Reflections on Teaching Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses at
the Bachelor Level
Ottar L. Osen and Robin T. Bye
Software and Intelligent Control Engineering Laboratory, Department of ICT and Natural Sciences,
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
NTNU, Postboks 1517, NO-6025 Ålesund, Norway
Active Learning, Problem-Solving Learning, Assessment, Engineering Pedagogy and Didactics.
This paper reflects on a number of observations the authors have made over many years of teaching courses in
electrical and computer engineering bachelor programmes. We suggest various methods and tips for improv-
ing lectures, attendance, group work, and compulsory coursework, and discuss aspects of facilitating active
learning, focussing on simple in-classroom activities and larger problem-based activities such as assignments,
projects, and laboratory work. Moreover, we identify solving real-world problems by means of practical appli-
cation of relevant theory as key to achieving intended learning outcomes. Our observations and reflections are
then put into a theoretical context, including students’ approaches of learning, constructive alignment, active
learning, and problem-based versus problem-solving learning. Finally, we present and discuss some recent
results from a student evaluation survey and draw some conclusions.
In this paper we reflect on various aspects of teach-
ing electrical and computer engineering courses based
on our experiences from about 23 years of teaching
combined (14 and 9 years for the first and second
author, respectively) at the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology (NTNU) (formerly Aalesund
University College (AAUC) before 1 January 2016).
We have taught courses both in the computer, au-
tomation, and power systems bachelor programmes
that we offer as well as in our master programmes
in simulation and visualization and product and sys-
tem design. The courses we have taught involve lin-
ear control theory and cybernetics; industrial control
systems, microcontrollers, and instrumentation; arti-
ficial intelligence and intelligent systems; functional
programming; and computer graphics, with aspects
of modelling and simulation embedded in most of
our courses. In line with the role that university col-
leges in Norway have traditionally played, our teach-
ing have always had a practical approach, focussing
on the application of a sound theoretical foundation
to solve real-world problems that our graduates face
as professionals.
In the following, we will reflect on our experi-
ences from teaching, focussing mainly on undergrad-
uate courses, and kindly ask the reader to please keep
in mind the following:
These are our subjective experiences, based on
years of teaching activities, discussions among the
faculty, and student feedback.
Our experiences are naturally greatly influenced
by factors such as personalities, education and
work experience, authority, and likability (or lack
of these).
Our students are mostly young men in their early
twenties from the town of Ålesund and the sur-
rounding region.
About 50% of our students have background from
vocational school, thus with a tendency to be more
practically than theoretically inclined.
Our classes have usually had about 20–40 stu-
dents, some as little as 8–12, which is quite differ-
ent from larger classes of 100 or more students.
As such, we are perfectly aware that what we present
in this paper does not generalise to all kinds of teach-
ers, courses, and students. Still, we hope that inter-
ested readers will be able to extract and adopt several
of our ideas and approaches in their own teaching.
Osen, O. and Bye, R.
Reflections on Teaching Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses at the Bachelor Level.
DOI: 10.5220/0006359000570068
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 57-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1.1 Outline
The remainder of this paper consists of three main
parts. In the first part (Section 2), we summarise
a number of observations from our teaching experi-
ences and reflect on these. In the second part (Sec-
tion 3), we discuss our findings in relation to rele-
vant pedagogical literature and theory. In the third
part (Section 4), we include results from a recent stu-
dent evaluation survey that was undertaken in January
2017 by final semester engineering students enrolled
in computer, automation, and power systems bache-
lor programmes at our institution. Finally, we make
some concluding remarks (Section 5).
2.1 Attendance
Although our study programmes do not enforce
mandatory attendance we believe that in order to be-
come a good engineer it is generally important to
attend classes as much as possible. This of course
demands that the classes we teach must be of suffi-
cient quality and be attractive to students. One way
of improving attendance is to facilitate learning ac-
tivities that complement the traditional lectures and
that are sometimes missing or have limitations in
courses offered online or at more traditional univer-
sities with larger classes and more theory-heavy de-
gree programmes. Such learning activities may in-
clude good individual tutoring and feedback to each
and every student, lectures on topics not covered in
textbooks, laboratory work, group assignments and
projects, all within an active learning environment.
Even though attendance is not mandatory we have
often practised calling the roll before the class starts.
Calling students’ names can be done quite quickly
and does not shorten the time available by any sub-
stantial amount. This practice has several benefits, for
example, fewer students arrive late since they want to
be present when their name is called, and also more
students attend classes. The reason for this is likely
because calling their names seems to make a social
pressure to be present and probably also shows stu-
dents that the teacher care about whether they are
present or not. Indeed, we have experienced stu-
dents that have happened to be away from class due
to a doctor’s appointment send text messages to class-
mates for them to explain to the teacher their friend’s
absence. We interpret this as a willingness from the
students to obey to a “rule” of attendance even if at-
tendance is not mandatory.
We believe this kind of social contracts between
the teacher and the students and between students
themselves can be a useful tool and may be further de-
veloped, since unspoken rules or norms are less sub-
ject to negative pressure or resistance when they are
not formalised (mandatory) and therefore are acted
upon on more of a subconscious level.
2.2 Lectures
There is a common notion that active learning activ-
ities such as solving problems and doing projects are
favourable to the traditional lectures. We have done
some simple tests of how much students remember
directly after a lecture and admittedly been rather dis-
appointed at the results. We believe the inactive and
passive role of the students during a lecture is the rea-
son for this and we welcome methods of activating
the students in the classroom for example by means
of “clickers, quizzes, competitions, discussions, and
so on. However, there are situations when traditional
lectures must be given, for example when the material
is not covered by textbooks or online video lectures.
In these situations, we have often preferred to use the
blackboard and write by hand. The advantage of this
is that it encourages the students to be active and to
take down the notes themselves simultaneously, since
the students know they have ample time to write down
whatever is being written on the blackboard.
Using slides, on the other hand, often have the ef-
fect that students generally become passive listeners;
they see no point in taking notes since the slides will
usually be available electronically, and often there
will not be enough time to copy down everything.
To illustrate this point, we recap an experiment once
done in class: After showing a slide with three main
bullet points, each with three sub-bullet points (a
fairly standard slide), the bullet points were read out
loud and the students were given plenty of time to
read the slide. Thereafter, the presentation was muted
by showing the students a black slide and then they
were asked to recreate the previous slide. In a class of
about 30 students, nobody was able to do so.
Before teaching a new topic it can be useful to
paint a backdrop for the students and put the topic
into perspective. This usually requires slides, pic-
tures, videos, internet resources, or figures, diagrams
or charts. However, the content that is presented sim-
ply serves as an introductory preparation for the stu-
dents for storing the knowledge that will be presented
to them afterwards in much more detail. The idea is
that such a short keynote talk will give the students
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
some mental hooks they can use for storing the de-
tails that follow.
We have also found that students are more moti-
vated and attentive if the lecture is closely connected
to a problem to be solved in an assignment or an ex-
ercise. As a precursor to giving a lecture, an approach
is to ask the students to start working on a prob-
lem and give some individual assistance until at some
stage most of the students realise that they need more
knowledge to solve the problem. When the teacher
then approach the blackboard, the students will be at-
tentive and motivated for learning the theory required
for solving the problem. In contrast, starting a lecture
by saying that the students will need this or that for
their assignment does not give the same effect.
Finally, we have found that it is a good idea to
keep lectures short, or at least break up lectures regu-
larly with active learning activities.
2.3 Student Groups
Project-based learning (see Section 2.5) is an impor-
tant pedagogic tool that usually requires placing stu-
dents together in suitable groups. Experience tells us
that group dynamics can both bring the best or worst
out of a group. Below we discuss our experiences
on various aspects of constructing student groups for
2.3.1 Size
How large a group should be depends of course on
the estimated amount of work in the project (or as-
signments). For smaller assignments, groups of two
are sufficient, but normally we will aim for groups
of four, and try to avoid groups with odd numbers.
The reasoning behind this is that students working
on a task in pairs are able to communicate efficiently
and require both participants in the pair to be active.
In groups of three, we have often observed that one
member is less active than the other two and in the
worst case, the third member becomes a mere ob-
server. Since oral communication only allows for the
ideas of one participant to be shared at any time a
group of two is the most effective. However, a big
drawback with groups of only two students is their
limited capacity if the assignment is big and/or re-
quires competence that may not be held among the
group members. Hence, we generally favour groups
of four. Finally, with four participants it is possible to
make two subgroups that support each other and may
re-arrange themselves depending on the tasks at hand
and the competence within the group.
2.3.2 Selection of Group Members
In general, we favour selecting random groups. There
are several reasons for this. If students are allowed
to make groups by their own choice they will of-
ten assemble groups that follow existing social struc-
tures. As a result, the groups will often become
rather homogeneous and strengthen these existing so-
cial bonds. The upside is that many of these homoge-
neous groups will have little internal friction and will
not require time to socialise since the students already
know each other. The downside is that such homo-
geneous groups may lack the necessary diversity in
competence to solve the problems they are facing.
Furthermore, forming student groups at random
results in more heterogeneous groups and can help
the teaching environment by widening the social net-
works in the class. It forces students to get to know
each other when working on a common challenge and
they therefore become less reluctant to ask questions
in class and to interact.
We have often experienced some resistance from
students when they are told they may not construct
the groups themselves. This is to be expected, after
all, most people are resistant to changes and will feel
more comfortable with people they know. Neverthe-
less, challenging this resistance is important in order
to get optimal results.
Moreover, we can often improve the heterogene-
ity in the groups by not selecting the students 100%
randomly, but instead also take into account their sex
and background. For example, since we usually have
very few female students, we generally prefer to make
sure they are distributed evenly amongst the groups,
unless there are good reasons not to. In a similar vein,
the vast majority of students are native Norwegians,
therefore, we try to distribute the non-natives evenly
among the groups in order to improve integration.
In addition, we often take into consideration that
about half of our students have experience from vo-
cational school. These students often have hands-
on practical experience that can be very valuable in
assignments with a large practical component. By
making sure there is a good mix in the groups, stu-
dents with a more theoretical/academic background
learn practical skills from their fellow students with
a vocational background. Likewise the students with
vocational background improve their methodological
skills by learning from the more theoretical students.
This way of grouping students may seem to re-
quire much work from the lecturer, however, by re-
peatedly pulling two names randomly from each of
two lists of students (one for those who have voca-
tional training and one for those without), we quickly
Reflections on Teaching Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses at the Bachelor Level
get a set of possible groups, which then can be rear-
ranged somewhat in order to get a better distribution
of females and non-native Norwegians.
When presenting the groups to the students we do
not mention such fine-tuning and instead emphasise
that the groups have been put together randomly. We
also remind them that working together in groups set
down by others is something they must expect to do
when they start working professionally and that coop-
eration skills will be beneficial for them in their future
work. Finally, we randomly pick a group member to
be the leader of the group. This person’s responsibil-
ity is to make sure the group meets sufficiently often,
that everyone contributes, and to report group mal-
functioning to the teacher.
2.4 Compulsory Coursework
From our experience with various approaches, we be-
lieve that compulsory coursework is very often re-
quired in order to make the students work steadily
throughout the semester. We have found that stu-
dents’ performance improved about one grade on av-
erage after making the coursework compulsory in
some courses.
At our institution we use an electronic learn-
ing management system for handing in assignments,
however, we have found it very effective to also ask
the students to show the teacher their work in per-
son, especially on more practical topics, for exam-
ple where the students are required to write computer
programmes or otherwise use computers for their so-
lutions. Much too often we have found that stu-
dents split the work unequally to such an extent that
some students have never had the actual computer
programme or design running on their own comput-
ers. By doing such quick spot checks we force the
students to familiarise themselves with the problem
and have an individually working solution they can
understand and explain even if they have had a lot of
help from fellow students.
When designing coursework, we believe it is good
practice to start with simple questions and subprob-
lems and proceed in a stepwise manner in order to
guide the students’ progress, in other words, making
the assignments seem more like tutorials. There is
a lot to be learnt from a well-formed question and
even good students will not find this approach bor-
ing. Making good assignments is of course a lot of
work, but is probably even more important than mak-
ing good lectures.
2.5 Project-based Learning
2.5.1 Project Selection and Ownership
We usually let students choose between a selection
of assignments or projects, and sometimes even en-
courage them to participate in defining the problem, if
possible. The reason for this is that the students seem
to be willing to invest more time and effort into tasks
to which they have ownership. They seem more re-
luctant to “lower the bar” if they have first put it high
themselves. In other words, they are willing to suf-
fer more from “self-inflicted pain” than from “pain”
given to them by the teacher.
This willingness to invest more time and effort
into activities the students feel ownership to may be
a result of pride but may also be a result of “self-
love. We believe people in general are less likely to
blame themselves than others since blaming oneself
is very tiresome in the long run. Hence, it is bene-
ficial to avoid giving students opportunity to blame
the teacher’s poor assignment for their own lack of
progress or success. Giving students ownership to the
activity and giving a clear framework for execution
helps in putting the responsibility for success firmly
on the shoulders of the students themselves.
2.5.2 Project Planning
Project planning is important in order to make the
students aware of time expenditure versus progress.
We prefer to let the students first make their plans
themselves before having to submit their plans to the
teacher for approval. The requirements for the plans
are that they should show how the different activities
are spaced out in time; the size of the tasks (dura-
tion); and the responsibility for the tasks. When ap-
proving their plans, we make sure their plans are suf-
ficiently detailed and that they have taken into consid-
eration constraints in both time and resources. Ask-
ing the students to make plans forces them to apply a
common engineering approach of breaking the work
down into manageable tasks, which is also important
in order for them to understand the scope of the work
ahead. Moreover, we insist on the responsibility for
each task to be assigned to a single student. In ad-
dition, we usually recommend that one other student
is assigned as a task assistant. This way, there is no
doubt who is responsible for a particular task, while
at the same time, the responsible student has another
student to help out. This will prevent the many dis-
cussions and possible sources for misunderstandings
that can arise when tasks are not completed on time.
Throughout a project, we regularly ask the stu-
dents to update their plans with task completeness
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
given as a percentage. As a result, the students will
immediately detect any lack of progress and see the
need to take appropriate measures at a time when it is
still possible to influence the result. In short, we want
the students to panic well ahead of delivery date!
Further down the road, it is usually not neces-
sary for the teacher to comment much on students’
plan updates. Quite often the students will be behind
schedule but it will be visible in their plans and the
need to improve progress will be self-evident. Occa-
sionally, we ask the students to present the updated
plan to the teacher in person in order to “increase
the pressure” and to verify their understanding of the
project status.
2.6 Assessment
2.6.1 Oral and Written Exams
It is well known that many students dread oral exams
out of (a sometimes unjustified) fear of performing
worse than they think would have in a written exam.
On the other hand, many students may fare better at
oral exams, for example if they have dyslexia or for
other reasons struggle with written communication,
or if the written exam is designed in a poor man-
ner that prevents students from displaying their true
knowledge, competence, and skills. Hence, both writ-
ten and oral exams will be, or at least conceived to be,
disadvantageous to some students and advantageous
to others. Nevertheless, if limited to only these two
means for evaluting students’ performance, a good
mix of oral and written exams can be considered fair
to the students. Still, we would like to point out that
a particular advantage of oral exams over written ex-
ams is that it is possible for the examiner to adjust
the exam questions ad hoc, for example if a student is
nervous. Therefore, a good oral examiner will be able
to both uncover lack of knowledge and skill as well
as providing an opportunity for students to show the
2.6.2 Group Exams
One drawback with project assignments is that it is
hard to give individual grades to the students. One
approach to enable individual grades is to add an oral
exam in addition to a written report. By using the re-
port as a starting point, it is possible to at obtain some
variation in grades within the group, if appropriate.
This approach is probably not perfect but it will typi-
cally give a fairer reflection of the differences in skills
and knowledge within the group.
We have also experimented with giving oral ex-
ams with the whole group present instead of individ-
ually. The students will sit in alphabetical order, they
are given individual questions one at the time, and
they may not speak out of order. An advantage of
this approach is that the total examination time can be
reduced compared with individual oral exams, since
unanswered questions in a given context can immedi-
ately be passed on to the next student without repeat-
ing it and less time is used for bringing students in and
out of the examination room.
Another important advantage is that the examiner
can more easily compare the students with each other,
whilst at the same time, the students can observe for
themselves who is able to provide the best answers
and they will therefore have a better understanding of
why they deserve the grade they get. We suspect this
has the effect that individual students work harder in
group projects because they are assessed individually
and therefore will have the reward of a fair and better
grade than fellow students who do not put in the same
2.6.3 Exam Preparation
Nervousness, anxiety, or stress related to exams are
quite common. If students feel secure and good about
themselves and have a feeling of being in control, they
will likely be more prone to deeper learning and typi-
cally perform better at exam. One way of helping stu-
dents to get into this positive state of mind is to reduce
uncertainty about the exam procedure and content, for
example by providing a well-defined curriculum for
the course, run mock exams or practice presentation
skills in class, and provide practical information about
the exam.
Moreover, we have had good experience with giv-
ing the students a long list of possible exam questions
to study before the exam, often provided at the start
of the semester. By making the list long and the ques-
tions rather open we can ensure that if the students are
able to answer most of the questions adequately they
will also have good coverage of the curriculum and
achieved most of the intended learning outcomes and
hence will have better chances of obtaining a good
Interestingly, we believe that having such a long
list of questions is not of such big help to the stu-
dents as they tend to believe it is. Rather, its main
purpose it to help the students getting into a positive
state of mind before the exam. Indeed, with a well-
defined curriculum and list of intended learning out-
comes and good supporting material such as a course
textbook, students should be able to make such a list
themselves, however, getting the list from the lecturer
removes a lot of uncertainty and stress from the stu-
Reflections on Teaching Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses at the Bachelor Level
Finally, we often offer a course revision workshop
at the end of the semester, where students can obtain
answers to questions that may have accumulated dur-
ing the semester and to topics they find difficult.
In the following, we highlight some literature and
pedagogical and didactical theory relevant to our ob-
servations and reflections above.
3.1 Students’ Approaches to Learning
It is well documented that students’ approaches to
learning has a significant effect on achieving learning
outcomes (e.g., Gynnild, 2001; Marton, 1981). Many
studies have tried to identify factors that promote deep
learning (e.g., Baeten et al., 2010; Marton and Booth,
1997; Prosser and Trigwell, 1999), that is, learning
associated with understanding, in contrast to surface
learning, which is learning associated with the mem-
orisation of facts and procedures, and with little or
no understanding as a result (Marton, 1981). In be-
tween deep and surface learning, Case and Marshall
(2004) also describe procedural deep and procedural
surface learning as two learning approaches for stu-
dent learning in engineering contexts. In addition to
these learning approaches along an axis of deep and
surface learning, a commonly observed third category
of learning is socalled strategic learning, where stu-
dents aim for good grades with minimal effort, ignor-
ing whether they achieve the intended learning out-
comes or not (Entwistle and Ramsden, 1983, 2015).
Students tend to have different conceptions of
what learning means, and these conceptions can gen-
erally be categorised hierarchically along an axis from
surface learning to deep learning. For example, ac-
cording to Saeljo (1979) and Marton et al. (1993), stu-
dents conceive learning as
1. increasing one’s knowledge
2. memorising and reproducing
3. applying
4. understanding
5. seeing something in a different way
6. changing as a person
Similarly, and specific to engineering students, Mar-
shall et al. (1999) suggest the following categories of
how students conceive learning:
1. memorising definitions, equations and procedures
2. applying equations and procedures
3. making sense of physical concepts and procedures
4. seeing phenomena in the world in a new way
5. changing as a person
Higher education institutions obviously have a
duty to graduate highly qualified candidates and
avoiding surface learning is a means towards this
goal. However, according to Biggs and Tang (2011),
there has been a dramatic change in higher education
worldwide, maybe due to the workplace increasingly
requiring higher education degrees to qualify for jobs,
with many more people enrolling at universities than
before, from a wider diversity of background. This
has resulted in a shift from perhaps more academ-
ically inclined students previously to students who
may have a poorer background both academically,
socioeconomically and perhaps also motivation-wise,
where higher education studies are perhaps conceived
more as a “necessary evil” in order to simply qualify
for a job.
The big variation among students with respect
to background leads to great differences in learning
strategies and approaches to learning and has neces-
sarily had an impact on how higher education is be-
ing taught (Felder and Brent, 2005). At our institu-
tion, this change in students that we enrol has perhaps
been less radical, since we have mainly been con-
cerned with bachelor engineering programmes and
the “elite” students have generally favoured the bigger
universities in Norway.
Therefore, we are perhaps
better equipped with suitable actions to accommodate
this new generation of students. Indeed, despite the
fact that we also have some very talented students
every year who approach their studies with learning
strategies that favour deep learning, we believe many
of the methods we have described previously are very
useful for counteracting students with lesser motiva-
tion and weaker academic backgrounds.
Moreover, it is well known that lack of self-
monitoring and self-regulation will lead to poor aca-
demic results (Lan, 1996; Borkowski and Thorpe,
1994). One must therefore acknowledge the fact that
the learning environment itself is not sufficient to
achieve intended learning outcomes but is also de-
pendent on the students’ individual skill in select-
ing and structuring the material to be learnt (Gyn-
nild et al., 2008). Formative assessment and feed-
back are an important tool to help students become
self-regulated learners (Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick,
2006). Also, the teacher must facilitate learning
strategies that favour deep learning. One method for
doing so consists of the teacher adopting a role as a fa-
cilitator for learning, adopting a role similar to a per-
AAUC was a small university college before merging with
NTNU to become Norway’s biggest university.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
sonal trainer at the gym or a coach (Gynnild et al.,
In Section 2.5, we describe various aspects of
project-based learning and how the teacher can use
several means to facilitate deeper learning. We try to
make the students adopt project ownership, whereby
they become more willing to invest more time and ef-
fort on the tasks they must accomplish. This can help
reducing a strategic learning strategy where students
are not only doing the work to get a desired grade but
because their pride is at stake, they actually want the
project solution to become as good as possible. Like-
wise, for project planning, we require the students to
presents plans that breaks down the work and include
time, size, and responsibility for tasks. By doing so,
the student are effectively self-monitoring and self-
regulating themselves.
3.2 Constructive Alignment
According to Biggs and Tang (2011), constructive
alignment is a teaching strategy where components
such as the teacher, the students, teaching context,
learning activities, and learning outcomes must be
aligned while maintaining the constructivist view that
students learn by doing, commonly know as active
learning, that is, any learning activity that actively in-
volves the students in the learning process (Prince,
2004). Specifically, when designing a particular
course, one adopt a backward scheme, starting with
the intended learning outcomes (what competence,
skills, and experience students should have upon com-
pletion of the course), then define assessment tasks
that closely relates to the intended learning outcomes,
and then proceed to choosing teaching methods and
learning activities aligned with the intended learn-
ing outcomes and assessment tasks (Biggs and Tang,
We have perhaps not adopted a very rigid scheme
based on constructive alignment for our teaching but
it is clear that we emphasise active learning and con-
structivism and we are very careful in our choice of
assignments and projects to ensure that a successful
completion will lead to intended learning outcomes
being achieved. For example, most of our courses in-
volve compulsory coursework that is closely aligned
with intended learning outcomes. By being com-
pulsory and usually with a pass requirement for ac-
cess to the final exam, students are forced to com-
plete the assignments in a satisfactory manner and
will achieve some intended learning outcomes while
doing so. Also, our projects are often open-ended,
where many different approaches can lead to success-
ful completion. This is in line with research-based or
problem-based teaching and can be effective against
too rigid implementations of constructive alignment
where too much simplification and generalisation can
in fact counteract deep learning and creativity (Ander-
sen, 2010).
3.3 Assessment
A very important aspect of teaching is the choice
of assessment method. For example, in constructive
alignment, many students are mainly concerned with
achieving grades, not learning. These students have
a surface approach to learning, typically aiming for
memorising and reproducing course curriculum, and
essentially, the exam can be said to define the curricu-
lum (Biggs and Tang, 2011). Therefore, in construc-
tive aligment, one must align the exam, or rather, the
set of components that make up a grade, such as lab-
oratory exercises, assignments, projects, and oral and
written exams, must all be designed in a manner that
ensures that satisfactory completion also means that
intended learning outcomes are achieved. It makes
obvious sense to accept this premise at least to some
extent, after all, who would want to be a passenger of
an airplane where the pilot had only passed a big writ-
ten exam, and not a variety of practical flight tests?
In our own teaching we have adopted similar
means in a lighter manner, where components such as
lab or project activities perhaps have not affected the
the final grade directly but at least usually required
students both to show up and to complete the tasks at
a pass grade level before being granted admission to
a final exam.
3.4 Active Learning
As should be clear from our observations and reflec-
tions of teaching activities, we are proponents of ac-
tive learning. There are several metastudies that show
that active learning in science, technology, engineer-
ing, and mathematics (STEM) indeed has several ad-
vantages. Prince (2004) found comprehensive sup-
port for core elements of active learning, for example
that students being active during a lecture improve
their ability to reproduce the material later and that
they become more motivated and engaged. Likewise,
Schroeder et al. (2007) found that active learning im-
prove students’ performance, as did Freeman et al.
Of particular importance are several studies on co-
operative learning (e.g., Foldnes, 2016; Bowen, 2000;
Johnson et al., 1998; Springer et al., 1999). These
studies show that particularly cooperative learning
strategies are effective for deep learning. In our
Reflections on Teaching Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses at the Bachelor Level
own teaching, cooperative learning is a core element,
where students often work in groups not only on
projects and large assignments but sometimes also in
smaller exercises or quizzes that with great effect can
be introduced to break up long lectures.
3.5 Problem-based Versus
Problem-solving Learning
Summarising the results of 800 meta-analyses, Hattie
and Goveia (2013) points out the incredible fact that
problem-based learning does not have a positive effect
on achieving intended learning outcomes! Why is this
so? Sotto (2007) suggests that there is a dinstinction
between problem-based and problem-solving learn-
ing. Specifically, Sotto argues that for learning to
be successful, one must employ well-designed case
studies and avoid problem-based and student-centred
learning. Specifically, a pitfall in problem-based
learning activities is that the problem at hand is large
(which is not by itself the problem) and there is no
clear guidance towards how to solve it. Students end
up spending too much time on searching the Internet
or studying textbooks even for solving just small parts
of the problem. Instead, Sotto (2007) argues that the
assignments given must be carefully designed in or-
der for the students to quickly be able to practice the
core knowledge and skillset selected by the teacher.
In our own teaching, we have at least tried to ad-
here to some of the suggestions of Sotto (2007), for
example by first providing an open-ended problem us-
ing a top-down approach but instead of leaving the
students alone for an eternal chase of information, we
usually interrupt with more information on the black-
board after some time and guide them towards a so-
lution. Also, we sometimes use case studies where
students work through detailed step-by-step exercises,
carefully avoiding the risk of students spending too
much time on any one step. Finally, we would like
to emphasise the importance of immediate feedback,
often easily achieved in lab work and programming
assignments, as found in a pedagogical study on one
of our courses (Schaathun et al., 2015).
All students enrolled in their final sixth semester in
January 2017 of the bachelor programmes in automa-
tion, power systems, and computer engineering were
asked to complete an anonymous student evaluation
survey online. Out of approximately 70 students, we
received a total of 31 responses, from 16, 3, and 12
automation, power systems, and computer engineer-
ing students, respectively. The students were asked to
indicate to which degree they agreed with the follow-
ing statements, categorising whether they strongly or
partly agreed or disagreed, or were indifferent:
1. I want more traditional lectures.
2. I want more teaching using the blackboard.
3. I want more active learning activities (exercises,
quizzes, discussion, competitions, etc.).
4. I want more flipped classroom and elearning/online
5. I want more focus on practical application than theory.
6. I want more problem-solving learning activities.
7. I want more laboratory learning activities.
8. Calling the roll makes it more likely that I will turn up
in class.
9. I want more mandatory coursework.
10. I want more/better feedback on my work during the
11. I want my final grades to be fully decided by oral or
written final exams.
12. I want my final grades to be composed of several parts
(e.g., lab, assignments, project, midsemester test, final
13. I want more digital exams.
14. I want more home exams.
In addition, they were given the opportunity to
elaborate on the statement and any other issues they
wished to raise.
In the following, we discuss answers relevant for
the observations and reflections we have made above.
The results are summarised in Table 1, where the
number n of student responses and the corresponding
percentage is given for each statement and response
4.1 Attendance
Only about 10% of the students strongly or partly
agreed that calling the roll would make it more likely
that they would turn up to class (statement 8), whilst
about 20% were indifferent. On the contrary, about
19% partly disagreed and 52% strongly disagreed
with this statement. This result conflicts with our ob-
servations that indeed more students do show up to
class if the roll is called, despite attendance not be-
ing mandatory. We speculate that students in their re-
sponses may have wished to emphasise their own free
will and autonomy in choosing whether to turn up to
class. In Section 2.1, we discuss how social contracts
and unspoken rules and norms can emerge in the re-
lation between teacher and students and among the
students themselves, however, these mechanisms are
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Results from student evaluation survey.
strongly agree partly agree indifferent partly disagree strongly agree
Statement n % n % n % n % n %
1 0 0.0% 3 9.7% 14 45.2% 10 32.3% 4 12.9%
2 1 3.2% 7 22.6% 12 38.7% 9 29.0% 2 6.5%
3 10 32.3% 12 38.7% 5 16.1% 4 12.9% 0 0.0%
4 6 19.4% 9 29.0% 9 29.0% 6 19.4% 1 3.2%
5 13 41.9% 14 45.2% 4 12.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
6 12 38.7% 13 41.9% 6 19.4% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
7 8 26.7% 14 46.7% 8 26.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
8 2 6.5% 1 3.2% 6 19.4% 6 19.4% 16 51.6%
9 2 6.5% 8 25.8% 10 32.3% 8 25.8% 3 9.7%
10 22 71.0% 5 16.1% 2 6.5% 2 6.5% 0 0.0%
11 5 16.1% 11 35.5% 9 29.0% 5 16.1% 1 3.2%
12 7 22.6% 5 16.1% 8 25.8% 9 29.0% 2 6.5%
13 15 48.4% 9 29.0% 5 16.1% 2 6.5% 0 0.0%
14 2 6.5% 4 12.9% 15 48.4% 3 9.7% 7 22.6%
acted upon more at a subconscious level than manda-
tory rules, and this may explain why the students fail
to agree with the statement, as they may simply not be
sufficiently self-aware to know whether they actually
will yield to social pressure for turning up or not.
Another reason for this result is that the effect of
calling the roll may not be as strong as we think it
is. After all, we have only observed the effect across
different cohorts across different semesters, and not
the same cohort during a single semester. Moreover,
we do not have accurate attendance numbers for all
cohorts, thus our observations are more of a perceived
kind than rigid studies. Finally, our impression that
more students turn up to class when calling the roll
can also be due to variation across different cohorts.
4.2 Lectures
Statements 1 and 2 relates to whether students want
more passive learning activities such as traditional
lectures and more teaching using the blackboard, re-
spectively. It is clear from the responses that the
students do not want want more traditional lectures,
with nobody strongly agreeing with the statement,
and only about 10% partly agreeing, 45% being indif-
ferent, and about 45% partly og strongly disagreeing.
With respect to teaching using blackboard, students
are mainly indifferent (about 39%), or partly agreeing
(23%) or disagreeing (29%), with a slight majority
disagreeing overall.
The results are in correspondence with our obser-
vation and reflections in Section 2.2. As teachers,
we wish to emphasise active learning activities, yet,
sometimes lectures or blackboard teaching are neces-
sary. The students seem to think that we and the rest
of our colleagues in the three study programmes em-
ploy about the right amount of blackboard teaching
but should reduce the amount of traditional lectures.
4.3 Active Learning
Statements 3 through 7 relates to active learning ac-
tivities and practical application versus theory. It
is very clear from the responses that the students
want more activities that facilitates active learning, for
example, nobody disagrees (partly or strongly) that
they want more focus on practical application than
theory (statement 5), more problem-solving (state-
ment 6), or more lab work (statement 7). Regarding
more flipped classroom and elearning/online learn-
ing (statement 4), only one student strongly disagree,
whereas six students (about 19%), partly disagree.
With respect to more active learning activities in gen-
eral (statement 3), nobody strongly disagrees and only
about 13% partly disagree. Hence, in agreement with
our own views, it seems safe to conclude that most
students want more active learning activities.
4.4 Mandatory Coursework
Students are mainly indifferent (about 32%) to
whether we should employ more mandatory course-
work (statement 9), with 26% partly agreeing and
the same amount of students partly disagreeing. This
result is as expected and matches the student feed-
back we have got over the years. Many students
know that they do not have the necessary motiva-
tion and willpower to do the necessary work unless
Reflections on Teaching Electrical and Computer Engineering Courses at the Bachelor Level
they have mandatory coursework, whereas others, and
often academically more skilled students would like
more freedom in their studies.
4.5 Feedback to Students
An overwhelming majority of students (71% and
16% strongly or partly agree, respectively) wants
more/better individual feedback during the semester
(statement 10). This statement was perhaps badly
phrased, as almost noone would ever say no to more
of a given good, e.g., money. A better question would
be whether students were satisfied with the amount
and quality of individual feedback they have received
during their studies. Still, this result strongly indicates
that students are not satisfied with the current state of
affairs and our department will need to investigate this
issue further.
That students are concerned with not getting
enough individual feedback may also be an indicator
of lack of self-monitoring and self-regulation skills,
which to some extent can be mitigated by facilitating
learning activities where students adopt ownership,
such as projects or lab work.
4.6 Grades and Exams
Statements 11 and 12 relates to whether the final
grade of a course should be fully decided by a sin-
gle oral or written exam (statement 11) or be com-
posed of several parts, such as lab work, assignments,
projects, midsemester tests, and final exams (state-
ment 12). The majority of students want a single fi-
nal exam to be decisive for their grades (about 16%
strongly agreed, 36% partly agreed, and 29% were in-
different). Interestingly, the majority of students also
want their final grades to be composed of several parts
(about 23% strongly agreed, 16% partly agreed, and
26% were indifferent) but with more disagreement
(29% partly disagreed and 7% strongly disagreed)
than for statement 11 (16% partly disagreed and 3%
strongly disagreed).
Historically and currently, we almost exclusively
use a single final exam to determine grades but in
many courses we have mandatory coursework that
must be passed for access to the exam. The results
suggest students want both grading approaches and
consequently, we should probably increase the num-
ber of courses where the final grade is composed of
several parts.
Regarding digital exams (statement 13) and home
exams (statement 14), a large majority of stu-
dents wants more digital exams (about 48% strongly
agreed, 29% partly agreed, 16% were indifferent,
7% partly disagreed, and nobody strongly disagreed),
whereas the majority are indifferent (48%) or partly
(10%) or strongly disagreed (23%) with wanting to
have more home exams.
Digital exams have just recently started to take
places in only a few of our courses but will increase
in the future, partly because of administrative pressure
but also because of various advantages, especially in
some courses where this examination kind is suitable,
such as programming-related courses.
Home exams have hardly ever been offered our
courses, thus it is somewhat surprising to observe stu-
dent resistance against a kind of examination that they
have never experienced (at least not during their stud-
ies). There is currently no plan to begin to offer home
exams in our courses as far as we know.
In this paper, we have summarised some of the ob-
servations and reflections we have made after many
years of teaching courses in computer and electri-
cal engineering bachelor programmes. We have put
the observations and reflections into theoretical con-
text, and finally, we have provided some insight into
what current students think about the learning activ-
ities that we provide, and how we examine students,
through a final semester student evaluation survey. In
line with the most up to date literature, we empha-
sise that higher education of today is still in need of
a shift away from passive learning activities such as
traditional lectures towards active learning activities
in the classroom, with more problem-solving and lab-
oratory work, whilst focussing on practical real-world
application with a sound theoretical foundation. The
survey indicates that our students tend to agree with
this view.
Whilst many students want a single final exam
grade, many students also want their grades to be
composed of several parts. The latter is a viewpoint
that we share and it is also a key component of con-
structive alignment, keeping in mind that many stu-
dents are more concerned with exam grades than with
what they actually learn.
We have just recently begun to use digital exams,
only for a few of our courses. A large majority of stu-
dents appreciate this new trend and want more digital
exams, a change that is likely to happen the next few
Regarding future work, we would like to do some
more rigid studies on the discrepancies between the
survey results and the reflections on various teaching
methods discussed in this paper. Such studies should
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
try to establish more firmly whether the perceived ef-
fects of the proposed methods are real and advanta-
geous. We also need to collect more and better student
evaluation data, as well as continue to improve and fa-
cilitate an active learning environment. Moreover, we
would like to formalise our teaching methods slightly,
and possibly adopt flipped classroom in several of our
bachelor courses similarly to what we have done for a
master’s course on artificial intelligence (Bye, 2017).
Finally, we wish to underline that only a fraction
of all the interesting aspects of teaching computer
and electrical engineering courses at the undergradu-
ate level have been covered in this paper, and that our
observations and reflections are necessarily subjective
in nature. Nevertheless, we hope that the interested
reader is able to make valuable use of at least some of
the methods we suggest in their own teaching.
The Software and Intelligent Control (SoftICE) Labo-
ratory is grateful for the financial support given by the
Study Committee at NTNU in Ålesund through the
project Research-based and Innovation-driven Learn-
ing (FILA), grant no. 70440500.
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