Introducing Context Awareness
in Unmodified, Context-unaware Software
Markus Raab
and Gergö Barany
Institute of Computer Languages, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Inria Paris, France
Context-aware Software Engineering, Configuration Specification.
Software tends to be highly configurable, but most applications are hardly context aware. For example, a web
browser provides many settings to configure printers and proxies, but nevertheless it is unable to dynamically
adapt to a new workplace. In this paper we aim to empirically demonstrate that by dynamic and automatic
reconfiguration of unmodified software we can systematically introduce context awareness. In 16 real-world
applications comprising 50 million lines of code we empirically investigate which of the 2,683 run-time
configuration accesses (1) already take context into account, or (2) can be manipulated at run-time to do so.
The results show that context awareness can be exploited far beyond the developers’ initial intentions. Our tool
Elektra dynamically intercepts the run-time configuration accesses and replaces them with a context aware
implementation. Users only need to specify contexts and add context sensors to make use of this potential.
Context—information about the environment in which
software executes—strongly influences the behavior
we expect from software, and most software is subject
to context. As our running example, we describe a
web browser with its local network settings as context:
In different networks, web browsers may require dif-
ferent proxy settings for Internet access. The default
printer might also have to be changed to a physically
co-located one.
If software (more) readily adapts its behavior au-
tomatically to its current context, we call it (more)
context aware (Alegre et al., 2016). Context aware-
ness fundamentally increases user experience (Dey
and Abowd, 2000). For example, if a web browser
considers its network context, users will be able to dis-
play a web page regardless of which proxy is required
by the network.
Context-oriented software engineering (COSE)
puts context awareness in its focus. Previous COSE ap-
proaches required developers to consider every context
already at design time (Kamina et al., 2014). Thus they
were not applicable for already existing large software
This work was performed while the author was at CEA
LIST Software Reliability Laboratory, France, and supported
by the French National Research Agency (ANR), project
AnaStaSec, ANR-14-CE28-0014.
projects and in particular for legacy software.
To improve on these issues, we propose to move
COSE to deployment time. This way we delay de-
cisions about supported contexts. Three classes of
stakeholders participate: (1) the developers, who still
focus on configurability without the need to explicitly
implement context awareness; (2) the administrators,
who enable context-awareness in applications with our
novel COSE process during deployment; and (3) the
end users, who enjoy more context-aware applications.
1.1 Research Questions
We claim that it is possible and practical to take un-
modified software, and by run-time reconfiguration,
improve their context awareness. Our goal is to ex-
ploit already existing run-time configuration accesses
(RCAs) in free and open source software (FLOSS).
To validate our claim, we answer 3 research questions:
First we need to show that enough RCAs are
present in FLOSS to support run-time reconfiguration.
To confirm that, in Section 4 we analyze the source
code in a sample of 16 popular and large-scale FLOSS
applications and count RCAs to answer
RQ 1:
often are RCAs used in FLOSS?
To find out whether RCAs occur sufficiently fre-
quently during run time, a dynamic analysis is needed.
Raab, M. and Barany, G.
Introducing Context Awareness in Unmodified, Context-unaware Software.
DOI: 10.5220/0006326602180225
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2017), pages 218-225
ISBN: 978-989-758-250-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In Section 5 we evaluate case studies with the same 16
applications and answer
RQ 2:
How many RCAs can
be made context aware?
In Section 6 we investigate if our proposed solution
is efficient enough by answering
RQ 3:
What is the
overhead of context-aware RCAs?
1.2 Contributions
This paper is (to the best of our knowledge) the first
endeavor to empirically investigate context awareness
in large-scale FLOSS applications:
We collected profound evidence that RCAs in
FLOSS applications can be used to improve con-
text awareness.
In case studies with 16 real-world applications we
found out that COSE improves unmodified FLOSS
No previous evaluation of context-aware applica-
tions was conducted using such large, complex,
and popular applications.
