Transforming Intangible Folkloric Performing Arts into Tangible
Choreographic Digital Objects: The Terpsichore Approach
Anastasios Doulamis, Athanasios Voulodimos, Nikolaos Doulamis, Sofia Soile
and Anastasios Lampropoulos
Photogrammetry and Computer Vision Lab, National Technical University of Athens,
Zografou Campus, 15780, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Intangible Cultural Heritage, Performing Arts, Folkloric Dances, 3D Modelling, Cultural Heritage
Abstract: Intangible Cultural Heritage is a mainspring of cultural diversity and as such it should be a focal point in
cultural heritage preservation and safeguarding endeavours. Nevertheless, although significant progress has
been made in digitization technology as regards tangible cultural assets and especially in the area of 3D
reconstruction, the e-documentation of intangible cultural heritage has not seen comparable progress. One of
the main reasons associated lies in the significant challenges involved in the systematic e-digitisation of
intangible cultural assets, such as performing arts. In this paper, we present at a high-level an approach for
transforming intangible cultural assets, namely folk dances, into tangible choreographic digital objects. The
approach is being implemented in the context of the H2020 European project “Terpsichore”.
Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) content means
“the practices, representations, expressions,
knowledge, skills as well as the instruments,
objects, artefacts and cultural spaces associated
therewith”. Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) is a
very important mainspring of cultural diversity and a
guarantee of sustainable development, as underscored
in the UNESCO Recommendation on the
safeguarding of Traditional Culture and folklore of
1989, in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on
Cultural Diversity of 2001 and in the Convention for
the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
(Kyriakaki, 2014). Improving the digitization
technology regarding capturing, modelling and
mathematical representation of performance arts and
especially folklore dances is critical in: (i) promoting
cultural diversity to the children and the youth
through the safeguard of traditional performance arts;
(ii) making local communities and especially
indigenous people aware of the richness of their
intangible heritage; (iii) strengthening cooperation
and intercultural dialogue between people,
different cultures and countries.
Although ICH content, especially traditional
folklore performing arts, is commonly deemed
worthy of preservation by UNESCO and the EU
Treaty, most of the current research efforts focus on
tangible cultural assets, while the ICH content has
been given less emphasis. The primary difficulty
stems by the complex structure of ICH, its dynamic
nature, the interaction among the objects and the
environment, as well as emotional elements (e.g., the
way of expression and dancers’ style). Of course there
have been some notable efforts such as the i-
Treasures project which provides a platform to access
ICH resources and contribute to the transmission of
rare know-how from Living Human Treasures to
apprentices (Dimitropoulos, 2016) and the RePlay
project, whose goal is to understand, preserve, protect
and promote traditional sports (Linaza, 2013).
Towards this direction, the Terpsichore project
aims to study, analyse, design, research, train,
implement and validate an innovative framework for
affordable digitization, modelling, archiving, e-
preservation and presentation of ICH content related
to folk dances, in a wide range of users (dance
professionals, dance teachers, creative industries and
general public).
Exploring the digitization technology regarding
folklore performances constitutes a significant impact
Doulamis A., Voulodimos A., Doulamis N., Soile S. and Lampropoulos A.
Transforming Intangible Folkloric Performing Arts into Tangible Choreographic Digital Objects: The Terpsichore Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006347304510460
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
at European level. On one hand, the multi-cultural
intangible dimension of Europe is documented,
preserved, made available to everybody on Internet.
On the other hand, the multifaceted value to the ICH
content for usage in education, tourism, art, media,
science and leisure settings is added.
Currently, digital technology has been widely
adopted, which greatly accelerates efforts and
efficiency of Cultural Heritage (CH) preservation and
protection. At the same time, it enhances CH in the
digital era, creating enriched virtual surrogates. Many
research works have been proposed in the literature
on archiving tangible cultural assets in the form of
digital content (Li, 2010). Although the
aforementioned significant achievements for
improving the digitization technology towards a more
cost-effective automated and semantically enriched
representation, protection, presentation and re-use of
the CH via the European Digital Library
EUROPEANA, very few efforts exist in creating
breakthrough digitization technology, improving the
e-documentation (3D modelling enriched with
multimedia metadata and ontologies), the e-
preservation and re-use of ICH traditional music and
fashion, folklore, handicraft, etc.
Terpsichore targets at integrating the latest
innovative results of photogrammetry, computer
vision, semantic technologies, time evolved
modeling, combined with the story telling and
folklore choreography. An important output of the
project will be a Web based cultural server/viewer
with the purpose to allow user’s interaction,
visualization, interface with existing cultural libraries
and enrichment functionalities to result in virtual
surrogates and media application scenarios that
release the potential economic impact of ICH. The
final product will support a set of services such as
virtual/augmented reality, social media, interactive
maps, presentation and learning of European Folk
dances with significant impact on the European
society, culture and tourism.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: In Section 2 we review the state of the art in
the fields pertaining to the Terpsichore approach,
which is presented in Section 3. Finally, Section 4
concludes the paper.
Although significant progress has been made in
digitization technology as regards tangible cultural
assets and especially in the area of 3D reconstruction
see the research achievements of the projects 3D-
(, IMPACT (www.impact-, PRESTOSPACE ( the
e-documentation of intangible cultural assets is not
yet evident, especially in the case of folklore
performing arts. This is mainly due to the complex
multi-disciplinarity of the folklore performances
which presents a series of challenges ranging from the
choreography, the folk music, the uniforms, -music
and from the digitization and computer vision to
spatio-temporal (4D) dynamic modelling and virtual
scene generation as discussed above. It is important
to mention that this is the first time in the entire
European Union that a Knowledge Alliance of this
calibre is trying to undertake such innovative project,
which aims to act as a pioneering mechanism for
unifying ICH content with already existing digitized
CH content from digital libraries (such as the folklore
stories documented in the different e-records in
EUROPEANA), and whose outcomes will not only
lead to advanced scientific publications, but also
patents, which will boost EU economic growth. In the
following, we present the current e-documentation
technologies and the respective limitations that the
Terpsichore project aims to address.
2.1 3D Data Acquisition and Processing
The most popular methods for 3D capturing are
divided into two main categories: active methods
(laser scanners, range finders, structured light
projectors) and passive methods (stereo vision and
visual hulls). The most common used passive method
is to attach distinctive markers to the body of a human
and track these markers in images acquired by
multiple calibrated cameras ( In
this case, method's accuracy is limited by the number
of markers available. Markerless capture methods
(Carceroni, 2001; Li, 2008; Pons, 2006) based on
computer vision technology overcome this problem.
However, these approaches do not fully exploit global
spatiotemporal consistency constraints and are
susceptible to error approximation.
The method of (Furukawa, 2007) addresses these
limitations, however, it relies on PVMS software
efficiency. In (Yamasaki, 2010) a system using 22
cameras is proposed. 3D modeling is based on the
combination of volume intersection and stereo
matching. However, the original shape distribution
cannot be generated stably. Active methods offer
higher stability and accuracy compared to passive
methods. In (Cui, 2010) a 3D shape scanning system
based on the ToF camera is presented. Although,
these cameras are of low cost, they present
limitations, such as very low X/Y resolution and
random noise behavior. In (Sakashita, 2011) a system
for capturing textured 3D shapes is presented, by
using a multi-band camera in combination with an
infrared structured light projector. However, it
requires no other illumination in the environment.
FusionKinect (Izadi, 2011) uses a Kinect camera to
generate real-time depth maps containing discrete
range measurements of the physical scene. However,
depth data are inherently noisy and depth maps
contain “holes” where no readings were obtained.
After capturing, computer vision techniques are
necessary for data reduction, filtering, optical flow
and disparity estimation. The techniques used to solve
correspondence problems are similar and can be
categorized as energy-based and feature-based.
Energy-based methods (Alvarez, 2002) minimize a
cost function plus a regularization term, in the
framework of (Horn, 1981), to solve for the 2D
displacements and yield very accurate, dense flow
fields. However, they fail as displacements get too
large. Feature-based methods (Pons, 2006; Furukawa,
2011; Shrivastava, 2011; Liu, 2011) match features in
different images. This kind of methods are able to
overcome the problem of large displacements by
using the concept of coarse-to-fine image warping,
however, this downsampling removes information
that may be vital for establishing correct matches.
Data processing techniques will be used to refine
acquired data (remove noises, remove “holes”,
accelerate 3D registration). The method of (Mitra,
2004) based on local least square fitting for
estimating the normals at all sample points of a point
cloud data set, in the presence of noise. The work of
(Ruhnke, 2012) proposes an approach to obtain
highly accurate 3D models from range data by jointly
optimize the poses of the sensor and the positions of
the surface points measured with a range scanning
device. The work of (Rusu, 2009) uses Point Feature
Histograms for accelerating 3D registration problem.
2.2 3D Modelling and Rendering
Modelling is a process to create a model, which by
definition is an abstract representation that reflects the
characteristics of a given entity either physical or
conceptual. 3D modelling relies on computational
geometry techniques such as skeleton extraction,
division of space into subspaces and mesh
reconstruction. The authors of (Menier, 2006) present
an approach to recover body motions from multiple
views using a 3D skeletal model, which is an a priori
articulated model consists in kinematic chain of
segments representing a body pose. In (Chen, 2009)
an approach for simultaneously reconstructing 3D
human motion and full-body skeletal size from a
small set of 2D image features is presented. It
resolves the ambiguity for skeleton reconstruction
using pre-recorded human skeleton data. The
approach of (Gall, 2009) recovers the movement of
the skeleton, as well as, the possibly non-rigid
temporal deformation of the 3D surface by using an
articulated template model and silhouettes from a
multi-view image sequence. Another volumetric
approach is this of (Matsuyama, 2004) that uses
silhouette volume intersection to generate the 3D
voxel representation of the object shape and uses a
high fidelity texture mapping algorithm to convert the
3D object shape into a triangular patch representation.
3D rendering is a necessary process for
visualizing modelled content. However, real-time
rendering of detailed animated characters, especially
in crowded simulations like dance, is a challenging
problem in computer graphics. Textured polygonal
meshes provide high-quality representation at the
expense of a high rendering cost. To overcome this
problem, several techniques focusing on providing
level-of-detail representations have been proposed.
Image-based pre-computed impostors (Tecchia,
2002) render distant characters as a textured polygon
to accelerate rendering of animated characters. A
much more memory-efficient but view-dependent
approach is to subdivide each animated character into
a collection of pieces, in order to use separate
impostors for different body parts (Kavan, 2008). In
(Pettré, 2006) a three-level-of-detail approach is
described, combining the animation quality of
dynamic meshes with the high performance offered
by static meshes and impostors. The technique in
(Andújar, 2007) adopts a relief mapping approach to
encode details in arbitrary 3D models with minimal
supporting geometry.
2.3 Symbolic Representation,
Ontologies and Harvesting
During dancing performances, motion gestures are
used to communicate a storyline in an aesthetically
pleasing manner. Although, humans automatically
perceive and understand such gestures, from the point
of view of computer science these gestures have to be
analyzed under an appropriate framework with
appropriate features, such as repetitive patterns,
motion trajectories and motion inclusions, in order to
extract their semantics. In the work of (Moon, 2008)
a generative statistical approach to human motion
modeling and tracking that utilizes probabilistic latent
semantic analysis to describe the mapping of image
features to 3D human pose estimate, is presented. The
latent variables describe intrinsic motion semantics
linking human figure to 3D pose estimates. In (Yang,
2010) the dance motion is analyzed to extract the
repetitive patterns and compute prerequisite relations
among them. These relations are illustrated by a
concept map that is constructed automatically. The
authors of (Kahol, 2004) based on human anatomy
propose a method for deriving choreographer
segmentation profiles of dance motion capture
sequences. A more stable and descriptive framework
for human motion analysis is the Laban Movement
Analysis (LMA) framework. LMA has been proposed
and used from the viewpoint of the analysis of body
motions and it can be used for not only motion
analysis but also extracting and generating expression
of movements in general (Aristidou, 2014a;
Aristidou, 2014b). The method of (Bouchard, 2007)
uses LMA Effort component as a basis for motion
capture segmentation, which is more meaningful than
kinematic features, and it is easier to compute for
general motions than semantic features. In (Woo,
2000) LMA has been used to obtain dancer's intention
and estimate emotional or sensitivity information of
the dance performance. In (Santos, 2011) the
performance of different signal features regarding the
qualitative meaning of LMA semantics is examined.
Especially, this work is based on the study of body
part trajectories and the objective is to apply multiple
feature generation algorithms to segment the signals
according to LMA theory, in order to find patterns
and define the most prominent features in each of the
descriptors defined on Labanotation (Chi, 2000).
“Synchronous Objects” project
( is focusing on the topic
of transforming choreographies into symbolic
representations. However, the dancers have been
interactively marked by animators frame by frame
with the aim to track their movements. Finally, within
the project “MotionBank” ( the
synchronous object is followed up with the aim to
create “online scores” visualizing and illustrating the
choreograph’s intention.
To achieve a reliable 4D modelling of intangible
cultural heritage (ICH) assets, such as dances, a new
pioneer framework should be adopted. The research
tools needed to be applied are depicted in Figure 1.
The goals are to: (a) explore a scalable capturing
framework as regards 3D reconstruction of ICH in
terms of accuracy and cost-effectiveness, (b) develop
the captured visual 3D signals into symbolic data that
represent the overall human creativity, (c) define an
interoperable Intangible Cultural Metadata Interface
(ICMI) for folklore performing arts, and (d) nominate
the appropriate codification of the extracted symbolic
data structures in an interoperable form that permits
interconnection with existing specifications of
national digital cultural repositories or international
like the EU digital library EUROPEANA
( and the UNESCO
Memory of the World (Figure 2).
During the 20th century there have been several
attempts to model human creativity in performing
arts. In 1920s Rudolf Laban developed a system of
movement notation that eventually evolved into
modern-day Laban Movement Analysis (LMA)
(Pforsich, 1977)0, which provides a language for
describing, visualizing, interpreting, and
documenting all varieties of human movement, in an
attempt to preserve classic choreographies. In the
early 2000s LMA extensively used for analyzing
dance performances (Davis, 2001) and create digital
archives of dancing in the area of education and
The main goal of the Terpsichore project is to
leverage such past efforts towards the transformation
of intangible cultural heritage content to 3D virtual
content, through the development and exploitation of
affordable digitization technology. Towards this
direction, fusion of different scientific and
technological fields, such as capturing technology,
computer vision and learning, 3D modeling and
reconstruction, virtual reality, computer graphics and
data aggregation for metadata extraction, is
necessary. There are four main distinct research
directions in the context of the project, which will be
presented in the following.
3.1 Choreographic Analysis, Design
and Modelling
The main research objective in this section is to
analyze the spatial specifications, the attributes and
the properties of folklore traditional performing arts.
The analysis describes all the aspects that are
needed for recording human creativity based on
tradition; thus apart from the human movement, the
way of expression, the associated emotional
characteristics, the style as well as additional
contextual data, such as climate conditions, social-
cultural factors, stylistic variations, the accompanied
untold scenarios and stories should be recorded. All
Figure 1: The main research components towards an intangible cultural heritage content (ICH) digitalization.
Figure 2: Framework of the proposed intangible cultural content digitalization.
Figure 3: Description of the basic metadata elements used for representing the folklore performing arts.
music scores & lyrics
The Proposed
Metadata Elements
Metadata Structure
the aforementioned specifications will be surveyed in
such a way to derive an interoperable description
framework based on which we are able to design and
define the Intangible Cultural Metadata Interface
(ICMI). ICMI aims at specifying a set of metadata
that are necessary for representing the rich intangible
cultural heritage information and especially in case of
folklore traditional performing arts. In addition, ICMI
introduces an interoperable description scheme
framework able to specify the metadata structure and
the relations between the extracted metadata. Thus,
ICMI specifies not only the appropriate metadata for
representing human creativity but also the structure
and semantics of relations between its components.
Figure 3 presents an indicative description framework
of the basic metadata elements used for the
description of folklore performing arts. As is
observed, the metadata of the ICMI are discriminated
into four main categories; the low level feature
metadata, the contextual and environmental
metadata, the socio-cultural factors as well as the
emotional attributes.
The pool of the basic metadata used for describing
the intangible cultural assets of traditional folklore
performing arts are framed with a metadata structure
format able to interoperably represent the semantics
relations between the metadata components of Figure
3. Special emphasis should be given in order to align
the ICMI format with existing specifications of digital
cultural libraries, such as EUROPEANA and
UNESCO the Memory of World, since this will allow
the easy archiving, usage and re-usage of the digitized
intangible cultural content with the content of large
digital cultural repositories.
3.2 Capturing and 3D Modelling of
Static Objects
Another important research issue deals with
technologies able to capture and virtually 3D
reconstruct traditional performing arts under an
affordable, cost-effective and accurate digitization
framework. To do this, an innovative technological
framework able to combine advanced technologies in
the area of photogrammetry and computer vision
should be introduced. A scalable capturing
framework that combines 3D modelling technology
coming by a set of multi-view stereo camera
architecture and a low cost depth sensors (Kinect) is
necessary to be adopted. The balance of using multi-
view stereo imaging (high resolution cameras plus
dense image matching techniques) and low cost depth
sensors able to generate depth information in real
time are obtained in terms of accuracy and cost-
effectiveness. In other words, the fusion of the
information from different sensors in order to
increase the accuracy or reduce the number of
cameras necessary for data capturing remains a
As regards the multi-view imaging architecture,
the 3D information is extracted by applying dense
image matching techniques. For each stereo model
observing common content a correspondence is
determined for each pixel individually. By using
these correspondences between all stereo models, all
3D Points can be triangulated based on their viewing
rays at once. This leads to a very dense and accurate
point cloud. In order to acquire the movements in
time, this step is performed for each frame in time for
all synchronized cameras leading to 3D point clouds
for each time stamp. However, this is a computational
intensive process that increases the total cost of
digitization. 3D modelling tools appropriately
designed for time varying shapes should be used.
Such methodologies exploit motion information as
well as tracking methods Subsequently, a volumetric
integration of this depth information not only enables
the extraction of a volumetric representation, but also
to fill small gaps and reduce noise.
The fusion process should be performed under a
calibrated network of cameras or depth sensors.
Network calibration is very important since it allows
the implementation of super-resolution methods and
detection of confidence data as obtained either by the
depth sensors or the multi-view imaging. The use of
self-calibration methodologies able to automatically
calibrate the network of cameras and depth sensors
using computer vision tools is a major research issue.
Figure 4 presents the aforementioned methodology.
3.3 3D Modelling of Moving Objects
Another research field includes imaging
methodologies based on the combination of
photogrammetric, computer vision and computer
graphics techniques able to automate the 3D
modelling procedure of moving objects. Towards this
direction, initially, segmentation algorithms able to
isolate the foreground objects from the background is
applied. This step is critical since it allows the human
objects to be separated from the background content.
The foreground objects are dynamically updated
through the motion estimation captured by the
capturing layer. On the contrary, background content
is updated by the information provided by the depth
sensor network. A set of deformable models is used
to describe the human movement. These set of
deformable models are provided dealing with the
Figure 4: A representation of the methodology resulting in a scalable capturing framework in terms of accuracy and
Figure 5: The 3D modelling methodology for moving objects.
analysis, design and modelling of folklore traditional
performing arts.
In order to allow a cost effective 3D digitization
process, a voxel 3D skeletonization is performed. In
this way, we are able to reduce the amount of
information needed to describe the human object;
therefore, a reduction of the cost of processing
resulting in more accurate and cost-effective 3D
modelling of moving objects is possible. 3D skeletons
are medial axes transform and encode mostly motion
information. 3D skeletons separate motion estimation
from shape and thus, they allow a more accurate 3D
model updating through time.
The derived 3D skeletons are tracked in time
using motion capture and tracking computer vision
methodologies. Tracking process is assist through the
selection of appropriate geometrically enriched data.
By taking into consideration motion tracking, which
is performed on the 3D skeletons to increase accuracy
and computational efficiency, as well as the set of
deformable models appropriate for a specific folklore
performance, we are able to automatically update the
Visual Sensor
camera design
Depth sensor
network design
based visual
Image Matching
Confident data
Creation of
Data fusion
The Scalable Capturing Framework
Static 3D
3D Voxel
Motion Capture
and Tracking
models &
Model Refinement
(ToF information)
ToF information
Visual features
Spatio-temporal positioning
detected 3D models to fit the properties of the current
human movement and shape constraints as obtained
by the static 3D models.
Despite the efficiency of the aforementioned
methodology, possible errors (in the 3D
skeletonization and tracking process) generate
erroneous virtual 3D reconstructions. To address this
difficult, we enhance the results of the 3D modelling
of moving objects using information derived from the
depth sensor network. In this case, we are able to
exploit the depth information to improve 3D
modelling accuracy. Figure 5 depicts this
3.4 Symbolic Representation and
Extraction of Semantic Signatures
3D modelling is critical for encoding the complex 3D
reconstructions of performing arts into a set of
compact semantic signatures in a similar way that a
music song is encoded using a music score. For this
reason, computational geometry algorithms are used
to decode the spatial-temporal trajectory of the
performances. This includes methodologies for
positioning both in 3D and temporal space. Then,
semantic signatures and respective spatial-temporal
associations are extracted to represent the
performances with high level concepts. It is clear that
semantic analysis aids the digitization and computer
vision process and vice versa.
The visualization of scores fosters the
understanding of the dance and it helps visitors,
dancers and choreographs to comprehend the
structure and the intension of the dance. A more
formalized documentation of the dance will be
supported with an automated mapping of capturing
data to formal and abstract chorographic notations
(“Symbolic Representations”). Hereby, the captured
dance could be coded using traditional approaches
like the Laban Motion Analysis or modern ballet
notation forms like the “peacemaker” from William
Forsythe and David Kern.
3.5 Virtual Scene Generation
Finally, the complete reconstructed 4D-scenario can
be visualized within an interactive Web-Viewer.
Virtual scene generation exploits both the produced
3D models, but also the codified symbolic
representations, generating an innovative and unique
research framework able to allow for manipulation,
usage and re-usage of the cultural objects. This
interactive Web-Viewer links the extracted Symbolic
Representations to the 4D-reconstruction of the
choreography. Within this Web-Viewer beside
different viewpoints also the perspective of a specific
dance can be chosen.
In this paper we have presented the concept of the
Terpsichore project. The research directions of the
project will span across various fields, including
choreographic analysis, 3D data capturing, 3D
modelling of static and moving objects and symbolic
representations, among others. Through the described
approach Terpsichore aims to study, analyse, design,
research, train, implement and validate an innovative
framework for affordable digitization, modelling,
archiving, e-preservation and presentation of
Intangible Cultural Heritage content related to folk
dances, in a wide range of users, including dance
professionals, dance teachers, creative industries and
the general public. Future
This work has been supported by the H2020-MSCA-
RISE project “Transforming Intangible Folkloric
Performing Arts into Tangible Choreographic Digital
Objects (Terpsichore)” funded by the European
Commission under grant agreement no 691218. The
authors would like to help all partners for their
contribution and collaboration.
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