Improving Play and Learning Style Adaptation in a Programming
Education Game
Renny S. N. Lindberg, Aziz Hasanov and Teemu H. Laine
Department of Software, Ajou University, Suwon, South Korea
Learning Styles, Play Styles, Educational Games, Adaptation, Programming Education.
The drive to teach programming to K-12 students has amplified in the past few years as several European
countries have added programming to their national curricula. Teaching programming is not simple as even
older students struggle with the topic. Educational games have been shown to increase motivation and learning
efficiency, and many games have been created to teach programming. Adaptation is a technique that could
improve these benefits even further by personalizing the game to learners in a heterogeneous group. In this
study we presented Minerva, an adaptive programming education game designed for elementary school stu-
dents. The game uses Bartle’s Player Types and Honey and Mumford’s Learning Style Questionnaire to adapt
gameplay and learning content to match the player’s styles. We tested Minerva with 33 6th grade South Ko-
rean students using a post-test questionnaire, interviews, and a game log that was designed to keep track of
the students’ profiles and how Minerva adapted to them. Based on the results, we proposed how Minerva’s
adaptation system can be improved in the future. This paper can be of interest to anyone researching possible
uses of adaptivity in (programming) education games.
Programmers are in great demand. A European Union
report stated that Europe will have up to 756 000
ICT job vacancies by 2020 (H
using et al., 2015).
South Korea is among the latest countries that have
decided to add programming education to their na-
tional curricula (Ministry of Education and Science,
2015). Several European countries have already up-
graded their K-12 curricula (Balanskat and Engel-
hardt, 2015), and non-profit organizations, such as, are pushing for similar reforms in the U.S.
Various tools, such as Scratch, are used to teach
programming to children. However, the need to teach
the core programming concepts still remains, and
with programming being a challenging topic to teach
to even older students (Gomes and Mendes, 2007;
Jenkins, 2002), this is an issue not to be taken lightly.
Educational games can yield positive results and are
one possible solution (Connolly et al., 2012). Major-
ity of programming education games tend to be one-
tracked puzzle games, which some players may find
difficult to approach if the game style does not suit
them (Charles et al., 2005; Magerko, 2008). Using
adaptation could alleviate these issues and improve
motivation and learning (Hwang et al., 2012).
We developed a programming education game,
Minerva, that adapts learning content and gameplay
to the learning and play styles of the player, respec-
tively. In this paper, we describe Minerva’s adapta-
tion model and show the results of its evaluation with
6th grade students in South Korea. Finally, we give
suggestions to improve adaptation in games such as
2.1 Learning and Play Styles
We have previously compared several learning style
models (Lindberg and Laine, 2016) and selected
Honey and Mumford’s LSQ and Bartle’s Player Types
for the basis of adaptation in Minerva because of their
simple terminology and wide use in related fields.
Honey and Mumford identify four learning styles
as follows: (i) Activist, who learns from experience
and prefers acting over thinking; (ii) Reflector, who
learns by observing others; (iii) Theorist, who learns
by analyzing and prefer to theorizing over doing; and
(iv) Pragmatist, who learn by applying theory in prac-
Lindberg R., Hasanov A. and Laine T.
Improving Play and Learning Style Adaptation in a Programming Education Game.
DOI: 10.5220/0006350304500457
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017), pages 450-457
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tice. Though the learner may utilize all four styles,
they naturally prefer one over the others, which be-
comes the primary learning style.
Bartle’s Player types was created as a taxonomy of
MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) players. Since then, also
single player gamers have been labeled directly with
Bartle’s Player Types or with other models that are
based on Bartle’s. In his model, Bartle divided play-
ers into four styles: (i) Killer, who prefers acting upon
other players using dominance and aggression; (ii)
Socializer, who prefers communication over game-
play; (iii) Explorer, who prefers discovery (e.g. hid-
den locations and bugs) driven by curiosity; and (iv)
Achiever, who prefers winning by points, achieve-
ments, and collectibles in a competitive manner.
2.2 Adaptive Learning Environments
Adaptivity in learning environments is the process of
transforming the learning environment (e.g., learn-
ing materials and activities, user interface) to match
the learner’s context, which can comprise different
dimensions, such as personal context (e.g. learn-
ing style, knowledge level, emotional state) (Akbari
and Taghiyareh, 2014), technical context (e.g. device
type), and spatio-temporal context (Hsu et al., 2016).
Recent surveys analyzed the integration of learn-
ing styles into learning environments (Akbulut and
Suzan Cardak, 2012; Truong, 2015). Diverse learning
style models have been utilized in the adaptation pro-
cesses (Akbari and Taghiyareh, 2014; Yaghmaie and
Bahreininejad, 2011; Latham et al., 2012), and Ruiz
et al. (Ruiz et al., 2008) proposed two ways in which
learning styles can be used in adaptation: a) adapt-
ing learning material type, and b) adapting learning
content structure. Some recent learning environments
do adaptation in ways that hardly fit to the aforemen-
tioned classification. For example, Akbari et al. (Ak-
bari and Taghiyareh, 2014) proposed a recommender
system that finds a helper (another learner) by com-
paring and matching learning styles of the help seeker
and the helper candidate. In other studies, the se-
quence of learning content has been adapted based on
learning styles (Yaghmaie and Bahreininejad, 2011;
Cabada et al., 2011; Latham et al., 2012). Vesin et
al., in their Java tutoring environment, implemented
adaptation of presentation method and navigation ac-
cording to the learning style (Vesin et al., 2012). For
example, if the learner with visual learning style can-
not earn required grade for a specific concept, the
learning environment changes his learning style to
verbal. Moreover, navigation is adapted according to
sequential and global learning styles.
Learning environments detect learning styles by
versatile methods. Most systems rely on question-
naires (Akbari and Taghiyareh, 2014; Vesin et al.,
2012; Cabada et al., 2011), but others methods, such
as discourse analysis (Latham et al., 2012), also exist.
2.3 Adaptive Educational Games
Adaptation is used in games to make them more in-
triguing for a heterogeneous group of players. Chen
discussed the need for adaptive game design and
how games can maintain the flow for different play-
ers (Chen, 2007). Chen suggested giving control to
players through choices that affect the flow of the
game, but warns against giving too much freedom
that could be overwhelming or annoying. To over-
come this conundrum, Chen proposed: “offer adap-
tive choices, allowing different users to enjoy the flow
in their own way; and embed choices inside the core
activities to ensure the flow is never interrupted”.
Educational games have a heterogeneous audience
with likely occurrence of different gaming prefer-
ences. Using adaptation has been perceived as a pos-
sible method for alleviating this issue. For example,
Magerko’s take on adaptation in educational games is
to use knowledge with pedagogical and entertainment
values: “Games for learning can incorporate model-
ing approaches for both pedagogical and entertain-
ment goals. A game can be tailored to both better en-
gage as well as educate the player by using both kinds
of knowledge. (Magerko, 2008) Moreover, Magerko
listed common adaptation techniques for games: a)
Branch story into multiple paths; b) Track the player
type and change the game according to the player’s
preferences; and c) Use Non-Player Characters (NPC)
that adapt their behavior to different player types.
Several adaptive educational games have been
proposed. Kickmeier et al. (Kickmeier-Rust et al.,
2011) introduced an adaptive storytelling framework
in which the story is adapted according to the player’s
the needs and interests. Similarly, Peirce et al. (Peirce
et al., 2008) utilized adaptation in their physics educa-
tion game to give motivational and hinting support to
the player. Hwang et al. (Hwang et al., 2012) used
the Felder-Silverman learning style model to adapt
the appearance of their game.
3.1 The Game Concept
Minerva is a programming education game for ele-
mentary school students with no previous program-
ming experience. The player is given a clear goal and
Improving Play and Learning Style Adaptation in a Programming Education Game
purpose through a simple story in which the player is
remotely commanding a robot sent to a derelict space-
ship, Minerva, to repair it back to working order. The
game covers five core programming concepts: input,
output, math, repetition and decisions. Minerva does
not have separate puzzles for Math, Input and Out-
put, but they are inherently part of the gameplay (i.e.
giving input commands to the robot and observing its
actions as the output) and covered in the game story.
Minerva has several features that set it apart from
other programming education games. Firstly, many
programming games are simple puzzles without a sto-
ryline. Secondly, puzzle games’ levels are generally
not connected to each other except by the increase in
difficulty. In Minerva, the player is free to traverse
the ship. Thirdly, the player can use a chat commu-
nicate with other players in the same room. Fourthly,
some rooms can be solved in several different ways:
the player can shoot obstacles and aliens blocking the
way; talk to the aliens and convince them to leave
the room; or simply maneuver the robot past the ob-
stacles. Fifthly, Minerva has minigames for teaching
programming concepts. These repair missions, which
thematically connect to the story, are short puzzles
that focus on a single programming concept. The
game has two such puzzles on repetition and deci-
sions. Lastly, Minerva adapts content and gameplay
to the player’s learning style and the play style.
3.2 Adaptation
In this section, we explain how a questionnaire for
mapping the play and learning styles was created and
how the adaptation is done within Minerva.
3.2.1 Questionnaire
A questionnaire was created previously to identify
children’s learning and play styles (Lindberg and
Laine, 2016). In Minerva, the questionnaire is part of
player account creation and it has two parts. The first
part covers play styles based on Bartle’s Player Types,
and the second half is for learning styles according to
Honey and Mumford’s Learning Style Questionnaire.
Each style has four Likert scale statements, resulting
in 32 statements. If the player scores evenly for mul-
tiple styles, an additional statement for each equally
rated style is shown, of which the player must choose
one to be the primary style.
3.2.2 Adaptation to Play Styles
Play style adaptation affects the number of aliens
and the active view shown to the player. For exam-
ple, Killers are provided with the maximum number
of aliens, whereas Sozializers will see the minimum
number of them. There are three different auxiliary
views in Minerva: score, chat and map. The active
view depends on the detected play style: Achievers
see the score view, map is for Explorers and chat for
Socializers. There is no active view for Killers when
the game starts. The player can change the active view
at any time. View contents are identical to all players,
with the exception of the map view: for Explorers the
map only shows the areas that the player has visited.
This technique is known as the fog of war.
Minerva adjusts play styles by tracking players’
behavior. For instance, if a Socializer behaves like a
Killer, or an Achiever shows tendencies towards So-
cializer, the style is updated accordingly. The parame-
ters used for tracking play behavior are aliens and de-
structible obstacles. Aliens are used to track Killers’
and Socializers’ behavior. Firstly, the player can have
a dialog with aliens, which is appealing to Socializers.
The dialog offers hostile options, which could appeal
to Killers. Players who decide to talk to aliens and
convince them to leave the room peacefully, will get
their Socializer score increased, whereas a player who
destroys aliens will have their Killer score strength-
ened. This way the game adapt itself to play styles be-
yond the questionnaire results. Explorer is an excep-
tion to this as an Explorer’s behavior is not tracked.
3.2.3 Adaptation to Learning Styles
Minerva’s learning style adaptation is based on
Magoulas et al.s adaptive navigation in a web-based
learning system (Magoulas et al., 2003), which uses
three adaptation levels: (i) Remember, which is as-
sociated with recalling the theory; (ii) Use, which re-
lates to applying the learned theory; and (iii) Find,
which is the ability to propose and solve original
problems. In Remember, learning content is divided
into three parts: 1) Question, 2) Example, and 3) The-
ory. Learning content is shown in different order per
learning style. Fourth part, Activity, belongs to the
Use level.
We simplified and combined Remember and Use
levels to make Magoulas et al.s framework fit the
game environment and target group. The Find level
was omitted because the game is does not require
higher level pedagogical skills. Learning content in
Minerva is divided into four parts with different me-
dia modalities and simple terms: (i) WHY: text that
includes learning content explaining how the current
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
topic may be used outside the learning activity (e.g.,
a puzzle). This is equivalent to Theory; (ii) WHAT:
images that show the learning activity to the player
and what the player is expected to do. This is equiv-
alent to Question; (iii) HOW: a video clip that shows
the player how a similar learning activity is solved,
equivalent to Example; and (iv) DO: This is the ac-
tual learning activity, equivalent to Activity.
Table 1 presents Minerva’s adaptive learning con-
tent ordering model. This ordering adheres to
Magoulas et al.s level Remember, with the exception
of Activist for which we placed DO after WHAT. This
was done to ensure that the puzzles’ goals are clear to
the player before solving them. Unlike play styles,
learning styles are not updated during gameplay.
Table 1: Adaptive ordering of learning content.
Pragmatist HOW WHY WHAT DO
4.1 Research Design
Minerva was evaluated at a South Korean elementary
school with 32 grade 6 students (F: 15, M: 17). A
teacher and 12 students were also interviewed. Here
we focus on evaluating Minerva’s adaptation model.
In addition to utilizing the play and learning style
questionnaire, we created a post-test questionnaire
with Likert scale statements and open answer ques-
tions. The post-test questionnaire was filled right af-
ter gameplay. Semi-structured interviews for students
and their teacher were also prepared.
Minerva collects essential game data such as: play
and learning style profiles, room entering and exit
times, obstacles destroyed, aliens removed by talk-
ing or destroying, puzzle entering and exit times, total
moves performed, and game start/end times. Addi-
tionally, all chat messages are stored to a database.
4.2 Results
The results in this section are based on Minerva’s log
system with some results from the questionnaire and
interviews when they relate to adaptation.
4.2.1 Play Styles
Minerva has a simple internal point system that is
meant for adaptation handling. Shooting aliens, talk-
Table 2: Initial and final play styles scoring by Minerva.
Achiever Killer Explorer Socializer
µ 4.64 3.15 3.03 4.97
Start σ 3.34 3.64 3.31 3.75
153 104 100 164
µ 4.70 4.85 3.03 6.42
End σ 3.36 4.57 3.31 3.14
155 160 100 212
ing to them, and destroying obstacles give points for
Killers, Socializers and Achievers, respectively. As
we mentioned before, Minerva currently does not
track adaptation towards Explorer.
Figure 1 shows play styles at the start and end
of the game. In the beginning, Socializer was the
most common primary play style and Achiever was
the second most popular. Secondary play style re-
sults were more even, with only minor leaning toward
Achiever. The least favorite style was Killer. It should
be noted that questionnaire results could all be given
negative results, in which case the least negative is
marked as the primary play style. Additionally, some
players do not have tertiary or quaternary play styles;
instead, they could have several equally strong play
styles grouped as the secondary style. For example,
a female player’s results were as follows: Achiever:
4p, Killer: -2p, Explorer: 0p, Socializer -8p. This
makes her primary play style Achiever, however, de-
spite been given 0p to it, the player’s secondary group
was Explorer.
In total, eight players’ styles changed during
gameplay. The changes were either to Socializer
(three) or to Killer (two), and three players’ primary
play styles were identified as combinations: Killer-
Socializer, Killer-Achiever and Achiever-Socializer.
Style changes are quantified in Table 2 with mean
(µ), standard deviation (σ) and sum(
) of points per
style. The largest increase in points was for Killer,
with a total of 56p being added to players’ profiles by
the end of the game. Killers were followed closely
by Socializers with 48p. These are fairly substantial
point hikes compared to Achievers’ 2p.
Tendencies towards Socializer were observed dur-
ing the gameplay, with players talking together and
helping each other to solve rooms and puzzles. Fur-
thermore, several players chatted actively through the
provided chat system, though majority of the con-
versation were mainly emoticons and jokes. Some
played did ask for help over the chat system, but they
did not receive any help through the chat. Addition-
ally, one player identified as Socializer made a request
of just chatting, instead of playing the game:
Male player (Chat): “Hey guys, let’s chat
rather than beat this game”
Improving Play and Learning Style Adaptation in a Programming Education Game
Figure 1: Play styles of the players: A) at the start of the game B) at the end of the game.
A majority of chatting occurred in the first and
final rooms. There were also several messages left
in other rooms, but these were largely from a male
player who spammed seemingly random letters and
occasional emoticons. At the start of the game, this
player was identified as an Explorer, with only one
point difference to Socializer and Achiever as sec-
ondary styles. Generally, female players did not use
the chat as much as males for chatting; either they
left one or two comments, or simply asked for an ad-
vice. Out of 15 females who played the game, only
five wrote something on the chat, whereas 14 out of
17 male players partook the chat. Female players also
wrote fewer messages, though this is slightly skewed
due the substantial spamming done by a handful male
players, some of whom found it amusing:
Male player (Chat): “Spamming this text is
so fun”
One female player, who had asked for help in the
chat, suggested an improvement to the game:
Female player (Questionnaire): “It would be
nice if this game provided an easier tutorial”
At the beginning of the game, she was identified
as an Achiever with one point difference to Killer and
Socializer. By the end of the game, Socializer had
been set as her primary style and secondary style was
a combination of Killer and Achiever. These styles
are also supported by the player’s comment:
Female player (Questionnaire): “I had fun
when I talked with aliens and killed aliens”
Though only commented by a few students, the
chat system garnered only positive feedback:
Female player (Interview): “The chatting
system is so fresh, like an online game”
Male player (Questionnaire): “I liked the
Interacting with aliens was also positively re-
ceived by players, even if they only would talk to one
of the aliens and then proceed to destroy others. For
instance, the following comment was left by a player
who talked to an alien, destroyed the others, and had
been identified as a Killer from the start:
Female player (Questionnaire): “I like this
game when I talked with aliens, because their
appearance was so funny”
4.2.2 Learning Styles
Primary learning styles are identified from question-
naire results and cannot change during gameplay. Fig-
ure 2 shows that Activist was the most popular learn-
ing style with 14 designees. The results have been
calculated in a manner similar to play styles, meaning
that actual points do vary more, as we see in Table 3.
Activist and Reflector are closer to each other with a
difference of 19 points, which is substantial compared
to Theorist and Pragmatist.
Figure 2: Learning styles.
We observed that many players ignored tutorials
completely and just clicked to get to the game as
quickly as possible. This behavior supports the results
above suggesting that a majority of players leaned to-
wards the Activist style. Some negative feedback was
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3: Learning styles scoring.
Activist Reflector Theorist Pragmatist
µ 2.82 2.42 1.45 1.82
σ 3.73 3.64 3.03 3.54
93 80 48 60
towards the tutorials and learning content, for instance
one female player complained about lack of instruc-
tions for controlling the robot:
Female player (Questionnaire): “It was dif-
ficult to understand the game tutorial [...] It
would be better if the tutorial has more expla-
nation about robot control, obstacles etc”
This was despite Minerva showing a set of images
and a video describing how the robot controls work.
Other students complained about instructions in gen-
eral, and lack of information about learning objectives
was pointed out by the teacher:
Female player (Questionnaire): “The in-
structions were hard to understand”
Male player (Questionnaire): “It would be
nice if the instructions explained in more de-
tail and precisely”
Female teacher (Interview): “The game was
excellent but to use it in a real programming
class it can be improved a bit. [...] the learn-
ing objective was not so clear. Core contents
and learning objective should be apparent.
In the following sections, we discuss how Minerva
could be updated based on our evaluation results to
handle the play and learning style adaptation even
better. These ideas are applicable to other adaptive
games based on the same models.
5.1 Improving Play Style Adaptation
The initial play styles mirrored the players’ behavior
in most cases, as only eight players’ play styles were
changed during gameplay. Additionally, a large num-
ber of players had a close number of points in more
than one style. This was also indicated by comments
from the questionnaire where a few players stated
both enjoying talking and shooting aliens.
Minerva does not consider the relevance of sec-
ondary styles. For instance, if Achiever and Explorer
are both valued much higher than Killer and Social-
izer, it would be safe to assume that the player has
tendencies for both styles. Consequently, the game
should adapt its behavior to support both styles.
Minerva’s adaptation system is currently rather
simple, and it is unsure whether it suffices in a longer
test scenario. Some of the originally planned adap-
tation functionalities were not fully realized simply
due to lack of time. For instance, Achievers are only
mildly supported, with only one room filled with bar-
rels that they could destroy to collect points. Some
simple modifications in future iterations will be di-
rected towards the Achiever class, such as random
destructible obstacles and dropping collectibles that
will give extra points to the player. Essentially, these
drops can happen with any play style, but if the player
keeps destroying barrels, the chance of gaining col-
lectibles would increase. Additionally, for more com-
petitive Achievers it would be appealing if each room
and puzzle would display the highest score that any
player has cleared it with, and scoreboard would dis-
play the total high scores. Lastly, by adding col-
lectible achievements, for instance clearing a room in
a specific way, would be motivating for Achievers.
When adapting a game for Explorers, extra game
content, such as hidden or visible objects and rooms,
must be generated. Another possible way to support
Explorers is to leave harmless bugs in the game that a
player can use to their benefit. Killers and Socializers
are the easiest styles to handle, which could explain
why they were prominent player types at the end of
the game. In a future version, both will be supported
with diverse dialog paths for Socializer and stronger
feedback in form of audio and graphics for Killers
when they destroy aliens and obstacles.
Table 4 summarizes our play style adaptation im-
provement ideas. Additionally, the game world could
also change according to secondary styles. For exam-
ple, Socializers would normally have the minimum
number of NPCs and the default number of destruc-
tible obstacles. A Socializer with Achiever as sec-
ondary style would have the usual number of NPCs,
with a higher number of destructible obstacles and
elevated chance for collectibles. A Socializer hav-
ing Killer and Achiever as secondary styles would,
in turn, have the maximum number of NPCs.
5.2 Improving Learning Style
Although players complained about difficult puzzles
and tutorial contents, it does not mean that the current
method of providing educational materials is fully at
fault. The players were understandably excited for
having a gap from their usual activities. We ob-
served their hurry to get to the game as several players
skipped most tutorials in the start of the game. Further
testing is required to see how well the learning content
Improving Play and Learning Style Adaptation in a Programming Education Game
Table 4: Play style adaptation improvements. Default value is between minimum and maximum numbers a room can handle.
Play Style User Interface Game World Destructible Obstacles NPCs
Neutral Unaltered Unaltered Default number; Default chance
for collectibles
Default number
Killer Unaltered Unaltered Default number; Increased
audio-visual effects; Default
chance for collectibles
Maximum number; In-
creased audio-visual ef-
Achiever High-score shown;
Achievements collected;
Achievements available
Room high-
score shown;
Maximum number; Increased
chance for collectibles
Default number
Explorer Deliberate bugs that give
Hidden rooms
and objects;
Extra rooms
Default number; Default chance
for collectibles
Default number
Socializer Can initiate chat with any
online player
Unaltered Minimum number; Default
chance for collectibles
Minimum number;
More complex dialog
and the game are received in long-term. Nonetheless,
it is clear that there is room for improvement.
Because Minerva is an educational game, learn-
ing content provision must be done with care. Learn-
ing content should be spread so that it will not distract
gameplay. To achieve this, the usage of learning styles
is important, as well as the correct design of puzzles,
especially when the topics start to become more com-
plex. A puzzle itself should be presented without ad-
ditional text convey the topic at hand. In repetition
and decision puzzles, this was achieved with relative
ease, but with more complex topics maintaining the
same level of clarity can be challenging.
An unobtrusive method of learning material de-
livery is voice-over. This would particularly support
players who prefer listening over reading. Moreover,
Minerva already uses images in tutorial content, but
these were based on screenshots of the game. More
carefully crafted and visually pleasing tutorial images
could yield increased attentiveness from the players.
Minerva changes the content presentation order
depending on learning style. This can be improved by
considering more the needs of each style. Activists
could directly start the puzzle without any tutorials
shown, with an option to open the tutorial later. For
Reflectors, a larger change is recommended: record-
ing other players solving a similar puzzle and allow-
ing Reflectors to view a recording. For Theorists
and Pragmatists, the focus should be on how to make
learning materials more appealing. This could be
done for example by splitting materials into practical
and theoretical parts, or highlighting relevant parts.
For Activists and Reflectors, both materials could be
made available and Minerva could also track which
type of material the player prefers to see.
Table 5 lists the aforementioned improvement
ideas. Learning content is marked as: theoretical,
Table 5: Learning style adaptation improvements.
User Interface Learning Con-
Neutral View tutorials in any
Theoretical and
Practical content
Activist On-demand tutorials Theoretical and
Practical content
Reflector View a recording of
another player solv-
ing the same puzzle
Full content
Theorist Show tutorial before
Theoretical con-
tent highlighted
Pragmatist Show tutorial before
Practical content
practical or the combination of the two. Theoretical
includes the theoretical aspects of the topic, and prac-
tical explains the theoretical aspects briefly followed
by real-life examples. This type of division works bet-
ter with more complex topics; simpler concepts can
be presented with the same content for all styles.
5.3 Limitations
This study has several limitations that should be con-
sidered in future research: (i) the evaluation did not
measure the influence of adaptation to learning and
motivation; (ii) Minerva does not adjust all styles dy-
namically (i.e. Explorer, all learning styles), which
may cause imbalance and mismatch; (iii) currently
unknown influence of game design to learning/play
styles could help make design decisions that support
adaptation; and (iv) existing criticism against learning
and play styles should be accounted for.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In this paper we introduced Minerva, an adaptive pro-
gramming education game that uses Bartle’s Player
Types and Honey and Mumford’s LSQ to adapt both
gameplay and learning content. We also showed the
results of adaptation evaluation obtained from test-
ing Minerva at a South Korean elementary school,
and proposed improvements for the adaptation model
based on evaluation results. There is room for im-
provement especially on how the learning content is
shown to players and on the adaptation of play and
learning styles.
This work was supported by the Korean National Re-
search Foundation (NRF-2015R1C1A1A02036469).
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Improving Play and Learning Style Adaptation in a Programming Education Game