Contribution 1:
In a source-code analysis of 16
FLOSS applications we observe that a particular kind
of RCAs, namely invocation of the
function, is
used pervasively (2,683 call sites). (Section 4)
Contribution 2:
We confirm that RCAs are used ubiq-
uitously also at run time. We systematically investi-
gated which RCAs can be used to improve context
awareness in all 16 applications. We improved con-
text awareness in nearly every studied application and
found promising candidates in the others. For example,
from 316 candidates in browsers, in total we found 40
RCAs that certainly enable context awareness. In some
cases applications were made completely aware of in-
dividual contexts. Furthermore, we could integrate all
1,957 configurations settings of Firefox, which pro-
vided seamless adaption to workplaces. We never
needed to modify the source code. (Section 5)
Contribution 3:
By evaluating performance charac-
teristics of browsers in realistic proxy transitions, we
found that in minimalist applications there is signifi-
cant overhead. For feature-rich applications such as
Firefox, however, the overhead of our tool is below
1 %. (Section 6)
An important aspect of software configuration is
to specify run-time configuration accesses (RCAs).
RCAs are the places within code that define differ-
ent behavior based on configuration. Usually RCAs
are calls to configuration application programming
interfaces (APIs) such as
but can also be direct
accesses to data structures.
function is a low-level configuration
RCA. It accesses the environment variables of the
current process, which is set by the caller (e. g., the
user’s shell) when a program is started. After the start
of the process, its environment variables can no longer
be changed externally, only from within the process
using the
function. We chose it for most of our
investigations because it is widely standardized and
available in many programming languages.
For example, in web browsers we find code such as:
gete nv ( " ht tp _pr ox y " ) ;
In this example, the return value of
can con-
tain an outdated proxy after network changes because
environment variables are not updated for processes.
Context-oriented programming (COP) allows de-
velopers to naturally separate multi-dimensional con-
cerns (Dey and Abowd, 2000; Salvaneschi et al., 2012;
Schippers et al., 2010). COP is one way to specify
programs that adapt their behavior to the context.
Layers are the foundation of COP (Appeltauer
et al., 2009; Costanza et al., 2006; von Löwis et al.,
2007; Wasty et al., 2010). Every layer constitutes
one dimension of context that cuts across the software
system. The (de)activation of layers occurs during
program execution. All active layers together define
the current context of the program.
Contextual values originate from Lisp sys-
tems (Asirelli et al., 1979). Tanter revived contex-
tual values as a lightweight subset of COP. They “boil
down to a trivial generalization of the idea of thread-
local values” (Tanter, 2008) and can be described as
variables whose values depend on the current context.
Contextual values naturally work along with the con-
cept of layers.
In the present paper we will interpret access to con-
figuration settings as contextual values. Every RCA,
such as a
invocation, will be considered as read-
ing a contextual value.
Context awareness is a property of a program and
defines the degree of context taken into account. For
every possible context a combination of layers consid-
ers necessary adaptations. Organizing such dynamic
behavioral changes requires careful engineering (Sal-
vaneschi et al., 2012). Alternatively, contextual values
are by design always context aware (Raab, 2016c).
Context-oriented software engineering (COSE)
provides a “methodology that guides us to a speci-
fication of context-dependent requirements” and a sys-
tematic mapping from context-dependent use cases to
layers (Kamina et al., 2014).
Introducing Context Awareness in Unmodified, Context-unaware Software
Context sensors (Dey and Abowd, 2000; Baldauf
et al., 2007) are hardware and software with the
main purpose of activating layers according to con-
text changes. We will use them as separate processes
that wait for context change events (Raab, 2016c).
Yin et al. (Yin et al., 2011) found out that in “a large
portion (
46.3 %
61.9 %
) of the parameter miscon-
figurations” the context was not considered. Our goal
is to explicitly specify the contextual values that make
the execution of the applications more context-aware.
This specification leads to a better understanding of
the context in teams maintaining the software. We are
positive that the specification helps reduce external
misconfiguration errors as a side effect.
For newly written context-aware software, cur-
rent COP and COSE approaches would be a viable
choice (Jong-yi et al., 2009). For large FLOSS
projects, however, rewriting the whole source code
is not feasible.
3 Elektra
Elektra is a library developed by one of the authors,
which implements uniform, consistent and context-
aware configuration access. In the present paper we
describe an approach to use Elektra as a tool to in-
tegrate unmodified applications. The approach is to
apply Elektra in COSE processes at deployment.
Elektra (Raab, 2016a) works as follows: At appli-
cation start, Elektra initializes itself by parsing config-
uration files. The configuration files contain both the
specifications and configurations for contextual values.
Elektra supports over 190 configuration file formats
including the widely-used INI, XML and JSON for-
mats. The support for these formats enables Elektra to
directly manipulate configuration of applications.
In its essence, Elektra provides a key-value data-
base with unique keys and a specification for every
configuration setting.
3.1 Interception
To work with unmodified applications, Elektra inter-
cepts important library calls, including the following:
invocation to provide context-aware
access for environment variables.
invocation to return configuration files
with configuration settings respecting the current
Interceptions of library calls are platform-
dependent but are available for every major OS, e. g.,
/ etc / ld .so. preload
for Linux. In-
stead of requiring developers to implement new behav-
ior for context adoption, we rely on already existing
behavioral adoptions that are guarded by RCAs.
3.2 Context Specification
Elektra itself is configured via a configuration speci-
fication language. In this paper we will use a simple
key-value syntax to illustrate the specification of the
key-value database and its contents. For example, let
us specify the contextual value getenv / http_proxy:
[ g et en v / h t t p _ p r o x y ]
c o n t e x t = ht t p _ p r o x y /%i n t e r f a c e%/%netwo r k%
The key within
[ ]
represents a unique identifier to a
configuration setting. Entries in the database are orga-
nized hierarchically with
as the level separator. The
-interceptor reads its configuration from keys
starting with
getenv /
. We configure it to handle
invocations with the parameter "http_proxy".
In the example above, the only property for this
key, i. e.,
, specifies that the value to be returned
from such invocations should be context aware. Using
syntax we specify placeholders to be sub-
stituted by the values of layers. The
returns the proxy configured for the currently active
layers. This functionality allows
us to modify configuration settings passed to appli-
cations: An application that requests a configuration
setting from the environment transparently receives
a setting from our key-value database instead. By
honoring context in the lookup we introduce context
awareness in the client software.
The context-aware lookup makes sure that the re-
turned value recursively respects context specifications.
With changing context, i. e., different values in layers,
the same requested key has different values. We ex-
press the possible values using straight-forward pattern
matching. E. g., the placeholder
will match any layer
that was not matched specifically by name:
h t t p _ p r o x y / wlan / home= proxy . example . org
h t t p _ p r o x y / e t h / work = proxy . example . com
h t t p _ p r o x y / * / * = d e f a u l t . example . com
Personalization is an important aspect of context-
aware systems (Alegre et al., 2016). In Elektra we
personalize applications by changing such configura-
tion values for every individual context.
3.3 Context Changes and Sensors
When the context changes, this information must be
communicated to applications. For the present work,
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
we use external context sensors: small programs run-
ning in separate processes that monitor the context of
interest. When the sensor detects a change, it updates
the corresponding layer’s value in the key-value data-
base. Future requests for contextual values via Elektra
(through intercepted
invocations) will
use these updated layer values in their lookups. Having
context sensors running in their own process separates
concerns between the application and the code detect-
ing context changes.
In the running example, users switch networks by
changing their location or by connecting a network
cable. A sensor detects this change and updates Elek-
tra’s database accordingly. We used hooks in network
interfaces to implement this use case. Assume that
changes to
and the
Then the next
invocation will
. This is an increase in con-
text awareness: Normally
is not context-aware
because the program’s environment is initialized at
startup and cannot be modified externally, only by the
program itself using
. Thus the standard
function always returns the same value for a given ar-
gument. In contrast, Elektra’s modified
different values if the underlying context changes.
Elektra is not limited to pulling configuration set-
tings while RCAs are executed. Instead Elektra can
push information to applications by notifying them
to reload their configuration, e. g., via signals for dae-
mons or socket communication for Firefox.
4 RQ1: USE OF getenv
In this section we collect empirical evidence of
invocations in the source code of applications.
4.1 Methodology
We count the total lines of code and occurrences of
in selected applications. Obvious wrapper func-
tions (e. g.,
in Lynx) are treated identically
to getenv itself.
To improve external validity we carefully sampled
16 applications. We started by including large applica-
tions that have a thriving community. In addition we
took care to have a broad range of diverse applications.
We searched for further popular applications to reduce
the familiarity heuristic. If Internet pages repeatedly
mentioned some applications, we considered them for
inclusion. Finally, we set a focus on browsers to have
a better picture for a specific domain.
