Instructional Videos and Others on Youtube
Similarities and Differences in Comments
Hugo Silva and Isabel Azevedo
Games, Interaction and Learning Technologies (GILT) Research Group, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto,
P. Porto, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Informal Learning, Instructional Videos, YouTube.
Abstract: YouTube is a video sharing platform and its resources have been used for formal and informal learning.
Users can add comments, as well as sign that they like a given video. The work described in this paper is
mainly devoted to the comments provided by users and how they differ (or not) depending on the type of
videos: those that are used to support learning versus those that does not. An application was developed to
collect data available on the YouTube platform. The analysis of comments extracted from YouTube was
performed using natural language processing techniques and differences in writing were also analyzed. Two
major groups of videos were considered: technical, or instructional videos, and non-technical videos. The
former usually have an educational nature and are watched by people that aim to improve their knowledge
and skills, while the others are more devoted to entertainment. The similarities and differences found
between these different types of videos are discussed.
Formal and informal learning are not straightforward
concepts. Different dimensions have been used to
distinguish them. The physical space where learning
occurs is one of them, where the main distinction is
related to the use of in- or out-of-school learning
environments (Ramey-Gassert, 1997), e.g. a
Marsick and Watkins compared formal and
informal learning: “Formal learning is typically
institutionally sponsored, classroom-based, and
highly structured. Informal learning, a category that
includes incidental learning, may occur in
institutions, but it is not typically classroom-based or
highly structured, and control of learning rests
primarily in the hands of the learner. (…) Informal
learning can be deliberately encouraged by an
organization or it can take place despite an
environment not highly conducive to learning.”
(Marsick and Watkins, 1990).
Another often used characteristic is who mainly
manages the experience, e.g. the learner or a teacher.
Smith explores informal learning as an
administrative notion (Smith, 2008).
Incidental learning, on the other hand, is defined
as “a byproduct of some other activity, such as task
accomplishment, interpersonal interaction, sensing
the organizational culture, trial-and-error
experimentation, or even formal learning” (Marsick
and Watkins, 1990).
As many professionals need to continuously
acquire new skills to keep up with their usual
activities, the number of online resources, such as
instructional videos, forums, technical blogs, FAQ
websites and others, has been increasing.
YouTube videos are available to a great number
of people, including self-learners. They have been
used for formal and informal learning. Watching an
instructional video demands an intention to learn
about a given subject. Thus, incidental learning may
occur secondarily, but for others topics.
YouTube resources have been utilized in
academic contexts as part of the adopted
pedagogical strategies. Tan and Pearce described
their experience in using YouTube videos in a ten-
week introductory sociology course (Tan and
Pearce, 2011). The students’ insights on the use of
YouTube were generally positive but the learners
emphasised the importance of watching the videos in
the classroom with teachers’ support and wide
Azevedo et al. reported about 7,600,000 results
obtained with ‘tutorial’ as search term (Azevedo et
Silva, H. and Azevedo, I.
Instructional Videos and Others on Youtube - Similarities and Differences in Comments.
DOI: 10.5220/0006333104180425
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 418-425
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
al., 2014). As of December 2016, there are about
169,000,000 results for the same search
specification, including one entitled “Java
Programming Tutorial - 1 - Installing the JDK” with
more than 4,600,000 views. This video has more
than 5,000 comments and one of them is “…What is
Java actually used for, in terms of programming?
...”. It had some responses, including this one: “As
far as I know: Desktop apps/games and android
Another comment on a video entitled “REST
API concepts and examples”, starts this way: “Your
content is absolutely excellent. I very much
appreciate your videos and am learning a lot from
them. I just wanted to give you some tips, as a web
developer myself, but someone who spent 5 years as
a teacher. Your videos are very well structured,
however I feel that you, at some points, are speaking
too fast. …”.
