PrEstoCloud: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge
for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing
Yiannis Verginadis
, Iyad Alshabani
, Gregoris Mentzas
and Nenad Stojanovic
Institute of Communications and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Activeeon, Valbonne, France,
Nissatech Innovation Centre, Nis, Serbia
Keywords: Big Data Processing, Dynamic Resources Management, Edge Computing.
Abstract: Among the greatest challenges of cloud computing is to automatically and efficiently exploit infrastructural
resources in a way that minimises cloud fees without compromising the performance of resource demanding
cloud applications. In this aspect the consideration of using processing nodes at the edge of the network,
increases considerably the complexity of these challenges. PrEstoCloud idea encapsulates a dynamic,
distributed, self-adaptive and proactively configurable architecture for processing Big Data streams. In
particular, PrEstoCloud aims to combine real-time Big Data, mobile processing and cloud computing research
in a unique way that entails proactiveness of cloud resources use and extension of the fog computing paradigm
to the extreme edge of the network. The envisioned PrEstoCloud solution is driven by the microservices
paradigm and has been structured across five different conceptual layers: i) Meta-management; ii) Control;
iii) Cloud infrastructure; iv) Cloud/Edge communication and v) Devices, layers.
Cloud computing is “the infrastructure” for real-time
data-intensive applications due mainly to its
theoretically boundless scalability power. However,
in dynamic IoT-based and Big Data driven
environments, there are still valid challenges with
respect to efficient and reliable real-time processing,
since the existing widely adopted technologies (e.g.
Hadoop) are not applicable for real-time processing
due to their static nature (Mone, 2013). In addition,
although more recent and dynamic technologies like
(, offer a very efficient
computational solution for soft real-time processing,
they don’t exploit new decentralised paradigms (e.g.
distributed clouds, edge (Cuomo et al., 2013) and fog
computing (Cisco, 2015).
Regardless of the processing approach that could
be adopted, one of the best choices for dealing
efficiently with the dynamicity of such domains
includes the cloud computing paradigm or extensions
of it. In terms of infrastructural support, it is evident
that cloud resources scalability is critical for dealing
with the most challenging aspects of data-intensive
processing. Cloud computing represents a significant
shift in the way IT resources have been traditionally
managed and consumed, with significant advantages
in terms of cost, flexibility and business agility
(Cisco, 2015). Nowadays, the use of cloud computing
becomes a necessity in domains characterized by
dense real-time sensing and large numbers of
distributed heterogeneous information sources. So, it
is true that the cloud computing has been recognized
as a paradigm for real-time big data processing
(Gartner, 2016).
Nevertheless, there are arguments that highlight
as a major potential downside of cloud computing the
slower-than-desirable performance due to networks’
bandwidth limitations (Mims, 2014). The problem of
how to process efficiently on the cloud is becoming
all the more acute as more and more objects become
"smart," or able to sense their environments, connect
to the Internet, and even receive commands remotely.
Modern 3G and 4G cellular networks simply aren't
fast enough to transmit data from devices to the cloud
at the pace it is generated. Because of this fact,
recently there is a change in focus and new efforts on
fog computing become more popular since they store
and process the torrent of data being generated by the
Internet of Things (IoT) on the “things” themselves,
or on devices that sit between our things and the
Verginadis, Y., Alshabani, I., Mentzas, G. and Stojanovic, N.
PrEstoCloud: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006359106110617
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 583-589
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Internet. According to Cisco (2015), the fog extends
the cloud to be closer to the things that produce and
act on IoT data. These devices, called fog nodes, can
be deployed anywhere with a network connection: on
a factory floor, on top of a power pole, alongside a
railway track, in a vehicle, or on an oil rig. Any device
with computing, storage, and network connectivity
can be a fog node. Examples include industrial
controllers, switches, routers, embedded servers, and
video surveillance cameras.
Nevertheless, the challenge still remains with
respect to even higher efficiency and means for
dealing with the immense amount of data that the
billions of distributed IoT sensors can generate (Shi
et al., 2016). Thus, there is the need to extend the fog
computing paradigm and reach the extreme edge of
the network and beyond, where even data stream
sources themselves can participate in aspects of the
processing (e.g. smartphones), orchestrated in a
controlled way with the rest of cloud resources.
Moreover, the dynamic nature of Big Data
environments, which involve real-time changes in
data streams, also requires soft real-time (self-)
adaptation of cloud resources in order to cope with
the imposed scalability challenges. Real-time sources
introduce a continuous need for adaptation to the
changes in the sensed or observed data, leading to the
concept of self-adaptive processing architectures. We
note that we focus on soft real-time adaptation of
cloud-based systems where the goal is to meet a
certain subset of deadlines in order to optimize some
application-specific criteria. Thus, a major concern
about Information and Communications Technology
(ICT) systems operating in a real-time, big data-
driven environments, is the anticipation of the
reactivity and even the proactiveness to changes in
such environment. The inevitable use of cloud
resources introduces additional possible failure points
and security issues, hence complicating the system
adaptation processes that are frequently needed in
such dynamic environments and significantly raising
costs and security concerns. Moreover, this adaptivity
requires managing the usage of cloud resources on
another abstraction level, leading to the proactivity in
cloud and (more generically) network resource
management. Airplanes are a great example of the
amount of available data and the benefits of the
appropriate processing. In a new Boeing Co. 747,
almost every part of the plane is connected to the
Internet, recording and, in some cases, sending
continuous streams of data about its status. General
Electric Co. has said (Mims, 2014) that in a single
flight, one of its jet engines generates and transmits
half a terabyte of data. Predictive analytics lets such
companies know which part of a jet engine might
need maintenance, even before the plane carrying it
has landed.
Based on this, recent trends in cloud computing
go towards the development of new paradigms in the
cloud (e.g. heterogeneous, federated, distributed
multi-clouds and extending them beyond the fog
computing) alleviating the tight interactions between
the computing and networking infrastructures, with
the purpose of optimising the use of cloud resources
with respect to cost, flexibility and scalability.
However, the ever increasing requirements for
efficient and resilient data-intensive applications that
are able to cope with the variety, volume and velocity
of Big Data, lead to the big challenge of new agile
architecture paradigms that enhance the dynamic
processing even at the extreme edge of the network.
In this paper we describe such a novel processing
architecture that deals with such soft real-time
adaptation issues, structuring the content as follows:
In Section 2, we discuss the envisioned evolution of
Real-time Big Data Processing through the
PrEstoCloud Approach, providing a detailed
conceptual architecture of the solution. In Section 3,
we shortly provide the limitations of the current state-
of-the-art while in Section 4, we summarise this
position paper by discussing the next steps for
implementing and validating this work.
2 PrEstoCloud CONCEPT
2.1 Evolution of Real-time Big Data
Processing through the
PrEstoCloud Approach
PrEstoCloud envisions to advance the state-of-the-art
with respect to Cloud, Edge computing and real-time
data intensive processing in order to provide a
dynamic, distributed and proactively configurable
architecture for self-adaptive processing of real-time
streams. This PrEstoCloud vision can be wrapped
around two main drivers:
in a highly challenging Big Data-driven
environment, end users seek for personalised
innovative services and superior user-experience
that can only be achieved through novel
technologies that combine edge analytics, stream
mining, processing and exploitation for QoS;
IT solution providers (esp. SMEs) are facing the
limitation of the traditional real-time big data
processing architectures, while they need to
exploit any business opportunity inherited from
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
dynamic and efficient processing of real-time
data streams (incl. on mobile devices)
The resolution of these two business needs opens
very challenging research questions of designing and
developing novel processing architectures based on
cloud computing infrastructures and resources at the
edge of the network. The main problem in developing
data-intensive processing architectures is the
dynamicity of the input data which cannot be
precisely predicted in advance. We note that we focus
on application scenarios where the speed of an
adaptation or a reconfiguration action is not that
important as it is to detect or predict a potential issue
on time for avoiding system failures and adequate
QoS. Contrary to querying historical data, searching
in real time streams is related to “guessing” which
data will be available in real-time especially with
respect to the velocity and variety of data. By
assuming that real-time streams are usually coming
from sensor devices which can generate a huge
amount of data (e.g. 15K events per sec/per sensor) it
is clear that dealing with real time streams requires
elastic processing infrastructure. Therefore,
processing architectures should be able to sense
changes in input data streams and adapt themselves
accordingly. At the same time the always increasing
computing demand will require proactive capability
of the resources allocation, i.e. the cloud should be
also able to sense situations that require adaptation.