The evaluation of the paper consistently uses the
same applications with the same versions. We ana-
lyzed applications in the version as included in Debian
Jessie 8 amd64 available at Con-
sidering these factors we compiled the following list
of 16 applications and versions:
application version application version
0ad 0.0.17 Gimp 2.8.14
Akonadi 1.13.0 Inkscape 0.48.5
Chromium 45.0.2454 Ipe 7.1.4
Curl 7.38.0 Libreoffice 4.3.3
Eclipse 3.8.1 Lynx 2.8.9dev1
Evolution 3.12.9 Man
Firefox 38.3.0esr Smplayer 14.9.0 ds0
Gcc 4.9.2 Wget 1.16
We used Cloc 1.60 to determine the code size of
the applications in the versions as listed above. We
grep rio
to find all textual
Finally we manually looked at every
to check whether it is an invocation or something else
like text in a comment.
4.2 Results
In the following table below the column 1k lines of
code shows the code size of the applications, expressed
as multiples of 1,000 lines of code. For the column
counted getenv we manually counted
application 1k lines
of code
lines per
0ad 474 55 8,617
Akonadi 37 13 2,863
Chromium 18,032 770 23,418
Curl 249 53 4,705
Eclipse 3,312 40 82,793
Evolution 673 23 29,252
Gcc 6,851 377 18,172
Firefox 12,395 788 15,730
Gimp 902 56 16,102
Inkscape 480 19 25,255
Ipe 116 21 5,529
Libreoffice 5,482 284 19,304
Lynx 192 89 2,157
Man 142 62 2,293
Smplayer 76 1 76,170
Wget 143 32 4,456
Total 49,556 2,683 18,470
Median 477 54
The applications we analyzed have 2,683
invocations in 50 million lines of codes. We excluded
textual occurrences in wrappers, comments, ChangeL-
ogs or similar.
Introducing Context Awareness in Unmodified, Context-unaware Software
Finding 1:
We demonstrate that
is used
pervasively by finding 2,683 invocations. This is
one getenv occurrence in 18,470 lines of code.
In this section we validate the applicability of our ap-
proach at run-time. Run-time analysis considers
invocations by all participating libraries, complement-
ing our source-code analysis. We will investigate how
often changed return values of
invocations ac-
tually modify the application’s behavior to improve
context awareness.
This study is a partial replication of our previous
study (Raab, 2016d). Unlike the previous study, we
compare the context awareness of every single param-
eter. Furthermore, we added more applications and
interception. For brevity, however, we
only report about selected and representative cases.
5.1 Methodology
We applied our approach for all 16 applications. As
described in Section 3, we use the library preload
mechanism to use Elektra’s implementations of
and open instead of the ones in the standard library.
First we started the 16 applications and clicked
through the user interface. While doing so, we logged
invocation and its parameters. To check
if the
invocation is used as if standard
were context aware, we modified the return values
while the application was running. Then
we repeated the user-interaction to see if the
invocation influences the behavior.
5.2 Results
application getenv
2,723 1,056
73 24 1
Curl 87 14 9 6 6
273 210 118 15
45 23 19 16
Wget 13 7 1 1 1
The table above shows the number of
vocations on a freshly installed Debian system. The
number of invocations varies widely from system to
system depending on configuration and installed soft-
ware. E. g., on other machines, we observed up to four
times more unique
invocations during run-time
for Firefox. Sometimes we found settings that are
likely to be context aware (indicated by
) but lacked
the resources to investigate them in detail.
In the column getenv all we see how many times
the browsers called
in total. The next column
shows the number of
invocations with unique
parameters. The column later uniq only considers
invocations with unique parameters and only af-
ter startup. The next column are candidates for context
awareness: they are additionally related to configura-
tion. The last column shows which of the candidates
actually successfully influenced behavior at run time
without reloading.
In the analysis we found many
after startup. Loops implementing user interactions of-
ten repeatedly call functions that redo the same
5.3 Case Study: Firefox
In a case study we conducted the complete COSE pro-
cess. We selected Firefox and specified
as configuration options of in-
terest as shown in Section 3. We implemented
the layer-changes with one-line hooks in the
/ etc /NetworkManager scripts.
Then we needed to specify printers/proxy for ev-
ery context line-by-line. Within a day, Firefox fully-
automatically selected nearby printers and proxies im-
mediately on network changes (available printers are
even modified while the printer dialog is open).
Elektra also allows us to modify options in config-
uration files. We needed 9 hours to configure Firefox
to enable rereading its configuration files. In 2 more
hours we implemented an Elektra plugin for Firefox’s
configuration files. With
interception we have
a context-aware mechanism for all of 1,957 config-
uration options available in Firefox’s configuration
files (Jin et al., 2014).
Finding 2:
In each of the 16 application user in-
teractions caused
invocations, often useful
to make features flawlessly context aware.
We successfully used Elektra in a real-world
case study with Firefox. To enable our imple-
mentation of retrofitting context-awareness for
flexible workplaces, only three actions were re-
quired: (1) specify contextual values, (2) create
context mapping for every workplace, and (3) add
context sensors to switch layers.
Our tool can be practically applied in
real-world case studies with small effort.
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
To evaluate the performance we profiled different
browsers during a proxy transition on a hp
8570w. In the experiment we opened a web page, then
changed the context, and finally opened a different
web page. For the proxy transition Elektra performs
the following steps for every process: First the pro-
cess needs to parse the context specification. Then the
is replaced with our context-aware imple-
mentation. On layer transitions, the configuration file
needs to be reread.
We measured the number of executed CPU instruc-
tions with Valgrind’s tool Callgrind. We report inclu-
sive costs, i. e., the cost of the
invocation includ-
ing every callee. Thus Valgrind simulates a CPU, the
results are deterministic.
In the first benchmark we will use the Lynx
browser. It is written in a lean way and has negligible
startup times. Such an efficient implementation allows
more precise exploration of the impact the context
switches have.
First we started Lynx without Elektra and visited
two links. Valgrind counted 92,888,073 instructions
(median of three invocations). Then when we acti-
vated Elektra and changed the proxy before visiting
the second link, we counted 114,049,336 instructions,
which are about
18.5 %
more instructions. We used
the context specification with the two layers
and interface .
Without context-aware
, the
tions needed
0.33 %
of all instructions. If we modify
getenv / http_proxy
directly (without using layers)
24.51 %
. If using the setup with the two layers,
getenv invocations needed 25.27 %.
With Firefox the comparison was more difficult
because it consumes resources even without user in-
teraction. The startup times with Valgrind are nearly
two minutes. We estimated the overhead by look-
ing at the profile data, similar to the
in Lynx. Overall 20,362,848,539 instructions were
needed to display two web pages. Internal Elektra
overhead, by summing up all costs from the Elek-
tra library, are 68,750,481, i. e.,
0.39 %
. The
function (a wrapper for
used within Firefox)
needs 16,614,089 instructions (i. e.,
0.08 %
) instead of
22,703 instructions (i. e., 0.00 %) without Elektra.
Finding 3: In minimalist applications such as Lynx
our approach can cause some overhead. The num-
ber of participating layers caused only minimal dif-
ferences. For feature-rich applications the overhead
is below 1 %.
Xu et al. investigated which configuration settings
are actually used in practice (Xu et al., 2015). They
argue that users get confused by too many settings.
We fully agree and think that our approach helps here
by automatically deducing most settings from context.
Then developers can remove these settings from user
guides. Advanced users, however, still can override
context-aware configuration settings.
Jin et al. describe different challenges in configur-
ing real-world systems (Jin et al., 2014). Our approach
addresses them by (1) working across language barri-
ers, (2) having a holistic integration of different RCAs,
and (3) making sure that RCAs do not return outdated
values. The authors uncovered 1,957 settings for Fire-
fox and assumed that only a “small part” of settings is
missing. But our study shows, that even
adds a large amount of otherwise unconsidered config-
uration settings.
Most other approaches require modifications in the
source code. Tanter et al. (Tanter et al., 2006) propose
to make aspects context aware. COP (Salvaneschi
et al., 2012; Appeltauer et al., 2009; von Löwis et al.,
2007; Baldauf et al., 2007; Jong-yi et al., 2009; Raab,
2015a) improves the modularity in programs. In earlier
work we investigated how contextual values are syn-
thesized with code generation (Raab, 2015a; Raab and
Puntigam, 2014; Raab, 2015b). A survey discusses
many different approaches how to implement context-
aware applications (Alegre et al., 2016). Mens et al.
created a taxonomy for context-aware variability ap-
proaches (Mens et al., 2016). All these approaches re-
quire at least some context-specific design upfront the
implementation. The specification language Elektra
does not only improve context awareness, but fosters
system integration (Raab, 2016b). Some approaches
focus on deployment, but require decisions at design
time (Lee et al., 2014). Alexandrov et al. facilitates
intercepting of library calls to improve user experience,
but with a different goal (Alexandrov et al., 1998).
The survey of Xu and Zhou gives an overview of
the different approaches for improving on configura-
tion problems (Xu and Zhou, 2015). In contrast, our
basic idea is to automatically derive correct configura-
tion settings from context.
Both the code and run-time analysis have
the danger of subjective classification and oversight.
To minimize such errors we included second opinions
and only report large differences. Additionally the
Introducing Context Awareness in Unmodified, Context-unaware Software
combination of code and run-time analyses yields a
more complete picture as proposed for mixed meth-
ods (Ihantola and Kihn, 2011).
An important concern is whether the eval-
uated applications and their developers are represen-
tative. We address it by studying a high number of
diverse applications. We included both small and large
applications. We took care that different domains, de-
velopment teams and programming languages are rep-
resented. In particular the browsers are used heavily
in mobile contexts.
We have to acknowledge that most software we
evaluated is written in C/C++. Nevertheless, Java,
JavaScript and Python were well represented with
4.3, 3.3, and 1.1 million lines of code, respectively.
Furthermore, we added Eclipse to also have a large
project mainly implemented in Java. Since we found
no context-aware application of reasonable size with
an active community, we could not include such appli-
cations into the analysis. Hence our claims exclude ap-
plications developed with context-awareness as goal.
An equally important concern is whether
our main subject of study, represents every form of
RCA. Based on many previous studies (Jin et al., 2014;
Rabkin and Katz, 2011; Xu et al., 2013), run-time
RCAs are in their essence simple key-value accesses.
Higher-level RCAs, e. g. with type-safety, would only
complicate the implementation.
Because we did an in-depth source code analysis,
we could not pick closed-source applications. A signif-
icant portion of the evaluated software, however, has
at least roots as closed-source applications. Also based
on experience within companies, we are positive that
our conclusions hold for closed-source applications.
It is well known that in experimental analysis high
standards are required (Johnson, 2002); e. g., to miti-
gate measurement issues we always used two different
profiling tools.
Overall we cannot draw any general conclusions
applicable to every form of configuration. In partic-
ular we focus on observations how RCAs are used
in FLOSS applications. Thus results should be in-
terpreted and generalized with awareness of our fo-
cus. Nevertheless our study provides profound insights
about connections between configuration and context
In this paper we claimed that unmodified applications
can become more context aware. We demonstrated that
such an approach exists and is practical. We evaluated
the approach on 16 large, real-world FLOSS applica-
tions. By configuring a simple tool, context awareness
was improved in case studies, often even flawlessly.
We applied a straightforward context-oriented soft-
ware engineering process which enables systematic
applicability during deployment.
Our work shows that it is realistic to deduce con-
figuration settings from context. We are positive that
doing so contributes to reduce one of the major source
of configuration errors, i. e., forgetting about context
in configuration.
We propose that environment variables should be
specified and documented like other configuration set-
tings. Our approach shows that it is not necessary
that developers foresee every possible context. Instead
layers and configuration settings per context are intro-
duced during deployment. Our approach is modular
because context sensors are implemented separately
from applications.
Elektra is available as free software from
and is more general than described in this paper: For
example, it can be used for newly developed context-
aware software by generating contextual values. This
paper focuses on its use for unmodified software.
The source code analysis suggest that dependency
injection (‘hijacking’ existing
or other APIs) makes it easy to introduce context
awareness. Elektra is not limited to intercepting
. For example, we implemented the
API which has the potential to make GNOME set-
tings context-aware. As future work Elektra can be
extended to make even more forms of configuration
context-aware (configuration for modules, plugins, de-
pendency injections, rich mobile APIs etc.).
Although we did not find a single occurrence where
existing context awareness conflicted with our ap-
proach, combining Elektra with already context-aware
software is future work. Another research direction is
to investigate how many applications allow reloading
of configuration settings. Enabling Elektra to push
configuration settings to more applications improves
the user experience again.
Alegre, U., Augusto, J. C., and Clark, T. (2016). Engineer-
ing context-aware systems and applications: A survey.
Journal of Systems and Software, 117:55 – 83.
Alexandrov, A. D., Ibel, M., Schauser, K. E., and Scheiman,
C. J. (1998). UFO: A personal global file system based
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Introducing Context Awareness in Unmodified, Context-unaware Software