A Fuzzy Scheduling Mechanism for a Self-Adaptive Web Services
Anderson Francisco Talon
and Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Av. Albert Einstein 1251, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Information Systems, Faculty FGP (FGP), Rua Prof. Massud José Nachef 2855, Pederneiras, SP, Brazil
Keywords: Fuzzy Monitoring, Self-Adaptive Monitoring, pro-Active Monitoring, Web-Service Monitoring, e-Contract
Abstract: The rise of web services have become increasingly more visible. Monitoring these services ensures Quality
of Service and it is the basis for verifying and potentially predicting e-contract violations. This paper
proposes a fuzzy scheduling mechanism that attempts to predict a possible e-contract violation based on
historical data of the provider’s services. Consequently, there is a self-configuration on the architecture that
changes service priority, making the provider processes the high priority services before low priority
services. This prediction can also helps the self-optimization of the architecture. A decrease of e-contract
violations can be observed. Though it is not always possible to predict a failure, the architecture is capable
of self-healing by using recovery actions. Comparing the fuzzy scheduling with others known in the
literature, an improvement of 31.52% in the e-contracts accomplishment is observed, and a decrease of
35.59% in average response time was achieved. Furthermore, by using the fuzzy scheduling, the overload of
the provider was better balanced, varying at most 8.43%, while the variation in other scheduling
mechanisms reached 41.15%. The results show that the fuzzy scheduling mechanism is promising.
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) can help the
integration of heterogeneous platforms and the
construction of complex applications by combining
simple services. However, these integrations and
compositions can create some functional problems,
such as: (i) services can change in the provider; (ii)
services can stop working in the provider; and/or,
(iii) services can run completely different than
expected, due to a functional programming error.
Furthermore, maintaining non-functional
properties, such as response time, availability,
reliability, and security can become a difficult
problem to solve.
Because of those problems, it is essential to
monitor the web service compositions. For the
consumers, it is important to know if the provider is
respecting the established electronic contract (e-
contract). For the providers, it is important to know
if they are satisfying functional and non-functional
features as required by their consumers.
The main contribution of this paper is to propose
a fuzzy scheduling mechanism to predict if the
provider may cause an e-contract violation. Based
on this early prediction, some actions can be taken,
such as: (i) the consumer can select another provider
which would be able to attend its needs; (ii) the
provider can increase its processing capability to be
able to accomplish all e-contracts; and/or, (iii) both
parts can renegotiate the e-contract changing QoS
(Quality of Service) values.
This research is based on a previous architecture
(Fantinato et al., 2010). The researchers presented a
monitor that examines service executions to verify if
QoS levels are satisfied. The main difference
between our proposed architecture is the monitor,
which predicts e-contract violations before they
actually happen. Three modules were added to the
architecture: analyzer, optimizer, and recovery.
The analyzer module uses a fuzzy system to
predict e-contracts violations. All analyses to predict
e-contract violation are made in parallel with the
service execution. The optimizer module changes the
service priority based on the analysis results. A
priority queue is adapted according to the analysis
results. If an e-contract violation happened, the
Talon, A. and Madeira, E.
A Fuzzy Scheduling Mechanism for a Self-Adaptive Web Services Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0006321705290536
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 529-536
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
recovery module will try to fix it. Only the analyzer
module uses an artificial intelligence technique.
The proposed mechanism improves e-contract
accomplishment. A fuzzy system was used to
change the service priority, processing higher-level
services first. With this priority queue, the service
average response time was decreased and the service
availability was increased.
When analysing the results, an improvement can
be observed in the system’s performance.
Comparing the fuzzy scheduling mechanism with
the queue, random, shorter duedate, shorter response
time, and shorter processing time scheduling
mechanisms, there was an increase in the e-contract
accomplishment and a decrease in the average
response time.
The use of web service technology can decrease the
implementation time of new services, because of the
reusability and integration of the system in distinct
A contract is an agreement between two or more
parties to establish mutual relationships in business
or legal obligations. The e-contracts are used to
describe agreements between organizations of
electronic business on the internet. They may
include QoS attributes agreed between the parties
The service monitoring has the task of following
process/service execution and taking actions when
certain requirements of QoS are not being met
(Papazoglou et al., 2008).
Autonomic Computing is an approach to design
self-managing computing systems that have a
minimal human interference. The self-managing
system can be divided into four properties: self-
configuration, self-optimization, self-healing, and
self-protection. Self-Adaptive Systems have
contained some elements of these properties for
some time. The terms autonomic computing, self-
managing systems, and self-adaptive systems can be
used synonymously (Huebscher and McCann, 2008).
A fuzzy system has mechanisms based on fuzzy
sets and/or fuzzy logic for the treatment of
imprecision. This imprecision can be expressed by
variables whose values are represented by fuzzy
sets. These codification of these variables allows the
generalization of information associated with
imprecision (Yager and Filev, 1994).
The proposed architecture is based on the work of
(Fantinato et al., 2010) for business process
execution. A business process is a composition of
web services. In their work, they presented a
monitor that follows up services execution to verify
if the QoS levels are met. The main difference from
the original architecture and the one presented in this
paper is the addition of the analyzer, optimizer, and
recovery modules, developed for monitoring
purposes, which have the ability to predict e-contract
violations before they happen.
The proposed architecture and fuzzy scheduling
mechanism were presented in (Talon and Madeira,
2015b). In the current paper, comparisons between
the fuzzy scheduling mechanism and other
traditional scheduling mechanisms are shown. The
other scheduling mechanisms are: (i) Queue: first
incoming request will be the first to be answered
(FIFO – first in, first out); (ii) Random: a random
number is assigned to each request and the provider
answers the requests according to the order; (iii)
Shorter Duedate: the request that has the closest
time to a violation will be answered first by the
provider; (iv) Shorter Response Time: the provider
answers the services with the shortest response time
first; and, (v) Shorter Processing Time: the
provider answers the services with the shortest
processing time first.
The architecture is composed of four entities
(provider, consumer, monitor, and negotiator) and
involves five phases for business process execution
(negotiation, monitoring, optimization, recovery,
and renegotiation). Each entity is composed of
repository(ies) and module(s). The Service-Oriented
Computing (SOC) is responsible for the
communication between services that are stored on a
Service Repository (SR).
The negotiator entity is responsible for the
phases of (re)negotiation. It is composed of a
negotiator module and an e-Contract Repository
(ECR). The negotiation phase is responsible for the
creation of the e-contract and its QoS parameters.
The renegotiation phase is responsible for the
modification of the e-contract and its QoS
parameters. Both phases, (re)negotiation, will not
be treated in this paper. For the purpose of this
paper, it is assumed that e-contracts exist and all
entities have them. The e-contracts are stored on the
The proposed architecture with its entities and
modules can be observed in Figure 1.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Proposed Architecture.
The monitor in the proposed architecture can be
classified as soft-intrusive and asynchronous. It is
soft-intrusive because a little change in consumer
and provider are necessary. Both of them need to
add a new message to the monitor into their code. It
is asynchronous because all analyses to predict e-
contract violation are made in parallel with the
service execution. The architecture monitors two
features: response time and availability. In this
paper, the monitor is considered light-weight (where
the monitor handles only one web service feature),
but the architecture also supports heavy-weight
monitoring (where only one monitor handles
different features of the web service). The two
monitors work together, where the first one controls
the response time and the second one the
availability, both for the same e-contract QoS.
The monitor module intercepts all messages
between the provider and the consumer. These
messages, and their response time and process time,
are stored into the Data Repository (DR).
The analyzer module uses the data from the DR
to estimate the possibility of an e-contract violation,
which is determined by a fuzzy system. The fuzzy
system is used because it is a technique that treats
imprecision, and in this case, it is not possible to
guarantee when there will be an e-contract violation.
The optimizer module uses information
regarding the analysis in order to change the service
priority. The main idea about the priority queue is: if
a service is more probable to violate the e-contract,
it should have a higher priority over other services.
The service should run before by the provider.
The analyzer and optimizer modules have the
task of trying to accomplish e-contracts. However, a
contract break can still happen. Faced a contract
break, the recovery module tries to fix it by
increasing the service priority. The priorities of the
recovery module are greater than the priorities of the
optimizer module. In other words, if there was a
contract break, this service would run before others.
3.1 Priority Queue
The priority queue was set with ten priority levels.
Services can receive a value ranging between 0 and
9. The provider should run services with higher
priority before services with lower priority.
The priority levels are divided into four groups.
The first group represents no possibility of violation.
The second one represents the possibility of
violation, where these levels are determined by a
fuzzy system. The architecture uses 5 fuzzy levels
because of the combination between the linguistic
terms of the fuzzy sets. The third group corresponds
to an e-contract violation, according to the response
time. Lastly, the fourth group represents an e-
contract violation, according to the availability. The
availability feature has higher priority than the
response time feature because it will not respond at
the agreed time if the service is unavailable.
More details are given as it follows:
Level 0 / Group 1: All services start at this
level. Their execution will not result in
contract violation.
Level 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 / Group 2: Execution of
services at this level may result in contract
violation. The analyzer module determines the
possibility of violation from the historical data
and sends this information to the optimizer
module. Level 1 represents very-low
possibility of violation; Level 2, low
possibility; Level 3, medium possibility; Level
4, high possibility; and, Level 5, very-high
possibility of violation.
Level 6 / Group 3: Execution of services at
this level violated the required response time
on the consumer side only. In this case, the
provider processes the request in time, but the
response does not arrive at the consumer in
time. The monitor detects it and informs the
recovery module.
Level 7 / Group 3: Execution of services at
this level violated the required response time
on the provider side (and on the consumer side
as well). In this case, the provider is not
processing the request in time. The monitor
detects it and informs the recovery module.
Level 8 / Group 4: Execution of services at
this level represents a small availability
violation, which means violations up to a set
acceptable rate of violation. For example, if
the availability is set to 95%, the rate of
violation is 5%. Therefore, a small availability
violation is greater than or equal to 90%, and
smaller than 95%.
A Fuzzy Scheduling Mechanism for a Self-Adaptive Web Services Architecture
Level 9 / Group 4: Execution of services at
this level represents a big availability
violation, which means violations are greater
than an acceptable rate of violation. For
example, if the availability is set to 95%, the
rate of violation is 5%. Therefore, a big
availability violation is smaller than 90%.
3.2 Fuzzy System Definitions
The architecture and the fuzzy scheduling
mechanism use a fuzzy system to determine the
priority of each service. By using two monitors (one
controlling the response time and other the
availability), the possibility of e-contract violation
could differ between themselves. This means that
the service can have different priority levels. To fix
the conflict, the optimizer module uses the higher
priority level as the service priority level.
Four linguistic variables are used to generate the
system’s fuzzy rules: inclination, maximum, order,
and minimum. The description of the variables is as
follows. Inclination variable: if the delay in
responding to a service is increasing, the service
should start earlier. Maximum variable: if the time to
respond to a service is close to the maximum value
of the e-contract response time, the service should
start earlier. Order variable: a service with a faster
processing time should run before services with a
slower processing time. Minimum variable: if a
service is close to the minimum e-contract
availability value, this service should start earlier.
The inclination variable is determined by the
inclination of a straight line. This line is calculated
by an interpolation of historical data. On a growing
line, the inclination of first-degree equations is
between 0 (zero) and 90 (ninety) degrees. The
linguistic terms and the fuzzy sets are represented in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Inclination Variable.
The relation between the current response times
and the maximum response time set on the e-
contract determines the maximum variable. The
current response times are determined by historical
data. The maximum variable quantifies how much
time is required for the current response times to
reach the maximum response time. This variable has
a domain between 0 (zero) and 1 (one). The
linguistic terms and the fuzzy sets are represented in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Maximum Variable.
The order variable is determined by the
processing time. If a service has a faster processing
time, it should run before services with slower
processing time. The processing time is obtained
from the historical data. This variable has a domain
between 0 (zero) and 1 (one), where zero represents
the fastest service processing time and one the
slowest. By running the service with the shortest
processing time first, the architecture decreases the
global average waiting time for all services. The
linguistic terms and the fuzzy sets are represented in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Order Variable.
The relation between the current and the
minimum availabilities of the e-contract determines
the minimum variable. The current availability is
determined by historical data. The minimum variable
determines how much the current availability needs
to decrease in order to reach the minimum
availability. This variable has a domain between 0
(zero) and 1 (one). The linguistic terms and the
fuzzy sets are represented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Minimum Variable.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The foundation of fuzzy system is composed of
twenty-four rules. The rules were created from the
combination between linguistic variables and fuzzy
sets. The very-high and the very-low sets have high
priority because of the large possibility of violation.
The rules were determined empirically. The rules
IF inclination IS very-high THEN priority IS 5
IF maximum IS very-low THEN priority IS 5
IF minimum IS very-low THEN priority IS 5
IF order IS first AND minimum IS low THEN priority IS 5
IF order IS first AND minimum IS medium THEN priority IS 4
IF order IS first AND minimum IS high THEN priority IS 3
IF inclination IS high AND maximum IS low THEN priority IS 5
IF inclination IS high AND
maximum IS medium THEN priority IS 4
IF inclination IS high AND maximum IS high THEN priority IS 2
IF order IS second AND minimum IS low THEN priority IS 4
IF order IS second AND minimum IS medium THEN priority IS 3
IF order IS second AND minimum IS high THEN priority IS 2
IF inclination IS medium AND maximum IS low THEN priority IS 4
IF inclination IS medium AND maximum IS medium
THEN priority IS 2
IF inclination IS medium AND maximum IS high THEN priority IS 1
IF order IS next-to-the-last AND minimum IS low THEN priority IS 3
IF order IS next-to-the-last AND minimum IS medium THEN priority IS 2
IF order IS next-to-the-last AND minimum IS high THEN priority IS 1
IF inclination IS low AND maximum IS low THEN priority IS 2
IF inclination IS low AND maximum IS medium THEN priority IS 1
inclination IS low AND maximum IS high THEN priority IS 0
IF order IS last AND minimum IS low THEN priority IS 2
IF order IS last AND minimum IS medium THEN priority IS 1
IF order IS last AND minimum IS high THEN priority IS 0
The inference method determines the priority of
each service, with the use of all the rules. Priority is
determined by the rule that has the maximum
relevance rate.
The proposed architecture and mechanism are
completely flexible. They allow the use of other
linguistic terms. The fuzzy sets can be defined by
other functions, and their limits can be different. The
rule base and the number of rules may be different
as well. The fuzzy system definitions presented in
this paper, chosen empirically, were used for the test
scenario. The initial assessment was necessary to
determine if the fuzzy theory was appropriate in
solve the problem of improving e-contract
Initially, the test scenario is presented. Subsequently,
some previous results are showed. Then, the new
results of the comparison between the fuzzy
scheduling mechanism against others are presented.
4.1 Scenario
To validate the proposed architecture and
mechanism, a real scenario was created with two
providers (PA, and PB), each one offers with two
services (SA, and SB), and eight consumers (CA,
CB, CC, CD, CE, CF, CG, and CH). Tests were
performed in a Local Area Network (LAN) with
average latency of 6ms. The LAN is a real network
with real traffic.
To simulate a web service composition,
consumers could use one service from the provider,
both services from the same provider, or services
from different providers. The entire management of
the compositions was done by twelve e-contracts
ECI, ECJ, ECK, and ECL). The scenario with the
services composition can be observed in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Test Environment.
The consumers, providers, and services involved
in the twelve e-contracts used in the test
environment can be seen in Table 1. Each e-contract
has QoS values for the maximum acceptable value
of response time and the minimum acceptable value
of availability for each service. Two monitors (MA,
and MB) are responsible for the QoS. MA is
responsible for the non-functional feature response
time and MB is responsible for the non-functional
feature availability. For all e-contracts, the
maximum agreed response time was 1.25 seconds,
and the minimum agreed availability was 95%.
Table 1: e-Contracts.
The e-contracts were chosen to simulate requests
to one provider only, two services from one
provider, and two services from different providers,
in order to simulate different situations.
The information stored in the e-contract was:
agreed service, the consumer using the service, the
provider offering the service, the monitor that
monitors the QoS, the non-functional feature of the
QoS, and the maximum/minimum value of the non-
functional feature monitored.
For the tests, different machines were used. The
machines were physically separated and no
virtualization was used. Two hosts (Host A, and
Host B) were used for the tests. Providers and
A Fuzzy Scheduling Mechanism for a Self-Adaptive Web Services Architecture
Monitors were in Host A and Consumers were in
Host B.
The results presented in this paper used Poisson
distribution to determine when consumers would
make the requests, without external interference.
The distribution was parameterized with an average
of 7 (seven) requests per minute for all e-contracts,
during 30-40 minutes.
4.2 Previous Results
The intelligent architecture/mechanism using fuzzy
system aims to prevent a possible e-contract
violation by increasing the e-contract
accomplishment. This proposal was proved to be
very promising in previous works.
When monitoring only the response time, there
was an increase of 8.95% in e-contracts
accomplishment and a decrease of 31.32% in
average response time (Talon et al., 2014). When
monitoring only the availability, there was an
increase of 18.98% in e-contracts accomplishment.
Moreover, in the architecture with two light-weight
monitors, there was an increase of 40.41% in e-
contracts accomplishment and a decrease of 42.64%
in average response time (Talon and Madeira,
2015a). A comparison between light-weight and
heavy-weight monitoring was done too. A better
performance with the heavy-weight monitoring was
observed (Talon and Madeira, 2015b).
4.3 Comparing Scheduling
Various scheduling mechanisms were used to
compare the performance of the proposed fuzzy
mechanism. The fuzzy scheduling mechanism was
compared with queue, random, shorter duedate,
shorter response time, and shorter processing time
scheduling mechanisms. Details about the
mechanisms are described in section 3.
These results can be seen in Tables 2, 3, 4, 5, and
6. In all tables, the first line shows the results of the
e-contracts accomplishment according to the
availability. The second line shows the results of the
e-contracts accomplishment according to the
consumer's side response time. The third line shows
the results of the e-contracts accomplishment
according to the provider’s side response time. The
penultimate line shows the average response time
according to consumer's side. The last line shows the
average response time according to provider's side.
Table 2 shows the comparison between the fuzzy
scheduling and the traditional queue scheduling
(first in first out).
Table 2: Fuzzy and Queue comparison.
Table 3 exhibits the comparison between the
fuzzy scheduling and a random scheduling. For each
request a random number is assigned and the
provider responds according to the order of the
Table 3: Fuzzy and Random comparison.
Table 4 shows the comparison between the fuzzy
scheduling and the shorter duedate to reach the limit
in the e-contract, meaning that the request with the
closest time to violation will be responded first by
the provider.
Table 4: Fuzzy and Shorter Duedate comparison.
Table 5 represents the comparison between the
fuzzy scheduling and the shorter response time
Table 5: Fuzzy and Shorter Response Time comparison.
Table 6 shows the comparison between the fuzzy
scheduling and the shorter processing time
In all the comparisons, the fuzzy system is better
than others scheduling. Though, the results of the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
shorter duedate, shorter response time, and shorter
process time schedules were close to the results of
the fuzzy scheduling. This outcome was expected
because the fuzzy system uses the same reasoning as
their fuzzy variables.
Table 6: Fuzzy and Shorter Processing Time comparison.
Even though the results are close, especially
between the fuzzy scheduling and the shorter
processing time scheduling, the proposed approach
displayed better load balancing in the providers.
When using fuzzy scheduling, all e-contracts were
treated similarly, with little variation amongst them.
With others scheduling, some e-contracts were
accomplished at 100% of the time, while other e-
contracts had high rates of violation. Table 7 shows
the variation between the highest and lowest values.
The columns related to “e-contract accomplishment”
represent the number of contracts that were
accomplished compared to the total number of
executed contracts (accomplished contracts plus
violated contracts) and the columns related to
“average response time” represent the response time
in seconds.
Table 7: Variation – Best and Worst Results.
Table 7 shows that the highest variation of e-
contract accomplishment using fuzzy scheduling
was 8.43%. The scheduling with the lowest variation
of e-contract accomplishment was the shorter
duedate with 14.2%, which represents an increase of
68.44% in the variation. The highest variation of
average response time using fuzzy scheduling was
0.155 seconds. The scheduling with the lowest
average variation of response time was the queue
with 0.45 seconds, which a consequent increase of
190.32% in the variation.
Related works that deal with one or more topics
relevant to our research are presented in this section.
With respect to monitoring, it is possible to list a
few works. A soft-intrusive monitoring can be found
in (Michlmayr et al., 2009), while an asynchronous
monitoring can be found in (Wetzstein et al., 2009).
The monitor proposed in this paper has three distinct
aspects combined: soft-intrusive, asynchronous, and
light-weight/heavy-weight monitoring. The current
monitor can handle both the light-weight and the
heavy-weight monitoring. One difference between
the researches with asynchronous monitoring and
ours is that others discovered a failure after process
execution while ours attempted to predict it during
process execution (in parallel).
Some authors use one or more autonomic
properties in their work. The self-configuration
property can be found in (Mannava and Ramesh,
2012), the self-optimization property can be found in
(Gounaris et al., 2008), and the self-healing property
can be found in (Angarita et al., 2016). In (Alférez et
al., 2014) a self-adaptive system is presented. The
architecture proposed in this paper has three
autonomic properties combined: self-configuration,
self-optimization, and self-healing.
Other authors have used fuzzy theory in web
service environments: (Shafiq et al., 2014) and
(Chouiref et al., 2016). However, none use fuzzy
theory to optimize the e-contracts accomplishments
in web services. The vast majority of works are
related to the discovery or selection of services.
The work of (Pernici and Siadat, 2011) is similar
to ours in terms of environment phases (formation,
execution, monitoring, and adaptation) and fuzzy
base rules. However, their architecture defines
actions to replace or negotiate services and ours
defines actions to improve current services.
The main goal of this work was to propose a fuzzy
scheduling mechanism to predict possible e-contract
violations based on services historical data. With the
prediction, this work tries to increase e-contract
accomplishment (consequently decrease e-contract
violation) using the fuzzy theory.
The proposed architecture can be classified as
self-adaptive because it shows three self-*
properties: (i) Self-Configuration Property: Based on
a fuzzy system, the analyzer module changes
A Fuzzy Scheduling Mechanism for a Self-Adaptive Web Services Architecture
services priority. The provider processes services
with high e-contract violation possibility first; (ii)
Self-Optimization Property: The optimizer module
uses all analysis made from historical data to take
pro-active actions in order to decrease the average
response time of services and to increase the average
services availability; and, (iii) Self-Healing
Property: As soon as the monitor detects an e-
contract violation, the recovery module is
responsible for fixing the violation.
Comparing the fuzzy scheduling mechanism
with other scheduling mechanisms, an improvement
of 31.52% is observed in the e-contracts
accomplishment and a decrease of 35.59% in
average response time. Furthermore, using the fuzzy
scheduling mechanism, the overload of the provider
was better balanced varying at most 8.43%, while
for the other scheduling mechanisms the variation
reached 41.15%. In all comparisons, when the fuzzy
system determines the order of the services, the
results are better than other scheduling mechanisms.
In further work, experiments will be run with
more services in each providers, to test the impact of
the fuzzy system. Tests will also be performed to
compare the proposed approach with other methods
(statistical regression, machine learning, neural
networks, etc.). In addition, the use of genetic
algorithms to optimize the mechanism will be
We would like to thank FAPESP and CNPq for the
financial support.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems