 steps/day, with large
individual differences. In the present moment there is
no commonly accepted guideline for the number of
steps older adults should take per day. Literature
elsewhere reports similar ranges of steps with healthy
older adults ranging from 2000 to 9000 steps/day and
special populations 1200 to 8800 steps/day (Tudor-
Locke et al. 2011). It is therefore not surprising, that
some participants experienced the goal of 7500
steps/day as difficult, while others reached it with no
difficulty every day. This large variability in the daily
number of steps emphasizes the need for tailored
interventions with goals set specifically to each
individual. A possible approach to automatically
goal-setting is provided by (Cabrita et al. 2014). The
Goal-Setting theory suggests that, to be motivating,
goals must be challenging but achievable (Locke &
Latham 2002). This is clearly seen in the subjective
experience reported by the participants in the
interview. Those who were already very active, and
constantly above the daily goal, reported limited
added value from the system; on the contrary, those
who started below the goal, but close to it, mentioned
that the system helped to make them more aware of
their lack of physical activity and motivated them to
become more active. Similar results are presented by
(Eisenhauer et al. 2016).
During the four weeks of study, several technical
issues were reported, on the connectivity between the
step counter and the smartphone. Similar technical
problems are also reported in literature (Harrison et
al. 2014). Despite these issues, the participants
reported a positive experience, perceived the
Table 4: Bivariate analysis (Spearman 2-tailed) between several measures of physical activity and positive emotions.
Joy Awe Interest Serenity Love Amusement
steps .056 .099 .141* -.053 -.099 .025 .020
distance .049 .095 .138* -.046 -.090 .028 .021
#minutes inactive .000 -.056 -.021 .093 .152* .014 .045
#minutes lightly
-.001 .041 -.010 -.071 -.111 -.001 -.035
#minutes moderate-
-.010 .017 .057 -.072 -.119 -.035 -.052
Mobile Technology to Monitor Physical Activity and Wellbeing in Daily Life - Objective and Subjective Experiences of Older Adults
technology as useful, and were comfortable using it.
Furthermore, it is difficult to distinguish between
inactive time and not worn time. This is particularly
difficult in the evenings, as it might be that older
adults stop carrying the step counter but keep doing
their normal activities.
4.2 Daily Monitoring of Emotional
The opinions about monitoring emotional wellbeing
diverged. While part of the participants became more
aware about their wellbeing, only a few perceived an
added value. The strongest criticism was that
participants did not receive any feedback on their
answers. Some participants also referred that they
were not used to reflect on their emotions and do not
feel comfortable doing so. Participants perceived
wellbeing, or mental health, as something too
personal to provide information about to a machine.
This is perceived differently than information related
to physical health, showing the stigma might still be
present when talking about mental health.
Regarding the assessment method, participants
perceived the questions as too repetitive. We suggest
that, while experience sampling is a promising
method to assess emotions, attention should be given
when designing the questions. For example, variation
in the phrasing should be considered to avoid
unreflective answers.
Further research should be performed on the
assessment of emotional wellbeing in daily life. One
can think of strategies as facial recognition or text
mining from the data in social media; however, these
methods do not request reflection from the person
being assessed, as initially desired in this study.
Nevertheless, predictive models of daily emotions are
currently being investigated and can open room for
interventions in daily life, yet with limited confidence
in positive results (Asselbergs et al. 2016).
4.3 Relation Between Physical Activity
and Positive Emotions
Our study follows the 3 recommendations of the
Kanning and colleagues for within-subject analysis of
physical activity and affective states: objective
assessment of physical activity, the importance of real
time assessment, affective states measured
electronically (Kanning et al. 2013). Despite
following these recommendations, we were not able
to investigate the dynamics between positive
emotions and physical activity, as initially desired.
Based on the interviews performed after the study, we
considered that the answers given to the daily ratings
of positive emotions were not reliable. In any case,
our preliminary analysis suggests that there is some
evidence to confirm a relation between positive
emotions and physical activity, dependent on the
operationalization of the outcome. We recommend
further research investigating the context of the
activities. Another suggestion is to perform studies
for longer periods of time and extract only the data
points in which the experience of positive emotions
deviates from the mode value.
Our study suggests that older adults are willing to
monitor their physical activity in daily life and that
the technology helps them becoming more aware of
their current activity level. On the contrary, older
adults perceive limited added value of monitoring
emotional wellbeing in daily life – in this study
operationalized as experience of positive emotions –
mostly due to the repetitiveness of the questions. The
interviews performed with the participants at the end
of the study revealed low reliability on the data
collected on the wellbeing. For this reason, a
thorough analysis on the relation between physical
activity and positive emotions was not performed.
Further research needs to be performed in the
mobile assessment of emotional wellbeing before
being able to look at the relations with other factors.
The interviews performed after using technology
were extremely important to let us make sense of the
data collected. We would like to alert researchers
using mobile assessment of emotions to question the
reliability of their data when repeating the same
questions for a long period of time.
The work presented in this paper is being carried out
within the PERSSILAA project and funded by the
European Union 7th Framework Programme under
Grant FP7-ICT-610359. The authors would like to
thank Jandia Melenk and Nada El Meshawy for their
support conducting the interviews.
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Mobile Technology to Monitor Physical Activity and Wellbeing in Daily Life - Objective and Subjective Experiences of Older Adults