As already discussed, existing real-time
processing architectures (like Storm or Lambda
(Kiran et al., 2015)), usually don’t exploit multi-cloud
environments and present limited adaptation
capabilities, while cloud-based data intensive
applications, up to now, cannot anticipate adaptations
based on real-time changes on the input streams (i.e.
proactivity). We summarise the main challenges that
we want to point out and address in this position paper
as follows: i) exploit multi-cloud environments for
deploying Big Data processing frameworks, ii) make
intelligent cloud placements and configurations of
applications based on the anticipated processing load
with respect to data volume and velocity, iii)
elaborate on components that are capable to
recommend and implement adaptations in real-time.
PrEstoCloud covers, exactly, these challenges
and limitations, contributing to the evolution of real-
time Big Data processing. The main driver of the
PrEstoCloud architecture is the “change” in data
streams, that is an ever emerging concept in real-time
data, since it depicts not only velocity (speed of data),
but also the “speed of changes” in the Big Data.
Traditional monitoring systems are observing when
QoS attributes will exceed certain thresholds and then
trigger reactions. PrEstoCloud principle is more
dynamic, in the sense that it will observe and focus on
the dynamics of the trends in changes and reacting if
the velocity of the change seems critical (e.g. an
increase of the memory consumption on a certain
processing node of more than 20% in 30 msec).
Therefore, one of the most innovative aspects in
PrEstoCloud is the treatment of “changes” as the first
class citizen.
2.2 PrEstoCloud Framework
PrEstoCloud aims to address the challenge of cloud-
based self-adaptive real-time Big Data processing,
including mobile stream processing. The envisioned
PrEstoCloud solution is driven by the microservices
paradigm that is the use of a software architecture
style in which complex applications are composed of
small, independent processes communicating with
each other by using language-agnostic APIs. As such,
the approach used by PrEstoCloud is superior to any
other monolithic solution, since each of the
PrEstoCloud components can be instantiated as many
times it is needed in order to cope with the scalability
requirements of such dynamic environments and
satisfy all the availability constraints.
The conceptual architecture of PrEstoCloud is
presented in Figure 1 and is briefly discussed below.
We note that with respect to real-time data-intensive
processing, this solution envisions an architecture
inspired by the STORM computational system (i.e.
real-time, stateless, stream processing), enhanced in
such way that exploits the advantages of multi-cloud
environments and Edge computing (i.e. a topology for
real-time adaptive and stateful stream processing). In
addition, we consider using appropriate models for
enabling developers to perform annotations on cloud
applications, in order to define their meaningful
fragments that may be deployed in a distributed way.
The PrEstoCloud architecture has been structured
across 5 different layers: i) Meta-management; ii)
Control; iii) Cloud infrastructure; iv) Cloud-edge
communication and v) Devices layers. The first four
layers are discussed below while the fifth one
consolidates any kind of device that can be used as a
Big Data stream source or as a mobile computational
node at the extreme edge of the network.
The Meta management layer mainly consists of
decision logic capabilities required for enhancing the
PrEstoCloud Control layer (e.g. Autonomic
Resources Manager, Autonomic Data-Intensive
Application Manager). This layer involves the
following modules:
PrEstoCloud: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing
Figure 1: PrEstoCloud Conceptual Architecture.
Resources Adaptation Recommender that will use as
input the situation details, the variation of the Big
Data streams and the context of the mobile devices at
the extreme edge of the network in order to
recommend at the appropriate time, the necessary
adaptations of used resources in the real-time
processing network (RTPN). These input details will
be provided by the Situation Detection mechanism
and the Mobile Context Analyser respectively. In
addition, these recommendations will be enhanced
with the necessary proactiveness based on the
envisioned interaction with the Workload Predictor.
Data-Intensive Application Fragmentation &
Deployment Recommender that will assist in the
appropriate fragmentation of data-intensive
applications into smaller parts that can be efficiently
deployed over network resources. Specifically, it will
be based on the interpretation of the code level
annotations (provided by the cloud application
developer), in order to recommend meaningful
operations of a cloud application to be distributed and
deployed over a STORM-like topology on multi-
clouds and Edge resources, for resilience and
performance reasons. Different properties like
response time, security and locality constraints or
other quantitative or qualitative attributes, will be
used for deciding on the most optimal configuration
at run-time.
Situation Detection Mechanism which will provide
the necessary situation awareness for detecting
interesting situations by considering Big Data streams
and RTPNs deployed on cloud resources or at the
extreme edge of the network (i.e. mobile RTPN).
Such situations will be completed by any inferred or
detected contextual information (provided by the
Mobile Context Analyser) and might lead to
resources adaptation recommendations or data-
intensive application reconfigurations or
redeployments. Thus, this mechanism will enhance
PrEstoCloud with reliability in terms of the stream
processing topology as it will be able to detect
possible failures and inform accordingly the two
recommenders of the meta-management layer of the
PrEstoCloud framework.
Mobile Context Analyser that it will focus on the
acquisition and understanding of relevant contextual
information derived from any resources at the
extreme edge of the network that are or will be
engaged in either providing data streams or
undertaking parts of the processing effort from the
data-intensive applications. The detected or inferred
contextual information will be propagated to the
Situation Detection Mechanism.
Workload Predictor for fusing proactiveness to
the PrEstoCloud solution. Specifically, this module
will be able, given an appropriate model and method,
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
recent monitoring information and workload
evolution over time to predict the workload that may
be experienced in the near future. In addition, it will
be also able to predict possible failures because of the
overuse of certain processing nodes, thus enhancing
the reliability of the processing topology and
minimizing any chances for down time incidents.
The second layer of PrEstoCloud architecture is
the Control layer that manages resources of the Cloud
infrastructure layer and contains the following
Autonomic Resources Manager which involves
monitoring and management of cloud resources
capabilities that can be extended to the edge of the
network. Specifically, this module is considered as a
master-node that involves “Nimbus-like”
( functionalities, i.e.
enhanced nodes with advanced capabilities for
reliably (multi-cloud support) and adaptability,
dealing additionally with resources management at
the edge of the network. This STORM-like approach
uses Coordinator Servers (i.e. Zookeper-like
functionality for managing stateful nodes across
multi-clouds) and Supervisors for coordinating the
real-time processing network (RTPN) clusters
(deployed on the Cloud infrastructure layer). This
component will interact with Resources Adaptation
Recommender and will exploit the spatio-temporal
processing capabilities of the respective module. It is
composed of the following microservices: i) Smart
monitoring, ii) Multi-Iaas manager and connector, iii)
Manager of the resources at the edge, iv) Hybrid
cloud deployment manager that implements TOSCA
( interfaces,
v) Resources adaptation manager.
Autonomic Data-Intensive Application Manager
which is responsible for the scheduling of big data
applications execution. This module also constitutes
a “Nimbus-like” node as a master-node which is
responsible for distributing meaningful fragments of
data-intensive applications across clusters and
launching the appropriate workers for controlling the
processing workflow (deployed on the Cloud
infrastructure layer). In this STORM-inspired
approach the notion of a Bolt is uplifted into a
Processing Node in the sense that it doesn’t only
address data/event processing using small stateless
processing units but it may cover more complex
operations of a cloud service that should be
distributed across different cloud infrastructures for
failover and performance issues. This also entails
more complex communication and orchestration
schemes than just TCP (Darpa, 1981) connections
that are traditionally used in bolts taken from current
STORM approaches. Thus, we also propose the use
of uplifted Relay Nodes inspired by STORM Spouts.
This component will interact with the Autonomic
Resources Manager and the Data-Intensive
Application Fragmentation & Deployment
Recommender. It includes the following
microservices: i) Big Data application scheduler
which will orchestrate the process execution on the
different resources managed by the Autonomic
Resources Manager, ii) Processing distribution
manager, iii) Application reconfiguration manager
Spatio-Temporal Processing which copes with
clustering groups of devices, network congestion
detection and geo-fencing capabilities for providing
location-awareness with respect to cloud resources
management and on/offloading processing tasks to
the devices layer. This actually entails uplifting of
raw data (i.e. detect meaningful event patterns) before
submitting them to cloud resources for further
processing or because of poor network coverage
situations, autonomously communicating and
processing between devices and sensors in order to
transmit the minimum information possible.
Mobile Offload Processing which focuses on
shifting parts of processing on the resources at the
extreme edge of the network, using local information
(e.g. location, power level etc.) as well as information
that may be provided by other mobile devices, sensors
or cloud resources. It will be instructed accordingly
by the Autonomic Resources Manager to look for
appropriate mobile devices and efficiently offload
processing nodes from the RTPN.
Security Enforcement will be responsible for
providing the appropriate access and usage control
mechanisms with respect to accessing, reallocating
and reconfiguring network and edge resources as well
as exploiting their processing outcomes.
The four PrEstoCloud layer is the Cloud-Edge
communication which refers to the following
Inter-site Network Virtualization Orchestrator for
coping with the need of virtualizing hardware
resources situated in multi-cloud environments,
managing their orchestration and provisioning across
different and heterogeneous providers. This also
includes the control of the inter-sites network
virtualization process in a secure way, through a close
interaction with the Security Enforcement
Mechanism. We note that we are examining the
provision of a Virtual Network Orchestrator, which
will rely on Software Defined Networking (SDN)
Communication Broker which will undertake the
responsibility of relaying data streams on and off the
PrEstoCloud: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing
PrEstoCloud platform providing standard
publish/subscribe event brokering capabilities.
We note that Coordination Servers, Supervisors,
Processing nodes and any other PrEstoCloud
components can be placed on multi-cloud
environments using either VM-based on Container-
based deployment for scalability reasons.
Among the greatest challenges of cloud computing is
to find balance between under-provisioning
infrastructure resources and overprovisioning, which
might unnecessarily increase the cloud fees. An
alternative way to save resources is to reconfigure the
resources allocated to the application, as explored in
(Kokkinos et al., 2015) for Amazon EC2. This also
requires being able to accurately model the workload
variations, which is a tedious task, especially for
public clouds where only few trace data are available.
A Few recent works paved the way for modelling the
dynamicity of the workload experienced in
heterogeneous cloud computing platforms (Wolski et
al., 2014). In the multi-cloud management side, the
main challenges are related to integration issues.
Configuration management (CM) tools represent
another type deployment management tools focused
on the configuration capabilities, which in general
address a similar problem. The most representative
ones are Chef ( and Puppet
( However, they have certain
limitations with respect to Fog computing such as the
pull-based approach with clients running on the
machines or the dependency resolution which is not
suitable for resource constrained devices.
Another challenge in the proactive cloud
computing is the timely placement of resources on to
the infrastructure. To provide efficient placements
and evolutive algorithms, complete (but time-
bounded) approaches become viable candidates.
More specifically, Constraint Programming (CP)
(Rossi et al, 2006) based solutions tend to outperform
other approaches such as mathematical or logic
programming, even more with composite aspects.
Multi-Cloud/Fog management and configuration
automation extension to the Edge of the network is
still an in-progress domain with several unresolved
challenges (Shi et al., 2016). Indeed, the Edge part is
critical in the sense that it is even more heterogeneous
than the cloud resources. PrEstoCloud intends to
provide the appropriate extensions to available
virtualisation, cluster management and distributed
scheduling technologies in order to introduce
proactive cloud resources management at the Edge.
This position paper has sketched the PrEstoCloud
novel idea which encapsulates a dynamic, distributed,
self-adaptive and proactively configurable
architecture for processing Big Data streams. Driven
by the challenges elaborated in section 2.1 and the
limitations of the current approaches, discussed in
section 3, this paper suggests the combination of real-
time Big Data, mobile processing and cloud
computing research in a unique way that entails
proactiveness of cloud resources use and extension of
the fog computing paradigm to the extreme edge of
the network.
The envisioned PrEstoCloud solution is currently
under development and its innovative aspects will be
thoroughly evaluated through a number of data-
intensive pilots. These pilots will stress-test and
validate PrEstoCloud claims against real use cases
from the transport, journalism and video surveillance
This research has received funding from the EU’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme,
under grant agreement No 732339 (PrEstoCloud).
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PrEstoCloud: Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing