ICT: Health’s Best Friend and Worst Enemy?
Egon L. van den Broek
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, PO Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
ICT, Health Problems, Stress, Black Plague, Affective Computing, Emotion, Personality, Coping.
I propose a paradigm shift for health care, as there is an urgent need for i) continuous (semi-)automatic medical
checkups, ii) cost reduction, and iii) cure for the 21st century black plague (i.e., stress-related diseases) are
very much needed. To realize this ICT’s Paradox has to be solved. On the one hand, ICT can cause i)
musculoskeletal problems, ii) vision problems, iii) headache, iv) obesity, v) stress disorders (e.g., burn out),
vi) metabolic issues, vii) addiction (e.g., to games, social media, and Internet), viii) sleeping problems, ix)
social isolation, and x) an unrealistic world view. On the other hand, ICT claims to provide these problems’
solutions. Consequently, health informatics needs to adopt a holistic approach, improve its fragile theoretical
frameworks, and handle the incredible variance we all show. As a remedy, I propose to take up the challenge
to next-generation models of personality, as they are a crucial determinant in people’s stress coping style.
Your worst enemy
Becomes your best friend,
once he’s underground.
– Euripides –
Our health care system is not neither functioning ef-
fectively nor effectively. “Many of the changes in-
tended to improve or reform health care are result-
ing in increased costs, increased work, and little (if
any) improvement in health. (Bartol, 2016) For ex-
ample, the much discussed electronic health records
were meant to improving care; but, show to be com-
plicated and inefficient. Medical doctors, nurse prac-
titioners as well as patients are forced to check more
boxes, use more technology, and produce more data,
without health care improving or costs declining (Bar-
tol, 2016; Stylianou and Talias, 2017).
Health care does not need to reform or transform,
it needs to be recreated from the bottom-up, it needs
a paradigm shift! Attempts at reforming and trans-
forming health care have been like repairing or fix-
ing up a 50-year-old car, adding newer equipment
and modern technology to try to make it better. The
problem is that we do not consider if the original ve-
hicle is really what is needed today. (Bartol, 2016)
“Health care systems around the world are both highly
institutionalized and highly professionalized.” (Ferlie
et al., 2016). Their processes are directed to patients
and their symptoms, using procedures and medica-
tion. Hereby, the focus on on treating the ill, ignoring
the healthy. So, resources are spend on health care’s
high spenders, where we ignore the healthy.
There are, at least, three reasons to support this
call for this paradigm shift:
i) Continuous (semi-)automatic medical check-
ups (Jarvis, 2016) and support for healthy liv-
ing should become part of common health
ii) Extent healthy people’s health could reduce
health care costs significantly; and
iii) Stress-related diseases are rapidly becoming
the dominant class of illness.
Next-generation medical check-ups could benefit
from the many types of health care data (Stylianou
and Talias, 2017), including (Fang et al., 2016):
i) human-generated (e.g., notes, email, and paper
ii) machine-generated monitoring;
iii) financial transactions;
iv) biometric data (e.g., genomics, genetics, x-ray,
and electrocardiogram, ECG);
v) social media; and
van den Broek E.
ICT: Healthâ
Zs Best Friend and Worst Enemy?.
DOI: 10.5220/0006345506110616
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vi) publications.
A range of apps already exist that conduct limited
next-generation medical check-ups, using such data.
However, often they are not clinically validated. Ex-
amples include e-coaches that support you with sleep-
ing (Beun, 2013), running, and eating to reduce di-
abetics (Georga et al., 2014). However, many of
these apps use no or only basic biometric sensors
(cf. (van den Broek, 2010)). So, there is a world to
win for unobtrusive and wearable technologies, when
shown to result in reliable signal acquisition and, sub-
sequent, analysis.
In October 2016, the American Medical Asso-
ciation (AMA) shared a view point on health care
cost reduction: “Chronic diseases account for 7 of
10 deaths in the United States, and treatment of
these diseases accounts for more than 85% of US
health costs, including those incurring exceptional
treatment costs. About half of health expenditures
in the United States are accounted for by 5% of pa-
tients, yet many chronic conditions are preventable.
. . . Perhaps the most powerful chronic disease pre-
vention approaches are those that can motivate and fa-
cilitate health-promoting choices in daily life.”(Dietz
et al., 2016). I propose to adopt Mandl and Kohane
(2016)’s patient-control, where patients themselves
can be asked to collect data. They selected eight rea-
sons for pursuing patient-controlled data:
i) complete data: A more holistic view of pa-
ii) data sharing for coordinated care: Patients as
vehicle for data sharing;
iii) as foundation for next-generation medical
check-up apps;
iv) support of diagnostic journals (e.g., specific
with genetic disorders);
v) data donation for research purposes;
vi) patients as reporters;
vii) an additional pairs of eyes; and
viii) social networking.
I would like to stress the importance of including
not-yet-patients, as also healthy people may become
patients and, consequently, their contributions are at
least as valuable.
Ten years ago, Cary L. Cooper stated: “We’re
talking now I think about the 21st century black
plague. I see stress as the main source of disease or
the trigger for disease in the 21st century developed
world.” (Newby, ABC Catalyst, 2007). In their hand-
book, Lundberg and Cooper (2011) provided a rich
source of evidence for this strong statement. A few
months ago, the European Occupational Safety and
Health Agency (EU-OSHA) suggested a possible so-
lution: “Software exists that allows the emotions of a
computer user to be monitored remotely - this could
even be promoted by the developers as a way of de-
tecting early signs of stress in employees, . . . ”. This
would aid all three reasons as it could be part of a
next-generation medical check-ups, should realize a
significant health care cost reduction, and focusses on
stress. The development of such software is consid-
ered to be part of health informatics’ subfield affective
computing. Affective computing can be defined as
“the scientific understanding and computation of the
mechanisms underlying affect and their embodiment
in machines” (p. 10) (van den Broek, 2011). Despite
its unquestioned potential, affective computing’s in-
herent interdisciplinary complexity limits its progress
in performance, as I already denoted in a series of arti-
cles presented at this conference (van den Broek et al.,
2009; van den Broek et al., 2010a; van den Broek
et al., 2010b; van den Broek et al., 2010c; van den
Broek et al., 2011). More specifically, affective com-
puting’s complexity primarily lays in:
i) its need for a holistic approach (note. this
is not a new idea at all; cf. (Follmer, 2016;
Schmitz and Wolkenhauer, 2016);
ii) the fragile theoretical frameworks from
medicine (e.g., incl. physiology and neu-
roscience) and psychology it has to rely on
(e.g., (Kalisch et al., 2015; Jarvis, 2016); and
iii) the incredible, continuous variance that char-
acterizes our world (Follmer, 2016; Schmitz
and Wolkenhauer, 2016).
Moreover, ICT solutions such as affective computing
both has their positive as well as its negative sides, as
we will discuss in the next section.
Even before the age of smartphones and tablets, Joan
Stigliani (1995) identified six main health problems,
related to computer usage. Since then, more than
two decades elapsed in which ICT usage intensified,
nowadays using tablets, smartphones, smartwatches,
and hardly desktop PCs anymore. Consequently,
starting with Stigliani (1995)’s original list, I com-
posed a new list of the 10 main ICT-related health
i) stress disorders (e.g., burn out) (
Aborg and
Billing, 2003);
ii) musculoskeletal problems (
Aborg and Billing,
2003; Gowrisankaran and Sheedy, 2015), in-
cluding Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI)
iii) vision problems (Salibello and Nilsen, 1995;
Gowrisankaran and Sheedy, 2015);
iv) headache (Salibello and Nilsen, 1995;
Gowrisankaran and Sheedy, 2015);
v) obesity (de Jong et al., 2013; Schmiege et al.,
which can be complemented by:
vi) metabolic issues, such as vitamin deficien-
cies (Palacios and Gonzalez, 2014) and diabet-
ics (de Jong et al., 2013);
vii) addiction (e.g., to games, social media, and In-
ternet (Zhou et al., 2017);
viii) sleeping problems (Beun, 2013; Nuutinen
et al., 2014);
ix) social isolation (Cacioppo and Hawkley, 2003;
Liu and Baumeister, 2016); and
x) an unrealistic world view (e.g., resulting in de-
pression) (Donnelly and Kuss, 2016; Wood
et al., 2016).
Note that, compared to Stigliani (1995)’s original list,
this list includes both more indirect ICT-related and
more mental health problems.
If any ICT branch should be health’s best friend,
it is health informatics. In solving its challenges,
health informatics relies on both clinical experience
and knowledge of public health systems and organi-
zations, while conducting experiments, interventions,
and scalable approaches. (Kulikowski et al., 2012).
Par excellence, ICT’s health informatics, should con-
tain the identified computer-related health problems.
From an ethical point of view, the ICT community
should even consider this as one of its main priorities.
When going through scientific literature, health
informatics seems to have solved all ICT-related
health problems. For example, musculoskeletal prob-
lems can be prevented using persuasive technol-
ogy (Wang et al., 2014), the problem of obesity
is approached similarly (Wang et al., 2014), as are
headache (Minen et al., 2016), diabetics (Georga
et al., 2014), sleeping problems (Beun, 2013), and so-
cial isolation (Chen and Schulz, 2016). So, it seems
to be a case of “One size fits all” (Suomi, 1996).
However, many solutions are fragile, random control
Note. Stigliani (1995) mentioned RSI as separate entry.
However, essentially it is a musculoskeletal problem and,
hence, placed here under this entry.
trails are absent or conducted at a small scale, and so-
lutions are at a gadget level, instead of at the level
of aimed clinical solutions. Many roads can be fol-
lowed to remedy this practice. The problem lies is
the increasing tendency to just see what the computer
shows. (van den Broek, 2012)
In the next section, I will pose one critical con-
cept for health informatics, complementary to the
prerequisites defined before (van den Broek et al.,
2009; van den Broek et al., 2010a; van den Broek
et al., 2010b; van den Broek et al., 2010c; van den
Broek et al., 2011): personality. Par excellence,
this concept illustrates affective computing’s three-
folded complexity, as depicted in Section 1. More-
over, health informatics is also the claimed road to-
wards next-generation personalized medicine (Poon
et al., 2013). How can this be, if clients personalities
are ignored?
The urge to completely redesign our health care sys-
tem relies on a both crucial and often ignored deter-
minant: personality. For each of the three reasons for
this call for a paradigm shift, I will explain why per-
sonality is an essential part of the equation:
i) Next-generation medical check-ups are per-
sonalized. However, solely the medical check-
up does not help; in particular, healthy peo-
ple have to be persuaded to start, improve,
or maintain a healthy living style. Tailored
health messages are needed, next-generation
customized (semi-)automatic ICT-based com-
munication (Kreuter et al., 2012).
ii) I proposed to implement Mandl and Kohane
(2016)’s patient-control paradigm and extend
it to people-health control to realize cost re-
duction; that is, ask people themselves to col-
lect their data. This requires sincere cooper-
ation from people, as they are asked to con-
tribute to their own electronic health records.
iii) The 21st century black plague is directly
linked to people’s coping style and, hence, per-
sonality (Zhou et al., 2017). “Coping is of-
ten defined as efforts to prevent or diminish
threat, harm, and loss, or to reduce associ-
ated distress. Some prefer to limit the con-
cept of coping to voluntary responses; others
include automatic and involuntary responses
within the coping construct. . . . Personality
does influence coping in many ways, however,
some of which occur prior to coping. Even
prior to coping, personality influences the fre-
quency of exposure to stressors, the type of
stressors experienced, and appraisals” (Carver
and Connor-Smith, 2010).
With a foundation provided for personality’s key role
in the proposed paradigm shift, I will now sketch its
history, challenges as well as a solution approach.
In this article, at a functional level, I will take
a methodological perspective to personality and de-
scribe it in terms of its research traditions (or ap-
proaches) (Pervin, 2003):
i) clinical (e.g., including Freud’s work);
ii) statistical (e.g., the big-five (BF) model); and
iii) experimental (e.g., including the work of
Wundt, Pavlov, and Skinner).
Clinical approaches to personality allow a holistic ap-
proach, while observing a great variety of phenom-
ena, using self-reports and behavioral observations.
As such they satisfy two of the three dimensions of
complexity (i.e., holistic approach and explain the
huge variance). However, clinical approaches to per-
sonality fail in the third dimension of complexity:
generation of solid theoretical frameworks, as reliable
observations and tests of hypotheses are complicated
if possible at all. Statistical approaches to personality
focus on individual differences, using trait question-
naires instead of self-reports. This practice enables
statistical analysis of the relation between personal-
ity traits and other variables. However, this approach
suffers from studies on non-representative samples
(e.g., students) and a lack of both generalizability and
specificity. The statistical approach can provide the-
oretical frameworks; but, fails to take a true holistic
approach and simplifies reality and, hence, is unable
to explain the existing real world variance in personal-
ity traits. Experimental approaches to personality rely
on laboratory studies on cause-effect relationships,
as such they are the opposite of clinical approaches.
They violate the holistic approach and cannot explain
the huge variance of the real world. However, they
comply to the third dimension of complexity: gener-
ation of solid theoretical frameworks.
Models and theory used in affective computing
are heavily skewed towards the statistical approaches
(cf. (Vinciarelli and Mohammadi, 2014)). To some
extent this makes sense as the statistical approaches
are most straightforward to model (e.g., using ma-
chine learning or general linear models). Although
understandable from a pragmatic stance, the above
analysis of the three research traditions of personal-
ity makes it hard to justify this position. I propose to
reconsider and improve the clinical approach to per-
sonality, such that computational models can be build
based on it. This requires a well-argued combination
of lab and field data and, most likely, a merge of quan-
titative and qualitative data (Fine and Elsbach, 2000;
McCusker and Gunaydin, 2015).
Health care is vibrant and yet conservative, a highly
complex field of science, engineering, and practice.
As is argued in Section 1, its foundations should be
reconsidered. ICT, and in particular, health informat-
ics, can play a crucial role in this process. However,
the stakes are high, including potentially big losses as
well as big gains, as is discussed in Section 2, which
makes such endeavor even more challenging. With
paradigms such as personalized medicine and mobile
health, the client is put central. However, so far the
client’s personality has been ignored (see Section 3). I
pose that the clinical tradition of personality research
should be embraced by health informatics, realizing
that this would require a firm step back to enable the
so much needed steps forward.
As is illustrated via this article’s relatively
lengthly list of references, an interdisciplinary, holis-
tic approach was taken. Nevertheless, many issues
remained untouched. For example, social and cul-
tural (Kaplan, 2017) and psychosocial issues (Kun,
2016) should be considered on top of the evident
privacy and security concerns (Blobel et al., 2016).
An analysis of the current state-of-the-art of elec-
tronic health records would have been appropriate as
well (Wuyts et al., 2012; Stylianou and Talias, 2017).
Moreover, a discussion on computational techniques
for personality models at a functional level would
have been in place (cf. (Huys et al., 2016; Adams
et al., 2016)). However, this article’s list of references
provides a good starting point.
Health informatics is struggling, already since its
recent conception (Kulikowski et al., 2012; Nelson
and Staggers, 2018). Omnipresent computing power,
big data, rapidly improving sensor technology, and
our extended lives, have put it in the top list of so-
ciety’s health agenda. This is a promising trend; but,
as posed, significantly more mass is needed to change
the field’s paradigm and see all humans as clients, in-
stead of only those who are already patients.
I thank the two anonymous reviewers, who provided
excellent comments on an early draft of this arti-
cle. Moreover, I thank Winnie Teunissen for carefully
proof reading of the pre-final version of this article.
Last, I thank Gert-Jan de Vries for his invitation to
present this article at his special session.
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