Despite the large number of papers about
YouTube platform, little is known about the
comments provided to educational videos freely
available on YouTube. The main research question
of this work is: What kind of information do these
videos’ comments give when compared to others,
and how can this information be retrieved?
In this research, we analyzed the following
characteristics: the use of emoticons, linguistic
characteristics, number of response to comments,
among others.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
This introduction provides detailed information
about the context and the research question of this
work. The second section mainly examines the
YouTube platform as an online social network and
the allowed interactions. The next section discusses
how data was extracted, characterizes the data and
provides a detailed data analysis. The penultimate
section summarises the results, discusses the most
relevant contributions and includes some final
remarks. Finally, the last section states future
research in the field, mainly based on the limitations
of this work.
2 YouTube
Online social networks are among the most visited
websites. An online social network allows a direct
interaction between users. Facebook, Twitter,
Google Plus and YouTube are some examples of
social networks. In most of these social networks,
the users establish connections between them in a
user-user interaction (Wattenhofer et al., 2012). In
contrast, social networks like Facebook and Google
Plus provide a different experience, with users
sharing personal thoughts, URLs, videos and
creating connections with other users (friendship).
The interaction between users is perhaps the
utmost of social networks, since users make
appreciations about contents published or shared by
other users. Alternatively, users can express
themselves also by commenting publications of
other users.
YouTube is a somewhat different social
network, in which the main goal is the video sharing.
Created in 2005, YouTube raises about 137 million
users per month (Weaver et al., 2012). YouTube
platform is also accessible on mobile devices
through an optimized website or apps. In YouTube,
a user can create a channel, upload videos, comment
and express his opinion about a video using the
appreciation options (like or dislike). YouTube
videos are embedded in other websites and are
frequently shared in other digital social networks.
The usability and functionality of YouTube,
which allows users to easily create a channel and
post content that is shared almost instantaneously in
the internet, turns YouTube into an attractive
platform to content creators and media companies
(Susarla et al., 2012). The content of the videos is
key for the success of YouTube, as many videos
become viral when shared in social networks
(Weaver et al., 2012). A “most-viewed” category is
another indicator of the popularity of YouTube
In this social network, social interaction is
different from others (e.g. Facebook). On YouTube,
social interaction is more often a user-content-user
interaction (Wattenhofer et al., 2012) and thus users
do not establish a bidirectional connection with other
users unlike Facebook. On YouTube, connections
between users are based on channel subscriptions,
which were created by other users. The most
expected interactions are video appreciations (like or
dislike) and commenting videos.
YouTube is a web platform where users can
demonstrate a positive or negative opinion by
clicking the like or dislike buttons, respectively, or
can also express their opinion by writing a comment
on the video.
For example, the popular video Psy - Gangnam
Style (OFFICIALPSY, 2012) reached more than
two billion of views and more than four million
Instructional Videos and Others on Youtube - Similarities and Differences in Comments
comments. In January 2016, this video had more
than 13 million appreciations (88% likes and 12%
dislikes). However, some information remains
Does this happen in other types of videos?
How do users comment videos?
With these questions in mind, our work aimed at
study and compare two different types of videos and
their users’ behaviour. Two different categories were
defined: technical videos and non-technical videos.
The technical videos selected for this analysis were
tutorials and learning video-classes related with
programming contents. The non-technical videos
consisted in movie trailers.
This work was divided in three main steps: data
collection, pre-processing and analysis with natural
language processing techniques.
3.1 Data Collection
An application to extract data from YouTube videos
was developed (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Solution components.
Data extraction represents the data retrieved
from YouTube to be analyzed. This component is
responsible for communicating with YouTube API
and extract the videos and comments. Extracted
comments are stored in a database.
The YouTube API (version 3, REST) was used
to search for the videos according to the thematic
defined and to collect the data. As this work was
focused on analysing texts in English, it was
intended to retrieve content and comments mainly in
English. To achieve this, the parameter
relevanceLanguage provided by the API was used
with the value en.
For each type of video, 150 videos and
respective comments were collected. The search
terms were “movie trailers” for non-technical videos
and “javascript”, “java programming” and “php
web” for technical videos. The methods used were
Search.list for searching contents, Videos.list to get
video info, and CommentThreads.list to get
comments’ info. The API returned the data in JSON
For each video, the following information was
kept: title, description, URL, video identification,
number of likes, number of dislikes, number of
visualizations, and channel identification.
3.2 Sample Characterization
In Table 1 and Table 2, the number of videos and the
respective YouTube category for technical and non-
technical collected videos is presented.
Table 1: Technical videos per category.
YouTube Category Number of videos
Howto & Style 60
Education 45
Science & Technology 36
People & Blogs 7
Movies 1
Classics 1
Table 2: Non-technical videos per category.
YouTube Category Number of videos
Film & Animation 87
Entertainment 50
People & Blogs 4
Comedy 3
Trailers 3
Shows 2
Music 1
For each video, the first 5000 comments, if
available, were collected in descending order by
date, as it has been used before (Cambria and White,
2014) and (Baccianella et al., 2010, p. 0). The data
collected for each comment was: comment text,
identification, date and time, author’s name, channel
identification and, if the comment is an answer to a
previous comment, the comment parent
Table 3 provides data about the number of
comments and their answers. Notice that
proportionally there are more comments provided as
response under the technical videos category (17%
of response-comments for technical videos and 14%
for non-technical videos), a point that is examined in
section 3.5.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3: Number of comments per type of video.
Number of
73,901 657,014
Number of main
61,486 565,370
Number of
comments with
6,430 37,912
Number of
comments provided
as responses
12,415 91,644
Technical videos have an average of 91,4
characters per comment, while non-technical videos
tend to have longer comments. An average of 116,6
characters per comment was measured in our
Regarding the number of users represented in the
comments, we have 41,430 people for instructional
videos and 466,417 for the others.
According to the number of videos commented
by each user (see Table 4 and Table 5), users seem
to be prone to watch more than one instructional
video, perhaps aiming to improve learning.
Table 4: Percentage of users and number of videos
Number of commented videos
of users
1 80,38
2 12.05
3 3.65
4 1.56
5 or more 2.36
Table 5: Percentage of users and number of videos
commented per category.
Number of
Percentage of
users (technical
Percentage of
users (non-
technical videos)
1 71.50 81.30
2 15.9 11.66
3 5.63 3.44
4 2.56 1.45
5 or more 4.41 2.15
On technical videos, 18.26% of comments have
(single) question marks, as usual in questions, a
number that decreases to 13.39% for non-technical
video comments. It was also verified that 90% of the
technical video comments with question mark (?) do
not have this punctuation signal repeated. In non-
technical videos, this percentage is 79.4%.
3.3 Pre-Processing
To be able to perform an analysis on the collected
comments, it was necessary to prepare the comments
considering the type of writing on YouTube. Writing
comments in platforms like YouTube can be seen as
computer mediate communication (CMC)
(Hogenboom et al., 2015). It is very common in
YouTube comments the use of abbreviations,
repetition of characters and signal punctuation and
the use of emoticons.
The use of repeated characters (chars) is often a
way to reinforce an idea. For example, the use of the
word “looooove” has clearly the intention of
emphasizing the positive sentiment. However, that
word does not exist in any dictionary or lexicon. The
removal of repeated characters in this work uses the
same approach used in (Lehnert and Ringle, 2014).
Words with at least three equal consecutive
characters were considered to have repeated
characters. For those words, the repeated chars were
removed by using the following approach: the tool
removed all but two consecutive characters; then the
new word was checked in a dictionary; the word was
considered if the dictionary recognized it; otherwise,
the last repeated char was removed. For example:
goooooood good (exists)
loooooove loove (does not exist) love
Two percent of the comments for technical
videos had repeated chars that were removed. In
non-technical videos, the number of comments with
repeated chars removed was four percent.
Repeated punctuation was also removed to
achieve a better performance on analysis as
described in (Liu, 2012). The punctuation signals
identified were the full-stop (.), the question-mark
(?) and the exclamation point (!). Two or more
consecutive occurrences of a punctuation signal
were considered as repeated punctuation (except for
reticence - three consecutive full-stops). Repeated
punctuation was removed in 13% of the comments
of technical videos and 18% of the comments of
non-technical videos. The most frequent repeated
punctuation signals are identified in the Table 6.
The most common emoticons presented in
technical and non-technical videos are presented in
Table 7 and Table 8.
Notice that there are 7,746 comments for
technical resources with at least one of the five
emoticons most used for technical videos as listed in
Table 6 and 17,099 for non-technical resources with
the top-5 emoticons listed in Table 8. Proportionally,
Instructional Videos and Others on Youtube - Similarities and Differences in Comments
it seems that the first group tends to have more
positive emoticons.
Table 6: Repeated punctuation resume.
of technical
Comments of
Full-stop (.) 53.99% 44.59%
Exclamation mark (!) 30.40% 36.52%
Question mark (?) 13.52% 17.43%
Others (, or ;) 2.09% 1.46%
Table 7: Top 10 of emoticons on technical videos.
Emoticon # comments
1 :) 4,737
2 :D 1,481
3 :P 633
4 ;) 476
5 xD 419
6 :( 414
7 XD 255
8 :/ 166
9 :-) 136
10 :p 127
Table 8: Top 10 of emoticons on non-technical videos.
Emoticon # comments
1 :) 6,822
2 :D 4,760
3 <3 1,969
4 XD 1,814
5 xD 1,734
6 ;) 1,640
7 :( 1,590
8 :P 1,390
9 :/ 818
10 :3 497
By the analysis of these tables, it can be
concluded that the top 2 emoticons are the same.
However, the third most used emoticon on non-
technical video comments (Table 8) is <3, used to
represent a heart, which expresses an intense
sentiment. This emoticon is not often seen in
comments for technical contents.
3.4 Linguistic Analysis
To determine the frequency of the terms used in the
comments, word clouds were generated. For
technical videos, three types of clouds were
produced: i) the most used words (Figure 2), ii) the
most used adjectives (Figure 3), and iii) the most
used verbs (Figure 4).
Figure 2: Words’ frequency in technical video comments.
Figure 3: Adjectives’ frequency in technical video
Figure 4: Verbs’ frequency in technical video comments.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
For non-technical videos, the same three types of
clouds were produced. For the most used words
(Figure 5), the word “movie” stands out. Figure 6
and Figure 7 present the most used adjectives and
verbs, respectively. Despite not being highly used,
the words “wait” and “see” appear in Figure 5 and
Figure 7, which normally results from sentences as
“can’t wait to see”.
Figure 5: Words’ frequency in non-technical video
Figure 6: Adjectives’ frequency in non-technical video
Figure 7: Verbs’ frequency in non-technical video
3.5 Comments and
YouTube allows users to reply other users’
comments. In the collected data, 14% of response-
comments were identified for non-technical
resources and 17% for technical videos (see Table
4). The higher percentage of answers in technical
videos might be an indicator of the behaviour of
users in this type of videos. Videos with learning
content are more prone to have comments with
questions or doubts related to the video content, and
in turn, to have more answers, replies and
Likewise, for technical videos an average of 1.9
responses was observed for comments with replies,
while for non-technical videos this value is 2.4.
With the method CommentThreads.list of the
API, it was possible to retrieve the number of
positive appreciations (likes) of the comments. The
percentage of comments with positive appreciations
was 22.8% for technical videos and 22.3% for non-
technical videos, which corresponds to 7.3 and 10.7
likes per comment, respectively.
Furthermore, as explained before, our analysis
detected that technical videos have an average of
91.4 characters per comment and non-technical
videos have an average of 116.6
characters/comment. In which regards to correction
for repeated sequential characters, that was
necessary for 4% of non-technical and 2% of
technical video comments. However, the number of
response-comments that needed this type of
correction was close to 0. As the use of repeated
characters tends to reinforce an idea, this value
Instructional Videos and Others on Youtube - Similarities and Differences in Comments
reveals that when users reply to comments, they tend
to be more objective in their message. The same
tendency was observed for repeated punctuation
marks: 18% of repeated punctuation marks were
found in non-technical video comments against 13%
in technical video comments.
3.6 What Users Talk about
The comments collected have different
characteristics in which regards to the type of video
they correspond to. For technical videos, the most
common technical terms related to the extracted
videos were searched, and are related to
programming languages. A set of technical terms
related to programming languages was defined and
the most frequent terms on comments were
disclosed. Figure 8 shows the ten technical terms
most frequent in technical video comments and their
Figure 8: Frequency of technical terms.
The common use of terms like "class", "int",
"string", "static" and "void" in comments suggest
that users write code in comments to ask or answer
We also investigated which topics related to the
movies presented in the trailer videos are more
frequent in the comments extracted by identifying
the code of the respective IMDB (Internet Movie
Database) movie. With this ID, and with the Open
Movie Database (OMDB) API (Fritz, 2016), we
extracted information about leading actors, director,
writers and the movie title. Then these comments
were analyzed to know how many comments
mention these topics and which ones are more
mentioned. Only 4.06% of the comments refer to
topics collected from IMDB. Figure 9 shows the
frequency of references to actors, directors,
scriptwriters, and the title.
Figure 9: Frequency of IMDB topics.
The movie title and the name of the actors were
the most referenced topics in these comments (a
total of 13,861 references to the title; 10,667
references to the names of the actors; 2,157
references to scriptwriters; and 1,916 references to
The findings of this study indicate that there is a
sense of gratitude between viewers of instructional
videos. Not only the word cloud includes the word
“thank” but also users tend to express their
appreciation using some emoticons such as “:-)”.
Considering the top-5 emoticons used for the two
categories of videos, 10,48% of comments for
instructional videos with positive icons and 2,60%
of comments with these positive symbols for the
other videos.
Others verbs that are common for educational
contents are “use”, “try”, “help”, “learn”. In addition
to the high level of technical terms used in
comments for technical videos, these data reinforce
the idea that users debate contents and clarify
Users commenting just one video are less
frequent for technical videos, which can express a
strong interest in some topics that they aim to learn
and, thus, users watch and comment more than one
instructional video.
We also found that comments for instructional
videos include more questions, which may be
derived from the fact that users try to receive
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
guidelines or some assistance, which are also in line
with some words very common in comments for
these videos, such as “help”, as seen before.
With this study, it was possible to verify that the
comments of educational videos on YouTube are
also a learning tool that complements the tutorship
provided by the video. For those who seek
knowledge on YouTube videos, the comments
section should also be a source of educational
resources. Also, educators who produce content for
YouTube should be aware of the comments section.
This research has some limitations that open future
opportunities of research. First, considering that the
kind of videos selected may have intrinsic and
unknown characteristics that might have conditioned
this study, the study must be replicated using other
videos and comments.
The only criterion used to select the videos
obtained with the search terms was the number of
views. We did not examine the impact of video
duration or their academic or not provenience.
Another factor that can have an impact in the
results is the publication date or even some
characteristics of their authors, for instance, their
native language.
More experimentation and empirical research
may lead to a better understanding on how people
comment on instructional videos or even how these
resources are used. This is important to improve
instructional videos and enhance users’ experiences.
However, issues related to privacy and ethics must
always be considered when dealing with users’
observations even when they are publicly available.
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Instructional Videos and Others on Youtube - Similarities and Differences in Comments